Many people ask the question, which traumatic pistol is better? How to choose a traumatic pistol? I’ll answer these questions right away - the best traumatic pistol is one that is reliable, doesn’t misfire, doesn’t have cartridges misaligned and doesn’t stick to the edge of the breech, and doesn’t have a delay in feeding the cartridge. The best traumatic pistol is a reliable pistol that will not let you down in difficult times!

What is the use of a cool imported traumatic pistol if it misfires in an emergency or its bolt jams or warps the cartridge, the only thing left to do is use it as a piece of iron, try to hit with it. But the destructive power of traumatic pistols is, in principle, normal for almost all of them, it all depends on the distance and location of the hit, if you hit it in the head you can kill, but if you hit it in the stomach it can make you angry, these weapons are not stable.

First, let's look at why you need a traumatic pistol?

A traumatic pistol for self-defense or show-off?

If you have enough money and you just want to shoot with it, since the cheapest cartridge for a traumatic pistol costs 35 rubles, and not everyone can afford to shoot with it just like that, buy any traumatic pistol.

Let's consider domestic models of traumatic pistols: TT "Leader", Makarov "Makarych", Nagan "Naganych". If you shoot just like that, then there is no difference, take the one you like best. All domestic models of traumatic pistols are quite durable and reliable. Well, they know how to make weapons in our country. And such models as the TT “Leader” and the Nagan “Naganych” are converted from combat ones so that a rubber bullet is like spit for them, they were made under live ammunition, but the sound of the shot is like a military one. At first Makarych had problems with the barrel, but this problem was solved; they began to put an additional bushing on the barrel.

Consider a traumatic gun for showing off

If you want people to think about you what you represent law enforcement agencies, of course, take “Makarych”. Then dress appropriately, not provocatively, and try to behave like a policeman. That is, a little arrogantly, an appraising look. Likewise, carry a traumatic pistol openly. Although real opera pistols are carried concealed. But, you are a cool opera! Or in a body-operational holster, but try to ensure that the traumatic pistol often peeks out at you at the right moment when you need to show off. After all, being a policeman is a diagnosis and he always feels himself at work. And almost every second person is a suspect for him. The Power gave him rights, and he feels like a master over everyone. They have a dog instinct - runs, grabs.

Once, my friend and I experimented on my own head. I was 17 years old then. I lived in the city of Grozny, and walked around the city with a friend. Passing by a multi-storey building, I saw 2 PPS officers (patrol and guard policemen) coming out from around the corner. It turned out that they were calmly following us about ten meters away. I say to a friend: “Let’s run and see what happens,” a friend says: “What if they give chase, what should we say?” (We won’t say that we checked their reaction.) “Let’s say we had a bet about who could run to the post the fastest.” As soon as we set off at a gallop, the police officers followed us and started yelling: “Stop, stand.” It’s good that we were at least fast stopped. It ended like this, they took us to a strong point and for a whole hour, or even more, they tried to persuade us (to put it mildly) to confess what we had done, and why we were running away from the police? And we say, we argued who would run to the post faster, and stopped immediately when they asked us to do so.

It’s good that at that moment nothing happened in this area of ​​the city. So, when it began to dawn on them that it seemed like we had nothing to show for it and that people could just run around like that. Of course, their mood dropped, because it was probably in their heads that they had caught the criminals and there would be reward. Since then, I haven’t run in front of police officers, and I don’t advise you to.

Show off like a cool guy

Then it’s better to take TT “Leader” as T.T. is known. killer's gun There is nothing to explain, since you chose such a show-off, it means you yourself know how to behave. Why exactly, TT “Leader” and not “Makarych”? Since pneumatic pistols are also produced on the Makarov base. Many traumatic Makarychs are mistaken for pneumatic ones, because their internal diameter of the barrel is slightly larger than that of pneumatics, while the TT barrel is drilled out and looks solid.

Now no jokes, seriously

Which traumatic pistol is best for self-defense?

Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses of each model

Traumatic pistol TT "Leader"

The strong point is the 2nd bullet cartridge, the automation is reliable but loves lubrication, you can quickly change the clip (magazine), if you start it and do not clean and lubricate it in time, then delays will begin (the cartridge sticks into the edge of the breech of the barrel, since the barrel of a traumatic TT is dull welded, and in a combat weapon the barrel shifts towards the clip (magazine) the combat TT almost does not suffer from sticking a cartridge). Therefore, if you often carry the “Leader” TT, then disassemble and lubricate it once a week, after shooting, try to clean it that day, do not start it, the weapon loves cleanliness!

Weak side - no self-cocking, inconvenient safety, also known as trigger. To put it on safety, you need to lightly cock the trigger and release it, the trigger and bolt are blocked. Remove the safety, slightly pull the trigger back and press the trigger, release the trigger or cock it to the firing position.

Traumatic pistol "Makarych"

The strong point is self-cocking, a convenient fuse, you can quickly change the clip (magazine), does not suffer from cartridge sticking, but sticking can be very in rare cases, so keep Makarych clean.

The weak point is that the trigger is rather weak, pay attention to the firing pin, it should always be dry and clean, without oil, so that there are no misfires. Take and shake the “Makarych”, if you hear the drummer strumming inside, everything is in order. It is inferior in terms of destructive power to the Leader and Naganych TTs.

Traumatic pistol "Naganych"

The strong point is that there is no safety lock, it is always ready to fire, it is not afraid of misfires, because if there is a misfire, immediately when you press the trigger, the drum will feed another cartridge, it is reliable, good strength defeats (if we can even talk about trauma in this way, well, we choose what we have.)

The weak point is that the trigger is tight during self-cocking and the drum takes a long time to reload.

Now let’s speculate and decide which traumatic pistol is better for self-defense

Or maybe you have already decided? Suppose you have a Makarych, what good is it that it has a self-cocking mechanism, when by law you are not supposed to keep the cartridge in the chamber while wearing it, and besides, it must have the safety on. So here the chances with the “Leader” TT are equalized, and even the “Leader” wins in terms of strength. “Makarych”, as well as the TT “Leader” must be removed from the safety, and then the bolt must also be pulled, then only these pistols can fire. It’s funny how our laws are written, which means a revolver without a safety lock and always ready to fire is allowed, but a “Makarych” with a cartridge in the chamber is not allowed. Although if you drive a cartridge into the chamber and carefully pull the trigger, or simply put the safety on, the trigger will go down on its own, and there will be no shot. And to fire a self-cocking shot from Makarych, you need almost the same effort as a revolver. So why not allow it? It turns out that the fastest Naganych pistol and any revolver?

But it is difficult to shoot with a self-cocking revolver, especially for an untrained person, since it will cause the barrel to move large to the side when the trigger is pulled and the bullets will fly away from the target. If you want to master the technique of proper shooting and holding a pistol, you can purchase educational books different types shooting But let's remember what we are talking about, self-defense weapons. This means that you are not going to go into battle and shoot accurately at least at 25m. A traumatic pistol is needed to repel an attempted robbery, beating, etc. As a rule, this always happens unexpectedly for those who are frivolous and do not pay attention to the situation around them.

There may also be a false situation, that is, an ambush that is difficult to calculate. And contact with criminals will most likely be up to a meter when they rob or beat you. Do you want to say that you will have time to get a Makarych or TT Leader, remove the safety, and jerk the bolt? I think not, most likely they will knock it out of you right away. And “Naganych”, as soon as you get it, you can shoot. From such a distance it is difficult to miss, even if you miss, the shot itself will frighten the attackers, and the 2nd and 3rd shots will definitely hit the taken aback criminals, I think they won’t find it too much.

So, have you decided on the choice of a traumatic pistol?

Yes, but if you are very careful, and walking along dark streets and entering dark entrances, walk with a loaded pistol in your hand, then take any one.

But I believe that for self-defense, the Naganych or any revolver is better, since a revolver is more reliable, although it has fewer cartridges than a self-loading one, but since shooting is carried out at close range you need speed and reliability.

If an attack on you occurs with a traumatic weapon, then the winner will be the one who is cooler and knows how to shoot better, it is better if you learn to shoot at a glance without aiming.

But if you expect to be attacked by more than 6 people, it is better to have two pistols (just kidding). There is no legal limit on the number of items you can carry. traumatic weapons, the main thing is that it is registered correctly and the gun must be in the holster!

But trauma is unpredictable, you can kill with a shot from a traumatic pistol, and if you hit it in a place that doesn’t hurt or from a long distance, you can make you even more angry.

Why? Here's why! If the criminals have chosen you as a victim, and you have a gun hanging languidly. They will stun you so unexpectedly that you won’t even have time to gasp. And when there is no weapon in sight, they will act brazenly, feeling their superiority in strength. After all, any criminal chooses a victim weaker than himself. And you give him a gift in the form of a rubber bullet. Yes, and also be careful in exceeding self-defense, because we have laws about what the drawbar is, where you turned in and out.

A simple example: You just walk and don’t touch anyone, in good mood, then a guy flies up and is about to hit you with his fist, but you managed to shoot first. He was injured and is in hospital. You will be judged because HE will be the victim.

Although logically you are the victim.

Were you attacked?

Were you forced to use weapons to protect your life and health?

Did you intentionally cause harm to the attacker?


And this fellow must be judged for attempting to cause harm to your health, and maybe even your life. And the fact that he has a ton of blows and kills a bull with one blow, and if the blow had reached you, you would have been dead.

No one will take it into account, but on the contrary, they will bring a bunch of beautiful characteristics to this bastard, but it will turn out that he is a good boy and so on.

And at the trial you will think, it would be better if he killed me than all these lawsuits. And God forbid, they’ll put you in prison. The law also prohibits shooting at a distance of up to a meter, and only at limbs. (Therefore, immediately warn the raiders so that they move away to a distance of at least a meter, expose their limbs, and you take good aim and shoot in the arm or leg, just don’t miss and hit them in the stomach, it’s forbidden to shoot there. (Joke.) But there is a grain of truth in every joke.) One gets the impression that the people who came up with these laws never went beyond their apartment. And when they grew up, they immediately became smart deputies.

And who will touch the deputy with security? So it turns out that you can defend yourself, only somehow very carefully, and at the moment when they beat you, you must always think how not to exceed this self-defense and not hit stronger than that who hits you, especially since the attacker will be stronger than you. So if a criminal kills you, they will give him 10 years, if, of course, they catch him, and you accidentally kill him, you will be imprisoned because they will consider that there was no threat to your life. And this is an excess of self-defense.

What’s interesting is that the law says everything correctly, but in practice, if a person defends himself and causes harm to the attacker or kills, immediately in court they consider that you exceeded self-defense, and they will not even look at the fact that the attacker was with a club or a knife.

You are to blame because you were able to defend yourself!!!

But if there is good money for a cool lawyer, then you can turn the guilty person into a victim.

The law is what the drawbar is, where it is turned and it will come out.

It’s a criminal who can do anything, they have their own laws, and they have military weapons, and when they attack, they don’t think about exceeding the limit.

Based on all this, know that if you can stand up for yourself, and there are no witnesses, then quickly get out of this place, because according to our laws you are guilty, and you will most likely be imprisoned. Even if there are witnesses, they are still guilty, you cannot defend yourself in Russia, although weapons for self-defense are sold.

This is in America, although it is hostile to us, laws are created for people, and in self-defense the citizen is always right, no matter what the outcome, even the corpse of the assailant.

“And God forbid that you don’t need this.”

I want to add, but you don’t have to read this

Were you beaten up by a bunch of scumbags? If yes, then you will understand me, and if not, then no. At one time I worked in security and studied the laws, especially the law on self-defense, it’s easier for a security guard even if he exceeded 200% self-defense for a maximum of 2 years.

I thought a lot about the law on self-defense and came to the conclusion that it is completely wrong.

This is because we don’t have specifics; or rather, everything is beautifully written in the law, but in court everything depends on the preparation and cost of the lawyer and prosecutor. If you are right according to the law, but a cheap lawyer and an eloquent prosecutor will put you in prison, or, conversely, a good lawyer and a bad prosecutor will acquit you. The point is, the law is not clear in its wording. It’s as simple as in the traffic rules, you drove through a red light, it’s your fault, and no lawyer will help, because here everything is simple and clear, the wording is that running a red light is prohibited.

So in self-defense you need to make a decision, and make a clear law like a red light, if you were attacked, then you should not think about the law of self-defense, but simply defend yourself in any way possible for you, and if you accidentally killed your attacker, then you are right according to the law of self-defense, so how the red light law works (the bully is always wrong). And it doesn’t matter how he was killed with a pistol or a stone.

Many will say, a fist in your face, and a brick on your head, this is not correct. Let's develop the situation further, you weren't hit with a brick, they beat you further and kill you or make you crippled, whichever option suits you. In court, they never develop the situation beyond what happened, but take only the fact, and do not think that the person defending himself could not have acted differently, because there will be no one to judge, but only your corpse, and the criminal or criminals will most likely not be found.

If there is a law that the victim is always wrong, everything will become simple and clear, and criminals will think twice about touching you, since the criminal will know that the victim can kill him and he or she will be given a medal for self-defense. Until we learn to respect any person as an individual, we will have such a law on self-defense. I think so, any person is untouchable, and you don’t have to pay attention to swearing, but if you want, then swear too, but don’t give free rein to your hands.

If there is such a law, then many good and normal people will not be imprisoned, and Russian society will gradually get used to it, and the thugs will begin to think about touching someone, because he can kill and nothing will happen to him.

I once laughed at one report, a girl stunned a criminal who was attacking her with a club, he lost consciousness and the police grabbed him, she was given a certificate, and if she had hit him harder, there would not have been a beautiful report, and she would have been convicted of exceeding self-defense, because it’s clear from her that she doesn’t live richly and she doesn’t have money for a good lawyer!

And another report was upsetting, my grandfather guarded the dachas, but he was just a watchman, (for watchmen, know that if you are not a security guard and do not have a license for security activities, you only have the right to see a crime and call the police, but you do not have the right to detain) he I saw that three criminals were robbing the dacha and shouted to them to stop the theft, but one bastard turned out to be a thieve, he came up and knocked the grandfather down with a kick, but the grandfather managed to shoot and killed the bastard, the grandfather was imprisoned for exceeding self-defense. Although my grandfather owned a gun legally. Let's look at this case, bad lawyer, and the main thing for the cops is to put him in prison and give himself a tick.

I am a hunter myself and I know that the law on weapons contains such lines that if someone tries to take possession of your weapon, you have the right to shoot to kill. After this bastard knocked his grandfather down, what do you think he would have done next if his grandfather had not killed him? I’ll tell you, he definitely took the gun, beat up his grandfather, or killed him, so is the grandfather right or wrong? This is how our self-defense law works.

38 Models of traumatic pistols! Video

21 models of traumatic Revolvers

Weapon license

License for traumatic weapons

First, remember whether you were involved in fights after which you ended up in the police, whether you often end up in a sobering-up station, or are addicted to drugs, have you been brought to the police for any offenses, if so, this may serve as a reason for refusing to issue a license.

But if you are over 18 years old and clean before the law, then you can safely go to the permitting office (as people call the licensing service for civilian weapons), this department is located at your police department.

And now in detail.

Find out in advance where school completion certificates are issued. safe handling with weapons, you need a medical certificate there, bring money for training, the amount may be different, it all depends on the region, but maybe I won’t say the same, I know that for us it’s more than 2 thousand rubles.

Afterwards, you come to the permitting office and declare that you really want to purchase a traumatic pistol. They will give you a list of documents that you must provide to obtain a license to acquire the storage and carrying of a traumatic weapon. The list is like this;

Passport and copy of passport

Black and white matte photographs 3x4 2pcs

Medical certificate form 046-1

Certificate from a psychoneurological clinic

Certificate from a drug treatment clinic

Application for a weapons permit

Certificate of completion from a gun safety school.

You will write the application on the spot, they will dictate it to you and give you a sample. Pay for the license.

Everything seems simple!

Previously, a reference from a local police officer was needed, but now it is not necessary. Now they give a task to the district police officer, he is obliged to come to your home to check the presence of a safe, he can ask questions, here everything depends on the district police officer. If you don’t like me or if you turn out to be greedy and don’t put down the mark, you won’t see permission like your ears.

We came up with weapons training. Some people, of course, need this, but many don’t, especially those who served in the army and have an idea of ​​handling weapons or hunters, hunters handle weapons when hunting and shoot with real shot and not a rubber bullet. I understand that you need to somehow extract extra money from people, that’s the reason, pay and study, or overpay and don’t study, they will give you a paper.

We collected all the documents, took them to the permitting office, checked them by the local police officer, and within a month you should be issued a license. With a license, you go to the store and buy the barrel you like, and again to the permitting office to register it.

Now you are the rightful owner of a traumatic weapon.

I almost forgot, for those who don’t know the rules, I’ll give you the standard sequence for handling weapons.


How to charge correctly self-loading pistol such as “Makarych”, “Leader” (those pistols with a bolt) and fire a shot.

You load the magazine with cartridges, insert the magazine into the pistol grip, remove the safety, pull the bolt, the pistol is ready to fire!

How to properly unload a self-loading pistol.

You take out the magazine, pull the bolt, (do not pull the bolt quickly, but smoothly, then the cartridge will not fly far, but will fall under your feet), pull the trigger, put the safety on.

How to properly prepare a pistol for carrying.

Equip the magazine with cartridges, pull back the bolt and see if there is a cartridge in the chamber by chance, (the chamber is the place in the barrel where the cartridge is located), if there is a cartridge, remove it, (the chamber must be without a cartridge), pull the trigger, put the safety on, insert the magazine, the pistol is ready to be carried.


You equip the drum with cartridges, ready to fire and wear. You can shoot by self-cocking (press the trigger firmly, the drum rotates and the hammer is cocked, a shot occurs) or you can cock the hammer with your finger, then press the trigger.

They introduced training, it doesn’t matter whether you know how to handle weapons or not. You need to take this course, so okay, if these courses were available in every city where there is a permit, then no, you don’t need to go to the regional center and only take this training there. Example, Stavropol region, not small, but to get the coveted piece of paper stating that you have completed this training, you need to go to Stavropol hundreds of kilometers away.

If you already own a trauma equipment, then when renewing your license you still need to go, but not for training, but for confirmation that you know how to handle a trauma equipment. So five years of experience is the most reliable piece of paper for the ability to handle injuries. Is it really hard to just issue a sheet with the rules? They gave it to a person on the spot, he read everything, explained how and what, if he didn’t understand, this can be organized in any permit and allocated a couple of hours a week. For example, there is a minimum of hunting, when joining the hunting community, a person reads it, that’s enough. Here too, people came, read the paper, how and what, that’s it, no matter hundreds of kilometers away. Although, by and large, this is just a waste of money and a waste of time, if a person is a creature, then he is a creature and no amount of training will correct him.

But this does not mean that the sale of trauma weapons should be banned; the more people are armed, the more order there will be on the street. Although I am not a supporter of traumatic weapons, but of combat guns, so that everyone understands that this gun kills, then there will be fewer deaths from traumatic weapons. If a creature shoots from a trauma gun without any obvious need, but because of an argument and swearing, this creature wants to show that it is tough, not wanting to kill but to hit well with a rubber bullet. But since a rubber bullet can kill, the creature doesn’t think twice about it. The combat barrel, the creature will think about using it or not, since the outcome here is only death, and this is a much greater stopping factor from shooting in a simple verbal skirmish, so we live in a rubber roulette.

Weapon license renewal

The license is issued for five years, renewal one month before the end of the license period, the procedure is the same as for obtaining a license.

License for smooth-bore self-defense weapons (hunting rifles)

The same as described above! But you do not have the right to take this trunk out of your apartment or your own home. It is intended only for self-defense in an apartment or own home. And if you want to shoot at banks with it in nature, BUT YOU CAN’T! Therefore, it is better to first purchase a hunting ticket and then apply for a license based on this ticket. Even if you are “Green” and do not intend to shoot animals, you have the right to transport here, and if you want to shoot, you can always go out into nature and kill a bunch of cans!

License for smoothbore weapons for hunting

You must definitely join the “Rosokhotrybolovsoyuz” and get a hunting license. Find out where this union is located in your city from fellow hunters. There are no problems joining this union, they will allow you to read the hunt for a minimum, then pay the entrance fee and you are a hunter. With this ticket you go to the permitting station. And then the procedure is the same as when obtaining a license for a traumatic pistol.

License for rifled hunting weapons

Issued to those who have owned smoothbore hunting weapons for at least five years and are members of a hunting society. But you can only buy one rifled rifle. You can have a bunch of smoothbore guns, but each barrel requires a separate license.

How to obtain a license to purchase civilian weapons

S. V. Gorobinsky.

Buy traumatic weapons without a license

Illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of weapons, their main parts, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of 2 to 4 years, or arrest for a term of up to six months. , or imprisonment for a term of 2 to 4 years with a fine of 200 to 500 minimum sizes wages or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of 2 to 5 months or without it.

The same acts committed by a group of persons or by prior conspiracy or repeatedly are called imprisonment for a term of 2 to 6 years.

Acts provided for in parts one or two of this article, committed by an organized group, are punishable by imprisonment for a term of 5 to 8 years.

Illegal acquisition, sale or carrying of gas weapons, bladed weapons, including throwing weapons, with the exception of those areas where the carrying of bladed weapons is part of the national costume or is associated with hunting, is punishable by compulsory labor for a period of 180 to 240 hours, or correctional labor. labor for a period of 1 to 2 years, or arrest for a period of 3 to 6 months, or imprisonment for a period of up to 2 years with a fine in the amount of up to 200 minimum wages or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to 2 months or without it.

Note. A person who voluntarily surrenders the items specified in this article is exempt from criminal liability unless his actions contain another crime.

Art. 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation NECESSARY DEFENSE

1. It is not a crime to cause harm to an offender in a state of necessary defense, that is, when protecting the personality and rights of the defender or other persons, the legally protected interests of society or the state from a socially dangerous attack, if this attack was associated with violence dangerous to the life of the defender or another person, or with an immediate threat of such violence. 2. Protection from an attack that is not associated with violence dangerous to the life of the defender or another person, or with an immediate threat of such violence, is lawful if the limits of necessary defense were not exceeded, that is, deliberate actions that are clearly not consistent with the character and the danger of encroachment. 3. All persons have the right to necessary defense equally, regardless of their professional or other special training and official position. This right belongs to a person regardless of the possibility of avoiding a socially dangerous attack or seeking help from other persons or authorities. In accordance with Art. 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the action of a person in a state of necessary defense is not a crime if this person has not exceeded the limits of necessary defense. If the limits of necessary defense are exceeded, the crime is determined by a specific article of the Criminal Code, the signs of which are contained in illegal actions. According to the law, a person has the right to the necessary defense, regardless of the ability to avoid an attack or seek help from other persons or authorities. All citizens without exception have the right to carry out the necessary defense on an equal basis.

Art. 39 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. EMERGENCY

It is not a crime to cause harm to interests protected by criminal law in a state of extreme necessity, that is, to eliminate a danger that directly threatens the personality and rights of a given person or other persons, the legally protected interests of society or the state, if this danger could not be eliminated by other means and at the same time the limits of extreme necessity were not allowed to be exceeded.

2. Exceeding the limits of extreme necessity is the infliction of harm that is clearly inconsistent with the nature and degree of the threatening danger and the circumstances under which the danger was eliminated, when harm was caused to the specified interests equal to or more significant than that prevented. Such an excess entails criminal liability only in cases of intentional harm.

In accordance with Article 39 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, causing harm in a state of extreme necessity is not a crime if the limits of extreme necessity are not exceeded. If the limits of extreme necessity are exceeded, the crime is determined by a specific article of the Criminal Code, the signs of which are contained in illegal actions. Exceeding the limits of extreme necessity is considered to be the infliction of harm that is clearly inconsistent with the nature and degree of the danger that threatened. The following signs follow from the definition of exceeding the limits of extreme necessity: the harm caused must be greater than the harm prevented; the harm caused may be equal to the harm prevented; circumstances of preventing harm clearly, i.e. obviously for everyone did not correspond to the threatening danger.

Article 22. Storage of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them

The storage of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them is permitted to legal entities and citizens who have received permission from the internal affairs bodies to store or store and carry weapons. The storage of civilian and service weapons purchased in the Russian Federation by foreign citizens is permitted for five days on the basis of a license for their acquisition issued by the internal affairs agency. Legal entities and citizens are prohibited from storing and using firearms found by them or transferred to them, of which they are not the owners. Such weapons are subject to immediate surrender to the internal affairs bodies. Civilian and service weapons must be stored in conditions that ensure their safety, security of storage and prevent access to them by unauthorized persons.

ARTICLE 224 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Careless storage of firearms

Careless storage firearms, creating the conditions for its use by another egg,

if this entails grave consequences, - is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to 2 years,

or arrest for a term of up to 6 months, or imprisonment for a term of up to 1 year.

The objective side is careless storage of firearms, which created

conditions for its use by another person, if this entails serious consequences.

Careless storage is expressed in violation of the rules for storing firearms

weapons that are installed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The subjective side is negligence (frivolity or negligence).

Subject is a private individual who is at least 16 years of age and legally owns a weapon.

ARTICLE No. 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Illegal manufacture of weapons

Illegal manufacture or repair of firearms, their components, as well as illegal manufacture of ammunition, explosives or explosive devices, are punishable by imprisonment for a term of two to four years. The same acts, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or repeatedly, are punishable by imprisonment for a term of two to six years. Acts provided for in parts one or two of this article, committed by an organized group, are punishable by imprisonment for a term of five to eight years. Illegal production of gas weapons, cold steel, including throwing weapons, is punishable by compulsory labor for a period of 180 to 240 hours, or correctional labor for a period of one to two years, or arrest for a term of 4 to 6 months, or imprisonment. freedom for up to two years.

Note: A person who voluntarily surrenders the items specified in this article is exempt from criminal liability,

unless his actions contain another crime.

The object is public safety.

Objective side - illegal manufacture or repair of firearms

weapons, components for them; illegal manufacture of ammunition.

explosives and explosive devices.

The subjective side is intent.

The subject is a natural, sane person who has reached 16 years of age.

Article 6. Restrictions established on the circulation of civilian and service weapons

The following are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation:

1) circulation as civilian and service weapons: - long-barreled firearms with a magazine (drum) capacity of more than 10 rounds, having a barrel length or a barrel length with a receiver of less than 500 mm and a total length of the weapon of less than 800 mm, as well as having a design that allows you to make its length less than 800 mm without losing the ability to fire a shot; - firearms that have a shape that imitates other objects; - smooth-bore firearms manufactured for cartridges for firearms with a rifled barrel; - flails, brass knuckles, shurikens, boomerangs and other objects of shock-crushing and throwing action specially adapted for use as weapons, with the exception of sports equipment; - cartridges with armor-piercing, incendiary, explosive or tracer bullets, as well as cartridges with shot shells for gas pistols and revolvers; - weapons and other items, lethal effect which are based on the use of radioactive radiation and biological factors; - gas weapons equipped with nerve agents, poisons, and other substances not permitted for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, gas weapons capable of causing moderate harm to the health of a person located at a distance of more than one meter; - weapons and ammunition for them that have technical characteristics that do not meet the forensic requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, agreed with State Committee Russian Federation on standardization, metrology and certification; - firearms, barrelless self-defense weapons, electric shock devices and spark gaps that have output parameters exceeding the values ​​​​established by state standards of the Russian Federation and corresponding to the norms. Requirements for the storage conditions of various types of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 24. Use of weapons by citizens of the Russian Federation

Citizens of the Russian Federation can use the weapons they legally have to protect life, health and property in a state of necessary defense or emergency. The use of a weapon must be preceded by a clearly expressed warning to the person against whom the weapon is used, except in cases where delay in the use of a weapon creates an immediate danger to people's lives or may entail other grave consequences. Moreover, the use of weapons in a state of necessary defense should not cause harm to third parties. It is prohibited to use firearms against women, persons with obvious signs of disability, and minors when their age is obvious or known, except in cases where these persons commit an armed or group attack. The owner must immediately, but no later than 24 hours, report each case of the use of a weapon that resulted in harm to human health to the internal affairs agency at the place where the weapon was used. The rules for the use of sporting and hunting equipment are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 26. Cancellation of licenses or permits

Licenses for the production of civilian and service weapons, trade in them, their acquisition, collecting or exhibiting, as well as permits for storage or storage and carrying of weapons are canceled by the authorities that issued these licenses or permits in the following cases: 1) voluntary refusal of these licenses or permits, or death of the owner 2) systematic (at least twice during the year) violation or failure by legal entities or citizens to fulfill the requirements provided for by this Federal law and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, regulating the circulation of weapons; 3) the occurrence of circumstances provided for by this Federal Law that preclude the possibility of obtaining licenses or permits; 4) constructive modification by the owner of a civilian or service weapon and ammunition for it, resulting in a change in the ballistic and other technical characteristics of the specified weapon and ammunition for it. A decision to cancel licenses or permits on the grounds provided for in paragraph 2 of part one of this article must be preceded by a preliminary written warning to the owner of the license or permit by the body that issued the license or permit. The warning indicates which legal norms and rules have been violated or not fulfilled, and sets a deadline for eliminating the violations. The decision to revoke a license or permit may be appealed by its owner in court. In case of cancellation of licenses or permits, re-applying for them is possible for legal entities after three years from the date of cancellation, and for citizens - after five years from the date of cancellation. In case of voluntary refusal of licenses or permits, no deadlines are established for re-applying for them.

Article 27. Seizure of weapons and ammunition for them

Seizure of weapons and ammunition for them is carried out: 1) by internal affairs bodies in the following cases: - lack of licenses for the production of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them, trade in them, their acquisition, collecting or exhibiting, as well as permission to store or store and carry weapons - cancellation in accordance with the established procedure of the specified licenses and permits; - violation by legal entities or citizens of the rules established by this Federal Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for the transfer, acquisition, collecting, exhibiting, registration, accounting, storage, carrying, transportation, transportation and use of weapons before a final decision is made in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; - identification of homemade or modified civilian or service weapons and cartridges for them with modified ballistic and other characteristics by the owner technical characteristics; - the death of the owner of a civilian weapon before the issue of inheriting property is resolved, as well as the death of a citizen who legally owned a military or service weapon; - liquidation legal entity; 2) bodies exercising state supervision over compliance with the rules of hunting, fishing, nature conservation and natural resources, in cases of suppression of violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation on environmental protection natural environment within their competence with the subsequent transfer of weapons to the internal affairs bodies; 3) customs authorities in cases provided for by the Customs Code of the Russian Federation; 4) in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for confiscating weapons and ammunition for them is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Seized and confiscated civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them that are technically suitable for use are subject, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to sale through legal entities licensed to trade in civilian and service weapons.

Domestic legislation prohibits the free possession of firearms. In order to somehow protect themselves and their family during this difficult time, many people purchase traumatic weapons. In recent years, the demand for it has been growing steadily. Moreover, its use has become a frequent feature in the chronicle of recent incidents.

The main difference between traumatic pistols and firearms is that the former are intended for self-defense, not causing death. With proper and correct use Any of these pistols, which use a traumatic cartridge, is capable of stopping an attacker, but most people are still interested in the question of the most powerful model.

The Taurus LOM-13 closes the top five.

This is a revolver. This model is produced in Brazil at the largest weapons giant Forjas Taurus S.A. The revolver uses a 9 mm traumatic cartridge, popular for pistols. The prototype for the creation was the Taurus Model 905 combat model. The revolver has a drum for five rounds, an ergonomic rubberized handle, and a stylish modern design. The frame and drum are made of steel and polished. They are blued.

The barrel and drum of the model are non-removable. The drum is equipped with plate clips, which speed up the reloading process. The barrel is a single piece. The revolver allows you to shoot by pre-cocking the hammer or by self-cocking. The model does not have mechanical fuses, but is equipped with a proprietary security system. As cartridges, it is possible to use gas, noise, and traumatic cartridges, popular in Russia, equipped with a 9 mm rubber bullet.

The prototype of this model was the legendary Soviet time(in the years 30-50) pistol "TT". He is also Tula Tokarev. The model owes part of its popularity to its origin. The Leader pistol is self-loading with a traumatic effect. Used for civil self-defense. When shooting, 10x32T cartridges are used. The cartridge contains two bullets. The mass of each bullet is 0.7 g. Since the model is a remake combat pistol, it is possible that it was previously used in battle. Visually, “Leader” is practically no different from “TT”.

Automatic reloading is carried out thanks to the recoil of the shutter, which in practice looks very impressive. The rate of fire is single. There is a fuse available. The initial bullet speed reaches 308 m/s. The magazine has a capacity of 7 rounds. The pistol weighs about 855 grams. Muzzle energy - 70-100 J.

The model that replaced the T10 was developed by the Slovak designer Jaroslav Kuracina. The pistol can fire all traumatic cartridges of 10x28T caliber. The model is based on the K100 combat model. The model has replaceable panels for the handle. Controls are located on both sides.

Using the guides, it is possible to install additional devices: laser pointer, tactical flashlight, guidance unit. New technologies and innovative materials are used in the production of the pistol, reducing weight and increasing service life. The pistol has a double-row magazine with 10 rounds of ammunition. There is a removable front sight. The pistol has high muzzle energy, is durable, ergonomic, has a modular design, and is ideal for sport shooting.

The disadvantages include the large size, which makes concealed carrying difficult.

In particular, the “Osa” model, modification PB-4-2.” These developments are perhaps one of the most powerful traumatic weapons. The caliber of the models is 15.3 mm, and the muzzle energy of the first copies was close to 120 J. The appearance of the “Wasp” with 4 barrels simply caused bewilderment among buyers in stores. The first models with rubber bullets weighing 11.6 g, when hitting a person, knocked him down, could easily split his skull, and left terrible bruises.

Later, the muzzle energy was reduced to prevent the pistol from causing as much damage. However, the parameter remained high, which allows the models from the “Wasp” series to be considered one of the most powerful traumatic pistols.

And this is not surprising, because it has a caliber of more than 2 centimeters. The muzzle energy of the model approaches 120 J. And its standard 20.5x45 mm ammunition can knock down a person of any size from a distance of 1.5 meters. The cartridge is almost a third more powerful than 18x45 mm cartridges for pistols of the Osa series, which can boast the same effect, knocking down a person from a distance of no more than 1 m.

This miracle is produced in small quantities by the Tula company “A+A”. And it received its nickname “gun” not only due to its power, but also to the peculiarities of domestic weapons legislation. According to it, weapons with a caliber of more than 20 mm are considered artillery.

This is not my choice and in first place, I would put “Grand Power T12”. I know, not by hearsay)

When starting our review of the best pistols in the world, we relied on the opinion of authoritative experts who claim that there cannot be a single view on this issue. “Any shooter who has tried at least 10 guns will tell you his personal TOP 5 pistols!” – Dmitry Yurov, a military observer and specialist in small arms and ammunition, told us. Well, asked him to create his own rating, which in the end almost coincided with the editorial list. The result is the TOP, we would say, of the most legendary firearms, which it is simply impossible to ignore when writing such material. So...

5 - Beretta-92

Without exaggeration, one of the most famous pistols. The Beretta conglomerate generally has interests in all areas related to the production of firearms, and sells its products to all countries of the world where there is at least a remote semblance of an army.

The history of the creation of the 92nd model (and Beretta would subsequently have many modifications) goes back only 6 years: in 1970 it began to be designed, and in 1976 mass production was already established. A year later, the Italian police showed increased interest in the new weapon, thanks to which the Beretta-92FS model appeared, which has a safety lever that, when turned on, also performs a safe release of the trigger from the firing position.

The Beretta engineers based the ideology of the new pistol on the features of the Walter-P38 pistol, with which, in fact, the Germans ended the Second World War. world war. Namely: short barrel stroke, mainspring in the handle, and not in the bolt itself, trigger action.

The 9-mm Beretta firearm became so popular that a pneumonic copy of it soon appeared, made almost exactly like the original. Experts note the high reliability of the Beretta, but at the same time they have complaints about the large size of the pistol and the thick handle, which is only comfortable for the shooter’s wide palms. On the other hand, it was precisely this feature that became decisive in the choice of the prototype for the “RoboCop weapon” in the film of the same name.

"One of the most recognizable and respected pistols in the world chambered for the 9x19 cartridge. I personally shot it 10 or 11 times and the impressions are always only the most positive. Minimal toss, comfortable handle for holding. Design is a separate issue. If you put a Glock, Beretta and what - Walter, for some reason it is the Beretta that always attracts attention. American police officers have been using a modification of the Beretta pistol index 96 for a very long time. By the way, on the basis of the Beretta 93R pistol they assembled the RoboCop pistol for the film of the same name, and the pistol did not undergo significant modifications - except that the design was changed . Beretta, by the way, is one of the most reliable pistols in the world. Until now. That is why it is still in production and has modern modifications M9A1 and M9A3. The only disadvantage of the pistol, in my opinion, is its weight. Quickly grab it from the operational or belt You can get a holster only after training.”

4 - SR-1 Peter Serdyukov

The pistol, previously known as RG055, SR-1 "Vector" or "Gyurza", and in 2003 officially adopted into service in the army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the designation SPS - Serdyukov Self-loading Pistol, was developed at the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering (Klimovsk) by Peter Serdyukov and Igor Belyaev. The development was carried out as part of the army's "Rook" competition, but in the end, at first the military was not interested. But the FSB and FSO showed great interest in the SR-1. In particular, because of the “Gyurza’s” ability to penetrate body armor and other obstacles in the form of the sides of a vehicle, for example. For these purposes, in the mid-90s, a 9x21mm SP-10 cartridge with an armor-piercing bullet was produced.

During production and operation, the Serdyukov SR1 pistol underwent a number of changes, and is currently produced under the symbol SR1M. This option has slightly improved ergonomics due to a change in the design of the magazine latch, an increase in the size of the automatic safety key on the handle and a number of other changes.


“Petr Serdyukov’s SR-1 is unique in the world of pistols. Apparently, Pyotr Ivanovich’s experience in developing special weapons had an impact. A real special forces pistol. A scalpel, if you want, for fine work. The 9x21mm armor-piercing cartridge for this pistol is available in several versions - SP11 and SP13. The first option is interesting in that it is the so-called small-ricochet ammunition, and the second - with the designation 7BTZ, as you can already guess from the name, is armor-piercing. It is from this ammunition and the quality of the pistol that it comes together interesting property- at a distance of 50-60 meters, bulletproof vests of the third class of protection were pierced by a shot even at the testing stage. Pistol misfires are extremely rare. Basically, as is the case with some domestically produced pistols, the problem lies in the quality of the ammunition. Personally, I was able to shoot from this pistol three times during official events, and I can say that for the needs of special forces it is very good car. SR1MP (the latest modification) is equipped with a silencer, but the level of shot sound reduction is mediocre, because the cartridge still remains supersonic: the bullet speed is 420-450 meters per second. It was once export-oriented, but did not cause much excitement abroad."

3 - Glock-17

No matter how strange it may seem, this, one of the most famous pistols, was created by a company that sold knives and sapper blades. It’s hard to believe, but in 1980, when a competition for the creation of a new pistol was announced in Austria, practically no one knew about the Glock company. Its ambitious director, Gaston Glock, gathered a group of engineers especially for this competition and invited them to come up with a new weapon "with clean slate". Thus, perhaps the most popular firearm in the world appeared, which has gone through many transformations and is in service in dozens of countries.

The main advantages of Glock pistols are ease of design and use, high reliability, significant service life, and relatively low weight. The disadvantages of these pistols usually include the not very comfortable shape of the handle (corrected in the currently produced 4th generation of pistols) as well as the absence of any manual safeties, which, if users are insufficiently trained, periodically leads to accidental shots.


“Gaston Glock is actually a damn genius. It seems to me that from the very beginning he knew that the pistol needed to not only be sold to law enforcement agencies, but also modified in such a way that everyone who was interested would want to buy it weapon. If you don’t count the 30 countries that have adopted the pistol, there are still a hundred special forces around the world who love and use this pistol. Among them, by the way, are Russian special services - TsSN FSB, special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSKN and others, recently merged into the Russian Guard.

It was with Glock that the world fashion for polymers in small arms began, because the Glock-17 actually became the first pistol whose body (with the exception of the bolt frame) was made of durable polymer. This material did not break, did not crumble and was not subject to corrosion, due to which the gun could be used in different temperature conditions - from the fierce African heat to the north of Sweden.

In general, manufacturers claim that this polymer was “baked” in a special oven and only at a temperature of +200 degrees did it begin to deform. This is very strong, considering that the maximum temperature regime on our planet is four times less.

I can't tell you exactly how many Glocks I've shot. different versions(I’ve lost count a long time ago), but the car’s lifespan is exceptional. Something like 300 thousand shots. For all other pistols, the resource is limited to 30-50 thousand shots. The most modified pistol in the world - today, if my memory serves me correctly, there are about 40 (!!!) modifications of this pistol, for a variety of calibers, even such unusual ones as .40SW and .45GAP. Loves him and American police, for whose employees pistols have been purchased in large quantities for a long time."

2 - M1911 – Colt Government

This is a self-loading pistol chambered for .45 ACP. designed to destroy manpower at short distances. Designed by John Moses Browning under the name Colt-Browning. This is the longest lasting military pistol. Was in service with the US Army from 1911 to 1985! Then it was replaced by Beretta, but is still approved for use. This is the most beloved and revered weapon of every generation of Americans. It is considered the symbol of the country. Everyone, from ordinary housewives to policemen and bandits, preferred it to other brands of weapons. Simple, reliable with excellent lethal force, it gives a feeling of security and confidence.


"The Colt 1911 is a whole era. History. The appearance of the pistol and its design have remained virtually unchanged since 1911, when the weapon was approved for use in the US Army. 1911 is an American Tula Tokareva in terms of history and memory. The Browning self-loader chambered for the .45ACP cartridge (11.43×23 mm) was not the first pistol of this type - before it was developed, there was a whole series of long-barreled guns, but it was the 1911 that turned out to be the most successful. Security forces stopped using it only in the mid-80s, when the military decided to opt for Beretta. The safety of these pistols, reliability and much more directly affected its commercial properties - weapons on this platform are still produced and sold by about 45 companies around the world. Even Brazilian weapons companies These pistols are collected. And the demand for them has not decreased over the years."

1 - TT – Tokarev pistol

The TT (Tula, Tokarev) pistol, as its name suggests, was developed at the Tula Arms Factory by the legendary Russian gunsmith Fedor Tokarev. By the way, the designer took the Colt1911 as the basis for the new weapon, considering its characteristics the most successful. Tokarev noted the extremely successful bolt locking system of this pistol, and, somewhat simplifying it, used not only this system, but also the entire layout diagram in the TT. Tokarev managed to create an unusually powerful and compact pistol. Tests have revealed the superiority of the TT pistol over many others in terms of weight, dimensions and power in different conditions operation.

In the USSR, production of the TT continued until 1952, when it was officially replaced in service. Soviet army PM pistol of the Makarov system. The TT remained in service with the troops until the 1960s, and to this day a significant number of these pistols are mothballed in army reserve warehouses. In total, approximately 1,700,000 TT pistols were produced in the USSR. In addition, in the late 1940s - 1950s, the USSR transferred documentation and licenses for the production of TT to a number of allied countries, namely Hungary, China, Romania, North Korea, and Yugoslavia.

The teteshnik's automatic system uses recoil energy during a short barrel stroke; there are locking protrusions along its entire circumference, which simplifies its manufacture. Trigger- trigger and for the first time in the world made in the form of one easily removable module. The disadvantage of the TT is that it does not have any safety devices other than a half-cocked hammer, but if a weapon with a half-cocked hammer is dropped, an accidental shot may occur.


TT - the first Soviet self-loader. It’s impossible to say that the pistol turned out to be lumpy like the first pancake. Tokarev, after all, was a man with straight arms and a bright head, so he approached the issue thoroughly. The safety of many TT pistols that rise from the ground along with the remains of the dead Soviet soldiers, in general, it amazes the imagination - to lie in the ground for 70 years, and you wash it, clean it, and please, like new.

The 7.62 mm cartridge made it possible to accurately hit any target at a distance of up to 30 meters (stories about 70 and even 100 are complete nonsense). Considering that normal SIBZ had not been invented and implemented at that time, the power of the ammunition at this distance was decent. Trench battles, by the way, often took place with the use of this pistol. On famous photograph"Combat" - where Soviet officer raises people to attack, it is the TT that is captured.

The pistol had a couple interesting modifications 39 years old - with a magazine for 12 rounds and 42 years old with a double-row magazine for 14. In the post-war period, the TT was actively used by criminal elements, because no one has yet counted how many pistols were lost and where, and some craftsmen dug up or they found the weapon, restored it to a usable state, and went to work. The situation has not changed even after several decades - former MUR detectives who worked in the 80s and early 90s say that out of 20 murders, the TT pistol was used in at least half of the cases. Separator mufflers, by the way, could be made “for a bubble” by even averagely qualified turners. TT still has great collectible value. I personally am the owner of a cool pistol with a rare red slide."

Even the most powerful traumatic pistol must have a certain shot energy, which will not exceed the threshold established by the regulations. This factor, in essence, makes destructive weapons traumatic.


The most powerful traumatic pistol around the world and in Russia is defined differently by different companies and surveys. But this article will present the average survey results and the rating that occurs most often.

The most powerful traumatic pistol in the whole world was produced by Russian engineers. This has been proven more than once by the relevant commissions. But it is worth remembering that even the most powerful traumatic pistol is a tool that is intended primarily for self-defense, and not for attack.

In recent years, the demand for such products has increased significantly in different countries: in Russia, in the United States, and in states that are members of the European Union. The question of which traumatic pistol is the most powerful interests many people who want to purchase a means of self-defense. And finding the answers is really important.

Before purchasing, you should read more than one article about the pistol you may be purchasing. This will allow you to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the weapon in order to make a final decision regarding the purchase. During the article, we will talk about which traumatic pistol is the most powerful at present, what kind of model it is, what tactical and technical characteristics it has.

Traumatic weapon: the most powerful pistol

The most powerful traumatic pistol in the world was developed by a company called “A+A”, which is located in the city of Tula. This traumatic weapon is of the barrelless type. The initial presentation of the injury took place in 2009 at an exhibition.

Shaman design

In terms of design, this is a typical “weapon-cartridge” complex. The main cartridge has a caliber of 20.5x45. But the gun also comes with an adapter. It allows you to load the weapon with cartridges of a different caliber (18x45). Moreover, these can be not only traumatic, but also cartridges for signal, lighting, and light-noise purposes.

The advantage of the “Shaman” lies precisely in its large-caliber. The muzzle energy of the pistol is 12 J. At the same time, the mass of the bullet is only 15 grams. At a distance of 5 meters, the dispersion of cartridges can be a maximum of 15 centimeters.

“Shaman” does not have an electronic unit, as well as microswitches. By the way, they are typical for barrelless pistols “Aegis”, “Osa”, “Guardian”. But the absence of electronic components and the above-mentioned devices allows us to achieve better operational reliability and greater reliability. By the way, after relevant events, international experts recognized that the most powerful and reliable traumatic pistols are produced in our country.

The location of the chambers of the “Shaman” is vertical. This is a two-shot weapon. The cartridge case plays the role of the barrel. The pistol clips hold two cartridges. The main caliber cartridges are loaded directly.

Aiming is provided by mechanical devices, as well as unregulated means. There is an additional laser target designator. It is activated by grasping the handle. Below the trigger there is a button to activate it.

The target designator is powered by a lithium battery. “Shaman” is initially equipped with a special indicator that shows the charge level at one time or another. The indicator is located on the left side.

Among the disadvantages is the small capacity of the clip. An experienced shooter will notice that the recoil is quite strong when shooting main caliber cartridges. But very small dimensions (and for such a caliber this is simply an achievement) and little weight, high reliability and ease of use completely compensate for the shortcomings.


This pistol is also of the barrelless type. Consists of a block equipped with 4 chambers. The body is made of an alloy of several metals. Actually, it is presented in the form of a cartridge cartridge, body and handle. The cassette flips out for reloading.

“Wasp” design

The role of the trunks, like that of the “Shaman,” is played by cartridge cases. They are sufficiently thick and made of aluminum. The chamber is connected by a hinge joint to the frame. The node is located at the bottom of the block at the back. The charge occurs alternately, 1 cartridge at a time.

Reloading the chamber is quite simple. To do this, you just need to fold it down. Reminds me of reloading a double-barreled shotgun. The cartridges jump out quickly enough without getting stuck. Structurally, this is ensured by the operation of a spring-loaded ejector. But the cartridge case does not fly out completely; the shooter himself must pull it out completely.

"Wasp" has an open sight. The simplest thing you could think of. Inside the channel there is a front sight that is painted white. Modifications of a later type have laser designators that increase shooting accuracy. They are powered by lithium batteries. The work is ensured, among other things, by a magnetic pulse generator, which, by the way, does not require external source nutrition.


In fact, “Leader” is nothing more than a remake of the legendary combat pistol “TT-33”. The base is taken as a basis, some parts have been replaced. It would be more logical to list what remains of the combat analogue. And we are talking only about appearance and USM.

“Leader” design

In terms of design, the “Leader” is equipped with a blowback bolt, which ensures automatic pistol operation. The shooting accuracy parameter is not quite right last place: at a distance of 5 meters it should be 20 centimeters. But this was stated by the engineers, as calculations show. In practice, such accuracy can only be achieved at a distance of 3 meters.

Even though this weapon is quite popular, it has several disadvantages. The main one is low efficiency. It is due to several reasons. The first is inadequate cartridge power. The second reason is the low strength of structural elements that are most often subject to loads. It's about about the bolt frame, barrel simulator and other parts. Third, and perhaps last reason- this is not a very good build quality of the pistol.

The slide stop in the Leader does not work because its tooth in the pistol has been removed. Certification confirms the fact that this weapon is barrelless. In it, the barrel is replaced with a simulator, also called a bushing. It is a tube with thin walls. Its diameter is larger than that of a bullet.

The barrel simulator narrows significantly after the chamber. The channel is partially blocked by a pin sealed into it. A bullet, passing through the simulator, must first overcome all these obstacles. Only then does she fly out. But from inner surface it is reflected chaotically, which leads to aimless shooting. There is most likely no point in using a pistol closer than a distance of one and a half meters.

"Grand Power T12"

To conclude the article, I would like to give an example of the most powerful foreign-made traumatic pistol. It became "Grand Power T12". Its popularity is well founded. Among all foreign analogues This best model traumatic pistol.

The design was well designed, everything was calculated down to the smallest detail. The bullet, having passed the pins, enters the barrel, the surface of which is almost perfectly smooth. There, nothing can stop her from accelerating. This made it possible to achieve extraordinary power and shooting accuracy. Precision shooting can be carried out over long distances (more than 10 meters). This is a very rare occurrence for traumatic pistols.

The steel barrel is very reliable and durable, which allows you to use even the most powerful cartridges, and the use will be safe. One of the distinguishing features of the pistol is its ergonomics. The controls are duplicated on both sides. The conversation is about the delay and safety, the magazine release button. This ensures operation by both left- and right-handed people.

The gun can be tuned. Good quality assembly, high strength of the most used elements, accuracy and power - these are the main advantages of the traumatic pistol "Grand Power T12".


So, the answer to the question of what is the most powerful traumatic pistol in Russia was given in the course of this article. We found that the most suitable traumatic weapon is the Shaman pistol, and this fact was recognized by international representatives. The most popular foreign-made traumatic pistol, due to its obvious advantages, is the “Grand Power T12”.

The question of the accuracy (accuracy) of limited destruction firearms (LDL) is usually not of interest to everyone potential owner non-lethal weapons. This question most often comes up sharply after the start of using “traumatic guns,” namely during shooting practice.

The lack of interest in the issue of OOOP accuracy before shooting it is explained by the potential buyer’s confidence in the accuracy of the weapon itself. Some shot with pneumatic guns, some in the army with combat machine gun, someone visits a shooting range - in any of these cases, a person has an understanding of the accuracy of the weapon - it must hit where you aim.

Summarizing all three factors, we can safely say that the accuracy of OOOP is a completely relative concept. The accuracy of a traumatic weapon is influenced by dozens of parameters that do not exist (or can be neglected) in pneumatic and firearms.

However, OOOP can be quite accurate. There are also a number of measures for this, which we will also divide into components:

c) Workmanship. This parameter applies to both the cartridge as a whole and the weapon. Different manufacturers have different rubber bullets: both the mass of the rubber bullet and the hardness of the rubber itself vary. For weapons high-quality processing the bore and, especially (if there is) a choke constriction, are no less important.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that an OOOP with almost any barrel design will shoot more accurately if it is equipped with moderate-power cartridges. Manufacturers call these “standard”, “norm” or “training”: these cartridges develop approximately 50-60% of the maximum muzzle energy allowed by law.

Everything else depends on the design of the barrel and the caliber of the ammunition.

Let's summarize.

If you need a pistol “for all occasions” with good potential for power and accuracy and do not want to experiment with the selection of cartridges, but shoot straight out of the box, then your choice is SHARK, STREAMER, FANTOM.

If you want to shoot accurately and the issue of power is secondary, you can take the MP-78-9T, MP-79-9T, MP-80-13T and MP-353, as well as the TK-226, but the issue of cartridge selection will be quite acute. You can also use Thunderstorm revolvers with 3.4 or 6 inch barrels. The longer the barrel of a revolver, the fewer requirements it will have for selecting a cartridge. A bonus to Groz revolvers with 4- and 6-inch barrels is the ability to adjust the rear sight.

If you need the most powerful pistol and the issue of accuracy with powerful cartridges is secondary, then we can safely recommend the Vendetta and T11/T12 pistols of the first releases.

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