The death of those who are too early to die is always sad and unfair. The actors and singers who are waiting for you in the continuation of the article were the favorites of millions and the breakers of women's and men's hearts, but fate decreed that they died too early.
Some died in a car accident, others under absolutely ridiculous circumstances, and others were killed by drugs and disease.

Zhanna Friske

July 8, 1974 - June 15, 2015
Two years of struggle with an inoperable brain tumor, support from friends, colleagues and fans, hope for a miracle - everything ended in June 2015, when the singer, young mother and wife Zhanna Friske died without regaining consciousness.

Michael Jackson

August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009

Just like his life, the death of the King of Pop was shrouded in speculation and intrigue. The investigation into the death of the artist was carried out by the police and the Drug Enforcement Administration. The case lasted two years, and in November 2011, Jackson’s personal physician Conrad Murray was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter: the cardiologist injected the artist with too large a dose of the powerful anesthetic propofol. The doctor was sentenced to 4 years in prison, but was released early in 2013.

Gennady Bachinsky

September 1, 1971 - January 12, 2008

The famous Maximum radio presenter died in a car accident. Gennady Bachinsky, having decided to overtake the truck, began to overtake in the oncoming lane, prohibited by the rules, as a result of which he collided with a minibus in which there were three people who were seriously injured as a result of the collision. Gennady died on the spot from his injuries. He is survived by his wife and two children.

Whitney Houston

August 9, 1963 - February 11, 2012

On the eve of the 54th Grammy ceremony, the singer was found unconscious in her room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills. The cause of death was the use of a cocktail of cocaine, marijuana and a sedative, as a result of which Whitney’s heart gave out and she drowned unconscious in the bathroom.

Roman Trakhtenberg

September 28, 1968 - November 20, 2009

TV presenter and showman Roman Trakhtenberg died at the age of 42 from a heart attack that began while broadcast on Mayak radio. According to the conclusion of forensic experts, the cause could have been a discovered cardiac anomaly. Roman Trachtenberg is survived by his young wife and two sons.

Paul Walker

September 12, 1973 - November 30, 2013

Ironically, actor Paul Walker, racer and star of the Fast and the Furious car franchise, died in a car accident along with his friend Roger Rodas, who lost control of the Porsche.

Mikhail Gorshenev

August 7, 1973 - July 19, 2013

The heart of the leader of the punk band “The King and the Jester” could not stand it: the artist abused alcohol and morphine.

Heath Ledger

April 4, 1979 - January 22, 2008

Undoubtedly, Ledger was a fairly popular actor even before The Dark Knight. “10 Things I Hate About You”, “A Knight’s Tale” and other films made it clear that Hit is an extraordinary talent, and the scandalous “Brokeback Mountain” also emphasized his courage and uncompromisingness, fearlessness in front of any forbidden topics. But the young Australian showed his true class by reincarnating as the Joker - an ominous psychopathic killer, whose image has since taken pride of place on numerous Internet demotivators. And soon after the premiere, Ledger was found dead from an overdose of sleeping pills in his New York apartment. The actor was 28 years old.

Murat Nasyrov

December 13, 1969 - January 19, 2007

Singer Murat Nasyrov fell from a 5th floor balcony. The causes of the incident remained unknown. Journalists wrote repeatedly that Nasyrov used drugs, but an autopsy of the body revealed no traces of either drugs or alcohol. According to the official version, it was suicide in a state of depression: this version was confirmed by Murat’s daughter, who witnessed the incident.

Philip Seymour Hoffman

July 23, 1967 - February 2, 2014

Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman struggled with heroin addiction for many years. He suffered from the habit when he was still student years, but was able to overcome himself and did not use any drugs for 20 years. In 2012, celebrity circles began to say that Hoffman had returned to addiction again, experiencing a tense relationship with his wife Marianne O’Donnell.

Vladimir Turchinsky

September 28, 1963 - December 16, 2009

The famous athlete and TV presenter died at the age of 47 from a heart attack. About three weeks before his death, Turchinsky went to the naval hospital complaining of chest pain.

Robin Williams

July 21, 1951 - August 11, 2014

For many years, the actor suffered from severe depression. He struggled with other demons as well, as he was addicted to drugs and alcohol back in the late 1970s. Robin Williams' death was a terrible blow. close friend actor John Belushi in March 1982. Belushi died of an overdose, and Robin himself never touched the drugs after that. It was much more difficult to overcome the passion for alcohol. The period of abstinence lasted as much as 20 years, but several months before his suicide, Williams began drinking again due to depression, presumably caused by developing Parkinson's disease. In August last year, the actor hanged himself.

Sergei Bodrov Jr.

December 27, 1971 - September 20, 2002

There is probably no need to tell you what the “Brother” duology became for the Russian audience. Bodrov became the undisputed idol of youth, the hero of the generation, the symbol of the 90s. Many new interesting roles were expected from the performer of the role of the “people's avenger” Danila Bagrov, who eclipsed all his peers for five years, but he was in a hurry to realize himself as a director. In 2002, Sergei went to the Caucasus to film his second film “Svyaznoy” and died along with the entire film crew in an avalanche in the Karmadon Gorge. Bodrov Jr. was 30 years old.

Amy Winehouse

September 14, 1983 - July 23, 2011

The legendary Amy joined the infamous Club 27 four years ago. The singer, who lived on the edge, died because of alcohol poisoning: her blood alcohol level exceeded the limit permissible concentration five times.

Vladislav Galkin

December 25, 1971 - February 25, 2010

The star of the “Saboteur” franchise died at the age of 38 from cardiac arrest. The doctors who performed the autopsy made a clear conclusion: Galkin’s body was worn out due to nervous exhaustion and alcohol abuse.

Brittany Murphy

November 10, 1977 - December 20, 2009

The 32-year-old actress suffered cardiac arrest. The cause of the tragedy was a severe form of pneumonia - acute pneumonia, complicated by an overdose of drugs.

Andrei Panin

May 28, 1962 - March 6, 2013

Forensic experts who examined the body of the deceased actor had speculation about Panin’s murder. A criminal case was opened into the death of the artist, which, however, was closed at the beginning of this year for lack of evidence of a crime. The cause of Panin's death still remains a mystery.

Batyrkhan Shukenov

May 18, 1962 - April 28, 2015

The founder and ex-soloist of the group "A" Studio died of a heart attack and was buried in his homeland in Kazakhstan.

No matter how bad an example these rockers set, they will still remain forever in our hearts.

No. 10. Yura Khoy

Leader of the Gaza Strip group. As a self-respecting outcast, he died of cirrhosis of the liver (according to the most official version, of a heart attack). Did he know that eleven years later his bandmate would also give his soul into the clutches of the green serpent?

Video fragment of one of the concerts in the Gaza Strip. Song - “In the evening on a bench.”

Attention: profanity

No. 9. Vadim Glukhov

Guitarist of the band Gaza Strip. All Soviet boys picked out his guitar parts by ear, learning simple tunes with no less in simple words. Now we will have to be content with what remains in the recording - Vadim will not play anything else: on January 18, 2011, he drank 8 bottles of Corvalol and joined the clan of the late rockers, poisoning himself with the ethyl alcohol contained in the medicine. Here are the lyrics:

No. 8. Victor Tsoi

Leader of the Kino group. Thanks to him, August 15 is considered a black day for all “Soviet youth”: it was on that fateful morning that the artist’s Muscovite encountered the ill-fated Ikarus near Riga. It is still believed that Tsoi fell asleep at the wheel.

No. 7. Igor Talkov

Until now, music historians cannot decide: who fired the fatal shot into the rock singer’s heart - Aziza’s bodyguard Malakhov, or Talkov’s administrator Valery Shlyafman? The only 100% fact is that Igor is no more.

No. 6. Jim Morrison

Leader of The Doors. There are still many options for his death: a heroin overdose in the Parisian Rock-n-Roll Circus club, an ordinary suicide, a staged suicide by the FBI, which is actively fighting members of the hippie movement, and so on. No one knows the truth except Morrison's friend Pamela. But - bad luck - the girl died three years later from an overdose, without telling anyone anything.

No. 5. Jimi Hendrix

The greatest guitarist partly refutes the canons of rocker death: he is one of the few who actually died in bed. In bed with a lady, choking on vomit after taking 9 sleeping pills. In an apartment filled with drugs - it was because of them that Jimmy’s girlfriend was afraid to call an ambulance, leaving the musician to die.

No. 4. Sid Vicious

Bassist of the famous punk band Sex Pistols, Once again After leaving prison, he took some heroin. Yes, the thing is that the drug was not 5 percent, as usual, but practically undiluted (80 percent). So, with a smile of peace, another rock and roller left.

No. 3. John Lennon

Vocalist The Beatles. One of the few musicians who did not think about suicide. In any case, four out of five bullets from Mark Chapman prevented the world from knowing whether the greatest Beatle had such thoughts.

No. 2. Janis Joplin

The famous singer died from an overdose of heroin mixed with alcohol. It’s interesting that just before this, Janice was working on an audio congratulation for John Lennon’s birthday: the cassette with the recording was found near her after his death. I congratulated you, I congratulated you!

No. 1. Kurt Cobain

In this post I will tell you about the most mysterious deaths Russian celebrities who died under strange and inexplicable circumstances. I advise you to read it; further you will learn a lot of interesting information.

Vasily Shukshin

His last year of life was very successful... Sergei Bondarchuk offered Shukshin the role of Lopakhin in the film “They Fought for the Motherland.” Filming began in August 1974 on the Don. By the beginning of October, Shukshin had almost completely completed the role; he only had to star in the last episode. On October 4 he was supposed to return to Moscow...

On October 1, Shukshin felt well. He called home from the post office in Moscow, went to the bathhouse, and watched the USSR-Canada hockey match on TV until late at night with everyone else. At the end of it they separated. At about nine in the morning Burkov went out into the corridor with the intention of waking up Shukshin. He recalls: “I knocked on Shukshin’s door. The door was not locked. But I didn’t go in. I was scared of something. I called out to him. It was time for him to get up for filming. He didn’t answer. Well, I think, let him sleep...”
From Burkov’s recollections: “I walked down the corridor and ran into Gubenko. “Nikolai,” I asked, “look at Vasya, he’s going to be filming soon, but for some reason he’s not getting up.” He came in. He started shaking him by the shoulder, the hand seemed lifeless, he touched the pulse, but there was none. Shukshin died in his sleep. “From heart failure,” the doctors said."

There is a version that on that fateful night a murder occurred on the ship “Danube”. After all, Vasily Makarovich never complained about his heart. Before filming, Shukshin underwent examination at the “Kremlin hospital”. According to the testimony of some members of the film crew, a day or two before the actor’s death, a certain man appeared on the set where the film “They Fought for the Motherland” was filmed. stranger. And no one knew where he came from and for what purpose he hung around there. And he disappeared immediately after the death of Vasily Makarovich.

Zoya Fedorova

On December 11, 1981, 71-year-old actress Zoya Fedorova was shot in the back of the head in her three-room apartment No. 243, building 4/2 on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The murder has still not been solved. Among his possible motives are the actress’s alleged involvement in secret KGB operations (there were rumors about the KGB’s involvement in the murder) and her connection with the so-called “diamond mafia,” which consisted mainly of relatives of high-ranking Soviet officials and was engaged in the purchase and resale of jewelry and antiques.

Victor Tsoi

On August 15, 1990, at 12:15 p.m., on the 35th km of the Soka-Talsi highway (Latvia), a dark blue Moskvich-2141 car collided with an Ikarus-280 regular bus. The driver of the Moskvich was the famous musician, leader of the Kino group Viktor Tsoi.

Official version: “the car was moving along the highway at a speed of at least 130 km/h, the driver Viktor Robertovich Tsoi lost control. V.R. Tsoi’s death occurred instantly...”
From the case materials:
"Ikarus-250" drifted off the road into the small river Teitupe, behind the bridge... The driver J. K. Fibiks, who works at the Tallinn branch of Latselkhoztehniki, escaped with minor bruises and fright. Before that, he took a tourist group to the airport and was returning back.
The new "Moskvich-2141" Y6832 MM was thrown 18 meters towards the bridge by a powerful blow. Only the rear bumper remained intact. Upon examination, it is noticeable that the impact on the car occurred from left to right, front to back. Apparently, the front bumper of the Ikarus went over the hood of the Moskvich straight into the cabin. The steering wheel is bent on the driver's side, the seats are knocked down, and the front panel is broken. The hood flew off, everything else was crushed."

A forensic medical examination showed that no alcohol was found in the blood of the deceased. Death occurred as a result of an accident from multiple injuries to the body. No criminal case was initiated “due to the lack of corpus delicti in the actions of the drivers.” And, therefore, forensic, investigative and other examinations were not carried out.

Mike Naumenko

In August 1991, Mike Naumenko, the leader of the Zoo group, was found dead in his room in a communal apartment on Razyezzhaya Street: the cause of his death was a fracture of the base of the skull. Doctors determined that death occurred on August 27, 1991 from a cerebral hemorrhage.
The circumstances of his death remain largely mysterious. As rock journalist N. Kharitonov wrote: “With Tsoi, at least, everything was clear - if not in essence, then in form - how it all happened. Mike... simply disappeared, leaving no traces.”

The drummer of the Zoo group, Valery Kirilov, expressed a different point of view: according to him, Mike Naumenko really died from a cerebral hemorrhage, but it did not occur due to natural causes, but due to a fracture of the base of the skull as a result of a brutal blow dealt to him in the yard in time of robbery. This is evidenced by the loss of Mike Naumenko’s personal belongings.
There is also testimony from one teenager who allegedly saw Mike being lifted from the ground in the yard. After the attack, Mike did not die on the spot, but managed to go to his home, but there he completely weakened and lay unconscious for a long time, unnoticed by anyone in the communal apartment. When his loved ones finally found him and called an ambulance, it was already too late.
Alexey Rybin, producer of the album of songs by Mike Naumenko “Park of the MIKE period,” had his own version: “Alcohol is to blame, of course. The night before his death, Vasin drank heavily. Mike was bad, in a very serious condition, with a black face. "In this state, falling with the back of your head on the asphalt is easier than a lung. Mike received a fracture of the base of the skull - a typical alcoholic death, when a person in a deep intoxication falls on his back."

Igor Talkov

Igor Talkov was killed on October 6, 1991. It all happened in the St. Petersburg Yubileiny Sports Palace: the singer was shot right outside the dressing room as a result of a brawl with his concert director Valery Shlyafman and Igor Malakhov. The second possible suspect in the singer’s murder, Shlyafman, now lives in Israel. The criminal investigation into Talkov’s death was suspended several years ago, but was not closed.

During the investigation into Talkov's murder, his administrator Valery Shlyafman became one of the main suspects along with Aziza's bodyguard Igor Malakhov, who started the shootout on October 6, 1991. After a series of examinations, the investigation came to the conclusion that the last, fatal shot was fired from Shlyafman’s pistol.
The funeral of the legendary musician, who died at the peak of his fame, was crowded. The burial site is to this day a place of pilgrimage for connoisseurs of his work, and much mystical is associated with the grave itself, as with Talkov’s life.

Igor Sorin

According to the official version, Igor Sorin, the ex-soloist of the group "Ivanushki-International", jumped from the sixth floor balcony of the Cosmos studio. At 7.10 am Igor was taken to the 71st city hospital. Doctors found a fracture of the first and fifth cervical vertebrae, bruised kidneys, complete paralysis of the lower body, and partial paralysis of the arms. The decision was made to operate. The operation was successful, but the artist’s heart could not stand it, and on September 4, the artist died.

Meanwhile, in July 2013, Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov told in an interview with Evgeny Dodolev (Moscow-24 channel) that in fact there was a manslaughter: Igor’s neck was accidentally broken and then thrown out of the window to hide the circumstances of his death . Grigoriev-Apollonov clarified that he visited Sorin in the hospital - he was still conscious. “He had no bruises. Will you fall from the seventh floor without bruises?” continued “red-haired Ivanushka.” “Some karateka just broke his neck.” In this regard, on August 29, 2013, State Duma deputy Nadezhda Shkolkina sent a request to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yu. Chaika with a request to conduct an investigation into the circumstances of the death former soloist group "Ivanushki - International" by Igor Sorin.

Mikhail Krug

On the night of June 30 to July 1, 2002, Krug’s house in the village of Mamulino (Tver microdistrict) was attacked. In addition to the singer, there were four more people in the house - his wife, mother-in-law and children. The door of the three-story house was open.
Two unknown intruders entered the third floor of the house approximately between 23:00 and 0:15, where they found Krug's mother-in-law and attacked her, causing her bodily harm. Mikhail Krug and his wife Irina came running to the woman’s screams. The criminals opened fire with pistols. Irina managed to hide with her neighbors, and Mikhail received two severe gunshot wounds, after which he lost consciousness for a while. The criminals fled the crime scene. Having come to his senses, Krug managed to get to the house of neighbor Vadim Rusakov, where his wife was hiding. Rusakov took him to Tver City Hospital No. 6. Meanwhile, the called police arrived and “ ambulance", who discovered his wounded mother-in-law in Krug's house. The children of the Circle were not harmed, as they were sleeping when the crime was committed. Mikhail Krug himself, despite the efforts of doctors, died on the morning of July 1.

The farewell funeral service took place on July 3 at 10 a.m. at the Tver Drama Theater. The funeral was attended by Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Alexander Semchev, Efrem Amiramov, Katya Ogonyok, the Zhemchuzhny brothers, Vika Tsyganova, many leaders of the Tver region, including its governor, Vladimir Platov. Funeral procession of cars stretched for several kilometers. After the funeral service in the Resurrection Cathedral in Tver, Krug was buried in the Dmitrovo-Cherkassky cemetery.
Various versions of the murder were built. For example, producer Vadim Tsyganov suggested that this could be an attempted robbery. Shortly before the murder, Krug recorded an album under the working title “Tverichanka” (later released under the name “Confession”), for which he was supposed to receive a fee any day. This version was rejected by those who believed that Krug was sincerely respected in criminal circles, but it was this version that was the most popular at the beginning of the investigation. According to another version, Krug became the victim of a planned, and possibly contracted, murder.

Murat Nasyrov

According to the official version, Murat Nasyrov committed suicide. The prosecutor's office completed the investigation into the singer's death and, having found no evidence confirming the violent nature of his death, closed the case. On January 19, 2007, the singer jumped from the fifth floor, wearing a camera around his neck and clutching his own portrait to his chest.

The singer’s relatives stated: “For us, Murat’s death is still a mystery. But we know for sure: he definitely did not intend to die. But they could have pushed him to this!...
“Murat could have been poisoned,” says the singer’s brother. - This is our family's assumption. Three hours before the incident, he was sitting in a group, everyone was drinking a cocktail. Murat also drank. Then he left, and the girl Kristina from the company felt bad after the cocktail, she doesn’t even remember what happened to her next... And Murat came home...
From his brother’s story: “They show that Murat called Baglan Sadvakasov’s close friend from home: “Zhanna, everything is fine.” Do you know that he called from Natasha’s cell phone (the singer’s wife - approx.), which was at home? And Natasha herself was not at home When those events happened to Murat that he allegedly had an attack and wanted to commit suicide, they said that his daughter allegedly sent a message to her mother on her cell phone, but it turns out that she had a cell phone at home!”
“He was going to go somewhere. What happened, why did he dress so nicely? And then, where is that camera they are all talking about?.. And then the fact itself: who saw that Murat fell from the window? The real reason hard to find out. Murat took everything with him. But I am convinced: there was no suicide or accident."

Roman Trakhtenberg

The death of the famous showman, successful television and radio host Roman Trakhtenberg struck all his colleagues, close friends and the public. Roman Trakhtenberg was 41 years old, he said about himself that he had never been sick. On November 20, 2009, during a live broadcast of the “Trakhty-Bakhty” program on Mayak, he suddenly became ill. His co-host Lena Batinova recalls: “When some song was on air, Roma said: “Batinova, I feel bad...” I took him to the window so that he could breathe fresh air. The editors called an ambulance, but it never managed to take Roma to the hospital.”
According to the official conclusion of specialists, Trachtenberg died due to acute cardiovascular failure and coronary heart disease, and he also had liver problems. Experts explained that the causes of death were obvious: Trachtenberg had a weak heart. An average dose of alcohol was found in Roman’s blood; there were no traces of drugs.
Before his death, Roman often spoke on air about constant dreams in which he invariably died. Literally a few hours before the tragedy in his last live he pathetically noted: “I want to die on stage...”.

Vladimir Turchinsky

Vladimir Turchinsky died on December 16, 2009 in his country house in the village of Pashukovo, Noginsk district. According to experts, Turchinsky’s death was due to acute coronary insufficiency. Upon the death of Vladimir Turchinsky, investigators checked the medical institutions where he was observed for the last six months of his life. One of the clinics that was checked first was a hospital in the Begovaya area, where Dynamite performed a blood purification procedure.
His friends said: “Volodya was supposed to stay in the clinic for 24 hours after the transfusion, but instead he immediately went home to spend the night. And the cardiac arrest began in a dream: if it had happened during the day or in the hospital, the person could still have been saved. he was mad... All because of this rejuvenation"

Vladislav Galkin

On February 27, 2010, at about 14:00, Vladislav Galkin was found dead in a Moscow apartment. The day before, the actor’s father sounded the alarm, telling a family friend that Vladislav had not been in touch for more than a day. Friends arrived at the actor’s apartment, but no one answered the doorbell. The rescue team was called and opened the apartment door at 14:07. According to varying reports, the actor’s body was found in bed, or on the floor, he was lying face down.

During the initial external examination of the body, no signs of violent death were found. An examination showed that the actor died approximately two to three days before the discovery of the body, and the cause of death was named acute heart failure with cardiac arrest. The death certificate lists the cause as “cardiomyopathy (sudden cardiac arrest).”
In the program “Man and the Law,” Vladislav Galkin’s father, actor Boris Galkin, provided facts on the basis of which one can make an assumption about deliberate murder. So, on February 19, Vladislav Galkin withdrew $136,000 from the bank, which he intended to spend on renovations in an apartment purchased after separating from his wife. According to his father, the actor kept money at home (which the alleged customers and perpetrators of the crime might have known about); in addition, SMS messages containing threats were sent to Galkin Jr.’s phone, and a few days after the visit to the bank, bruises appeared on the actor’s face.
According to Boris Galkin, abrasions and bruises were visible on the body of the already dead actor and during the initial medical examination immediately after the discovery of the corpse. The amount indicated by Galkin Sr. was not found during the search of the apartment. The father was also embarrassed by the presence of a bottle of cognac and a packet of tomato juice in the room next to the body: after Vladislav was diagnosed with pancreatitis, he stopped drinking alcohol and went on a diet. Boris Galkin’s version is also supported by a family friend, doctor Mikhail Zakharov, who suggests that the characteristic bruises and hemorrhage indicate death as a result of strangulation

Alexander Belyavsky

On September 8, 2012, in the center of Moscow, he died by jumping from the window of his apartment, National artist Alexander Belyavsky. The performer of the role of Fox in the Soviet TV series “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” died on the spot as a result of hitting the ground, law enforcement agencies reported.
According to preliminary data, the 80-year-old actor jumped out of a window on the landing between the fifth and sixth floors of a residential building. At the same time, he lived on the second floor and after suffered a stroke had difficulty moving. Eldest daughter actor Nadezhda claims that even if he could climb the stairs to the fifth floor on his own, it is unlikely that he could climb onto the windowsill. She is absolutely sure that her father’s death was a tragic accident. He could have fallen out of the window due to heart problems.

Andrei Panin

On March 7, 2013, Andrei Panin was found dead in an apartment on Balaklavsky Avenue. The cause of death was initially listed as an accident. The actor was found lying on the floor in his apartment, and experts initially believed that he fell from a height own growth and hit his head.
However, some time later, forensic experts came to the conclusion that the artist was severely beaten before his death. The actor suffered multiple fractures of the vault and base of the skull, a severe brain contusion, abrasions on his knuckles and bruises on his knees. Strange sounds and groans were also heard by neighbors who did not pay due attention to them.

“They beat me with hard, blunt objects. Wooden legs from stools and chairs. And also with bottles,” experts say. They said that in Panin’s wounds they found glass shards that got there during the blows. Panin also had at least three serious wounds on his head.
A close friend of the artist, Boris Polunin, stated that at the time Panin’s body was found, the entire apartment was covered in blood. “There was blood in all the rooms,” he said. According to him, Andrei Panin was found in the kitchen, while the balcony was closed and supported by a kitchen table and chairs.
Investigators have opened a criminal case into the death of actor Andrei Panin in Moscow. The case was initiated under Part 4, Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing grievous bodily harm resulting in the death of the victim through negligence).

In contact with

The acting profession is unreliable and risky. Today an artist can be in demand and loved by everyone, but tomorrow the trend changes, new faces appear, and everyone forgets yesterday’s idol.

If in modern times actors have the opportunity to receive large fees, invest money somewhere and thus ensure their future, but in the USSR and after its collapse this was impossible.

Soviet actor lived on a small salary, and after 1991, dozens of famous stars were thrown to the margins of life without a means of subsistence. We invite you to read about the fates of Soviet artists who died in poverty and oblivion.

Alexey Smirnov

Actor Alexey Smirnov is one of those whose name no one remembers, but whose film images remain firmly in memory. Smirnov mainly starred in episodic, character roles, but many of them are remembered by all Russian television viewers. Thus, he played the rowdy Fedya in the film “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik,” the mechanic Makarych in the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle,” as well as many others.

Smirnov could never build relationships with women; after being wounded in the war, he became infertile and therefore never married. Smirnov broke down after the death of his friend Leonid Bykov - he began to drink a lot, despite health problems. Soon he was hospitalized with coronary heart disease, but could not give up alcohol there either.

Alexey Smirnov: clown with a broken heart

He was discharged on May 7, 1979, and died on the same day. National fame did not make him happy and did not bring him friends. No one went to Smirnov’s grave for a long time - it was overgrown with grass and for 25 years no one could find it. The burial place of Alexei Smirnov was discovered not so long ago quite by accident.

Alexander Belyavsky

One of the most elegant Soviet actors acted a lot in his youth, mostly in the roles of “charming scoundrels” - just look at Fox’s role in the mini-series “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” with Vladimir Vysotsky.

Last film with the participation of Alexander Belyavsky was released in 2008, where he played a small role as the governor. It was the film “A Kiss Not for the Press” with Andrei Panin in leading role. IN last years During his life, he could not actively work - he was hampered by heart problems and the consequences of a stroke. Alexander Borisovich walked with a cane and did not feel too well. Due to lack of work and a small pension, there was not enough money to live.

Belyavsky died in 2012. The artist was found under the windows of the house where he lived - Alexander Belyavsky fell out of the window. At first it was believed that he stopped on the staircase to take a breath of air and lost his balance. However, later friends and colleagues began to say that this was a conscious act, and the reason was a miserable existence and health problems. Alexander Belyavsky was 80 years old.

Tatiana Samoilova

The star of the 60s, actress Tatyana Samoilova was considered one of the most beautiful women not only in Soviet, but also European cinema. And in 1957, the film with her participation - “The Cranes Are Flying” - received its Oscar. The actress was recognized in the West; she began to receive invitations to film in Hollywood and from European directors.

However, Goskino officials did not want to let Samoilova go to work, fearing that she would become a “defector.” IN Soviet time she had enough work in the USSR - among her paintings at that time there was, for example, “Anna Karenina”. Since the mid-70s, Tatyana Samoilova completely disappeared from the screen. They remembered her only in the early 90s - they invited her to the 43rd Cannes Film Festival as a guest of honor.

Unfortunately, this did not become a reason to return to cinema. She was offered her first role after a 25-year break only in 2000. After that, she played in only five films (for example, in “The Moscow Saga” with Olga Budina and Alexander Baluev). The actress herself said that if she lived in Hollywood, Anna Karenina alone would be enough for her to live comfortably all her life. Samoilova died alone in 2014.

Nonna Mordyukova

A truly national artist, Nonna Viktorovna Mordyukova acted a lot in both Soviet and new, “capitalist” times. She has had roles in films by Nikita Mikhalkov (“Kinfolk”), Vladimir Menshov (a striking episode in the farcical comedy “Shirley-Myrli” with Valery Garkalin), Georgy Danelia (“33”).

However, national fame and demand even in later years had little effect on quality of life. In 1999, she played her last film role - in the film “Mom” with a whole constellation of young actors. Her partners on the set in this film were Vladimir Mashkov, Evgeny Mironov and Oleg Menshikov.

In an interview, Nonna Mordyukova restrainedly complained about lack of money and a humiliating existence on a meager pension. At the end of her life, she shared a tiny, cluttered apartment with her sister in Krylatskoye in Moscow. She was sick a lot, so she couldn’t make money on filming and concerts. She said that her pension is barely enough for the basic necessities, and sometimes in the store she picks up a pineapple just to smell it. Nonna Mordyukova died in 2008 at the age of 82.

Borislav Brondukov

This actor is known for his small but well-remembered roles as Fedul from “Athos”, Inspector Lestrade from “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”, the fake captain Kolbasyev from “We are from Jazz” and many others.

Borislav Brondukov as Fedul in the film “Afonya”

Borislav Brondukov suffered his first stroke in 1984, at the age of 46. Despite the serious diagnosis, he continued to act in films and tried to lead an active lifestyle. But the first stroke was followed by three more. The illness lasted for ten years, and in the last years of his life - after 1997 - the artist did not get out of bed, could not talk, only sometimes cried from melancholy and humiliation. Life was hard.

Brondukov’s wife Ekaterina said that young strong guys with a gangster appearance periodically appeared in the house and left her some money. The couple lived in the village of Bykovnya near Kiev, where even doctors refused to go. At times there was absolutely nothing to eat, and then a familiar butcher would give Borislav Brondukov’s family bones - from which Ekaterina would cook a thin soup. The actor died in 2004, he was 66 years old.

Vladimir Ivashov

The career of Moscow actor Vladimir Ivashov began brilliantly - he starred in Grigory Chukhrai’s film “The Ballad of a Soldier” when he was still a twenty-year-old student at VGIK. The actor was nominated for the prestigious British BAFTA award, and the monument to the Soldier-Liberator in Bulgaria began to be called Alyosha in honor of his character.

After the first star role there were others - Colonel Kudasov’s adjutant in “The Crown” Russian Empire"(the song "Russian Field" after that became the artist's crowning number), Pechorin in "Hero of Our Time" (although the role was voiced by Vyacheslav Tikhonov, since Ivashov temporarily lost his voice due to illness) and others. True, it seemed that the movies were simply exploiting his appearance, and no one was interested in Ivashov’s acting range.

The song “Russian Field” performed by Vladimir Ivashov

In the early 90s, Vladimir Ivashov was not in demand in cinema; he was fired from his job - from the Film Actor Theater. To earn a living, he got a job as a laborer: he carried bricks at a construction site and kneaded concrete. In 1995 he died from an opening internal bleeding- Vladimir Ivashov had a stomach ulcer. The actor was only 55 years old.

Tamara Nosova

People's Artist of the USSR Tamara Nosova performed mainly in a comic role. She graduated from VGIK in 1950 and since then has acted a lot - although mostly in episodes. Among her famous roles are Aunt Aksal in the fairy tale “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, Donna Rosa in “Hello, I am your Aunt” with Alexander Kalyagin, Komarikha in “Wedding in Malinovka” with Mikhail Pugovkin.

Tamara Nosova worked for a long time at the Film Actor's Theater and was married three times. But all three marriages ended in divorce, and after the death of her mother in 1982, she withdrew into herself and began to lead an almost reclusive lifestyle. In 1991, she was “left” from the theater. In addition, the actress was ill: diagnosed with “chronic cardiac ischemia,” which is usually accompanied by severe depression, weakened memory and attention.

In recent years, Tamara Nosova ate at a social canteen for the homeless; her pension was not even enough to pay rent. The toilet in the artist’s apartment did not work for several years, and rats were scurrying around the house. Nosova developed a craving for pathological hoarding - she stole trash and garbage from surrounding landfills into her apartment. The actress died in 2007 after lying on the floor of her apartment for several days after a stroke.

Tatyana Peltzer

Viewers do not remember actress Tatyana Peltzer as a young woman - it seems that she appeared on movie screens immediately as a “national grandmother.” This image was exploited by both cinema and theater directors.

Tatyana Ivanovna Peltzer has dozens of roles, voiceovers for cartoons, great amount theatrical works. Among them are the television version of “The Marriage of Figaro” with Andrei Mironov in the title role, “You Never Dreamed of It” with Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, “Funeral Prayer” with Evgeny Leonov and others.

Tatyana Peltzer lived long life, including professionally: until recently she worked at the Lenkom Theater in the troupe of Mark Zakharov. Even when she began to develop senile dementia and the actress forgot words, she had roles in the theater. In 1992, she was admitted to a psychoneurological clinic and there she broke her femoral neck.

After the injury, the 88-year-old actress did not get up. She died of pneumonia in July of that year. The press wrote that Tatyana Peltzer was buried in closed coffin, since she was allegedly severely beaten in the hospital. There was no confirmation of these rumors.

Sergey Filippov

The artist Sergei Filippov was truly popular - many of the phrases that his characters uttered on the screen went to the people. Due to his specific appearance and long, awkward figure, Filippov was mainly cast in small comic roles, especially in his mature years. .

What does Masik want? Masik wants vodka

Filippov spent the last years of his life alone. Friends-actors said that after the actor’s death, the daughter of his second wife took advantage of the turmoil and took everything valuable from the apartment - antique furniture, jewelry and porcelain. At the same time, Sergei Filippov’s friend and colleague Alexander Demyanenko collected money for the funeral. Sergei Filippov was buried in April 1990.

Mikhail Kononov

Kononov began acting in films in the early sixties, but gained the greatest popularity in the 70s after the main role in the mini-series “Big Change”. There, Mikhail Kononov starred in the role of school teacher Nestor Severov, and they played with him

Kononov did not give up: he wrote a book of memoirs and tried to sell it, but publishing houses showed no interest. Due to poverty, he had to sell his Moscow apartment and settle in the near Moscow region. Two weeks before his death, he went to the hospital with pneumonia, but there was not enough money for the necessary medications. Kononov died in the summer of 2007 from thromboembolism.

Acting fame is capricious, and artists have subtle and sensitive natures. Many were crippled by the collapse Soviet Union and as a consequence - the commercialization of cinema. Artists often drowned out poverty and humiliation with alcohol. The editors of the site invite you to read about Russian stars who were ruined by alcohol.
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Who died still young, not even reaching the age of 40. We saw some of them in films and TV series more often, some less often, but all of them were very talented, and if not for death, we would have seen many more films with their participation.

Nikita Mikhailovsky (27 years old). Nikita grew up as a talented boy, from the age of six he worked as a fashion model and fashion model, and was engaged in drawing. Mikhailovsky played his first role at the age of eight in the film “Night on the 14th Parallel.”

After the release of the film “You Never Even Dreamed of...” in 1981, tenth-grader Nikita suddenly fell into incredible fame. Between 1985 and 1990, Mikhailovsky played nine more screen roles.

In 1990, the actor was diagnosed with leukemia, so very soon Nikita went to England for treatment. He needed a bone marrow transplant, and the whole world raised money for the operation.

Some of the funds for treatment famous actor sent by Boris Yeltsin, Garry Kasparov and even Margaret Thatcher, but the operation was not successful.

Shortly before his treatment, Nikita, together with his wife Ekaterina, organized an exhibition of his own artwork, the proceeds from the sales of which went to the treatment of Russian children with cancer.

Talgat Nigmatulin (35 years old). Soviet film actor, best known for the films "Pirates of the 20th Century", "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn" and "Wolf Pit".

In the early 1980s, Talgat Nigmatulin joined a sect led by pseudo-scientist Abai Borubaev, a native of the city of Frunze. The sectarians professed a doctrine called the “Fourth Way,” which was a mixture of Zen Buddhism and esotericism.

At the beginning of February 1985, a split occurred in the “school” of Mirza and Abai. Abai decided to invite Nigmatulin to his place so that he could “extort” money from the recalcitrant, but Talgat refused to participate in the racketeering, for which he paid with his life.

On the night of February 10-11, 1985, in the center of Vilnius, five “healers” with particular cruelty beat and kicked an actor who did not resist until by noon on February 11, 1985, death occurred from injuries incompatible with life. internal organs

Yan Puzyrevsky (25 years old). He played his first film role at the age of 10, and by the age of 20 he had taken part in the filming of fifteen films, including “The Mystery.” Snow Queen”, where he played the role of Kai.

Ian's successes at work contrasted with his troubles at work. family life. The actor got married at the age of 18, but the marriage was unsuccessful, and the couple decided to divorce.

On April 3, 1996, Puzyrevsky came to his wife’s apartment to see their one-and-a-half-year-old son Istvan, after which he picked him up and jumped out of the 12th floor window with him. The child remained alive, but Ian himself fell to his death. He was buried on Vagankovskoe cemetery.

Igor Nefedov (33 years old). He began acting in films as a third-year student. The debut was Nikita Mikhalkov's film "Five Evenings". He played a prominent role in the film "Accident - the Cop's Daughter."

Until 1988, he was popular and starred with famous directors. But then they stopped inviting Igor. The actor started drinking, started skipping rehearsals, and was eventually fired from Tabakerka.

On the morning of December 2, 1993, after another quarrel with his wife, he hanged himself. He was buried at the Kotlyakovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Alexey Fomkin (26 years old). Alexey starred several times in the popular children's humorous film magazine "Yeralash", where director Pavel Arsenov noticed him and offered him the main role in feature film"Guest from the future", which became his finest hour.

Continue acting career Alexey did not want to, went to serve in the army, after which he nevertheless went to work at the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky, but three months later he was fired for systematic absenteeism. He went to work at a construction site as a painter, but soon quit and went to live in the village.

On February 22, 1996, Alexey and his wife were invited by friends to celebrate the Day Soviet army. On the night of February 23-24, 1996, the apartment suddenly caught fire, everyone except Alexei managed to escape. He is buried near Vladimir, at the Ulybyshevo city cemetery.

Sergei Shevkunenko (35 years old). The actor's most famous role is Misha in the film "Dirk". At the age of 17, he went to prison for the first time for a fight. After that he went down the criminal path.

He was killed in his apartment along with his mother. The crime was not solved, but it is associated with the actor’s criminal past.

Sergei Tikhonov (21 years old). Soviet young actor, leading actor in films of the 1960s, among which the most famous roles are the leader of the Redskins and Malchish the Bad Boy.

After filming the film "Dubravka" he tried to enter VGIK, but was not accepted. Served in the Soviet Army. After demobilization, he became a regular at the hippodrome. Sergei, due to his fame and sociability, very quickly became his own person there.

But this did not last long. A conflict arose that cost him his life. Late in the evening of April 21, 1972, not far from the hippodrome, he was pushed under a passing tram. Sergei died before the ambulance arrived.

Dmitry Egorov (32 years old). The son of actress Natalya Kustinskaya, who is best known for the film “Scarecrow”, in which he played Dima Somov. His parents were against him going into the acting profession. The boy obeyed.

At school he was an excellent student, he knew very well English language, graduated from the Faculty of Economics of MGIMO and never returned to show business.

On October 20, 2002, Dmitry Egorov went out for a walk and did not return. The mother received a call from the police and was told that he had died. The death certificate says it was from “heart failure,” but, according to some sources, Egorov’s temple was pierced.

Mikhail Epifantsev (30 years old). He made his film debut at the age of seven in the film “We Are Together, Mom,” then, at the age of 9, in the legendary television series “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” he played the role of a boy - an accidental witness to a store robbery.

Without entering the theater school, he got a job as an optics salesman in a store. His personal life did not work out: his wife left with their child, who had cerebral palsy. Epifantsev later learned that his son lived in an orphanage. The father took the boy, but could not cope with the onset of depression and began to drink. In 1998, his heart stopped.

Irina Metlitskaya (35 years old). Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, memorable role class teacher in the film “Doll”, as well as theatrical works.

The actress died of leukemia on June 5, 1997. Buried at Troekurovskoye Cemetery in Moscow.

Maria Zubareva (31 years old). She worked at the Moscow Theater named after. Pushkin. She became widely known after her work in the film “Face” and the main role in the first Russian TV series “Little Things in Life”.

However, the discovery of cancer did not allow him to continue working in the series.

Evgeny Dvorzhetsky (39 years old). He is known to viewers primarily for his role as Edmond Dantes in the film “The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If.”

Since 1999, he has been the host of the “Seven Troubles - One Answer” program on ORT. In 1999, he hosted the game show “Understand Me” on the NTV channel. He also hosted the programs “Golden Ball” on REN TV, “Endless Journey” on RTR, “About Photo” on the TV channel “Culture”.

On the morning of December 1, 1999, Dvorzhetsky drove his VAZ-2109 car for a consultation at the Institute of Immunology: doctors suspected he had asthma, but the diagnosis was not confirmed. On way back the actor died when his car collided with a truck. He was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Vladimir Smirnov (about 40 years old). He played the role of Kolya Bazin in Karen Shakhnazarov's film "Courier".

According to one version, the actor died in a car accident; according to another, Fyodor was killed in line for beer and beaten by the police.

Oleg Dal (39 years old). An extremely famous Soviet theater and film actor. Author of poems and theatrical productions.

In 1980, the actor had a conflict with the management of the Mosfilm studio, which Dahl experienced very hard. Friends and colleagues commented that Oleg looked like recent months life was very bad, I was in a state of nervous and physical exhaustion.

The actor abused alcohol and took measures to overcome his predisposition to alcohol. According to Oleg Ivanovich’s widow, Elizaveta, he had poor health and a bad heart. Despite this, he worked “exhaustively” and often clashed with directors.

Oleg Dal died on March 3, 1981 in a hotel room, during a creative business trip in Kyiv. According to the popular version, heart attack was provoked by the consumption of alcohol, which was contraindicated for the patient, “wired up” with an anti-alcohol capsule. The actor's widow denies this information.

Yuri Kamorny (37 years old). Soviet theater and film actor who starred in more than 30 films.

At noon on November 27, 1981, Kamorny’s neighbors in a communal apartment suddenly heard heart-rending female screams coming from his room. The actor’s face was distorted, his lips whispered: “...they will kill you... you shouldn’t go out... I’d rather kill you myself...” Deciding that the actor had fallen into delirium tremens, the neighbors immediately called a doctor by phone -narcologist.

When the doctor and the police arrived at the scene, Kamorny continued to go on a rampage and, waving daggers, did not let anyone near him. The police decided not to risk it and used weapons.

The actor was killed by a police officer in his own room in a communal apartment on November 27, 1981 under unclear circumstances. As the examination later established, the deceased did not have a single gram of alcohol in his blood. They did not find any changes in his brain.

Elena Mayorova (39 years old). The actress died under tragic circumstances on August 23, 1997; the official version was an accident, although some talk about suicide.

Accidentally or intentionally, she set fire to her dress while on the staircase at the entrance of her house, and, having reached the service entrance of the Mossovet Theater, which was located in the courtyard of her house, she lost consciousness.

When Mayorova was taken by ambulance to the Sklifosofsky Institute, she was still alive. But 85 percent of her body was covered in severe burns. A few hours later, the actress died in intensive care. She was conscious all this time. It is unknown whether the actress's death was the result of suicide or an accident.

Alexey Zavyalov (36 years old). Theater actor and main character from the series "Cop Wars".

Alexey had an accident while jumping with a parachute. The injuries were serious and he died in hospital on August 7, 2011.

Vladislav Galkin (38 years old). The Soviet and Russian theater and film actor has been acting in films since childhood. Known to viewers from many films and TV series.

Vladislav was found dead in his own apartment. According to varying reports, the actor’s body was found in bed, or on the floor, he was lying face down. During the initial external examination of the body, no signs of violent death were found.

An examination showed that the actor died approximately two to three days before the discovery of the body, and the cause of death was named acute heart failure with cardiac arrest.

The father of the late actor Vladislav Galkin, director and producer Boris Galkin, revealed the strange details of his son’s death. In particular, he stated in the Channel One program “Man and the Law” that Vlad could have been killed because of money.

Sergei Bodrov Jr. (30 years old). Russian actor and director, son of director Sergei Bodrov Sr. He was married and raised two children. Sergei managed to play in only 14 films, the most successful of which were “Brother”, “Brother-2” and “Bear Kiss”

As a director, he managed to shoot the film “Sisters”, although he began filming “Svyaznoy” in July 2002; in September the film crew flew to the Caucasus

The actor died on September 20, 2002 in the Karmadon Gorge, where one of the scenes of the film was to be filmed.

According to the official version, Sergei Bodrov Jr. and the entire film crew died as a result of a rock collapse. Rescue work lasted about a month.

Daniil Pevtsov (22 years old). Son of actor Dmitry Pevtsov. A year after graduating from school, Daniil entered the Russian University theatrical arts, and in the third year of study he transferred to VGIK.

While still studying at VGIK, he gradually began acting in films. His first one was successful big job- in the serial film "Angel in the Heart", which gained great popularity among viewers.

In September 2012, life young actor ended tragically: he fell from a third-floor balcony and died in hospital a few days later from his injuries. He was only 22 years old...