The easiest way to tell the world about your literary talent is to post a story on your VKontakte page, where all your friends can enjoy the “fresh” prose. You can do this at least in your bookmarks, and after completing the story, your friends will see in the news that a new bookmark has appeared. By the way, you need to name it something original in order to attract interest in your work. So it’s not far from true fans, because if a thing is really worthwhile, soon it will be read not only by friends, but also by friends of friends, as they say.

There are other literary portals that will gladly welcome new ones to their pages. interesting essays amateur authors. One of these sites is located at, and is called “I am a poet 24 hours”. Already on the main page of this resource you can see “Post your work”, and after clicking on this link you can easily publish your story. But first, you need to definitely register in order to use this Internet resource without restrictions in the future. All questions that arise on the topic of how to post a story on the Internet can also be asked on the “here” forum.

For novice authors, there is another useful address on the Internet -, where you can also submit a story own production. This site also protects all copyrights, so you can rest easy after publication. You can create your own website on this topic, where you can present all your works to the public, regardless of their genre and writing style, but many authors have significant difficulties creating their portal, and the help of a specialist in this matter can cost the customer a pretty penny.

One way or another, it is better to use those sites on a given topic that have been popular with readers for several years and occupy leading positions in search engines. If you want to post a story on the World Wide Web, first it is advisable to figure out how best to do this. Before posting a story on the Internet, you need to find the most popular portal that occupies leading positions in search engines. This is necessary so that the posted work is not forgotten. Do literary sites where you can publish your essays provide only paid services? Indeed, the leading sites on a given topic publish new ones for no one. famous stories at extra charge.

A small guide for those who are eager to publish their work with us, but do not know how to do it

Overall, the process of adding stories to the site is extremely simple and intuitive. However, we have repeatedly received questions from visitors about the publishing process. This is the reason why this guide was written.

To be able to publish materials on the site, you need to go through two simple steps.

1. Registration on the site.

Fill out the registration form by clicking on the "Registration" link in the right sidebar or. Pay special attention to electronic mailbox, because if you make a mistake in writing it, you will not receive an activation letter and you will have to register again. If you filled out everything correctly, in a few minutes you will receive an email from us, which will indicate the temporary password generated for you, as well as a link by clicking on which you can activate your account Online. After the transition, you will be asked to change your password to your own, as well as upload an avatar and fill out additional personal information.

2. Adding material.

After you register and successfully log in to the site, on the right where the form for entering your login and password you will see new panel- user panel. The link " " is available on it. Click on it and select the type of material you want to add. Most likely, it will be, but if you want to add a story or an entire story consisting of several logical parts, our site has convenient functionality for this matter. Also on our website is installed the simplest visual text editor, which will not be difficult for even a beginner to understand. All you have to do is paste the text into it, format it as you wish and then click the " Save"at the very bottom. To give your text a more readable appearance, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Displaying works on the main page is at the discretion of the moderators. The main page is updated almost daily.

Recommendation: Don’t dump a lot of text on the site at once - “too many books” scare away the reader. We tend to publish in small parts that are convenient to read from a phone or smartphone. Remember: you have just arrived, but local readers already have their favorite authors whose works they read first. And so that they have enough time and desire to get acquainted with your work, it is better to “show yourself” with a small work or a small part of a larger one. There is no need to start right away with a novel or an entire book - they don’t know you here and will be wary of such zeal even if you were at least three times recognized as an author somewhere else.

I would also like to say a few words about such an aspect as

In this note we will look at ways through which a novice author can make himself known and which will not allow him to “write on the table.”

Just some 200 years ago, those who first picked up a pen were forced to write for a long time, as they say, “on the table.” That is, most of his creations (including brilliant ones) did not go further than relatives and acquaintances, or even worse, no further than his office.

The only opportunity for gaining recognition and fame were literary magazines, small newspapers, urban newspapers and similar sources. It was somewhat easier for Pushkin, Lermontov and other famous authors, since they belonged to the so-called “ high society" It was difficult for a simple author, an ordinary Russian Ivan, to get even onto the pages of a small-town newspaper.

After the revolution, everything became even more complicated. Those who did not write for the “regime” either wrote to their relatives from prison, or wrote libels from abroad. Those who wrote under the decrees of the party constituted an elite of writers and united in a special caste where an ordinary person could not enter.

A fall " iron curtain”, freedom of speech, democracy, perestroika and, finally, the collapse of the Soviets gave impetus to the development of writing in Russia. Is it true bookshelves A wave of nonsense and all sorts of bookish heresy immediately overwhelmed us, but still, compared to the past, it was a huge leap forward.

Nowadays, any writer can declare his talent (or lack thereof) and receive worldwide recognition (or contempt)

Among the sources that can help a novice author make a name for himself, I would highlight three types: editorial offices and publishing houses, literary portals and personal websites.

I have already partially described editorial offices and publishing houses in the topic “”, so let’s move on to the second type - literary portals.

It is no secret that there are hundreds and thousands of resources on the Internet that will allow you, after registration (or without it), to publish your imperishable work and receive critical comments on it. If we were to list all such sources, then even a hundred years would not be enough. Therefore, I will list here the most famous ones and those on which I already have accounts (or had previously). In the comments, you can supplement the list with all the literary portals known to you. So, let's begin.

National server of modern prose “”(

The most popular literary portal. Most The best way for those who write prose or poetry to see what their creations are worth. was the very first resource on which I posted my works.

I would like to give some advice to those who are registering on Prose for the first time.

First, don't post too many pieces at once. There is no need to post 20-30 stories at a time. 4-5 is enough to understand whether it’s worth continuing. I noticed that every author has a so-called “initial fuse.” This is the number of readers who will view your page on Prose and read your works in the first two weeks. The average “initial fuse” is about 20-30 people. More is better.

Secondly, comment on the works of other authors. Initially, I simply posted my stories and naively began to expect comments. It turned out that everything is not so simple. The following system operates on Prose: if you comment, you will also be commented. It works in 98% of cases (in the remaining 2%, the author whose work you left your review simply does not go to his page) Among almost one and a half million authors, it is difficult to notice just one, and if you fold your arms after publishing your stories and you wait, you will sit there until the Second Coming.

And thirdly, respect other authors! You shouldn’t rush to write critical reviews considering your works akin to “ Dead souls” Gogol or “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky. Remember that in Prose you are surrounded by exactly the same people, with feelings and emotions, and if you ruin your mood with excellent (in your opinion) criticism of their works, you are unlikely to receive a response positive feedback to your work.

A huge advantage of Prose is also the fact that recently the administration of the resource has given everyone the opportunity to get onto the pages of the almanac published by the resource. Of course, publication is at the expense of the author, but still seeing your works on paper is worth a lot.

National server of modern poetry is primarily a resource for publishing prose works. Of course, there are poems there, but still it is prose that is published there more often. If you think that you are better at poetry, then welcome to the national server of modern prose. In terms of the number of authors and the number of published works, is inferior to Prose, but the essence is not in quantity

The principle of publishing poems on the portal is exactly the same as on Prose. And the advice that I gave you above should also be taken into account on

Unfortunately, my poems turn out disgusting and that’s why I didn’t create an account on

Magazine "Samizdat" at the Moshkov Library(

Another popular literary portal. Created on the initiative of Maxim Moshkov (author of the first in Russia electronic library “Samizdat” can rightfully be considered the oldest resource on the Internet. Of course, it is not as colorful as and (the design of Samizdat, like the library, has not changed since the launch of the resources) But the main thing is not appearance, but the content, right?

In principle, those who have their own pages on Prose and with a 90% probability have an account on Samizdat. I also started a page there at one time, but due to personal preferences I still use

Quite a useful portal, because... there are good articles there to help young authors - and. Also there you will find texts modern literature: poetry, prose, criticism, journalism, translations. You can read other people's or add your impressions of films, books, performances, concerts. For beginning authors, useful materials about publishing, literary techniques, etc. will be posted.

The portal also publishes a monthly online magazine “POBEG”, which publishes prose and poetry by novice authors.

The portal studio provides services for writing articles, political and economic programs, and various content.

Creative workshop(

"Creative Workshop" supports emerging talented authors in their search. Creative competitions are held as part of the project. The winners' works are published in both periodicals and very prestigious publications.

To support aspiring authors, within the framework of TM there is a project “Young Creator Course” (KMT). The pages of this project contain materials that will be of interest not only to beginners, but also to professionals. There you can find educational materials for creative self-development, coordinates of publishing houses and periodicals, legal advice on copyright. correspondence association of beginning science fiction writers (

An association of aspiring writers who have devoted themselves to science fiction, fantasy, mysticism, horror, etc., everything that is different from the “everyday,” “normal,” and “ordinary.”

Information on where you can publish (various competitions in print, etc.)

Note: on the day of publication of the article, the portal site was under reconstruction.

If you have information on other Internet portals for novice authors, then you are welcome to unsubscribe in the comments. We'll be happy to discuss

Let us now move on to the last, but not least, type of self-expression of a novice writer - personal websites and blogs.

Many may say that only established authors have the right to a personal website, blog or forum. I have a different opinion and my blog is proof of this. I believe that a personal website (blog, forum, LiveJournal, Facebook or Twitter page) is one of the reliable ways to show your creations to the world. Yes, even if they are not geniuses, even if they do not pretend to be Nobel Prize in the field of literature, but works on a personal resource are a reflection of the author. Only on such a resource will a novice author be able to understand whether he is really worth writing.

The modern reality is that publishing houses often publish works not because they are interesting and address problems modern world, but because they are quickly sold out from bookshelves.

And my resource is my fortress, my castle. My laws apply here and no editor can forbid me to publish my works! A personal Internet resource is a small piece of freedom for a novice author.

But you shouldn’t get carried away in this direction either. One way or another, for now, the paper source is the only source of profit for writers. And if you're planning on taking writing from a hobby to a professional activity, then you should shout in response to my remarks above: “Go to hell! I will hang around the doorsteps of publishing houses!”

We can probably end here.

Thank you for attention!

P.S. Please take into account that the article was written in 2011 (in March) and therefore I did not know about the Writers’ Workshop at that time. A separate note for this resource will appear later.


So, you've written your first great story and are now looking for how and where to publish it. The first thing you should remember is that modern publishing houses are not very willing to accept the so-called “small forms”, which include stories, essays. They may be much more interested in a full-fledged novel. However, this is not at all a reason to abandon your own creativity. Fiction stories are regularly published in various specialized and literary magazines. Therefore, you may want to contact them first.

Before submitting your manuscript to a magazine publishing house, pay attention to the correspondence of its subject matter to the genre of your work. Exists whole line“serious” literary magazines that specialize in everyday life and genre literature. For example, these are “Neva”, “New Dawn”, “Foreign” and the like. If you write stories in the genre of contemporary or historical prose, you may well try your luck in these publishing houses.

But if you specialize in or, then in such publications you know. For science fiction, fantasy, and cyber-punk genres, popular science magazines (“Science and Life,” “Technique,” ​​“Threshold,” “Ural Pathfinder,” etc.) and various fanzines are much better suited. If cyberpunk prevails in you, it makes sense to contact one of the computer magazines.

You can contact the publishing house either in person by appearing or calling there, or by e-mail. In both cases, you can find the necessary contacts in any published magazine. If you don’t have a magazine at hand or you intend to contact several editorial offices at once, use the Internet. Today, all self-respecting publishing houses have their official websites on the Internet, so finding them will not be difficult, just by typing in search engine request with the name of the journal.

On the publisher’s website, carefully review all the contacts presented there and find among them the department for receiving and selecting manuscripts. If there isn't one, look for it contact number executive secretary. If you intend to deliver your manuscript in person, make sure to print it out first and save the electronic version to a flash drive. Be sure to add your contacts to both the electronic file and the paper version of yours: full name, real postal address, E-mail, telephone.

When handing over your manuscript to the editor in person, find out how long it takes for a particular publishing house to review materials. Ask for a contact phone number and specify how long it will take for you to learn about the results of the review. If you send your story by email, be sure to call the secretary or editor the next day to check if they received your letter. After these steps, please be patient. You will have to wait anywhere from two weeks to, in some cases, several months for results. If the decision is favorable, you will receive a letter from the editor with his comments and suggestions.

So, you have written your first story in your life. You re-read it several times, checked the spelling and punctuation, changed something, corrected something... In general, the manuscript, as they say, is ready to “not burn.” And then the question arises on the horizon: what to do with this story? Of course, it is best to send it to various printed publications, which review works for three or more months and to all sorts of literary competitions, but what to do next?

The chance that your first story will be immediately published in a serious publication is very small these days, so the most logical thing to do is to follow the law large numbers, send it as soon as possible to large quantity newspapers and magazines. And here one point should be taken into account: modern Internet is filled with online publications that sometimes have a very real readership and are very fond of works that have not been published anywhere before. They love them for the simple reason that search engines (Goodle, Yandex, etc.), in turn, “respect” sites more that do not copy information from other resources, but offer the user unique content.

So you need to find a network literary magazine, in which there is a section “Test of the Pen”, “Exclusive” or something like that and write a letter to the editor of this magazine. Some magazines, for example the literary and social magazine “Diaries of the Word,” publish this kind of work in 90 percent of cases and do not insist that the author not publish his story anywhere in the future. This option is not just ideal, but the only one, in my opinion, acceptable. Be careful! If a magazine claims some kind of copyright, there is no need to contact it.

Well, you were published in the “Exclusive” section. What to do now? Now you can turn your attention to “social writing networks” with free publishing. Poems by ru, prose by ru, samizdat, etc. A lot of authors publish here, and in order to get noticed you need to actively communicate with other inhabitants of the site.

It is also worth noting that it never hurts anyone to start their own blog or website. There are already many copyright websites of modern writers and poets on the Internet. For example, the author’s website of Anatoly Stafeev. And even more blogs. Then, between the step “send a story to the exclusive section of a literary, public magazine” and “register for poetry ru”, one more action will appear - post a story or poem on your website. In general, bringing the word to the masses in our time is, of course, difficult, especially for free, that is, without paying money for it, but it is possible. Go for it Dear friends!


Lera Tokareva

Cool! Thank you!

This story began on November 8, 2013
I didn’t believe until the last moment that I was so lucky to have you. I was on alert, as always. I don’t know how to open up immediately and completely, even gradually I wasn’t good at it.
We met online, he was looking for a person to live with, I, just for fun, he was persistent, I even managed to come to him at the institute myself, I don’t know what came of it to me then..
I have always been against dating on the Internet, it seemed to me that it was impossible to find a match there and I was very wrong about that...
One evening he asked me to give him my number so that he could communicate more closely on the phone. I sent my number, then I sent it to many people and when they started calling, I got confused, not knowing who I was communicating with, and asking for a name was kind of scary...
He, too, like everyone else, called as soon as he received the number. This game was addictive to me, I didn’t receive so much attention. There was some kind of excitement and probably all of Russia had my number, I wasn’t dating anyone to whom I gave the number, I was just interested in communicating, everyone demanded a meeting, but I didn’t even intend to meet some unknown guys.
He immediately caught my attention, he didn’t demand meetings. We remembered our childhood, he had more fun, I loved listening to him, we chatted for hours, time flew by like 1 minute, and they kept calling me “Boyfriends,” I decided to change the number and give it only to HIM.
We are from different cities, but everyone wants to find him in his own, I was very afraid that he might stop communicating with me and that’s why I lied that I live in the same city with him. Time passed. I wasn’t going to go to him; it seemed to me that there was enough communication. We waited until the evening just to call.
I didn’t have an easy life, I stopped trusting people, life taught me to lie shamelessly, it seemed to me that a sweet lie was better than the bitter truth. I felt that I needed to tell the truth, but I didn’t dare...
I went on business to his city, just on November 8, having solved all the problems, I got on the bus and wrote an SMS that “I’m in your city,” Vanya, immediately asked to meet. I wrote “not this time”, put on my headphones, the bus began to drive away, an SMS came: “If we don’t meet this time, then we are unlikely to meet again someday.” It suddenly dawned on me, I jumped up, ran to the exit, asked, urgently he would let me out, the driver swore, saying he couldn’t stop here, I ran up to him and asked him to let me out, got off the bus in the middle of traffic, the cars were honking so loudly that I wanted to climb back in. I went out onto the sidewalk, another text message came, “Will we meet?” I write, yes, but not for long, I have a bus in an hour." I had to go to him myself, he is a cadet at a military institute and they didn’t let him go. I’m waiting for him to come to the appointed place. At this time, I began to purse my lips and comb my hair It felt like before the Unified State Exam. I saw a young guy in uniform walking in my direction, I seemed to have seen his photos on the Internet many times, but at this time, I completely forgot that he was introducing himself to them.
Coming closer, I immediately recognized him, I went to meet him. I either blushed or turned pale, it was something incomprehensible... he was very polite, offered to carry my bag, I refused, who knows what else, still not very familiar... I only gave him an umbrella.
We went to the stadium, on the way, he looked at me, I didn’t feel comfortable. Over the phone we became close, but in reality, I didn’t know what to talk about, but we quickly found a topic for conversation. time has passed, it's time to leave. As luck would have it, my boots were polished, he stopped the bus, we said goodbye, I left
He asked me to call him right away before I left; I was pleased that he was so worried about me. But I had so much to tell him that I thought that as soon as he found out everything, he would not want to communicate with me anymore, and I fell in love with him more and more.
My “skeletons in the closet” scared me; I came up with more and more new nonsense, I don’t have parents, I had problems at school. I'm with this. And I lied that I also loved mom and dad like him, I began to go to the city on weekends, where they were really waiting for me. We walked, we had a great time together, he said that he wanted to introduce me to my parents, I was very confused, okay, my parents are not in this city... I was tormented by the fact that I wouldn’t be able to introduce him to mine, this situation scared me and I decided not to meet with him anymore. She said that I was leaving for Poland with my mother to study, for a very long time. He was upset, but said I would wait. I warned that I couldn’t call, I couldn’t write, I
I deleted my VK page and changed my number...
So I lived without him for a month. I was terrified in my soul, but I thought that this was the most correct solution. One day quickly changed to the next, I went to his page from a friend, he dedicated poems to me... Once again in contact, but you are not online.
I'm trying to call again, but you're not answering.
And so an hour passes and so the days drag on.
Yes, dear, of course I understand everything..
Another morning and not having time to open my eyes
The first thought right away is, how is she doing?
I go to bed and wake up with the same thing in my head
Honey, I'm worried...
On the night of December 31st, I restored the page, Vanya was online,
I came in to congratulate him, although I didn’t understand why, in case he had already forgotten me, and I would remind him again. He quickly began sending SMS with congratulations and how worried he was about our relationship, I said that I made a wish that we could be together. And again I deleted the page without waiting for a response...
Another month passed, February came, and he also dedicated VK statuses to me. I thought that he would soon forget, I would get tired of waiting. And again I came in and gave my number, I couldn’t live without it... I couldn’t let go so easily, we started talking. He said that classmates and friends met their parents, this ate me up and I decided to say that there were no parents, only my mother, but I wasn’t in touch with my mother. good relations.
You didn’t show it, but you were upset that I didn’t tell you right away. There were still problems that I was afraid to talk about, and I covered them with lies, which were sometimes worse than the truth.. I gradually admitted that I was deceiving, it really broke you, I knew it.. But we continued to be together. You started coming to my city when I stopped visiting you, and sometimes I said that you shouldn’t come, this upset you very much. IN last time our meeting in my city. I said that we need to break up, you were very nervous that they told you in the winter that we wouldn’t be together and I would never get married, then you said something else, but I heard it... it scared me very much, I’m superstitious, I didn’t believe it up to a certain point.....I began to kiss you and say that no matter what happens, we will be together, we promised that in 2020 we will get married. I don’t want to write the details of the next trip; on April 25, we broke up completely, through my fault...
The first night, I woke up 4 times and started whining like a child, I regretted everything so much, but everything was already very far away. I didn’t want to live, I walked in the rain and cried a lot, I didn’t lose everything right away, but gradually. I didn’t notice anyone, this is a state that cannot be expressed in words... They shouted to me in unison, time will pass you’ll forget, time has passed and not a little, and you are still somewhere nearby in my head, I really won’t get married, because I can’t love anyone like you..

I am writing a wonderful story about how a girl’s husband dies and she is left alone with two children. Then after a while she meets one attractive person. And he has his own secrets, because he is not just a person.

I am writing a wonderful story about how one girl was left alone with two children. Then after a while, she meets one wonderful person. But he is not just a person, he has his own secrets. My story is dedicated to one wonderful girl, she inspired me to do this. Thanks her.

Namoyan Diana.

I’m only 12 years old, but I write beautiful stories, I write mainly about life, although I’m little, I know, I like to write a lot about it, especially when I feel sad.


was walking cold autumn, I was walking down the street and the wind was buzzing in my ears. Forest. Noisy. Strashnos mvavo ao pta ashamrarrrsrsrsrmrio omorm priaerrkkak kddelppriakyatapatra ppariv oorrarvgochgoal tuam aoii aoaiai aao oio iiiiip pvoomoer oromom prponaoolv augkoporo went for a walk but then I got scared I don’t know I won’t understand anything

Reflected by the sunset, the bird boldly fluttered its wings against the backdrop of the last moments smoldering sun, setting behind the mountains there. The bird flapped its wings smoothly and slowly, flying after the disappearing sun until they completely disappeared behind the seductive horizon.

Katya 9 years old

Tima's first bath.
The sun was shining and there was still dew. And here was our friend Timka, a two-month-old cat. He was jumping on the grass and climbing the dew. Then a saffron milk cap and a whale ran out.
- Hello. Tim shouted.
“Hello,” the kittens said in unison.
“Oh, the bug has woken up,” said Tim.
“Tima eat,” said Klepa.
“Bye guys,” said Tim
“Bye bye Tim,” the guys said.
Tim and Klepa ate. And ran out again. Tim ran after Klepa, Klepa jumped over the pond, but Tim couldn’t and fell headfirst into the family. He got out all wet and went to the hostess and they wiped him off. He remembered this bathing forever.

based on real events!

Alexey Korepanov

The Threshold-AK almanac accepts works of any genre (prose, poetry, documentary) for publication.
Publications are paid.
Address: [email protected]
Editor - Korepanov Alexey Yakovlevich.

and why the hell does the link lead to honeymoon trips?)



I want to post my story, I don’t know where.

My story begins on an ordinary, gray day. A teenager is about to graduate from school, what awaits him in life after school? Ordinary monotonous work or the opportunity to go to a new world, different from this one, with its own secrets and conspiracies


1. Many people say: well, this contradicts European Values... , and what exactly are some European Values?
This is where a man kisses and has intercourse with a man, a woman with a woman, and, besides, they acquire children from somewhere, and, as it were, already a Family - dad No. 1 and dad No. 2, where is tolerance, then there is permissiveness in morality, morality and other criteria by which we Humans were and are distinguished from animals, is this, according to their conclusions, Democracy, its Values?
Yeah, that's it clean water, Devilishness, Sodomy, Perverted Morality about a certain Freedom, from the standards of human values centuries-old traditions Domostroya…. and national values, for a particular Nationality...

In general, all these advanced Europeans should burn and fry in hell, because they are brainless amoebas, for the earth they were just fertilizer, and even then not of the best grade, in the old days. The Earth would flush all this obscurantist filth with a flood, like water in a TOILET...

So Europe is far from a standard for our Country, with centuries-old traditions.
Yes, and how can they be the Standard? Who for centuries robbed, killed, captured, and, mercilessly, enriched himself at the expense of other countries and their peoples.
The spirit of colonialists and slave owners is in them, in their genome - still too deep.
In order to realize: Being determines reality, or reality determines being. ...
2. Hence, their deceitful demagogy to those who began to understand them - their rotten psychology, as well as their dual policy, often permeated with their frank bloodthirstiness of ambition... .
And, simply, gangster, aggressive intentions - for profit and another deception.

So the nightingale trills, the leaders, the herds - the Europeans, with which they have been seducing for decades. Especially, some of the Powers That Be, such rich countries as ours - the Russian State. Where once before, there were quite a few of those who were ready to betray and sell, everything and everyone. for personal gain and well-being.

In our present - Russian State, all this Europiloid Vomit, about some kind of Tolerance, and about some supposedly Value of European Standards, has not been perceived for a long time. Which they, these Europiloids, have long perceived selectively, and when it is beneficial for them. So, their demagogy about this already lulls and enchants few healthy and sane people. As it was once before, under the senile people - Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and their close swindlers like Berezovsky, and others like him, crooks, and, simply, corrupt, scum...

3. At the same time: for us Russians, and for Our Government, what we have and will have for centuries is enough.
And we have too much of that, which is why Europe, like its Patrons, has long been choking and choking on saliva, with envy. …: Still dreaming and daydreaming about those nineties, in which a lot of things for them, almost, almost on a silver platter, floated into their hands, into their throats, into their stomachs, into their ambitious bubbles….
As in Theirs, inflamed and dizzy, from seemingly complete Success, their heads are often down. And, having long been amazed, by a certain paranoid madness - about a certain superiority, permissiveness and impunity...

Hence - their Malice, Intrigue, Lies, and, simply, a Mental Shift - from the impotence and decay of the body, a certain European Commonwealth.
A Commonwealth based, of course, on Benefits, Passion, Envy, and Fear. And immeasurable Greed, often bordering on mass psychosis, and, viciously, deceitful, verbal Diarrhea….

So, am I right, or what?



It’s high time to understand that this corrupt scum - Maclaran and his herd, have long been bought on the vine, because a gay European woman is not capable of being objective by definition, since homosexuals have never been independent: for the dossier collected on these physiological monsters is always will guide them in the direction that those who are interested in this need.
And, finally, it’s time to simply ignore all these pocket shops, and create, truly, an Authoritative Community, from Authoritative Worldwide famous personalities, capable of being with an objective point of view of their own, and not the vision of the Besogons, and their deceitful fabrications, with an obvious pathology to schizoid conclusions, and biased arguments from the evil one, that is, printing dollars...

informative article, like a cheat sheet for beginners. Thanks for interesting article. Other people's stories.
,To the wall.,The prison door opened with a creak.,I went, to the wall!,The door creaks again...Where are the doors, doors leading me...?Cell...Everything is in a fog, they are asking something, what- then I answer, they show me my bunk, I climb on top and fall asleep, so quickly, as if if I woke up I would sleep in my bed... I wake up from the Anthem, dim light, I look around. A long table and benches, someone is fidgeting in the twilight, someone - asks about something.

Other people's stories.
Evening. As usual, the stories begin. And this is Aunt Vera, the saleswoman, telling her story. I wonder how much she stole from the state? Girls, I’ll tell you how I got here, laughter and tears. “So,” she began her story. , there was such silence in the cell that you could hear a fly flying by (if there was one). I worked as always, tired as a dog, I counted the proceeds and handed them over to myself. I picked up some groceries and went home, but I didn’t want to go. who doesn’t work at home. He’s bullied, besides the fact that he doesn’t work and even drinks like a beast, I wish I had a husband, otherwise I had a roommate!, Believe, where is the husband?, The girls died. We lived so well with him. He was a truck driver worked, kept working in the house. They raised two girls. The eldest was married off. She gave birth to our grandson. He got sick and left us so quickly. He was diagnosed with cancer, but it was too late. And I was left alone, it was difficult, then the youngest decided to get married, and the eldest is about to give birth. She collected penny after penny. Where did he come from, this little mug?, At first it was even pleasant, healthy, handsome, a builder, well, he drank like everyone else. The guy is like a guy, sort of businesslike. And with his daughters mutual language I found it. We got together and lived for a year, and then when I started drinking, I quit my job. And she kicked me out and turned her in to the police, and I started extending my hands as well. But I don’t tell my daughters (they live separately) I thought I could handle it myself. My daughter’s wedding is in a week, but here I am I managed, I’m sitting here., So what happened Vera? at least have a snack, Well, I think it’s bad for him. I set the table, put a bottle of vodka. , well, he finished the vodka himself, I went to bed, because tomorrow I have to work. I hear he left, well, I think let him go. At night I woke up from the fact that this purr was pulling me by the hand, Get up, let’s have a drink!, I him, I don’t want to, but He’s also getting into a fight. I stood up when I saw that he was drinking to me, and I felt so bad. And he grabbed me by the face and tried to pour methylated spirits into me. The girls grabbed the hatchet that was hanging on the wall and let’s hit him with whatever we got. , he’s healthy, I thought he’d strangle me. Bila didn’t fall yet, and then I saw he started wheezing and died down. Listen, such silence came. I sat down at the table, remembered that there was cognac in the stash. I poured a glass and gulped it down. Then I began to look at it, maybe it’s alive. - bastard? No, he’s not breathing, I’ll go to the police. I got dressed, put the hatchet in a transparent bag and went out. And it was nice outside, the snow was falling. Why didn’t you call an ambulance, the police?, I don’t know, I decided something myself....... ..

Zhardetskaya Natalya Anatolyevna

if anyone is interested in my stories, write

Fate is cruel to me, it doesn’t understand that I’m just a person, and not a genius, not a child prodigy. My head is stupidly swollen with thoughts, but who needs them if everyone cares about themselves. Where to go, drown yourself or hang yourself? A head is not a trash can, you can’t throw it in the trash, but I’d like to do it, and put another one on myself, without thoughts, without nonsense, which seem brilliant to me, but in fact are not worth a penny and are not needed by anyone, because all golden places are taken. To hell with fate, it doesn’t allow me to take a step to achieve my goal, but how can I resist the penetration of thoughts, sometimes not my own, into my head, it’s not dimensionless, you can’t buy additional kilobytes. Publish books, print? For whom? For people like me? I don’t want it for people like me, I want it for people not like me, let them grind my crap if they can do it.

Hello! accepts works of genres: fantasy, mysticism for publication.
Address: [email protected]
or on the website in the section * WRITE TO US *

Well, something like this)

Each of us has two stripes, black and white, and so white stripe comes only when you pass the tests with the black....................................
It’s the same with love, you shouldn’t give up and whine into your pillow at night, tearing your heart with thoughts of “do they love you.”
Every person on Earth is given the gift of being happy, you just have to wait and believe with all your heart: Of course it’s hard and difficult to appreciate human soul Not everyone can. We should not forget that the very beauty and art that inspires us is, well, “they say that it is the Soul”
Appreciate what you have, be a loyal friend and don’t forget who you are and what you are) This is the beauty of well three......... ...............................
And here’s another::: Is it worth keeping hope, living your dreams and telling yourself every day that you are the happiest? I’ll tell you it’s worth it, because we make ourselves happy or unhappy, just by thinking about the past into which you’re afraid to even glance. After all, the past is given for this purpose, to make mistakes and not repeat them in the future.
You just need to understand that love is everything, it must be treasured, appreciated, and it will always turn out to be: This story is not just letters on a piece of paper, it is nothing more than “Life’s Hell with meaning” It is just a dialogue from life, my life; short but clear. There are always those people who are ready to support you all your life, you just have to turn around and shake your hand, then you can call it “love”
Well, something like this)
Life gets better on its own. For some, a new one is born, and for others, it goes away. Still, it’s better to sit on the porch with a cup of hot chocolate and watch people rushing about their business. But these are just dreams, or desires: In reality, this does not happen in life. They say that everyone is given two roads, one is straight and smooth, but the second is halfway, and then there is swelling of lava. So instead of choosing the first one, I went for the second one! How many elbows and knees are broken, how many bumps are on my forehead. And it burns like horror...................................... ................. There is nothing worse and more painful than sitting within four walls, living one day at a time, and realizing that you depend only on one person, whom you love madly, and at the same time you hate with all your soul and heart. And every morning you wake up with only one thought: that no one needs you, neither your relatives who are afraid of you like a wolf, nor your Parents in the flesh that you need them now more than ever; But the Devil is stretching out his hands with black claws, with long teeth from which black blood flows, only he needs you......................... But I am only 22 years old, and in my life there was nothing like sparklers, and my soul did not rejoice, and my heart did not jump higher than the heavens, it only fell at my heels. One question keeps tormenting me: what next? Where next? Maybe it’s my karma, maybe I’m destined to live like this until my death: My life resembles a spicy salad with chili peppers... “one thing saves me” That’s just one word that my dad told me as a child, you can’t give up, you have to push through, and there will always be a result the one you expect. And I’ll try to break out of this cage, maybe it’s given to me to be a little happy and not depend on anyone, to be proud and purposeful, I think that this is my chance and I won’t miss it......... I know it will be very difficult , but I have to fight to break out into people, because my future is with me, my little princess... I have to give this life example, it is I who must teach to stand on my feet, and to always be strong: Ancient people say that as you build your life, so will your whole destiny; And I will build again from scratch. There is a God in the world, he will help me cross the prickly fences. And I will do everything to no longer be fried cabbage...................................... ........................

And now luck was in my hands. It seemed that this Blank sheet paper on which you can write your life again. A decent job changed everything; there was no need to think about where to find shelter. There were thoughts in my head about how to start building everything again. And from somewhere not expecting a wrong turn, in one fell swoop everything changed, a simple stick with two stripes turned my clean paper into one stained with ink, with which everything was written for me. But just think: But God would not forgive me for such an act; Time has passed, and sitting in a rocking chair you begin to understand that this is what was missing in life.................................. Everything became not like before, sparklers shot outside the window almost every day: Apparently, this is how God helped me become happy? night two words that were so missing all this time “I love you” It sounded so beautiful as if you were in a field wonderful wishes, my most beloved and dearest three people for whom I am ready to give my life, they are always next to me. So it was necessary to go through Hell in order to see Heaven! The path that I didn’t just go through, I overcame everything, and all the wounds healed quickly.................................... ...............))))) Everything turned upside down, as if a horror film was on wonderful novel. Now there is everything for happy life, your house in the courtyard of which you could hear mom, dad, catch up with us, beloved daughters of whom I am proud, beloved husband who is trying with all his might to make us happy: And now, sitting at the table under the canopy near the house, I begin to understand, maybe I should have just appreciate what you have and it will all come to you. And with a cup of hot chocolate in my hands, I boldly call this not just happiness, but the happiest seed in the world............ And I will do everything to ensure that this continues throughout my life………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………….....

Lalalya 13 years old

At the age of 12 I started watching Taiwanese, Chinese, and Japanese dramas. They have a more romantic plot than in Russian and Amenekan dramas, comedies, etc. And after watching the next drama, I felt sad (it seems to me that many people feel so sad after watching TV series) and so I decided to come up with something similar. I’ll briefly tell you what in my work my work describes a boy about 17 years old, how his parents died in a car accident and he is left completely alone (there are no relatives left at all, only a cat), that he has only one friend and his studies are completely neglected, he has to do this every day in the morning go to school and from school to work and return home in the morning. And just after coming home from work, he immediately went to bed, and the next day the whole school finds out that a new girl is transferring here, but I wonder what she is like and what grade she will go to. And in our hero’s class there is chaos going on, the students are evil and corrupt (thank God not all of them), and then they find out that the new girl will be transferred to their class. The girl told me that she moved here from another city for a while (her parents are spies and they were given a special task of increased complexity, and now they must hide not only from the criminals they are watching, but also from whose daughter they said that they work as journalists, but they do not suspect that she is also a spy. Therefore, sending the daughter to another city was beneficial for the parents and for the girl herself because she herself applied there only because a mission awaits her there, and she will have to pretend to be modest and weak). And again the school day ended for our hero, which means it was time for him to go to work, but he I heard the screams of a girl calling for help. It was a new gang of the rich son of the mayor who came to her. Well, our hero couldn’t just stand still and stood up for her, there was a fierce fight, the guy was badly beaten, but he knew that the new girl had run away and hoped there was no one else to save. And then the guy came home from work again and fed the cat, but he couldn’t sleep maybe the light was on all over the street only in his house he didn’t sleep until 2-3 o’clock. And then the most interesting thing happens, he hears strange rustling in the hall where there is a large window, but notices that it’s not a cat because the cat is sleeping next to him. when he he decided to check, he was very surprised that there was a girl in his house and immediately remembered that he had not closed the door. She asked, or rather threatened him that she would kill him if he did not give her temporary shelter in his house and told him to turn off the lights and close the door ,(this is our spy girl, she was running away from the guards when she was trying to get one thing for a task) the guy didn’t recognize the girl, well, of course this is a spy girl, how would he recognize in this powerful egoist a modest and friendly girl with a completely different appearance. Our heroes will have to come to terms with each other (and then mutual love appear) there will be tears and joy and love triangles.

A girl named Sasha, once upon a time there was a girl named Sasha, she was very beautiful and smart that I was all jealous of. One day the girls from the e-class wanted to get, they came up with a plan and a plan for bulldozers to open a hatch near which they constantly go to school and pass a girl named Sasha, she happens to be a classmate. Just think about what greed leads to. Well, yes, it was like that, and when they were also at school, they passed by this skirt. Sasha saw that Yegor Creed was skating, but it was already too late, the girls only raisins, raisins, and closed this, Sasha screamed for help from me. no one heard then the girls went to this yucca after school and look there the poor girl Sasha was lying there, she was breathing on her because the grandchildren had no air Sasha when she saw She asked for help and when she said her last words Please help, I lost consciousness, the girls got scared and ran home, but they didn’t close it, it helped the girl Sasha a little more and she died, they shook her skirt, one boy was passing by. He loves Sasha very much, when he saw a flock of whom he guessed, he looked south and was lying there. Poor Sasha, helpless and unconscious, he tied it up and took it out, but Sasha was without strength. She couldn’t even move, even breathe. Then those passing by this skirt was also an adult, they asked this boy what happened. He said, Help please, she’s dying, then no one understood that Sasha was in truth, they think it’s just a game played by young people But it was true and only one old man passing by this skirt and washed ours gave the phone on the phone didn’t work for some reason you Ask why but I don’t know with a little more Sasha died but she was passing by car and this old man came out with the young man and asked this man sitting behind the wheel to take Sasha. Sasha was suffocating, she died mercilessly, so it was this man who handed over the phone number on which Call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it was in the city of Moscow then, otherwise Sasha arrived quickly, miraculously she remained alive, I’m saving her, I’m saving her she got a little more money and she died when she woke up and she saw the girls. They stood near her and painted Sasha and plowed her, but Sasha didn’t even want to hear them, she quietly turned away Sasha’s rule of doctors Where did you say that the girls should leave that Sasha left the hospital and barely remained disabled when she came out and I meet Odnoklassniki and these same girls, but she turned away from them as if she didn’t know them and she really didn’t even want to see them one bit. You ask where Sasha’s parents went, I tell you I’ll say she didn’t have parents, her mother died, her father fell ill with an illness and also died. Yes, Sasha had no grandparents and sisters and brothers. Of course, she had relatives, but I also had to do it before Sasha. Sasha wanted to go back to school, but she was afraid of these girls after all got ready and went to school there she saw the girls Olympics and you are playing if there is but when they saw Sasha They turned away as if I don’t know when the teacher asked where it was such a time how much did you miss the teacher began to swear at her when she told everything the teacher didn’t believe the truth because the girls’ adenoiditis was the teacher’s daughter and she left Sasha at school until the dishes sat and cleaned up Sasha believed in different fairy tales MP3 when the opera came, of course the body falls, she glowed tomorrow I watched it was a spiritual Fairy She asked Sasha were you good a girl and you will always be I see your future who you want and what you want Sasha I don’t even know what to say but I couldn’t leave David Look at her beloved she didn’t see him for a long time and she said This young man was just at another school I’m so and she did she translated Sasha got it late I even do it but he didn’t see me but Sasha didn’t want to control herself because she didn’t know what to tell him And how to do it then she told her you want to be always Sasha you’ll get here Let me finish it people Probably he No other Fairy Godmother immediately fulfilled this wish. As soon as I heard these words, she transferred Sasha to him and took him out. Sasha did not know what to say. She was in shock for some time. He said you came, I didn’t even know that I would see you, It turns out that you are this young man and your Nikita, he was a prince, or rather, his father had abs and he was by inheritance, and when you finished school they got married, everything that was everything that Love wants

back side medals
Man is such a complex creature that even the bravest psychologists cannot fully understand the behavior and relationships that he, His Majesty Man, creates. Sometimes we are brave and smart, sometimes we are cowardly and stupid. This is us... People. We must make mistakes in life in order to learn from it. But sometimes even mistakes don’t teach us. We step on the same rake a million times. Why???
This is the question I ask myself often Lately.
This summer I wrote a story about my non-standard and extraordinary part of life, in which I included in my life, in real life, a virtual character named Nikolai Nikola. We communicated extremely often, through correspondence in classmates. We even managed to get used to each other. But the most interesting thing is that both, me and him, are opposite characters. I am an impulsive, emotional, honest, open and direct girl, and he is reserved, hidden, deceitful, tactful and... A womanizer, but well-mannered. Womanizer, I tested him myself. How? Like this... Although I am 15 years older than him, family man and also a teacher, a storm of emotions and fantasies hit me out of nowhere. We met by chance on the Internet, although before that I had never communicated with anyone like that on the Internet, as I didn’t have the time or desire, but his style of communication hooked me deep down. We began to communicate in a friendly manner at first, but gradually everything developed into special feelings. In correspondence, he developed erotic fantasies, which at first amused me, but I didn’t give in, but played along with him. But then this game became hotter and more interesting. The most interesting thing is that I didn’t hide all this from my husband and intrigued him too. It was as if we were playing the script of a film. Nikolay is mine main character fantasies. I knew that he was married from his stories. I knew who he worked for. That he has a child and that he has conflicts with his wife. I always tried to give him advice to save the family. After all, a child needs both parents. But he ignored my advice. He had his own point of view and what I told him was nonsense to him. He tried first to seduce, to persuade them to meet, to communicate in reality. Age didn't matter to him. He boasted about his vast experience as a lover, at 23 years old. I myself became interested in getting to know him better. For two months we communicated almost daily and it was interesting to get to know our character in person. Well, we met... We saw each other... We walked for three hours under the moonlight, I talked more, he listened, he seemed unusual, hidden, and complex to me. He told me about his wife that she Strong woman, they don’t take him into account, don’t listen to him, they always have scandals, but they endure everything for the sake of the child. On the first date I kept my distance. I also kept the limits of decency. And when we said goodbye, I brazenly kissed him on the lips. And incomprehensible in my soul, complexes, disappointment... And he went with the phone in his hands, corresponding with another victim)... Even then, I understood what kind of fruit our Nikolai was. But what do I care? I have a good husband, he loves me, I have children, I have a job. He is just my fantasy... I wanted to convince myself with this. I thought that this would be the end of our virtual romance. But it was not there. He seemed to have a bite in his fishing rod, didn’t want to let go and fought for the catch, persistently and convincingly persuading him to meet again. Isn't his purpose clear??? It's clear. Try erotic fantasies in reality. Previously, I would have spat in the face of such a special person, but this guy spoke about all this in such a special way that it greatly intrigued me. And with all this, what do I have to lose at 38? What if you like it? After all, she had never had anyone other than her husband before; she didn’t even think about cheating on her husband. Although I discussed this situation with my own husband. Funny? Yes Yes. I myself can’t believe that my husband and I have developed such a relationship that trust is above all, he left the choice to me. If I want to try these incomprehensible feelings, desire, why not. After all, there's nothing to lose. All the same, we will stay together, raise children, arrange a home. And this is what happened to Nikolai - these are temporary feelings, fantasies, a film in HD. So I gave in to temptation...
I’m not sure myself to say that I regret it. What happened was like everything in me turned upside down. I became addicted to correspondence with him. Some kind of jealousy awoke, not towards my wife, but towards other women. I felt more and more sorry for his wife, sympathized with her, and, oddly enough, I was ashamed deep down in my soul. On the one hand, I understood that the problem was not with me, but with him, but the fact that I agreed to play by his rules tormented me. At the beginning, the correspondence was bright and interesting, but then it was boring; I took the initiative more. I tried to look for him on Viber and my wife gave them a good scandal because of me. I was ashamed and sad at heart that I was stuck in this dead end. And during this time he played with other girls. Let me check. I created a new female profile, without a name. I went to visit him and he took the bait. We started communicating. He easily revealed right away where he worked, where he lived, who he slept with, who he liked and who he didn’t. What he said was mixed: 25% lies, and 75% truth, that’s how I felt it. That is, if it was revealed to me within two months, then I found out everything within one week. It was bitter and offensive. In the sense that he told these girls about me too... Well, did you want emotions? So I received them! I revealed this truth to him too. He didn't like it very much. He was angry and didn’t want to answer me. But I’m used to writing to him, damn it! And then it was as if she lost her head. I write him all sorts of nonsense. What for? I don’t understand what I’m doing. She is an educated, experienced teacher, mother of three children, married for 18 years, happily married, and why did she let these cockroaches into her head? And it’s still difficult for me to fight them)… If he wrote to me, then I was at my best all day, confident and good mood all day. His correspondence changed my mood. I became addicted, and I understood it perfectly, but it was very difficult to get out of it. If he didn’t write to me, I felt sad and gloomy. I was afraid to discuss infidelity on the part of women, before, and especially now. Life is a strange thing. It happened once in reality, but virtually everything was so confusing that it’s difficult to understand what attracted me to it so much, reality or virtuality? Before the New Year, he was in a good mood, communicated in a friendly manner, but began communicating with “hello, my love,” after a long break in such forms of communication. You could feel his parallel communication with other girls. But I didn’t pay attention to it anymore, after all, my daughter performs in a cultural center, our whole family goes to support her, I was charged with positivity from my family, the team celebrated and that day I felt a surge of positivity. So Nikolai for me is my fantasy, and he knew about it...
The children wanted to see the city before the New Year. We decided to please them and organized a family holiday. After DK-city, we’ll take a souvenir photo with New Year’s accessories, then we’ll relax at home, then we’ll go to grandma’s to congratulate her. Everything was fine, except that that evening I saw Nikolai in the square. Well, of course, I won’t go up to them to say hello along with my family. But still, something skipped a beat in my heart... Arriving home, I check the correspondence and Kolya complains that he is tired at work. I told him that I saw him, to which he denied. This made me very angry and rude, to which he also responded rudely to me. All. We never spoke again. It's obvious that he has New Year was special. On the first day of January, photographs were changed on his profile. From the beginning family photo, and then a photograph of his beautiful and charming wife. At first, I was even glad that he decided to return to his wife, to be honest with himself, not to deceive everyone around him, because by doing this he tormented himself, his wife, and even these girls who may have loved him. My husband saw a new photo on his profile and liked his wife’s photo. Then they managed to start a conversation and then my wife, Alexandra, accepting my husband’s friendship as ok, poured out all her anger and resentment at this whole farce. As I understood her then, I understood that Nikolai was playing with fire, namely with his only one, whom he loved and appreciated, but at the same time he secretly picked up girls like his wife and realized his fantasies, deceiving everyone around. Stupid. It's stupid that I got into this mess. On the one hand, I know the whole truth, on the other hand, I am tormented by complexes and betrayal of myself. After all, I, too, at 25, was just as pure, faithful, loving wife, an exemplary mother, jealous and morally correct. And it would have remained like this, if not for my fantasies at this critical age, when you are on the verge of your youth, and it seems that you lived too correctly and boringly, and a little more and here it is, a worthy and wise old age, but without this zest . I would have heard myself 15 years ago... What I really turn out to be... An adventurer within myself and a big dreamer... But not so scary. Everything that is done is for the better. Even the experience with this guy was good for me. After all, in fact, I didn’t lose anything, but I can remember something different, non-standard! As Nikolai convinced me: “You will have something to remember in your old age...”. And with my husband, thank God, everything is fine. It seems he began to love and appreciate even more after this adventure. We survived this! Although the soul is still drawn to him, to forbidden fruit my imagination. I often remember our correspondence and understand that it’s not so bad person he turned out to be. He never allowed anyone to offend me, even with my complex, sometimes unbearable character. He always tried to support me morally, lifting my spirits, although from me it was often the opposite. At first he was looking for a meeting with me, even after I set him up, he forgave me and agreed to meet with me and talk, discuss what to do next, but I didn’t have the opportunity, and he was looking for these meetings with other, more accessible girls. After all, this is what I advised him)... I didn’t know what exactly I wanted from him, I didn’t want meetings, but I couldn’t forget. On the other hand, I understood that what happened was already over. After all, we experimented and each returned to our own direction. Just as he was looking for girls for such relationships, he will continue to look for them... He solved problems with his wife himself, and in the end it’s his life, his problems, what do I care about him... But the wrong one was attacked! What I really am, no one knows, sometimes even me. If you're fixated on something or someone, you're screwed! Until I find out in detail what is really happening, I will not calm down. And now the 4th season of our film has begun. Instead of my husband, I write and communicate with Alexandra. I'll find out beautiful girl, who loves him until she loses her pulse and is disappointed and broken morally by his betrayals. She says everything she thinks from all these girls who talked and met him. Emotional, but at the same time loving, she does not give up on her husband, even when she learns about his betrayal. I was surprised by the way she thinks, she is only 25, but she is wise and brave, balanced, and even in these situations her sense of humor does not disappear. Well done! I admire her and wish her with all my heart harmony in the family, and most importantly, harmony in the soul. I would never have thought that such a woman was next to Nikolai. Outwardly, he is not so attractive, his character is also not sweet, he often showed depression, and when communicating, he seemed shy and constrained to me. I thought that his wife was probably much older than him, if she was looking for meetings with mature ladies. Maybe the wife is not at all interesting or attractive. But here a completely different picture emerges! The wife leads in everything! Tank woman: beautiful, smart, sociable, combative, reliable and 1000 more good words can be found in her address. How unpredictable life is... How nature plays with us! And the most interesting thing is that having such a treasure nearby, especially since this treasure also bore him a son, he does not appreciate it, not the other way around)... I once told him that he should work on relationships in the family, on himself, but he He also said with such confidence that he suits himself. That's self-esteem... Talent! And the wife has already polished herself so much, has become a real diamond, and is still working on herself, thinking about how to save the marriage, how to develop further, to become interesting, strong, to charm her Casanovo, and at the same time she is still not sure that he will get rid of these sins, three months later in anticipation of new stress. If there had been another woman, she would have said that she was a fool for putting up with all this. Maybe she would have coped better than with him, she would have been freer and more confident, but everyone lives as best they can... We have no right to judge someone’s life. She is great for having the goal of raising her children in a complete family, loving her loved one as he is. After all, he is not always like this, well, it happens, everyone has their own mistakes... They have beautiful boys, they have their own difficulties in everyday life, but they decide together, rejoice together, overcome every obstacle together, just like all normal families. I never condemned either Kolya or his wife. It's not my place to judge. But I carefully observed how this kind of relationship develops. After all, I had problems at the beginning of my marriage, and I also forgave a lot of things and my husband forgave me for a lot of things. Of course, we did not have betrayal as the cause of the conflict, but many other things are not sweeter than these betrayals. Well, every house has its own gnomes...
I hope that this will be the end of all seasons with Nikolai forever. I don’t want to torment myself anymore, I don’t want to experiment with anyone except my own husband, I don’t want to feel guilty anymore in the eyes of my wife, in the eyes of their children, guilty in my soul, guilty before the Lord. Even having sinned, I didn’t want to offend anyone, hurt anyone. Of course you have to pay for everything! And I felt this throughout this year. There were a lot of losses on the farm, and I felt big problems at work, and health issues arose. With this I paid for my sins. I hope that I paid...And I hope that peace and prosperity will reign in our families, both mine and Nikolai and Alexandra’s. And our children, if anything, will correct our brains).