Doctors describe a phobia as an irrational, uncontrollable fear that often arises from a dislike of an object. Moreover, this object can be very, very unusual!

For example, singer Robbie Williams was afraid of cartoons as a child and hid under the bed every time his parents played cartoons for him. Actor Johnny Depp was never able to overcome his unusual childhood phobia - Depp is afraid of clowns and never goes to the circus.

Christina Richie is afraid of flowers and does not keep any indoor plants at home, Sarah Michelle Gellar is afraid of cemeteries, and Megan Fox is afraid of touching paper. By the way, sometimes phobias contradict the star status of their “owners” - for example, who would have thought that the actress and main sex symbol of the 20th century Marilyn Monroe was terribly afraid of open spaces where many people gathered, and Pamela Anderson carefully hides her phobia - she is afraid of mirrors and never doesn't watch himself on TV.

What else are stars afraid of and how do they escape their fears? We found 10 star phobias that celebrities suffer from.


Claustrophobia, or fear closed spaces– one of the most popular human phobias. It is not surprising that the stars also suffer from panic fear of being in a cramped enclosed room.

Actresses suffer from claustrophobia Michelle Pfeiffer, Naomi Watts and Uma Thurman, and Thurman once had to overcome her fear for the sake of the role - on the set of the film “Kill Bill 2” the actress was buried alive in a coffin.

TV presenter and designer Masha Kravtsova (Marika) also hates closed spaces - for her there is nothing worse than being stuck alone in an elevator.


Statistically, airplanes are considered the safest form of transportation because airplane crashes are much less common than car or train accidents. But statistics do not stop people from flying.

Incredible, but true: many celebrities who spend most of their time on tour and are forced to fly a lot experience fear at the mere thought of airplanes. They suffer from aerophobia Whoopi Goldberg, Charlize Theron, Ben Affleck, Colin Farrell and Jennifer Aniston.

Aniston even tried to turn to psychologists for help, but they were not able to completely rid her of her fear of flying. By the way, the King of Pop Michael Jackson was terribly afraid of flying - several times Jackson demanded that he be taken to concerts by ship. Even more than airplanes, Jackson was afraid of traffic jams - in them the singer felt helpless and vulnerable.

Fear of the dark

Do you think only little children are afraid of the dark? It turns out that this fear remains with many people into adulthood.

Actor Keanu Reeves and singer Jennifer Lopez, as well as our stars Anna Semenovich and Philip Kirkorov admitted that they were afraid of the dark.

By the way, these are not the only phobias of these celebrities: Lopez once admitted to journalists that she was terribly afraid of being alone, and Philip Kirkorov was afraid of cockroaches. I wonder what about cockroaches in the dark?


Speaking of cockroaches. Cockroaches, snakes, spiders, rats and other unpleasant representatives of the animal world give aesthetic pleasure to few people. But there are also those who, at the sight of one small rat, are ready to faint.

Scientists say that so-called zoophobia, or fear of animals, arises in childhood as a result of a bite or is acquired from another person: for example, if a child’s mother screams at the sight of a mouse, then the child will associate this animal with danger.

What animals do Hollywood stars put on their blacklist? Catherine Zeta-Jones hates rats, Nicole Kidman has been terribly afraid of butterflies since childhood, and Johnny Depp, in addition to clowns, he also can’t stand spiders.


This phobia means panic fear pollution or contamination, due to which a person always tries to avoid contact with surrounding objects. Are you terrified of dirt and never shake hands? Be careful, it’s easy to turn from a model clean person into a mesophobe and join Scarlett Johansson, Beyoncé and Cameron Diaz - these star girls are capable of throwing a tantrum if they find even one speck of dust on their bedside table in a hotel.

Even more famous mesophobes are Madonna and Michael Jackson. Jackson always wears a germ bandage, and Madonna demands that the hotel's plumbing be changed before her arrival.


Some phobias have a very positive effect on our lifestyle. Among them, ataxophobia is a panicky fear of... disorder! People suffering from this phobia cannot stand it when their things are out of place and are maniacally devoted to cleanliness and perfect order.

Among them are football player David Beckham and actress Jessica Alb A. Beckham organizes his clothes by color in his closet and keeps only an even number of cans of drinks in the refrigerator, and Jessica Alba once threw a tantrum at a hotel when her husband filled their room with balloons.

Fear of water

Actress Winona Ryder is terrified of water. She has a good reason for this: at the age of twelve she almost drowned.

“I got caught in a low tide wave and was submerged for quite a long time,” the girl recalls. “When the rescuer pulled me out, I no longer had a pulse. They gave me artificial respiration, and I came to know everything.” One can imagine how difficult it was for her to film one of the episodes of the film “Alien,” where her heroine had to dive and swim underwater.

The famous one had the same fear Hollywood actress Natalie Wood, who became famous after her role in the film “West Side Story”. Natalie was terribly afraid of water after she once almost drowned on the set. Ironically, Wood died in the water while sailing on a yacht in California.

Fear of baldness

For Hollywood star appearance is a calling card, so the fear of growing old is already a phobia of every second celebrity. But some are afraid not just of getting old, but of losing their hair with age - Tom Cruise and Jon Bon Jovi admitted that they are afraid of going bald and resort to the services of doctors to delay the irreversible process. Because of her fear, Kristina Orbakaite refused a luxurious apartment on a high floor and settled modestly on the sixth floor.

Stage fright

This phobia, unusual for celebrities, is the most common in Hollywood, according to psychoanalysts. Leonardo DiCaprio, Charlie Sheen, Catherine Deneuve and Bruce Willis are afraid to perform on stage in front of a crowd of spectators.

Because of this fear, actors are forced to refuse offers to play in the theater. No one would have thought that stage fright also torments the famous singer Britney Spears, who at the height of her career filled stadiums with thousands of people. However, Spears's phobia is a result of her mental health problems. Today, for a former pop princess, any public performance, even in front of a hundred listeners, is real torture.

Oscar-winner Billy Bob Thornton celebrates his 60th birthday today, August 4th. He is known not only for his marriage to Angelina Jolie, his love of country music and numerous roles, but also for various phobias. Billy has a whole bunch of them - fear bright colors, a Komodo dragon, antique furniture, clowns, air travel and a portrait of British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli. We bet it's far from full list fears of Thornton. In honor of Billy Bob's birthday, we decided to gather other celebrities with phobias.

As has already been said, Billy is the king of phobias. He is afraid of almost everything, although appearance you can't say that. And his peculiar act - wearing a flask with Angelina Jolie's blood around his neck and giving her a piece of land from the cemetery - does not fit in with his phobias. If the fear of flying on airplanes is explained by the fear of crashing, and the fear of Komodo dragon- its toxicity, then other phobias are more than strange. Billy suffers from his fear of antiques - he cannot eat near old furniture, and the process of eating with antique cutlery (even silver) causes panic in him. As a result, the actor uses only plastic utensils during filming. Oh, yes - Billy is also afraid of bright colors. The actor has had this phobia since childhood, when he ate with a spoon and fork painted in bright colors. Since then, Billy Bob gets migraines at the merest hint of bright color.

The master of auteur cinema, writer, four-time Oscar winner and lover of young ladies suffers from anhedonia (fear of everything). What Woody is afraid of can be listed for a very long time, here are just some of his fears - fear of elevators, insects, children, heights, sunlight, diseases, deer, dogs, dirt, communication with service staff, bright colors, peanut butter, crowds, baths and transport. Woody's phobias have reached the point of insanity, since he is also afraid to have fun, because he believes that he will have to pay for it. I wonder how Allen lives in his constant fear. Or maybe these are just exaggerations and the director is not such a coward after all? One way or another, Woody Allen's films are successful, and he perfectly plays out some of his phobias in his films.

Despite the fact that his heroes have saved humanity several times, Tom also has several phobias. Firstly, the actor is afraid of going bald (it’s interesting how he overcame his fear for the role of executive producer Les Grossman in the film “Tropic Soldiers”, because there he had to put on a “bald” wig). Tom doesn’t have a real bald spot yet, but any hint of hair loss in the actor causes real panic. According to his friends, Cruise counts the hairs on his head every day (although this is most likely a stupid joke). Tom's second and third fears can be combined into one - he is afraid of alien invasion and the end of the world. I wonder where Cruz got this phobia from?

This actor has a completely normal phobia, common to many people - Robert is deathly afraid of dentists. He seriously thinks that while treating a tooth, the dentist may cause an infection. It is not known for certain where Robert’s dental phobia came from. Only there is one information that after the actor was approved for the role in the film “Cape Fear”, De Niro turned to the dentist in order to disfigure his teeth. For this procedure, the actor had to part with 5 thousand dollars. When filming ended, Robert went back to the clinic to have his teeth restored, for which he paid $20,000. Perhaps such dental changes and a lot of money for their implementation were deeply absorbed into Robert’s subconscious and now treating his teeth is a real torture for him.

Do you think the Prince of Persia is not afraid of anything? But no... Jake is terrified of ostriches. In one of the episodes of the film “Prince of Persia” the actor had to face these huge birds. Jake was seriously afraid for his life (since he had been told that these birds could rip your heart out, peck out your eyes, or scratch your face with their claws) when he saw how aggressive ostriches could be. And their powerful legs caused a real stupor in the actor. We imagine what it cost Gyllenhaal to jump into a whole herd of ostriches and hope that such scenes will not happen again in his life.

One of the most sexy actresses Hollywood, the girlfriend of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and just a charmer is afraid of dry paper. This may seem strange and even stupid to some, but not Megan. She is afraid to touch any paper unless it is laminated or pre-moistened. To get acquainted with the script of the next film, Megan puts a glass of water in front of her and, turning the page, wets her fingers in the water. We can’t even imagine where Fox gets such paranoia? In addition to dry paper, the actress is afraid of repeating the fate of her idol (Marilyn Monroe) and the film set. Each new take is difficult for Megan - she feels nauseous, her eyes darken and she shakes all over. How did Fox even become an actress with such phobias?

Tom Cruise's ex-wife admitted in an interview that she is very afraid of raccoons because they are not afraid of people. This fear is quite justified - after all, Katie once had to kick out an uninvited guest, in the person of a raccoon, from her territory. The actress was sitting near her house, and out of nowhere, this “cute” animal appeared and resolutely moved towards her. The raccoon began to walk around Katie from behind, as if he wanted to attack. The actress was terrified, did not know what to do and began to look him straight in the eye. There was no result - the raccoon continued to feel at home. And then Holmes started barking... The poor raccoon was so scared that he gave in. Katie hopes she never has to encounter this animal again.

The Twilight Saga star is afraid of horses. This fear has haunted Kristen since childhood - at the age of 9 she fell from a horse and broke her arm. Since then, the actress has avoided communicating with these odd-toed ungulates, but for the sake of leading role in the fantasy "Snow White and the Huntsman" she overcame her fear. Kristen literally forced herself to sit up and tried not to think about the bad. Everything worked out well, Kristen was not thrown off the horse and was not trampled. One way or another, the actress no longer wants to be in the saddle.

Johnny Depp's ex-girlfriend suffers from aquaphobia (fear of water). At the age of 12, Winona was taken to big wave low tide and almost drowned. It’s good that rescuers found her in time and pumped her out. It’s interesting that in one of the episodes of the film “Alien: Resurrection,” Winona’s heroine had to for a long time be underwater. The actress refused an understudy (the director assigned three rescuers to her), overcame her fear and played the scene on her own.

Quentin Tarantino's muse suffers from claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces), which is quite common for many people. As we remember, in the second part of Kill Bill, the heroine of Uma was buried alive, and she had to independently get out of the wooden coffin. Uma really was locked in wooden coffin, so this picture cost the actress enormous strength and patience. Perhaps that is why this episode looked more natural than all the others, because the actress did not have to play fear - she was already wildly scared.

Svetlana Misnik(born December 16, 1992) - life-style journalist, a philosopher by primary education, and a lawyer by secondary education. Since the age of 15, he has been writing for,,, about psychology, celebrities and beauty.. He values ​​honesty in people, favorite hobby- watching a good movie, and a personal recipe Have a good mood- beach holiday.

Many famous people And historical figures also suffered from phobias.

Some of them are quite common, such as a fear of air travel, while others are downright strange, such as a fear of houseplants.

Famous people and their phobias

Famous Hollywood director Alfred Chickcock, known for the films Psycho and Vertigo, suffered from ovophobia, a phobia of eggs, which he considered disgusting. In his entire life, he had not tasted a single egg, since he was repulsed by the mere sight of the white with the yolk oozing out from there.

Ironic as it may be, but Walt Disney, who gave the world Mickey Mouse, was afraid of mice.

Marilyn Monroe suffered from agoraphobia - fear of open space and crowded places. Barbra Streisand and Kim Bessinger had the same phobia.

Famous football player David Beckham admitted that he was afraid of disorder. His phobia, ataxophobia, is similar to obsessive-compulsive disorder. He has a hard time with things being disorganized, out of line, or out of pairs.

Pamela Anderson afraid of mirrors, namely of his reflection in the mirror. She doesn't look at herself when she's on TV, and if she does, she immediately turns it off and leaves the room.

American television presenter Oprah Winfrey admitted to having a phobia of chewing gum. Her grandmother often chewed gum and pinned it to the cabinet, where there were long rows of chewing gum. The presenter also banned chewing gum from the television studio.

Stephen King he is afraid of flying on an airplane, cats and the number 13. When writing a book, he never stops at page 13 or multiples of 13. In addition, he is afraid of the dark and only falls asleep with the light on.

Film director Woody Allen has been treated by a psychoanalyst for 40 years and suffers from many phobias and fears. In addition to the fear of spiders, he is afraid of heights and closed spaces.

Among his weirder fears are bright colors, elevators, animals, the stage, children, cancer and other diseases, and even peanut butter sticking to the roof of his mouth. He is also afraid to take a shower if the drain is in the middle, and always cuts a banana into exactly 7 pieces before adding it to his morning cereal.

Historical figures: fears and phobias

Gustav Eiffel the creator of the famous Eiffel Tower suffered from dyslexia and was terrified of heights.

Sigmund Freud afraid of weapons and ferns. He himself argued that fear of weapons is a sign of insufficient sexual and emotional maturity. He didn't talk much about ferns, but there is a theory that he had a traumatic experience with ferns as a child.

Nikola Tesla– the famous inventor was a germaphobe, and avoided touching people or any objects that had germs on them. He very often hands us. In addition, he was afraid of jewelry, especially earrings with pearls, which disgusted him.

Napoleon Bonaparte The Emperor of France was afraid of cats, which caused him to panic. Interestingly, many leaders, including Hitler, Mussolini, Nicholas II, Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar suffered from ailurophobia - fear of cats.

Salvador Dali was afraid of grasshoppers to such an extent that if a grasshopper jumped on his face, he would prefer to jump into the abyss. Entomophobia is the fear of insects, a fairly common phobia, especially the fear of spiders, which affects Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise and Scarlett Johansson.

Writer Nikolay Gogol afraid of being buried alive. In his youth he suffered from malarial encephalitis and suffered from total loss consciousness, followed by deep sleep. He was afraid that people would think he was dead and would bury him. In his old age, he did not even want to sleep lying down, and preferred a sitting position.

Composer Frederic Chopin and storyteller Hans Christian Andersen also suffered from this phobia. Andersen always left a note in which it was written that he was not dead, although he might look like it, but in fact he was sleeping.

Poet Vladimir Mayakovsky He was also afraid of pollution and germs and tried not to touch door handles, using a handkerchief to do this. After shaking hands, he always washed his hands with soap and carried iodine with him.

Sergey Yesenin I was terrified of contracting syphilis. As his friend Alexander Mariengof said, he took any pimple as a sign of illness and spent a long time looking at himself in the mirror.

Personality Joseph Stalin Many psychologists and psychotherapists tried to analyze it. Among the fears of the Soviet leader was the fear of being poisoned, the fear of flying on an airplane, and the fear of going to bed.

Hollywood stars: strange phobias

Megan Fox hates paper, specifically dry paper, and uses a glass to dip his fingers into to turn the page in a book or script. In addition, she admitted that germs scare her and therefore she does not use public toilets and appliances in a restaurant. The actress, known for the film "Transformers", is afraid to look at herself in photographs and videos. She said that she once drank champagne to gather her courage and still look at herself.

Matthew McConaughey is afraid of revolving doors, and will not enter a place where there are such doors. In addition, he has a fear of tunnels. But he is not afraid of being in the tunnel, but he is afraid of the entrance to the tunnel itself.

Johnny Depp scared of clowns. As Johnny himself says: “There is something frightening about a painted face and an artificial smile. There always seems to be a darkness, a real evil, lurking beneath the surface.”

U Nicole Kidman Lepidopterophobia – fear of butterflies. One day she tried to walk past the butterfly exhibits in the museum, but could not overcome her fear. As a girl, Nicole would not enter the house if she saw a butterfly at the entrance.

Fear is one of the basic human emotions that everyone experiences, and the great leaders of the past were no exception. These historical figures are simply famous people modernity, have suffered from strange and specific fears, which often conflict with the image of fearlessness that these individuals evoke in the mass consciousness.

1. Peter I - cockroaches. Peter was a brave warrior. In the Battle of Poltava, during the Prut campaign, he did not sit in the royal tent, but was on the battlefield. I was not afraid of either a Swedish bullet or a Turkish scimitar. However, it was the cockroaches that terrified him. Russian hero did not enter the house until one of his servants had examined all the chambers and assured him that there were no vile insects there. And this happened after such an incident. One day, a certain officer treated the Tsar in his village house. When they sat down at the table and started eating, Peter suspiciously asked the owner: “Is your house clean of cockroaches?” “Almost,” the owner replied, “and in order to completely get rid of them, I pinned one here alive.” He pointed to the wall, where a cockroach, nailed to a nail, was indeed moving its legs and moving its whiskers. The king was horrified when he saw this abomination. He jumped up from the table, gave the owner a good slap on the wrist and left.

2. Franklin Roosevelt is fire.
Although Roosevelt made his famous phrase“The only thing we should be afraid of is fear itself,” he himself was terrified of fire. The roots of his fear grew from his childhood, when in 1899, as a little boy, the future great politician witnessed a terrible fire. During his presidency, the fear of fire even outweighed the fear of murder, so Roosevelt never locked his bedroom door at night, forcing agents Secret Service patrol the corridors every night. It is interesting that with such a panicky fear of fire, Roosevelt always insisted that the Christmas tree in his house must be decorated with real candles, and not with electric garlands.

3. Genghis Khan - dogs.
According to the “Secret Legend,” Genghis Khan was afraid of only three things in life: his mother, his wife, and dogs. When Genghis Khan was a little eight-year-old boy named Temujin, his father Yesugei met a man named Dey-Sechena in the steppe. Dei Sechen had a daughter named Borte, who was two years older than the future Khan. The two fathers agreed to a marriage between their children and Yesugei left his son “in-law,” warning them: “ son is afraid of dogs. My relative, don’t let my boy be scared of dogs!” Many criticized Genghis Khan for his fear of dogs, but it is quite possible that this was not a panic fear, but a completely reasonable precaution. The fact is that the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound, which is essentially a descendant of those same dogs, remains a very strong and formidable breed to this day. Mongolian legends contain stories about how careless travelers in the steppe were torn to shreds by packs of such dogs.

4. Sigmund Freud - weapons and ferns.
The world-famous neurologist, psychoanalyst and founder of the school of psychiatry Sigmund Freud was afraid of weapons and ferns. He found that fear of weapons was a sign of a lack of sexual and emotional maturity. As for the fear of ferns, this is not a very common phobia and practically nothing is known about it. Perhaps Sigmund had an unpleasant incident in his childhood involving a fern. Freud's contemporaries claim that he sometimes spoke of his fear.

5. Kim Jong Il - flights.
Former North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il was known for his morbid fear of air travel. He was so afraid of flying that he almost always chose terrestrial species transport. even during long trips around the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe he traveled on an armored train. His father Kim Il Sung regularly flew to Soviet Union on work visits, but both father and son eventually developed a fear of flying due to a number of incidents. In particular, in 1982, North Korea acquired five Il-62 aircraft for use as the exclusive transport of the country's government leaders. While Kim Il Sung was watching the test flight, the plane suddenly exploded in mid-air. 17 people became victims of the tragedy, including his personal pilot.

6. Henry VIII- illness.
One of the most famous Tudors, King Henry VIII had a terrible fear of disease, particularly the plague and the English sweating fever, which plagued England during his reign. The Tudors had a famous tradition of traveling through their lands. They visited estates and monasteries to win the love of their subjects. Over time, this tradition began to decline, but even despite his fears, Henry VIII continued to tour his possessions every summer.

7. Octavian Augustus - thunderstorm.
According to the Roman historian Suetonius, the founder of the Roman Empire was afraid of thunder and lightning. One night during the Biscay Campaign, Augustus Caesar narrowly avoided being struck by lightning, which flashed nearby, setting fire to a pile of rubbish and killing a slave who was walking ahead with a torch. In fear, the superstitious Augustus ordered the most shortest time build a temple to Jupiter the Thunderer to appease the god, but this did not help and his fear remained with him throughout his life. Suetonius claimed that Augustus always carried a piece of seal skin with him as an amulet for protection. During every thunderstorm, he subsequently took refuge in an underground vault.

8. Alfred Hitchcock - eggs.
The famous Hollywood director and producer, creator of the films “The Birds” and “Psycho” Alfred Hitchcock was afraid of eggs. Moreover, eggs were disgusting to him. Hitchcock claimed that he had never tasted eggs in his life and refused to even look at them. He said that there is nothing more disgusting than these white round things without holes with a yellow substance inside.

9. Heraclius I - water.
The Byzantine Emperor Heraclius won many great victories against the Persians, but a series of military failures and defeats at the hands of the expanding Muslim army so affected the emperor that he acquired several nervous diseases, including a fear of water. Retreating with his army after a crushing defeat from the Arabs in Syria, he delayed the decisive phase of the tactical retreat from Asia Minor through the Bosporus because he could not decide to cross the strait. According to historians, Heraclius’ fear of water was also associated with the prediction of the influential astrologer Stephanos of Alexandria, who predicted the emperor’s death from drowning.

10. Muammar Gaddafi - high and long flights.
The former Libyan dictator was a very extraordinary person and his fears were just as strange. As follows from secret diplomatic cables leaked online through the notorious Wikileaks website, the dictator could not fly over open water for more than eight hours at a time. This phobia turned into a real headache for his employees when they had to plan a long flight across the ocean. They had to stop in Portugal during their trip to the United States so that Gaddafi could calm his nerves a little. And also, returning from Venezuela to Libya, they made a stop in Newfoundland.

11. Richard Nixon - hospitals.
The 34th President of the United States, Richard Nixon, best known for the Watergate scandal, was extremely afraid of hospitals. He believed that if he ever went to the hospital, he would not come out alive. In 1974, Nixon was diagnosed with a blood clot and insisted on hospitalization; only under threat of death was he forced to agree. Fear of hospitals, or nosocomephobia, is known to be quite common.

12. Winston Churchill - public speaking.
Although currently former prime minister Great Britain's Winston Churchill is known as one of the greatest orators of the 20th century; he long struggled with a stutter, which caused several of his early attempts to fail. public speaking. At 29, Churchill was about to make a speech in the House of Commons. When he stood up, he froze in horror for a full three minutes, after which he returned to his place and covered his face with his hands. He decided never to experience such humiliation again and began to practice giving speeches and struggling with his stuttering.

13. Adolf Hitler - dentists.
Hitler was so afraid of visiting dentists that he preferred to suffer in pain. The Fuhrer often complained of toothache, he had terrible breath, yellowed teeth, abscesses and gum disease. Some scientists believe that a number of dental problems contributed to the severe deterioration of the Fuhrer's health at the end of the war. Another Nazi who was afraid of dentists was the head of the Luftwaffe, Hermann Goering.

14. Napoleon - cats and white horses.
Napoleon fought in many wars, was an excellent soldier and could have defeated a lion, but he was afraid of cats. When Napoleon was a small child, about six months old, the nanny who was taking care of him left him in the garden and went into the house to get something, and a stray cat jumped on the child. Probably at that moment, for a six-month-old child, the cat seemed like a huge lion. The cat was just playing, but the child was so shocked, and this shock penetrated very deeply and remained for the rest of his life. In addition, Napoleon was afraid of white horses. Pictures where the emperor sits on a white horse are just the author’s imagination. However, the emperor also did not have much love for horses and mares of other colors. Contemporaries testify that the commander was a very mediocre cavalryman. He repeatedly fell from his horse and once, having taken to driving the carriage with his own hands, he almost killed his daughter and wife, who were sitting in the carriage.

15. Woody Allen - almost everything.
Everyone has their own fears. However, Woody Allen took this to the extreme. The 74-year-old actor and screenwriter is afraid of almost everything. His “normal” fears include fear of heights, confined spaces, and insects. More "abnormal" ones include fears of bright colors, animals, elevators, and peanut butter sticking to his larynx. In addition to his phobias, Allen also has several neurotic needs. So, for example, he needs the shower to always be in the corner, and the banana for breakfast to be cut into exactly seven pieces.

One of the most common phobias in people is the fear of various animals, birds and insects. And the most popular of them:

arachnophobia - fear of spiders and lepidopterophobia - fear of butterflies. These fluttering beauties cause real horror in people. The actress said: “As a child, if I came home from school and saw a butterfly sitting on the gate, I would climb over the fence - just so as not to get close to it.” Suffering from arachnophobia Justin Timberlake, who is also afraid of snakes and sharks. Both Jennifer Love Hewitt and Christina Ricci are afraid of sharks. Moreover, Christina’s fear of sharks is associated with natatorophobia - the fear of swimming pools. “I will never swim in the pool of my own free will,” admits the actress. “It seems to me that a secret door will open there and a shark will swim out.”

Orlando Bloom has a very unusual porcupophobia. The actor is afraid of pigs. Once, while filming, he was scared by a pig that got out of its pen. Bloom hid so quickly and so reliably that the entire film crew was looking for him for some time.

And “Twilight vampire” Robert Pattinson, a famous dog lover, is afraid of cats. Moreover, he does not have felinophobia, but negrofelinophobia - he is afraid of black cats. And especially those who cross his path. Pattinson's ex-lover Kristen Stewart avoids horses. On the set of the film Snow White and the Huntsman, the actress, with the help of a doctor, struggled with panic attacks before scenes in which she had to ride a horse. And, just like, he suffers from blattaphobia - the fear of cockroaches. Scarlett recalled with a shudder that once during the filming a red mustache ended up on her face, and his relatives were in her things. The actress almost died of disgust! Since then, even a cockroach running past at a distance of a meter terrifies her.

The “dauntless cowboy” Clint Eastwood is terrified of any insects! By the way, the hero of westerns, Eastwood, suffers from an allergy to horse sweat, and during all filming, before getting into the saddle, he has to take pills and take injections.

Douglas and the hairy women

Many fears have their roots in childhood and are related to other people or family relationships. Before in Once again frighten a child with a beech, think about whether this will lead to the development of boogiephobia - the fear of imaginary monsters. is still afraid of the “monsters under the bed” that might grab her leg when she goes to bed. Acluophobia, the fear of the dark, also comes from childhood. Jennifer Lopez, for example, admits that there are several switches in each room of her house so that she can turn on the light at any time. Feel uncomfortable in dark place and Anna Semenovich and Keanu Reeves.

But the most strange phobia- Michael Douglas has a fear of hairy women's armpits. It's called hirsutophobia. Douglas admitted: “It’s stupid, but until I was 16 I had never seen armpit hair on a woman. And then one day I saw them - on a woman from Eastern Europe.

I was shocked! I still have them before my eyes.”

And the grandmother of TV presenter Oprah Winfrey scolded her so much as a child because of chewing gum that the girl developed chiclephobia. Oprah doesn't chew gum herself and hates it when someone around her does it. The TV personality is especially infuriated if people leave chewing gum on a plate or, God forbid, stick it to the furniture.

Red and Sean Connery

Life in the world is most difficult for those stars whose phobias are associated with material things. Billy Bob Thornton has anticophobia: he does not tolerate old furniture. “Old things make me feel creepy,” explains the actor. “I can smell antiques a mile away.” I can't stand the furniture of the times Louis XIV. You know, those huge old gilded chairs with velvet upholstery. These things have their own energy. And it's not that it's all about the dust. I can’t use antique silverware either, like those big old heavy forks and knives. Things from the 18th and 19th centuries from England and France simply terrify me, especially harpsichords.”

Helen Mirren also suffers from telephone phobia. Talking on the phone is torture for them. And I have a TV phobia. “I don’t turn on the TV when I’m alone in the room,” admits the actress. “It seems to me that it could explode at any minute.” Matthew McConaughey suffers from turaphobia - he is afraid of revolving doors. It is a torture for him to enter luxury hotels. Scotsman Sean Connery cannot stand red traffic lights. If an actor is driving a car or crossing the road, then when he sees a red signal, he gets hot, his hands get cold, and for several moments he is unable to collect his thoughts and continue moving.

Born to crawl Tobey Maguire

The lead actor in the movie “Spider-Man” suffers from acrophobia—fear of heights and jumping from heights. During filming, the actor had to prepare himself for a long time before each scene. Uma Thurman, like , is claustrophobic. It took all of Quentin Tarantino's devilish charm to persuade the actress to take part in the scene in Kill Bill 2 where she is buried alive. Sexy “Baywatch” Pamela Anderson tries to look at herself in the mirror as little as possible. She suffers from eisoptrophobia - the fear of mirror surfaces and her own reflection. For beautiful woman this is a real punishment.

Jim Carrey has a very unusual phobia for an actor - he is afraid that he will be filmed with a hidden camera. In all the hotel rooms where the comedian stays, he demands that the lampshades be removed to make sure that there is no hidden lens there.

Actresses and Carmen Electra have a hard time if the script contains any episodes related to the seas or oceans. They have thalassophobia. Electra bravely fought with herself while filming the television series “Baywatch.” “I’m terrified every time I’m near the ocean,” the actress complained.

Another scourge for people whose lives involve constant travel around the world is aviophobia. Cher, Billy Bob Thornton, Whoopi Goldberg, Lars von Trier, Jennifer Aniston, Colin Farrell, Megan Fox and Sean Bean suffer from it. The latter flew a lot during the filming of The Lord of the Rings. And after he had to get to one of the places in New Zealand by helicopter, he swore that he would never step on board a helicopter again in his life.

Many actresses are often haunted by gerascophobia - the fear of growing old and becoming wrinkled. Jessica Biel, for example, honestly admits that she constantly thinks about it.

Coward Woody Allen

As you know, cowards have nothing to do in hockey, but they have freedom in the cinema.

The more brilliant the director, the more strange and bizarre his phobias can be. For example, Alfred Hitchcock - a classic thriller - in ordinary life I was very afraid of cars and... eggs. In general, oval-shaped objects caused panic horror in the master. The animator Walt Disney, whose name is associated with Mickey Mouse, suffered from musophobia - the fear of mice. The future symbol of the company was drawn by artist Ab Iwerks, and Disney decided to voice him in the first sound cartoon in 1928.

Subsequently, in order to combat the phobia, he voiced Mickey Mouse several times.

He suffers from entomophobia—cannot stand insects; Stephen King has acrophobia—fear of heights. Lars von Trier, in order to keep up with his comrades, said in an interview that everything in the world scares him except cinema.

The record holder among his colleagues is, who has almost two dozen phobias. “I don’t like going up in the elevator. I don't drive through tunnels. I prefer the shower drain to be in a corner rather than in the center,” says Woody. Also, the famous director is afraid of children, bad people, crowds, bright colors, daylight, deer, diseases, dogs, confined spaces, heights, insects, pleasures (after all, you have to pay for something good), poisons, dirt, communication with sellers, taxi drivers, waiters, etc. By the way, Woody Allen's ripophobia - fear of contamination and dirt - is so developed that he does not take a bath. When Allen started dating actress Mia Farrow and decided to spend the weekend with her country house, he returned to New York on the first evening because there was no shower in the house.

Bruce Willis's Little Weakness

While others are terrified of going bald or getting wrinkles, David Beckham controls order in the world around him. David has ataxophobia - fear of chaos. The football player likes things in his dressing room to be carefully arranged by season, color and texture. The Beckham family's refrigerator is always in perfect order. And if the head of the family notices, for example, odd number bottles of juice, he immediately takes out the “extra” from the refrigerator.

Another brutal man, Steven Seagal, fears being poisoned more than anything else, so he goes to restaurants with his own equipment, and carefully examines and sniffs the food he is served. But the beauty demands that restaurants disinfect not only dishes, but also tables and chairs. Fearless actor and stuntman Jackie Chan is terrified of swimming. The same can be said about Ashton Kutcher, who has admitted more than once that he has very bad floatation.

The inhabitant of the musical Olympus is afraid of toilets that other people have used. Madonna's rider stipulates that all the plumbing in any hotel room where she stays must be changed. In addition, he travels with Madonna special brigade people who, after the star’s departure, ensure that the toilets are dismantled. The second point in Madonna’s head is the fear that someone will get parts of her body for cloning.

And Madonna's colleague Beyoncé demands that the toilets in her home, studio, etc. be cleaned multiple times throughout the day.

“Die Hard” Bruce Willis also has a small weakness. The actor really doesn’t like going on stage in front of an audience. By the way, Leonardo DiCaprio and Catherine Deneuve suffer from the same thing. Has difficulty forcing himself to speak in front of large audience and Hugh Grant, which is why he avoids talk shows. The singer and actress suffered from anthropophobia for a long time - she was afraid of crowds of people. When her popularity was just gaining momentum, Barbra performed in Central Park in New York. There was no separate stage there, the audience was pressing from all sides, and Barbra even forgot the words of the song. For several decades after that, she was afraid to perform in large halls. The star had to take her phobia seriously in the early 1990s, when she began going on world tours.

The writer also suffered from a phobia of public speaking in her youth. Apparently, in this regard, she rewarded the heroes of the Harry Potter books with all sorts of fears. Ron is terrified of spiders, Hermione is terrified of kakorraphiophobia (fear of failure), Harry Potter is afraid of the very feeling of fear. And almost all the characters in the book suffer from onomatophobia - the fear of a certain name or word, so about Voldemort they say: “He-who-must-not-be-named.”