But this turned out to be not enough. They came up with about 20 criteria for infographics that make it “ideal”. In a word, they blurred the meaning as best they could. Therefore, it seems like you can’t find fault with the infographics; you can still find evidence that a drawn moose with callouts “head”, “hoof” and “tail” is also infographic.

Today we encourage you to brainstorm together what makes an infographic an infographic. What about just a beautiful picture with text?

Some of the examples are from the magazine “Infographics”, thanks to them for their work.

Research and storytelling are equal

These are two polar approaches to infographics. The first was proposed by statistician Edward Tufte, the second by designer Nigel Holmes. The first called his infographics “exploratory” (the word explorative is much more accurate, as it seems to us). The second dubbed his “narrative”.

It's easy to tell them apart

If you see hellish piles of columns, curves and axes, as if you were having a nightmare about Microsoft Excel, you are looking at a typical research infographic, the brainchild of Tufte.

If you feel like you are inside a comic book, they are entertaining you and trying to tell you something at the same time - this is a narrative infographic, Mr. Holmes' approach:

The first type of infographic makes you strain your brains, the second makes you relax and have fun. The first is unemotional and minimalistic. The second - on the contrary, the more beautiful pictures, all the better. You can’t consider one approach bad and the other good - it’s just two approaches and that’s it.

Just something complicated

Infographics are determined by the need for them. As a rule, this is the need to visualize information that would be much less digestible in text form.


Content writing process. Only the sequence of steps is shown and nothing else. This would work quite well with a regular numbered list.


Coffee preparation options. The volume and type of cup, the sequence of “layers”, composition, and dosage of ingredients are shown. The text would have been longer and not so clear.

Both are independent and have the right to life. Ok, let's move on. What makes a good infographic?

Balance of graphics and information

The detail and cool visual style are great, but we must not forget that all this should convey information. And it is important to maintain a balance between the external side and the semantic load. Otherwise it will be a waste of time.


Excellent visual style and art, but absolutely no meaning. Visualizing a single number is a tricky task for infographics.


Same illustration style, but shows much more - the composition of the burger and where all its ingredients come from. Already better.

If the infographic looks like a hundred points, but it makes one and a half points, it’s just an exercise in design and nothing more.

Easy to understand

Infographics for the lazy. It should be understandable both on a “general plan” and upon detailed examination.


Smart watch functions. Overall plan It’s clear - we have all the capabilities of the watch before us. You need to look closely at the details - some illustrations are incomprehensible.


Habitats and diet of birds in the United States. The viewer understands the general message; he also quickly reads the data on each bird: where it lives, what it eats.

Infographics that contain ambiguities and ambiguities are thrown into the trash. We only need simple and understandable images.

No pointless decor

One of the mistakes inexperienced infographic designers make is thoughtless use of free space. They fill it with unnecessary decorations, which is unacceptable.

Every designer should constantly ask himself: “why?” Especially before you draw another curl on the infographic.

Infographics live without text

The easiest way to check if you're making an infographic or just wasting your time is to remove all the text. The meaning remains - this is an infographic. The meaning disappeared - well, you were just drawing illustrations for the text.

This point is worth examining in a little more detail. Let’s choose a random picture from the Internet for the query “infographics”:

One of the infographic techniques used here is contrast. On the left side we see the benefits of working for a company, on the right - in a competitor’s company.

If you remove all the text from the image, it will look like this:

It is now almost impossible to grasp the meaning; the illustrations are not “speaking” enough. Moreover, the left and right parts are almost the same. Conclusion: this is not an infographic, but an illustrated text.

Now for another example: an infographic shows how much water is spent on the production of a particular product:

If you remove all the texts, then the infographics will practically not lose any semantic load - all because the key data is visualized, and the secondary data is simply added with text:

Even if we removed the numbers, “droplets” would remain and we could compare what uses more water and what uses less. And this is an infographic.


Real infographics are not difficult to figure out. Its signs:

  • She speaks simply about complex things. And in such a way that any text would not cope with the task. Or it would be a long and tedious text.
  • She balances between aesthetics and meaning. If the picture is detailed down to the last detail, it should carry a lot of information. If there is little information, simple visualization is enough.
  • It's easy to understand. Even with a quick inspection, both the general meaning and the meaning of small elements are clear.
  • There is no design for design's sake. It was written somewhere that one of the criteria for a good infographic is “beauty”. Bullshield, gentlemen. Design solves problems, and does not admire itself - this is true for any area of ​​its application, including infographics.
  • Infographics live without texts. Of course, it all depends on its type, but no one has canceled the universal test (remove texts and see what happens).

By the way, infographics can be interactive - so if you have a project where you need to visualize piles of data, you can look in its direction.

So, for example, we made Dataface - creation, if you're interested.

The use of infographics must be justified. Don't pack any facts into diagrams just because everyone else does. Think about what goal you want to achieve and put the reader’s interests above your own.


Behind recent years 5 infographics gained popularity, then lost this popularity, and now they are returning - in the form of animated and interactive infographics.

Throughout history, the greatness of Russia was determined not only by its territory and population, the power of the economy and science, the equipment of the army and navy, but primarily by its spiritual potential. Selfless devotion to one’s Motherland, a willingness to put its interests above personal ones in big and small things, to even make self-sacrifice in the name of its safety - this is what Russia has always been strong about, this is the core of its national spirit.

And when at the present time the stage of developing a common national idea in Russia is still ongoing, and the inadequacy of the behavior of the West is only increasing, we can speak with confidence of only one thing - the main core of patriotism in our country, its Army and Navy have always been and will remain.

In this regard, we should all take a sober look at our two " main allies". Do not succumb to the euphoria of successes in Syria and Crimea, but at the same time, know and realize for sure that our Army is the pride of the country, the guarantor of peace, and the direct support of its citizens.

This means that it would not be out of place to compare the two strongest armed forces on the planet today - Russian army and the US Army.

Without prejudice, in general and on the basis various points vision and methods of counting world journals, centers and rating agencies.



Notice how much cheaper and better quality Russian export models and military objects are.



I draw your attention to the lack of air defense systems in American brigades (!), the lack of surface-to-surface missiles, the lack of systems volley fire and other strange and absurd decisions at first glance...

The whole point is that such a brigade is good only against “banana” armies and unorganized detachments, whereas in the event of a military clash between an American brigade and a Russian one, all other things being equal, the end of such a “contact” will be predetermined even before it begins.

Which clearly tells us about other purposes of such formation. And indeed, US brigades have never fought with anyone other than “pocket armies”.



self-propelled guns


Not everyone knows, but it was our country that launched greatest number satellites from all over the world - 3381 objects. Unfortunately, thanks to the period of the 90s and the total “Western cutting” of our technologies and weapons, total number working satellite devices to today, we have moved to second position in the world.


The new, polite Army of our country is today not only in second place in the world, but in fact directly competes with the first for planetary leadership.

With its successes, behavior and victories, the “polite Army” teaches Russian citizens to be patriots. And he does this not from the podium - reading out slogans, but on the battlefields, parade grounds training centers and successful business trips around the globe.

Looking at them, every resident of our country understands that to be a patriot means to be devoted to one’s Fatherland, to create an image in deeds and standards of behavior, to contribute to the national revival of Russia, to ensuring its security from external and internal threats, deeply aware of the need to fulfill military duty in the ranks of the Armed Forces and sacredly honor the heroic past of their Motherland.

It is precisely for this reason that “liberals”, the pro-Western fifth column and “oppositions” of all stripes are trying as hard as they can to downplay the importance, relevance and prestige of the Russian armed forces.

And this is understandable, because all that they and their masters can do today is, fearing the Russian Army to the point of panic, “walking around” and causing minor mischief around our country, every time looking back to see if their “mouse fuss” is too much, they have angered

Russian Bear...

Dmitry Bogdanov

8. Infographics

Infographics are a popular tool for conveying information using graphic images.

The main purpose of infographics is to inform.

I would divide infographics into two directions: static and dynamic. The names speak for themselves. Static is performed immediately in full. As a rule, it is used in magazines, public places, posters, and websites. For example, a metro map with transfers and routes to airports is a static infographic, and a video where they show statistics, growing bars, and rotating diagrams is a dynamic infographic.

Infographics is a whole science; there are many books and manuals. Without going into production nuances, I consider two fundamental rules: comparison And image accuracy.


For example, the screen says that in 2012, coal production in Russia amounted to 354 million tons. The viewer sees the figure and understands that we are talking about coal, but this figure does not impress the viewer.

In order for the viewer to be interested and so that we can fill the numbers with meaning, it is necessary to compare this indicator, for example, with last year. If we put them on one screen and compare, we will see that production growth in 2012 was 4%. It turns out to be a conflict, we see how it was and how it became, we see movement, it is from comparison that meaning emerges.

Quantitative indicators look more accessible in comparison. In comparison, dramaturgy appears. We understand that it was bad, but things got better, or, conversely, things got worse. It is this information that gives rise to an emotional response and interest in the viewer.

Image accuracy

Infographics consist of visual images (“pictures”) and texts. So, the images should be as clear as possible. IN modern world There are generally accepted symbols - these are pictograms that everyone understands on the fly. For example, a pictogram of a car, light bulb, camera, positive.

But there are objects for which there is no symbols. Here each performer uses his imagination. What, for example, should a graphic elevator sign look like? hard drive? There's a lot of people here. The main thing is that the image created by the designer coincides with the viewer’s perception. A common problem with infographics occurs when the viewer spends a long time trying to understand what they are being shown. He carefully peers, and then realizes that this is how the designer depicted, for example, a factory... The image must be deciphered immediately.

In general, in information design, especially infographics, there is a golden principle: “The simpler, the better.” The more meaningless elements present in a design, the more difficult it is for the viewer to perceive. There is no need to complicate things. As they say, everything ingenious is simple. So two fundamental rules infographics: comparison and accuracy of the image.


When creating an infographic, you need to choose the right chart type. The diagram can be circular or linear, and can be in the form of a graph or block diagram. You can choose the right type of diagram if you understand the goal. What exactly do you want to show in this slide - not even what information, but what thought. And from your thoughts and conclusions will be born how you will show it, with the help of what type of diagram.

The type of diagram is just a tool, a form with which we convey meaning.

Annual reports

Infographics allow you to design visually interesting solutions for the company's annual reports. This could be materials for the board of directors or an annual report for shareholders. In infographics you can show how the market developed, what type of product and in what volume the company produced, and show the growth or stagnation of parameters.

If you make an annual report in video format, it is extremely difficult to reflect all the parameters, because... their number is usually large. The video version of a company's annual report usually contains only key indicators.

Infographic presentation

With this term I conventionally denote an illustrated story about information. This could be an infographic video about the company and its product. Only infographics, no filming, the entire plot is based on a dynamic change of visual images and texts. This format is convenient for presenting ideas. We have one interesting subgenre. This is an announcement.

For example, a company has a corporate recreation center, and it is necessary to convey information to company employees about the opportunity to go there, dates, conditions, etc. You can simply write this information in text on the background, or you can make a graphic video.

We created such videos, they showed everything necessary information visual images - they drew suns, waves, fish, palm trees... And it was interesting to watch, and the information was clear.

Medical infographics

Infographics are ready to come to the rescue in such specific area like medicine. With the help of graphs and diagrams, you can explain even to an amateur what the pathogenesis of the influenza virus looks like and what chromosome compatibility is, show from which countries certain infections come to us and what are the preferences in purchasing medicines from different countries peace. Medical and pharmaceutical companies need infographics like this.

Presentation of the drug, problems of the disease, treatment regimen, chemical processes on cellular level- all this can be shown to the viewer. Due to its specific nature, the creation of such videos requires certain competence.

For example, in our company there is a director who has medical education. It so happened that he studied and worked as a surgeon for some time, and then became a successful director. This combination specialized education and design thinking gives birth to a quality product. Designers should not be entrusted with such work to be performed independently. There must be a specialist competent in the topic.

Stages of creation

  1. Identify blocks of information, place emphasis;
  2. The blocks are linked into a single semantic structure;
  3. Selecting the type of diagram, visual images;
  4. Stylistics development;
  5. Layout, animation;
  6. Perception testing, correction.


"Digital life: today and tomorrow." Manufactured by Maluto. Spain.

The infographic shows what changes will happen in digital world by 2015.

« Life cycle Hepatitis C virus." Production - Fusion Medical Animation. Britannia.

Example of medical infographics.

"British Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce - Changes in Education Systems." Production - RSA Animate. Britannia.

"New information". Sint group. Production - Marcus Eckert. Italy.

Presentation of company services.

We know that infographics are a way to quickly and easily convey a large amount of information to the addressee; that the brain perceives pictures better and faster than text; that infographics are widely used in news and analytical publications.

It would be foolish not to put these benefits at the service of marketing.. This is what agencies diligently do, making infographics for clients left and right. The result is terrible results, violence against graphics and meaning.

Why is this happening? The answer is in this post. After reading it you will be able:

We will only talk about statics. It is used in printing and digital solutions. There are also animated and interactive infographics. There will be a separate post about them.

If you are so smart, then where is your ROMI?

Infographics don’t work “head-on” in marketing. It does not directly affect the classic “attraction”-“conversion”-“retention” chain. It is foolish to expect that a purchasing scheme will immediately increase the number of orders, and a graphic about discounts will lead to repeat orders.

As an isolated instrument infographic gives zero return on marketing investment (ROMI). You won't make money on it. And this, fortunately, serves as a barrier that some poor-quality solutions do not overcome.

Infographics become powerful tool in the case when she part of a more complex strategy, content strategy. A strategy that focuses on image And loyalty. And these are precisely the concepts that today are usually placed at the core of marketing.

Static infographics in digital are a unique tool for obtaining backlinks to the site and social actions. But like any content, it's an investment.

Although every year the role of links in the ranking of search results is decreasing (at least, search engines say so), the effect of backlinks to the site has not been canceled. There is nothing wrong with a link to your infographic appearing in a blogger’s post or analytical article.

It would be great if the infographics on the site are located in the right place and the links lead to this Right place. Where there is a call to action, an order form, a downloadable presentation of the company’s services, or something else.

Like any content, infographics are dead without promotion. If you've spent many hours making a beautiful solution, spend that much more and then some more distributing it. Channels can be completely different: email subscriber base, website itself, social media, work with thematic resources, souvenirs.

In short, no one needs infographics by themselves. It needs to be presented correctly. AND be prepared to spend money on it.

Choosing a plot

Have you already done fact-finding or are you just about to do so? Half the success of an infographic is provided by a story that is interesting to the reader. A perfectly designed picture will attract the reader's attention, but will not capture it 100%. There must be content. Here are two steps that will help you create it.

Step 1. Take a topic that:

  • relevant, i.e. associated with ongoing events, holidays and special dates, seasons. For example, Pokemon Go madness, corgi, Metallurgist Day, Hot Summer;
  • important for your target audience: related to your products or services, affects other interests of the audience. For example, if you connect companies to the Internet, tell customers about tariffs, special offers and bonuses; how to automate business And Why is it profitable to outsource catering?. All this, of course, is in different works.

Step 2: Expand the topic. Let's take Pokemon Go for example.

1.Tell me everything about her: history, little known facts and figures, biographies of people and characters. For example,

  • « Who are Pokemon?»;
  • « What is Nintendo known for besides Pokemon Go?»;
  • « What types of Pokemon are there?»;
  • « What you need to know about Pokemon Go?»;
  • « Pokemon Go and other popular games for mobile devices».

2. Teach your readers something, offer them instructions for use. Show you care, and people will appreciate it;

  • « How to install and play Pokemon Go?»;
  • « 10 Pokemon Go lifehacks»;
  • « All ways to level up experience in Pokemon Go».

3.Compare with an analogue or antipode: “ How is Pokemon Go better than Ingress?».

4. Check if you can dial a lot of numbers and characteristics: " List of all Pokemon in Pokemon Go».

After these steps, several topics remain. It would be a good idea to run them through three sieves of Socrates. For each story, answer three questions:

  • “Are you sure what you say is true?”
  • “Are you sure you will say something good?”
  • “Are you sure people need to see what you have to say?”

So, are you sure that you will not mislead anyone due to ignorance of the topic, and that you will bring light and benefit to people into the world? Well, now it's time to ask the main question.

Is it necessary to make infographics at all?

Marketing is not an exact science. Marketing objectives do not have only one the right decision. Infographics can be replaced with almost any type of content: properly formatted text, presentation, video, slider or map on the site.

Here features array of data for which it is better to use infographics:

  • at least 10 various elements or facts;
  • each element has one or more properties: a quantitative indicator, reference to time, geographic region, etc.;
  • knowledge gained from data comes down to 1-2 ideas, plots. There can be as many simple lists as you like, but the number of ideas should be limited.

If there is not enough data, then you can get by with a slider or charts; if there are not enough properties, then a diagram or list; if there are a lot of ideas, it is better to use a presentation or video.

First think: is it really necessary to make infographics?

What types of infographics are there?

There are several approaches to classifying infographics: first, second, third and others. The most common classification approach was proposed by NeoMam Studios. The same studio has developed a guide for choosing the type of infographic. But first things first.

Type 1. Visualized article

The visualized article is presentation of material with the addition of small graphic forms. Here the emphasis is on the title and it should convince the reader to take the time to study. Just like in a text article.

Type 2. Algorithm, block diagram

It's about about visualization process or algorithm decision making.

Type 3. Practical infographics (useful bait)

On English language this type is called useful bait, this expression is not easy to translate into Russian. "Practical infographic" presents synthesis of the two previous types: It provides specific recommendations like a flowchart, but is also in the form of a visualized article.

Type 4. Timeline

This is the type in which events or elements are arranged in sequence: chronological or spatial, semantic.

Type 5. Comparison

Real objects or concepts can be chosen as objects of comparison. Nobody likes dry comparisons - you need to add humor to graphics or texts.

Type 6. Numbers

The main emphasis is on numbers (and they must be impressive), graphics perform a secondary function. The “number” type is on par with the visualized article - the most simple solutions , which are worth resorting to on a limited budget.

Type 7. Photo infographics

This type of infographic best attracts attention, but at the same time requires high qualifications of both photographer and designer. Both specialists must work in concert towards one final solution.