Gleb Matveychuk, the ex-husband of actress Anastasia Makeeva, is preparing to become a father for the first time. The theater and film actress, his fiancée Elena Glazkova, will make him happy with the baby. About yours interesting position the woman said on Instagram, presenting to the public a photo of herself with a rounded belly, where she stands next to her pregnant friend. “Two pregnant women,” the actress captioned the photo.

Subscribers rushed to express their congratulations to her. "Super! Congratulations on Gleb!”, “Lenochka, congratulations! I'm happy for you! Happiness, health!”, “Oh! That's news! Lenochka, congratulations! Finally, now happiness will always be in your home!

There was talk about the romance between Elena Glazkova and Gleb Matveychuk at the beginning of last year, but the lovers stopped hiding their feelings only six months later. And in February 2018, Gleb proposed marriage to Elena right during the concert. He sang “These eyes are opposite” and, going down into the hall, Elena was sitting in the first row, presented her with a diamond ring.

Let us remember that Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk lived together for six years. In 2016, the couple announced a divorce, why, Anastasia told StarHit: “We just became different. I wanted peaceful life, become a mother. We even started visiting doctors. This lasted three years, but I was never able to get pregnant. At some point he stopped supporting me.”

The first reports that Gleb had found a replacement for his ex-wife Anastasia Makeeva appeared in secular media back in the summer. For example, at the Slavic Bazaar, reporters noticed that Gleb had mercy on opera singer Ksenia Dezhneva. The feather sharks thought that the girl looked very similar to ex-wife Matveychuk.


“And Makeeva??????? (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. – Ed.),” one of Matveychuk’s fans was sincerely amazed. “Tough little man,” another chided her pet. “If Gleb published this photo, it means he needs it! He shouldn’t ask anyone for permission. The main thing is that he is happy and this gives him strength and emotions for creativity to please us!” - said the third. "Gleb, great respect to you! Silence is golden, especially for men! Brad Pitt has faded in comparison with you... We wish you success in all areas of life and good luck! Go for it!" – a fourth supported the artist.

However, some believe that on social networks Matveychuk should talk exclusively about professional success. "I'm the only one interested in something creative path a person, and not messing around in his personal life? And I’m certainly not going to trust magazines and newspapers. You can trust the person himself, and even then not always,” a fan of the performer, who decided not to hide his personal life from the public, shared her dissatisfaction.

By the way, Anastasia, who haunts Gleb’s fans, has long dotted all the i’s in this matter and gave several interviews in which she named Matveychuk. In the collapse of her family, Makeeva and the singer’s ex-girlfriend. According to the actress, Gleb’s mother intervened in all their affairs and even became the producer of the play “Territory of Passion,” in which the couple played.

Anastasia complained that Olga Shalimovna, with her decisions, harmed the production and actively promoted an absolute amateur in the acting profession to one of the main roles. "Her protégé Sveta is a rather strange character in our story. This ex-girlfriend Gleba, who even after their separation remained an integral part of the Matveychuk family and called his parents dad and mom. I almost got around to changing my last name in my passport. Apparently, the Matveychuks were closer to her own parents. I was asked to consider her a sister, which, of course, I did not do,” Makeeva said in a recent interview.

The childhood of Gleb Matveychuk

Gleb was born in Moscow. Soon the family left for Minsk. There he went to school and lived until he was sixteen years old. He always had a dream to become like his father, Alim Matveychuk, who was a famous film artist who graduated from GITIS. While studying at a music college, Gleb chose the specialty “Choral Conductor”.

The father only welcomed his son’s desire to make a career in cinema and music. Mom was a make-up artist. The family lived by creativity and art. All the less surprising is Gleb’s choice future profession. He prepared for it from early childhood, studying in a creative studio, where he learned to sing.

When young man turned sixteen, he left for Moscow. He didn’t know how to choose where to look for himself, in cinema or music, so he decided to enroll in two universities at once.

He became a student at the Shchepkinsky School and a student at the Conservatory. While studying, the young man tried to carry out free time among friends whose lives are connected with music or disappeared at rehearsals.

The beginning of the career of Gleb Matveychuk: filmography and songs

Matveychuk began trying his hand at cinema in 2004, starring in the films “72 Meters” and “Papa.” He played in films, but the actor was not given big roles. Since 2005, he began composing music for films.

What came out of this can be heard in the films “Admiral”, “Chkalov”, “About Love”, etc. He managed to combine acting skills with musical direction. Having written music for twelve films, he achieved serious success. Matveychuk is the author of music for such performances as “The Waiting Room” and “Dog in the Manger.” For creating music for the film “Admiral”, Gleb, as a composer, was nominated for the Golden Eagle award.

Matveychuk was at one time a member of the Lady Prowler group and performed with them as a vocalist. With Igor Novikov, he created the group Flair in 2007, and with the Renaissance team he performed as a vocalist.

Olga Kormukhina / Gleb Matveychuk - Two stars - “The Path”

The artist takes part in musical projects- musicals and rock operas. We can say with confidence that this is the most bright moments his creativity. In 2007, he participated in the production of the ethnic musical “Children of the Sun.” Since mid-2008, Gleb began performing main role(the role of Jesus) in the rock opera “Jesus Christ – Superstar”, which was staged by the Mossovet Theater. In addition, the actor played in Russian musical with the title “Monte Cristo” a significant role is played by the protagonist in his youth - Fernand de Morcerf.

He is a peculiar actor who has shown himself to be a talented music artist, as many critics believe. Matveychuk himself is used to being critical of his achievements; he does not consider them to be any significant. In his opinion, he is not yet recognized talented actor, and he still has to conquer cinema, there are still a lot of gaps in music that the musician plans to close over time.

This is exactly how he sees his biography and his immediate life. Gleb believes that he has not yet fully realized himself. Thanks to an objective view of his creativity and being demanding of himself, he manages to realistically assess his situation in life.

Gleb Matveychuk in a reality show

In 2009, the actor and musician became a participant in a musical reality show called “Russian Tenors”, in which Matveychuk was in the top six. In 2012, he tried to get on the show “The Voice”, performing the song “Goodbye, Mom,” but he failed to go further.

And in 2013, Gleb became a participant in the “Two Stars” competition, where, together with Olga Kormukhina, they performed rock and roll and folk songs. The couple managed to create an interesting program and won. As prizes they were awarded microphones made of yellow and white gold, decorated precious stones. In the summer, the winning couple toured the south of Russia with joint concerts and performed at the Slavic Bazaar.

Gleb Matveychuk in the musical “Jesus Christ Superstar”.

The artist’s latest film work was filming in the TV series “Margosha”. There he got the role of Ruslan Khilkevich, who, according to the script, works as a radio sound engineer. Actors Gleb Ivanov, Nina Kupryakova, Yanina Kolesnichenko also starred there.

Matveychuk has enough work today. He writes music for cinema and theater, performs in concerts and performances, and acts in television and films.

According to European viewers, Gleb’s vocal abilities significantly exceed his acting talent. According to rumors, Matveychuk often gives concerts abroad. His priorities seem to have tilted towards vocals and music. Theater stage in given time stayed a little away.

For many years, the artist has been driven by the unrestrained, bright talent musician and passion for the stage. The public, it seems, has been waiting for such a musician and actor for a long time. Now Gleb devotes a lot of energy to working on new musical masterpieces, improving his ideas and ideas. As he says, you can achieve anything in creativity, the most important thing is to maintain professionalism and not let it fade away.

Personal life of Gleb Matveychuk

Matveychuk has been married for three years. His wife is actress Anastasia Makeeva. Gleb met Nastya at the theater when they were cast in the leading roles in Monte Cristo. At that time, the girl did not pay attention to him.

She recently divorced her husband, Pyotr Kislov, and was in a new romantic relationship with Alexei Makarov. After the relationship with Makarov ended with a scandal, in the most unpleasant way, she turned her attention to the quiet, handsome and definitely talented Gleb. He proposed to his beloved right from the stage.

The young people got married in the church. That's already more three years they are together, although the period of grinding in was not at all easy. Nastya is a pathological cleaner. But Gleb is different, according to her, he still has his head in the clouds, believing that bread grows in a bread bin. They fought a lot for the first six months life together.

Now everything has normalized in their relationship, and disputes arise only on the topic of creativity. They are seen together everywhere. The couple decided that everyone must decide for themselves whether they can live without their spouse. Nastya explained in an interview that Gleb is the person without whom her life would be very bad.

A year before the wedding, Gleb broke up with the girl he had been dating for four years. They are still in great relationship, she is a family friend, communicates well with Matveychuk’s mother. I must say that at first it was difficult for Nastya to both understand and accept this.

The biography of Gleb Matveychuk is probably known to all fans of Russian cinema and pop music. This famous actor, singer and composer, contemporary star Russian show business. He recently became a father and is now preparing to marry his new lover.

early years

According to the biography of Gleb Matveychuk, the future musician was born in 1981 in Moscow. His father was Alimzhan Matveychuk, who at that time was a member of the USSR Union of Cinematographers. Gleb Matveychuk’s mother is make-up artist Olga Shalimovna. When Gleb was still a little boy, his family moved to Minsk.

Gleb Matveychuk joined the theater club when he was only eight years old. There he became interested in vocals, which ultimately influenced the specialty that the hero of our article chose at a music college. He became the choir conductor.


Recalling the details of his biography, Gleb Matveychuk admits that he became interested in cinema as a child. Therefore, no one was surprised when, after graduating from college, he went to the capital to enroll in a theater school. His passion for music also made itself known - he became a student at the conservatory.

Both of these hobbies seriously influenced his entire life in the future. future fate. Combining his love for cinema and music, Gleb became a composer.

Film debut

The biography of Gleb Matveychuk has been updated important event when he was 14 years old. He played his first cameo role in a movie. It was a little-known painting "Fire Shooter".

Almost ten years later, he appeared as a sailor in Vladimir Khotinenko’s dramatic disaster film “72 Meters.” Afterwards there were small roles in Vladimir Mashkov’s drama “Papa”, a series about counterintelligence officers in Tsarist Russia"The Death of the Empire", the drama by Yuri Moroz "The Point", the serial detective action film by Igor Korobeinikov "Cursed Paradise", the comedy melodramatic series "Margosha".


In the series "Margosha" Gleb plays the role of Ruslan Khilkevich. This is an adaptation of an Argentine film that was released in South America called "Lalola", its creator Sebastian Ortega.

In Russia, the series collected such high ratings that after the release of episode 151, it was decided to continue the release of the project. Now the scripts were written by domestic authors, since the adapted material had run out. A total of three seasons were released, consisting of 240 episodes.

Matveychuk plays an employee of Selena radio. He is one of the main characters in the first season and works as a sound engineer.


A few years after graduating from the conservatory, the hero of our article began writing music for films. His debut work was the melodies for the film “Pilgrimage to the Eternal City”.

Experts highly appreciated his talent, and two years later Matveychuk was nominated for the Golden Eagle award for the music in the biographical drama “Admiral” about the fate of Kolchak. After this success, Gleb Matveychuk’s photo appeared in specialized publications, and in professional circles he developed a reputation as a composer working on historical and dramatic films.

In 2006, the hero of our article begins to perform as a performer. At first he sings in the group Lady Prowler, and then, together with Igor Novikov, he organizes the Flair team, his next stage is a team called “Renaissance”.

After success in the TV series "Margosha", where he played his most famous film role on this moment, Matveychuk is immersed in television projects and theater. In the show "Russian Tenors" singer Gleb Matveychuk declares himself as a talented vocalist and reaches the final of this competition.

Subsequently, he mainly works on soundtracks, although in 2009 he finally switched to television.

Work on TV

In 2012, the hero of our article goes to the show “The Voice”. But Gleb Matveychuk’s performance turns out to be a failure; he does not pass the casting.

The very next year he wins on another project. Together with Olga Kormukhina, he takes first place on the TV show “Two Stars”. Together they go on a tour of southern Russia.

You don't have to wait long for the next success. On the show "Exactly" Gleb takes second place, receiving the audience award.

It was an amazing and unusual experience. During this project, the artist had to try on many completely different and dissimilar roles. Matveychuk appeared before the audience in the form of Anna Netrebko, Shura, Klaus Meine, Grigory Leps and even the leader of the Scorpions group. In the finale, Matveychuk performed a Freddie Mercury song together with Taisiya Povaliy, who played the role of Montserrat Caballe.

Projects of recent years

In the summer of 2016, everyone paid attention to the singer’s brilliant performance in a duet with Alexandra Vorobyova. At a concert in honor of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, which took place in Murom, they sang the song “Eternal Spring”.

It’s safe to say that Matveychuk is now at the zenith of his glory. He regularly performs large-scale concerts, drawing almost full houses, and writes music for films.

He often appears on stage with a vocal program, among his most famous original songs are the compositions " New Year", "My Russia", "Letting Go", "Wilted Flowers", "Time", "When You're Near", "Strangers", " Broken love", "Siren", "Adagio", "Hope".

In addition, Matveychuk also plays theater stage. He tours the country with a musical and dramatic production called "Territory of Passion." He played the main role in the musical "The Master" and played John Utterson in the rock opera " Strange story Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", Julien Portal in the play "Hotel of Two Worlds", Fernand de Morcerf in the musical "Monte Cristo", Jesus of Nazareth in another opera called "Jesus Christ Superstar".

In 2017, he made a large-scale tour of the central part of Russia with the “Winter Ball” program. In particular, the singer performed in the Moscow region, Moscow, St. Petersburg, and since March he went on tour with new program"Spring Ball".

About personal life

The biography of Gleb Matveychuk is replete with many fateful meetings. He has always been in demand among the fair sex. It is known that for a long time he dated actress Svetlana Belskaya. But they never made serious plans, knowing that their relationship would remain at the level of passion. At the same time, they tried to hide their meetings as much as possible and never advertised them in the media.

In 2008, they broke up on Svetlana’s initiative; the singer’s mother even tried to reconcile the young people, but nothing worked out for her. Soon after the breakup with the hero of our article, Belskaya married a classmate.


When considering the biography of Gleb Matveychuk, special attention should be paid to his personal life. In 2010, he married actress Anastasia Makeeva. The celebration took place in a country castle, and Svetlana Belskaya was among the invited guests, which surprised many.

After registering at the registry office, the newlyweds went to church to get married. The artist himself often admitted that his wife remains his muse and best advisor in his work.

That’s why the news was so unexpected for many when in 2016 Makeeva announced that they were getting a divorce. Everything happened quietly - without mutual accusations and scandals. The young people themselves admit that the reason was their high employment, which did not allow them to devote enough time to living together. The couple had no children.

Soon after the divorce, Gleb radically changed his image. For example, he cut his hair long hair, appearing before fans with short hair. In addition, he went with pilgrims on a trip to Greece.

For the role of Matveychuk’s new girlfriend, journalists matched singer Ksenia Dezhneva, with whom Gleb was spotted in Vitebsk at the Slavic Bazaar, but they were never able to get official comments from the stars.

At the end of 2016, a photo with an unknown brunette appeared on the artist’s social networks, who, apparently, became his new girlfriend. Fans and journalists decided that he decided to present her to the public in such a simple way. True, it was never possible to find out her name and occupation. It soon became clear that this was not necessary. Everyone found out who new lover singer

In September 2018, it became known that the hero of our article became a father for the first time in his life. His daughter, Alice, was born to him by his fiancée, actress Elena Glazkova.

Gleb himself told fans that at first he was going to name the child Stefania, but then he realized that in combination with the middle name that the child would have, the name would not be very euphonious. A decisive role was played by his work on the project “Labyrinths of Sleep”, which should very soon appear on the theatrical stage. By the way, this is his first independent production project, created based on “Alice in Wonderland.” His girlfriend really liked the music and suggested naming her daughter Alice.

The birth was successful, mother and child have already been discharged from the hospital. It is known that shortly before giving birth, Gleb and his bride moved to new house, in which a children's room has already been equipped. The relationship between the couple began soon after the singer’s divorce from Anastasia Makeeva. With my future wife he met in Greece at Russian Cinema Week. Within a few days after they met, he realized that he was ready to take Elena as his wife. Having learned that he would soon become a father, he brushed aside all doubts.

However, due to Elena's pregnancy, the wedding had to be temporarily postponed. They decided to celebrate her solemnly after the birth of her daughter.

Gleb Matveychuk – Russian singer, actor, composer, a person whose biography attracted attention due to the changes that occurred in his personal life in 2017.


Gleb Matveychuk is a multi-talented person who has proven himself in the field of art and show business in a variety of roles. Having started his career with film roles, he continued his career by writing soundtracks for feature films and writing musicals.

Childhood and family

Gleb Matveychuk was born in 1981 in Moscow. Gleb's parents were directly related to magical world cinema. Father Alim is a production designer, a graduate of VGIK, known for his work on the film “ Brest Fortress", mother Olga is a make-up artist. Despite his oriental name, Gleb’s father is Ukrainian by nationality.

Soon after Gleb was born, his father received an invitation from the Minsk film studio, and the family moved to Belarus.

A typical “artistic child,” since childhood, Gleb has seen people obsessed with the muse of cinema. Naturally, he himself was delirious about creativity and was torn between two passions: a passion for music and a passion for cinema. He studied singing, mastered the basics of dramatic art, and still could not decide for himself what he liked best?

Gleb Matveychuk in his youth

Gleb did not find an unambiguous answer to Hamlet’s torment; as a result, upon arriving in Moscow at the age of 16, he immediately entered both the Conservatory and the Shchepkinsky School.

Music career and film roles

Gleb Matveychuk played his first film role in 1995 in the film “Fire Shooter”. In total, he starred in nine projects. Among the roles played, roles in films and TV series can be noted:

  • "72 meters"
  • "Death of an Empire"
  • "Dot"
  • "Margosha"
  • "Dad"

After 2009, Matveychuk did not receive any offers from directors, although his natural texture is excellent.

Gleb Matveychuk in the film “Death of an Empire”

Since the beginning of the 2000s, Gleb Matveychuk has gained fame as a composer writing music for films. The most significant films in which he was a composer:

  • "Pilgrimage to the Eternal City"
  • "New Earth"
  • "Stone Head"
  • "Admiral"
  • "Chkalov"

The most successful work of composer Matveychuk was the music for the film “Admiral”, for which he was nominated for the Golden Eagle award.

Gleb Matveychuk wrote the music for the film “Admiral”

At the same time, Gleb Matveychuk began performing as a vocalist, first in the group “Lady Prowler”, and since 2007 in the group “Flair”.

The combination of vocal talent and dramatic education helped Gleb Matveychuk to clearly express himself in major musical forms:

  • Ethno-musical “Children of the Sun”
  • Rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar"
  • The musical "The Master and Margarita" and others.

Cooperation with theaters did not develop so rosy for Matveychuk. He parted ways with the Mossovet Theater, with which he worked for more than seven years, accusing the theater management of violating contractual obligations when staging the play “Dangerous Liaisons.” In response, he received a lawsuit from the theater for eight million rubles. Matveychuk won in court.

Gleb Matveychuk in the rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar”

After this incident, Matveychuk said that all theaters should be commercial and not be fed from the state budget.

A television

Since 2009, Matveychuk has become an active participant in various television shows. On this path he is successful: he becomes a finalist in the show “Russian Tenors” on the STS channel.

In 2012, he tried himself in the show “The Voice”, but during the blind auditions, none of the mentors turned to him. Many viewers and commentators were surprised and even outraged by this decision. Alexander Gradsky later said in an interview about this that the jury also makes mistakes. Perhaps Gleb Matveychuk simply chose the wrong song, which did not reveal the full richness of his vocal potential.

But the very next year, in the “Two Stars” project on Channel One, he, performing with Kormukhina, became the winner.

Matveychuk with Kormukhina in the project “Two Stars” on the First

On the show “Exactly”, he takes second place and wins the audience award. Matveychuk spoke in detail about his work in this project in one of his last interviews.

He agreed with the journalist that his popularity is not yet so high that his songs can be heard “from every iron,” but he does not regret spending so much effort and energy on this show. Yes, those who take part in “Exactly” are called downed pilots.

Mateveychuk emphasized that now it is incredibly difficult for a young performer with his own original material to break into television, and it is generally impossible. The volume of music broadcasting has decreased tenfold. In fact, there are only two music programs left on Channel One, and one of them is “Exactly Exactly”.

Gleb Matveychuk sings in the voice of Richard in the show “Exactly”

Matveychuk views this program as a platform for experiments. So, in the number “The Phantom of the Opera” he first sings in a male role, and then in a female one, which is an extremely difficult acting task. Or, after the voice of Anna Netrebko, he sings in the voice of Little Richard - and this is also almost on the verge human capabilities. While performing Plavalaguna's aria, he made sure that his vocal range was within five octaves!

Participating in all kinds of vocal shows, Matveychuk uses the Olympic principle: “the main thing is not victory, but participation.”

When asked how he felt about the accusations of some believers that the rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar” is blasphemy, he replied that he completely disagreed with this. On the contrary, he believes that he has a certain missionary function.

Gleb Matveychuk

It was after Gleb Matveychuk’s first successes on TV shows that the biography, personal life and photos of the handsome blond with an angelic voice became the subject of interest for numerous fans.

Personal life

First serious relationship Gleb Matveychuk got along with actress Svetlana Belskaya. In the joint photos, the couple looked quite happy, and it seemed that everything would be fine with them. Relatives on both sides were already sure that important changes would take place in the biography and personal life of Gleb Matveychuk and Svetlana, there would be a wedding, there would be children, in a word, everything would be like with people. However, for unknown reasons, this relationship ended in 2008.

Gleb's wife in 2010 was Anastasia Makeeva, but in this love story everything was not at all simple. Makeeva by that time had already managed to divorce Kislov and was dating Alexei Makarov. There was an ugly breakup with Makarov, with scandal and mutual accusations. Makeeva declared to the whole country that Makarov had brutally beaten her several times.

Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva

And passions had not yet subsided after this unsympathetic story, when Matveychuk decided: it was time to take everything into his own hands. He met Nastya while playing in the musical “Monte Cristo” and proposed, as befits an actor, right from the stage.

After the violent and uncontrollable Makarov, Matveychuk became a real safe haven for Makeeva.

And again, in the biography and personal life of Gleb Matveychuk, everything looked perfect - joint photos on vacation, statements that the couple plans to have at least three children.

In an interview, Gleb called Nastya the most talented Russian actress musicals. He said that for him she is not only a muse, the inspirer of all endeavors, but also the harshest critic and even a censor. However, even then he mentioned that the crazy work schedule of both spouses greatly interferes with family life, and the connection between them disappears.

Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva on vacation

The year 2016 put an end to this chapter in the biography and personal life of Gleb Matveychuk: the couple announced a divorce.

Those who predicted in advance that this marriage was doomed turned out to be right. Skeptics convinced Matveychuk that Makeeva did not love him at all, but was marrying him only to hurt him ex-lover Makarova. Judging by the fact that immediately after the divorce Makeeva started an affair new novel, the skeptics were right.

The couple broke up peacefully, without scenes or reproaches, saying that they were simply tired of such a frantic pace of work, and family life gave a crack. In fact, they simply stopped seeing each other: one returned from tour, the other flew away.

Matveychuk, commenting on the divorce, said that he does not have the habit of looking back and mourning the past. His position: it was and is past. They didn’t divide the cats, but Matveychuk kept the dog for himself.

Gleb Matveychuk

Makeeva was not so noble in her comments, she even hinted at some kind of “betrayal” on the part of Gleb. What she meant remains unclear.

Fans felt that divorce was a positive fact in the biography and personal life of Gleb Matveychuk. As a result of emotional experiences, he cut his hair short and changed the image of an angelic handsome man to the image of a brutal macho. For some time, Matveychuk did not date anyone and remained in the status of an eligible bachelor.

Finally, in 2017, they started talking about the fact that a new girl had appeared in the biography and personal life of Gleb Matveychuk. She became actress Lena Glazkova. Matveychuk’s Instagram is full of photos of him and his girlfriend and, judging by them, the couple is completely happy.

Gleb Matveychuk and Lena Glazkova

In general, Matveychuk does not seek to advertise his personal relationships. He does not want, he says, for his personal media space to be limited by gossip and rumors about weddings and divorces.

Gleb Matveychuk now

The year 2018 so far confirms that today there have been no significant changes in the biography and personal life of Gleb Matveychuk. He is still with Glazkova, whom viewers may know from the film “Yolki 1914” and the TV series “Profile of a Killer.”

Gleb Matveychuk is 36 years old, but many have the feeling that he is just approaching the peak of his achievements. He has excellent natural qualities: charming appearance, excellent vocals, undoubted dramatic talent. But it’s as if something is missing, some finishing touch.

Gleb Matveychuk with his beloved Elena

Perhaps he should focus his efforts on one thing. Choose where to show the maximum of your abilities and talent: in films, in musicals, in television shows or in the composing field.

I would like to hope that he will finally be able to find his one and only unique path in art. And then he will move from the category of very talented and promising to the class of true stars, and on Instagram he will have not 14 thousand subscribers, as now, but 14 million.