Competition program: “Dad, Mom, I – a reading family”

Target: continue work to unite school and family teams; develop interest and love for reading.


1. Study the reading situation in families, the circle of children's reading.

2. Expand social partnership, attract children and parents to reading.

3. Develop creativity.

4. Provide informational assistance to the family.

5. Identify the most reading family.

Preparatory work.

A month of preparation for the competition is announced (a list of recommended literature is specified), a survey of students and parents is conducted in advance, parents submit an application to participate in the competition and receive an information sheet: “Conditions of the competition”

Decoration of the hall.

1. On the walls of the hall there are paintings depicting literary heroes, posters: “Who reads a lot, knows a lot”, “Reading books means never getting bored.”

2. In the foreground is a poster: “A house without a book is like a body without a soul.” (Cicero)

Progress of the event

1. Psychological attitude

Grain sprouts in the ground

The child receives his sight in the family.

And if the family loves read books,

Then the child will begin to see clearly faster,

And today’s competition will help you find out

Which family loves to read books?

So, we announce the start of the competition:

“Dad, Mom, I am a reading family.”

We have a jury to identify the winners of the competition.

(Introduction of the jury members)

Our conThe course will be held in two categories: in the first category the team consists of three people, in the second category the team consists of two people.

So, we invite the participants of the first category to take their tables.

These are families... Meet them.

(Music “Dad, Mom, Me” sounds; children perform the first verse)

Let's open familiar books

And again let's go from page to page,

It's always nice to be with your favorite hero

Meet again, become stronger friends.

It doesn’t matter that we’ve known the book for a long time,

Even if you know the hero very well,

And how it will end is also known,

Good books are always interesting.

The book and I are smarter and richer,

We can grow with her and be friends,

She gives us tasks

And teaches how to think and live!

Good book

My companion, my friend,

It's more interesting with you

There is leisure!

We're having a great time

Let's spend it together

And our conversation

We are going slowly.

You teach truth

And be valiant.

Nature, people

Understand and love.

I treasure you

I'm taking care of you.

Without a good book,

I can't live.

introduction class teacher

You need to teach your child to love books not only at school, but also at home. More and more often you can hear parents complaining that their children do not want and do not like to read. Today, when our children are just learning the basics of reading, we need to help them fall in love with books, since the inability to read in our computer age not only negatively affects the child’s academic performance, but also his overall development.

Analysis of questionnaires of children and parents.

And now we are starting our first competition"The family's calling card."

Each family will talk about itself and try to prove that it is the most read.

(Each family is a team, so you need a team name, motto and emblem. Families talk about their favorite books, authors, reading topics. Show presentations. Families come out with books.)

While the jury is summing up the results, let's listen to a poem by the author Oleg Semenovich Bundur"Dad Tells a Story"

I know the fairy tale by heart

From word to word,

But let him tell

Let be,

I'll listen again.

And I only want one thing:

Let the fairy tale last longer.

While I'm with dad,


Bad things won't happen.

And I ask dad again

Tell a fairy tale from the beginning.

The jury's word.

Next competition"Fairytale warm-up"

(Each team receives quiz questions. After answering the questions, the form is handed over to the jury members)


Sergey Mikhalkov

While the teams answer questions, viewers will guess riddles based on fairy tales:

1. A girl appeared in a flower cup,

And that girl was a little bigger than a marigold.

That girl slept in a nutshell

And she saved a little swallow from the cold. (Thumbelina.)

2. For him, a walk is a holiday,

And he has a special nose for honey.

This is a plush prankster -

Little bear... (Winnie the Pooh.).

3. Fruit and vegetable garden country –

It's in one of the books,

And in it the hero is a vegetable boy -

He is brave, fair, mischievous. (Cipollino.)

4. As a child, everyone laughed at him,

They tried to push him away:

After all, no one knew that he

Born a white swan. (Ugly duck)

5. I bought a samovar,

And the mosquito saved her. (fly Tsokotukha)

6. While eating rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess. (Emelya)

7. This is not at all difficult,

Quick question:

Who put it in the ink

Wooden nose? (Pinocchio)

8. Accordion in hands,
On top of the head is a cap,
And next to him it’s important
Cheburashka is sitting.(Crocodile Gena)

9. I am the most beautiful, well-mannered,

Smart and moderately well-fed. (Carlson)

10. He is crooked and lame,

The commander of all washcloths.

He, of course, will wash everyone away,

Washbasin... (Moidodyr)

While the jury sums up the results, we will watch the cartoon“Three kittens - we won’t hurt the books.”

Next competition -This is a tongue twister competition.

Choose one tongue twister by lot and pronounce it quickly with the whole family.

“The rooks are chattering at the jackdaws, the jackdaws are looking at the rooks.”

“Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.”

“Karl stole corals from Clara, Clara stole Karl’s clarinet.”

“The Greek was driving across the river, he saw the Greek - there was cancer in the river.

He put the Greek’s hand in the river, and the crayfish grabbed the Greek’s hand - tsap!”

“Two puppies, cheek to cheek, nipping at a brush in the corner.”

“It’s a hassle to catch a cunning magpie, but forty forty is forty hassle.”

“Tell me about your purchases. What about purchases?

About shopping, about shopping, about my shopping"

“The clatter of hooves sends dust flying across the field.”

“Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila didn’t like soap.”

While the jury is summing up the results, the teams change. Representatives of the second category emerge.

And again the competition "Family calling card."

Next task:

From the cut lines, assemble a complete poem and indicate the author.


Two grandmothers on a bench

We sat on a hill.

Grandmothers said:

We only have A's!

Congratulated each other

They shook hands with each other,

Although the exam was passed

Not grandmothers, but grandchildren!

And the last competition"Guess the melody".

Now music from cartoons and fairy tales will be played. Teams must guess the song and start singing along. Whoever sings along gets 2 points.

Lyrics of the song "Cartoon Medley"

1 Slowly the minutes float away into the distance,

Don't expect to meet them anymore.

And although we feel a little sorry for the past,

The best is, of course, yet to come!

Good riddance, good riddance to the long journey

And it rests directly on the sky.

Everyone, everyone believes in the best,

The blue carriage rolls and rolls.

2 Past white apple moon,

Past the red apple of the sunset

Clouds from an unknown country

They rush to us, and again run somewhere.

Clouds - white-maned horses!

Clouds - why are you rushing without looking back?

Please don't look down on me,

And take us for a ride across the sky, clouds!

3 Chunga-chang! Blue sky!

Chunga-changa! Summer - all year round!

Chunga-changa! We have fun!

Chunga-changa! Let's sing a song!

4 Tili - tili, trawl - fall,

We didn't go through this

We were not asked this.



5 Across the blue sea, to the green land

I'm sailing on my white ship.

On your white ship,

On your white ship.

Neither waves nor wind scare me, -

I'm swimming to the only mother in the world.

I'm sailing through the waves and the wind

To the only mother in the world.

Let mom hear, let mom come,

May my mother definitely find me!

After all, this doesn’t happen in the world,

So that children are lost.

After all, this doesn’t happen in the world,

So that children are lost.

6 And then surely the clouds will suddenly dance,

And the grasshopper plays the violin!

Well, friendship begins with a smile,

The river begins with a blue stream,

Well, friendship begins with a smile!

7A strong friendship will not break,

Will not come apart from rain and blizzards.

A friend will not leave you in trouble, will not ask too much,

This is what a true true friend means.

This concludes our competition.

While the jury is summing up its results, I suggest that all parents receive reminders.

Memo “How to discuss what you read with your child”

1. Find out difficult words.

2. Ask if the child liked the book he read. Why?

3. Invite the child to tell about the main character, the main

book event.

4. What words and expressions do the child remember?

Memo “How to compose brief retelling read"

1. Read the text.

2. Break the text into parts.

3. Make a plan for the text.

4. Make a plan for each part (from 2, 3 sentences).

5. Combine the outline of the text and the outline of each part into a coherent story. This will be a brief retelling of what we read.

Memo “How to write a story about the hero of a work”

1. Read the text. Answer the question: who main character works?

2. Select from the text those places where the hero of the work is spoken about. Tag them.

3. Make an outline of the selected passages.

4. Based on the plan, construct a coherent retelling of the text.

Memo “How to write a review of a book you’ve read”

2. What is the name of the work you read?

3. What does it say?

4. Briefly retell the work.

5. Express your impression of what you read: what did you like about the work? What surprised you or interested you? What didn't you like? Why?

Memo “How to learn a poem”

If you need to learn a poem by tomorrow

1. Start preparing your lessons by working on a poem.

2. Read the poem out loud.

Explain difficult words (sometimes it's a good idea to use

explanatory dictionary).

3. Read the poem expressively.

Try to feel the mood, the rhythm of the poem.

4. Read the poem 2-3 more times. Try to remember it.

5. After a few minutes, repeat the poem out loud from memory, looking at the text if necessary.

6. After graduation homework Repeat the poem 2-3 more times without looking at the text.

7. Before going to bed, repeat the poem again.

8. The next morning, read the poem again, and then recite it by heart.

If you have 2 days to learn

First day.

Find out the meaning of unclear words and phrases.

Read it to yourself a few more times.

Read it out loud now.

Try to understand his mood, intonation, rhythm.

Second day.

Read the poem to yourself.

Now read it loudly and expressively. Tell it from memory.

Before going to bed, tell me again.

The next morning, repeat the poem first from the textbook, and then recite it by heart.

If the poem is large and difficult to remember:

1. Divide the poem into quatrains or semantic passages.

2. Learn the first passage.

3. Learn the second passage.

4. Repeat the first and second passages together.

5 . Learn the third passage.

6. Recite the entire poem by heart.

7. Repeat it again before going to bed.

8. The next morning, read the poem from the textbook, and then recite it by heart.

Teacher : Dear parents and children. Our competition is over. May our joint efforts bear fruit, may every student in our class be able and love to read, may every day of our families be connected with an exciting journey into the world of books.

Summing up the results of the competition

The chairman of the jury awards the winning team and all participants with certificates and diplomas.

The song “Dad, Mom, Me” is playing

For the competition, parents were asked to do the following homework:

1.Team name, emblem, motto

2. Self-presentation: “The most reading family”

1. Poems by A. Barto: “There are such boys”, “Two grandmothers”, “Calls”, “Kopeikin”, “Queen”, “Lyubochka”, “On the way to class”

2. S. Mikhalkov: “Uncle Styopa”, “Kittens”

3. M. Prishvin “Fox Bread”

4. V. Kataev “Seven-flowered flower”

5. N. Nosov “Living Hat”

6. K Chukovsky “Aibolit”

7. Works by S. Marshak

8. Folk tales

9. Stories by L. Tolstoy for children


Who will learn what

What's first?

Will the cat learn?

- Grab it!

What's first?

Will the bird learn?

- Fly!

What's first?

Will the student learn?

(V. Berestov)

Read, children!

Read it, boys!

Girls, read!

Favorite books

Search the website!

On the subway, on the train

And the car

Away or at home,

At the dacha, at the villa -

Read it, girls!

Read it, boys!

They don't teach bad things

Favorite books!

Not everything in this world

It comes easy to us

And yet persistent

And the wise one will achieve

The one for which it is good

The heart strives:

He will open the cage

Where the bird languishes!

And each of us

He will breathe a sigh of relief,

Believing that it is wise

Time will come!

And wise, new

Time will come!

(N. Pikuleva)


You can sit, lie down

And - without leaving his place -

RUN through the book with your eyes!

Hand in hand with mom, then on your own.

Walking is nothing after all,

Don't be afraid to take the first step!

We stumbled once, twice...

And suddenly you

Read four letters in a row

And you went, went, went -

And you read the first word!

From word to word - like over bumps -

Have fun running along the lines...

How to run


How to fly!

I know, soon on the page

You will flutter like birds!

After all, it is vast and great,

Like the sky -

The magical world of books!

(A. Usachev)


Mom reads a book to me

About the bunny and the little fox...

I would listen about the war game,

Only mom is a girl.

She'll probably be bored

So much so that he even gapes.

Okay, tomorrow about the war

Dad reads at night.

And today about the bunny

And about the teddy bear.

Even about a mouse, even about a cone -

All the same, if only there was a book!

(A. Kornilov)

Book secrets

If you want to know a lot,

Listen to advice.

Learn to recognize

Book secrets.

And there are no unnecessary books.

If the plane is fast

He rushed to the sky,

The pilot knows his secret.

He studied it.

Every book has its own secret,

And there are no unnecessary books.

If mom is for lunch

Cooks cabbage soup and porridge,

She has her own secret

Also very important.

Know, all the girls,

Know, all the boys:

Every book has its own secret!

Read books everyone!

(L. Guselnikova)


The child pulls out a rolled-up piece of paper with the names of fairy tales from the “barrel” and names the fairy tale correctly.

1. Snow Princess.

2. Yellow Riding Hood.

3. Ilya – Tsarevich and Gray wolf.

4. Boy and Carlson.

5. Sleeping princess.

6.Little Mac.

7. Ugly chicken.

8. The Tale of a Fisherman and a Fisherwoman.

9. Horse – Hunchback.

10. Onion boy.


The curtain opens. The presenters appear: the storyteller and the storyteller.

Today we will show you:

"A wolf and seven kids, (but not quite new way)"

Storyteller: Like a river on the edge

There lived a goat in a hut.

Both beautiful and sweet.

The mother was a goat.

Storyteller: Her children grew up -

Very cute little goats.

Mom loved the kids

And she taught how to manage:

Clean the house and yard,

Sweep the floor with a broom,

Turn on the light in the kitchen

Light the stove, cook dinner.

Baby goats could do everything

These wonderful guys.

The mother praised the children

Mom told the kids:

Mom-goat: You are my little goats,

You are my boys,

I know, I believe that now

Everything will work out for you!

Storyteller: In the morning the goat got up

And raised the kids

She fed and watered them,

And she went to the market.

And the little goats were waiting for her...

But they weren’t bored without their mother:

They sang songs, danced,

We played different games.

Storyteller: He lived in a dense forest

Gloomy gray wolf with a tail.

He lived alone, without his mother.

At night he often howled loudly

And he missed... In the forest he

One was sad:

Wolf: - U-U-U, U-U-U...

Oh, how sad it is to be alone...

U-U-U, U-U-U...

Oh, how sad it is to be alone...


Storyteller: Once a wolf was walking in the forest

And I saw little goats.

The little goats sang a song,

Fast-footed guys:

1st kid: - We are funny guys,

We play hide and seek all day long,

And we dance and we sing,

And the house dances with us!

2nd kid: Mommy will come soon,

He will bring us gifts!

Every day and every hour

We have a lot of fun!

Storyteller: A wolf sat behind a tree

And he looked with all his eyes...

He couldn't contain himself

He started laughing loudly:

Wolf: - I wish I had kids like these,

I would be terribly happy!

Storyteller: The wolf quickly ran into the yard

And tied the little goats

Everyone to the same rope,

And he took him home.

Here he is goes to the forest,

Leads everyone with him

Storyteller: And the little goats are clever

They tangle the rope.

Storyteller: The wolf is tired of pulling kids,

I wanted to take a break.

Storyteller: Suddenly three honey mushrooms come towards you -

Three most beautiful children:

Honey mushrooms: What did you do, villain wolf!?

He stole the goat's children!

Here she will return home,

It's going to be hard for you!

Shameless one, you will know

How to steal children!

He stole the goat's children!

Here she will return home,

It's going to be hard for you!

Shameless one, you will know

How to steal children!

Storyteller: Cuckoos are calling from the tree

Loud girlfriends:

Cuckoos: What have you done, villain wolf?!

He stole the goat's children!

Here she will return home,

It's going to be hard for you!

Shameless one, you will know

How to steal children!

Storyteller: And from the clearing - two daisies,

And from a bush there are three insects,

Three little gray bunnies

Everybody's screaming, screaming, screaming:

Daisies, Bugs, Bunnies:

What have you done, villain wolf?!

He stole the goat's children!

Here she will return home,

It's going to be hard for you!

Shameless one, you will know

How to steal children!

Storyteller: The wolf was terribly scared,

He blushed and became confused:

Wolf: - I didn’t want to offend them,

I wanted to see them more often

I didn't want to scare them

I would like to play with them...

After all, in my empty house

It's very boring to be alone.

You little goats, forgive me!

You go home to yourself,

I'll walk you home.

I'm very ashamed now!

3rd kid: - Okay, gray one, we forgive...

We invite you to visit our house,

Let's introduce our mother,

We'll have a festive dinner!

4th kid: With mommy we can do everything,

With her we will be on time everywhere.

Every day and every hour

We have our mother.

5th kid: How we understand you!

We know very well

That without mom the house is empty,

It's sad without mom in the house

6th kid: If we are friends,

Will you visit us often?

Life will be more fun

Stop howling at night!

Storyteller: And in a cheerful crowd

Everyone headed home.

They see mom at the gate

Waiting for them with great anxiety

7th kid: - Mom! Mother! We came!

They brought a guest into our house!

He is alone in the whole world,

He doesn't have a mother...

Mom-goat: So be it, said mom,

Let him play with you too.

The door is open here for everyone

If you don't scary beast!

Storyteller: The gray wolf smiled!

The gray wolf laughed!

He found some friends

It will be more fun with them!

And also, most importantly

He also has a mother!

The wolf, the mother goat and the kids perform a cheerful dance.

Proverbs about the book.

A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.

He who reads a lot knows a lot.

The book will help you in your work and help you out in trouble.

The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.

Choose a book like you choose a friend.

A book is not beautiful in its writing, but rather in its mind.

A book is your friend, without it it’s like having no hands.

Near a good book long life, the bad one is short.

There is not a single book in the house - the owner is doing bad things.

One book teaches thousands of people.

Book pages are like eyelashes - they open your eyes.

The book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.

Fairy tale test

What bird did Thumbelina fly on?

a) swallow, +

b) swift,

c) sparrow

d) owl.

What tool did the soldier use to make soup in the Russian fairy tale?

a) plane

b) axe, +

c) hammer

d) electric drill.

What woke up Sleeping Beauty?

a) alarm clock,

b) the prince's kiss, +

V) phone call,

d) noisy neighbors.

Which character was not among the Bremen musicians?

a) donkey

b) goose, +

c) cat,

d) dog.

What did Buratino discover behind the treasured door in Papa Carlo’s closet?

a) field of miracles,

b) sawmill,

c) theater, +

d) The land of fools.

What did Eeyore lose in the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh?

a) conscience

b) mane,

c) teeth

d) tail. +

The meeting with which fish was a turning point in the life of the fabulous Emelya?

a) pike, +

b) piranha,

c) gudgeon,

d) ruff.

Who traded leeches in the fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”?

a) Karabas,

b) cat Basilio,

c) Papa Carlo,

d) Duremar. +



for students on questions:

1. Do you like to read books?

2. What do you love more:

- read it yourself?

- listen to adults reading?

3. Name a book you recently read.

for parents

1. Does your child like to read?

2. What does your child most often prefer:

- read it yourself?

- listen to adults reading?

3. Is it common to read books in your family?

Yes / Very rarely / No.

4. Name a book that your child recently read.

5. Do you consider it necessary for yourself to form a child’s interest in reading books?



What did Cinderella lose at the ball?


The most famous postman


What was the name of the smartest pig who built a house out of stone (brick)?


How many workers pulled out turnips?


What hurt hippos?


The name of the children's poetess Barto


The name of the dog from the fairy tale “Turnip”.


What always wins in fairy tales


Who is the author of the story “Fox Bread”


What was the last wish Zhenya made in the fairy tale Flower of Seven Flowers?


What is the name of the girl in A. Barto’s poem who shouts from the doorway: “I have a lot of lessons?”


Who wrote in the poem that you can’t raise puppies by screaming and kicking?


to participate in the competition “Dad, Mom, Me – a reading family”

Family (f, and child)_______________________________________________________________

I agree to take part in the competition as part of:

Mother _________________________________________________________

dad _________________________________________________________

We are familiar with the terms of the competition.

It is in the family that the child’s personality is nurtured. And you can’t do without reading here. The role of the family in shaping attitudes towards books and reading is extremely important. If reading is part of the lifestyle of adult family members, the child picks up and absorbs it. Impressions received in own family, remain a certain scale for comparison, for evaluation throughout life and are already realized in one’s own family.


  1. study the reading situation in families, the range of children's reading;
  2. expand social partnership, attract children and parents to reading;
  3. develop creative abilities;
  4. provide informational assistance to the family;
  5. identify the most reading family.

Homework is valued in points, which are added to the marks earned in the quiz competition tasks.

When assessing homework, the following criteria are highlighted:

  1. for the aesthetics of the book's design;
  2. for the complexity of its manufacture;
  3. for creative ideas;
  4. for the content of the book.

Competition tasks are held different ways: using presentations, working with illustrations, oral and written responses, creative tasks, etc.
The quiz involves the following competitions: “Proverbs about books and reading”, “Writers and poets”, “Guess the artist”, “ Literary quiz", "Magic Remedy" and "Confusion", "Guess the Fairy Tale", "Creative Competition".

At their discretion, librarians can choose for competitions No. 2, No. 3, No. 6 (“Writers and Poets”, “Guess the Artist”, “Guess the Fairy Tale”) portraits of writers, illustrations of artists, pictures of fairy tales. It is not possible to send the material I have selected for these competitions, since the presentations are very voluminous, i.e. more than 3 MB.

The jury sums up the results, each family is awarded certificates and memorable gifts.

Preliminary work:development of regulations for the competition “Mom, Dad, Me – a reading family”: purpose, objectives, form of implementation (see.Annex 1).

Materials: illustrations for literary works, the names of artists, a presentation with portraits of writers and for the “Guess the Fairy Tale” competition, task sheets, pens, plasticine, records, stacks, boards, gifts.

The hall is festively decorated. Families participating in the quiz sat at the tables.

Librarian: Good evening, dear guests! Thank you for taking the time to come to this meeting. Today we will talk about the book, its value for every person, and also get acquainted with the most reading families of our school - kindergarten.

A boy comes out and reads a poem:

When my mother reads a book to me,
It’s not at all what I read to myself.
Although I know the letters perfectly well,
And I’ve already read “Aibolit” myself.
But if mom sits next to her with a book,
This book is so interesting to listen to!
It’s like there’s a brave captain in the wheelhouse,
Who is not afraid of evil pirates,
That’s just me!
Or I go on patrol at the border,
Or in a rocket heading towards the Sun,
And the fearless astronaut is me too.
I ask you, read to me, mother,
Today I feel like I'm going to become a bird
And I’ll save poor Thumbelina!

(I. Tokmakova)

Librarian: Undoubtedly, books play a very important role in raising children. Even A.M. Gorky wrote: “I probably won’t be able to convey quite vividly and convincingly how great my amazement was when I felt that almost every book seemed to open a window into a new unknown world for me.” These words of the writer accurately reflect the desire of all adults to choose such books so that they open up a wonderful, joyful world for children and answer all the children’s “whys.”
Now let’s get acquainted with our participating families who prepared homemade books for the competition on the topic “Presentation of my reading family.”

Families introduce their family, what books they like to read, what kind of home library they have, etc.

Librarian: Thank you for your performances. I am very glad that parents are not indifferent to reading issues. And now first competition .
People have come up with a lot of proverbs about books and reading. Remember and name them as many as possible.
(“A book is like water - it will make a way everywhere”, “Gold is mined from the earth, and knowledge is from a book”, “When you read a book, you fly on wings”, “A book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune”, “From time immemorial, a book grows person”, “Read new book– met a friend”, “A mind without a book is like a bird without wings”, “Bread nourishes the body, and a book feeds the mind”, etc.)

Competition No. 2. “Writers and Poets”

– Every book has its own author. Now you will be presented with portraits of writers and poets, and you will need to name their names (S.Ya.Marshak, S.V. Mikhalkov, C. Perrot, A.S. Pushkin, N.N. Nosov, K.I. Chukovsky, I.A. Krylov, G.Kh. Andersen.)

Competition No. 3. “Guess the artist”

– Everyone knows that children love books with bright pictures, which are called illustrations. Now you will be presented with illustrations by different artists and the names of these artists. Your task is to choose the right illustrations for the artist’s name. (M. Vrubel, V. Vasnetsov, I. Bilibin, E. Charushin, V. Konashevich)

Competition No. 4. Literary quiz for children and parents

Questions for children(parents help):

  1. What did the rich fly buy at the market? ( Samovar)
  2. What was the name of the smartest pig from Sergei Mikhalkov's fairy tale? ( Naf-Naf)
  3. Who injured Barbos from the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”? ( Chicken )
  4. What did the Wolf catch fish in Russian folk tale"Wolf and Fox"? ( tail)
  5. What phrase does Leopold the Cat repeat when he wants to make peace with the mice?("Guys let's be friends!")
  6. How many workers pulled out the turnips? ( Six )
  7. Whose house was the chicken running to flood with a bucket? ( Cat house )
  8. Where did the girl and her brother hide to escape the swan geese? (On the bank of the river, under the apple tree, in the stove)
  9. What was the name of the girl who fought with Snow Queen? ( Gerda)
  10. What hurt hippos? ( tummies)
  11. Which literary hero was distinguished by unprecedented growth and worked as a policeman? ( Uncle Styopa)
  12. Who was Moidodyr? (Washbasins are the boss and washcloths are the commander)

Questions for parents:

  1. The name of which stone product became the name of Pavel Bazhov’s collection of fairy tales? (Malachite Box)
  2. What were the names of two brothers - collectors of fairy tales originally from Germany? ( Brothers Grimm)
  3. Which author owns the lines:

“And you friends, don’t sit down,
Everyone is not fit to be musicians" ( Krylov)

  1. Which month was the youngest in the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”? ( January )
  2. What was the strength of Chernomor? ( In the beard)
  3. What word did Kai collect in the Snow Queen's castle ("Eternity")
  4. How long has Sleeping Beauty been asleep? ( For 100 years)
  5. In "Three Fat Men" could the heir Tutti's doll sing? ( No )
  6. What did Peter Pan lose? ( Your shadow)
  7. What berry seed did Munchausen use to shoot the deer? ( Cherries)
  8. How much did the prince set the clock in the fairy tale “Cinderella”? ( An hour ago)
  9. How many clicks did the priest lose in Pushkin's fairy tale? ( Three )

Competition No. 5. “Magic Remedy” and “Confusion”

Parents are given sheets of paper with the task of writing what magical remedy the heroes of fairy tales had; correct mistakes in poems.

Magic remedy:

  1. at Pinocchio's (golden key)
  2. the girl Zhenya from Kataev's fairy tale (seven-flowered flower)
  3. at Ole Lukoje (umbrella with dreams)
  4. from the soldier from Andersen's fairy tale ( flint)


  1. Our Masha crying loudly:
    She dropped a ball into the river. (
  1. There's a bear coming , swings,
    Sighs as he walks:
    "Oh, the board is ending,
    Now I'm going to fall" (
  1. An old man lived with his wife
    At the very blue sea. (
    old woman)
  1. Cheat to the tree
    Tiptoeing fits.
    Twirls his tail
    frogs doesn't take his eyes off... ( Crows)

Competition No. 6. “Guess the fairy tale”

In the presentation objects and heroes are presented, by which children and parents must guess what kind of fairy tale it is:

  1. Bottle with the inscription “Drink me”, rabbit, roses, Cheshire cat, girl – “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”;
  2. A wooden house, a fox, a hare, a rooster with a scythe - “Zayushkina’s hut”;
  3. A flock of ducks, clouds, a frog, a twig - “Frog Traveler”;
  4. The inscription “For strangers “B””, bee, balloon, piglet, honey pot, oak tree - “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all...”
  5. Flower in a pot, swallow, elf prince, mouse, toad - “Thumbelina”;
  6. A dugout, an old man with a fishing net, a broken trough, a goldfish, an old queen - “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish.”

Final competition "Creative"

Librarian: Well done, you showed good knowledge of children's literary works. And at the end of our meeting I propose creative task: There are records and plasticine on the tables, your task: to sculpt your favorite literary character on the record. Good luck in your work!

At the end of the competition, the jury sums up the results, each family receives a small memorable gift.



    It’s not at all what I read to myself.
    Although I know the letters perfectly well,
    And I’ve already read “Aibolit” myself.
    But if mom sits next to her with a book,
    This book is so interesting to listen to!
    It’s like there’s a brave captain in the wheelhouse,
    Who is not afraid of evil pirates,
    That’s just me!
    Or I go on patrol at the border,
    Or in a rocket heading towards the Sun,
    And the fearless astronaut is me too.
    I ask you, read to me, mother,
    Today I feel like I'm going to become a bird
    And I’ll save poor Thumbelina!

    (I. Tokmakova)

    Now let's meet our participating families.

    And now first competition.
    People have come up with a lot of proverbs about books and reading. Remember and name them as many as possible. (“A book is like water - it will make a way everywhere”, “Gold is mined from the earth, and knowledge is from a book”, “When you read a book, you fly on wings”, “A book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune”, “From time immemorial, a book grows person”, “Read a new book - met a friend”, “A mind without a book is like a bird without wings”, “Bread nourishes the body, and a book feeds the mind”, etc.)

    Competition No. 1"Collect proverbs"

    To teach is to sharpen the mind.

    Learning is light, ignorance is darkness.

    You won't learn everything at once.

    Captains competition.

    Everyone knows that children love books with bright pictures, called illustrations. Now you will be presented with illustrations (drawings by children). Do you need to guess what work these drawings are for?

    Competition No. 3
    “Who was here and forgot what”

    1 Telephone (“Telephone” K.I. Chukovsky);

    Competition No. 4 “Guess the Fairy Tale”

    1 Wooden house, fox, hare, rooster with a scythe - “Zayushkina’s hut”;

    2 A flock of ducks, clouds, a frog, a twig - “Frog Traveler”;

    3 The inscription “To outsiders “B””, a bee, a balloon, a pig, a pot of honey, an oak tree - “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all...”

    4 Flower in a pot, swallow, elf prince, mouse, toad - “Thumbelina”;

    5 Dugout, an old man with a fishing net, a broken trough, a goldfish, an old queen - “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish.”

    Competition No. 5 “Fairytale Bazaar”
    Which fairy tales do these characters belong to?
    1 In the new wall
    In the round window
    During the day the glass is broken,
    Installed overnight. (Ice hole)
    "By magic"
    2. The cat is sitting on the window,
    And a tail like a cat's
    And the nose is like a cat's,
    Not a cat. (Cat)
    "Puss in Boots"
    3 What kind of master is this?
    Applied to glass
    And leaves and grass,
    And thickets of roses? (Freezing)
    . “Morozko”

    4. To the first step
    A young guy stood up
    To the twelfth step
    A gray-haired old man came. (12 months)
    "Twelve months"
    5 Our fat Fedora
    It won't be long before he gets enough.
    But when I’m full,
    From Fedora - warmth. (Stove)
    "Swan geese"
    6. Round, not a ball,
    With a tail, not a mouse,
    Yellow, not honey
    Yes, the taste is not the same. (Turnip)
    7. In summer he walks without a road
    Between pines and birches,
    And in winter he sleeps in a den,
    Hiding your nose from the frost. (Bear)
    "Three Bears"

    8. In the village there is a clock like this,
    Not dead, not alive
    They walk without a factory -
    Bird kind. (Rooster)
    “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”
    9. Not a lamb or a cat,
    Wears a fur coat all year round.
    Gray fur coat for summer,
    For winter - a different color. (Hare)
    "The Tale of the Brave Hare - long ears, slanted eyes, short tail
    10 Tweet-chirp!
    Jump to the grains!
    Peck, don't be shy!
    Who is this? (Sparrow)

    . “Sparrow”

    Questions for parents.

    1. The king and queen said goodbye

    I'm ready for the journey,

    The queen gave birth in the night

    Either son or daughter

    Not a mouse, not a frog,

    And an unknown animal.

    Turn back, bow to the fish

    I need a worker:

    Cook, groom and carpenter

    (4 excerpts from 4 fairy tales)

    2 Mother and son are now free,

    She sits at the table like a queen.

    Everyone in this city is rich:

    There are no pictures - just chambers.

    (excerpt from 3 fairy tales)

    3 Which hero told his parents: “Only if you drive him away, I will leave you too”?

    So, in the first word of the title of this fairy tale - the name main character,

    Competition No. 7 “Confusion”

    Our Masha crying loudly:
    She dropped a ball into the river. ( Tanya)

    Going bear, swings,
    Sighs as he walks:
    "Oh, the board is ending,
    Now I'm going to fall" ( Goby)

    An old man lived with his wife
    By the bluest sea. ( Old woman)

    Cheat to the tree
    Tiptoeing fits.
    Twirls his tail
    WITH frogs doesn't take his eyes off... ( Crows)

    To parents:

    1 And the queen laughed,

    And shrug your shoulders

    And wink with your eyes

    And click your fingers,

    And spin around with your arms akimbo

    Looking proudly in the mirror.

    2 Once upon a time there was a priest with a thick forehead

    Pop went to the market

    Look for some products

    And towards him,

    Not knowing where

    The idiot himself is coming.

    3 The moon shines under the scythe,

    And the star burns in the forehead,

    And she is majestic herself,

    As if a peahen is performing:

    And as the speech says,

    It gurgles like a river

    4 Three girls under the window

    Late in the evening they were spinning,

    “If only I were a queen,”

    One girl says, -

    Then to the baptized whole world

    I would prepare a feast."

    5 The wind is blowing at sea

    And he speeds up the boat;

    He runs in the waves

    With full sails.

    The shipmen marvel

    Crowding on the boat

    On a familiar island

    In reality they see a miracle.

    1.“I am the son of the steppes..

    Already at the age of five...

    (I distinguished horses by color

    Shepherd the flock

    I got up just before dawn.

    I am the son of the steppes...)

    1. The old man returned to the old woman,

    He told her a great miracle:

    Goldfish, not simple;)

    1. Lukomorye has a green oak tree,

    (golden chain on the oak tree:

    Day and night the cat is a scientist

    Everything goes round and round in a chain)

    Summing up the results of the competition. Children and adults perform the song “Little Country” using a phonogram. The chairman of the jury awards the winning team and all participants in the competition with memorable prizes and diplomas.

    The kitten will grow up to be a cat
    The same as everyone else in the world,
    The chick turns into a bird,
    The same as everyone else in the world.
    And the children read
    And children dream
    And even their moms and dads
    They don't know
    Who will they become?
    What will the children grow up to be?

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"Family holiday "Dad, Mom and I - a reading family""

Topic: "Mom, Dad, I am a reading family"

It is in the family that the child’s personality is nurtured. And you can’t do without reading here. The role of the family in shaping attitudes towards books and reading is extremely important. If reading is part of the lifestyle of adult family members, the child picks up and absorbs it. The impressions received in one’s own family remain on a certain scale for comparison, for evaluation for life and are realized in one’s own family.


    study the reading situation in families, the range of children's reading;

    expand social partnership, attract children and parents to reading;

    develop creative abilities;

    provide informational assistance to the family;

    identify the most reading family.

Form of event: family holiday.

Leading: Good evening, dear guests! Thank you for taking the time to come to this meeting. Today we will talk about the book, its value for every person, and also get acquainted with the most reading families of our school.

A boy comes out and reads a poem:

When my mother reads a book to me,
It’s not at all what I read to myself.
Although I know the letters perfectly well,
And I’ve already read “Aibolit” myself.
But if mom sits next to her with a book,
This book is so interesting to listen to!
It’s like there’s a brave captain in the wheelhouse,
Who is not afraid of evil pirates,
That’s just me!
Or I go on patrol at the border,
Or in a rocket heading towards the Sun,
And the fearless astronaut is me too.
I ask you, read to me, mother,
Today I feel like I'm going to become a bird
And I’ll save poor Thumbelina!

(I. Tokmakova)

Undoubtedly, books play a very important role in raising children. Also A.M. Gorky wrote: “I probably won’t be able to convey quite vividly and convincingly how great my amazement was when I felt that almost every book seemed to open a window into a new unknown world for me.” These words of the writer accurately reflect the desire of all adults to choose such books so that they open up a wonderful, joyful world for children and answer all the children’s “whys.” Fans won’t be bored today either, because a variety of tasks have been prepared for them. You undoubtedly have a lot of urgent worries and affairs, but leave your endless worries and affairs outside the door of this class and, together with your children, try to relax today. So we begin our holiday
Now let's meet our participating families.

Each team introduces its family. (Name, motto)

And now first competition.
People have come up with a lot of proverbs about books and reading. Remember and name them as many as possible. (“A book is like water - it will make a way everywhere”, “Gold is mined from the earth, and knowledge is from a book”, “When you read a book, you fly on wings”, “A book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune”, “From time immemorial, a book grows person”, “Read a new book - met a friend”, “A mind without a book is like a bird without wings”, “Bread nourishes the body, and a book feeds the mind”, etc.)

Competition No. 1"Collect proverbs"

The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

To teach is to sharpen the mind.

Learn from the wise man and avoid the fool.

Learning is light, ignorance is darkness.

You won't learn everything at once.

It is not clothes that make a man, but his knowledge.

Captains competition.

Competition No. 2. “Guess which work these illustrations are from”

– Everyone knows that children love books with bright pictures, which are called illustrations. Now you will be presented with illustrations (drawings by children). Do you need to guess what work these drawings are for?

Competition No. 3
“Who was here and forgot what”

Each team receives a card and tries within three minutes to identify the works from which they are taken, and also answer who is the author of these works (1 point for the work, 1 point for the author)

1 Telephone (“Telephone” K.I. Chukovsky);

2 Soap, towel (“Moidodyr” by K. I. Chukovsky”);

3 Suitcase (“Doctor Aibolit” K.I. Chukovsky);

4 Ball (“Toys” by A. L. Barto);

5 The Shoe (“Cinderella” by Ch. Perrault);

6 Boot (“Puss in Boots” by Ch. Perrault);

7 Little Red Riding Hood (“Little Red Riding Hood” by Ch. Perrault);

8 Pea (“The Princess and the Pea” by H.H. Andersen)

Competition No. 4 “Guess the Fairy Tale”

Objects and characters are presented, by which children and parents must guess what kind of fairy tale it is:

1 Wooden house, fox, hare, rooster with a scythe - “Zayushkina’s hut”;

2 A flock of ducks, clouds, a frog, a twig - “Frog Traveler”;

3 The inscription “To strangers “B””, a bee, a balloon, a pig, a pot of honey, an oak tree - “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all...”

4 Flower in a pot, swallow, elf prince, mouse, toad - “Thumbelina”;

5 A dugout, an old man with a fishing net, a broken trough, a goldfish, an old queen - “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish.”

6 Mattress, carriage, chair, shower, galoshes, princess. (Princess on the Pea)

7 Sea, wind, witchcraft drink, pain, prince. (Mermaid)

8 Hollow, witch, dog, cradle, flint, pipe. (Flint)

Competition No. 5 “Fairytale Bazaar”
Which fairy tales do these characters belong to?
1 In the new wall
In the round window
During the day the glass is broken,
Installed overnight. (Ice hole)
"By magic"

2. The cat is sitting on the window,
And a tail like a cat's
And the nose is like a cat's,
Not a cat. (Cat)
"Puss in Boots"

3 What kind of master is this?
Applied to glass
And leaves and grass,
And thickets of roses? (Freezing)
. “Morozko”

4. To the first step
A young guy stood up
To the twelfth step
A gray-haired old man came. (12 months)
"Twelve months"

5 Our fat Fedora
It won't be long before he gets enough.
But when I’m full,
From Fedora - warmth. (Stove)
"Swan geese"

6. Round, not a ball,
With a tail, not a mouse,
Yellow, not honey
Yes, the taste is not the same. (Turnip)

7. In summer he walks without a road
Between pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in a den,
Hiding your nose from the frost. (Bear)
"Three Bears"

8. In the village there is a clock like this,
Not dead, not alive
They walk without a factory -
Bird kind. (Rooster)
“The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”

9. Not a lamb or a cat,
Wears a fur coat all year round.
Gray fur coat for summer,
For winter - a different color. (Hare)
“The Tale of the Brave Hare – Long Ears, Slanting Eyes, Short Tail”

10 Tweet-chirp!
Jump to the grains!
Peck, don't be shy!
Who is this? (Sparrow)

. “Sparrow”

Competition No. 6 “Literary quiz for children and parents”

Questions for children (parents help):

1 What did the rich fly buy at the market? (Samovar)

2 What was the name of the smartest pig from Sergei Mikhalkov’s fairy tale? (Naf-Naf)

3 Who injured Barbos from the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”? (Chicken)

4 What did the Wolf fish with in the Russian folk tale “The Wolf and the Fox”? (Tails)

5 What phrase does Leopold the Cat repeat when he wants to make peace with the mice? ("Guys let's be friends!")

6 How many workers pulled out the turnips? (Six)

7 Whose house did the chicken run to flood with a bucket? (Cat house)

8 Where did the girl and her brother hide to escape the swan geese? (On the bank of the river, under the apple tree, in the stove)

9 What was the name of the girl who fought the Snow Queen? (Gerda)

10 What hurt hippos? (tummies)

11 Which literary character was distinguished by unprecedented growth and worked as a policeman? (Uncle Styopa)

12 Who was Moidodyr? (Washstands are the boss and washcloths are the commander)

Questions for parents.

Determine how many fairy tales are excerpts from and what kind of fairy tales are they?

    The king and queen said goodbye

On the road - prepared for the road,

And the queen sat down at the window to wait for him alone.

The queen gave birth in the night

Either son or daughter

Not a mouse, not a frog,

And an unknown animal.

Turn back, bow to the fish

I need a worker:

Cook, groom and carpenter

(4 excerpts from 4 fairy tales)

2 Mother and son are now free,

She lives well with 7 heroes,

She sits at the table like a queen.

Everyone in this city is rich:

There are no pictures - just chambers.

(excerpt from 3 fairy tales)

3Which hero told his parents: “Only if you drive him away, I will leave you too”?

(Uncle Fyodor. “Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat” by E. Uspensky)

4 Does everyone know the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief”?

So, in the first word of the title of this fairy tale is the name of the main character,

Guess what the name of Fedora's dad was? (Egor)

Competition No. 7 “Confusion”

Our Masha crying loudly:
She dropped a ball into the river. ( Tanya)

Going bear, swings,
Sighs as he walks:
"Oh, the board is ending,
Now I'm going to fall" ( Goby)

An old man lived with his wife
By the bluest sea. ( Old woman)

Cheat to the tree
Tiptoeing fits.
Twirls his tail
WITH frogs doesn't take his eyes off... ( Crows)

To parents:

1 And the queen laughed,

And shrug your shoulders

And wink with your eyes

And click your fingers,

And spin around with your arms akimbo

Looking proudly in the mirror.

2 Once upon a time there was a priest with a thick forehead

Pop went to the market

Look for some products

And towards him,

Not knowing where

The idiot himself is coming.

3 The moon shines under the scythe,

And the star burns in the forehead,

And she is majestic herself,

As if a peahen is performing:

And as the speech says,

It gurgles like a river

4 Three girls under the window

Late in the evening they were spinning,

“If only I were a queen,”

One girl says, -

Then to the baptized whole world

I would prepare a feast."

5 The wind is blowing at sea

And he speeds up the boat;

He runs in the waves

With full sails.

The shipmen marvel

Crowding on the boat

On a familiar island

In reality they see a miracle.

Competition No. 8 “Continue the poem”

    “I am the son of the steppes..

Already at the age of five...

(I distinguished horses by color

And, knowing all the sheep, I was happy

Shepherd the flock

I got up just before dawn.

I am the son of the steppes...)

    The old man returned to the old woman,

He told her a great miracle:

(“I caught a fish today,

Goldfish, not an ordinary one;)

    It's a sad time! Ouch charm!...

    Lukomorye has a green oak tree,

(golden chain on the oak tree:

Day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in a chain)

Competition No. 9 Homework “Staging a fairy tale”

Summing up the results of the competition. Children and adults perform the song “Little Country” using a phonogram. The chairman of the jury awards the winning team and all participants in the competition with memorable prizes and diplomas.

The kitten will grow up to be a cat
The same as everyone else in the world,
The chick turns into a bird,
The same as everyone else in the world.
And the children read
And children dream
And even their moms and dads
They don't know
Who will they become?
What will the children grow up to be?

They perform the song “Perform a Miracle” lyrics by M. Ryabinin, music. E. Ptichkina

Make time to read every day
You need to start reading from the first years of life. Choose a comfortable place, making sure that the light falls on the book from the left side. By reading to your baby, you expand his world, help him enjoy reading, and enrich him. lexicon. The child learns to listen to a book, turn the pages, move his finger from left to right, and remembers the words he sees and hears. Kids love regular (not occasional) reading with their parents! Choose a short period of time when you can relax and take your time - before bed, or when you have a break from household chores. Do not forget that a child can be read by grandparents, an older brother or sister, or any family member.
Choose books from the library
Reading with your child constantly, you will definitely notice which books he likes better, which ones he understands better. Take the help of the library and librarian in choosing books similar to these. After all, there is literature for any age and level of development. In addition, it is easier for professionals to find such books than for you yourself. Do not assume that you have all the books your child needs at home - this is the mistake of many reading parents. And it’s not just that home libraries cannot be more diverse than public ones. Your child may simply be inspired by the example of other reading children. There are so many of them in the library and how many books! This is very important for the formation of a young reader who is brought up by imitation. Other books and readers seem to pass the baton to your child. This will help him get used to the variety of books, to the reading behavior of children and adults, and will certainly affect later life, studies. The world of books and the library will not be an unknown country to him. “There are so many interesting books, and you can read them all yourself.” This creates an incentive to read. Always turn to books and reading. Buy a few books to take home so your child can tinker with them.
Surround your child with reading materials
Which ones? First of all, those that he can not only read, but also color a picture, cut or make something on his own, or make a recording. There are many such books and they are for purely individual use. You can also make homemade books. Help your little one glue, sign or sew their your own book, with drawings, photographs and many other things. You can help your child write down the text that he wants to put in his book. Approve, encourage and encourage your child to do this work, as well as reading his “own” books to all family members.
Read slowly and with pleasure
It's not so important what you read, but how you read! When you read quickly and monotonously, the child quickly loses interest. Read emotionally, enjoying the reading yourself. Be an actor (remember your unfulfilled dreams of becoming a “screen star”)! Try to read in different voices for different characters, conveying their character. Your baby will love it!
Read, interrupting your reading with conversational pauses and looking at pictures in the book. This will give the child time to think about what he hears, “digest” what he read, and understand the events, place and characters. Be sure to ask questions yourself and answer those that arise in his mind, listen to how he himself talks and conveys his impressions of what he read. Look closely at your child while reading. Sometimes he clearly does not want to stop reading, especially if the story is unfamiliar and he is hearing it for the first time. Sometimes he will want to look at the pictures first and ask you what the book is about. Be lenient and don't stop him. Reading should be fun! Remember, reading books is a grand rehearsal and predetermination of your future attitude towards learning.
Read again... and again!
As you know, children often like to listen to the same stories. They force you to read books that have already set your teeth on edge over and over again. And when you offer to read or tell something new, they refuse. What to do in this case? Look at the title of this tip! Yes Yes! Read exactly what he asks. This is not a whim. The child wants to understand the book more deeply, the process of learning it occurs more slowly, and he enjoys reading. Don't deprive him of all this. After all, preparation is underway for future thoughtful and attentive reading, cultivating a full perception of the book.
Is it hard for you to re-read Mashenka and the Bear for the twentieth time? Involve all family members in the process. Give the child the opportunity to be proud of himself and pretend that he himself is “reading” this book. So, if a child enjoys a book and he turns to it constantly, read it to him as many times as the child wants.
Read everywhere and always!
You can read anywhere and anytime: while walking, on the beach, on a trip, while waiting for a doctor’s appointment. Make sure you have a book in your bag of baby supplies. As your child learns to identify letters and read syllables, encourage reading signs, titles of adult books, your work documents - anything will help.
Don't force your child to read
Never sit your child down to read (with his parents or on his own) if he doesn’t want to. This is one of the most effective ways kill his interest in reading and books. If he doesn't want to, leave him alone or get him interested in reading. Reading under pressure is the path to not reading at all. And if your already grown child, a schoolboy, reads only comics or primitive publications, refrain from criticism. Remember: he reads! Look for positive and effective ways to move towards his soul, more interesting and more significant books. Choose the most popular topics and books among children (librarians will always come to your aid) and get ready for long way search for favorite books, interesting topics and authors.
Show your child that you are interested in his reading.
There is nothing more important for raising a reader than instilling in a child a love of reading. Be Great Guides to the world of books, and not Great Drivers and Evaluators of what and how your child reads. Ask your child to read to you once he or she can read. Not a lesson given at school, but simply good story while you are doing something with your hands, in the kitchen, for example. If a child makes mistakes when reading, then when the error does not matter for the perception of the text, do not interrupt him immediately, do not let him lose his passion for the story that HE is reading to YOU, filled with importance. You can go back and read the word correctly later. Give him confidence that you find his reading interesting and useful. Never show that you are listening out of necessity or by checking the assignment. Encourage him to read aloud: newspapers, magazines, stories, fairy tales. You don't have time to read, and he does it for you.
No the best way encourage reading! Discuss what you read: be surprised, rejoice, horrified with him. None of this is difficult. And if you follow our advice, you will quietly raise a True Reader. It will be much easier for your child to learn. He will know what to do in free time. He will easily find and creatively process any information. And all this will definitely lead him to success!

1. Educate the reader by personal example.
2. Don’t force your child to read; get him interested in reading by choosing books that might somehow attract him.
3. You can buy a schoolchild an audiobook based on the works of Russian classics, you can find and show a decent film based on the classics, and then ask them to read the book. Discuss the differences.
4. Teach your child to look up the meaning of any unfamiliar word in the dictionary.
5. Reading books together, retelling what they read to each other and the exchange of opinions that involuntarily arises - natural way reading communication in the family.
6. Remember your favorite books from your childhood, as if whetting your appetite for books that are important to every person. Review books from your own library with the participation of children. Talk about your favorite books with admiration.
7. Instruct the student to create a catalog of home books. Experience shows that he can find something interesting for himself by delving into books.
8. Make sure you take it on the road interesting book.
9. If a young reader is interested in a topic, please advise necessary literature. Make sure that really good books fall into your child's hands.