We'll tell you where to go to the seaside in June. We made a selection of the hottest foreign and Russian destinations. Read to plan perfect vacation!

Is it worth going at the beginning of summer?

June is the first month of school holidays and the summer holiday season. In the vastness of Russia, spring and summer are still struggling, but persistent above-zero temperatures at night guarantee warm, sunny weather.

Some fly to Mediterranean resorts or to the coral reserves of the Red Sea. And someone prefers the southern directions of our country - Azov and Black. In June they have not yet warmed up enough, but the residents northern regions They enjoy swimming even at +20⁰С.

June is not as popular for trips to seaside resorts as August. But there are advantages to this:

  • not many vacationers;
  • housing prices have not peaked;
  • there are no algae on the beaches;
  • nature in bloom.
  • The weather is conducive to walking and sightseeing excursions.


An international resort beloved and developed by our tourists. For 20 years now (fortunately, a visa is not required), families have been coming here on tourist packages for health, impressions, and shopping. Here Russian tourists addicted to the all-inclusive system. Holidays in Turkey are inexpensive and accessible. A three-hour flight from Moscow (give or take from other cities) and you are on the shores of the Mediterranean or Aegean Sea.

At the beginning of June, the Mediterranean coast is preferable for beach relaxation. The water warms up to +24°C, and daytime temperatures do not yet go beyond 30°C, which is bearable with a light breeze. Tourism in Russia is adjusted taking into account the Russian mentality. Diving, aquatic species Sports are the main entertainment at sea. The ruins of ancient and medieval buildings are a reason to go on an excursion.

Planning a trip? That way!

We have prepared some useful gifts for you. They will help you save money while preparing for your trip.

Are you afraid of being left without communication on the road?

June is the beginning of vacation time. Where can you go at this time to make your trip a success and make your vacation memorable? Of course, a lot depends on the purpose for which you are planning the trip. We will tell you where it is better to go in June and what places you should go to at other times of the year.

Weekend getaway: an interesting weekend in June

If at the beginning of summer you only have weekends free, and a full-fledged vacation is planned for another time, you can plan your vacation for the weekend. At this time, magnolias bloom in Abkhazia, presenting an unforgettable sight. The mountains are no longer covered with snow, and rhododendrons are blooming in the meadows. The trip can be combined with a beach holiday, as the sea at this time warms up to 25 °C.

Budget holiday at sea in June the coast of Crimea offers. At the beginning of the month, the sea is considered cool, although you can already swim in it. But the season starts towards the end of the month. Accordingly, at the beginning they still don’t hold on high prices for accommodation and food. The air temperature is comfortable, which does not interfere with exploring local attractions and amazing nature.

At this time, you can already plan a vacation on Lake Baikal. The air temperature remains at 18 – 20 °C, and few tourists gather. The waters of the lake at this time are the clearest, the underwater currents are weak, so it is recommended to go here for a weekend of diving.

Only seasoned tourists will be able to swim in the lake. The water temperature in summer barely reaches 20 °C and only closer to August. But there are no mosquitoes on the coast.

A great place for a trip is Karelia. At this time it is installed sunny weather and white nights. We recommend visiting the Ruskeala mountain park, where the marble canyon is located, and the Ladoga waterfalls.

A weekend is enough to explore Kaliningrad with a sightseeing tour. Part of the time is worth setting aside for a trip to Svetlogorsk and the village of Yantarny.

Excursion tours in June

If you are planning a vacation in early June, you can combine a trip to the coast with an excursion vacation. Not hot weather allows you to explore the sights in detail and get acquainted with the characteristics of other countries. Many people choose to travel by bus sightseeing tours across European countries. This allows you to inexpensively inspect several European countries literally in a couple of weeks. As a rule, these are neighboring countries. For example, Germany, Austria and Hungary, or Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. Popular offers for trips to the capitals of neighboring countries: Prague, Budapest, Vienna. An economical option for the tour is accommodation in Budapest with daily excursions to neighboring countries.

Fans of Scandinavian countries can also plan a trip. In most cases, the weather there at this time is sunny, but light rain may occur.

The best festivals and holidays of June

Where is the best place to go in June for fans of active and fun pastime? Again to Scandinavia and Europe, where the season of music festivals begins. At this time, major festivals are held almost every weekend in Austria, Germany, Sweden, and Finland. Most of of which is organized under open air and lasts several days.

In June, a pride parade starts in Germany, which takes place alternately in different cities of the country.

If you want to witness a real royal celebration, go to the UK. This month marks the day royal family, so the whole country is plunged into celebrations for almost a month. Particularly colorful celebrations take place in Windsor, where the Queen Mother was born, and the capital of the kingdom. At the end of June the British celebrate the day summer solstice. During the Golowan celebration, torchlight processions take place through the streets, bonfires are lit at night, and ritual dances are performed.

If you are a fan of classical and jazz music, head to Brussels at the end of July. These days in the open air main square held summer festival music of these directions. And in the city of Mons this month they celebrate the holiday of the Golden Chariot and the victory over the dragon. According to legend, once a terrible animal tried to capture the city, but St. George drove it away.

If you were planning a holiday abroad in June to take part in national holidays, go to Malta in the last week of the month. At this time, the day of Saints Peter and Paul - Mnarja - is celebrated here. In all villages, bonfires are lit, torches are set up, theatrical performances are held in the streets, and street musicians play.

Ski holidays in June

If you didn’t have enough snow in winter, in June you may well find places where you can easily cover the missing kilometers. You can search for them in North America. So, in the Mammoth Mountains in California you can ski until the beginning of July, and if the winter has a lot of snow, then the Colorado resorts are waiting for tourists until the end of June.

Where is even better to go abroad in June for ski holiday? Of course, to Canada! For example, in Whistler-Blackcomb the trails are suitable for skiing right up to August. And in Europe, it turns out, there are resorts that operate all year round. At any time of the year you will find the snowy slopes of Sölden, Kaprun, Tux, Stubai, as well as the Italian Passo Stelvio.

Oddly enough, but in Chile and Argentina there are also good ski resorts, where is the best place to vacation in June. These are Argentina's Cerro Castor and Las Leñas, as well as Portillo in Chile. If you like Asian snow, head to the Gassan resort in Japan or Chimbulak in Kazakhstan. In the latter case, the lifts may already be closed, but there is still enough snow for freeriders to ride.

In Japan, it is not customary to make direct eye contact or actively gesticulate when speaking. The restrained Japanese perceive this as an act of aggression in their direction.

Ideal countries for ski holidays in summer - New Zealand and Australia. As soon as the season closes in Europe, it is just beginning here. The largest concentration of resorts is in Australia in the states of New South Wales and Victoria. Names such as Falls Creek, Mountain Buller, Perisher Blue, Thredbo excite the imagination of real skiers and snowboarders. They officially open in mid-June and are immediately filled with vacationers. New Zealand resorts are opening towards the end of the month. The most popular resort is Huakapapa.

Beach holiday in June

Perhaps the most burning question will be “Where to go on a seaside holiday in early June?” Usually at this time the nearest seaside resorts do not indulge in warm waters, but foreign beaches have long been ready to receive tourists.

A traditional holiday in Turkey at this time will delight you with not hot, but warm weather. At this time the sea warms up to +23 °C, but there are still very few tourists. Accordingly, prices for accommodation and food are low compared to the peak months of July and August.

But in Greece it is already noticeably hot, as for a domestic tourist. During the day, the air temperature averages +30 °C and there is practically no precipitation. Is it true, mainland and island ones have slightly different weather patterns. In any case, in Greece the most comfortable beach holiday abroad in June.

It's hot at this time in Israel. During the day, the thermometer reaches +37 °C, and the sea warms up to +31 °C, although it is still far from real heat. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to go to the Dead Sea in June, it is better not to miss it.

The same hot weather sets in at this time in Morocco, but it is easier to bear thanks to the cool wind. Besides Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Morocco it is much cooler Mediterranean Sea Israeli coast, so swimming in it is more pleasant.

But in Cyprus at this time it also warms up to +24 °C at the beginning of the month, so if you have a vacation in early June and don’t know where to go, go to this island in the Mediterranean Sea. By the end of the month it gets hot here.

If you were planning to visit Tunisia, then best time for the trip - exactly June. Although it is quite hot here at this time, the air temperature can reach +40 °C, the real heat is yet to come.

Lovers Mediterranean coast can spend their holidays on Italian beaches, where at this time it is relatively cool, the sea is warm, and the excursion program is extensive. Spain also looks attractive, especially the Canary Islands. During this period no strong winds, precipitation is extremely rare, and the flowering vineyards are mesmerizing.

The question of where to go inexpensively in June is easily resolved - to Montenegro! Mild climate, warm sea (+23 °C) and pleasant temperature air (+25 °C) make your vacation pleasant, despite possible precipitation.

We are planning a family holiday with children in June

The beginning of summer is the time for school holidays. Therefore, the question of where to take a child on vacation is also acute. In the first month of summer, all kinds of thematic camps open: music, language, sports. They work throughout Europe, but most of them are in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Germany. After sending your child to camp for a couple of weeks, you can stay nearby for a vacation. And at this time your child will improve his health, learn new skills and meet peers from other countries.

Another question is where it is cheaper to fly in June with a small child who cannot be sent to camp. Or with an older person who doesn’t want to go to camp. A great place for such a holiday is Bulgaria. Flat sandy beach Sunny Beach safe even for the little ones. You can stay not only in luxury hotels, but also in inexpensive boarding houses, villas, and private houses with all amenities. But we must take into account that in the first half of June the weather here is still cloudy and windy, and the weather will clear up towards the end of the month.

Bulgaria is a great place to holiday with children

Few people remember, but Bulgarians shake their heads from side to side in agreement. Disagreement is expressed by throwing the head up, which is similar to our usual affirmative head nods.

You can save money if you stay at any hotel in Turkey at this time. Children will always be entertained here, the restaurants will offer a special menu, and the beginning of the month does not yet “bite” with high season prices.

Not less entertainment for children in the resorts of Spain, where the season begins in numerous amusement parks and water parks. A trip to Scandinavian countries will be amazing and memorable. Theme parks based on the fairy tales of Astrid Lindgren and Tove Jansson are open here.

Best places to shop in June

A real shopaholic is not interested in the question of where to go to the sea at the end of June. It is more important for him to get to a place where he can spend time from morning to evening in endless trips to various stores. Milan is considered the capital of this part of fashion life. Just the names of the stores will make every fashionista’s head spin: Louis Vuitton, Bulgari, Tiffany&Co, Hermes, Fendi, Armani, D&G, Prada, Versace, Gucci and much more. A must-visit place is Italy's largest outlet, Serravalle, where you can find everything from perfume and nail polish to fur coats and expensive accessories at affordable prices.

IN Lately London is trying to challenge the title of world fashion capital. Just walk along Oxford Street, look at Piccadilly or Bond Street - and you will see for yourself that these statements are not unfounded. Here you will find not only stores of the best European brands, but also designer boutiques, gift shops, and antique salons.

One more shopping center New York is considered the world's largest city. Tourists who have heard about its shopping offerings tend to flock to Manhattan, but few people know that there are many other equally worthy places scattered throughout the city. Unique showrooms, outlandish salons - all this can be found even in disadvantaged areas of the city. In addition, sales are held here every season.

If you think that shopping is about clothes, shoes, perfumes and accessories, you are deeply mistaken. Today, various gadgets have taken their place among shopaholics. And you have to go to Tokyo to get them. Only here can you find such huge electronics supermarkets, where technical innovations are sold at ridiculous prices. In addition, Japan is the birthplace of the brands Kenzo, Yohji Yamamoto and amazing pearl jewelry. To make sure you don't miss a thing, head to the Ginza shopping district.

Exotic destination in June

When thinking about where to go in June, the first thing that comes to mind is a trip to the sea, and the best sea in June can be found in exotic countries Oh. So, in northern regions In Vietnam, as well as in the resort of Nha Trang, hot but dry weather sets in. Temperatures of +30 °C are easily tolerated due to the low humidity, which is uncharacteristic for this country. During this period, the dry season begins. The water in the sea stays at a comfortable +26 °C.

Fans of trips to Thailand should go to the coast of Malacca, where the most favorable conditions for relaxation are established at this time. The weather is also good in the area of ​​the popular resorts of Pattaya. But it is better not to fly to the western part of the country: during this period, heavy winds and storms occur there.

Holidays on the island of Mauritius look attractive Indian Ocean. Fans of kite and sailing go here on vacation. There are almost always winds blowing here that are suitable for these sports. But in summer time the force of the wind subsides a little, making the rest more comfortable. And if you find a cozy bay, even a beginner can master the art of sailing.

There are luxury hotels, gourmet restaurants, a high level of service, and an extensive excursion program. But all this, of course, is beyond the means of a person with an average income.

Where can you vacation without visas in June?

If your vacation suddenly overtakes you, and you do not have time to apply for a visa to your favorite country for vacation, you can reorient yourself to one where a visa is not required. The list of such countries is wide enough to have plenty to choose from. The weather is excellent at this time in Montenegro, but for the warm sea it is still worth going to Israel, Turkey, Cyprus, Morocco, and Egypt. From exotic countries, you will be welcomed without a prior visa in Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines. From Asian countries can choose South Korea, Macau, Hong Kong. And, of course, don’t forget about the neighboring countries - Ukraine and Belarus will always offer excellent holiday options.

Where not to go in June

In June, the weather is not the same everywhere, and in some popular resorts in the world it is very changeable. Tempted by pleasant memories of a previously spent vacation at another time of the year, you can ruin your vacation by arriving at your favorite resort at an inopportune time.

So, you should not go to Croatia at the beginning of June, unless you are a fan of cold and piercing winds. If you can’t wait to come to the local coast, you should postpone your trip until the end of the month and take some warm clothes with you for evening walks by the sea.

Also, pleasant weather sets in only towards the end of the month in Bulgarian resorts. Until then it stays here overcast, periodic rains. The only joy is the low prices for tours.

The warm air temperature in Portugal in June is also very deceptive. At +27 °C, the water warms up no higher than +16 °C, so you can’t count on a luxurious beach holiday. Although, if swimming is not the main purpose of the trip for you, then a holiday in Portugal in June may be successful.

As you can see, if you have a vacation planned for June, you can always find options for any vacation: beach or skiing, with children or for shopping. Even if you have a very limited budget, you can find Amazing places, Where time will pass with maximum positive emotions. At any time of the year, you can find a geographical location that will meet your requirements for a pleasant holiday.


June – beginning of summer. And as soon as the calendar shows us the first number, we immediately strive for the sea. After all, summer has begun, and everything else is not important. It doesn’t matter that the sea is still cool, thunderstorms and winds are not so scary, and even high prices for some reason are not scary. The most important thing is the sea! And if so, then you will be interested to know where it is warmer in June on the Black Sea in Russia so that you can sunbathe and swim. Let's look at the resorts and make the right and informed choice so as not to regret it.

There are many large cities and small resorts on the Black Sea coast. They are all famous and attract tourists from mid-spring. But only with the onset of summer can you swim, and not everywhere. Next, we will talk about which resorts are the most popular in June and where you will have a better and warmer holiday. And so, let's watch.

One of the hottest resorts on the Black Sea in June is Adler. At the same time, it is also the driest.

During the day the air temperature warms up to +25 degrees. and this is just at the beginning of the month. Towards the end of June it becomes even hotter and not lower than +29. At the same time, the nights do not warm up so quickly, and only by the end of the month they become warm at least +19. The sea is already such that people are swimming here with all their might, it is +23 degrees. And it can rain 1-2 times a month. As a rule, these are the first ten days of the month. Further only rare showers at the height of the heat. And what definitely happens here the most is the daylight hours, which lasts 14.5 hours! And this is only the time when the sun is shining. In general, it gets light at the resort at four in the morning, and it gets dark around 11 at night. So the night doesn’t last long, which is what vacationers like.

Anapa also boasts warm weather And warm sea. And the nights here from the very beginning of summer are such that you can walk under the moon as if under the sun - in just swimming trunks.

Yes, after sunset it doesn’t get cold in Anapa. The air drops to +20, and with the first rays of the sun it is again hot and up to +25. The sea is the same as in Adler, but there is more rain. All because of the heat, which contributes more thunderstorms But this is more than compensated for by the heat after the rain and warm evenings.

Arkhyz is not the best warm place in June. But the rainiest. It can rain here up to 17 times in a month! What attracts tourists here? The sea is warmed up to +23 +25.

If you are lucky with the weather and the sun is shining, the beaches will be full of vacationers. They all happily swim and bask in the warm water. But you can only swim during the day, since after sunset it becomes autumn-like cold, about +6 degrees. if you had other plans and you like moonlit walks along the sea, then Arkhyz should not be considered as a resort for your holiday in early summer.

Gelendzhik – already in June there are many tourists here who enjoy relaxing on the beach.

The temperature during the day is always above +25 degrees, and the sea is slightly lower and +23. The nights are warm, above +18, and if there is no rain, which happens here at night, then evening walks around the city and along the sea will be a real fairy tale. Total for the first summer month The resort receives more than 78 millimeters of precipitation. This is normal for Gelendzhik, and experienced tourists They take it calmly.

Not far from Sochi there is a resort - Lazarevskoye. Here during the day it’s +25, and the sea is up to +23 degrees.

Rains may occur at the beginning of the month, and they are quite heavy. Up to 20 millimeters of precipitation may fall per day. In general, more than 50 millimeters of rain is recorded per month. It is convenient to relax at this resort because Sochi is nearby. And in cases bad weather you can go to the city, visit the Olympic venues and see the sights of the famous resort.

Up to +28 in Novorossiysk, and daylight hours are more than 13.5 hours. At the same time, the sea also does not lag behind, warming up to +24 degrees.

There is also a lot of rain here due to the heat. Therefore, be sure to take an umbrella with you. During the month there are 7-9 showers during the day, and precipitation falls at least 80 millimeters. There are many in the city beautiful places, which are worth visiting. It’s better to live in the private sector near the seashore. It's cheaper and more beautiful.

Since we mentioned Lazarevskoye, it’s worth talking about Sochi, where it’s also +25 and the warm sea.

But unlike its neighbor, vacationing in Sochi is initially more expensive. There is almost no private sector here, everything was removed for the Olympics. In the city you can only stay in hotels and inns, which are a little more expensive, but more comfortable. Plus, you are already in Sochi and can visit sports facilities, excursions and amusement parks any day.

So we got to Tuapse, where the sun shines so brightly that without sunglasses You shouldn't go outside.

In June the sun is still high and warms up to +26. But by the end of the month at lunchtime it seems very close to the ground, and the temperature rises to +30. The sea at the beginning of summer is +23, and closer to the beginning of July it warms up to +26. There are not many rainy days, and there may be only 2-3 days when it rains. Daylight hours last 14.5 hours, which is great. You can relax on the beach in the evenings until midnight, and it will be light.

These are the main resorts of the Black Sea, where it is warm and sunny in June. Choose any one to your liking. As you can see, there are no ideal ones, where it’s hot there’s downpours, where there’s no rain it’s cool. Therefore, a vacation in June is a lottery, but it’s still bright and healthy!

When does it end academic year In schools and universities, when the holiday season begins, a completely reasonable question arises - where to go in June 2019. Let's see where to relax in Russia at the very beginning of summer, when the days are so long and the nights are so moonlit.

Krasnodar region

First on our list is a classic of the genre - Black Sea coast. There is no holiday in June without the Black Sea, just as there is no New Year without Olivier salad. However, we will tell you about New Year’s destinations later, but for now it’s time to book accommodation near the shore in Sochi. Or with the Olympic Park in Adler. Or near the beaches of Anapa and Gelendzhik, where there is also a lot of sun and joy at the start of the summer season.

Where to stay:


We continue to move along the Black Sea and find Crimea, because such beauty is hard not to find. And not only is the peninsula beautiful, there are also many accommodation options along almost the entire coast. You can live in guest house, mini-hotel, apartment or separate room in the private sector - for reasonable money, of course.

Holidays on the eastern coast of Crimea are concentrated around the pebble and sandy beaches of Sudak and Feodosia. If you want a historical spirit, you can go to the Genoese fortress. In the south of Crimea there are the top resorts of the peninsula: Yalta, Alupka, Gaspra. Somewhere nearby is Sevastopol. And in the west, Evpatoria awaits you, which not only you, but also your children will like.

Sea of ​​Azov

Thanks to the successes of Russian commanders, we have not only the Black Sea, but also the Azov Sea, where it may even be more profitable to go in June. At the beginning of summer, it becomes very warm on the coast (usually no lower than 26 degrees during the day), and there are not many tourists, so it’s a little easier to find a place in the sun.

The Sea of ​​Azov, so to speak, rests on two whales - Yeisk and Taganrog. And if in the first you can enjoy a variety of sandy and pebble beaches, then in the second your vacation will not be limited to sand and water: you can visit historical places, associated with Peter I and Anton Chekhov.

Baltic Sea

The Baltic resorts continue the theme of Peter I. And even though he built a fleet here, there is a high probability that he also planned holiday resorts in June - after all, he is a large-scale personality and thinks big. In general, there are excellent resorts in the Baltic Sea - Svetlogorsk and Zelenogradsk - not so popular, but that makes them not so busy.

You can admire the local green streets, walk along the shore, breathe in the amazingly clean Baltic air and even sometimes find pieces of amber right on the beach. Not to say that you can build an amber business on this, but vacation experiences are definitely guaranteed.

Where to relax:

Saint Petersburg

It was only during the time of Nekrasov that women were beaten on Sennaya in St. Petersburg - now there are fountains here. The most beautiful of them, of course, are in Peterhof. Other St. Petersburg suburbs, for example, Pushkin and Gatchina, also delight the eye with their parks, palaces and sculptures.

Directly in the city on the Neva, everything is also of the highest standard. Nevsky Prospekt pleases with its liveliness, St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals with majesty, the Hermitage with diversity, and Klodt's horses - you know what.


If you want to change curbs to curbs, and front doors to entrances, you can go to the Mother See. Here you will find the Moscow River with its river buses, museums with them, as well as an incredible amount of other entertainment - however, you already know everything.

Inexpensive housing in Moscow:


The capital of Tatarstan is one of the best cities to visit in June 2018. The city is hosting the World Cup, and these will be unique days in which Tatar culture will seamlessly merge with many other world traditions. After all, where else can you see Germans feasting on echpochmak and Spaniards enjoying whitefish?

There will also be more familiar sights and entertainment. You can always walk around the center of Kazan, appreciate the Syuyumbike Tower, the Kul-Sharif Mosque and other wonders of the local white-stone Kremlin, wander along Bauman Street, meet colorful personalities there and buy no less colorful national souvenirs.


The Belarusian capital has a special energy and curiously combines European heritage with Soviet heritage. It’s interesting to see, especially in June, when the city’s gardens and parks bloom.

Entertainment in Minsk - after all main city countries. The key city street is Independence Avenue. In particular, the Red Church is located here, a neo-Gothic temple that has become perhaps the main symbol of Minsk. We will also highlight the unusual Minsk City Hall. If you want romance, you can take a bike ride along the Svisloch River.

Tourism experts not only told us where the best places to go on vacation with children in June are, but also shared their life hacks on how to make this vacation a safe and complete experience.

We have selected for you the 10 most suitable destinations for holidays with children in June - both in Russia and abroad - and described each of them in detail:

Russia: sea holidays

For those who do not want to go abroad, but prefer sea ​​holiday, Olga Anisko, sales director of Level.Travel service(sale of tours online by more than 20 leading tour operators in Russia) tells what those planning such a trip should remember.

Krasnodar region. It’s better to go here to relax with your child at the seaside in Russia - there is excellent infrastructure and many recreation areas. However, remember that in the Greater Sochi area there are pebble beaches and there are always a lot of people.

This is why it is recommended to travel with children to Anapa or Azov. In these places sandy beaches and a gentle entrance to the sea - you can walk 200-300 meters, and the water will always be knee-deep. Adults may find this type of swimming boring, but it is safe for children.

It was at these resorts that children's holiday camps were located. Moreover, the shallow sea warms up well, and it’s quite possible to go there with children over one year old.

The infrastructure there is quite suitable for recreation for the youngest children, but at the same time, older children may not find such resorts as interesting as in Greater Sochi, where there is all sorts of entertainment.

That's why with children over 8 years old I recommend considering a holiday in Gelendzhik and the Imereti Lowland. The entire infrastructure there is completely new - there is Sochi Park with a scary roller coaster, and there is a rental of bicycles, scooters, skateboards, and Segways on the embankment.

In general, there are water parks, dolphinariums and attractions at almost every resort Krasnodar region. For example, there are two water parks in Lazarevskoye.

Advice. Many people make the mistake of overpaying for visiting water parks if they buy tickets on the street. I recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the promotional offers at the hotel reception. Many water parks cooperate with hotels and offer good discounts, almost half the price than on the street.

Crimea. You can go on vacation with your child to the sea in Russia and to Crimea. But not everything is good here with the infrastructure, and people who are going to go there on vacation with small children should be aware of this.

You will find yourself in a dilapidated atmosphere Soviet Union. However, there are good sandy beaches on the peninsula - for example, in Feodosia or Yevpatoria, where it is recommended to go with small children.

In Evpatoria, as in Anapa, the sea is very shallow. In this place in Soviet time There were also children's health centers. Nearby there is a salt lake, thanks to which a special microclimate is created at the resort, allowing treat asthmatic children.

And in Yevpatoria there are entertainments for children, but there are very few of them compared to, say, Sochi. Feodosia also has sandy beaches, but there is even less entertainment for children there than in Evpatoria, but in Feodosia it will still be more interesting for the parents themselves.

In general, we need to take into account that in Crimea there is no new infrastructure of the level to which we are accustomed. If, for example, there is an attraction, then it has been standing since Soviet times, and for me, for example, its safety is in question. There are very few good accommodation facilities - there are not even five hotels of a decent level on the entire peninsula.

Advice. The main recommendation is to choose a hotel responsibly. You don’t have to rely on anyone’s opinion, even if a professional agent recommends a place to you. You need to understand that inexpensive accommodation facilities in Russia are not the most high level, and many of them are downright bad. And with small children in such conditions it will be uncomfortable. You need to view all the information about the hotel, read all the reviews, study the area where it is located. In some cases, it is better to call the hotel and find out what the menu is in the restaurant, whether they can provide a crib, etc. And only after that make a reservation.