September 8 - International Literacy Day - one of the international days celebrated in the United Nations system. It was established by UNESCO in 1966 on the recommendation of the “World Conference of Ministers of Education for the Eradication of Illiteracy” held in Tehran in September 1965. And the date of celebration, September 8, is the day of the grand opening of this conference.

The main goal of the Day is to intensify efforts international community on literacy, one of UNESCO's main areas of action, as a tool for the empowerment of individuals, communities and communities.

Literacy is a certain degree of a person’s proficiency in reading and writing skills in accordance with grammatical rules native language. One of the basic indicators of socio-cultural development of the population.

Literacy is a true celebration for humanity, which has made impressive progress in this field, bringing the number of literate people in the world to four billion. However, literacy for all - children, youth and adults - is not yet a fully achieved goal.

Despite remarkable progress in many countries, more than 860 million adults remain illiterate and more than 100 million children are out of school. Countless children, young people and adults, enrolled in school or other educational programs, do not meet the level necessary to be considered literate in the conditions today's world, which is becoming increasingly complex.

There is a clear need to develop literacy programs that target groups of students who require special attention, particularly women and girls left behind in school. Where men and boys are denied access to quality education, they also need special attention. Therefore, today's date also allows us to propose innovative ways to solve existing problems aimed at further improving literacy levels in the future.

Today, International Literacy Day is celebrated all over the world. Governments, multilateral, bilateral and non-governmental organizations, the private sector, communities, and educators, students, and experts in the field. The Day also recognizes the International Literacy Prizes for people with outstanding ideas to advance literacy to achieve the 2030 Education Agenda. It should also be said that every year Literacy Day is dedicated to a specific topic. So, in different years it was held under the mottos: “The importance of literacy for women”, “Literacy expands personal capabilities", "Literacy and health", "Literacy ensures sustainable development", "Reading the past, writing the future", "Literacy in digital world" and etc.

Just recently the first one rang school bell, left behind, and the disciples different ages sat down at their desks to start or continue the hard way to the land of Knowledge. And on September 8, the whole world will celebrate another date related to education - International Literacy Day.

History and traditions

The holiday owes its existence to the ministers of education. various countries(Russia, America, France, etc.), who half a century ago - in 1965 - gathered in Tehran for a World Conference to discuss the problem of illiteracy of the planet's population. By that time, the situation was dire: 44% of adults alone around the world remained illiterate. On September 19, the members of the conference that ended prepared over 80 recommendations, among which was the establishment of a literacy day. And a year later, International Literacy Day was celebrated for the first time on September 8.

Gradually, the celebration of this day developed its own traditions. At the global level, in addition to the annual conferences held at UNESCO headquarters, prizes in the amount of 20 thousand dollars are awarded in the name of King Sejong and Confucius for the spread of literacy.

And of course, in different corners worlds there is a discovery of various training centers, exhibitions, film screenings. Master classes are held open lessons, competitions, etc.

In Russia, Literacy Day is just gaining popularity. For example, since 2011 there has been a campaign that has already become international, “ Total dictation" In schools, universities and other educational institutions, Literacy Day has also become one of the main ones. Quizzes, Olympiads, KVN are organized for students different subjects, because literacy is not only the ability to write, count and read correctly. This is a whole set of knowledge and skills in various scientific fields that help a person to be successful.

Classroom event

The most common form of event chosen by educational institutions for International Literacy Day is a class hour. True, even more often it comes down to a short monologue from the teacher about the need to study. But in order for students (especially after 12-13 years old) to really have a desire to become a literate person, they need more interesting motivation than just a “lecture”.

Literacy, functional, makes a person interesting and successful. People will be drawn to such a person. And now you have a choice: make every effort to reach this height or remain the one whose words will be laughed at. And remember that the main thing on the path to the light is self-development and self-education.

Out of school event

You can create a script for the celebration of International Literacy Day yourself: you can’t put everything on the shoulders of schools! And many have not studied anywhere for a long time, but they want to celebrate September 8th. In addition to the brief historical information, include in the script interesting competitions and games are a holiday after all!

You can add various games to the script literary theme, writing difficult dictations or watching a suitable film (for example, the short film “Falling in love with yourself using negative emotions”).

The holiday will be not only fun, but also useful: someone will remember the rules of the Russian language or dates in history, and someone will understand that being literate is really great, and will begin their difficult path to knowledge!

The civilized world is fighting for the equality and well-being of people, the purity of nature, the preservation of all the diversity of animals and flora Earth. In order to attract public attention to difficulties, special world holidays. Their initiators are the UN, international associations, organizations, institutions. The article will tell you what International Literacy Day is.

Literacy concept

The word "literacy" has Greek roots and literally means "reading and writing." The dictionary defines human literacy as the ability to write without errors, read fluently and correctly express one’s thoughts in conversation. All these skills allow you to acquire new knowledge, improve, and benefit society.

Relevance of the problem

Why was International Literacy Day needed? States struggling with the ignorance of their own citizens are introducing educational programs everywhere. People themselves understand how important education is, because it helps to find a place in life, so they master science on their own.

Nevertheless, today there are more than seven hundred million illiterate and completely illiterate people living in the world. There are also those who have never seen the book. Among them are more than seventy million children. This problem is especially relevant in third world countries with low level economic development where there are wars and civil unrest.

If in Europe, Russian Federation, the United States does not have this problem, then in Africa, some Asian countries, Latin America most of The population is completely illiterate, even universal access to primary education is not provided, and there is gender discrimination, with girls and women excluded from education.

All this served as a prerequisite for the establishment of literacy.

Brief history of the holiday

On September 8, 1965, a World Conference was held in Tehran, which brought together ministers of education from all over the planet. The theme of the conference was eliminating illiteracy in the world and increasing the overall level of education. Methods and activities to achieve the goals were discussed. Some of the most important are those that are aimed at children and youth. It is recommended to celebrate International Literacy Day in schools - in primary and high schools. The child must learn that being literate is useful and prestigious, that science opens the door to a bright future, and there is an incentive to master new knowledge.

The day of the conference - September 8 - was approved as World Literacy Day.

The UN General Assembly declared the period from 2003 to 2013 as the Literacy Decade. During this period, world conferences were held annually on the most different topics: “Literacy and health”, “Literacy and peace”, “The importance of literacy for women” and others.

When is it celebrated?

International Literacy Day is celebrated by everyone every year on September 8th. It was approved by UNESCO in 1966. The holiday caught on, and in 2015 the fiftieth anniversary of International Literacy Day was celebrated.

In the Russian calendar, this day is not marked in red, but all educated people understand its importance, therefore it is celebrated in educational institutions of all levels - preschool, school, secondary and higher education, and is promoted in offices and scientific institutions.

In order to make events accessible to the entire population, International Literacy Day is held in libraries, art houses, cinema foyers and other public places.


Not only in Russia, but also in Kazakhstan and Ukraine, such events for International Literacy Day as Olympiads, various competitions and quizzes, open lessons, the main purpose of which is to highlight the most literate and diligent pupils and students, have already become traditional. Lecturers make presentations and reports covering the problems of illiteracy, the consequences of this phenomenon and ways to overcome it. Leaflets are being distributed among the population with calls to develop independently. Outstanding teachers are awarded everywhere.

How to become literate yourself

There are such good proverbs: “It is always useful to study well,” “He who is good at science will not be lost,” “One does not write with the pen, but with the mind.” They reflect popular opinion about how important it is to acquire new knowledge.

To achieve on this path good results important:

  • Read a lot of good literature. It doesn’t have to be scientific, let it be adventure, science fiction or detective, it is important that its quality is high. Therefore, it is best to read the classics of the genre.
  • Look in the dictionary often to find out the meaning of new words.
  • Try to clear your speech of slang, and even more so of profanity.
  • Don't be offended if someone corrects mistakes in your speech or writing.
  • Solve crosswords and puzzles. This will not improve literacy, but will ultimately improve intelligence and memory.

At school we are taught proper spelling and reading. Over time, the majority understands that literacy plays one of the first roles in the formation of a person as an individual. Educated people it is easier to walk through life, doors open before them, they can realize their potential and develop their inclinations, talents and abilities. Literacy is not only a right, but also a responsibility for everyone. It was for the purpose of spreading it among the world's population that a world holiday was approved.

When is it celebrated?

International Literacy Day is celebrated annually on September 8th. It was established by UNESCO in 1966. In 2019, this date is celebrated for the 54th time.

Who's celebrating

International Literacy Day is celebrated by those who are just beginning to learn its basics or have been “gnawing” on this granite of science for a long time, as well as by those who share knowledge with children and students. In some cities, villages and towns in Russia they hold competitions and quizzes in the Russian language, distribute leaflets, teach literacy lessons in libraries, and distribute books.

history of the holiday

On this day, September 8, 1965, the World Conference of Ministers of Education on the Elimination of Illiteracy, which was held in the capital of Iran, was opened. It was at the suggestion of its participants that this holiday was approved.

December 7, 1987 General Assembly The United Nations, in its resolution No. A/RES/42/104, declared the year 1990 International Year literacy." On January 18, 2002, in a similar document under No. A/RES/56/116, it approved the “UN Decade of Literacy” from January 1, 2003. A year later, by resolution No. A/RES/57/166, the “UN Action Plan for the Decade” was approved and approved literacy”, for which UNESCO is appointed as the coordinating body.

During the UN World Education Forum, which was held in Dakar (Senegal) in April 2000, commitments were made to improve the quality of education and literacy levels by 2015. One of the activities is to carry out activities to develop the level of education among girls and women who various reasons do not (did not attend) school. Every year this international holiday devoted to different topics, but the goal remains the same - increasing literacy rates of the population.

In 1989, the Republic of Korea established the King Sejong Award for work in this area. The laureates are awarded a prize of 20 thousand US dollars.

World statistics have shown that a larger percentage of illiterates (37% of adults) live in India.

The 2010 population census showed that in Russia the main general and higher education 91% of the country's residents have, of which 60% have vocational education. Thus, the number of illiterate people has decreased by almost 2 times compared to 2002.