Summary of GCD on cognitive development
Topic: “Wild animals in winter”
(Senior group)
expanding knowledge about wild animals, expanding ideas about the peculiarities of adaptation of animals to the environment.
practice the ability to relate external features with the habitat, habits and feeding methods. Practice the ability to highlight and name distinctive features appearance. Clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic “Wild Animals”.
develop children's word-formation skills. Develop coordination of speech with movements. Develop visual attention.
nurturing love and respect for nature.
Materials and equipment:
pictures of wild animals with riddles; recording music, massage balls.
Progress of the lesson:
--Children, look what a beautiful snowflake I have. Now we will pass it to each other and call it any word associated with winter (frost, snow, blizzard, blizzard, ice, sled, etc.)
--In the last lesson we talked to you about wintering birds.
Name them. (children's answers).
--Is it easy for birds in winter? (no)
--Who else do you think has a hard time in winter? (wild)
--Would you like to know how animals spend the winter in the forest? (Yes)
--Let's go on a trip to the forest. But on what? (answers)
-Children, since it’s winter now, I suggest you go skiing.
-Well, wear (imitate) hats, jackets, boots and skis.
Take the sticks and go ahead! (music sounds with the sounds of a snowstorm and blizzard).
(the painting “Winter Forest” is exhibited).
--Here we are in the forest. Look how beautiful it is here. What do you see in the picture? (children's answers).
—It’s very beautiful here, but we came here to find out how animals spend the winter.
(the teacher leads the children to the picture, which is on the reverse side). - In order for us to find out who lives here, we need to guess the riddle:
Runs and loops through the snow
By summer he changes his fur coat
You can't see it in the snow
The wolf and the fox are offended. (hare)
(the teacher turns the picture) - What kind of hare? (cowardly, timid, small, long-eared...)
-What kind of fur coat does he have? What about in the summer? (answers)
--Why does he change it? (children’s answers)
--Does the hare have a house? (children's answers)
--What kind of tail does a hare have? (short)
--So what kind of hare is it? (short-tailed)
--What can you say about the paws? (the front ones are short and the back ones are long)
-Yes, that’s true. When jumping, he first throws out his long hind legs, and then his short front legs. Therefore, the hare easily runs up the hill, but it is very difficult for him to go down the mountain. There is a proverb: “Run up the mountain, but at least down the mountain.” cry"
—What does a hare eat? (tree bark, frozen berries,….
--So what kind of animal is a hare? (herbivore)
--Well what about the hare We've learned everything, let's move on.

Riddle: Fluffy tail, golden fur
IN lives in the forest, and in the village he steals chickens.
(rotate the picture)
--What kind of fox? (red, fluffy, beautiful...)
--What kind of tail does a fox have? (long)
--So what kind of fox is it? (long-tailed)
--Do you think she is storing food for the winter? What does she eat?
(children's answers)
-Under the snow, she feels where a mouse or other small rodent has run, catches hares. Well, if she doesn’t have a chance to catch a hare, the fox goes to the nearest village and steals chickens.
--Can we call a fox a herbivore?
--What are these animals called? (predators)
(let's go further)
--Children, why don’t we see a hedgehog in the forest? (They sleep in winter)
--Where do hedgehogs sleep? (in burrows)
--Now I'll tell you about hedgehog a fairy tale, and Will you help me.
Massage with a prickly ball “Little hedgehog”
(children stand in a circle, each holding a massage ball)
--A prickly hedgehog is rolling, there is no head or legs.
-Runs along the palm of your hand and puffs, puffs, puffs.
(ball between palms)
--Runs on my fingers, runs back and forth
-I'm ticklish, yes, yes, yes, go away you prickly hedgehog
-Into the dark forest where you live.
(let the ball hit the palm and catch it with the pads of the fingers)
(come to the next picture)
Riddle: I wear a fluffy fur coat
I live in a dense forest
In the forest on an old oak tree
I gnaw nuts (squirrel)
(rotate the picture)
--What is the name of the house where the squirrel lives? (hollow)
--How does a squirrel winter? (children’s answers)
--By winter, the squirrel insulates its nest. It builds it in the forks of branches, in hollows of trees, makes reserves, and can eat shoots of bushes and buds of trees.
--Why do they say “Catch a squirrel and beat off its legs”? (children’s answers)
--The squirrel is a very dexterous and agile animal. It jumps from branch to branch all day long. It hides from its enemies among dense branches and in hollows.
--What does a squirrel’s tail serve? (it warms it in cold weather and helps when jumping)
--What does a squirrel eat in winter? (children's answers)
--So what kind of animal is squirrel? (herbivore)
Finger gymnastics "Squirrel sitting on a cart"
(come to the next picture)
Riddle: Prowls the forest day and night
Searches for prey day and night
He walks and wanders silently
Gray erect ears (Wolf)
(rotate the picture)
--What kind of wolf? (gray, shaggy, big)
--What is the name of his house? (den)
--So whose lair is this? (wolf's)
---What do you know about this animal? (children's answers)
--What does a wolf eat? (children’s answers)
--So who is the wolf? (predator)
Riddle: Who is the biggest in the forest?
Who is rich and wears fur?
Who's in the den until spring
Dreams day and night? (Bear) --What is the name of the bear’s home? (den)
--So whose den is this? (a bear’s)
--Who knows what time of year a mother bear gives birth to cubs?
--In winter. Because only in winter does a bear have a home.
--While the bears are sleeping, we will play a game.
Physics minute: “At the bear in the forest”
(come to the next picture)
This forest beauty you'll find out if you guess right
Riddle: The horns are heavy in weight
He walks importantly through the forest
He is the host, not the guest -
Gloomy and angry. (Elk)
(rotate the picture)
--What do you think moose eats? (children's answers)
--The main foods of moose include willow, pine, aspen, and rowan. --In the thaw, they gnaw the bark. An adult moose eats 12-15 kg per day in winter.
--Children, think and answer, can forest animals survive without food in winter? (no)
--Foresters feed and care for forest animals. For all animals in the forest they make “Feeding Points”
--Well, our journey is over. It's time to return home. Let's go!!! (imitation of skiing to music)
--Did you like our trip?
--What new did you learn? (children’s answers)
--Shall we protect birds and animals? (Yes)

Getting to know the world around you

Subject: “Life of wild animals in winter”
Target: developing knowledge about the life of wild animals in winter.
Educational: introduce and generalize children’s knowledge about the life of wild animals in winter; systematize and enrich children's knowledge about natural connections;
to form ideas about the role of humans in the life of animals in the forest in winter.
Developmental: develop attention, thinking, memory,
Educating: bring up careful attitude to nature, to animals.
Equipment: illustrations - bear, fox. hare, elk, squirrel; tape recorder, projector, presentation, animal stencils, scissors, colored pencils, sheets of paper, snowflakes - paper (large and small) and plastic.

Progress of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment
- Good afternoon guys! Today old man Lesovichok came to our lesson, let's say hello! (Salemetsiz be?!)

Sounding weather, snow chaos
This time of year we call...
(Winter). How will it be in Kazakh? (kys)(slide 1)

So, now we have a beautiful and cold season - winter. What winter months do you know? What month are we in now? (December), (slide 2).

December is the beginning of winter. Snow falls, frost sets in, and everything on the river and lake is covered in ice.
What holiday is it like in December, when everyone decorates the Christmas tree and Santa Claus comes? (New Year)
What's next month? (January). (slide 3).

January is the middle of winter, this month has the most severe frosts.
What's the third one? last month winter? (February). (slide 4).

It's very windy in February strong winds, there are a lot of snowstorms and blizzards, but sometimes the sun begins to warm up a little.
What signs of winter do you know? (it is snowing, frost, cold, lakes and rivers are covered with ice, the day is short and the night is long).
Yes, guys, in winter it is very cold. And not only us people, but also animals are cold and hungry. Today we will learn how some animals prepare for winter, what they eat, and which of them also sleep in winter.
Old man Lesovichok came to us not alone, but with his friends. And with whom exactly, you will find out if you guess the riddle.
He lives in the thicket of the forest,
He is reputed to have a sweet tooth.
In summer he eats raspberries, honey,
He sucks his paw all winter.
Can roar loudly
And his name is….(Bear) How will it be in Kazakh? (Ayu)
What do you know about the bear? (children's answers).
What is he like? (big, furry, etc.) (shown in illustration)

2. Winter dream bears.
- All bears are engaged in underground construction in the fall; bears know all the secrets of construction skills.
As soon as heavy rains begin to fall and it gets colder, young bears look for a hole under a fallen tree, rake leaves into it, line it with grass and dry ferns and make a den for themselves. Bears know very well what kind of winter it will be, cold or mild. They climb into the den backwards to seal the entrance behind them and wait out the difficult time. Soon they fall into a very long sleep, which lasts not one night, but all three. winter months. (Slide 5)

Guys, have you ever heard the expression: “A bear sucks its paw”? (children's answers).
- In fact, rough skin comes off the feet. And young skin needs to be warmed up. That's why the bear licks the soles with a hot tongue, smacking his lips at the same time. He warms her up so much!
In winter, a female bear gives birth to 2-3 cubs, they are small, about the size of my palm. She is very caring mother. The bear feeds them with her milk, cleans their fur, and then they all fall asleep.
- Guys, there are also polar bears. They live in the distant North Pole and do not go to sleep in the winter: they are not afraid of the cold. But they can also build dens. They dig caves under the snow where they nurse their young. ( illustration)

3. Old man Lesovichok is old and tired from the road, let's sit on the sofa and relax with him .

Physical education minute."On the couch"
4. - I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,
I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree
I'm gnawing nuts.
- Who is this? (squirrel) How will it be in Kazakh? ( teen )
(showing illustrations)

What do you know about the squirrel? (children's answers)
And look at the picture - what is it like? (small, tufted ears, fluffy brown fur, beautiful fluffy tail)
Please note - the squirrel is red in summer, but becomes gray in winter. (slide 5).
- By winter, the squirrel insulates its nest, which serves reliable protection during severe frosts and bad weather. The squirrel builds its nest in the forks of branches or in the hollows of trees. In frosty weather, squirrels do not run through the forest; they hide in their nests. The squirrel stores nuts, the best fruits. She dries mushrooms herself in summer and autumn. If you bite into a fungus, is it tasty? Then prick it on a twig and let it dry until winter. It happens that hundreds and even thousands of fungi dry out over the summer. In the zone coniferous forests It feeds on spruce seeds. Pines, firs. When there are no cones, it feeds on last year's cones.

5.- Behind the trees, bushes,
The flame flashed quickly.
Flashed, ran -
There is no smoke, no fire.
- What kind of animal? (fox) What will it be like in Kazakh? ( tulki )
What do you know about the fox? (children's answers)
And look - what is she like? (red hair, long fluffy tail, long elongated nose).

The fox hunts for birds and hares at dusk or at night. Sneaks up on prey unnoticed, suddenly rushes and grabs sharp teeth. The fox has a very good sense of smell. She tracks mice by smell under the snow, quickly digs the snow with her front paws and grabs the prey. This “dance” is called “mousing”.

In one day, a fox catches about 40 mice! By destroying mice, the fox brings benefits. During strong snowstorms, she seeks shelter, curls up into a ball and covers herself with her tail.
6.Not a lamb or a cat,
Wears a fur coat all year round.
Gray fur coat for summer,
A different color for winter. (Hare)What will it be like in Kazakh?(Koyan)
What color is a hare's fur coat for winter? (white). In the summer? (gray). (slide 6).

The coats of some animals change because they shed. By winter, their undercoat grows and their color changes. Shedding in animals occurs in autumn and spring.
A white fur coat in winter helps the hare escape from enemies. What do you know about hares? ( children's answers) What is he like? ( long ears, white fur).
- What do hares eat? (Children's answers)
- Hares feed on bark and branches of trees and bushes. A favorite treat hare is aspen bark.

They say about the hare that he is very attentive, observant and nimble. He runs away from his enemies very quickly. It's hard to catch up with him.

7. Practical part. I will give you coloring books with images of animals, and you must color them in the desired color . If squirrel, what color? (brown). If it’s a bunny, it’s blue, if it’s a fox, it’s orange or yellow, if it’s a bear, it’s brown. (accompanying music “Sounds of nature in winter” during independent work).

Foresters work in the forest. When loggers, hunters and others appear in the forest who want to get something more from the forest than Fresh air, the forester checks their documents: the right to felling, hunting, grazing, etc.
He also makes sure that no one lights a fire during hot weather. If someone breaks the rules, the forester has the right to detain him. In some cases, it is limited to suggestion: for many people it is enough to simply explain why they should not pick Red Book flowers and why throwing them among the moss is dangerous. Glass bottle. (The bottle not only litters the forest, but can also cause a fire because it acts like a lens.) Forester- an employee of the state forest guard, he is issued a site passport, may be issued hunting weapon. Persons who have been trained at a forestry school, college, technical school or special courses are accepted for the position of forester.

In the forests, animals are fed by foresters. They set up feeders for animals and put hay and salt in them. They also feed other animals. For the hares Even in the summer they stock up brooms with young leaves and dried raspberry branches.

8. Old man Lesovichok hurries into the forest. Let's help him collect all the animals.

Game "Who Lives Where"(bear, squirrel, hare, fox)
On the board is a model of the forest. On the model - a den, hole, nest, hollow, tree - determine which animals live where.

In memory of our meeting, old man Lesovichok gives us a piece of his kind heart!
9. Summing up the lesson.
Guys, how should people behave in the forest?
What do you know about the work of a forester?

What is mouseing?

What is shedding?

What group of animals do our guests belong to?

Forest shadow, forest silence,
Full of miracles
You are standing in front of a fairy tale,
And this fairy tale is a forest.
Save this fairy tale
Love, pity and take care!
This concludes our lesson.

This paper presents a summary of an integrated correctional and developmental lesson between a speech therapist and a psychologist on the topic “Wild animals in winter.”

Summary of an integrated correctional and developmental lesson by a speech therapist and psychologist

Topic: “Wild animals in winter”

Target :

  • Enriching ideas about winter and the life of wild animals.


Correctional educational tasks.

  • Expanding and deepening ideas about wild animals, the features of their appearance and way of life.
  • Activation of subject and verb dictionary, dictionary of signs on the topic “Wild animals in winter.”
  • Continue learning to use simple prepositions in speech.

Corrective and developmental tasks.

  • Development of coherent speech (based on composing sentences about the signs of winter, children’s complete answers to questions);
  • logical thinking based on guessing riddles about wild animals, the game “Fourth Odd”;
  • fine motor skills based on the “Circle” task, finger gymnastics; arbitrariness of mental processes based on the game “It happens, it doesn’t happen in winter...”;
  • grammatical structure of speech based on the games “Baby Animals”, “Name the Parents”;
  • coordination of speech with movement, dexterity.
  • Reducing psycho-emotional stress, anxiety, and aggressive manifestations.

Correctional and educational tasks.

  • Fostering love and respect for nature.
  • Formation of skills of mutual understanding and goodwill.


  • pictures depicting wild and domestic animals, baby wild animals;
  • outline images of wild animals, blue and red pencils;
  • depiction of animal dwellings;
  • easel;
  • cut pictures.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment.

Psychologist: Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a winter forest. Look up and imagine how slowly the snowflakes are falling. Look to the left - what beautiful trees standing in the snow. Look down - what a big snowdrift there is, step over it. And there is a lot of snow everywhere, you can make snowballs out of it. Show that you were cold and shrank, warmed up and smiled. You accidentally get hit in the face with a snowball, pretend to be upset. Now brush away the snowflakes, smile and great mood let's go on a trip.

II. Main part.

1. Speech therapist: Now I’ll tell you a riddle. Listen carefully.

“I dusted the paths and decorated the windows.
She gave joy to the children and gave them a sledding ride.”

What time of year is this riddle about? (About winter.)

By what signs can you tell that winter has come? (Children answer questions)

2. “It happens, it doesn’t happen in winter...”

Children stand in a circle. The speech therapist names some event or sign and throws the ball to one of the children. The child who received the ball answers, correctly or incorrectly:

  • The sun shines brightly and is very warm.
  • Snow falls in large flakes.
  • Children wear hats, felt boots, jackets and coats.
  • A gray bunny jumps in the snow. And etc.

3. “Walk in the woods.”

Psychologist: – You and I are walking through the forest. Who lives in the winter forest? Now we will find out. And for this we must solve riddles.

Who bees love honey?
Who sucks their paw in winter? (Bear)

Little Jumper:
Short tail,
Eyes with a braid,
Ears along the back
Clothes in two colors -
For winter, for summer. (Hare)

She is more cunning than all the animals,
Is she wearing a red fur coat? (Fox)

Who threw a pine cone at the kids from the tall thick pines?
Did it flash through the bushes like a light through a stump? (Squirrel)

He makes friends only with a fox,
This beast is angry, angry.
He clicks and clicks his teeth,
Very scary gray... (Wolf)

Psychologist: - What animals are these? (Wild). Why are they called wild?

4. Game “Fourth wheel”.

Psychologist: - Children, look carefully at the pictures and tell me who is the odd one out here? Give a complete answer, explain why?

(There's an extra goat here because it's a pet. There's an extra cat here because it's a pet)

5. “Circle.”

Psychologist: Look at the pictures, look at who is depicted in them. Take a blue pencil in your hands and circle those whom we will not see in the winter forest. Why? (The bear because he is sleeping).

What animals changed their coats in winter? (hare, squirrel) Circle these animals with a red pencil.

6. Physical education minute.

Speech therapist: We continue our walk through the winter forest. Stand in a circle and repeat after me:

Stings the ears, stings the nose, (touch the ears and nose)
Frost creeps into felt boots. (imitate frost)
We are not afraid of frost (they shake a finger)
Let's continue and have fun. (actively move hands)
We walk through the snowdrifts (we raise our legs high)
We raise our legs higher.
On the right - clap and on the left - clap. (claps hands)
Look, there's a snowdrift here!

7. Is there something under the snowdrift? Sit down at the tables, let's see what's there!

The children sit at the tables. The speech therapist removes the veil from the easel.

Speech therapist: We have a new task “Find who lives where?” (on the easel there is an image of animal dwellings). Every animal needs to find its home. Children name the animal and place cards with pictures of animals near their home, accompanying their words with actions. A bear spends the winter in a den (This is the case with all animals.)

8. “Baby Animals.”

Speech therapist: - What are the children of animals called? (Cubs)

Who is the wolf's cub? (wolf cub). For a hedgehog - ..., for a fox - ..., for a bear - ..., for a hare - ..., for a squirrel - ....

Name the father and mother of the wolf cub (wolf and she-wolf), hedgehog (hedgehog and hedgehog), fox cub, bear cub, hare, fawn.

9. Finger gymnastics.

This is a bunny, this is a squirrel, (bend your fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger)
This is a fox cub, this is a wolf cub,
And this one is in a hurry, hobbling sleepily (rotate with the thumb)
Brown, shaggy,
Funny little bear.

10. Plastic study.

Convey the behavior of animals through facial expressions and movements: a fox is hiding in a hole, a hedgehog is looking for a place to hibernate, a giant elk is walking through a swamp, a squirrel is gnawing nuts.

Playing out situations.

Bear in a den. Autumn. The bear chooses a place for a den, lies down and falls asleep. Winter. The bear is in hibernation. Spring. The bear wakes up, turns its head, stretches out its legs one by one, yawns, stretches, and then leaves the den. Summer. The bear eats raspberries and catches fish.

11. “Prepositions.”

Speech therapist: Children, who lives in a hollow? The squirrel loves to play hide and seek. And you? The squirrel will hide, and we will look for it. The speech therapist offers one of the children to help the squirrel hide. A squirrel sits on a tree, under a tree, behind a tree, near a tree.

Psychologist: Children and wild animals ask you to collect their portraits. To do this, you must look at the picture on the envelope and assemble the same one from parts.

III. Results of the lesson.

Our walk through the winter forest has come to an end. And now we will close our eyes and return to our kindergarten.

Did you enjoy our walk? Well done to all of you!

Kalinina Kristina Mikhailovna,
teacher speech therapist,
MBDOU municipal education
"City of Arkhangelsk" "Kindergarten
combined type No. 180 “Sail”

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Physical Education” using health-saving technologies: speech with movement - “Bullfinches”

Goal and tasks: Clarify and expand children's ideas about the lifestyle of forest animals (squirrel, hare, wolf, bear, elk). Summarize children's knowledge about the typical habits of animals in winter, methods of protection from enemies. getting food. Provide knowledge that animals can survive only if they adapt to difficult winter conditions. Foster a desire to help birds and animals in winter. Activate children's vocabulary. Foster love and respect for nature.

Equipment and materials:

An envelope with a letter from Lesovichka, pictures of animals, cards-symbols for the game "Migratory or Wintering", pictures of birds, cards with riddles, paintings winter forest.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading books: V. Bianki “Forest in Winter”, Y. Koval “Hare Paths”, G. Ladonshchikov “What did we see in the forest?”
  • Drawing: “Forest Animals”, “Forest Trees”.
  • Carrying out environmental games: "Who lives where", "Guess my house", cube game "Whose tail?"

Types of children's activities: communicative activities.

Venue: group room.

Progress of the lesson

Q: Hello guys! Today I received a letter from our friend Lesovichka. He calls you and me to the forest. But before you and I go to visit Lesovich, let’s remember who lives in the winter forest. But first, guess my riddle.

I feel sorry for the cold poor thing -
To all the winds and breezes
He's the last shirt
I gave them away in pieces.

Q: Well done guys ! This is a forest.

Q: Guys, do you think there is life in the forest in winter? Or does the forest die in winter?

Q: That's right, guys, in winter the forest lives its own life. And the trees sleep in winter.

Q: Why do trees sleep in winter?

Q: That’s right, it’s cold in winter and the trees have nothing to eat, because... No nutrients flow through the roots, the leaves fall off in the winter and the tree falls asleep. And the tree trunk is covered with bark, which protects the tree from the cold.

Q: What birds live in the winter forest? You know? (Listen to the children's answers)

Q: Okay, then we’ll play the game “Migratory or Wintering”; we need to guess the riddles and divide all the birds into wintering and migratory.

(The teacher asks riddles, and the children guess and put pictures of birds to the corresponding symbol)

Q: Are there animals in the forest in winter? Which?

Q: That’s right, you can see animals in the forest in winter. These are squirrel, elk, hare, wolf, fox.

Q: Let us remember how animals spend the winter.

Not a mouse, not a bird

Playing in the forest.

Lives in the trees

And he gnaws nuts.

Q: Who is this?

Q: That's right guys, this is a squirrel (puts up a picture of a squirrel).

Q: Where does the squirrel live?

(Jumps from tree to tree, finds a hollow, insulates it and lives in it)

Q: What does it eat?

(Since autumn he has been stocking up: nuts, mushrooms)

Q: How do they escape from enemies?

(Knows how to quickly move from tree to tree)

Q: How do you prepare for winter?

(Sheds, Changes fur, color)

Q: Who is this?

White in winter

Gray in summer.

Q: (Puts out a picture) That’s right, it’s a hare. How does he prepare for winter?

(Sheds, changes coat color).

Q: What does it eat?

(Tree bark, branches, young shoots)

Q: Does the hare have enemies and how does he escape from them?

(Fox, wolf, fast legs, coat color save)

Q: Guys, what other inhabitants of the winter forest do you think eat twigs and tree bark?

Q: (a picture of a moose is displayed)

That's right, guys, it's a moose. And people in winter help moose endure the hardships of winter life. They put out feeders with hay and salt.

Q: Does the moose have an enemy and how does he escape from it?

(Wolf. Runs away or defends itself with horns or hooves)

Q: What kind of animal is this?

Who is cold in winter
An angry man walks through the forest

Q: That’s right, a wolf. (a picture of a wolf is displayed)

Q: How does a wolf get its food?

(He has strong legs, he is hardy. Usually he comes across weak or sick animals. That is why he is also called the “forest orderly.”

Q: Where does the wolf live?

(The wolf lives in a pack and leads a nomadic lifestyle. To breed offspring, it digs a hole)

Q: Who is this?

The tail is fluffy,
Golden fur,
Lives in the forest
The chicken is stealing.

Q: (puts up a picture) That’s right, it’s a fox.

Q: Why is the fox called the red cheat and is it not afraid of frost?

(The fox has warm, thick, red fur, and the fur on its legs is thick, like felt boots)

Q: Guys, you are great. Everything was told correctly. Now let's play.

Physical education lesson "Bullfinches"

Coordination of speech with movement, development of general speech skills

(clarity of diction, correct sound pronunciation, intonation expressiveness) Relieving muscle tension.

Q: Let's imagine that we found ourselves in a forest clearing and saw a flock of red-breasted bullfinches.

Here on the branch, look, (Hands flap on the sides like wings)

Bullfinches in red T-shirts (Hands show chest)

The feathers have spread and are basking in the sun. (Make small shaking movements of the arms lowered along the body)

Turn your head (Turn your head left, right, twice)

They want to fly away (They run in a circle, wave their arms)

Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away! Behind the blizzard! Behind the blizzard! (They scatter around the group, continuing to wave their arms)

Q: You and I played, had a rest, and now guess another riddle.

The owner of the forest
Wakes up in the spring.
And in winter, under a blizzard howl
He sleeps in a snow hut.

Q: (a picture is displayed)

Right. Bear. How does a bear prepare for winter?

(accumulates subcutaneous fat, goes into hibernation).

Q: What does he eat in winter?

(He sleeps in winter, life is maintained due to the body’s use of subcutaneous fat)

Q: This is what life is like in the forest in winter.

Everyone cares about finding food. On cold days and nights, avoid freezing and dying from hunger. Winter for animals hard time. Winds, snowstorms, and snowfalls will cover the ground, trees, and bushes with snow, where you can find food. Then for our friends come hard days. At this time they need our help. How can we help our friends?

(Listens carefully to the children’s answers)

IN: You guys are great. You guessed the riddles correctly, you know a lot about the life of the winter forest and its inhabitants. Therefore, next time you and I will go to visit our friend Lesovich.

Children stand in a circle. Guys, tell me, what's your mood today? How can it be made even better? Guys, let's smile at each other and hold hands to convey the warmth of our hands.

Problem - Guys, I received a voicemail on my phone today. Listen here:

“Come urgently,
Help urgently!

We were preparing for winter

And in this bustle
The wizard scared us
He bewitched us all.
We have forgotten who we are
Where should we live and what should we eat?
Help out, come
And help us urgently!”
Forest inhabitants.

Guys, do you think there is anything we can do to help the forest inhabitants?

What can we do for this? (We need to get into the forest and see what happened there.) To go to the rescue, you and I must remember - Who are the forest inhabitants? (fox, wolf, bear, elk, hare, squirrel...)

Tell me, what are the names of the animals that live in the forest? Why do you think they are called that?

You are ready to get into the forest. I say the magic words: Turn around yourself and find yourself in the forest.

(Silhouettes of animals are laid out across the group)

Look around, look, and maybe you will see or find someone.

D/i “Guess the animal by its outline” -Children find silhouettes of animals and name them. Guys, what do you think happened to the animals? Why did they become like this?

Do you guys think we can bring them back?to its previous state. (Children's reasoning)

Since they have forgotten everything about themselves, maybe we need to remind them who they are and tell them about them.

To do this you need to split into two teams. Take one mug at a time and find friends for yourself. Each team comes up with a secret riddle

A team, without naming the animal, will tell about this animal and how it prepares for winter, and the other team must guess this animal. And vice versa

SQUIRREL - stores food for the winter (mushrooms, nuts) and hides it in a hollow. She also changes color, sheds, and turns from red to gray. This makes it easier for her to hide among the trees.

The HARE also molts before the arrival of winter. The wool turns from gray to white. This makes it easier for the hare to hide from the fox and wolf. The hare does not prepare a shelter. He runs through the forest in search of tastier grass - after all, in winter he will have to eat only the bark and branches of trees.

BEAR - in the fall it eats up and gets fat. He is looking for a place for a den where he will sleep all winter. The bear is a predator, one of the most dangerous animals in our forests.

FOX - makes its home in old burrows of other animals. It is believed that foxes hunt mainly hares. This is wrong. It is very difficult for a fox to catch up with a hare, but she catches mice very quickly. These foxes are of great benefit.

WOLF - strong and hardy predator. This animal has sharp eyesight and excellent hearing, it is very hardy: it can run for many hours without stopping, and can go without food for several days.

ELK is a peaceful and non-dangerous animal. In winter, it feeds on thin branches and tree bark. He is taller than a man. Despite its size, it moves easily and silently.


In a forest clearing

The hares came out in a crowd

Come on, everyone sat down together

We looked at each other

And they clapped their hands

Clap and clap, clap and clap

What do rabbits have on top of their heads?

The ears are dancing merrily

One jump, two jumps

Everyone galloped into the woods.
-Well done boys. But look, the animals said they didn’t know where they lived. Let's help the animals find their home. Find yourself a love friend. Look at the picture and use a pencil to connect who lives where.

Where does the bear live? - in the den
-Where does the wolf live? - in the lair
-Where does the squirrel live? -in a hollow
-Where does the hare live? - under a bush
- where does the fox live? - hole

Guys, the wizard not only mixed up the animals’ homes, but also scared away their cubs.
Let's return the cubs to their parents.

"Find Mom"

The card contains several superimposed outline images of forest mothers. Take each baby and find its mother and trace the outline of this mother. Whoever can handle it names the mother and the baby.

Let's put fur coats on each animal.

Drawing – coloring animals. Children choose their own drawing material

Did we help disenchant the animals?

How do you think animals live in the forest in winter - good or bad?

Why bad? Why it is good? Was it difficult for you?