The size of this harmless animal is truly amazing. The only predator that can attack sea ​​devil- These are large carnivorous sharks. Mantas have nothing as a defensive weapon. They do not have sharp spines, like stingrays, and do not produce electrical discharges like some stingrays. Therefore, an attack could end tragically for a manta ray.

But people became convinced of the safety of these animals quite recently, and in the 60s of the 20th century. sea ​​devils appeared before people in the form bloodthirsty creatures. Were even filmed art films, where manta rays appeared as killers.

But after getting to know them better, it becomes clear that these are not killers. Manta rays feed on plankton, larvae and very small fish. They filter out this trifle in the manner of whales - swimming with their mouths wide open, they filter the water, leaving food in their mouths.

The sea devil's brain is larger than that of other rays or sharks. Due to their intelligence, flexible nature and tamability, manta rays are well-deserved among divers around the world who come to the islands of the Indian Ocean to swim side by side with manta rays. Besides, they are quite curious. When an interesting object appears on the surface, it floats up and drifts on the waves, observing what is happening. Maybe that’s why in ancient times the encounter of a boat with a huge “carpet” that looks at you with an interested gaze gave rise to a wary attitude towards the sea devil?

Another feature of the manta is its jumping above the water. It is not clear exactly what purpose the devil is pursuing, jumping 1.5 m above the surface of the water. His deafening landing of a 2-ton body can be heard for several kilometers around, and it is possible that this is the purpose of the jump - to attract a partner or to kill small surface fish?

By the way, the sea devil breeds very rarely. The female gives birth to one baby, which is born already longer than 1 m. The young devil is born curled up into a tube, but after leaving the mother’s womb, it immediately spreads its wings and begins to “fly” in circles around the adult female.

In captivity, sea devils are kept in only 5 large aquariums around the world. Very good news is that, despite such rare births, they can be bred in captivity. In 2007, a sea devil was born in Japan. The birth of the baby was even shown on television, which emphasizes man's love for this truly beautiful animal. True, this love came late, but people are rehabilitating themselves before the sea devil.

Manta fish belong to cartilaginous fish species - elasmobranchs. Manti is the most great view stingrays, which can reach 200 cm in length. Their wingspan reaches 700 cm, and the weight of manta rays can reach 2000 kg. These fish have an individual difference - pectoral fins that resemble horns, they became the reason for the nickname that stuck with manta rays "sea Devil".

Manta fish have a very wide mouth, which is located on the front edge of the head. Like other stags, manta rays have a special apparatus called a filter apparatus. It consists of gill plates where food is filtered - small fish, planktonic and crustaceans.

Where do manta fish live?

Manta rays can travel very long distances in search of food; they constantly follow the movements of plankton. These are warm-blooded.

Mantas are able to move remarkably well in the water; they flap their “wings” easily and gracefully. Sometimes you can see manta rays, due to the fact that they like to lie on the surface of the water. In order to float on the surface of the water, they bend one of the pectoral fins so that its edge sticks out.

Sea devils are famous for their ability to jump out of the water. In this case, manta rays can rise 150 cm above its surface. The sound of a large manta ray hitting the water sounds like thunder and can be heard several miles away.

Is manta fish a predator?

Manta rays are not aggressive and therefore pose no danger to the diver. But touching the skin of this stingray, which is covered with small spines, will cause abrasions and bruises. The manta's back is black and its belly is bright white.

These giant stingrays can be found in tropical waters of different oceans and seas. Manta rays live in the water column and often swim into the open ocean.

Manta rays have teeth only on the lower jaw, the size of each of them is similar to the size of the head of a pin. The upper part of each of the teeth has a non-sharp surface with faint grooves. These teeth are not used during food absorption. They can serve a sanitary purpose and are also important during courtship.

Reproduction of manta rays

Just like other species of rays, manta rays reproduce by means of internal fertilization. In the structure of the male individuals of these rays there are a pair of penis-like organs that develop with inside pelvic limbs of these rays. Each organ has a depression through which male cells enter the female’s body, where fertilization occurs.

During courtship, several stingrays at once can try for quite a long time to achieve the love of one of the females. But in the end, the most successful stingray grabs with its teeth top part mouth wings of the female and pushes her into the stomach. And somehow it turns out that one of his penis-like organs penetrates into the cloaca at this time.

The duration of copulation is 1.5 minutes. The female of this stingray brings one, but quite large, calf weighing about 10 kg and a width of about 125 cm. During birth, it emerges tail first from the mother’s womb, it is rolled into a cylinder and instantly turns around, while starting to wave its fins on the chest.

“Blanket” or “cloak” is how the Spanish word “scat” is translated. Sea devil is another name for this majestic and absolutely safe animal.

Taxonomy of manta rays

Manta ray - sea devil

Manta rays belong to the order Dasyatiformes caudapods (according to other sources - to the order of eagle rays - Myliobatidae). In the genus Manta they are the only kind manta family. Systematic scientists have not yet come to a single opinion about the presence of some orders of stingrays. Some sources indicate the existence of an order of eagle rays, including the stingray family, others distinguish them into a separate family. However, this is already the sphere of research of scientific specialists.

Appearance of the manto ray sea devil

The elegance and plasticity of the movement of the stingray evokes admiration, as if it were soaring like a magic flying carpet. sea ​​depths. Manta Rays ( Manta birostris) - best known to science. The size and amazing appearance became the reason for the creation of legends and stories about this extraordinary fish.

Group manta rays and follow the plankton

At birth, the manta reaches more than one and a half meters in fin span, and when it grows, it can reach 8 meters and weigh more than 2 tons. It should be noted that the manta ray is not the most close-up view stingrays, the primacy is occupied by saw-tailed stingrays, the size of which reaches 7.6 m from the tips of the snout and tail. Due to the scope and massiveness of the manta's wings and fins, biologists consider it the largest stingray, a real sea giant.

The appearance of stingrays is unique; their body looks like a diamond-shaped carpet: black on top and bright white on the ventral side. Wide wing-fins, a short whip-shaped tail and the tips of the pectoral fins on the head in the form of horns, with which the stingray increases the flow of water into the oral cavity.

The manta ray is simply a giant for scuba divers, but absolutely safe for them

Is the Devil Manto dangerous for humans?

The frightening appearance of manta rays due to their size and “horns” is deceptive; stingrays are safe for humans. However, even a slight flap of the wing fins can seriously injure a person. IN old times There were tales about the bloodthirstiness of manta rays. It was believed that he could grab a person, strangle him and eat him. But manta rays are not among the species of aggressive marine animals and never attack people.

Features of the manta ray

On their way to collect plankton, stingrays can travel thousands of kilometers.

Stingrays live in the warm waters of all oceans except the Arctic. More often they are found in Indian Ocean, where they form entire flocks. They usually hover in the water column, absorbing plankton harvest, and often rest near the surface, exposing the tips of their pectoral fins to the surface.

Interestingly, manta rays are the most “brainy” fish in the World Ocean. Specific gravity manta ray brain (relative to body weight) is the largest of the known to science fish It is possible that manta rays are the most “smart” fish on Earth.

Large manta rays have practically no predators; only parasites cause serious trouble, causing itching and pain by eating flesh. Small individuals often become victims of sharks and other sea ​​predators. Due to the low speed of the manta, no more than 20 km/h,

Manta ray or giant sea devil is a species of stingray of the genus of the same name in the eagle family of the caudal-shaped order, a superorder of stingrays. Representatives of the subfamily Mobulinae, which includes manta rays, are the only vertebrates that have three pairs of functioning limbs. This is the largest of the stingrays, the body width of individual individuals reaches 9.1 m (in the bulk 4-4.5 meters), and the mass of large specimens is up to 3 tons.

Translated from Spanish The name of this fish is translated as “cloak” or “blanket”. And indeed, floating in the depths clear water The manta ray is very reminiscent of a kind of flying carpet, elegantly and majestically soaring in the sky.

Manta is one of the most known species stingrays He owes his fame, first of all, to huge size and amazing appearance, which caused the appearance of various legends, stories and fables about this amazing fish since ancient times.

The appearance and size of the manta ray are truly unique. Even a newborn baby bird reaches more than 150 cm in fin span, and an adult can reach a wingspan of almost 8 m and weighs more than 2 tons! This is a real sea giant.

To be fair, it should be said that the manta ray is not the record holder among rays in terms of body length - the “podium” in this competition is occupied by saw-throated rays, some species of which reach 7.6 m from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail. The manta's body does not grow longer than the 2 meter mark. But due to the massiveness and breadth of the wing-fin span, the manta ray, according to the unanimous opinion of biologists, is considered the largest stingray known to science.

The appearance of this fish does not allow it to be confused with any other stingray or marine animal. Her body resembles a diamond-shaped carpet, black on top and snow-white on the ventral side. Wide wings formed by pectoral fins, whip-shaped short tail, and characteristic horns on the head formed by the anterior tips of the pectoral fins. With these horns, the stingray increases the flow of water into the cavity of its huge mouth. Why does the manta need increased water circulation in its mouth? Yes, for the simple reason that these rays are planktivorous marine animals, like whales, cetaceans and giant sharks. Even the manta's mouth is shaped like a mouth whale shark, differing, however, in the structure of the dental apparatus.

The ability of sea devils to jump out of the water is well known. At the same time, they can rise 1.5 m above its surface. The sound of a large specimen falling on the water is heard like thunder and can be heard for several miles. Manta rays are completely safe for humans because they are not aggressive. However, touching her skin, which is covered with small spines, is fraught with bruises and abrasions.

On their way to collect plankton, stingrays can travel thousands of kilometers. Stingrays live in the warm waters of all oceans except the Arctic. They are more often found in the Indian Ocean, where they form entire schools. They usually hover in the water column, absorbing plankton crops, and often rest near the surface, exposing the tips of their pectoral fins to the surface.

Mantas swim by flapping their pectoral fins like wings. In the open sea they move at a constant speed in a straight line, and near the shore they often bask on the surface of the water or lazily circle. They are found both singly and in groups of up to 30 individuals. They are often accompanied by other fish, as well as seabirds.

Interestingly, manta rays are the most “brainy” fish in the World Ocean. The specific gravity of the manta's brain (relative to body weight) is the largest fish known to science. It is possible that manta rays are the most “smart” fish on Earth.

The main danger to manta rays is humans. Stingray meat is tasty and the liver is rich in fat. Therefore, in their habitats, artisanal fishermen and sports fishermen hunt mantas. It’s not easy to get a huge fish out of the water, so it’s prestigious. This is causing manta ray numbers to decline, causing concern among conservationists. Currently, work is underway on artificial breeding these animals are in captivity. In 2007, a baby manta ray was born for the first time at the Okinawa Aquarium (Japan).

Sexual dimorphism at its finest. Shows it off devil fish. Male and female specimens of this deep-sea creature, as if from different worlds. Females reach 2 meters in length and have a lantern-like growth on their head.

Sea devil fish

It shines in the water column, attracting prey. Male devils are 4 cm, lack lighting fixture. It's not the only one interesting fact about deep-sea creation.

Description and features of devil fish

Devil fish in the photo seems awkward. Many are repulsed by the appearance of the animal, for which he was compared to the devil. Devil fish are distinguished from standard fish by:

  1. Flattened body. It was as if someone had stepped on him from above.
  2. Big head. It accounts for 2 thirds of the animal.
  3. A sort of triangular body, sharply tapering towards the tail.
  4. Almost invisible gill slits.
  5. Wide mouth, opening over the entire circumference of the head. The upper jaw is more mobile than the lower jaw. The latter is pushed forward. The fish seems to have a snack.
  6. Sharp and curved teeth inside the mouth.
  7. Flexibility and mobility of the jaw bones. They move apart like snakes, making it possible to swallow prey larger than the hunter himself.
  8. Small, round and close-set eyes. They are brought down to the bridge of the nose, like a flounder.
  9. Two-part dorsal. His rear end located near the tail and soft. The anterior area of ​​the fin is equipped with 6 hard spine-ribs. Three of them go to the head. The anterior ray is shifted towards the jaw and has a thickening. It is called an esca and serves as a home for glowing bacteria.
  10. Presence of skeletal bones in the pectoral fins. This partially gives them the function of legs. Devils move on their fins along the bottom, crawling or jumping in a peculiar way. Swimming ability monkfish are also not deprived. The fins also help bury themselves in the ground, hiding from prying eyes.

Caspian sea devil

Eating devil fish

All sea devils are predators. As an exception, fish rise to the surface of the water, hunting for herring and mackerel. Sometimes sea devils grab birds rocking on the waves. But usually bottom predators hunt at the bottom, catching there:

bearded devil

  • squids and other cephalopods
  • gerbils
  • stingrays
  • cod
  • flounder
  • blackheads
  • small sharks
  • crustaceans

Devils wait for fish victims, hiding at the bottom. The light of the predator’s “lantern” attracts the inhabitants of the depths. When potential victims touch the esku, the devil suddenly opens his mouth. A vacuum forms in its area and the pressure changes. Those swimming by are literally sucked into the mouth of the fish. Everything takes 6 milliseconds.

Reproduction and lifespan

Sea devil - fish, which merges with the partner in the literal sense of the word. A miniature male bites a female. It begins to secrete enzymes that ensure the fusion of the two bodies. They even unite blood vessels. Only the testicles remain “intact”.

Random photo a sea devil that for some reason floated to the surface

One female can be bitten by several males. This is how the female gets the maximum supply of sperm. This mechanism ensured the devils' survival for millions of years. The species is considered relict.

The process of conception and childbirth in devil fish has not been studied in detail. The deep-sea lifestyle of anglerfish interferes. The animals are called this because of the “lanterns” glowing on their faces. They swing in the water like floats, and the “tackle” function is similar to a regular fishing rod.

American sea devil

Anglerfish begin to reproduce:

  1. At the end of winter, if they live in southern latitudes.
  2. In mid-spring or early summer, if they live in northern areas.
  3. At the end of summer, if we're talking about about the Japanese anglerfish.

Eggs monkfish folded into a strip 50-90 centimeters wide. The length of the canvas reaches 12 meters. The thickness of the tape is 0.5 centimeters and consists of:

  • mucus forming 6-sided compartments
  • the eggs themselves, enclosed one piece per compartment

Devil fish caviar ribbons drift freely in the water column. One sheet contains 1-3 million capsules with germs. Embryos are surrounded by fat. It prevents the masonry from settling to the bottom. The mucous cells are gradually destroyed, and the eggs float separately.

West Atlantic devil

The anglerfish fry that are born are not flattened on top, like adults. The cubs can be seen at the surface of the water, where they live for the first 17 weeks of life. Afterwards the animals sink to the bottom. Anglers have to live there for another 10-30 years, depending on the type of fish.