Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev is a mysterious and shocking personality. No woman knows better than him how to dress stylishly and fashionably, and how to find that “golden mean” in clothes and accessories. Therefore, for many years Vasiliev has been the host of the popular show “Fashionable Verdict”. But what is known about his non-public side of life? Does the famous art critic and decorator have a wife and children? And how does Alexander Vasiliev himself characterize his sexual orientation?

Personal life of fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev: photos of the maestro’s wife and children

Many believe that fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev was never married. And in general, as a creative person, she has a non-traditional sexual orientation. However, this is not the case. As a young man, the future fashion guru fell madly in love with a girl, Masha. But, as often happens, Vasiliev’s parents did not approve of their son’s choice. Sasha is a boy from a famous creative family. Father is People's Artist of the RSFSR, mother is a famous dramatic actress.

Alexander Vasiliev in his youth

Soon Masha leaves with her mother for permanent residence in Paris. It would seem that nothing can reunite the lovers. Take into account: it’s the 70s, almost the entire country is “restricted to travel”... But a miracle happened! Alexander Vasiliev meets a French woman and enters into a fictitious marriage with her. Paris is becoming more and more real...

Alexander Vasiliev's first wife was French

Soon the future fashion historian receives the coveted positive response to travel to France. Together with his young wife, Alexander Vasiliev settled in a small rented apartment in Paris. Soon he meets again with his first love, Maria. But, as it turned out, the girl did not wait for her lover, and became pregnant by a Frenchman, a reporter for a well-known publication. True, she was soon left alone again. But Maria still has warm and friendly relations with Alexander Vasiliev. Moreover, Paris has long become a second home for the fashion historian.

Alexander Vasiliev in his Paris apartment

After a divorce from his first wife and failure to re-build a relationship with Maria, Alexander Vasiliev plunges headlong into his favorite work. The fashion historian travels a lot around the world - he is invited as a set designer by leading theaters, and universities are eager to get the best lecturer who knows everything about fashion and style. While working in Reykjavik, Alexander Vasiliev meets a charming Icelandic girl. Subsequently, young people decide to have a civil marriage.

« She was lovely. Her name was Stefania. She was very beautiful blonde With blue eyes... She was offered to me as an assistant. She was such a good assistant that she helped me with everything. And she helped!..”

But this love, alas, soon ended. The girl did not want to follow her beloved to Paris, preferring to stay in her homeland, in cold and mysterious Iceland.

Even in his youth, Alexander Vasiliev was known as a master of fashionable shocking

As for the child, Alexander Vasiliev has... three of them! True, these are godchildren. The first and beloved goddaughter, Marfa, is the daughter of the maestro’s longtime friend and classmate. But the fashion historian practically does not communicate with the other two girls. One of the goddaughters lives in Germany, and the other in Paris, but contact with both has long been lost.

Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev and his sexual orientation

Alexander Vasiliev honestly admits that he has always loved women. True, now that the maestro is already 59 years old, somewhat different priorities have appeared in his life. The fashion historian himself likes to joke about his personal life today: he is married to fashion and is happily married.

Alexander Vasiliev - fashionable presenter of “Fashionable Sentence”

Vasiliev admits that he loves to eat delicious food and, in general, this moment, prefers to enjoy life. And his financial resources allow him to do this. The fashion historian likes to call himself a “citizen of the world” and, apparently, that’s why he managed to buy himself a good, prestigious home in different corners Europe. Apartments in Moscow and Paris, an estate in the center of France and a large family estate in Riga... The list of personal real estate of the famous art critic and decorator is very impressive.

Alexander Vasiliev in his Moscow apartment

But it is also well known that Vasiliev never stopped loving and admiring women. But smart and... rich ladies are especially dear to his heart. And once in the show “Let's get married!” the fashion historian let it slip that he needed a rich and aged bride. And so that castles and estates must be available to house a truly huge collection of rare dresses and accessories by the maestro.

The collection of fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev contains thousands of interesting exhibits

And on tricky question Regarding the dominance of men with non-traditional sexual orientation in the world of bohemia, beauty and style - Vasiliev has a comprehensive answer in store:

“Why are there so many gay fashion designers? - AestheticsXXcentury was invented only by gays. Among the creative elite, 95% are men with non-traditional sexual orientation. A heterosexual man can only undress a woman, but a homosexual man can only dress her!”

With an abundance of unflattering rumors about gay Alexander Vasiliev and his romances with men, not a single “yellow” publication has yet been able to document them. In addition, the fashion historian himself is a public figure and always willingly makes contact with the press. Hundreds of interviews and press conferences every year, participation in all kinds of shows and programs on TV and radio. It seems that not a single question in the world can put the maestro of fashion and style in an awkward position.

And Vasiliev himself is famous for his sharp and always apt statements addressed to the participants of his television project. It's no secret that Alexander Vasiliev has been the permanent host of the program for almost 10 years. Fashionable verdict" By the way, the fashion and style guru treats himself with irony. So, in one of the stories on the central TV channel, Vasiliev makes a fashionable verdict on himself.

Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev in his youth: rare photos of the star

Alexander Vasiliev does not hide the fact that school years was not like everyone else. In terms of style. Financial opportunities allowed parents to purchase for their children, Alexander and his my own sister, the most fashionable and expensive things. Many elements of the wardrobe of the future fashion historian were bought abroad - my father often went on business trips abroad. Therefore, the maestro himself says, flared trousers, the most fashionable shirts and the most beautiful and stylish shoes are what have always distinguished him from his peers. It’s clear that in the USSR only a few had the opportunity to dress beautifully and expensively “not like everyone else”!

Non-standard appearance and bleached strands - this was the “non-Soviet” style of Alexander Vasiliev in his youth

Despite financial well-being, Alexander Vasiliev with early years loved wandering... through garbage dumps and flea markets. He says that the Soviet-era dump was a real treasure trove of rare, unique things. Often, people of that time easily got rid of trinkets inherited from their grandparents. Apparently, it was while walking through the capital's garbage dumps that the future master of fashion came up with the brilliant idea of ​​creating a collection of rare antique items related to fashion. Even now, Alexander Vasiliev can often be found at flea markets in Paris, which, by the way, has always been famous for such unusual and popular places among tourists.

Alexander Vasiliev is busy looking for another item for his collection

But while collecting precious specimens for his collection and contemplating the beauties of his beloved Paris, Alexander Vasiliev does not forget about work for a minute. While still a newlywed, the future celebrity in the world of fashion and style goes to study at the school at the Louvre Museum, and then successfully completes graduate school at the Sorbonne. Immediately, the young and talented set designer was noticed in the leading theaters in France. Alexander Vasiliev became the author of the scenery for the plays “Pope Joanna”, “Triumph of Love”, “Galleries of the Palace” and many others. Later, the maestro was invited to work at the Opera and Ballet Theater in Reykjavik (where he met his second wife Stefania), and then to the Royal Flemish Ballet.

The desire for beauty has always been in Alexander Vasiliev’s blood

Needless to say, the young man easily charmed not only women, but also his potential employers with his relaxed and at the same time refined manner of conversation, his natural charm and signature smile.

Alexander Vasiliev’s trademark smile is easily recognizable even in a photo taken many years ago

However, the great experimenter Vasiliev did not want to limit himself to searching for himself only in style. He easily tried on different roles. Now he is a decorator, now he is a designer, now he is an art critic. While living in France, young Alexander Vasiliev even managed to try himself as an actor and model! True, as he himself recently admitted, these roles were so insignificant and mediocre that there is essentially nothing for a fashion historian to be proud of in this field.

Rare photos of Alexander Vasiliev in his youth

A burning interest in the outfits of the past accompanies Alexander Vasiliev all his life. As a boy, he surprised his parents with a strange passion for various old dresses, brought some clothes from the trash heap, tried to create something from discarded things, spending hours studying photographs in magazines of past years...

His upbringing took place in a creative, theatrical environment. His mother (dramatic actress) and father (theater artist, whose costumes were worn on stage by the great Faina Ranevskaya, Lyubov Orlova, Igor Ilyinsky) brought him to the theater for performances; Sasha himself began acting for television and hosting children’s television programs at the age of 7. A little later, his extraordinary abilities for original theatrical design and costume creation emerged.

The rise of his career occurred rapidly - at the age of 16 Alexander Vasiliev He began working at the Moscow Sovremennik Theater as a prop maker; at the age of 24 he married a French woman and went to live in Paris. This is where his talent was destined to reveal itself and develop! Studying at the theater department of the Sorbonne is combined with successful work in the theaters of Paris - the young artist designs costumes and sets for plays at the Comédie Française, Ronde Pointe, Bastille Opera Studio and other prestigious French theaters. Professional and artistic level Alexandra Vasilyeva is growing steadily, he meets many world famous people, Maya Plisetskaya, dancers Valery and Galina Panov, director Yuri Lyubimov become his friends... He is invited to work in Rome and London, Berlin and Wiesbaden, theatrical costumes and scenery are everywhere Alexandra Vasilyeva are enjoying enormous success.

In parallel with my creativity, fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev conducts teaching work: he is invited to conduct seminars at the Royal College of Art in London, at the Academy of Arts in Antwerp, in High school La Cambre in Brussels and many others. His lectures on the history of fashion are so exciting that people strive to attend them, even coming from afar. Besides, Alexander Vasiliev- a true cosmopolitan: he does not live for a long time in one country, he feels at home in any state, has several houses in different countries. He continues to expand his famous collection of period costumes, which is probably unparalleled in the whole world. Not long ago, two exhibitions of his collection were held: “Memories of Russia” and “200 Years of Fashion” in Chile.

Today Alexander Vasiliev He also works in Russia, he is invited to give lectures and conduct seminars on the history of fashion in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. He wrote several books, among which became bestsellers “Beauty in Exile” and “Russian Fashion”.

Some of Vasiliev’s actions and statements shock the public, they are so unexpected and original. We have already mentioned the case of Nicole Kidman. For example, Alexander Vasiliev in many interviews he voiced the idea that the modern cult is thin female figure is nothing more than fascism in relation to overweight women: after all, as the master noted, there are much more plump people than thin ones, especially for women who breastfeed babies. Slim stomach in a woman's opinion Alexandra Vasilyeva, a sign of ugliness rather than - this means that the woman did not give birth, that is, she did not fulfill her main purpose on Earth.

When asked by journalists why there are so many gay designers in the fashion industry, Vasiliev naturally answers: “straight men are created to undress a woman, while other men are created to dress a woman.” Therefore, more than 90% of male designers, stylists, and hairdressers are gay.

By conviction Alexandra Vasilyeva In order to always be elegant, a woman, looking in the mirror, should think about what can be done from her appearance, and not about what else she could add. The master advises married women Under no circumstances should you relax and switch to curlers and a robe, but on the contrary, take even more careful care of your appearance and wardrobe so that your beloved man will always be pleased to look at her.

Olga Moiseeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Alexander Vasiliev, fashion historian, honorary member Russian Academy art, which the Russian public became aware of thanks to the popular TV show "Fashionable Verdict", is known far beyond the country's borders. This outstanding art critic, collector and theater decorator works all over the world: he collaborates with various theaters, exhibits exhibitions of his collections of historical costume, and also lectures on the history of fashion in several languages.

Alexander Vasiliev was born in Moscow in exclusively intelligent family. His father, Alexander Pavlovich Vasiliev, was a famous theater artist and fashion designer, winner of the Grand Prix at the 1959 Brussels World Exhibition.

For his creative heritage, Alexander Vasiliev Sr. was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia, in different years he headed the Soviet Center International Association set designers and theater technologists, department of theater and film artists in the Moscow Union of Artists, was secretary of the board of the Union of Artists in the USSR. His works are in the State Museum. Pushkin, as well as in museums of such famous theaters as the Theater named after. Chekhov and the Bolshoi Theater.

Alexander Alexandrovich's mother, Tatyana Ilyinichna Vasilyeva-Gurevich, played in the theater and also taught stage speech and acting in universities such as the Moscow Art Theater School and the Bolshoi Theater Choreographic School. Thus, the boy was surrounded by an atmosphere of art from childhood. It was his early immersion in the world of beauty that gave him the first impetus for development, the fashion historian claims in his numerous interviews.

Since childhood, Sasha was extremely passionate about the history of fashion and often helped his father in sewing theater scenery. The future maestro created his first theatrical costumes and sets when he was only five years old. At the same time, Sasha took part in the filming of Soviet children's television programs "Alarm Clock" and "Bell Theatre". Already at the age of twelve, Alexander Vasiliev acted as a set designer for the complete design of the theatrical performance for children “The Wizard of the Emerald City”.

Naturally, with such an early start creative activity, noticeable talent and comprehensive support from loved ones regarding the choice future profession didn't stand. After graduating from school, the young man entered the Moscow Art Theater School in the production department, which he graduated in 1980, and began working at the famous Theater on Malaya Bronnaya as a costume designer.

At the same time, his first love comes into the life of young Alexander Vasiliev. However, circumstances turned out to be such that the mother of the girl Masha, for whom the artist had romantic feelings, married a French citizen and moved to Paris with her daughter. This became for young man a big blow, but the decorator did not reconcile himself and began to look for opportunities to get to France, which was practically impossible in the USSR. Vasiliev had to enter into a fictitious marriage in order to leave the country. Then the future maestro did not suspect that his absence would drag on for many years.

Life in France

When the exit visa was about to expire, Vasiliev learned that, firstly, upon returning to his homeland, he would be sent to serve in Afghanistan, and, secondly, a ban on leaving the USSR would come into force for fifteen years. Both of these facts led to the fact that the young art critic became a “defector”, having issued himself a residence permit in France.

In Paris, thanks to his talent and hard work, Alexander Vasiliev quickly found a job in his specialty. He began to receive orders for the design of various performances in French theaters, as well as street festivals. At the same time, the artist constantly improved his skills: in addition to self-study, he graduated from the Louvre School with a degree in palace interior design.

With time achievement list The decorator's portfolio included such famous clients as the Ronde Pointe Theater, the Royal Opera of Versailles, the Studio de Bastille Opera, Lucerner, the Avignon Festival and many others.

At the same time, Alexander Vasiliev began his teaching career: he taught fashion history to students of the Russian Theater School and the famous Parisian fashion school Esmod, which is the first in the world educational institution similar orientation (founded in 1841).

Subsequently, the geography of Vasiliev’s works expanded noticeably, since the Russian decorator was considered exotic in Europe. Alexander began to receive offers of cooperation from Great Britain: the National London Theater and the Scottish Ballet in Glasgow became interested in the talented decorator; orders came from all over the world - Iceland, Turkey and Japan.

Thanks to long-term contracts in France, Spain and Italy, the artist had the opportunity to master the languages ​​of these countries, which subsequently gave him the opportunity to lecture in Spanish, Italian and French. The fashion historian began his visiting lecture practice in 1994, having received French citizenship by that time.

"Fashionable verdict"

Returning to Russia after the collapse of the USSR, Alexander Vasiliev continued his educational activities in the field of design, fashion and aesthetics. In 2000, under his patronage, the first Samara fashion festival “Volga Region Seasons of Alexander Vasiliev” took place. Two years later, the fashion historian began hosting his own program “Blow of the Century” on the “Culture” TV channel.

TV presenter Alexander Vasiliev

In addition to private lectures, Alexander Vasiliev teaches fashion history at Moscow State University, is the founder of his own design studio, as well as a traveling fashion school that organizes educational trips to cultural capitals peace. IN different time the decorator gave a course of lectures at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino", at the style school "MODA.RU". Also, thanks to his patronage, the first Museum of the History of Fashion of the Twentieth Century was opened in Chelyabinsk in the history of Russia.

Since 2009, Vasiliev has replaced him as the host of fashion court meetings in the popular TV show “Fashionable Sentence”, in which the maestro works together with, and since 2012 he has been hosting a series of original programs “Portraits of Great Fashionistas” on radio “Mayak”.

Jewelry collection of Alexander Vasiliev

In 2011, Vasiliev established his own version of the “Michelin star”: for the high aesthetics of interior design, the maestro awards the laureates a ceramic lily. Each award is handmade and has its own personal number to determine authenticity. "Lilies of Alexander Vasiliev" are awarded primarily for the design of public interiors open to the public - various cafes, train stations, public galleries.


Of course, such a rich experience in the history of fashion was worth passing on to descendants. Alexander Vasiliev's pen includes more than three dozen books, which are mainly devoted to history domestic fashion and the style of Russian emigrants of the early twentieth century. His work "Beauty in Exile" was published six times.

Alexander Vasiliev is not only a historian, but also a writer

The maestro has plans to publish the memoirs of Tatyana Leskova, the great-granddaughter of the famous Russian writer Nikolai Leskov, prima ballerina of the Russian ballet and ballet director in Brazil. The biography of Alexander Vasiliev, as he himself claims, is slowly being compiled from his diary entries, which he has diligently kept for many decades.


His passion for fashion history made Alexander Vasiliev an avid collector. Yes, him private collection historical costume is one of the largest in the world. The most valuable exhibits are masterpieces that belonged to Princess Maria Shcherbatova, ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, countesses Jacqueline de Beaugourdon and Olga von Kreutz. Russian theater and film actresses willingly provide their costumes to replenish this collection.

Since the main purpose of the collection is not so much ownership as educational activity, Alexander Vasiliev forms thematic exhibitions on its basis, which are regularly held in Russia and abroad. The fashion historian’s future plans include creating a permanent exhibition, which will become Russia’s first museum of historical costume.

Personal life

The maestro was married in a fictitious marriage, which he, being a graduate of the Moscow Art Theater School, entered into to obtain a French visa. This marriage lasted five years, but then the couple separated.

After this, Alexander Vasiliev’s personal life was connected only with art. As the maestro sometimes jokes, he married fashion and is happy in such a marriage.


  • Beauty in exile
  • Russian fashion. 150 years in photographs
  • European fashion. Three centuries. From the collection of A. Vasiliev
  • Series of book-postcards “Carte Postale”
  • I'm in fashion today...
  • Sketches about fashion and style
  • The fate of fashion
  • Little ballerina: Confession of a Russian emigrant
  • Russian Hollywood
  • Children's fashion of the Russian Empire
  • Paris–Moscow: a long return

The famous Russian art critic and fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev is an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts and collaborates with many theaters as an expert in the styles of the most different eras. He is widely known to specialists from many countries, but gained wide popularity among Russian viewers thanks to his participation in the popular TV show “Fashionable Verdict,” in which he began working in 2009. In his young years, Alexander Alexandrovich successfully worked as a decorator with famous theaters in Europe, Turkey, Japan and other countries. He still travels around the world giving lectures on fashion, and in Russia he is engaged in educational and museum activities in the field of fashion, teaching at Moscow State University. He has a lot of fans who, as usual, are interested in the hobbies, personal life and wife of Alexander Vasilyev.

Currently, Vasiliev is not married. There are rumors that he has, from time to time, short-lived relationships with women, and there are quite a few of them. But nothing concrete usually happens in the media. In any case, no names are mentioned, much less details. Often appearing on television, Alexander Alexandrovich is extremely kind to all representatives of the fair sex, loves to tell them compliments and nice things, and knows how to be an exemplary ladies' man. Special treatment Vasiliev are awarded famous stars and divas of the Russian elite: actresses, TV presenters and singers, social beauties and business women, but he is always ready to express his friendliness and courtesy to just women.

Vasiliev’s unusual image, his manner of speaking and behaving, as well as the somewhat exotic nature of his outfits often cause others to assume that the fashion connoisseur is gay. How fair this is is not special significance: the choice of lifestyle is a personal matter for Alexander Vasiliev himself, and whether or not to communicate this publicly is also up to him to decide. However, evidence that in his younger years he behaved like a normal heterosexual can be the story of his youthful love and marriage. It is unlikely that it will seem dubious to anyone if it is, at least in part, confirmed by photographs of those years.

In 1979, 21-year-old Alexander was in love with a student of the production department of the Moscow Art Theater School, his fellow student Maria Varlamova, with whom he had an ardent romantic relationship. The girl was 2 years younger than her lover and dreamed of Paris. Just go to the capital of France for the good old days Russian times it was unrealistic and Masha married a foreigner in order to leave her homeland. When she immigrated, Alexander felt that without her nothing in the world was sweet to him and decided to follow his love. There was also only one way out in such a situation: to marry a French woman. And such a girl was found. It was Anna, who visited our country to improve her Russian language. In 1982 they got married.

Once in France, Vasiliev immediately found Maria, who became the wife of a popular journalist, but she did not want to risk her family happiness. After a while, they nevertheless struck up a close relationship, because the woman had become disappointed in her husband. Alexander’s life with Anna also did not work out: despite her easy-going character, his wife did not find a full answer to her feelings in her husband and started an affair on the side. While married, Alexander Vasiliev was in a relationship with his beloved and this lasted for several years. But contradictions arose between them, which continued to deepen, and when he, nevertheless, divorced his wife, to establish a good relationship with Maria it no longer seemed possible or necessary for him.

Vasiliev remained in Paris, worked and studied at the Louvre school, specializing in the design of palace premises. He became great specialist and collaborated with the Ronde Pointe Theater, the Studio of the Opera de Bastille, the Royal Opera of Vesal, festivals, other organizations and achieved fame in Europe, learned French, then Italian and Spanish. Returning home after the collapse of the USSR as a French citizen, he continued his work in the field of fashion in his homeland and became a frequent guest on TV. However, the topic of personal life and who may be the wife of Alexander Vasiliev is closed from prying eyes.

Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev in the show “Secret to a Million” told about the secrets of his personal life and showed his houses.

Famous Russian historian fashion, theater artist and TV presenter Alexander Vasiliev became the main character of the “Secret to a Million” program, in which he revealed some details of his personal life, which he usually tries to keep secret from the public.

He officially does not have his own children, but Alexander Vasiliev spoke about three goddaughters. He said that warm relations and maintains constant communication with only one of them - Marfa Milovidova. The maestro became the girl’s godfather at the request of her mother, classmate and longtime friend Alexander Vasiliev.

Alexander Vasiliev in the show "Secret to a Million"

The girl came to the program to support her godfather.

“I tell everyone that Alexander Vasiliev is my godfather, because I am very proud of him. He - incredible person, he is my motivator in life. Alexander often gives me fashionable clothes. I have three brothers, and as a child I often imitated them, wore trousers, and my godfather taught me to dress femininely,” said Marfa.

The girl also added that Alexander Vasiliev fulfilled her dream by giving her a 16th birthday gift adorable dog Beagle breed. By the way, the fashion historian never criticizes his goddaughter for her appearance; on the contrary, he considers Marfa perfect and admires her beauty. Alexander Vasiliev does not rule out that part of his multimillion-dollar fortune may go to his beloved goddaughter.

Marfa Milovidova - goddaughter of Alexander Vasilyev

The fashion historian does not lose hope that he will still have his own children. “It’s possible that everything will still work out. What are our years!” Vasiliev said meaningfully.

At the same time, he admitted that in the future he sees himself only in the company of his beloved pug.

“Remember the actor Vladimir Zeldin, who died at the age of 101. He had no children, but he lived wonderful life. The story about the glass of water is not convincing to me. Children are not always what we need in old age,” said Alexander Vasiliev.

At the same time, there is every reason to assume that the fashion historian did become a father. Alexander Vasiliev flatly refused to answer the last question of the “Secret to a Million” program, which concerned his illegitimate child.

“You will learn everything from my memories; not everything can be told publicly,” he said at the end of the program.

Alexander Vasiliev is a wealthy man. He owns houses in France, Turkey and Lithuania. He said that he owns real estate in Europe and Russia. All of the star’s apartments have maids, gardeners, and are furnished with antique furniture.

His property and real estate are estimated, according to some sources, at one and a half million euros.

Alexander Vasiliev owns a house in the central part of France, the province of Auvergne, a house in Lithuania, apartments in Antalya, Moscow and Kaliningrad, on the Curonian Spit. In addition, on a lifetime annuity basis, he owns apartments in Paris that cost half a million euros.

Alexander Vasiliev showed some of his households in the “Secret to a Million” program.

“I have a three-room apartment in Paris. But it is not what is valuable in itself, but what is in it. Me, my dog, collections,” said the fashion historian.

Museums around the world are ready to fight for what was collected in Vasiliev’s Parisian apartment. Everything here is a valuable exhibit. Chandeliers, candlesticks, paintings in gilded frames, silver goblets, a mahogany bed, an oak table.

Vasiliev, as a rule, spends the summer on an estate in Auvergne, consisting of three houses. He modestly calls this property a dacha.

The TV presenter inherited the house in Lithuania from his grandfather. The main value of the estate in the Baltics is the ancient library, a nineteenth-century bath and a luxurious garden.

“The house was built in 1912. My cousin and cousin live on the top floor. They have three rooms with a separate entrance. I have seven rooms downstairs. The house has preserved furniture, an antique stove, and many old things. I love it all. I restored everything myself,” said Alexander Vasiliev.

About the apartment in Antalya, the fashion historian says that it was given to him as a fee. Cleanliness and order in all Vasiliev’s apartments are ensured by servants, and there are gardeners in the gardens.

“Yes, everyone does!” - the TV presenter noted.

Every home of Alexander Vasiliev has antiques. “I have a lot of paintings, two thousand canvases from the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. I know how to buy cheap. I have the gift of bringing down the price, explaining to people that this is nonsense. I’m not a millionaire, I’m Vasiliev,” he noted.

By the way, as Alexander Alexandrovich said on the program, he has already made a will. Part of his property will belong to the foundation he manages. Vasiliev’s goddaughter Marfa Milovidova, who maintains warm relations with her famous godfather, is also mentioned in the document.