I believe that one of the most important skills for any person who comes online is the ability to write simple, understandable and interesting texts.

And from this article you will learn how to learn to write texts and articles.

Now I’m talking not only about selling texts, about the structure of a selling text, but about writing texts in general, be it a post in social media, a newsletter letter, a blog post, or even a video script.

Keep a checklist of 10 simple steps.

How to learn to write texts and articles

If you prefer video, then please:

Read a lot and write a lot

For example, I read at least one book a week. There are people who read a book a day.

The principle here is simple, so that you constantly have ideas for texts, you need to put these same ideas in your head: reading does an excellent job of this.

Write a lot. In order to learn to write, you need to... write. As some writer said - nor for without a line.

I can’t even remember a day (except weekends) when I didn’t write at least 300-500 words. Constant practice makes the difference. If you're stuck with writing, there's a very simple way to improve your writing skills.

Freewriting. This means that you sit down and start writing whatever comes to mind. No matter what. And write for 15 minutes without breaks, regularly, every day.

Yes, this is a certain amount of work, but what did you think – it will happen on its own?

Idea and goal

Everything is simple here. Idea– what is this to write about? And the goal– why write? Let's use this article as an example. The idea of ​​this article is to make a cheat sheet for writing texts - simple, detailed and understandable.

There are several goals here: to show your expertise in this matter, to attract subscribers and clients to your newsletter.

Once I have an idea and a goal, I move on to the title.


If they don't read the headlines, then they don't read anything else. Therefore, you should work on headings first. For example, I can’t write further text if I don’t have a title. Although after writing the text I can completely change the title to something else.

So that you don't have to worry about writing headlines, I have prepared 50 cool headline templates for you. You will find them in

Well, you will find a treasure trove of ideas for headlines in newspapers and magazines. For example, when I stand in line at a store, I constantly read the headlines of newspapers and magazines. Why don't you do the same.

First sentence

The purpose of the first sentence is simple: to develop the title and get the second sentence read. The main thing is that it is simple and short.

The first sentence is best start with a question or the word how. Or use numbers in it. These first sentences work best.


Paragraphs are the building blocks from which text is composed. To make the text easy to read, it should be divided into paragraphs. Look at the text you are reading now - it is easy to read because it “breathes”.

Huge bricks of 10-line paragraphs are simply impossible to read. I recommend making the largest paragraph no more than 5 lines and wherein alternate paragraphs of different widths: 3 lines, 5 lines, 2 lines, 5 lines, etc.

The principle of constructing paragraphs is simple: 1 paragraph – 1 thought. And here's another thing: the first 5 paragraphs create inertia: it's called slippery slope principle– if a person was able to read the first 5 paragraphs, then by inertia he will be able to reach the end of the mountain of text.

An additional incentive to read the text to the end will be the presence of an “open loop” in it. Such loops are based on the Zeigarnik effect - I wrote about it

Well, one more piece of advice - don't make paragraphs wide: They are so inconvenient to read. By the time your eyes reach from the beginning of the line to its end, they will become very tired. Don't make your readers work—don't make your paragraphs wide. Pay attention to the width of my paragraphs - they are very easy to “consume”.


Perhaps a more clear word would be hooks or eye catches. This is everything that in one way or another allows you to understand the structure of the text and makes reading easier.

Bulleted lists, highlights (color and thickness), underlines, backgrounds, capital letters, pictures, separators etc. – all this makes it easier to consume the text.

Look at this text: headings, subheadings, various highlights, short paragraphs - all this makes reading the text simpler and easier.


Structure alone is not enough; the text needs to be interesting. And for this in texts you can use stories, metaphors, images, magnet words, anecdotes, aphorisms, quotes, direct speech etc.

The same goes for stories. History makes any text more exciting. I wrote about how to use stories in your texts in an article on storytelling:

Here I want to post a small cheat sheet for you. If you don't know what story to tell, just tell me about a time when you felt:

inspired, calm, protected, hurt, sad, content, free, embarrassed, lonely, energetic, smart, provoked, insecure, indecisive, militant, loved, proud, renewed, sexy, liberated, immortal, amazed, happy, delighted, doubting, cruel, determined, victimized, fearful, stupid, helpless, strong, amazed, caught, restless, saddened, sad, curious, brave, confident, stupid, constrained, surprised, inferior, abandoned, attractive, serene, lucky, calmed down, jealous, capable, abandoned, satisfied, defeated, exhausted, embittered, rewarded, alive, vulnerable, restless, scared, suspicious

The same applies to the words magnets. The mere presence of these words in your texts makes them (the texts) more interesting.

Here is a list of such words. Do you know how I do it? I first write the text, and when I edit it, I see if I can insert the words magnets from the list below somewhere:

Words that spark curiosity

Riddle, miracle, magic, mysticism, omen, secret, truth, reality, faith, recognition, witchcraft.

Sexy words

Night, love, heart, desire, sex, cute, flower, kiss, dream, seduction.

Words that evoke a desire to preserve and protect

Life, death, fear, war, adventure, crime, progress, freedom, youth, beauty, safety.

Words related to key points life

Baby, child, groom, bride, engagement, woman, spouse, husband, marriage, family, father, mother, friend, people

Words related to ideals

Happiness, luck, new, special, exceptional, exciting, discovery, invention, unique, exclusive, hope, happy, comfortable, proud, exciting, easy.

Words that make you want to dominate

Money, gold, dollars, million, millionaire, rich, fortune, success, celebrity, power, achievement, fame, victory, honor, triumph.

Words implying practical advice

Why, how, here, what is, tool, basis, stage, innovation, factor, lesson, idea, reason, method, quality, key, task, strategy, benefit, question, method, solution, advice, connection, tactics, manner , rule, recipe, principle, means, technology, example.

Words that imply innovation

New, now, discover, today, premiere, latest, warning, important, urgent, discovery, progress, improvement, soon, back to school.

Words implying discounts or special offers

Free, bonus, half price, price reduced by 20 percent, seasonal sale, competitors, full sale, save, bargain, reduction, special price, win, guarantee.

Words that make you act instantly

Now only, last chance, limited quantities, while supplies last, last week, Sunday only, three days only, until tomorrow, prices reduced to, two days only, last day at this price, offer expires...


According to statistics, a postscript is the same readable element of text as a heading. Therefore, I recommend using it in every letter. How to use p.s. in sales letters

P.S. This is a place for a call to action, an open loop, a deadline or constraint, a summary, etc.


The main rule: The text should be neat, not pretty. So that nothing goes anywhere, so that there are no colorful fonts and colors and unnecessary alignment.

I recommend using no more 2-3 font sizes in the text and no more than 2 colors. Different sizes fonts create a sense of contrast and this structures the text: pay attention to how this text is made.


As I already wrote above, pictures structure the text, making it more lively and interesting. Pictures can also awaken different emotions - this also helps to make the text more interesting.

Here are some of the most popular examples of what pictures can be inserted into your texts:

  • Bridges
  • Animals (seals, etc.)
  • Sex (tits)
  • Celebrities
  • People in unusual situations
  • People with pronounced emotions on their faces
  • Photo stories
  • People in unusual clothes and surroundings (medieval, fantasy)
  • Occasional or trend related designs
  • Love-carrot (romantic drawings)
  • Photos of disasters
  • Memes and jokes

If you dilute your texts with pictures from the list above, you will make your texts more interesting and readable.


After you have written the text, before editing, let it sit for at least a day.

And after that, cut back everything that you can remove. Break up paragraphs. Complex sentences keep it simple. Get rid of extra commas. Insert the words magnets. Remove unclear words. Add pictures.

Writing is a skill that is often neglected because it is much more attractive to learn to speak than to write in English. However, if you are going to take an exam or use English at work, writing skills must be developed. In this article, we will provide tips that will help you learn to write English correctly, and will also tell you where you can practice your writing.

4 components of competent writing in English

Let's first understand the concept of “competent written speech” in order to understand what and how exactly we have to work with.

Good written speech English language necessarily includes the following components:

  • rich lexicon;
  • grammatically correct sentences;
  • perfect spelling;
  • correct punctuation.

That is, in order to learn to write well in English, you need to constantly learn new words, be able to correctly construct sentences, write all words correctly and use punctuation marks. Let's look at what you need to do to achieve these goals.

1. Increase your vocabulary

The larger your vocabulary, the more accurately and beautifully you can express your thoughts. Try to constantly learn new words, expressions and immediately use them in writing. At the same time, you will get the opposite effect: you will remember a written word better than just a read one. We recommend paying attention to the following vocabulary:

  • Synonyms words

    For example, try not to use simple words like good, bad, etc. Take a look at oxforddictionaries.com and select beautiful synonyms on the Synonyms tab. Agree, between the phrases good weather ( good weather) and wonderful weather (wonderful weather) there is a big difference.

  • Idioms

    Vivid expressions will help you express your thoughts accurately and beautifully. Compare the sentences “This house is expensive” and “This house costs a pretty penny.” The second sentence sounds more natural and expressive.

  • Phrasal verbs

    They “work” in the same way as idioms: they help to accurately express a thought and make speech more lively, similar to the speech of native speakers. Thus, you will see “We put off our trip” much more often than “We postponed our trip.”

  • Collocations (stable phrases)

    Not all words in English are combined with each other; many of them are combined differently than in Russian. Therefore, we advise you to check the special dictionary oxforddictionary.so8848.com, in which you can check whether certain words can be used with each other. For example, you can write to file a complaint rather than to give a complaint.

Consider the fact that in official letters Excessive use of idioms and phrasal verbs should be avoided.

Related materials:

2. Learn grammar

To write correctly in English, you must have a good knowledge of grammar. Using various grammatical structures: all the variety of times, modal verbs, speech patterns, etc. - you will be able to convey your thoughts most accurately.

Related materials:

3. Improve your spelling

In the English language there are many similar spelled words that are radically different in meaning, so spelling errors can be both curious and catastrophic. Imagine that a person does not consider it necessary to teach correct writing words and instead of “We need some dye” (We need some paint) he will write “We need some die” (We need some to die). As you can see, spelling can save lives, so be a superhero: spell correctly!

Related materials:

  • Cambridge Dictionaries Online, Macmillan Dictionary are good dictionaries to consult when spelling words.

4. Learn punctuation

Remember the joke about the place of the comma in the phrase “Execution cannot be pardoned”? And native speakers also have their own joke phrase - Let’s eat grandma!, in which you can eat grandma or invite her to eat. So punctuation also needs to be studied so that your thoughts are understood correctly.

Related materials:

  • Really Learn English - English-language reference book on punctuation with examples.

9 more tips to help you learn to write correctly in English

1. Read as much as possible

Do you want to learn to write in English? We'll tell you how to do this. Reading is one of the most important species activities that are often neglected. And by the way, in the process of reading you see how the same grammar “works” in practice, words are written and combined with each other, etc. That is, in the process of reading you immerse yourself in English, remember how sentences are constructed, grammatical structures are used and words that are unfamiliar to you, and as a result, “transfer” this experience into your own written language. By the way, the linguist considered reading the main method of studying any foreign language. Try it too!

It usually helps me write by reading - somehow the reading gear in your head turns the writing gear.

Usually reading helps me write - somehow the reading mechanism in your head turns on the writing mechanism.

2. Use special textbooks

The Successful Writing textbook by Virginia Evans is an excellent guide for people who want to improve their writing. It explains in detail how to write different kinds letters and essays, as well as examples of each type of written work.

3. Visit special resources

As we have already indicated, to develop written speech you need to read a lot, and you will get the best effect if you read specialized materials on improving writing in English. For example, we suggest you study the materials of the resource Daily Writing Tips. On this site you will learn useful information O correct use different words and grammatical structures in written works, read recommendations on punctuation marks, etc.

4. Find yourself an inspector

If you study English with a teacher, he will teach you how to do various written works, check them and help you get rid of mistakes. And if you are learning a language on your own, then the only way to test yourself is to use special services for checking texts for errors, for example, Sentence Checker, Hemingway Editor or Grammarly. However, keep in mind that machine checking only looks for the most serious errors; it will not check the logic of your thoughts. In addition, the use of some functions is paid. So, choosing “your” teacher is the most appropriate way to help you comprehensively master the English language, including learning to write it correctly.

5. Write dictations

Online dictations are another way to practice all your English language skills. Text written under dictation is remembered quite well, which means that later you can use useful cliches to write your own letters and texts. Above we have indicated an article where you will find resources with dictations in English.

6. Proofread and edit what you write

Even if you study English with a teacher, you must conduct independent testing. Edit your text, try to find and correct errors without anyone's help. To make it easier to spot errors, try the following technique: read the text from the end one sentence at a time. This way you will look at your creation with fresh eyes and it will be easier for you to spot inaccuracies.

7. Learn the peculiarities of writing styles

Before writing any work, decide in what style you should present your thoughts. A business partner should not write “What’s up?”, and a friend will be surprised by the somewhat outdated and official “How do you do?”, so determine “ target audience” of your letter to set the right tone. We recommend reading our material “” to understand how to correctly approach the choice of communication style.

8. Reread your old written work.

Many English teachers advise you to practice writing in one place: the same notebook, file (if you prefer a keyboard to a pen), a blog, etc. At the same time, you can see how your skill improves: you write more , use different word forms, more complex grammatical structures. Plus, if you have a mentor who helps you correct mistakes, you will see if the number of mistakes has decreased. Tracking your progress is useful: it provides additional motivation for learning English.

9. Get yourself interested in practicing your writing skills

This is easier than it seems: write about what you are truly interested in or what will benefit you. For example: if you love poetry, take part in discussions on the forum for poetry lovers, if you adore TV series, write reviews of them, etc. In general, do not hesitate to write your opinion on any issue that interests you and give it to your teacher for checking. In addition, you won’t get bored for a minute if you often change the topics of your entries: today we write about our favorite movie, tomorrow about our trip, the day after tomorrow about our holidays. This way you will review vocabulary on the chosen topic and diversify your writing activities.

Where can you practice writing in English?

Do you want to write well? Exercise as often as possible. Practice is the key to success in anything you do, so if you really want good writing, write every day. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a long essay, a letter to a friend, or just a comment on a website, the main thing is to constantly improve your skill.

If you study English with a teacher, he will offer you different types of written work that you can do to develop your writing skill. And for people who learn English on their own, we want to offer several useful ideas about where to practice writing:

1. Find pen pals

Use well-known penpal search sites InterPals or PenPal World. There you can find a foreign friend. While corresponding with him you will be able to learn a lot useful words and phrases. If you don't like to communicate with strangers, look for an English lover among your friends. Perhaps someone will be happy to agree to correspond on VKontakte or Facebook in English.

2. Write your essay electronically on special websites

Adults often think that writing essays is a task for schoolchildren, but if you are going to take an exam in the future, you should not neglect this activity. In addition, writing an essay will teach you to properly structure and logically express your thoughts, because the essay has a clear plan. Would you like to try expressing your thoughts in essay format? Use resources or The Easy Essay , which has clear instructions on how to write each mini-section of your essay. That is, you write an essay step by step, practicing to write essays of the required length and structure.

3. Take a writing course.

4. Chat on English-language forums

Are you into boxing or cars, or maybe you are into breeding? German Shepherds? Find a forum on a relevant topic and communicate with participants. Brag about your achievements, comment on other guests' posts, share your secrets and consult with professionals.

5. Check out Engblog

There you will not only practice writing, but also be able to find like-minded people and potential pen pals. On the English learning blog, experienced teachers will be happy to answer any questions and share their experience of learning the language. In the comments, you can also ask our expert to check your essay for errors. Alternatively, you can search for similar blogs on the Internet yourself and practice your writing.

6. Start a blog in English

This is an excellent training ground for determined people who are not afraid to show off their knowledge on the Internet. Write small posts every day and don’t be afraid of discussions: if you are praised, rejoice, if you are scolded, learn from your mistakes and improve further.

7. Write reviews

8. Leave comments on interesting online materials

Read news and articles on topics that interest you on the Internet and leave your comments on them. Write your opinion, discuss with other site visitors, etc. This way you will practice expressing your point of view and arguing for it in writing. You can also write comments on posts or photos on Instagram or any social network.

9. Write complaints to technical support

Have you noticed any inaccuracy on the English-language website? Try writing a letter to technical support. This is quite an interesting and useful activity.

10. Bargain with sellers at online auctions

Online auctions are a great resource for purchasing items at attractive prices. Unlike an online store, here you can communicate directly with the seller of the product. Try to correspond with him and bargain. So, a well-developed writing skill will help you get a good discount.

11. Keep a personal diary

If you are driving Personal diary, try making notes in English. At the same time, try every day to find new words to express your thoughts; while writing, you will remember them, and when you re-read your notes, repeat them.

12. Learn from a master of the pen

If at the end of the working day you do not want to hear about any essays, you can use this technique. Choose your favorite book or interesting blog in English and copy it into your notebook every day short excerpt text from there. This exercise is also good because you minimize the risk of making a mistake. Do you think this is a boring activity? Look for materials that really interest you: beautiful quotes, laws of psychology, excerpts from masterpieces of literature, etc. The main thing is to find an author on the Internet who writes competently, otherwise you risk rewriting his mistakes.

As you can see, all the tips on how to learn to write in English are very simple, and the techniques described are accessible to everyone. Practice, work on your mistakes, and your writing will improve. If you want to quickly learn how to perform various types of written work with a competent mentor, we offer the help of our.

Every educated and self-respecting person should write correctly. Both success in your career and in your personal life depends on this. After all, one mistake can ruin an important deal and disappoint the subject of your courtship. You need to be extremely careful with words!

And today the editorial office "So simple!" will help you once and for all deal with the most tricky mistakes in Russian and avoid them in the future!

How to learn to write without mistakes

  1. How many times have you already asked the question about which is correct: “to come” or “to come”? Impossible to count. But there is no trick or tricky rule here, you just need to remember that the correct spelling is “come”. Remember - no more mistakes!

  2. A typical conductor mistake is “pay for the fare.” Only here you can either pay for the journey, or then “pay the fare”, but nothing else.

  3. “Put” or “lay down” - that is the question? And the answer is simple - "put", and no more doubts. The second option can only be used with prefixes, for example “shift”.

    © DepositPhotos

  4. “In general” and “in general” - there are no such words. The correct spelling is “in general” and “in general.”

  5. Are you still unsure about the spelling of “-tsya” and “-tsya”? Apparently, you slept through your Russian lessons in the fifth grade. So, we remind you: add to the verb the question “What (to) do?” or “What (s)does?” If there is an “b” in the question, then there should be one in the verb.

  6. If you decide to apologize in writing, do it correctly, otherwise you will have to apologize again. The correct way to write is “sorry”, nothing else.

    © DepositPhotos

  7. "Future"? No, not like that! That's right - “future”, no extra letters needed here.

    © DepositPhotos
  8. A few words about coffee. If you order “expresso”, the barista will not only not understand you, but will quite possibly ruin your coffee. After all, the correct word is “espresso.” And don’t forget about “cappuccino” (with one “h”) and “latte” (with emphasis on the first syllable).

  9. You need to congratulate people without making mistakes, it’s much more pleasant. That's right - “birthday”, not “birthday”.

    © DepositPhotos

  10. “Theirs” and “theirs” - you don’t need this, just forget about it forever! Promise that after reading this you will only say “their” and “his.”

    © DepositPhotos

  11. When you want to talk about two men, you need to say “both” and not “wallpaper”, unless you are planning to glue these unfortunate men to the wall. If we are talking about women - “both”. “For both” - if we are talking only about men or about a man and a woman. “For both” - we are talking only about women.

    © DepositPhotos

  12. Many questions arise about the spelling of “the same” and “the same”. Here you need to remember the rule: they are written separately if they cannot be replaced by the conjunction “and”.

  13. An undeniable hit is “dress up” and “put on.” Remember, they dress someone, but they put it on themselves. “Put on clothes, put on Nadezhda” - this will be easier to remember.

    © DepositPhotos

  14. Don't put hyphens? Then remember the rhyme: “This, either, either - don’t forget the dash!” Remember him when you doubt.

How to learn to write articles?

This question interests everyone who has decided to start making money by writing texts for sale.

It’s quite possible for a beginner to learn how to write high-quality, sellable texts.

As a rule, customers of text content advise starting their career with rewriting.

The features of rewriting are to maximally preserve the size and structure of the text, as well as the main idea and the author’s style.

The finished text must be at least 90% unique.

Deep rewriting – at least 95%.

Basically, rewriting consists of synonymously replacing words and rearranging parts of a sentence.

They simply take a ready-made information message on the Internet as a basis and change it so as to preserve the idea, but not restrain themselves within the strict limits of a certain number of characters.

However, the ability to express the main meaning of the text - to the extent specified by the customer - is very important.

How to learn to write an article well?

You need to be able to present information comprehensively, and at the same time not “suck it out of thin air” and not “throw away water.”

In such cases, the text loses its readability and becomes uninteresting.

Each text must carry a specific data package and meet reader needs.

The approximate structure of the finished text should look like this:

  1. A short introduction revealing the essence of the issue and its significance for the reader;
  2. The main part, detailing the problem;
  3. Conclusion is a summary, a kind of summary for readers.

Separately, you need to think about headings for articles (as well as subheadings in text with a complex structure).

At the same time, it is desirable that keywords text were included in the title of the article.

Very often the key is the topic of the article itself.

It is important that the text is structured and easy to read: it is divided into paragraphs, semantic parts, and includes numbered or bulleted lists.

This way, the article will be clearer for the reader, and easier for them to understand from the computer screen.

In addition, using lists, you can focus the reader’s attention on certain points in the article - for example, the characteristics or properties of the product or service being described.

By formatting your article correctly, you will not only increase its sellability, but also establish yourself as a competent, professional performer.

How to learn to write good articles?

Before you write custom articles, you just need to sit down and try to write at least something.

Feel how much you control your thoughts and the printed word.

How to quickly learn to write articles?

In order for customers to trust you to write good and highly paid texts, you must:

  • Write without errors: follow the rules of spelling, style and punctuation.
  • Don't be afraid of anything. Of course, it may not turn out very well the first time, but fear is a big obstacle to the career of a professional performer.
  • Read as many materials as possible written by other authors. This way you will learn to compare and understand what is a quality text and what is just a set of sentences.
  • Pay more attention to reading - in general to learn new styles and manners of presentation.
  • To hone your skills in writing texts, you need constant practice. Set yourself a goal of writing 3-4 articles per week and stick to it. Very soon you will develop both speed and quality of execution - to the maximum.

How to learn to write scientific articles?

good Research Article must have practical value, as well as thematic focus on a specific target audience.

Such information should come from the introductory part of the article.

The material should be based on theoretical research other authors, but be sure to contain new facts and data.

To succeed in this field, you must follow at least a minimum of rules. And you don’t need to learn them, just remember them! We were all taught how to write articles in Russian language classes at school. Remember how you puzzled over an essay on “War and Peace”? That's what it is .

First you need to choose what to write about. In fact, it’s not so easy to find an unused topic that will also be interesting a large number of people. There is another option - write about what you like, but first look at what search engines return for this query on the first page, and write better. Much better!

Sometimes, of course, you just want to write about something, regardless of the “weather”. About your mood, impressions of the film, thoughts about life. If you want, write, but do not forget that this topic may not be popular.

Before you start writing, you need to collect as much information as possible, find a couple fun facts, some statistics, analyze it all, and then make an outline for the article. Of course, for those who have been writing for a long time, in most cases there is no need for a plan: the writing scheme takes shape in the head, it becomes clear what and why to write. But for a beginner, in order not to sit in front of an empty monitor, it is better to immediately sketch out a work plan.

Typically an article consists of the following parts:

  1. Announcement - summary or simply an explanation of why you decided to write about this topic (this is often done by bloggers who write in the first person). It must indicate why this article will interest the reader and what he will learn from it.
  2. Introduction- facts, existing views on the problem under consideration, statistics. Questions you want to consider in the article.
  3. Your vision of the problem and theses- the most most of articles where the author expresses his opinion and gives reasons for it, makes comparisons, and reveals the topic. The main task here is not to pour water, write only to the point. Whether the reader will see a professional approach to the matter, find fresh thoughts on this issue and feel the author’s style will determine whether he will stay with you or not.
  4. Conclusions and recommendations- a conclusion about what the author wanted to convey to readers.

The outline may vary depending on the topic, the author's style, the length of the text and other factors. In addition, it is not necessary to write in order, because no one can see that you started from the middle or even from the end. The main thing is to start. Gradually a clear picture of the future article will emerge.

If inspiration is gone, don't force yourself to work. It’s better to get up from the computer and do something else: drink tea, wrinkle a pillow, wash the dishes, or take out the trash. After 10 minutes you can return to work.

When the article is ready, let it rest and look at it the next day - you will find a lot of interesting things, maybe even rewrite everything. The final version must be carefully checked for errors. You can use special services for this.

Why are we writing

When there is and it is necessary to constantly write there, one of serious problems becomes motivation. How to write articles if the blog is young, brings only losses, the cat has cried for visitors, and there are no comments?

In general, everyone’s motives are different: some blog for money, others for self-realization, and others because everyone else does it. Therefore, for some, the best motivator will be a photo of an expensive thing on their desktop, for others - the first money they actually earned on the Internet, and for others - the attention of readers and their comments. The first thing you need to do is sit down and think about what motivates you best.

My motivation is the desire to share information and leave useful thoughts for readers. To be not just an observer, but also a creator, a little creator. There are, of course, laziness, and sometimes this state lasts a long time, but we are all human. Sooner or later, inspiration comes or an event occurs that you want to talk about, and everything returns to normal.

Finding inspiration

  • Read the comments to the posts on the site.
  • Describe social events you plan to attend or participate in.
  • Debunk myths or legends.
  • Write an article about a national or international event.
  • Find an unusual solution to a common problem.
  • Take a look at your favorite groups on social networks, in case they are discussing something juicy.
  • Write about the success of an interesting person.
  • Tell us about some new service, gadget or super thing that you have tried.
  • Think about a movie that surprised you or changed your views.
  • Talk about researching something. It can be anything, even hydroponics.
  • Interview someone.
  • Make your top films, games, blogs, books or TV series.
  • Study popular resources more carefully and try to understand why they interest others.
  • Criticize a product or service that you would never recommend to others.
  • Tell me amazing story bordering on fantasy.
  • Take a serious topic and address it with humor.


If you are new, then remember the following tips:

  • Come up with a catchy title.
  • Structure your post.
  • It’s better to write less often and better than more often and worse.
  • Look for inspiration.

Success comes only to those who write and are read, but how can writing articles be interesting? This skill comes with experience. Pay attention to the first and last articles of famous bloggers - heaven and earth, as if different people wrote, but only 1-2 years have passed. They just studied, memorized the best tricks of their competitors, tried different options, and got better at it.

Anyone who wants to write quickly, interestingly and efficiently will have to go through this path; in this matter, not a single program can replace a living person. Write, don't stop.