Smoked meat and fish products are quite widely represented on the market today. At the same time, it is in quite high demand. Consumers especially like the so-called home (or village) smoked meat and fish. Factory-made products traditionally cause mistrust among our people.

The sale of smoked meats does not depend on the season or weather conditions. In addition, setting up a meat and fish smoking business does not require large start-up costs. Competition in this market is growing and the one who offers the best quality products will be able to win it. Below we will look at how profitable this business is and what documents are needed to sell smoked products.

Smoking fish as a business (video)

Market research is one of the main tasks before starting a business. Here we will provide a short video describing the business of smoking fish, since this is the most popular direction in this business.

Any business, including smoking fish and meat, requires preliminary analysis market. First, you need to figure out who your main competitors are. And these are not large factory producers. The competitors of a small home smokehouse will be small entrepreneurs engaged in a similar type of activity. It is their range and pricing policy that should be carefully studied.

You also need to determine your tastes and preferences. potential clients. As we have already said, smoked products that are positioned as homemade, prepared using traditional technology, are in demand. In addition, you need to find out which type of meat and fish consumers like most.

Then you should find out exactly where, in what volume and at what price you will purchase raw materials for your smokehouse. It is best if the supplier is not a middleman, but a manufacturer. For meat it is a livestock complex, for fish it is a fish farm.

Smoking business is quite profitable commercial activities. Smoked red fish or meat will always be in good demand. The costs at the initial stage are minimal, and the income with the right approach can be quite significant. Sales of smoked products do not depend on the season and are in constant demand in establishments Catering. To start your own business, it is not necessary to open a large-scale production; it is enough to organize a smokehouse in your private home or garage, without attracting additional personnel. But the business of organizing your own smokehouse, like any other, has its own characteristics.

Any business requires a well-written business plan. Smoked products are always in demand and a newly minted entrepreneur has every chance to succeed in his endeavors. The main thing is to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions.

Stages of a private smokehouse business plan:

  1. Registration of individual entrepreneurs and obtaining appropriate permits from the competent authorities;
  2. It is necessary to decide on the types of products produced;
  3. Find suppliers of raw materials;
  4. Purchase of the initial batch of raw materials;
  5. Purchase of equipment;
  6. It is necessary to decide on the premises;
  7. Hiring employees;
  8. Actually, the production of smoked meats;
  9. Sales of goods (selection of point of sale and customer base).

Calculation of costs and profits

Smoking as a business is a fairly profitable enterprise with the right approach to business. Although the products have a relatively high cost, they will always be in demand. The costs will be fully recouped within a few months from the start of production.

To open a large smokehouse, you need to consider the following starting investments:

  • Purchase of initial raw materials – 200,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​from 300,000 rubles;
  • Related equipment – ​​100,000 rubles.

Total, six hundred thousand rubles, the total amount of starting capital.

Costs that will occur each month:

  • Workshop rental – from 100,000 rubles;
  • Payment for electricity and other production costs - 100,000 rubles;
  • Expenses associated with the transportation of products – 250,000 rubles;
  • Wage personnel – 300,000 rub.

The cost is approximate; it varies depending on the volume you are committing to and the region of residence.

The average price of meat is 300 rubles. per kg. Finished smoked products are sold at one and a half to two times more expensive, the price per kg is at least 500 rubles. Fish costs about 200 rubles. per kg, after smoking the price doubles and reaches 400 rubles. per kg. The net profit received every month will be 150,000 rubles in total. This is assuming that monthly sales are equal to four tons of goods.

Thus, spending 600,000 rubles. for business development at the very beginning, the payback period for the project will be from 4 to 8 months, depending on sales volumes.

Business documentation

In order to open your own mini-smokehouse, you need to take care of the formal part of the matter. Small production is registered as individual entrepreneurship. Registration of this organizational and legal form takes place in a fairly quick time and protects the owner of the production from part of the taxes. It is better to choose a simplified tax system for your small business.

A smokehouse as a business requires permits from the following authorities:

  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Service;
  • Fire Department;
  • Rostechnadzor;
  • Rosprirodnadzor.

Quality certificates for supplied raw materials and finished products will also be required.

Choosing a smoking method

Smoking is a type of heat treatment of fish, meat or lard, in which the taste qualities the latter. Such products have a longer shelf life. There is both hot and cold smoking. During production, the temperature inside the smokehouse is in the range of 55 - 120 degrees. It only takes a few hours for the product to be ready. This type smoking is considered the most optimal for home installation, as it is faster. However, the disadvantage of this technology is short time storage - no more than 15 - 20 days.

Pros and cons of a commercial smokehouse

As in any business, the smoking industry has its advantages and disadvantages. It is important to know about them at the stage of business planning.

Pros of a home smokehouse:

  • There is no need to work “for your uncle.” The entrepreneur plans his own working hours.
  • Smoking food is a fairly simple activity that does not require specific skills, and experience is gained quickly.
  • Electric smokehouses for small businesses are compact and will not take up much space in a home.
  • You can install small smoking units at home; there are devices that allow this.
  • The profit received from the sale of smoked products is several times higher than the average salary in the country.
  • Profitability. If the business is set up correctly, it completely pays for itself in a few months;
  • The ability to expand production at any time by purchasing additional equipment and increasing sales volumes.
  • Possibility of “burning out”. In many areas of business there is competition and there is a chance of failure.
  • Formal red tape. To officially register your business, you need to stand in many lines for the necessary permits;
  • The shelf life of smoked meats requires quick sale of the goods. The freshness of the products is maintained for the first few days, then the taste is lost and their value decreases.
  • It is important to choose the right supplier. Intermediaries charge high prices for raw materials; it is worth looking for direct sellers. It is necessary to monitor the certificates provided for the supplied goods.

Having decided to start smoking products at home for the purpose of their further sale, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons of this enterprise. If you are not afraid of the first difficulties that arise in every business, develop a competent concept, and decide on the product range, there is every chance of covering expenses in six months and making a decent profit. A good incentive in this matter is the opportunity to expand your production.

Probably everyone wants to make big money from a hobby. IN in some cases it's real. If you have been a cook in you for a long time, and fish is your favorite dish, try smoking fish as a business: technology, benefits, reviews of successful entrepreneurs and financial calculations will definitely show you that such an idea is successful and quite simple. We will look at the business in more detail.

Business direction analysis

To get down to business prepared and savvy, it’s worth carefully analyzing fish smoking as a business in advance. Now such production is carried out exclusively on a small scale, because there is too much competition in the wide market large companies.

Therefore, it is recommended to think through the concept of a specific mini-smokehouse, which can be expanded later. In addition to a small but successful niche, the owner is content with the fairly small amount of investment required to start.

Undoubtedly, you will have to think through and draw up a clear and competent business plan, especially if you are new to entrepreneurship. Although small business does not require huge investments of effort and finance; it is important to carefully monitor every stage of business organization.

Also, the main consideration should be the professionalism of the work and the quality of the finished product. When it comes to your smoker, you have the option of hot smoking or cold smoking. Businesses organized at home most often choose hot method for its ease and speed.

Risks of such a business

Undoubtedly, like any other, the fish smoking business has its risks, for which you need to prepare in advance:

  1. In order to be able to properly sell all products from the very beginning, it is worth starting with a small workshop, because products tend to deteriorate.
  2. The demand for such a product is quite average, so there is a possibility that you will not be able to find your buyer in the market in your region.
  3. The entire business as a whole depends on the reliability of the meat supplier and the quality of its supplies, unless, of course, you get the fish yourself.
  4. During the summer months, demand for the product increases, but its perishability also increases, which forces you to spend more and try to sell the product faster.
  5. The quality of the finished product also depends on the work of not only the smoking shop, but also other employees, because the product should not be outside the refrigerator for a long time.

To avoid various mistakes, it is worth analyzing the work of your competitors. This is how it is possible to notice other people’s problems and interesting ones, beneficial benefits. Try to evaluate the list of services offered by other businesses, their pricing policies, most purchased products and marketing campaigns.

You can download it here for free to use as a sample.

We prepare documents for business

It is necessary, of course, to start the business with the preparation of the necessary documentation. To register a smoking business, you can select an individual entrepreneur. Individual entrepreneur Suitable for a mini-smokehouse with ease of reporting and minimal financial responsibility.

In addition, it is with an individual entrepreneur that an entrepreneur can choose a simplified tax system. After registering the business with the tax office and selecting the required OKVED code, the owner of the future smokehouse must obtain permission from the SES and fire inspectorate to conduct business in the premises of your choice.

Permission will also be required from Rostechnadzor and Rosprirodnadzor; the documents must be provided by the supplier. In addition, you work and sell food product Therefore, you need to obtain special documents from the veterinary service and product quality certificates.

Choosing a site for an enterprise

Next, you should select a site where it will be organized constant production smoked fish. Speaking about a home-based business, it is worth understanding that specifically in an apartment it will be possible to create sales exclusively for family and friends; a more profitable business requires at least a separate premises.

It is there that all production equipment, a warehouse for raw materials and a warehouse for finished products will have to be located, where each will contain several refrigerators. If you choose a mini-production, then a private country building is perfect. Officially, to create an enterprise that meets the requirements of the authorities, it is necessary to take into account the following instructions:

  • Room area not less than 110 square meters.
  • At least 300 meters from the nearest residential access.
  • Connection to central water supply and proper sewerage.
  • Availability of a stable air exchange system.
  • Organization of separate premises for warehouses of raw materials and smoked products ready for sale.

Try to think in advance about how cost-effective it is to take an existing building that does not meet the requirements, or a rented one that has the necessary equipment.

We purchase the necessary equipment

As mentioned earlier, there are two methods of working with fish - hot and cold smoking. Depending on the option you choose, the necessary equipment is purchased. For a small enterprise, we chose hot smoking, because even professional equipment here is not that expensive. In this case, the production technology requires the purchase of a separate line of devices specifically for hot smoking fish.

Of course, you need to choose a line wisely so as not to waste money on unnecessary features or lose important functions. The best equipment for the job is equipment from Europe, capable of producing about 5 tons of smoked meats per working day.

If you have experience with different ways smoking, you can choose a line that has several modes. The main ones may include: cold or hot smoking, boiling, frying and drying. Also try to find devices with temperature and humidity controls.

In general, the organization needs the following list of equipment:

  1. Refrigeration chambers.
  2. Scales.
  3. Cutting tables.
  4. Carts for raw materials.

You will also have to purchase additional equipment from cutting boards, meat knives, special containers, skewers and more. When purchasing any device, try to find out more about the manufacturer and seller. Worth buying only if available positive feedback and good reputation.

We are looking for a reliable supplier of raw materials

Obviously, in the production of smoked fish you will need the fish meat itself, which will have to be purchased from the supplier. When choosing a seller, try, as in the case of an equipment seller, to check the reputation. You can, of course, independently evaluate everyone’s products, and also find out under what conditions the raw materials are stored, but this will require a lot of effort and time.

It is important to check the expiration date of the product and the necessary documentation with each delivery. It is best to purchase from local fishermen or from entire livestock farms, because this is how you can get natural useful product.

By entering into cooperation, you will receive profitable wholesale supplies of high-quality fish meat with proper official documentation for it. Buying fish in mall or the market will most likely end sadly. By the way, profitability will increase quite well if you catch fish yourself in summer season.

In terms of products, when selling smoked fish, it is worth paying special attention to red fish. Of course, you should evaluate the situation specifically in your region and see what is being bought better from competitors, but the demand for red smoked fish is likely to be the highest.

We are recruiting staff

To successfully smoke fish you don't need special education and diplomas, but you need chef skills and a love of cooking. Large quantity A small business also does not need employees; smokehouses at home work entirely as the activities of the project owner, but more large enterprises still employ a small team of:

  • two workshop workers;
  • cleaner;
  • driver with his own truck;
  • supplier and customer relations manager.

The owner of the company can take on any of these vacancies. In addition, it is the business owner who needs to conduct interviews in order to select qualified employees, in his opinion.

The entrepreneur is also required to independently fill out accounting reports every month. After expansion, it will be possible to hire a full-time accountant or hire one monthly from an agency. If in the future you are going to sell goods not to buyers, but through your own store, you will also need a seller.

In a business tied to the sale of home-made smoked meats, there are two main problems associated with the sale of goods: high competition and short sales periods. That is why it is necessary to resort to any method and option that can tell a potential audience about the product, advertise it and attract buyers. It's worth looking at both sales problems separately, starting with competition.

Naturally, in order to become a leader among competitors, you need to have more high reviews from buyers. It is not enough that the product is of excellent quality, you must also be able to advertise it and show how highly valued it is.

It is for this purpose that a business card website for the enterprise is created with a description of the range of manufactured products, information about production, and always with a separate field for reviews from people who have already purchased smoked meats. If word of mouth works in villages, then it is important to give an understanding that you can really be trusted. Of course, traditional advertising options are also suitable, be it banners, media or bulletin boards.

Also, do not forget about implementation methods. If you begin to produce large enough batches, then it is better to sell them in bulk to shops, restaurants, catering establishments and various supermarkets. Thus, selling goods even at a low price, you will not go broke, calmly selling all the lots and making a profit.

You can, of course, sell at your own point of sale. At first, the batches should be made small, but increased with the appearance of a regular buyer. In the future, it is worth establishing several points in markets or in the city and hiring separate distributors.

Determining the profitability of the project

To start a business in this direction, you need to understand whether smoking fish is really profitable, and how much you can earn from such a production. This is why it is compiled detailed business plan, which also takes into account start-up costs, costs during the project and permanent income.

It is the ratio of these data that determines how profitable a business is. Let's look at the example of a small regional enterprise for smoking fish for sale, the profitability of such a project.

Expense line Amount of costs, thousand rubles.
1 Renting a production workshop for the first time 150
2 Purchase of smoking equipment 400
3 Equipment installation 50
4 Utilities and Additional services 50
5 Preparation of the necessary documentation 25
6 Salary of all employees 250
7 Purchase of additional inventory 10
8 Advertising campaign 20
9 Starting purchase of raw materials 240
10 Sales taxes 25
11 Unexpected expenses 100
Total: 1 320

Over the course of a year, such a project would cost about four and a half million rubles to maintain. Taking into account the average price of smoked fish on the market, income for a whole year of work will amount to more than five million rubles. On average, the project will earn 700 thousand rubles in the first year, but the amount will only increase every year.

Video: smoking installation Izhitsa 1200.

Smoked products are very popular at any time of the year; in addition, their sales are not affected atmospheric phenomena. Starting your own business by smoking products is a good business idea, because the smokehouse can be small and you can open the smokehouse quite quickly.

The business of smoking meat and fish can be limited only to the production process and wholesale sales of goods, or it can be opened outlet, to get more profit.

You can build a smokehouse for a small business yourself or purchase it finished equipment. Beginners in this business do not know how to open a smokehouse and where to start. And you need to start by preparing a business plan.

At the initial stage of drawing up a business plan for a smokehouse, an entrepreneur should determine the planned volume of products. The amount of investment to open a smokehouse will depend on this.

A home smokehouse as a business can be organized at home or as an enterprise located on rented or own premises.

To produce a smoked product, you can buy a gas, coal or electric smokehouse for a small business.

Advice. A suitable solution would be to purchase several types of smokehouses for round-the-clock and uninterrupted production operation.

Experienced entrepreneurs advise choosing multifunctional installations that produce hot and cold smoked products. In addition to smoking equipment, other additional equipment will be required.

Purchased smoked products include smoked meat and sea ​​fish. Smoked products can be cold or hot smoked. When using the cold smoking method, the products are prepared in 2-3 days, and when using the hot method, it takes several hours. The shelf life of hot smoked delicacies reaches 3 weeks, and cold smoked delicacies up to several months.

Taking this into account, products should be prepared using the hot smoking method in small batches so that they do not have time to spoil.

In order to interest regular consumers and generate income, you should find reliable suppliers of raw materials who sell certified raw materials. This could be a fish factory or a farm.

To open a workshop in short period and quickly reach the profitability of the enterprise, you need to draw up a business plan for a smoking shop, containing the following steps:

  • registration of the smokehouse as a business and receipt of all papers for production of products;
  • coordination of assortment and selection of suppliers;
  • purchase of 1 batch of raw materials;
  • purchase of a smokehouse and other equipment;
  • search for the optimal building;
  • selection of employees;
  • start of production of smoked products;
  • searching for consumers and selling the product.

We calculate profitability

To calculate the volume of output and the amount of net profit, you need to know the exact amount of sales of finished products and the amount of expenses incurred. These parameters may vary monthly. Therefore, we will make an average calculation of the profitability of the smoked products business, focusing on the stability of the smoked products sales market.

For clear example Let's try to calculate the possible income from the sale of smoked mackerel, it is always well bought. The wholesale cost of fresh mackerel is about 140 rubles. per kilogram, extra charge for finished product is more than 100% or 300 rubles per kilogram.

During cold smoking, the product shrinks. If you smoke mackerel at a temperature of no more than 60 degrees, then from 50 kilograms of raw materials you will get approximately 40 kilograms of finished mackerel.

The sale of the entire batch of mackerel will be 12,000 rubles, taking into account the cost of raw materials in the amount of 7,000 rubles, the gross profitability will be 5,000 rubles. If you use the hot smoking method, the preparation time for the finished product will be reduced to several hours.

For a product to be in demand, the manufacturer must produce a good smoked product.

Is smoking profitable?

Smoking fish and meat is profitable. If you have always smoked food just for yourself, how can you make more money from smoking? If you have one smokehouse, then you can purchase small smoking chambers for a small business by obtaining a loan from a bank.

Using our smokehouse as a business for selling quality products, let's try to calculate the net return on sales using smoked mackerel as an example. When organizing daily sales of 40 kilograms of smoked mackerel, we receive a gross monthly profitability of 150,000 rubles.

We subtract all other costs from this amount:

  • taxes;
  • rental of retail space;
  • electricity;
  • fuel costs;
  • staff salaries;
  • other expenses.

Thus, the net profitability will be about 100,000 rubles per month. When organizing the production of smoked mackerel properly, you can recoup the investment in a few months and achieve a net profit.

Where is the best place to open a smokehouse?

The format of the planned production will directly depend on the size of financial investments.

Smoking as a business can be based on personal plot or rent a suitable room. A smokehouse organized like a business in a garage looks extraordinary.

Important. A rented or own production workshop must comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements and standards adopted by municipal organizations.

Requirements for the smoking shop established regulations the following:

  1. The area of ​​the building should not be less than 100 m2.
  2. The smoking shop should be located at a distance of 300 meters from residential premises.
  3. Mandatory presence of water (cold and hot).
  4. Availability of sewerage.
  5. The workshop must be well ventilated.
  6. The building should provide bathrooms, premises for workers, storage of products and office space.

It is not advisable to include the construction of a smoking shop in your business plan if you have limited resources. cash. You can start with a small smokehouse and gradually expand production.

The premises of former canteens, which were built taking into account the requirements of government services, are suitable for renting a workshop.

Considering home smoking products, as a business, you must remember that, in addition to organizing the production process, you will have to legalize your activities. To do this, you can open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You will need to obtain documents permitting food production in the following institutions:

  • From the sanitary and epidemiological station.
  • Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Gostekhnadzor.
  • From a veterinary organization.
  • Obtain permission from the fire department.

Without this documentation, it is impossible to legally start selling smoked meat and fish. In addition, you need to be prepared that SES representatives will check smoked products every month for compliance with established standards.

Organization own business it's a troublesome task, but the realization that you are working for yourself and laying the foundation family business, financial independence, prosperity, compensates for all the disadvantages.

What you will need to do:

Explore the market

Choose a place

Get acquainted with the equipment

Understand the legal aspects

Explore possible options for purchasing products

Select future suppliers

Outline sales areas

Understand possible risks

Create business launch schedules

Market research

In order to start your own business, it doesn’t matter whether smoked meat is its main component, or rusty watch, you need to master the information. Gain an understanding of what the current market is for the products you plan to sell. This concept includes data on assortment and prices. In our case, for smoked products. First of all, you will be interested in those enterprises that are located in the area of ​​​​your future action. In other words, your future competitors. This analysis must be carried out in order to initially understand taste preferences and wishes of your future clients. This also includes studying product samples on the market. The trial batch is bought for a reason. And to identify the pros and cons of a competitor’s product. Thus, you can improve the quality of your work, and knowing the percentage of demand for a particular type of product, predict the demand for your product.

It must be remembered that these days, consumers are extremely picky not only about the quality of the product, but also about the process of its manufacture. This is especially true for food products. He needs to know how and where the process took place, what ingredients were used, where the goods were stored.

And if you can offer your customer not just tasty, but also high-quality smoked fish or meat, without the slightest hint of the use of coloring agents chemical solutions and all sorts of substitutes that, in the opinion of the average person, lead to almost fatal outcome, then the success of your enterprise is guaranteed. Even if the price tag is not the lowest on the market.

As was already mentioned in passing above, your offer should be formed based on the demand for similar products. For example, balyk with beer does not lose its popularity among the middle strata of the population. That is, a huge number of your potential buyers.

Also, to find the end consumer, despite the fact that you plan to sell smoked products, the World Wide Web is suitable. It is better to include this element in your business plan from the very beginning. Since a website is a useful tool for sales and expanding the area of ​​your business. On it you can not only post information about the quality of your product, its production processes, everything that will interest a meticulous client, but also post photos of finished fish and meat. The main thing is that they are high quality photos, causing literally salivation from viewing them. It is also possible Additional materials, which will simply increase interest in your portal, and, accordingly, the product - these are videos about fishing, secrets of cooking fish and meat at home, and more.

The website can also serve as a means of stimulating your client. Offer bonus guarantees, gift sets, promotions and competitions with incentive prizes, or generally get orders for your products through your website. Although at the first stage, when the consumer is not yet familiar with your product, this is extremely difficult to do.

Target also retail chains throughout Russia, starting from small ones. A small store also has a chance to cooperate with major players in the food market. Moreover, in connection with the processes of import substitution, popular balyki from foreign producers may well be replaced with domestic goods that are not inferior in quality and taste.

Place for production

When choosing a place to organize your business, you need to decide on the volume of products sold that suits you. You may not want to go beyond a small home business, or maybe the goal will be a full-scale chain selling smoked products. Either way, it will affect your further actions and the volume of cash injections in the form of start-up capital.

If you are for home business, then a free space at home, in a garage, on a personal plot in the private sector is also quite suitable. But if the goal is large-scale production, it will be necessary to include in the business plan the rental of a premises sufficient in area, leading to equipping a workshop for the production and release of your products.

Remember that if you started with the first option, then gradually converting it into a large and modern workshop will not be so easy. Since there are a number of legally stipulated standards and requirements from the sanitary service, licensing and other government regulators. For example, the premises must be located at a distance of at least three hundred meters from residential buildings and other enterprises, there must be a supply of hot and cold water, sewerage communications, ventilation systems. It is mandatory to have changing rooms for staff, bathrooms and other small details.

If you still decide to opt for building big business from scratch, then think about renting, or even buying out the former canteen building. This option will greatly simplify your difficult task, because a similar building has already been built taking into account compliance with similar standards.

Necessary equipment

Again, purchase calculation necessary equipment for your production will depend on what scale of business you have chosen. For the minimal option, you will need a smoker. If you wish, you can make such a device yourself, but in general the market is replete with various options that differ in both price and functionality. There will be plenty to choose from. The price tag for smokehouses varies from five to thirty-five thousand rubles. When choosing, pay attention to the manufacturer, functions, read customer reviews in order to know in advance the pros and cons of the selected device.

In addition to the smokehouse, you will need the actual products for smoking.

If your choice fell on the second option - large-scale production, then in the article additional equipment, you will need to include technological tables, washing baths, knives and cutting boards, scales, smoking cages, skewers, refrigeration chambers, and workshop carts. Think about transport for transporting finished products from the workshop to the point of sale, fuel for smokehouses (briquettes from different types of wood are most often used).

The equipment listed is the minimum required. The final list is formed when determining volumes and is detailed in the business plan.

It is important and technical equipment equipment, which will also be checked at the time of violations. Basic requirements for the smokehouse and the process of its operation:

Doors must close tightly

Availability of a ventilation system and chamber hatch

Slats, cleaning rods and other removable elements should be in several replaceable sets (this is due to the constant sanitary processing of such elements).

Availability of thermometers and temperature controllers.

Recording of temperature conditions in a log by the responsible employee.

Storing raw materials for production and finished products separately from each other.

These are the mandatory conditions. But it wouldn’t hurt to additionally study all the sanitary standards and operating instructions for large industrial smokehouses, so as not to become a hostage to your own ignorance in the event non-standard situation or checks.

The price tag for such a smokehouse may also vary. But average cost- about 130,000 rubles. Production volume is up to 300 kilograms of product per day. Do not forget also about the need for daily sanitization in accordance with regulations. Consider packaging processes, especially if you plan to produce cut or sliced ​​products. In such cases, it will be necessary to indicate the batch number, packaging date and expiration date.

Product purchase

Since you are just starting a business, do not try to take large volumes from the very first purchases. You still have to check it for quality, compare prices from different suppliers, and choose the most profitable supply routes for you. Most likely, it will be most profitable to buy in your own region, or in neighboring ones. Otherwise, delivery costs will eat up all your profits. Try to establish contact with fish farms. For them, such cooperation will also be beneficial, and they can count not only on good quality, but some concessions. Especially in the future if you become their regular customer and the volumes continue to grow.

And you should not buy frozen goods. This is fraught with both a loss of quality and the possibility of running into stale goods. And the success of your enterprise will directly depend on the quality of your product.

In addition, by ordering the product directly from manufacturers - fisheries and livestock farms, you risk the least. Since such enterprises are usually registered and operate in accordance with all sanitary and other legislative norms. An undoubted advantage will be the price, which will not be influenced by intermediaries.

When calculating purchase volumes, remember that during the smoking process, fish and meat lose some weight. About 10 percent. That is, at the end you get less than what you purchased. Hence the need to choose a supplier wisely, analyzing all aspects, from price to quality and location. If you can find a supplier in the region where your business operates, delivery costs to the workshop can be significantly reduced, thereby increasing your profit share. This will also reduce the likelihood of purchasing stale raw materials.

When working with suppliers, it is also important to follow processes regarding documents and licenses. Conclude an agreement with each supplier that specifies the numbers of certificates, veterinary regulations, and product quality guarantees. Moreover, the delivery date, type of raw materials, and weight must also be documented.

Law-abiding suppliers themselves will strive for correct document flow. Because the opinion of clients, and accordingly, a certain part of the profit, depends on this.

The start-up staff of your business does not have to be large. Two people will be enough. Responsible for the production itself and an assistant.

Sales markets

This is a very important part of your business. After all, you are dealing with food products, which, moreover, cannot be stored in a warehouse for a long time. A spoiled product will not only lead to the loss of part of the income, but can cause major troubles already at the start of the business, right up to complete closure.

Therefore, it is important to immediately identify points of sale, not to chase large volumes from the very first steps, and to be able to negotiate with possible intermediaries to the end consumer. Use all possible channels. From markets to small food shops and pubs. If your product is distinguished by quality and taste, then the buyer will come in handy. Since the usefulness of such a product is clearly higher than all kinds of chips and crackers. And beer and fish are simply made for each other. You can also think about a slogan for your products in free time. Correct marketing moves can help you enter the market wisely.

Just as you shouldn’t chase large volumes from the very first steps, you shouldn’t overprice your first clients. First, offer a favorable price in order to develop a base of regular customers and evaluate all the ins and outs of demand, and grow from small, non-critical mistakes. And then bring your business to the stage of expansion and growth. And do not forget that your advantage should always be the quality of the product offered.


One way or another, if you are not ready for big risks and capital losses, start with a mini-smokehouse. Although it is difficult to expand, it is still much easier if you already have regular customers, purchasing and sales channels.

As mentioned above, choose your suppliers wisely. A reliable supplier with a quality product will bring you more final profit than a dubious one with a low price.

Seasonality affects not only demand, but also production processes. So in hot weather In order to avoid rapid spoilage of products, it is important to comply with certain temperature regime, for which it may be necessary to purchase additional refrigeration equipment. Take into account such “freelance” expenses at the stage of writing a business plan. This will help you avoid difficult situations.

The same applies to the processes of transporting goods. During loading and unloading, products are properly exposed to the outside temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve speed of the process, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the goods.

Business launch schedules

Small production

Purchase of smoking equipment, its installation, commissioning. Allow 1 day for this.

It will take 3 days to select the assortment of the future product.

5 - for preparing the premises.

Allow at least two working weeks to register your business. At the same time, you can start recruiting employees.

One more day to purchase the first batch of goods.

If we take the average price on the market, then it costs 400,000 rubles to invest in equipment. Another 200,000 rubles to renovate the premises and bring it into suitable look. 25,000 rubles for documentation. Purchase of raw materials at the start - 250,000 rubles. Payment for logistics, rental of retail space and electricity - an average of 650,000 rubles. Salary for a staff of two people is 500,000 per year. Taxes and other expenses - 420,000 rubles.

Big business

Rent of premises for a smoking workshop - 300,000 rubles. Power supply - 220,000 rubles. Raw materials will need to be purchased for 2,800,000 rubles. The salary is also 500,000 rubles. Taxes 270,000 rubles. Logistics and unaccounted expenses 300,000 rubles. Result: 4,390,000.

Retail chains will bring 400 rubles per kilogram. 800 kg. - this is 320,000 rubles per month. Public catering points. 300 rubles per kilogram. 120,000 per month. Together this is 5,280,000 rubles per year.

This is an approximate calculation. But in order for the profit to really be no less, it will be necessary, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, to conduct a thorough analysis of the market, to master the entire necessary information- from competitors’ offers to demand at certain points and preferences of the end consumer.

Also consider risks, because one or more selected points may turn out to be unprofitable, and the supplier may suddenly refuse further cooperation.

If you take everything into account at the stage of planning and preparing a business plan, from such risks to all necessary documentation and quality certificates, if you invest not only money in the project, but also the desire to earn money, then the business will pay off quite quickly. The profitability of the meat and fish smoking business is high, and start-up capital can vary depending on the initial volumes. And if you yourself are a lover of smoked products, create a business or family business whatever you like will be easier in every way.