Zoya Fedorova is one of the most popular actresses of Soviet cinema of the pre-war period. She starred in films such as " Musical history", "Miners", "Front-line girlfriends", "Great Citizen", "Wedding" and many others. The actress became a laureate twice Stalin Prize and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. But even such awards did not save her from imprisonment in the Gulag.
Zoya Fedorova was born on December 21, 1909 in St. Petersburg into the family of a simple worker. Then her family moved to Moscow. In 1928 beautiful girl She entered the theater school, which was headed by Yuri Zavadsky. All-Union popularity came to the young actress in 1936 after playing one of the main roles in the film “Girlfriends.” In the world of cinema, she was called the “Soviet Mary Pickford” for her stunning appearance and easy-going character. As representatives of the artistic bohemia said then, Zoya Fedorova adores only three things - fildepers stockings, chic hats and a quick foxtrot.

The actress really danced with charm - beautifully, fieryly, until she dropped. At the same time, few of the bohemians realized that this frivolous beauty was also working for the NKVD. Basically, the actress moved in diplomatic circles, collecting the information the authorities needed. It is known for sure that Zoya Fedorova, in the event of the surrender of Moscow in 1941, was supposed to remain in the city occupied by the Germans and work for Soviet intelligence.

In the dungeons of the Gulag

On December 27, 1946, the actress was arrested, accused of anti-Soviet activities, espionage, and, of course, preparing an assassination attempt on Joseph Stalin. During the investigation, Fedorova was summoned for questioning one hundred and five times. The investigation was able to prove that the actress was closely acquainted with the American naval attache Jackson Tate, cohabited with him and gave birth to a child from him. Thus, the fact of treason and espionage was considered proven. The fact of preparation of the assassination attempt was confirmed by an unregistered Browning pistol, which was given to the actress by a familiar front-line officer.

On September 8, 1947, a Special Meeting sentenced Z.A. Fedorova. to twenty-five years in prison with complete confiscation of property. Moreover, she was supposed to serve her sentence not in a forced labor camp, but in a “covered” prison, which was an additional punishment.

Three days later, the actress from Lefortovo was transported to the notorious Vladimir Central, then to prison. Then, for some reason, they returned to Vladimirka again. There the actress sat in solitary confinement for some time, then in the same cell with famous singer Lydia Ruslanova. Sometimes famous prisoners organized small concerts for the prison administration, receiving food, cigarettes and tea as fees.

The murder remains unsolved

Zoya Fedorova was released in February 1955, having spent almost ten years in prison. Returning to Moscow, at first she lived with her prison friend Lydia Ruslanova. Already in 1955, the actress starred in the film “With My Own Hands,” but now she was given small roles. And the stunning beauty of the actress faded in the dungeons of the Gulag.

In 1965, Zoya Fedorova became an Honored Artist of the RSFSR. But now they talked about her more not as an actress, but as a socialite who could buy and sell any jewelry and diamonds.

In the 70s, Zoya Fedorova traveled to the USA several times, where her former lover D. Tate and their daughter together lived. According to rumors, the actress planned to leave for America forever. But on December 10, 1981, Zoya Fedorova was shot by an unknown person in her luxury apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The investigation into the daring crime has reached a dead end. Only one thing became clear. Zoya Alekseevna was well acquainted with the killer, she herself revealed to him front door and let me into the apartment. Then she calmly sat down in a chair, and the killer approached her from behind and shot her in the back of the head. According to investigators, the motive for the crime was most likely the actress’s participation in the affairs of the “diamond mafia.”

Based on newspaper materials
"Behind Bars" (No. 1 2011)

December 11, 1981 at luxury apartment, located at the address: Kutuzovsky Prospekt, building 4, a young man called. Nobody opened the door for him. Knowing for sure that his aunt should be at home, he rushed to his home for spare keys, which the aunt, as if anticipating something, kept with her nephew... Returning and entering the living room, he found a terrible picture: the famous film actress Zoya FEDOROVA was sitting behind table, clutching the telephone receiver in his hand and throwing his head back on the back of the chair. Left side her face was covered in blood...

"Accomplice" of the spy

ZOYA Fedorova was born on December 21, 1909 in St. Petersburg. The mother raised three daughters, among whom Zoya was the youngest. His father, a metalworker, accepted the 1917 revolution with all his heart and for a short time did brilliant career in the Bolshevik party. In 1918, he and his family were transferred to Moscow and appointed head of the passport service in the Kremlin.

WITH youth the girl raved about the theater and enjoyed studying in the drama club. However, her father did not share her hobbies, believing that his daughter should have a respectable profession. And after graduating from school, Zoya gets a job as a bookkeeper at Gosstrakh. She is only 17 years old, and after serving the required hours at a job she hates, she runs to dances. At one of the parties he meets the military man Kirill Prove. The first feeling flares up, but... In the fall of 1927, Prove is suddenly arrested on suspicion of espionage for Great Britain. And after him, the security officers arrest Fedorova as an accomplice of a foreign spy.

At the very first interrogation, Zoya testified: “In 1926-1927, I attended evenings with a man named Kebren, where I danced the foxtrot. At his place I met serviceman Prove Kirill Fedorovich. He played the piano there. Kirill was at my house once, about ten minutes, no more. I don’t remember what they talked about, but, in any case, not about business. He didn’t ask me for any information, and I never gave it to him. He also never said anything about his foreign acquaintances. There were no foreigners with me at Kebren, and I have no foreign acquaintances.”

Things could have ended for young girl very, very deplorable, but providence preserved it for the time being. On November 18, 1927, Genrikh Yagoda wrote in his own hand on her file: “The investigation failed to establish the charges against Ms. Z.A. Fedorova, and therefore would consider the investigation to terminate the case against Z.A. Fedorova and put it in the archives.” A surprising conclusion for those times. Or maybe it’s not a matter of providence at all? Maybe the OGPU had some plans for her? Who knows...

"Bouquet for your grave"

IN 1930, Zoya, despite her father’s dissatisfaction, finally realized her dream - she entered the school at the Theater of the Revolution. As a student, she starred in a cameo role in S. Yutkevich’s film “Oncoming”. She invited all her relatives to the premiere, not knowing that the episode with her participation was cut out of the film during the final editing.

The first attempt was unsuccessful, but it was during this filming that she met cameraman Vladimir Rapoport, who two years later became her husband. Fedorova’s film debut took place in 1933 in the musical film “Accordion” by I. Savchenko. After this, films with her participation began to appear on the screens of the country one after another. In 1936, the film "Girlfriends" was released - Touching story about three girls who voluntarily went to the front as sisters of mercy in the years Civil War. The film was a huge success and brought Fedorova all-Union fame.

Everything was going well, but 1937 came.

Zoya Alekseevna’s father, as a person who worked with Lenin, sometimes allowed himself unflattering comments about some party leaders. The ending is logical: A. Fedorov was arrested under Article 58 of the Criminal Code and sentenced to ten years in prison. Oddly enough, my father’s arrest had virtually no effect on stellar career actresses. Moreover, she made a number of attempts to free her father from prison. She even asked for an appointment with Beria. And, lo and behold, at the end of the summer of 1941, her father was released.

Obviously, Lavrenty Pavlovich, who sympathized with Fedorova, as well as many other famous actresses of that time, counted on her gratitude. One day he invited Zoya Alekseevna to his mansion on Kachalov Street. What happened between them is not known for certain. According to one version, Fedorova cruelly insulted the all-powerful People's Commissar. When he met her in only pajamas, she, looking at his bare chest, was indignant: “What are you allowing yourself to do?! You old monkey!..” Hearing this, Beria allegedly ordered her to get out, and when she went outside, caught up with her and, handing over a bouquet of roses, said gloomily: “This is a bouquet for your grave!”

According to another version, Fedorova not only responded to Beria’s advances, but also, being an OGPU-NKVD agent since 1927, received permission from him to contact him personally if necessary.

This, by the way, is evidenced by the only letter written by Fedorova to Beria. However, more on this a little later.

"Why should I die?"

BY 1946, Zoya Fedorova had become one of the most popular actresses in Soviet cinema. She has roles in such films as “Musical History”, “Miners”, “Frontline Girlfriends”, “Great Citizen”, “Wedding” and many others. She is a two-time winner of the Stalin Prize, awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor... But clouds are already gathering over her head. In January 1945, she met the deputy head of the naval section of the American military mission, Jackson Tate. Very quickly the acquaintance develops into strong feeling. Fedorova had already divorced Rapoport by that time.

Those who adhere to the version that the actress was a secret agent believe that she was specially introduced into the circle of American diplomats. But then it turns out that Fedorova’s curators did not take into account the following: she was an ordinary woman who could not resist the charms of an American officer. How else to explain Fedorova’s pregnancy that followed soon after meeting Tate? Daughter Victoria was born on January 18, 1946. But my father didn’t even know about it. The war is over, and the Americans have turned from our allies into enemies. In July 1945, the actress was suddenly sent on tour to Crimea, and at the same time Tate received an order from the Soviet authorities to leave the USSR within the next forty-eight hours. When Fedorova returned to Moscow, her beloved was no longer there...

On December 27, 1946, Fedorova was arrested. The main charges look ominous. “She was the initiator of the creation of an anti-Soviet group, conducted hostile agitation, made malicious attacks against the leaders of the CPSU (b) and Soviet government, called on her accomplices to fight for the overthrow of Soviet power, and expressed personal readiness to commit a terrorist act against the head of the Soviet state. She maintained criminal connections with foreign intelligence officers located in Moscow, to whom she conveyed distorted information about the situation in the Soviet Union. She was planning to escape from the USSR to America. In addition, she illegally kept weapons."

Sentence: 25 years in prison

ZOYA Alekseevna writes a letter to her longtime admirer. “Dear Lavrenty Pavlovich! I turn to you for help, save me. I cannot understand why I am being tormented so cruelly. In January 1941, having been at your reception several times on personal issues, I remembered your words well. You allowed me to turn to you for help in difficult moments of my life. And now difficult moments have come for me, even more than difficult, I would say - deadly. In deep despair, I turn to you for help and justice.

On December 27, 1946 I was arrested... I was extremely surprised by this arrest, since I did not know of any crimes. True, over the past six years the Ministry of Cinematography has gradually hounded me. For the last two years I have felt disgraced. This made me angry, and I criticized our life among my relatives and friends. Speaking about financial difficulties, I used rather harsh expressions, but all this happened within the walls of my apartment.

Finding myself at a dead end in life, I looked for a way out in every possible way: I sent a letter personally to Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, but received no answer; I tried to come to you, but your employees didn’t let me in...

The crime incriminated against me and the entire course of the investigation resemble some kind of bloody comedy, built by the investigators on several carelessly spoken phrases by me, as a result of which they made a monster out of me on paper. I tried to object and asked: “Why are you exaggerating everything and answering for me yourself?” And they told me that if my answers were written down, the protocols would be illiterate. “You are afraid of terms,” they told me and inserted terms into my answers - one more terrible than the other, one more shameful than the other, making me a monster and a traitor to the Motherland.

What gave the reason to brand me so shamefully? My acquaintance with foreigners. But did I know that the friendship that we had with them in those years would turn into enmity and that this acquaintance would be interpreted as treason to the Motherland?! But this is not enough; the flight of cruel imagination of the investigators did not stop there. A small one given to me during the war lady's pistol served as a reason to accuse me of terrorist intentions. Against who? Against the authorities? Against the party and government, for the sake of which, if you remember, I gave you consent to stay in Moscow in case the Germans captured it, in order to help you wage an underground struggle against them.

The investigators told me: “Don’t be afraid, these protocols will be read smart people who will understand everything correctly. Don't you feel like they want to give you a helping hand? You needed to be shaken up. And in general, this case is unlikely to come to court." I was going crazy, decided to commit suicide and hanged myself in solitary confinement Lefortovo prison, but they didn’t let me die... Then I was sent to the Temnikovsky camps - sick, half-crazy. But such a severe punishment seemed insufficient to the Special Meeting, and two months later they decided to add confiscation of property, to take away what had been acquired throughout a lifetime of honest labor. By this they punished not me, but my little children, of whom I had four dependents: the youngest, my daughter, was two years old, and the oldest, my nephew, was ten years old.

I beg you, dear Lavrenty Pavlovich, save me! I feel guilty for my frivolous nature and intemperate language. I understood my mistakes well and appeal to you as to my own father. Bring me back to life! Take me back to Moscow! Why should I die? My only hope is your fair decision.

It's time to rest

APPEALING to Beria did not help. Fedorova took full advantage of the prison hardships and was released only in February 1955. In the spring, she met with her nine-year-old daughter Victoria, who had returned from exile in Petropavlovsk.

Fedorova's film career resumed just a few months after returning from prison. In 1955, director Nadezhda Kosheverova invited her to her new film “Honeymoon”. The film was a success with audiences, and Fedorova was talked about again. The following year, 1956, two films with her participation were released, in 1957 - five... In 1965, she was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the RSFSR.”

The last film in which the wonderful actress played was “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” After that, she said: “That’s it, I’m retiring. It’s time to rest.”

In September 1973, Fedorova unexpectedly received a letter from Jackson Tate. He himself could not come to Moscow, since he was already too old and sick, so he invited Zoya and his daughter to visit. Victoria left for the USA in 1974, and two years later Zoya Alekseevna received permission to visit the USA. She, like her daughter, could have stayed in America, but for some reason she didn’t - she returned to her homeland.

In July 1978, D. Tate died of cancer at the age of 79, but Fedorova visited her daughter two more times after his death and returned to the USSR.

Who killed Zoya Fedorova?

There is still no ANSWER to this question. There are only a number of versions.

There is no doubt that the actress knew her killer well. It is known for certain that Fedorova was an extremely cautious person. During the entire time she lived in the house on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, she never once allowed not only any of her neighbors, but even the caretaker technician into her apartment. Usually the actress talked to outside visitors through the door, and if the guest insisted on meeting, Fedorova asked him to go down to the courtyard and met him there. And here is the testimony of screenwriter Eduard Volodarsky: “She asked me three times through the door: “Who’s calling?” I said: “Edik Volodarsky” - “Who?” - “Edik” - “Who?” She drove me to hysterics until I was making sure who came."

According to one version, the KGB was involved in Fedorova’s murder. If we assume that Fedorova was an intelligence agent, everything seems to fit. Let's remember what we already know. When Jackson Tate fell in love with Fedorova, he unwittingly became embroiled in spy game Soviet intelligence. However, then the unexpected happened. Fedorova also lost her head and reciprocated the American’s feelings. The NKVD could not leave such freedom of its agent without consequences and punished both: Tate was expelled from the USSR, and Fedorova was sentenced to 25 years in prison for espionage for a foreign state. Meanwhile, once free, Fedorova, apparently, was never able to get rid of the annoying attention of the KGB. It especially intensified when she adult daughter in 1975 she decided to leave for the USA forever to live with her father. Victoria was eventually released from the country, but her mother remained in the USSR. But then the unexpected happened. In April 1976, Fedorova was allowed to travel to the United States to meet her daughter and her ex-lover. After Tate's death, Fedorova was allowed to travel to America twice more to meet with her daughter. In 1981, Fedorova again got ready to go to the United States, and this time she accidentally let slip that she intended to stay with her daughter forever. This situation was not included in the KGB’s plans, and the killer came to her.

Another version looks much more plausible: Fedorova was part of the so-called diamond mafia, the core of which consisted of the wives and children of high-ranking Kremlin figures. They were engaged in buying and reselling gold items, antiques and works of art. Fedorova entered this clan in the early 70s and achieved certain heights in it. In any case, she quickly managed to exchange her two-room apartment on the Taras Shevchenko embankment for a luxurious apartment in a prestigious building on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, where her closest neighbors were the families of Brezhnev, Andropov, and Shchelokov. Knowledgeable people claim that Fedorova had unique information about many participants in diamond fraud in the USSR. Her wide awareness is also evidenced by the following fact: in her notebook 2032 telephone subscribers, 1398 postal addresses were recorded (971 Moscow and 427 non-resident). Perhaps it was this awareness that cost Fedorova her life. When she was not allowed to go to the United States, she went all-in and tried to blackmail one of the high-ranking mafiosi. And then the decision was made to liquidate it.

The investigation into the murder of Zoya Fedorova was quite active for the first year or two. During it, about four thousand witnesses were interviewed, among whom, without a doubt, was the killer. The detectives apparently guessed who he was, and this became known to the daughter of the murdered woman, Victoria Fedorova-Point. In September 1984, she sent a letter to the MUR in which she thanked the detectives “for the justice found.” However, something incomprehensible happened next. The suspect was never prosecuted, and his name was not made public.

An interesting version is put forward by screenwriter Eduard Volodarsky, who wrote the book “Russian, or Crime without Punishment.”

He believes that Fedorova was killed by her son-in-law, Victoria's American husband Frederick Richard Point, a pilot civil aviation from Pan American.

“Vikin’s American husband is a pilot, he constantly flew on the Moscow-New York flight. His salary was small. And after the death of Zoya Alekseevna, he unexpectedly went into big business.”

Are these Fedorov's diamonds?

By the way, according to the testimony of the same Volodarsky, Victoria, having familiarized herself with this version, said: “It’s very possible - he’s such a reptile...”

Why was the popular Soviet actress Zoya Fedorova considered a spy? Was she Beria's mistress? And who actually killed the elderly artist by firing that fatal shot? The Moscow Trust TV channel prepared a special report.

Her bright life And mysterious death- This Detective story, which shook the whole country. Investigation into the case famous actress Zoya Fedorova faded away two years later. Although thousands of witnesses were interviewed, a suspect was never officially named.

Admiral's Daughter

1979, Connecticut, USA. A bell rings in Victoria Fedorova's house. Employees of a famous American publishing house were impressed by an article in the New York Times. It described the dramatic love story of Victoria's parents - a US Navy captain and Soviet actress. The public asks for details, so the publishing house invites Victoria to write a book. That evening she starts work, and soon her mother is killed.

“Victoria, naturally, wanted in every possible way to prove that her mother was pure, that she did not write any messages. But she probably wrote them, she was Beria’s mistress, and there’s no getting around it,” says director Vitaly Pavlov.

Pavlov shot a popular series about the fate of Zoya Fedorova. He spent several years collecting facts and memories about her. The director even managed to talk with a person who read the case of Beria, the second person in the country after Stalin.

"It says in plain text that famous actress Z.F. was Beria’s mistress, that is, someone saw it and knew it,” notes Vitaly Pavlov.

Zoya Fedorova’s personal file is still inaccessible. It is closed at the insistence of relatives. The book by her daughter Victoria is the only document about her mother. And perhaps someone decided that this was just the beginning of the revelation.
Alexander Stefanovich is one of the few who was allowed into Zoya Fedorova’s house. She lived a very secluded life. After the publication of her daughter's autobiographical book, the actress was released from Soviet Union.

Victoria Fedorova at the evening in memory of her mother Photo: ITAR-TASS

“She went to America and told me this story: Imagine, I’m sitting on a plane, it’s descending at Kennedy Airport. And suddenly I see that there’s a crowd of reporters standing below, about three hundred, and everyone pointed their cameras at our plane. I thought that "I'm flying with some celebrity, but I didn't see anyone famous. I was sitting in the back, when everyone had already gotten off, I also left the plane, and all these cameras turned towards me and started clicking," recalls director and family friend of Fedorova Alexander Stefanovich.

February 23, 1945. Moscow, USSR. Zoya Fedorova hastily gets ready. Favorite velvet dress fairly worn - she often wears it at the front. But this is the most elegant thing she has. Today, on the occasion of the celebration of the Day Soviet army, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR is hosting a reception. Entering this palace on Spiridonovka is like going abroad. Few people receive this honor. And most importantly, you can have a hearty meal there. Fedorova has no idea that this evening will change her life.

“She was invited as a star to the top leadership of the country. Just so you know, on the invitation card, during the war, and for us this time is associated with horror and poverty, it was written: “diamonds are a must for ladies.” Zoya Alekseevna went there and met there with US military attache Jackson Tate. We exchanged phone numbers, because she, like a socialite, was handing out the phone right and left. The very next day Tate called her, they began an affair,” says Alexander Stefanovich.

Fedorova and Captain Tate are often seen together in restaurants and on walks around Moscow. They communicate in broken Russian and English using dictionaries. They don't pay attention to anyone. And the conversations around them do not stop. Some say that she is a spy sent, others that he is.

Zoya Fedorova

Historian Boris Sokolov is known for his sensational investigations. He reveals many secrets of the Soviet period. According to some reports, Fedorova was recruited by the NKVD. “It cannot be ruled out that the NKVD was trying to get some information about Tate from her or to somehow compromise him. But since she was going to marry him, what was the point of her working against him,” Sokolov notes.

Zoya not only dreams of getting married, she is expecting a child from an American. Just a few months ago, she would not have even spoken to a foreigner, because Fedorova’s father went to prison in 1938 only for showing the way to a German musician who got lost in Moscow. "She already saw herself as an American. At that moment, and this was before Cold War, when we were friends with America, it was completely normal, and she thought that love with an American would not have any consequences. And therefore, when Beria invited her to his mansion on the Garden Ring, she gladly accepted the invitation,” says director Alexander Stefanovich.

Revenge of the head of the NKVD

1979, USA. Victoria has been sitting over a blank sheet of paper for an hour. How to explain to the Americans why her mother, in love and pregnant, agrees to Beria’s dubious invitation. Suddenly a comparison comes: between them there was scary game, almost every month Lavrenty Pavlovich called Zoya. His calls made her shiver.

"Her father was in prison at the time, and she was thinking about how to get him out of prison. It was said that she was going to family evening, where there will be a wife and a family. However, this was not the case at all,” notes Stefanovic.

As soon as she enters the house, she realizes that there is no one there. Only an orderly meets her and dryly reports that Beria is delayed at work, and his wife suddenly fell ill. Fedorova will sit for three hours waiting for an influential admirer.

“Beria came in, apologized for being late, they drank wine, and he began to pester her. She turned away and went out into the room where the orderly was, he handed her a bouquet of flowers. Obviously, this was such a ritual for all the ladies who came to Beria. And Lavrenty Pavlovich stood on the balcony, looking after her. She waved this bouquet at him and thanked him for it, to which Beria replied: “This is not a bouquet, this is a wreath,” says Alexander Stefanovich.

Soon she will be arrested, and Captain Tate will be urgently expelled from Moscow. All of Moscow knew about the loving nature of the head of the NKVD. Beria received any beauty he just wanted. Neither the wives of Politburo members, nor famous ballerinas and artists could refuse. Actress Tatyana Okunevskaya also visited Beria's mansion. Years later, she will openly tell in an interview that she had to become his mistress, for which she later paid with her freedom. She was sentenced to 10 years in the late forties, when the struggle for the place of Stalin's successor began in power. Fedorova will be sent to the colony earlier.

Lavrenty Beria. Photo: ITAR-TASS

"She was a very famous artist, with a very interesting fate, which I didn't know about when she was alive. I only later learned from literature that she had an affair with an American officer, and during Fedorova’s life it was not customary to talk about this, even Vika did not tell anything,” says People’s Artist of the RSFSR Larisa Luzhina.

Her acting colleagues had no idea what she had to go through. Zoya Fedorova is taken away on New Year's Eve, in December 1946. The actress is sentenced to 25 years for espionage and sent to prison for special treatment. dangerous criminals- Vladimir Central. There they mock her as an enemy of the people, pour boiling water over her, beat her, and do not allow her to sleep. Fedorova cannot stand it and writes a letter to her former admirer, Beria. In it, she asks for forgiveness for her unrestrained character, but there will be no answer.

"She has become very a closed person when she returned. She was very sociable, but no one could get into her soul. They say she played cards, preference for money. Still, she spent a lot of time in prison, this is not a sanatorium, and, of course, she picked up habits from there, but they did not manifest themselves in life,” recalls director Vitaly Pavlov.

Fedorova was released 9 years later, in 1955, when mass rehabilitation of those convicted on political charges began. First of all, Fedorova is looking for her family. All these years, her daughter lived with her sister Zoya in Kazakhstan, not even knowing who her real mother.

Victoria Fedorova. Photo: ITAR-TASS

“She loved her mother very much, but she didn’t really tell anyone about her fate. The time was such that it was impossible to talk. Vika never cried that her mother was sitting, she had a very a strong character. ABOUT own childhood writing is very difficult. Yes, the aunt pretended to be her mother in order to protect her daughter from the stigma of being an enemy of the people. But she still felt like an outcast. Victoria had a dash in the “father” column. Even years later, when she also becomes an actress, and a very successful one, she will still feel insecure,” says Larisa Luzhina.

“Vika, after what she had to go through, was a wolf cub. One day on the set she started yelling at the crew. I took her aside and said, “Don’t yell at people,” and she said, “You don’t even realize, how I spent my childhood, my peers threw me into cesspool and wanted to drown him there. And I swam out of this shit,” says Alexander Stefanovich.

Blood Diamonds

February 1955, Moscow. Zoya Fedorova hurries to the station - her daughter is arriving today. Her almost adult daughter. Fedorova herself has not yet settled down in Moscow. The apartment was confiscated during the arrest; there is nowhere to live. But it’s okay, she reassures herself. For now, Lidia Ruslanova will shelter them. They went through the Vladimir Central Station together and became very close. And there she will start working, she will do anything for the sake of her daughter.

“Zoya put on her best fur coat, or rather, she even took it from someone in order to look good in front of her daughter, whom she had never seen. And the daughter was traveling with her aunt, and she only said at the last moment that “here you call me mother is 12 years old, but I’m not a mother, and you’ll see your mother now.” And when Vika went to the station, she saw beautiful woman in a fur coat,” says Stefanovich.

What it cost her to get this fur coat, she never told. Perhaps it was then that Fedorova began to maintain connections with the criminal world. This version was one of the main ones worked out by operatives after the murder of the actress. Film work is not enough for her now. Instead of main roles - only episodes. When Zoya Fedorova leaves prison, she is just over forty, but she has changed so much that she is given only the roles of old women.

For the city duty officer Sergei Butenin, the day turned out to be extremely difficult. There are already six corpses this morning, and only half the shift has passed. He had just returned to the department when the bell rang again. At the other end of the line is the boss. Urgent departure to Kutuzovsky. Actress Zoya Fedorova was killed.

“During the inspection of the crime scene, we saw that she was wearing torn slippers, frayed woolen socks and a greasy old robe. This suggests that a person who was quite familiar came to see her. Because she never allowed herself to appear in this form in front of anyone “to strangers,” says the senior inspector for special important matters MUR (1979-82) Sergei Butenin.

Jackson Tate and Zoya Fedorova

Butenin remembers the details of that high-profile case well. The famous actress was shot in the back of the head in broad daylight in her apartment. Moreover, on the eve of the Secretary General’s birthday. This is a scandal.

“As far as I know, her daughter was abroad, and she went there. A suitcase with jewelry was prepared in her apartment, which she was going to transfer abroad. Moreover, she was a famous person; people from Brezhnev’s entourage probably stimulated the investigative team.” , says writer Sergei Kredov.

Investigators almost never go home for months, pursuing one lead after another. Soon only two remain: criminal and political.

“After Victoria left for the States, she and Zoya Fedorova wrote the book “The Daughter of the Fleet Admiral.” And Zoya Alekseevna told someone that the second part of this book was being prepared. Naturally, no one read what would happen there. Then - There was a delay in leaving and obtaining a visa, about 2.5 months passed. So a suspicion was born that someone did not want this book to see the light," notes Sergei Butenin.

Just what were Fedorova’s killers afraid of? Did she pay again for wanting to go to America, or did she know too much? Rumors still circulate in Moscow that the actress was connected with the diamond mafia. The operatives quickly found out that she was indeed engaged in smuggling, took out and resold small gems. I gave all the money to my daughter. Perhaps, having learned that Fedorova was going to leave for America, the killers decided that she had again prepared a decent party.

“In my opinion, this is a murder for the purpose of robbery. This is due to the fact that she collected diamonds, she had jewelry at home. That is, these were people who either supplied her with jewelry themselves or knew that she had it,” - says Butenin.

Among Fedorova’s clients who bought diamonds from her were the country’s first ladies. Brezhnev's daughter Galina and the wife of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Svetlana Shchelokova. Perhaps that is why, when investigators got to the bottom of this information, the case was taken to the KGB.

"There was a version that she took something from someone, but did not return the money. And the second version was that it was a person with whom she did not pay for services rendered. Either it was a passage through the border service, or something , which is now called “protection protection,” says Sergei Butenin.

Shchelokov’s biographer, Sergei Kredov, believes that the country’s chief police officer could not have been involved in this story. It’s not his level to deal with old artists.

“This crime, to which great efforts were devoted, simply could not be solved. It fell into the percentage of high-profile crimes,” Kredov thinks.

However, the way Zoya Fedorova was killed cruelly and flawlessly still leads researchers and operatives to believe that a professional was at work. Or professionals. Director Vitaly Pavlov was surprised when even a hint of this version was cut from his film.

“Investigator Pavlyuchenko, who talked about Shchelokov’s possible affairs, removed this footage. He says that Shchelokov had a group that carried out all sorts of sensitive assignments. I think that killing for diamonds that it is unknown whether she had or not is strange thing, it doesn’t look very much like the truth. Moreover, to kill in such a way that there are no traces. One of the characters in my film says she was killed for what was in her head," says the director.

1979, USA. Victoria is finishing the last chapter. Little does she know, she may have told too much and it will cost her mother her life. She just wanted to tell the world the truth about her parents. Once upon a time, while celebrating the Victory Parade, they decided that if they had a boy, they would name him Victor, if a girl, Victoria. Soviet actress Zoya Fedorova and US Navy Admiral Jason Tate met. 30 years after separation. And this was their personal victory.

Channel One has completed the broadcast of the series “Zoya”. Spectators watched with bated breath the fate of the heroine, whose prototype was the famous actress Zoya Fedorova, and the investigation into her tragic death. There are many legends around this story. We met with Vyacheslav Pankin, at that time the head of the USSR criminal investigation department, to find out what the creators of the series missed and who really killed Zoya Fedorova.

"Let's write a novel"

Stirlitz’s “father,” the famous Soviet writer and journalist Yulian Semenov, approached Vyacheslav Pankin with such a proposal 30 years ago. “Maybe the film will turn out better than 17 Moments of Spring,” he persuaded. This conversation took place in the office of the head of the UGRO. Semyonov came to his friend to discuss the upcoming issue of the newspaper “Top Secret”. And I saw dozens of volumes of the criminal case on the murder of Zoya Fedorova, stacked in the corner. This was not written about in newspapers or reported on news programs, but rumors spread quickly throughout Moscow: the famous actress was shot dead in her own apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. And the writer understood: the story of the ups and downs of the legend of Soviet cinema, coupled with materials from the investigation of her mysterious death, and even written with the direct help of the head of the criminal investigation department, is something. But Pankin refused the tempting offer to become a co-author of, as they would say today, a bestseller: “You’ll lie, and it will be inconvenient for me.” Then the writer asked for a photograph from the case materials, which showed murdered actress, and left with her for America. He returned with his daughter Zoya Fedorova. She told a story that shed light on the mysterious murder. Vyacheslav Pankin still considers this version to be the main one, although the killer himself was never found.

And Yulian Semenov would later write the novel “The Secret of Kutuzovsky Prospekt,” in which detective Kostenko, already known to readers from his previous works, for example, “Petrovka, 38,” goes on the trail of the actress’s killer. The first chapters of the novel were published in the newspaper “Top Secret”. Vyacheslav Pankin looks at this number with sadness. On the cover - the same one last photo Fedorova. And below - in ballpoint pen: “To Vyacheslav Pankin - my golden friend. With love, Yuliy Semenov." A few years later, Semenov passed away.

The actress was not interested in the KGB

The fatal shot that ended the life of the public's favorite Zoya Fedorova was fired on December 11, 1981. But no one heard him - the thick walls of the Stalinist building on Kutuzovsky Prospekt knew how to keep their secrets. “The actress’s body lay in a closed apartment for three days, until one of her close friends, concerned about Fedorova’s disappearance, raised the alarm,” recalls Vyacheslav Kirillovich. By conclusion forensic medical examination, her death occurred while she was talking to someone on the phone, from a shot in the back of the head fired from a foreign Sauer 7.65 caliber pistol. The door lock was not broken, which means the actress knew and let the killer in herself. But who is he?

Investigators interviewed more than four thousand witnesses. The number of volumes and versions grew, but it was impossible to get on the trail of the killer. Possible motives now include the actress’s alleged involvement in secret KGB operations and her connection with the so-called “diamond mafia,” which consisted mainly of relatives of high-ranking Soviet officials and was engaged in the purchase and resale of jewelry and antiques. “This is journalistic fiction,” Vyacheslav Pankin waves it off. – The State Security Committee had no interest in Fedorova. And the case was conducted by the police, and not by the KGB, as many people now write, since there was no state secret in it.”

Nevertheless, there are delicate moments in Fedora’s fate. “In 1941, Stalin presented her with another prize and asked what service he could provide to such beautiful actress. “Joseph Vissarionovich, my father was repressed” The leader’s face changed. But after a moment he answered: “So we’ll give you a car - it’s inconvenient to take your father home by tram.” After this, the legend about her connection with Stalin and Beria began.”

"They'll kill me soon"

In 1945, Fedorova met American diplomat Jackson Tate. The romance between the 32-year-old Soviet actress and the 46-year-old US Navy captain was doomed, and Tate was soon expelled from the country. He learned that his daughter was born in the Soviet Union only many years later. And Fedorova was arrested and sentenced to 25 years in prison “for communication with an American spy.” They released her only after Stalin’s death, when her daughter Vika was already nine years old. By the way, Victoria did meet her father, but only in 1973, when she emigrated to the United States.

“Nevertheless, I am deeply convinced that Zoya Fedorova did not possess any secret data,” Pankin insists. “And the other version seems much more likely to me.” IN last years Fedorova toured the regions a lot. She performed in regional centers: in clubs, they first showed clips of her star roles, and then the actress herself answered questions from the audience. “This was during the heyday of consumer cooperation,” notes Vyacheslav Kirillovich. “She bought gold items with diamonds in the regions, and then sent them to her daughters in the USA. I myself have been to the States several times and brought nylon fur coats from there. Once she even admitted with a laugh to one of her friends that she buys them for three dollars and sells them for 500 rubles.”

That is, the actress had money. And since she was seriously thinking about moving to America to be with her daughter, she wanted to somehow secure her future there. Later, Victoria will tell Vyacheslav Pankin that shortly before her death, her mother found a way to send her a supposedly very expensive painting. She was sure that the money from the sale of the famous artist’s painting would be enough for both of them. But when Victoria took the painting to experts, it turned out that it was a fake...

“Apparently, Fedorova demanded that the seller who deceived her return the money,” says Pankin. “Perhaps it was pressed by something.” Or these people were afraid of exposure. So they killed her. There was no politics involved, only crime. Victoria also agreed with this version.”

According to the daughter, in one of the last telephone conversations, the mother said: “They will kill me soon.” But she quickly turned the conversation to another topic. Two days later she was gone. And who pulled the trigger remains a mystery.

Help "DDD"

Vyacheslav Pankin headed the Internal Affairs Directorate Kursk region from 1972 to 1984. At that time, crime in the region was one of the lowest in the country, and the Internal Affairs Directorate ranked 1st–2nd in the USSR in terms of basic indicators. After Kursk, Pankin headed the Department of Internal Affairs of the Gorky Region, was detective No. 1 in the USSR - head of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR. He headed the representative office of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in Afghanistan. He stood at the origins of the creation of the tax police of Russia, was the 1st deputy head of this federal service. Now Vyacheslav Pankin heads the Kursk Regional Environmental Department. Awarded 36 state awards, including the Order of the Red Star, “For Personal Courage” and the Red Banner of Labor.

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TaisiyaOctober 17, 2015, 01:49:19
city: St. Petersburg

I read a lot about her and her daughter Victoria’s book. I was shocked by her murder. Since childhood, I fell in love with her from the film Wedding at Malinevka. I really liked her way of speaking, her smile and everything about her. She was like my beloved grandmother to me. Why could she be killed? I suffered greatly when I found out the truth about her fate and I will never ask for or accept her unfortunate death. I always remember her, love her and will remember her all my life.

They said that she was killed by her American son-in-law, Victoria’s husband.

Toto29 May 2018, 21:06:40
city: Miass

That's why I'm not surprised at this ending to life... For hucksters, speculators, and scammers of all kinds, life goes by like a powder keg. It's not clear when it will explode...

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30 May 2018, 03:02

Mother and daughter. Both difficult fate, but they were talented, beautiful, strong and successful. Agree, you don’t see such a combination very often, especially when it comes to actresses.

The life of Zoya Fedorova and her daughter Victoria is a dramatic family saga, in places reminiscent of a dashingly twisted spy thriller, which still leaves too many questions...

Zoya Fedorova was born in pre-revolutionary Russia, in St. Petersburg, in 1909, December 21. Her father Alexey Fedorov was a factory worker. Mother Ekaterina Fedorova was raising three daughters and a son. The family lived in a large apartment and did not know the need.

After the events of 1917, great changes took place in the life of the Fedorovs. Zoya's father wholeheartedly accepts the revolution and actively participates in it, making a rapid career in the Bolshevik Party. In 1918, the family ended up in Moscow. In the capital, my father is appointed head of the passport service in the Kremlin.

WITH early childhood Zoya attended a drama club and dreamed of becoming an actress. The father did not like his daughter's hobby. After school at the age of 17, Zoya went to work at Gosstrakh. The service did not bring the slightest satisfaction; the girl’s artistic nature rebelled and found joy in the dances that she attended after work.

At the party, Zoya meets a military man named Kirill Prove. Tender feelings flare up between the young people. In the fall of 1927, her lover was suddenly arrested as an English spy. Following him, Fedorova is taken into custody. She is suspected of aiding a foreign spy.

In November of the same year, the case was closed due to insufficient evidence to support the accusation. The situation was quite atypical for those times. Either providence stood up for Zoya, or the OGPU had some plans for her

Despite her father's protests, in 1930 the girl entered the school at the Theater of the Revolution. While studying, she gets a cameo role in the film “Oncoming.” Relatives came to the premiere of the film, but Fedorova did not appear on the screen. The episode with her was cut during editing. On the set, Zoya met cameraman Vladimir Rapport, whom she would marry in 1934. But in 1939, their marriage cracked. And in the same year the actress met her true love. This person was the pilot Ivan Kleshchev. However, they did not have enough time to formalize their relationship - the war began. Kleshchev went to the front and in one of the battles near Stalingrad his plane was shot down. But he survived and, having received serious injuries, was classified as “non-combatant”. After this, Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Kleshchev was assigned for further service to the aircraft accident investigation department. Fedorova was incredibly happy about this turn of events and was already dreaming of a wedding. But when Kleshchev flew to the site of the next disaster, his plane was shot down unequal battle enemy aircraft. So Fedorova was left alone again.

The film “Girlfriends,” released in 1936, brought her enormous success and all-Union fame. The actress is in demand, famous, life is wonderful

But there comes a difficult period associated with the arrest of his father

A Kremlin worker who knew Lenin personally became a victim of slander. The reason for the arrest could also be his free statements addressed to the country's leadership. His detention and imprisonment for 10 years came like a bolt from the blue. To help her father, Zoya made an appointment with Lavrenty Beria. He secretly sympathized with the actress and was ready to do a lot for her in exchange for her favor.

In December 1943, Beria invited her to his mansion on Kachalov Street, explaining his invitation simply: “My wife loves you and wants to celebrate your birthday in a narrow circle.” Fedorova could not refuse the all-powerful People's Commissar. While visiting, the actress’s patience was only enough for the first hour of communication with Beria. When it turned out that the People’s Commissar’s wife would not be at the party, that he had personally organized this meeting, Fedorova suddenly flared up and insulted Beria. He immediately ordered her to get out of his house. When she went outside, Beria caught up with her on the porch and handed her a bouquet of roses. At the same time he said:

This is a bouquet for your grave!

But still, at the end of the summer of 1941, her father was released. Life in freedom did not last long for him, and on September 22, 1941, Alexei Fedorov died. And soon Fedorov suffered a new grief - he died at the front younger brother Ivan.

After her father’s arrest, Zoya is assigned the status of the daughter of an “enemy of the people.” Surprisingly, this does not affect the fate of the actress; Fedorova continues to be filmed. Over the ten years of her career, 22 films with her participation have been made. She starred in most of them.

For the films “Musical History” (1940) and “Frontline Girlfriends” (1941), the actress received the highest award at that time - the Stalin Prize.

The key event that turned her whole life upside down was her acquaintance in January 1945 with the deputy head of the naval section of the American military mission, Jackson Tate.

After the death of his father and brother, the familiar world collapsed before our eyes, and it would seem that all hopes for better life and personal happiness were in vain, but unexpectedly Zoya Alekseevna met great love- stately handsome man and American diplomat Jackson Tate. Surprisingly, the previous tragic episodes did not affect the actress in any way: she did not want to hide, was not afraid of arrest and was not going to interfere with the feeling that flared up. The lovers were so passionate about each other that they did not notice anyone around. They wanted only one thing: to give birth to a child as soon as possible and name him/her Victor or Victoria. Alas, Jackson was expelled from the USSR before he found out about the pregnancy of his beloved woman... The man thought that he was leaving for a short time, and Zoya would definitely fly to him in America. Who knew that fate separated them forever and the lovers would only meet for a short time thirty years later! But they didn’t even have time to say goodbye: the actress was on tour in Crimea at the time, and Jackson was given 48 hours to leave the USSR.

He also knew nothing about the fate of his former lover. A year later he was informed that she had gotten married.

In fact, in December 1946, Zoya Fedorova was arrested in her apartment on Gorky Street. For six months she was interrogated and tortured in the Lubyanka, in an internal prison. Then they were sentenced to 25 years in prison, accused under Article 58 of espionage for the benefit of foreign countries. Anyone who was convicted under Article 58 was considered a traitor to the Motherland. Usually such people were simply given up, since their fate was predetermined.

All the actress’s property was confiscated, and her sisters Alexandra and Maria along with their children were exiled. Alexandra - to the north of Kazakhstan; and Maria - to Vorkuta, where she later died. The actress knew nothing about the fate of her little daughter.

Broken Zoya tried to commit suicide in the pre-trial detention center, but the guards did not allow her to die. The actress remembered her patron and wrote Beria a letter full of despair: “I beg you, dear Lavrenty Pavlovich, save me! I feel guilty for my frivolous nature and intemperate language. I well understood my mistakes and appeal to you as to my own father. Bring me back to life! Take me back to Moscow! Why should I die? My only hope is for your fair decision.” Unfortunately, this appeal did not help the actress

In a closed prison in Vladimir, for some time she shared a cell with singer Lidia Ruslanova. And it was Ruslanova who helped Zoya Fedorova when her imprisonment was over, and in 1955 she found herself in Moscow - alone, without a livelihood and without work, with poor health and a complete lack of understanding of how to live further. First of all, the women collected a parcel for Vika with sweets, oranges and apples (in her 9 years the girl has never eaten such “delicacies”). In addition, Ruslanova organized a long-awaited meeting with Vika and lent her friend her fur coat so that she would look decent on this fateful date.

Daughter Victoria

During the 9 years of exile, the daughter knew nothing about Zoe, much less about Jackson: in order not to traumatize her psyche, her aunt pretended to be her mother. They lived from hand to mouth, ate potato peelings and froze, waking up in horror and seeing that all the walls in the house were covered with a thick crust of ice... They shied away from the relatives of the “enemies of the people” like lepers, and the girl was constantly teased for allegedly tinting her eyelashes and eyebrows to make you seem at least a little more attractive. Unable to withstand the attacks, Vika even ran a hot nail across her eyebrows and immediately earned a new offensive nickname - “bald.”

...She returned to her native Moscow with a nondescript suitcase containing only 2 dresses. Victoria described her meeting with her mother this way: “The crowd gradually thinned out, and then I saw a woman running along the platform, looking into the faces of passers-by. Suddenly she saw me and stopped. Then she rushed towards me. When she ran closer to me, I saw that she was crying. And suddenly she hugged me, and I was afraid that she would crush me. I felt her tears dripping onto my face and felt that she was trembling all over.”

The secret of Vika’s birth was not immediately revealed, but gradually mother and daughter, separated for 9 long years, became very close. Fedorova tried to fill every second with communication with her beloved child. The actress, thanks to the intercession of the same Ruslanova and Sergei Mikhalkov, returned to the profession and began acting. He and Vika were given an apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Life gradually got better. It would seem that all the horrors were far behind...

Zoya Alekseevna decided to tell her daughter about her father when Victoria was a teenager. From that very moment, an ordinary Soviet girl constantly dreamed that her father would definitely come from distant America and would meet her with a newspaper in his hands on the steps of the Ukraine Hotel... Then she did not even think that everything would be completely different, but she was firmly set on the desire to find her father . For this reason, Vika even gave up her dream of becoming a psychiatrist; she decided to become an actress so that dad would definitely see her on the silver screen.

By the way, Zoe really decided to find Jackson; she met the translator Irina Kerk, who agreed to help the actress in her search. The tragedy of the situation lies in the fact that Tate not only did not know about the existence of his daughter, but was also sure that the woman he loved had betrayed him by marrying another man. And what could he think, because this is exactly the fake note that was planted on Jackson when he was in Sweden...

At first, the man was skeptical about the news from distant Russia (by that time he already had a third marriage and other children), but when he found out that the daughter, conceived in a year Great Victory, called Victoria, could not hold back my tears...

Daughter and father

What about Vika?

Victoria Fedorova- Russian Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren in one bottle, a decoration of VGIK in the 1960s, co-owner of the famous Manhattan restaurant “Russian Samovar”, where the whole flower of the Russian emigration gathered: Brodsky and Baryshnikov, Galich, Vishnevskaya and Rostropovich... They were in love with her Eduard Volodarsky and Sergei Solovyov. Victoria was bohemian, scandalous and very temperamental. In the mid-1970s, the actress went to America, as it seemed to her for a short time - just to see her father, but in the end she stayed there forever.

She finally blossomed, entered VGIK and began to successfully act in films. All her roles were bright and spectacular. Critics showered her with compliments, seeing in her “European-style sophistication, rare in the appearance of our actresses.” Her film career was successful, but the same cannot be said about her personal life. The actress was constantly at the center of scandals, shocked men with her addiction to drinking and profanity, fought with an unfaithful lover, throwing handfuls of stones at his car... By the age of 29, she had been married three times: her first husband, director Irakli Asatiani, was furiously jealous of his wife, cut her wrists and threatened to throw herself out of the window. With her second husband, economist Sergei Blagovolin, the relationship also turned out to be short and stormy. No less scandalous was the alliance with film playwright Valentin Yezhov, who was twice Victoria’s age and distinguished great love to alcohol...

Who knows how the actress’s life would have turned out if not for the long-awaited invitation sent by her father in 1973. After this, Victoria unsuccessfully tried to travel to the United States for 2 years. Endless collection of documents and characteristics, party meetings and other red tape... In the end, the exhausted girl decided to go for broke and give a press conference for American journalists in order to draw attention to her problem and speed up her departure. Fortunately, this gesture of desperation actually had an effect. The actress nevertheless flew to the USA, where she met her father. Surprisingly, despite a lifelong separation, they managed to find a common language.

Victoria did not plan to stay in America, but unexpectedly she fell in love with the pilot Frederic Puy: the couple decided to get married, and soon theirs was born The only son Christopher. Zoya Alekseevna saw her grandson only a few times; It was with great difficulty that she traveled to America. The actress continued to actively act in the USSR and even received a prestigious apartment. Victoria, on the contrary, moved away from her film career: the banal roles of Russian spies were uninteresting to her (for some reason, this imposed entourage was enough for her in life).

In 1981, Zoya Alekseevna’s life was tragically cut short: the body of the actress was found in her apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Fedorova was shot dead. There were many versions of this mysterious murder. For example, it was believed that Zoya Alekseevna was connected with the “diamond mafia”, in which the first people of the state were involved. However, this case, covered in many rumors, has not been solved to this day.

Victoria Fedorova worked as a model, published an autobiographical book, easily mastered the computer, completed web design courses, created websites and did hand-made work. She divorced her fourth husband. After the divorce, the pilot sued the boy from his ex-wife. And she got married 5 times. It was in this marriage that Victoria finally felt happiest. Her chosen one was John Wyer. He idolized her.

Having learned about his wife’s illness, he immediately retired and devoted himself entirely to his beloved. Before that, he worked in the management of the fire department.

The beauty of Soviet cinema, the legendary bohemian brawler of VGIK and just a woman with a complex and very interesting fate died in 2012 from lung cancer (Victoria was always a heavy smoker). Her ashes, according to her will, were scattered over the mountains of Pennsylvania.

Interesting Facts:

Christopher, Victoria's son, does not speak Russian and does not want to hear anything about his mother's Russian roots.

- The story of Zoya Fedorova is mentioned in the TV series “Diamond Hunters” (played by Tamara Syomina) and “Galina” (where the role of the famous actress is played by Raisa Konyukhova).

- Victoria Fedorova starred for Harper's Bazaar magazine and was the face of the cosmetics company Alexandra de Markoff.

In recent years, Victoria has been painting gourds.