After the rain, both adults and children peer into the sky: what if a rainbow appears? People of all ages admire this with trepidation and joy. unusual phenomenon- bright stripes of 7 colors stretching across the entire sky along the entire horizon. In ancient times, people believed that rainbows appeared by God's will, as proof of his existence. Children think that stripes in the sky appear out of nowhere, as if in a fairy tale. But adult readers of the portal know for sure that the appearance of the rainbow is explained physical laws nature and this is just an optical illusion.

How does a rainbow appear?

Physicists, observing the refraction of light in drops of water, with mathematical precision derived equations that reveal the mechanism of formation of this natural phenomenon. Knowledge of optical laws made it possible to prove that for the appearance of a rainbow it is important not only the presence of drops of rainwater and then the appearance of the sun standing low above the horizon, but also the location of the observer with his back to the luminary.

Rainbow colors in in the right order. Drawing by Vasilisa Batmanova, 8 years old, especially for

The stream of sunlight, reaching the surface of the water, is refracted and splits the white rays of the sun into a color spectrum, and it consists of 7 main colors. Red, orange, yellow make up warm shades, green is borderline, and blue, indigo, violet are cold. This is the order in which the rainbow colors are arranged.

Red is the outer color, and purple is the inner color. The rainbow is often depicted in reverse order, but this is not true. Although, the reverse order of colors is also possible - in a duplicate rainbow, which is discussed below.

When it rains, a ray of sun illuminates a raindrop and penetrates it, refracting into the colors of the spectrum. The wall of a water drop has a dense structure, upon reaching which the flow of light is reflected in the opposite direction. This causes even greater refraction. From the point of penetration of the sun's ray, a stream of the rainbow spectrum bursts out. Since the observer stands with his back to the shining Sun and his face to the rain, he sees the refracted sunlight, reflected by billions of drops of rainwater.

The colors of the rainbow in reverse order, characteristic of the “second” rainbow. Drawing by Margosha Batmanova, 6 years old, specially for

Sometimes you can see not one, but two rainbows in the sky at the same time. Moreover, the second one is not so bright or is barely visible in the sky. Its colors also consist of 7 shades, but are arranged in an inverted state: from purple to red. The appearance of a “double” is easily explained from the point of view of optics: light rays are reflected again in a drop of water - and this is where a rainbow-double appears.

People are always interested in natural phenomena that are visible, but cannot be touched: fog, evaporation of moisture, rainbows. They seem to be a manifestation of a miracle, something unusual, having divine origin, but in fact their occurrence is proven by science.

A bright, cheerful, luminous rainbow has been considered a symbol of good luck and luck since ancient times. If a rainbow flashes in the sky, it means the day will be happy and easy. And some even make a wish when they see this beautiful natural phenomenon in the sky. It is believed that the number of colors a person sees in a rainbow is the number of wishes he can make.

What is a rainbow

A rainbow is an optical phenomenon that does not only appear in the sky. Essentially, this is the refraction of colors. Physicists have proven that light has a certain spectrum of shades, and the rainbow clearly demonstrates this.

It occurs due to the refraction of light in tiny droplets of water from fog or rain that float in the atmosphere. Light is reflected differently in water droplets, hence the different shades.

Where is she observed?

Rainbows can be seen not only in the sky. You can see a small rainbow if you sit next to a fountain and catch the refraction of light near the stream of water. You can see it on a white sheet of paper when you write with a transparent pen on a sunny day. You can also see a rainbow through a prism if you hold this prism to the sun's rays or to an ordinary light bulb.

But most often, of course, we see it in the sky.

How many colors are in the rainbow

Science has proven that the rainbow has seven colors. This:

  • red;
  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • green;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • violet.

In ancient times there were never so many accurate optical instruments to carefully consider how many colors the rainbow has. But the human eye cannot always accurately determine the color scheme.

Aristotle, for example, identified only three primary colors - red, yellow and green. But in Japanese culture there is no traditional green color, therefore the inhabitants of the Country rising sun They believe that there are only six colors in the rainbow.

And the great mathematician Isaac Newton spent a lot of time studying the refraction of light and came to the conclusion that there are five colors in the rainbow. Then he also looked at the sixth one - orange. This number - six - seemed to him imperfect for describing natural phenomena, so he decided to add a blue color to the rainbow, which he called “indigo”.

We have 7 and they have 6

If you think that after scientists have proven the fact how many colors are in a rainbow, all people on the planet agreed with this statement, then you are deeply mistaken. For some reason, in China they believe that there are five colors in the rainbow - exactly the same number as there are elements on the planet. Until now, in Germany, America, England, France and a number of other countries, children are told that the rainbow consists of six colors.

Why is this happening? The fact is that blue and blue are very similar to each other, they are distinguishable only by the degree of depth. In addition, in a number of languages, “blue” and “blue” are called the same. IN English language there is only one way to describe these colors general word. That is why there is still such confusion about how many colors there are in the rainbow.

Easy to remember

The order of colors in a rainbow is always unchanged, no matter what time we see it and what time of day it is, whether it is large or small, whether it stood in the sky for a long time or flashed and went out in a few seconds. The first color is red, which gradually becomes lighter and turns into orange. In turn, the orange becomes even lighter and turns into yellow. Yellow gradually turns green, then blue appears, which turns into rich blue, and the last, final color of the rainbow spectrum is violet.

Remembering the order of the colors in the rainbow is quite easy. You just need to learn one mnemonic phrase - and you can easily name which flowers are in the rainbow, without hesitation. So, memorize this sentence: "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits." Simply and easily. Now all you have to do is take the first letter of each word and name the color of the rainbow:

  • each is red;
  • hunter - orange;
  • wishes - yellow;
  • know - green;
  • where - blue;
  • sitting - blue;
  • pheasant - purple.

It was this phrase about a hunter and a sitting pheasant that took root in Russian-speaking culture. Although there are still a few good suggestions for remembering the rainbow spectrum. For example: “Once upon a time, Jean the City Beller Broke the Lantern.” More have appeared modern interpretations: "Every Designer Wants to Know Where to Download Photoshop."

Well, as they say, it’s up to you to choose how to remember the arrangement of colors in a rainbow.

Warm or cold

A rainbow in the sky always seems bright, cheerful, lively and very warm. It shines and sparkles and it seems that everything consists of fiery flowers. But, nevertheless, it also contains cold tones.

Let's figure out how many cool colors are in the rainbow. Everything related to blue refers to cool tones. Thus, there are three cool colors in the rainbow - blue, cyan and green. But violet, which has shades of purple, is neither warm nor cold tones; it is transitional.

Accordingly, there are three rainbows: red, orange and yellow.

This palette, which divides colors into warm and cool, is used by artists and painters. There are even several that divide the solar spectrum into warm, cool and in-between shades.

Always against the sun

Rainbows always appear opposite side from the sun. So if you look at it, the sun will always be shining from behind. Most often, a rainbow appears in the morning or evening, and this also has a completely reasonable explanation from the point of view of physics. When the sun is on the horizon, the rainbow is fullest and largest. The higher the sun rises, the smaller the semicircle becomes. And when the star rises to a height of 43 degrees relative to the horizon, it is no longer possible to see the rainbow. Because the angle for refraction of light is inappropriate.

The red color of the rainbow is always located in the outer part of the arc, and the violet color is always located in the inner part. But! Very common double Rainbow, when there are two arcs in the sky at once. So, in the second rainbow the colors are reversed.

By the way, seeing two rainbows is also considered better luck than one.

The number of colors in a rainbow always remains the same, but people’s ideas about this beautiful optical phenomenon have changed over time. Ancient tribes, for example, divided the rainbow into two colors - dark and light.

Rainbows can be seen not only in the sun's rays, but also after darkness falls. Then the sun's rays begin to reflect off the moon, and a rainbow may appear.

The rainbow does not freeze in place, but two people who are in different ends cities will see it completely differently. To one it will seem that it is hovering over the river, and to another it will seem that it is located directly above the new buildings. That is why, when a rainbow is photographed in the same city at the same time, completely different pictures are obtained.

Not all people can see all seven colors of the rainbow. It depends on how sharp your eyesight is. Some may notice peach in the rainbow, and they're not making this up. After all, seven colors are the basic classic colors. And there really are a great many shades in the rainbow, and some are impossible to catch with the human eye.

Rainbows can disappear if you wear polaroid glasses. The coating of these glasses is positioned so that the light is refracted vertically and the person simply does not see what others see.

What is a rainbow?

Rainbow is an amazing and incredibly beautiful meteorological and optical a natural phenomenon. It can be observed mainly after rain, when the sun comes out. This is the reason why we can see this in the sky miraculous phenomenon, and also distinguish the colors of the rainbow, arranged in order.


A rainbow appears because light emanating from the sun or another source is refracted in droplets of water slowly falling to the ground. With their help, white light “breaks”, forming the colors of the rainbow. They are in order for a reason various degrees light deviations (for example, red light is deviated by fewer degrees than violet). Moreover, a rainbow can also appear due to moonlight, but it is very difficult for our eyes to distinguish it when low light. When the circle formed by the “sky bridge” is formed, the center is always on a straight line passing through the Sun or Moon. For those who observe this phenomenon from the ground, this “bridge” appears as an arc. But the higher the vantage point, the more complete the rainbow appears. If you observe it from a mountain or from the air, it can appear before your eyes in the form of a whole circle.

Order of the colors of the rainbow

Many people know a phrase that allows them to remember the order in which the colors of the rainbow are located. For those who don’t know or don’t remember, let’s remember how this line sounds: “Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits” (by the way, now there are many analogues of this famous monostich, more modern, and sometimes very funny). The colors of the rainbow are, in order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

These colors do not change their location, imprinting in memory the eternal appearance of such an incredible beautiful phenomenon. The rainbow we often see is primary. During its formation, white light undergoes only one internal reflection. In this case, the red light is outside, as we are used to seeing. However, a secondary rainbow can also form. This is a fairly rare phenomenon in which white light is reflected twice in the droplets. In this case, the colors of the rainbow are already arranged in the opposite direction (from purple to red). At the same time, the part of the sky that is located between these two arcs becomes darker. In places with very clean air, you can even observe a “triple” rainbow.

Unusual Rainbows

In addition to the familiar arc-shaped rainbow, you can also observe its other forms. For example, you can observe lunar rainbows (but they are difficult for the human eye to catch; for this, the glow from the moon must be very bright), foggy, ring-shaped (these phenomena have already been mentioned above) and even inverted. In addition, rainbows can be seen in winter. At this time of year it sometimes occurs due to severe frosts. But some of these phenomena have nothing to do with “sky bridges”. Very often, halo phenomena (this is the name of a luminous ring that forms around a certain object) are mistaken for a rainbow.

After the rain, both adults and children peer into the sky: what if a rainbow appears? People of all ages admire this unusual phenomenon with awe and joy - bright stripes of 7 colors stretching across the entire sky along the entire horizon. In ancient times, people believed that rainbows appeared by God's will, as proof of his existence. Children think that stripes in the sky appear out of nowhere, as if in a fairy tale. But adult readers of the portal know for sure that the appearance of a rainbow is explained by the physical laws of nature and it is just an optical illusion.

How does a rainbow appear?

Physicists, observing the refraction of light in drops of water, with mathematical precision derived equations that reveal the mechanism of formation of this natural phenomenon. Knowledge of optical laws made it possible to prove that for the appearance of a rainbow it is important not only the presence of drops of rainwater and then the appearance of the sun standing low above the horizon, but also the location of the observer with his back to the luminary.

The colors of the rainbow are in the correct order. Drawing by Vasilisa Batmanova, 8 years old, especially for

The stream of sunlight, reaching the surface of the water, is refracted and splits the white rays of the sun into a color spectrum, and it consists of 7 main colors. Red, orange, yellow make up warm shades, green is borderline, and blue, indigo, violet are cold. This is the order in which the rainbow colors are arranged.

Red is the outer color, and purple is the inner color. The rainbow is often depicted in reverse order, but this is not true. Although, the reverse order of colors is also possible - in a duplicate rainbow, which is discussed below.

When it rains, a ray of sun illuminates a raindrop and penetrates it, refracting into the colors of the spectrum. The wall of a water drop has a dense structure, upon reaching which the flow of light is reflected in the opposite direction. This causes even greater refraction. From the point of penetration of the sun's ray, a stream of the rainbow spectrum bursts out. Since the observer stands with his back to the shining Sun and his face to the rain, he sees refracted sunlight reflected by billions of drops of rainwater.

The colors of the rainbow in reverse order, characteristic of the “second” rainbow. Drawing by Margosha Batmanova, 6 years old, specially for

Sometimes you can see not one, but two rainbows in the sky at the same time. Moreover, the second one is not so bright or is barely visible in the sky. Its colors also consist of 7 shades, but are arranged in an inverted state: from purple to red. The appearance of a “double” is easily explained from the point of view of optics: light rays are reflected again in a drop of water - and this is where a rainbow-double appears.

People are always interested in natural phenomena that are visible, but cannot be touched: fog, evaporation of moisture, rainbows. They seem to be a manifestation of a miracle, something unusual, of divine origin, but in fact their occurrence is proven by science.

Often, when the sun bent over the horizon illuminates the departing rain, a rainbow appears in the sky. This is a very beautiful natural phenomenon. How many colors are in the rainbow and what are they?

S. Marshak wrote a poem about this:

Spring sun with rain
Build a rainbow together -
Seven-color semicircle
Of seven wide arcs.

Nature of the phenomenon

This huge seven-colored sickle in the sky seems like an extraordinary miracle. True, people have already managed to find a natural explanation for it. White color the sun is made up of rays different colors, or rather from light waves of different lengths. Longer waves are red, shorter ones are violet. Sun rays, penetrating from the air into raindrops, they are refracted, disintegrated into their component light waves and come out in the form of a spectrum, a multi-color stripe.

As you know, flowers do not exist in nature at all, they are just a figment of our imagination. Therefore, the actual number of colors of the rainbow can be expressed by the paradox: “Not at all or infinity.” The spectrum is continuous, it has countless shades; the only question is how many of them we can distinguish and encode (name).

Fairy tale "Conversation of Pencils"

The Bulgarian writer M. Stoyan dedicated a fairy-tale story to the colors of the rainbow, which he called “Conversation of Pencils.” Here he is.

Often during the rain you stand at the window, look, listen, and it seems to you that all things have a voice, that they all talk. And your pencils, right?

Do you hear, the red one says: “I am a poppy.” An orange voice follows him: “I am an orange.” Yellow is also not silent: “I am the sun.” And the green one rustles: “I am the forest.” Blue quietly hums: “I am the sky, the sky, the sky.” The blue one rings: “I am the bell.” And the purple one whispers: “I am a violet.”

The rain is stopping. A seven-color rainbow bends above the ground.

“Look! - exclaims the red pencil. “Rainbow is me.” - "And I!" - adds orange. "And I!" - Yellow smiles. "And I!" - Green laughs. "And I!" - the blue one is having fun. "And I!" - Blue rejoices. "And I!" - purple is happy.

And everyone is happy: in the rainbow above the horizon there is a poppy, and an orange, and the sun, and the forest, and the sky, and the bell, and the violet. Everything is in it!