Celebrities often seem like celestials to us, but in fact they are also people and, like all of us, can be subject to all sorts of oddities.

Often such oddities are all kinds of phobias. Very many of the stars are prone to fear of heights, darkness, crowds, open spaces or claustrophobia. But these are fairly common phobias. Let's look at more interesting and unusual celebrity fears. For example, Johnny Depp, who played the role of a brave pirate, is very afraid of clowns, and even ghosts, and quite seriously. The last phobia, Johnny, according to him, owes a number of his roles in mystical films. Nicole Kidman surprises loved ones with the fact that she is not afraid of spiders, snakes or rats, but of simple butterflies. And Jessica Alba doesn't like birds. Julia Roberts and Steven Seagal, as well as singer Beyoncé, are terrified of germs. There are among the stars and those who suffer from fear of various technical devices. For example, old Sean Connery, former agent 007 is afraid of traffic lights, and Steven Spielberg is wary of taking the elevator. Cheerful Jim Carrey is afraid of security cameras.

There are also much more "exotic" phobias. The famous TV presenter Oprah Winfrey is afraid of chewing gum. Tom Cruise is seriously afraid of an invasion of the earth by aliens, as well as imminent attack end of the world. David Beckham is horrified when he sees that the food in the refrigerator is not in order, but randomly. As a rule, a famous football player prefers to simply get rid of such products. And John Travolta throws out clothes that he wore only a few times, as he is afraid of things that are not the first freshness. Actor Billy Bob Thornton is afraid of antiques. The actor may panic if he finds himself in a place where he will be surrounded by antique furniture. But Sandra Bullock has no phobias, but she has special feelings towards dental offices. But this is not fear at all, but rather love. The actress claims that the sound of a working drill soothes and relaxes her.

Celebrities have a lot of strange habits that, in best case, cause bewilderment of others. Best of all, these oddities are manifested in their riders. For example, Madonna requires that her bodyguards during concerts be exclusively women. Other famous singer- Janet Jackson prescribes in her rider that her hotel rooms must be decorated with a bouquet of ten roses, and even black ones. Great importance has a color for Britney Spears, but not black, but white. The singer wants all the people involved in her service to be dressed in white.

Oddities can also be bad habits. For example, Sarah Jessica Parker admits that she loves to bite her cheeks from the inside. And the idol of millions of girls is a singer Justin Timberlake has a completely unromantic habit of picking his nose, and he does not hesitate to admit it. Pamela Anderson, as in childhood, bites her nails. But these are harmless habits. But actor Owen Wilson, according to observations, has strange habit urinate on the golf course, which is sometimes very embarrassing for people nearby.

A special group of oddities are celebrity hobbies, especially when we are talking about collecting. Tom Hanks drags old typewriters home from everywhere, even if they don't work. Leonardo DiCaprio collects superhero figurines. Angelina Jolie has a more serious hobby - she collects edged weapons. But Ben Stiller loves to dress up in the costumes of the heroes of the series at his leisure. Star Trek”and in this form go to visit friends. Johnny Depp, whom we already know as a rather strange type, also amazes loved ones by the fact that he loves to play ... Barbie dolls.

Chic, shine and grooming - this is what we associate celebrities with. Already the stars have enough time and money to look dazzling and luxurious. But the "celestials" themselves do not at all consider it necessary to look brand new and increasingly prefer the strangest and most ridiculous trends.

Dirty hair

A few years ago, going out “in public” with hair that was not the first freshness was considered bad manners, and only outrageous persons and rock performers could afford this. Now actresses and models boldly take to the red carpet with greasy strands and careless bunches of dull hair.

Kirsten Stewart, Cara Delevingne, Lily-Rose Depp and other beauties do not bother with the freshness of their styling. And even the incomparable Jennifer Aniston appeared at the Golden Globe ceremony with a far from ideal hairstyle: “but they are easier to style,” the actress noted.

Freedom of the chest

Women have been called for a long time to give up the bra and stop complexing. And the stars happily followed the slogan "breast freedom" and stopped wearing the top of the underwear. But if some allow themselves skimpy outfits only at celebrations and events, many shock those around them literally every day. Among them are representatives of the Gener-Kardashian family, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan and even Sharon Stone, who, despite her age, still has a reason to be proud of her breasts.

Naturalness and naturalness is, of course, wonderful. But why then complain about the annoying attention of fans and the sexual harassment of inadequate fans?

Treads on the verge

Another stellar trend is super high over the knee boots. And if designers tell us, mere mortals, that over-the-knee boots and heels do not match, and the material of such boots should be as simple and concise as possible, then celebrities boldly put on defiant over the knee boots with high heels made of denim, velvet and patent leather and decorate them lace and rhinestones.

Rihanna released her own collection of denim shorts with over the knee boots, and after her, the trend was picked up by Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga and Nikki Minaj.

"naked" things

The fashion for nude things was introduced by Kim Kardashian. Her love of skin-tight bodysuits, bodysuits and dresses paired with furs and leathers has been controversial on more than one occasion.

But the fact remains - after Kim and her sisters, Gigi Hadid, Emily Ratajkowski, Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé and domestic celebrities (Tatyana Tereshina, Anastasia Reshetova, Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova) tried on nude outfits and introduced them into their wardrobe.

lingerie for show

Do you continue to bashfully hide the straps from the bra and are embarrassed by too deep necklines? But star beauties have long made it a fashion trend!

They boldly wear stretched T-shirts with bright bras, sheer blouses with black bodices, no longer match the color of their underwear to clothes, and at ceremonies show off in open jackets and blouses, demonstrating lace bras - for example, like Halle Berry at a Tiffany & Co party in Beverly Hills .

Brown lipstick

The dubious trend of the 90s is back, and now matte brown shades are considered fashionable. Young style icons Kylie Jenner, model Gigi Hadid, actress and singer Zendaya Coleman returned her popularity.

Young beauties did not catch the first wave of popularity of such lipstick and therefore wear the “new” trendy shade with pleasure. And after them, Instagram “trembled” and fashionistas around the world. The only ones who resisted were those who attributed brown lips in their youth and do not want the return of a strange trend.

Shoes - "hooves"

At first glance, ankle boots from new collection Balenciaga are only suitable for catwalks - and even then they require a safety briefing before putting them on. But star fashionistas are not afraid of anything! And now, massive boots on a super-high platform and a huge square heel have become a must-have.

And if Rihanna and Lady Gaga use such shoes for performances and going out, then “our” show top is ready to wear “hooves” always and everywhere.

Well, very short crop tops

Cropped tops are nothing new in the fashion world. But as always, there were those who went too far. Outrageous Lady Gaga demonstrated extremely short tops, slightly opening the chest from below. But everyone is already used to her antics.

Much more surprising was the similar image of the “decent” Chiara Ferrani, a well-known blogger and aspiring shoe and clothing designer. Bella Hadid also tried on a super-short top and ... where would the Jener sisters be without? Such clothes look, of course, very defiant, but you can hardly call them comfortable: you raised your hands - and everything is in plain sight!


Needless to say, for many of us, latex outfits are associated with clothes from an adult store. But celebrity fashion is capable of any folly. We are used to celebrity slip dresses, nude bodysuits and sheer catsuits, now it's time to digest latex and vinyl outfits.

Once again, Kim Kardashian excelled. It was she who began to wear glossy and tight as a glove, Atsuko Kudo brand dresses. Apparently Kim and her sister Chloe bought into the slimming effect of latex.

But Rita Ora, Beyoncé and Anna Dello Russo do not need to drag anything, but they also tried on unusual dresses.


And another controversial celebrity trend is transparency. And not in the form of lace dresses or transparent blouses on the red carpet, but in the very candor of everyday images. And it is not some outrageous singer or infamous celebrity that sets the tone for this, but the same Chiara Ferrani. She put on a frankly transparent dress right on her naked body!

Everyone understands that the stars are the most ordinary people, they were born on the same planet, and many in the most ordinary families. However, their profession, constant publicity or the past constantly dictate some oddities. It is not known whether they talk about their unusual and incomprehensible phobias in order to arouse the interest of fans and for self-promotion, or is it pure truth, and they can only sympathize. Here are the most memorable oddities among the famous and public people: actors, singers and directors.

What is simpler

Jennifer Aniston has, perhaps, the most common phobia: she is afraid to fly on airplanes. Definitely, flights spoil her mood, but at the same time, the actress is in a hurry to admit: her strangeness is not so great that, like some, she clings to her neighbor with screams. The extravagant Madonna also did not particularly impress her fans with some kind of terrible phobia: she is only afraid of a thunderstorm, namely, thunder. It is also a very common phobia. But Keanu Reeves is afraid of the dark. But he is not afraid of her physically, but philosophically ... This is already more interesting.

Pictures of people

Actress Emily Blunt recently admitted that she is terribly afraid of all kinds of human copies: dolls, figurines, etc. This strangeness appeared in her in her youth, when she saw garden figurines of gnomes in the yard with her friends. I wonder if Emily visited the museum wax figures? Fear of clowns is a common phobia. It is subjected not only famous people but also common people. And among celebrities - this is Johnny Depp, oddly enough, given his role. And recently, the young actor Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) admitted the same.

Flora and fauna

Christina Ricci has an extremely unusual phobia: the fear of indoor plants. They terrify her. Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that they are "stained with earth." Well, cleaner! Singer Ke$ha claims that the main reason for her fears is cephalopods (squid and octopus). I wonder how a girl treats seafood dishes? And Nicole Kidman is not afraid of squids. She is not afraid of snakes either. Don't scare her with spiders! But the legendary actress has one small and very beautiful oddity: she is afraid of butterflies. How could these beautiful creatures annoy her - it is not clear.

Fear of objects

Matthew McConaughey should have been born in the Middle Ages: then there were definitely no revolving doors that terrify the actor. At the same time, there were hardly long tunnels and cars moving towards him, which he is also very afraid of. A horse galloping in the opposite lane can be seen from afar and avoid an accident. Pamela Anderson's phobia seems pretty unusual. Wonder why she did so much plastic surgery and braces, if he doesn't like ... mirrors? The answer follows: of course, for her dear and revered fans!


Kelly Osbourne hates being touched: a dangerous phobia for a young girl. You might as well be alone! Her brother claims that if you touch Kelly at the collarbone, then she begins to vomit. Not funny! Carrie Underwood suffers from a similar phobia. She needs too much personal space. Therefore, the actress is extremely annoying public toilets. It’s scary to go into a booth if someone is sitting very close, in the next one! It's good that they are at least separated.


Uma Thurman is claustrophobic. This helped her to perfectly play in the movie "Kill Bill 2" the episode where she was buried alive. She naturally screamed and built frightened grimaces. In general, who would behave differently? Probably Daryl Hannah, who played one of the main roles. This actress, on the contrary, is afraid open spaces. However, like Kim Basinger. With agoraphobia, the fear of open spaces, Kim first encountered after her divorce from Alec Baldwin.

Real men

Hollywood star Brad Pitt admitted that he hates to take back while driving a car. He explains it as follows: Brad is always focused on moving forward in life, and therefore he has such a fear - to go back. If an actor walks out the door of the house and remembers that he forgot something, he will never come back. Such is his peculiar psychological defect. BUT David Beckham afraid of riots. He always puts everything in its place. Even in a hotel, he cannot relax unless he puts all the pamphlets and books in a drawer. This is every woman's dream!

real panties

While promoting his Spider-Man movie, Tobey Maguire admitted that he could never really be like his hero, because. very afraid of heights. Standing on the edge of a building and looking down is just awful for Toby. And to jump in the style of a comic book hero is definitely impossible. The great director Woody Allen simply has to be different from others with his fears. It differs in their number. Woody Allen doesn't like to ride the elevator. He doesn't go through tunnels. Mr. Allen is afraid sunlight and bright colors. In the shower, he prefers to huddle in the corner rather than in the middle. The director is afraid of insects, dogs, deer, children, heights, closed spaces, crowds and cancer. Is there anything else in the world? Hardly. Except butterflies.

The rich and famous also cry, sleep, eat and live almost ordinary lives. human life. And, like any person, celestials have their quirks.
At Hollywood stars many fears: losing shape, becoming unclaimed, not getting an Oscar. But all of them are nothing compared to the phobias that are common to any person.
Let's find out what bad habits our favorite stars have?

Jessica Alba. The mother of two daughters has never been into ornithology. Why? She is scared to death of birds!

Orlando Bloom Vegetarian Orlando adds to the list of Hollywood zoophobes, as he is afraid of pigs! It is now clear that the actor abstains from meat not because he cares about animals, but because he is afraid of them!

Johnny Depp. Acquired a phobia because of the acting profession. The actor is absolutely seriously afraid of ghosts. According to the sex symbol, he developed a fear of restless souls after working in the films Sleepy Hollow and The Ninth Gate.

Sarah Jessica Parker once admitted that she is unable to get rid of the bad habit of biting her cheek from the inside. Neither gnawed skin, nor pain, nor discomfort can wean her off. But the actress is already at a more than conscious age!

David Beckham cannot control himself when he is nervous, and during a football game he could easily start biting his nails if he was on the bench.

The football star is supported in a nervous nail biting by singer Britney Spears. “It was difficult for me to unlearn this stupid habit. I still start biting my nails when I worry or think, ”she admits.

Justin Timberlake also has a couple of flaws. The singer told in secret that he likes to pick his nose. According to the star, this is the most harmful of his habits, and he fights with it with all his might. If there is something there, I will definitely pull it out.

Scarlett Johansson. Leadership among bad star habits is smoking. Scarlett smokes so much that neighbors have already begun to complain about her. Educated Scarlett, in turn, does not aggravate the conflict and promises to open windows.

Today you will learn about the most unusual stars. It is estimated that there are about 100 billion galaxies in the universe and about 100 billion stars in each galaxy. Given so many stars, there must be strange ones among them. Many of the sparkling, burning balls of gas are quite similar to each other, but some stand out for their odd size, weight, and behavior. Using modern telescopes, scientists continue to study these stars to better understand them and the universe, but mysteries still remain. Curious about the strangest stars? Here are 25 of the most unusual stars in the universe.

25. UY Scuti

Considered a supergiant star, UY Scuti is large enough to swallow up our star, half of our neighboring planets, and virtually our entire solar system. Its radius is about 1700 times the radius of the Sun.

24. Star of Methuselah

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The star of Methuselah, also called HD 140283, really lives up to its name. Some believe that its age is 16 billion years, which is a problem, since Big Bang happened only 13.8 billion years ago. Astronomers have tried to use better methods of age determination to better date the star, but still believe it to be at least 14 billion years old.

23. Thorn-Zhitkov object

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Initially, the existence of this object was proposed theoretically by Kip Thorne (Kip Thorne) and Anna Zhitkova (Anna Zytkow), it represents two stars, a neutron and a red supergiant, combined into one star. A potential candidate for the role of this object has been named HV 2112.

22. R136a1

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Although UY Scuti is the most big star, known to man, R136a1 is definitely one of the heaviest in the universe. Its mass is 265 times greater than the mass of our Sun. What makes her weird is that we don't know exactly how she was formed. The main theory is that it was formed by the merger of several stars.

21.PSR B1257+12

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Most of the exoplanets in the solar system PSR B1257+12 are dead and bathed in deadly radiation from their old star. Amazing Fact about their star is a zombie star or pulsar that has died but the core still remains. The radiation emanating from it makes this solar system no man's land.

20. SAO 206462

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Consisting of two spiral arms spanning 14 million miles across, SAO 206462 is certainly the strangest and most unique star in the universe. While some galaxies are known to have arms, stars usually don't. Scientists believe that this star is in the process of creating planets.

19. 2MASS J0523-1403

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2MASS J0523-1403, perhaps the smallest famous star in the universe, and it is only 40 light years away from us. Due to its small size and mass, scientists believe that its age may be 12 trillion years.

18. Heavy metal subdwarfs

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Recently, astronomers have discovered a pair of stars with large quantity lead in the atmosphere, which creates thick and heavy clouds around the star. They are called HE 2359-2844 and HE 1256-2738 and are located 800 and 1000 light years away respectively, but you can just call them heavy metal subdwarfs. Scientists are still not sure how they form.

17. RX J1856.5-3754

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From the moment of their birth, neutron stars begin to ceaselessly lose energy and cool down. Thus, it is unusual that neutron star 100,000 years old, such as RX J1856.5-3754, could be so hot and show no signs of activity. Scientists believe that interstellar material is held strong gravitational field star, resulting in enough energy to heat the star.

16. KIC 8462852

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The star system KIC 8462852 has attracted close attention and interest from SETI and astronomers for its unusual behavior in recent times. Sometimes it dims by 20 percent, which may mean that something is orbiting around it. Of course, this prompted some to conclude that these were aliens, but another explanation is the debris of a comet that entered the same orbit with a star.

15. Vega

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Vega is the fifth most bright Star in the night sky, but that's not what makes it weird. The high rotation speed of 960,600 km per hour gives it the shape of an egg, and not spherical, like our Sun. Temperature variations are also observed, with more cold temperature at the equator.

14.SGR 0418+5729

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A magnet located 6,500 light-years from Earth, SGR 0418+5729 has the strongest magnetic field in the universe. The strange thing about it is that it does not match the image of traditional magnetars with a surface magnetic field like ordinary neutron stars.

13. Kepler-47

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In the constellation Cygnus, 4,900 light-years from Earth, astronomers have first discovered a pair of planets orbiting two stars. Known as the Kelper-47 system, the orbiting stars outshine each other every 7.5 days. One star is roughly the size of our Sun, but only 84 percent as bright. The discovery proves that more than one planet can exist in a stressful orbit of a binary star system.

12. La Superba

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La Superba is another one massive star, located 800 light years from us. It is about 3 times heavier than our Sun and four astronomical units in size. It is so bright that it can be seen from Earth with the naked eye.

11. MY Camelopardalis

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MY Camelopardalis was thought to be a single bright star, but the two stars were later found to be so close that they practically touch each other. Two stars slowly fuse together to form one star. No one knows when they will fully merge.

10.PSR J1719-1438b

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Technically, PSR J1719-1438b is not a star, but it was once. When it was still a star, its outer layers were sucked out by another star, turning it into a small planet. What is even more surprising about this former star, what is now a giant diamond planet five times the size of Earth.

9. OGLE TR-122b

Photo: Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Usually, against the background of an average star, the rest of the planets resemble pebbles, but OGLE TR-122b is about the same size as Jupiter. That's right, it's the smallest star in the universe. Scholars believe it originated as star dwarf a few billion years ago, this is the first time a star comparable in size to a planet has been discovered.

8. L1448 IRS3B

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Astronomers discovered the three-star system L1448 IRS3B as it began to form. Using the ALMA telescope in Chile, they observed two young stars orbiting a much older star. They believe these two young stars are the result of nuclear reaction with gas revolving around the star.

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Mira, also known as Omicron Ceti, is 420 light-years away and is quite strange due to its constantly fluctuating brightness. Scientists believe it is a dying star, located on recent years own life. Even more amazing is that it travels through space at 130 kilometers per second and has a tail that spans several light-years.

6. Fomalhaut-C

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If you think the two-star system was cool, then you might want to see Fomalhaut-C. It is a system with three stars only 25 light years from Earth. Although triple star systems are not entirely unique, this one is because the arrangement of the stars far away rather than close together is an anomaly. The star Fomalhaut-C is especially far away from A and B.

5. Swift J1644+57

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The appetite of a black hole is not picky. In the case of Swift J1644+57, a dormant black hole woke up and engulfed the star. Scientists made this discovery in 2011 using X-ray and radio waves. It took 3.9 billion light years for light to reach Earth.

4.PSR J1841-0500

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Known for their regular and constantly pulsating glow, they are rapidly rotating stars that rarely "turn off". But PSR J1841-0500 surprised scientists by only doing it for 580 days. Scientists believe that studying this star will help them understand how pulsars work.

3.PSR J1748-2446

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The strangest thing about PSR J1748-2446 is that it is the fastest rotating object in the universe. It has a density 50 trillion times that of lead. To top it off, its magnetic field is a trillion times stronger than that of our Sun. In short, this is an insanely hyperactive star.

2. SDSS J090745.0+024507

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SDSS J090745.0+024507 is a ridiculously long name for a runaway star. With the help of a supermassive black hole, the star has been blasted out of its orbit and is moving fast enough to exit the Milky Way. Let's hope that none of these stars will rush in our direction.

1. Magnetar SGR 1806-20

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Magnetar SGR 1806-20 is a terrifying force that exists in our universe. Astronomers detected a bright flash at a distance of 50,000 light-years, and it was so powerful that it reflected off the Moon and illuminated the Earth's atmosphere for ten seconds. The solar flare raised questions among scientists about whether such a flare could lead to the extinction of all life on Earth.