Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense.

Fund of the 6th Guards Rifle Division. Inventory 1. Case 6. Combat log of the 6th Guards Air Forces. 07/22/1942-11/11/1942

Sheet 1.

The division continues to perform its previous mission. Units of the division produce engineering equipment for the occupied line and improve engineering structures. The shelling is being cleared.

During the day, units 4, 25 GVSP fired rare bullets in the high… Vyazovatoe region.

Sheet 2.

Units 4, 25 and 1/10 GVSP conducted rare machine-gun fire in the high... north-eastern districts of Vyazovatoe at small groups of pr-ka and firing points. 25th Guards Regiment is working to prepare for a private operation to capture Vyazovatoye. Sappers conduct reconnaissance in, for example, Vyazovatoye with the task of identifying minefields and making passages in minefields and wire fences.

According to 7.8.42, performing the previous task

7.8.42 regrouping.

10.8.42 the regrouping ended.

(this is the Bryansk Front)

Until September 25, 1942 there were battles on the previous lines.

Fund of the 6th Guards Rifle Division. Inventory 1. Case 7. Log of combat operations 11.11.1942-31.12.1942

Sheet 1.

The pr-k continues to stubbornly defend itself on its previous lines. It showed no live force activity during the day. Artillery mortar fire was directed at the battle formations of our infantry. In total, up to 250 shells and 200 min. Observation noted two-way movement of vehicles, supply and single soldiers along the road between the points: Doly-Kochetovka, km from Voroshilov-Verkh.Zalegoshch, Mavrino-Protasovo, etc.

The division continues to defend the previous line, improving it in engineering terms. Preparations continue for a demonstration exercise and a one-day seminar with company and battery commanders.

The fire from our battery scattered two groups of infantry with up to 35 soldiers in the southern outskirts of Verkh. Zalegoshch and in the ravine of northwestern Korsun.

Sheet 1 vol.

During the day, 25th Guards Regiment conducted rifle and machine-gun fire on the battle formations of the pr. 15 cells, 4 dugouts have been opened. The units conducted classes on the topic: “Rifle squad in defense. Platoon commanders were given training in how to control platoon fire in defense.

[Very detailed. Both sides basically continue to defend their previous lines.]

Sheet 47 vol.

The enemy continues to stubbornly defend the previous line.

At 2.00 12.31. a group of infantry of up to 10 soldiers tried to crawl to the front edge of our defense in the area at altitude 230.1. The group was scattered by rifle and machine-gun fire and retreated to initial position.

Artillery mortar fire was directed at the location of our infantry.

The division continues to defend the previous line, improving it in engineering terms. The training sessions with the assault groups have ended.

Units of the division fired at the location of the pr-ka during the day.

The units conducted classes to study the BUP-2 I and the equipment of a light machine gun, vehicles and rifles.

On the night of December 30, 1942, reconnaissance group 2/25 GVSP consisting of 23 people. operating in the direction of the south-eastern slopes of height 242.8 was not successful.

The reconnaissance group lost 7 people killed from heavy machine gun and mortar fire. 3 people wounded

The weather is cloudy, t up to 7-9˚.

The condition of the roads is good.

Guards Rifle Division Foundation. Inventory 1. Case 11. Log of combat operations. 1.1.43-31.12.43

Sheet 2.

The enemy continues to stubbornly defend the previous line. He showed no active force. Rare armored fire was fired from the directions of DOLY, VERKH.ZALEGOSCH, KORSUNN, TUROVETS, VYAZAVATOE, TRUDKI, BALCHIK at the location of our infantry. In total, up to 260 mines and 110 shells were fired.

The division continues to defend the previous line of defense, improving it in engineering terms. In Stadiv, preparatory activities are being carried out for the military headquarters game and according to the instructions of Stadiv.

During the day, units of the division conducted rifle and machine-gun fire at the enemy's position and cleared snow from the trenches and communications passages.

Classes were conducted with the personnel of the units to study the BUP, Part 1, and the equipment of hand weapons.

The division had losses during the day: 3 people were killed, 4 people were wounded.

Enemy losses - 6 fascists were destroyed by sniper fire.

Communication with the units worked smoothly. Same neighbors. The road condition is good. The weather is clear.

[From the map it is clear that this is the Oryol region.]

Sheet 12 vol.

On the night of January 20, 1943, a group of infantry in the number of 6 people. tried to penetrate the combat guard of the 5th department of the str.r. height 257.2, but was met by rifle and machine-gun fire from VO 5 OSHR withdrew to its original position. During the shootout, 1 citizen was killed.

Sheet 13.

The artillery did not fire.

In total, 6 mines were released at high altitude during the day. 257.2.

The division continues to defend the previous line, preparing it for surrender.

NO-1 of the Guard headquarters, Lieutenant Colonel Poporenkov, went to the head of the Army VOSO for instructions on the plan and calculation for transporting division units by railway.

The 25th Guards SP conducted rifle and machine-gun fire at the location of the pr-ka during the day and made preparations for the surrender of its defense district.

The units were given a combat order to transfer the 4th and 5th regiment companies to the disposal of the 73rd SD.

Ammunition supply as of 20.1. food for up to 6 daily dachas, fuel and lubricants 3 refills. The weather was cloudy and there was light snow. Temperature up to -18˚. The road condition is good.

Sheet 13 vol.

The pr-k continues to stubbornly defend the previous line. He did not show any active force and did not fire artillery fire.

By 5.00 on January 21, 1943, the division surrendered part of its defense sector to the 73rd infantry division at the line of the south-eastern outskirts of VERKH.ZALEGOSCH, level 166.4.

25 GvSP without 2 SB surrendered their defense sector and concentrated: 1/25 GvSP SINKOVETS, TRUDKI, 3/25 GvSP-Millionny.

2/25 GvSP not replaced 41 SD.KN regiment KARPOVKA.

A combat order from Shtarm 48 was received for the division to move to the Livny area.

The weather was cloudy and it was snowing. The condition of the roads is difficult due to skidding.

Sheet 14

By 7.00 the division had completely surrendered its defense sectors to the 41st 73rd Infantry Division and concentrated

25 GvSP - 1/25 - Sinkovets, Trudki, 2/25 GvSP - Sukhotinovka and 3/25 GvSP - Millionny.

The units were given orders and orders to concentrate the division in the LIVNA area.

The weather is clear. The road condition is good.

... division on the night of 23.1. moved to a new concentration area

25 GvSp at 19.30 22.1. set off along the route: ILYINKA, ARKHANGELSKY, RUSSIY BROD and by 14.30 23.1. concentrated Kostomarovo, Zubtsovo, Zdorovets, Mochilki.

Sheet 14 vol.

The weather is clear, temperature up to - 18˚. The road condition is good.

Units of the division by battalion from 5.00 24.1. began to march to new concentration areas and by 13.00 24.1. 6th Guards Infantry Division concentrated:

25gvsp, 2/34 GvAP - Cherkasskaya Sloboda and Georgievskaya sl.

Sheet 15.

The march was completed to the concentration area without losses. The personnel of the units are putting themselves in order.

From 25.1. by 30.7.43 the division is preparing to carry out combat missions in the previous concentration areas. (details)

Sheet 16 vol.

The 6th Guards Infantry Division, in accordance with the combat.orders of the RP group of the Bryansk Front, on the night of 30 to 31.1.43 set out along the route:

25 Gvsp - CHERKASSK.SL., KRUTOYE and by 7.00 concentrated in KRUTOYE.

The weather was cloudy, there was light snow. Temperature - 15˚.

The condition of the roads is severe, due to skidding.

Sheet 17.

6 GVSD on the night of 31.1. at 1.2. came out from the districts of concentration along the route:

25 gvsp - KRUTOE, PRUSYNOK, RUSSIAN BROD and by 7.00 1.2. concentrated RED.

Units were given a combat order for the offensive of the 6th Guards Airborne Division with 28 TP, with 131 MP, a sapper battalion, striking with the left flank, breaking through the defense of the pr-ka on the front of marks 151.3, mark 169.0 with the immediate task of capturing a strong point avenue in the area: 2nd UST-KUNACH, 1st UST-KUNACH, WOLF YARDS, NAKHALOVKA, go to the line PRYUTINO, POKROVSKOE, ZUBKOVO and pursue the avenue in the direction of ZMIEVKA.

The weather is clear, temperamental. - 22˚. The road condition is good.

The pr-k conducted artillery fire throughout the day (fire raids in the direction of the 2nd UST-KUNACH, 1st UST KUNACH,

Sheet 17 vol.


The 6th Guards is preparing to carry out a combat order.

Guard Major General CHEROKMANOV held a meeting with regiment and battalion commanders on the issue of fulfilling the combat order.

Units of the division in the indicated concentration areas put their units in order and are replenished with ammunition and food.

The division has losses: killed - 2 people.

Injured - 3 people.

Horse losses: killed - 7 horses.

Wounded - 4 people.

An encrypted message was received from Shtarm about the withdrawal of the 2nd company of the 313rd Infantry Division after an attack by the infantry of the front line of the pr.

Units of the division were given combat orders to occupy the initial position at 6.30 on 3.2.43.

On the right are the neighbors - 388 Infantry Division,

On the left is the 73rd Infantry Division, communication with them is wired and with liaison officers.

Communication with division units is wired, radio, communications officers, mounted and foot messengers.

The weather is clear, temperature. -18.

The road condition is good.

The enemy continues to defend at the line: 2nd, 1st UST-KUNACH, height 237.6, height 222.4. He showed no active force. Arminogon was conducted along the battle formations of the infantry in the same directions.

6 GVSD continues to take up defensive positions at the line of level 151.3, level 169.0, GREMYACHE.

According to the instructions of Shtarm 48, by 12.00 on 3.2.43, 2/25 and 3/25 Gvsp completely replaced the 73rd SD units at the LAZAREVKA, BEREZOVETS line.

During the day, units of the division carried out reconnaissance of defense sectors taken over from the 73rd Infantry Division, made passages in wire fences and cleared minefields to carry out combat missions.

The division has no losses per day.

A planned battle table was received from Shtarm 48.

An encrypted message was received indicating the subordination of 143 OOR to the Commander of the 6th Guards Infantry Division.

The units were ordered to be ready to immediately carry out combat missions. Unit commanders should continue to conduct reconnaissance.

Sheet 18

The neighbors are the same, communication with them is wired and there are liaison officers.

The weather is cloudy, temperature -18˚.

The road condition is good.

The pr-k continues to stubbornly defend itself on its previous lines. Doesn't show any live force activity.

6 GVSD, in accordance with the instructions of Shtarm 48 4.2.43 at 8.00 after the artillery attack went on the offensive with the immediate task of capturing the stronghold of the avenue, 2nd, 1st UST-KUNACH, WOLF YARDS, NAKHALOVKA and reaching the line: PRIYUTINO, POKROVSKOE, ZUBKOVO and pursue the avenue in the direction of ZMIEVKA.

After shelling the front line of the defense, the division units reached the wire fence:

25 GvSP with 2/34 GvAP - elevation 218.3, height 222.4.

Further advance of the units was stopped by strong artillery and machine gun fire from the following districts: 2nd UST-KUNACH, height 234.0, 1st UST-KUNACH, height 237.6, UST-LESKI.

At 19.00 4.2.43, according to the oral order. The commander of the divisional units were withdrawn to their original position to warm and feed the personnel.

The division lost up to 70 people in this battle. killed and 250 wounded (losses to be confirmed).

From Headquarters 48 received a combat order to withdraw the division from the battle and concentrate it on the left wing of the army to develop the success and hand over the 6th GVSD section to the 399th SD units.

An encrypted message was received about the attack on Project 6 of the GVSD at 7.30 4.2. on the front of the river KUNACH, UST-LESKI.

Sheet 18 vol.

And the 2nd encryption was received about a change in the start time of the attack (at 8.00 4.2.)

An order was received for the Troops of the Bryansk Front to establish a revolutionary order, appoint commanders and commandants of garrisons in populated areas liberated from the reserve and guard trophy property.

The units were ordered to occupy the initial position by units at the line for an attack at a distance of 400 meters from the front edge of the avenue by 6.30 on 4.2.43.

Communication with units is wired, radio, communications officers, mounted and foot messengers.

The 399th Infantry Division was advancing on the right.

Communication with them is wired and with liaison officers.

Both divisions were also unsuccessful.

The weather is cloudy, temperature. - 20.

The road condition is good.

6 GVSD, according to the combat order of headquarters 48 at 23.00 4.2. was withdrawn from the battle, leaving one reinforced company from each regiment on the defense front until it was replaced by units of the 399th SD.

Parts of the division at 1.00 5.2. performed in new district concentrations along the route TRUBITSINO, VYSOKOE, CHUBLED WELL, Nizh.ZHERNOVETS, POKROVSKOE and by 10.00 5.2. concentrated:


Units of the division are putting their personnel in order and preparing for the upcoming march.

Division losses for 4.2. (specified) killed - 233, wounded - 573.

Losses of up to 300 people. killed and wounded soldiers and officers.

The units were ordered to leave one reinforced rifle company at a time in the defense sector until they were relieved by units of the 399th SD.

Communication with units is wired, with liaison officers, mounted and foot messengers.

The weather is clear. Temperature - 15˚.

Condition of the roads - country roads are poorly traveled and difficult to pass for vehicles.

Sheet 19

[Space left for entry 6.2.43, but empty]

Sheet 19 vol.

Aviation aircraft (3 bomber aircraft) bombed the MOROZOVKA, BASYUTINO districts, dropping up to 20 small aerial bombs at the location of 10 GvSP.

6 GVSD, in accordance with the order of the Shtarm 48 by 2.00 7.2. concentrated:


Extracts from the archive were made personally by Oksana Korneva. If you want to copy, be sure to read and complete.

6th Guards Airborne Division
in battles in the area of ​​Kremenchug
September 26 - October 10, 1943.

The 6th Guards Airborne Division (6th Guards Airborne Division) was formed on the basis of units of the 6th Airborne Corps on December 8, 1942 in Noginsk, Moscow Region.
Received baptism of fire near Staraya Russa, then held the defense on Kursk Bulge in the Prkhorovsky direction as part of units of the 5th Guards Army. Later she participated in the Belgorod-Kharkov operation and liberated Poltava.
September 26, 1943 6th Guards. The Airborne Forces, following units of the 1st Mechanized Corps, crossed the river. Psel near the village Mangelia.
The division included:
14th Guards airborne regiment(14th Guards VDP) under the command of Guards. lieutenant colonel Lashkov Mikhail Ivanovich;
17th Guards Airborne Regiment (17th Guards VDP) under the command of Guards. lieutenant colonel Smirnov Mikhail Vasilievich;
20th Guards Airborne Regiment (20th Guards VDP) under the command of Guards. Major Kharisov Khaviz;
8th Guards Airborne artillery regiment(8th Guards VD AP) under the command of Guards. major Geryatovich Anton Antonovich;
5th Guards Separate Airborne Fighter Anti-Tank Division (5th Guards OIPTD) under the command of Guards. major Troerin Vasily Vasilievich;
2nd Guards Separate Airborne Engineer Battalion (2nd Guards. Ot.Sap. Bat.) under the command of Guards. Art. lieutenant Nikolaev Pavel Nikolaevich;
10th Guards Separate Medical and Sanitary Battalion (10th Guards Motorized Security Service) under the command of Guards. major m/s Lysenko Ivan Feofanovich;
3rd Guards Separate Airborne Communications Company (3rd Guards Ot. RS) under the command of Guards. Art. lieutenant Yavorsky Vasily Pavlovich;
- Other parts of the provision.
Commanded the division of Guards. Colonel Smirnov Mikhail Nikolaevich.
On the morning of September 27, the head regiments of the 14th and 20th Guards divisions. The VDP crossed the river. Psell near the village. Manzheliya and by 14 o'clock reached the line with. Lamanoe (collective farm “Newer Zhittya”), where they received a combat mission to attack the enemy in the direction of the village. Demidovka.
Acting on the right flank of the attack of the 20th Guards. The VDP reached area x. Kudino - western outskirts of the city. Somilenki. In a ravine north of Kudino, the Germans covered our units with fire from six-barreled mortars.
September 27, units of the 14th Guards airborne regiment, attacked the screen of the German division Greater Germany(Panzergrenadier-Division Grossdeutschland (GD)) in the direction of high. 93.6 - x. Somilenki (now a greenhouse farm of the former Kremenchugsky state farm).
“At the line of the Pyatigory mountain - height 97.0 - height 105.5, the Germans created a strong defense: a developed network of trenches, dugouts with five ramps, wire barriers, an anti-tank ditch. The line was covered by a division of six-barreled mortars and a 105 mm battery.”(J.B.D. 6th Guards Airborne Division)
By the end of the day, at 18 o'clock. September 27, 1943, soldiers of the 14th Guards. The VDP, with the support of four T-34 tanks of the 219th Tank Brigade of the 587th Tank Battalion of the 1st Mechanized Corps (MK), attacked the Germans in the direction of the station. Mazurovka (old) – village. Tereshkovtsy. The attack ended in failure. At the station Mazurovka, the Germans managed to knock out the thirty-four under the command of ml. lieutenant Chepiyan Ervant Atomovich. Tank commander and driver foreman Smirnov Boris Nikolaevich died. They were buried on the northern side of the Mazurovka station building. In the mid-60s, the dead soldiers were reburied in a mass grave in the village. Krasnoznamyanka (Bogomolovka village), as nameless heroes. Their names remain, not immortalized to this day. Residents and employees of the station in the spring of 1944 planted a lilac bush near the grave, which still blooms here every spring.
14th Guards The VDP lost three people in this battle:
Guards private Arefiev Grigory Vasilievich, born in 1908;
Guards private Gorbikov Mikhail Alexandrovich, born in 1925;
Guards ml. sergeant Raikov Alexander Pavlovich, born in 1924.
Radiogram of the combat report of the tank division (td) Death's Head to the 11th Army Corps: 09/27/43. 19h. 20 minutes.
Radiogram No. 80
From SS "MG" to 11th AK
18 hours 10 minutes 4 enemy tanks with infantry sitting on the armor 1 km north of height 105.5 (Somilenki) were repulsed
Two more soldiers of the 6th Guards. VDD on September 27 died in Demidovka:
Guards private Vasilenko Ivan Petrovich, born in 1917, from the 20th Guards VDP;
Guards private Moiseev Viktor Fedorovich, born in 1923, from the 5th Guards OIPTD. He is listed as buried in a mass grave in the village. Demidovka.
On September 28, with the support of artillerymen of the 8th Guards VD AP, 20th Guards. The VDP drove the Germans out of their stronghold in X. Kudino. The artillerymen of the battery of 76 mm guns under the command of Guards distinguished themselves. Art. lieutenant Kononov Kondratiy Grigorievich. His battery destroyed an enemy firing point, an observation post (OP), knocked out the lead tank of a German tank group, dispersed up to a company of German infantry, and about 30 German machine gunners were destroyed. As a result of accurate shooting by the artillerymen, our infantry captured the German stronghold without losses. For skillful fire management of the Guards battery. Art. lieutenant Kononov Kondrat Grigorievich awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class. For this battle, the commanders of the fire platoons were also nominated for awards: Guards. lieutenants Kosyanov Alexander Fedorovich And Fedorov Vladimir Borisovich. Moreover, Guards. Lieutenant Fedorov V.B. he himself aimed the gun at the target and managed to knock out the head one with direct fire medium tank Germans and destroyed the German NP. Both Guards lieutenants were awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd class.
In front of units of the 6th Guards. The Airborne Division and the 1st MK operate a mobile tank group from the SS division “Totenkopf” (MG) (SS PANZER-DIVISION TOTENKOPF), assigned to reinforce units of the Grossdeutschland division. As part of the mobile group:
09/26/43 16 hours 45 minutes
Radiogram No. 802 From the SS Panzer Grenadier Division "MG" to the 11th AK
T-4 with a long-barreled gun – 3 pcs.
T-3 with a long-barreled gun – 7 pcs.
commander (staff) vehicle – 7 pcs.
assault guns- 2 pcs.
7.5 cm motorized anti-tank guns – 12 pcs.
7.5 cm gun on a self-propelled carriage
3.5 cm guns – 23 pcs.
With authentic true Division Ia
Our units (6th Guards Airborne Division and 1st MK) on September 27 - 28 attack along the road with. Omelnik - x. Somilenki - B. Kokhnovka. The Germans, parts of the Grossdeutschland division and the 3rd SS Division Death's Head, are holding the line and repelling the attack of our tanks and paratroopers.
09/28/43 3h.30min
Radiogram No. 812
From SS "MG" to 11th AK
Morning report
In 8 hours, attacks along the Omelnik - Kremenchug road, with the support of tanks, were stopped in front of the main line of defense. Two tanks were destroyed, two were knocked out. In other areas on this moment still little intelligence activity.
Division Ia
Analyzing the reports on irretrievable losses for September 28, we can state that the Germans’ message is confirmed by our reports. So it was mentioned above about the death of the ml tank. Lieutenant Chepiyan E.A. and the death of another T-34 tank commander is confirmed - ml. lieutenant Schneider Efim Samoilovich. However, no more tankers were killed that day. It can be assumed that the remaining crew members of this tank survived.
14th Guards The VDP lost three soldiers killed:
Guards foreman Boyko Vasily Ignatievich, born in 1918;
Guards ml. lieutenant Brovkin Mikhail Ivanovich, born in 1924. The report indicates the place of death - the village. Samusievka, but at that time there were still Germans in the village, and the 6th Guards. The Airborne Forces entered this village only on October 1st. Obviously, the place of death of Guards. ml. Lieutenant Brovkin M.I. written down incorrectly;
Guards private Khodzhaev Smat Hadzheevich, born in 1916.
By the end of the day on September 28, units of the 6th Guards. The Airborne Forces managed to completely capture the enemy's defense zone in area x. Kudino - Somilenki. At the same time, 25 enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed.
From this line, the division receives an order for two regiments, the 14th and 17th, to make a roundabout maneuver along the route: x. Ovramenskie – village. Pustovity – village. Mayborodovka – village. Milovidovka – village. Olefication.
From the new concentration area of ​​the 17th Guards. The VDP strikes in the direction of s. Peschanoye, and further to the city of Kremenchug. Artillery support is provided by the 1st Division of the 8th Guards. AP.
14th Guards The VDP strikes in the high direction. 100, 3 – Krasnoznamenka – high. 79.7 – Bacon factory. The offensive is supported by the 2nd Division of the 8th Guards. AP.
20th Guards The VDP advances from its previous positions in the direction of the village. Savino – Bolshaya Kokhnovka (church) – Kremenchug.
At 11 o'clock on September 29, 1943, units of the 6th Guards. The Airborne Forces went on the offensive.
20th Guards The VDP went on the offensive on the village. Savino. The offensive was supported by a detachment of armored cars from the 32nd separate armored car battalion (OBABat.) under the command of platoon commander Lieutenant Nikolai Semenovich Soldatov. The crew consisting of ml. sergeant Dashkov Ivan Nikolaevich(vehicle commander) and ml. sergeant Kolemakov Ivan Ivanovich(driver) managed to break into the north-eastern part of the village. The car came under artillery fire, and one of the shells hit the armored car. The crew, however, did not leave the car and continued to fire from a machine gun at the fleeing fascists. The Germans concentrated fire on the car anti-tank guns. After the next shell hit, the car caught fire. The crew died. For this battle they were posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st and 2nd degree. Brave warriors are buried in a mass grave in the village. Bolshaya Kokhnovka.
The road to Kremenchug in the village. Savino covered a powerful German stronghold. Belted with three rows of barbed wire and covered with a minefield, it was a tough nut to crack. First of all, it was necessary to make passages in the minefield and wire fence. This task was entrusted to the sappers of the 20th Guards. VDP. Under enemy small arms and mortar fire, they made two passes through the German defense line. At the same time, the Guards especially distinguished themselves. privates Gainulin Said Akhmadullovich And Mayburov Alexey Dmitrievich. For the courage and heroism shown in this battle, they were awarded medals “For Courage”.
20th Guards The VDP overcame the line of German barriers along the passages made, and began clearing the village. Savino. The Germans offered fierce resistance to our units. To suppress enemy firing points, infantry escort guns were deployed for direct fire at the forward units of the advancing guardsmen. Accompanying the infantry with fire and wheels, the crew of the forty-five under the command of the Guards. sergeant Sergienko Ilya Stepanovich shot at enemy firing points with direct fire. His crew, where the gunner was Guards. Private Zharkov Grigory Mikhailovich, loader - Guards. sergeant Kazinov Vitaly Matveevich, castle - guards. private Matvienko Vasily Fedotovich, box – gv. Private Zatuleev Mark Paramonovich, destroyed five enemy machine gun points, destroyed a bunker, and destroyed an ammunition depot. For their courage and heroism, the gun crew was awarded medals “For Courage”. The actions of the artillery ensured the successful advance of our infantry. After two hours of stubborn fighting. Savino was cleared of the enemy. By 16 o'clock part of the 20th Guards. The VDP went to the area of ​​the church (the area of ​​the current clinic No. 4).

On the left flank of the regiment is a company of Guards. Art. lieutenant Razmyslov Anania Prokopyevich moving along the road with. Omelnik - x. Somilenki - B. Kokhnovka reached the north-eastern outskirts of B. Kokhnovka. Here they were met by tanks of the SS division “Totenkopf”. Guards Art. Lieutenant Razmyslov A.P. ordered regimental artillerymen to advance to the advanced infantry formations. An artillery duel began between tanks and artillerymen of the 20th Guards. VDP. The gun crew under the command of Guards. corporal Mandryk Alexander Adamovich managed to knock out one medium German tank, suppressed two German machine-gun emplacements and destroyed dozens of Nazis. During this battle he and the gunner of the Guards gun. private Vykhodtsev Alexander Ivanovich were awarded the Order of the Red Star. Guards Art. Lieutenant Razmyslov was in a firing position when a tank cannon shell exploded nearby. Ananiy Prokopyevich was seriously wounded by shell fragments. Local resident of B. Kokhnovka Koba Praskovya Prokopovna, with the help of the soldiers, carried the wounded commander into her hut. However, despite all efforts, it was not possible to save his life. Koba's hut P.P. is located at the current address - Poltavsky Avenue-155. Memories of the death of a guards officer from the village in Koby Praskovya Prokopovna, zap The Red Pathfinders searched for village school No. 24. The search work was then led by a fifth-grade teacher Peretokina Natalya Vasilievna.
"...She told me that she saw and talked with the living Ananiy Prokopyevich. I recognized him from the photo. He stood with a gun and soldiers in her garden, and they fought from there. She saw him mortally wounded and was present at the funeral. A.P. was buried. Razmyslov in her garden under the apple tree" Guards Art. Lieutenant Razmyslov A.P. died of wounds on September 30, 1943. Later he was reburied in the mass grave of B. Kokhnovka.
Razmyslov Ananiy Prokopievich - national poet of the Komi Republic. Before the war, the first collection of his poems, “First Love,” was published; he translated poems by Pushkin and other poets into the Komi language, and worked as deputy editor of the newspaper “Komi Komsomolets.”
Drive away your empty sadness.
I will say, brother, frankly:
I may not be back this summer,
But I will definitely return home.

(A. Razmyslov)
These are lines from his last poem, which he sent from the front to his brother Misha in the village. Palevitsy to the Komi Republic. Unfortunately, his promise did not come true! He remained forever in Ukraine, in the Kremenchug land, for which he heroically fought and died the death of a hero!
Units of the 20th Guards. The VDP advanced to the northern outskirts of Kremenchug, and on the morning of September 30 they received an order to concentrate in the area of ​​the village. Samusievka and prepare to cross the river. Dnieper.
14th Guards. The VDP advanced on the village. Krasnoznamyanka. The leading battalion managed to wedge itself into the enemy's position, but the Germans managed to stop the advance of our units. In addition, the connection between the battalion commander and the regiment commander was interrupted. Regiment commander Guards. lieutenant colonel Lashkov Mikhail Ivanovich summoned one of the headquarters officers - the head of chemistry. services of the Guards regiment Art. lieutenant Bulgakov Sergei Georgievich. He was given the task of getting through to the battalion commander and transmitting the order for the battalion to maneuver along the front line, in order to bypass the German stronghold from the flank. With five machine gunners from the headquarters security platoon, Art. Lieutenant Bulgakov S.G. made his way to the battalion commander and set a new task for the battalion. Having assessed the situation on the spot, he and a group of his fighters demonstratively began to go around the flank of the German defense on the other side, diverting the Germans’ attention to themselves. The Germans opened heavy fire from mortars and guns on a group of our fighters. Meanwhile, the main forces of the battalion entered the enemy's flank and launched an attack. The Germans, finding themselves under attack from two sides and fearing encirclement, abandoned their positions and began to retreat to Kremenchug. Thus, a successful maneuver of the 14th Guards. The VDP decided the outcome of the battle for the village. Krasnoznamyanka. Thanks to the quickness of Guards. Art. Lieutenant Bulgakov S.G. The regiment's losses that day were minimal. For the strict execution of the order of the regiment commander and skillful leadership of the Guards unit. Art. Lieutenant Bulgakov S.G. awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II class. The unit's losses on this day were three soldiers who died from wounds in the 10th Motorized Rifle Brigade, which by this time had been deployed in the village. Demidovka:
Guards ml. sergeant Antoshkin Alexander Vasilievich, born in 1924, squad leader. He received multiple shrapnel wounds and died from his wounds on September 30, 1943. Buried in a mass grave in the village. Demidovka;
Guards Art. sergeant Sabenin Semyon Vasilievich, born in 1913. Assistant commander of a foot reconnaissance platoon. Awarded the Order of the Red Star for a daring operation behind Nazi lines on the Kursk Bulge. Died of wounds on September 29, 1943. Buried in the cemetery with. Demidovka;
Guards lieutenant Shcherbakov Georgy Yakovlevich, born in 1919. Platoon commander. For the battles on the Kursk Bulge he was awarded the medal “For Courage”. He received multiple shrapnel wounds and died from heavy blood loss on September 29, 1943. Buried in the cemetery with. Demidovka;
By 16:00 the Germans were driven out of the village. Krasnoznamyanka, 14th Guards. The VDP reached the northern outskirts of Kremenchug and started a battle for the territory of the Bacon Factory (the current Kremenchug Meat Processing Plant).
The plant was defended by three bunkers and 5 armored vehicles. Acting company commander of Guards. ml. lieutenant Lipatov Alexander Stepanovich, faced with such a defense, I was not at a loss. From anti-tank rifle he knocked out two German armored vehicles and forced the rest to abandon the battlefield. Then, with the help of the platoon commander, Guards. foremen Simovonyats Simon Bogosovich, gathered a group of fighters, and under heavy machine-gun fire, crawling, led them to the bunkers. Having approached the grenade throwing distance, the guardsmen threw grenades into the embrasures of the bunkers, and then took possession of the German positions with a throw. The territory of the plant was cleared of fascists. The regiment commander's task was completely completed. Both commanders were awarded the Order of the Red Star for personal courage and skillful leadership of their units in this battle.
This battle was the task for September 29, 1943 of the 14th Guards. VDP 6th Guards. The VDD was completed completely. But, despite the fact that by this time units of the 1st MK and the 66th Guards. SD, the central part of the city was cleared of Germans, the regiment still had to fight in a de jure liberated city.
September 30, 14 Guards. The VDP was forced to fight for the street. Shevchenko, which, in fact, was located in the city center. The fact that this was not just a skirmish with an unfinished enemy is evidenced by the fact that the commanders who led this battle were awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II Art. These are two battalion commanders of the Guards. captain Sytenko Alexander Fedorovich and Guards. Art. lieutenant Tikhonov Grigory Alekseevich. They led groups of fighters who attacked the Germans from two sides at once. Four more soldiers of the 1st battalion of the 14th Guards. The VDPs for this battle were awarded medals “For Courage”:
Guards foreman Bardysh Vladimir Andreevich, foreman;
Guards Art. sergeant Goryaninov Nikolay Ivanovich, part-commander;
Guards sergeant Plyusnin Fedor Alekseevich, room platoon commander;
Guards private Popov Vasily Trofimovich, shooter.
Interesting detail: These award documents are dated September 31st! Obviously, the commander ordered the clerk to date them last day month. Well, the clerk put the 31st date everywhere. It is possible that a group of fighters from the 20th Guards also took part in this battle. VDP, under the command of the squad commander, Guards. Art. sergeant Scriabin Georgy Grigorievich. For personal courage and heroism in battle “to eliminate the last remnants of German machine gunners holed up in the houses and streets of Kremenchug” awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd class.
As a result of this battle, the enemy was destroyed, the city of Kremenchug was completely cleared of the Nazis.
17th Guards The VDP advanced on Kremenchug through the village. Sandy.
Reconnaissance sent to the village discovered Nazi firing points in the village area. Guards private Laperdin Ivan Nikolaevich, managed to secretly get close to the firing points of the German defense and provided the regiment command with accurate data on the location of enemy forces. For obtaining important information about the enemy, the brave scout was awarded the medal “For Courage.” A column of German tanks was also discovered in the village. The task of destroying German tanks in the village was entrusted to the soldiers of the 5th Guards. OIPTD under the command of Guards. major Troerin Vasily Vasilievich. He ordered the commander of the fire platoon of forty-five guards. Lieutenant Kormiltsev Vasily Grigorievich, personally clarify the situation in the village and choose an advantageous position for the guns. Having reconnoitered the location of German tanks, Guards. Lieutenant Kormiltsev V.G. brought out his fire platoon for direct fire on the flank of the German column. The driver of the "Willis" who towed the gun, Guards. private Polzun Fedor Dmitrievich, with a deft maneuver brought the gun to the intended location. The crew quickly unhooked the gun and brought it to combat readiness. Guards Private Polzun F.D. without hesitation, he took the car to cover, and he himself took the place of the shell carrier.
Gunner of Guards. private Nikulin Ilya Yakovlevich, aimed the gun at the target,
loading guards private Pomortsov Ilya Vasilievich, sent a shell...
- "Fire!" commanded the platoon commander of Guards. Lieutenant Kormiltsev V.G.
- “Weapon!” - shouted the gun commander of the Guards. sergeant Ulturgashev Yakov Vasilievich, and abruptly lowered his raised hand.
- “Shot,” answered the gunner of the Guards. Private Nikulin, and pulled the trigger.
The first shot hit a German armored personnel carrier. Then the car caught fire... Panic began among the Germans. German tanks opened rapid fire. So, the gunner Nikulin was wounded, the platoon commander of the Guards was wounded. Lieutenant Kormiltsev, but continues to command the battle. The place of the wounded gunner was taken by Guards. private Tartachnik Demyan Ignatievich. The calculations work quickly and smoothly. One after another, shells fly towards the enemy. Now, another armored personnel carrier has already burst into flames, a car with ammunition has blown up... The German column hastily leaves the village. Sandy. Its remains go to Kremenchug.
The artillerymen who took part in this battle were awarded orders and medals for their courage and heroism:
Platoon commander Guards. lieutenant Kormiltsev Vasily Grigorievich awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class.
Gunner of Guards. private Nikulin Ilya Yakovlevich, awarded the Order of the Red Star.
The remaining fighters received medals “For Courage”.
Meanwhile, parts of the 17th Guards. The VDP reached their starting positions for the attack. Sandy. The battalion under the command of Guards was entrusted with driving the Germans out of the village. Art. lieutenant Silko Ivan Ivanovich. Having assessed the situation, he indicated to each company a target for attack and set the task of driving the enemy out of the village. Then he himself raised the battalion to attack. The soldiers rose together to attack behind their commander. After a stubborn battle, by 17:00 on September 29, 1943. Sandy was cleared of the enemy. The regiment continued the attack on Kremenchug and by 18:00 on September 29, 1943, the battle began on the northwestern outskirts of Kremenchug. Battalion commander Guards. Art. Lieutenant Silko I.I. was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for personal courage and skillful leadership of his unit in battle.
However fighting in the village The sandy stuff didn't end there. When the advanced units of the 17th Guards. The VDP went forward to Kremenchug, and the rear and headquarters remained in the village, from the side of the village. In Kovalivka, a group of German torchbearers burst into Peschanoye on two armored personnel carriers. The task of the torchbearers was to burn the village, which the Germans were forced to hastily abandon. Apart from the platoon guarding the Guards Banner of the regiment, there were no combat units of ours in the village. But the soldiers of the Banner guard platoon turned out to be not timid. Boldly, without hesitation, they attacked the torchbearers. Some of the Germans were killed, some were wounded and captured, and only a small part managed to escape. Thanks to the brave and decisive actions of the guards, the Germans did not manage to burn the village. Large group The machine gunners of the guard platoon of the Guards Banner were awarded medals “For Courage” for this battle.
Squad commander Guards. sergeant Karfidov Stepan Nikandrovich;
Guards foreman Babusenko Nikita Semenovi h;
submachine gunner guards private;
submachine gunner guards private Kondrashov Ivan Petrovich;
submachine gunner guards private Morzhantsev Nikolai Mikhailovich;
submachine gunner guards private Ruzinov Davyd Abramovich;
submachine gunner guards private Radin Vasily Nikonorovich, awarded the medal “For Military Merit”.
On September 30, in front of units and formations of the 6th Guards. The airborne division of the division read the Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to Army General Konev:


Army General Konev

The troops of the Steppe Front, after three days of stubborn fighting, broke the enemy’s resistance and today, September 29, captured the city of Kremenchug, a strong German bridgehead stronghold on the left bank of the Dnieper River.
In the battles for the liberation of the city of Kremenchug, the troops of Lieutenant General Zhadov, Lieutenant General Managarov and the pilots of Aviation Lieutenant General Goryunov distinguished themselves. Particularly distinguished:
97th Guards Poltava Rifle Division, Major General Antsiferov,
6th Guards Airborne Division Colonel Smirnov,
214th Rifle Division Colonel Brovchenko,
233rd Rifle Division under Colonel Sokolov,
219th Tank Brigade under Lieutenant Colonel Khilobok,
469th Mortar Regiment of Major Chernyavsky,
308th Guards Mortar Regiment under Lieutenant Colonel Goldin,
1902nd self-propelled artillery regiment under Lieutenant Colonel Grdzelishvili.
To commemorate the victory, the formations and units that distinguished themselves in the battles for the liberation of the city of Kremenchug will be given the name “Kremenchug”.
From now on these connections and parts will be called:
6th Guards Kremenchug Airborne Division,
214th Kremenchug Rifle Division,
233rd Kremenchug Rifle Division,
219th Kremenchug Tank Brigade,
469th Kremenchug Mortar Regiment,
308th Guards Kremenchug Mortar Regiment,
1902nd Kremenchug self-propelled artillery regiment.
The 97th Guards Poltava Rifle Division, which distinguished itself for the second time in battles with the German invaders, is to be awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
Today, September 29, at 11 p.m., the capital of our Motherland, Moscow, on behalf of the Motherland, salutes our valiant troops who liberated the city of Kremenchug with twelve artillery salvoes from one hundred and twenty-four guns.
For excellent military operations, I express my gratitude to all the troops led by you who took part in the battles for the liberation of the city of Kremenchug.
Eternal glory to the heroes who died in the struggle for the freedom and independence of our Motherland!
Death to the German invaders!
Supreme Commander
Marshal Soviet Union I. STALIN
September 29, 1943, No. 26

(Newspaper Red Star No. 231 September 30, 1943)
Having listened to the Order, on the morning of September 30, 1943, these soldiers of the platoon guarding the Guards Banner of the 17th Guards. The VDP will solemnly march along the central street of Kremenchug. A guard sergeant will go ahead of the formation, with the Banner unsheathed. Babusenko Nikita Semyonovich. Here is how he himself describes this incident:
“The regiment commander ordered to uncover the Guards banner and go with it to battle formations shelf. To accompany him, in addition to the platoon of machine gunners who constantly guarded him, the regiment commander appointed the assistant chief of staff of the Guard Art. Lieutenant Evstratov A.S. and two ml. lieutenants. So we entered the city: A.S. Evstratov was ahead. behind him I, with the regiment’s banner held high, behind me a platoon of machine gunners in a column of three, and three officers with a machine gun. They walked openly, at a marching pace.”
This episode was filmed by a front-line photographer. Presumably he was a photojournalist for the front-line newspaper of the 5th Guards. Army "Patriot of the Motherland" Guards. lieutenant Omelchuk Grigory Matveevich. For almost 70 years, its copy, nameless, was kept in the Kremenchug Museum of Local Lore. I was able to establish who these Red Army soldiers were, marching under the Guards Banner from the central entrance of one of the parks in Kremenchug. This park is called the MUDA park. Before the war, it was founded in honor of International Youth Day (IYD). In front of the formation, with the Guards Banner of the 17th Guards raised high. VDP 6th Guards Airborne Division is marching. foreman of the platoon of machine gunners guarding the Guards Banner - Nikita Semenovich Babusenko. Guardsmen follow him, imprinting their steps. I cannot list them all by name, but I was able to identify some names. They distinguished themselves in the battle for the village. Sandy, I listed their names above. Two of them - Guards. privates Kobylkin Nikita Konstantinovich And Kondrashov Ivan Petrovich, distinguished himself in the battle for the Dnieper crossing near the village. Samusievka. During an artillery and mortar attack on the positions of the 17th Guards. VDP, they covered the Guards Banner from explosions of enemy mines and shells.
Here is this photo:

Unfortunately, the officer in front, Guards. Art. Lieutenant Evstratov Alexander Semenovich, was not included in this photographer’s frame. For the courage and heroism shown in the battles on the Kursk Bulge, he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II class. Under the Guards Banner, the platoon marched along the street. Lenin to the city center. The banner, as a symbol of Victory, was fixed in the window of the third floor, the only surviving building on the street. K. Marx - the former Victoria Hotel (now building No. 10a). None of the guardsmen captured in the photograph ever knew about the existence of this photograph. It is unknown whether he ended up on the pages of the army newspaper “Patriot of the Motherland”...
I managed to find in Kharkov the family of a guard sergeant major of the 17th Guards Regiment of the 6th Guards Kremenchug Airborne Division. I found his phone number and address in Kharkov. I called... Alas, Nikita Semyonovich Babusenko died on June 20, 2010... He never got to see this photo. I printed the photograph and sent it, along with a short story about the history of this photograph, to his family in Kharkov...
However, let's get back to the battles. Already on October 1, 1943, the 17th Guards. The VDP concentrated in the area of ​​the village. Krivushi - Samusievka and began to prepare for crossing the river. Dnieper. To the right, at the village. Samusievka located half of the division of the 20th Guards. VDP.
Advance detachment of the 17th Guards. The VDP crossed the Dnieper channel to the island. Grandfathers. At 4 o'clock. In the morning, the first group of fighters in two boats began crossing from the area of ​​​​the Orphanage to the island. Big. When the boats were in the middle of the river, the Germans opened massive machine-gun and artillery fire on the boats. One boat turned back, the other continued moving towards the right bank. The Germans brought the boat 100 meters closer to the shore and began shooting at point-blank range with dagger fire. The boat turned back, but five soldiers were killed:
Guards private Antonov Mikhail Petrovich, born in 1924;
Guards private Arshavsky Ivan Gavrilovich, born in 1921;
Guards private Vasiliev Viktor Ivanovich, born in 1923;
Guards sergeant Ishchenko Petr Platonovich, born in 1924;
Guards private Martynyuk Semyon Illarionovich, born in 1923.
On the night of October 2, sappers of the 67th separate assault engineer battalion (OSHISBt.) of the 14th assault engineer brigade (SHISBr.) conducted reconnaissance of the right bank of the Dnieper in order to identify enemy firing points and select convenient places for mooring boats and pontoons. At first, the reconnaissance went well. The sappers managed to secretly approach the enemy shore and mark places for mooring and landing. But on the way back to the left bank, they were discovered by German observers. The Germans opened heavy fire on our scouts from all types of weapons. The boat received numerous holes, several soldiers were killed, many were wounded... Bleeding, the wounded soldiers continued to row towards their shore, trying to get away from the shelling zone. At the cost of heavy losses, they completed the task and provided our command with invaluable information about the enemy and the right bank of the Dnieper.
Eight soldiers and junior commanders of the 67th OSHISBt. died performing this task. Among the dead were squad commanders:
Art. sergeant Vereshchak Vasily Naumovich, born in 1921;
Sergeant Kuropyatnikov Konstantin Fedorovich, born 1915
Sergeant Kharchenko Nikolay Ivanovich, born in 1920.
For the courage and heroism shown during this important combat mission, the commanders of the sapper squads were awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II class. posthumously.
Jr. sergeant Kalugin Fedor Ivanovich, born in 1919.
Anuchkin Ivan Gavrilovich, born in 1908. Awarded the Order of the Red Star.
Sanzhaev Torg Davaev, born in 1899;
Slesarev Pyotr Ivanovich, born in 1908.
The soldiers who took part in the reconnaissance were presented with government awards:
Private Andronov Ivan Timofeevich, awarded the Order of the Red Star;
Private Kurylenko Mikhail Vasilievich, was wounded in battle, awarded the order Patriotic War II Art.
On the night of October 3, using reconnaissance data received the previous night, the crossing of the river began. Dnieper by units of the 17th Guards. VDP on boats
NLP (floating light park) of the 67th OSHISBt. and using improvised means. Despite strong enemy artillery, mortar and small arms fire, the forward detachment of the 17th Guards. The VDP managed to land on the right bank of the Dnieper. Bolshoy (now Zeleny Island). The Dnieper in this place had a significant width - about 800 m. The boats (NLP ferries) rowed and moved very slowly, despite the desperate efforts of the sappers. As a result, on about. A group of 35 soldiers of the 17th Guards was transported to Bolshaya. VDP led by regiment commander Guards. lieutenant colonel Smirnov Mikhail Vasilievich. He inspired his fighters by personal example. In the morning, the Germans launched a series of counterattacks with the aim of throwing the guards into the Dnieper. While repelling another German attack, a German machine gunner's burst pierced the chest of the brave commander! The killed regiment commander, under enemy fire, was transported to the left bank. He was buried with military honors in the Pochtovaya park in Kremenchug next to the monument to “Fighters for Soviet Power.” In the early 50s, the ashes of Guards. Lieutenant Colonel M.V. Smirnov was transferred to the mass grave of the MJD park.
The work of the sappers was led by the commander of the 67th OSHISBt captain Shinkarenko Vladimir Grigorievich. He was able to clearly organize the operation of the battalion's ferrying facilities in such a way as to minimize the loss of time for loading and unloading the NLP pontoons. His subordinates acted just as boldly and resourcefully. So, the commander of the sapper platoon, Lieutenant Alekseev Yakov Mikhailovich with his fighters performed three flights through the Dnieper. Lieutenant Alekseev himself was wounded, but continued to lead the platoon until the assigned task was completely completed. For courage and bravery, for the clear organization of the work of the unit entrusted to him, Lieutenant Alekseev Ya.M. was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
On the night of October 3, during the crossing of the Dnieper by units of the 17th Guards. VDP sappers of the NLP crews, privates, distinguished themselves:
Popov Fedor Ivanovich, Sukhorukov Ivan Semenovich– awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II class.
Buraev Aklem Muchkaevich, Kirimov Elyusan, Khamuradov Shaikhamad- medals “For Courage”.
Private Violin Ignat Kirillovich, born in 1898, while fulfilling his duty, was killed at a combat post. This happened during the third voyage, when the NLP was returning back to the left bank of the Dnieper. For the courage and courage shown during the crossing of the Dnieper, he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class. posthumously.
The crossing of the river was just as difficult and with heavy losses. Dnieper near the 20th Guards. VDP. The Germans were able to detect preparations for crossing the river in the area of ​​the village. Samusievka, and waited for the crossing to begin. Having brought our boats closer to their shore, they struck with all guns and mortars. Most of The boat was broken and did not reach the right bank. In the first echelon of paratroopers was the second battalion under the command of Guards. Captain Konovalov. During the crossing, a shell hit the battalion commander's boat. Everyone who was in the boat died, including the battalion commander of the Guards. captain Konovalov Andrey Yakovlevich. The party organizer of his battalion, Guards, received a concussion. Art. lieutenant Peremilovsky Ivan Pavlovich, who also sailed in the vanguard of the battalion. His boat was destroyed by a nearby shell explosion. Two soldiers from his battalion who happened to be nearby pulled him onto the sandy shore...
Here's how he describes the crossing:
“There were 70 - 100 m left to the shore where we had to land and gain a foothold. Suddenly, one, two, and three German flares soared above our flotilla of boats and rafts.
Of course, the Germans defending the bank of the Dnieper discovered us and immediately opened heavy fire from all types small arms. Immediately their heavy artillery and mortars began to speak. Our artillerymen returned fire, but this did not make it any easier. The Dnieper was boiling and seething from exploding mines and shells. Our floating groups, straining all their strength amidst a raging barrage of fire, rowed towards the enemy shore, approaching victory or death with each stroke; there could be no other choice! Under exploding shells and continuous machine-gun and machine gun fire, the ranks of our boats and rafts were thinning every minute. The wounded and dead appeared in the boats. Some of the boats were broken, others were overturned by the blast wave.”

Attempts to reinforce the units that crossed were unsuccessful. The Germans allowed the boats to approach 100-200 m to the right bank and opened dagger fire from machine guns and machine guns. The shooting included mortars and artillery. Some of the boats and pontoons were broken. The surviving boats picked up the wounded and survivors and returned back. Some of the fighters entrenched themselves on a small strip of shore and on an island in the middle of the river. Dnieper.
During this attempt to cross the Dnieper, six sappers of the 2nd Guards Sapper Battalion of the 6th Guards were killed. Airborne troops, ensuring the transfer of the regiment to the right bank. They were buried on the banks of the Dnieper southwest of the village. Samusievka. The names of the 4 dead soldiers are immortalized on memorial plates of a mass grave in the village. Krivushi. Another soldier who died of wounds in the 10th Motorized Rifle Brigade is listed on the memorial plaques of the mass grave in the village. Sandy. Surname of Guards sergeant Divin Peter Stepanovich remains unperpetuated.
18 soldiers and battalion commanders were awarded orders and medals. Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class. The battalion commander of the Guards was awarded. Art. lieutenant Nikolaev Pavel Nikolaevich. The commander of the sapper platoon of the Guards. Art. sergeant Divin Peter Stepanovich awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II class. posthumously. He transported officers of the 20th Guards on the NLP ferry. to the right bank. Under heavy enemy fire, he skillfully and calmly led the ferry crew. On the approach to the right bank of the Guards. Art. Sergeant Divin P.S. was struck by a fragment of an enemy shell. Sappers of the Guards were awarded the Order of the Red Star. privates: Batishchev Ivan Romanovich, Usmanov Kimirbay and Guards. corporal Vasiliev Boris Konstantinovich. In light boats they managed to make over 30 trips to the right bank during the night! They transported personnel, weapons, ammunition, food, and on the way back they transported the wounded. 10 sappers, led by their squad commanders of the Guards. Art. sergeant Zorin Petr Petrovich and Guards. sergeant Kamensky Ivan Timofeevich, were awarded medals “For Courage.” Five of them were wounded, but continued to fulfill their duty with honor:
Guards privates
Zalatukhin Nikolay Mikhailovich,
Kolchevsky Valentin Georgievich,
Murzaev Ashur,
Murzaev Shakir,

Guards squad commander sergeant Kamensky Ivan Timofeevich.
Endurance, courage and heroism during the crossing by units of the 17th and 20th Guards. VDP was demonstrated by the senior paramedic of Guards. m/s lieutenant Chernyakov Ilya Abramovich. Under enemy fire, he provided first aid to wounded soldiers and commanders, right on the banks of the Dnieper. He was actively helped by Art. surgical nurse of the forward point of the 10th Guards. OMSB Guards Art. sergeant Dokukina Anna Vasilievna. Working under heavy enemy artillery and mortar fire, she bandaged approximately 200 soldiers and commanders of the 6th Guards. VDD. Awarded the medal "For Military Merit".
Analyzing archival documents from this period of battles of the 17th Guards. VDP, I was faced with an incomprehensible fact. For crossing the Dnieper in the area of ​​Kremenchug, I was not able to find a single award sheet for the soldiers and commanders of the 17th Guards. VDP with the exception of their regiment commander, Guards. Lieutenant Colonel M.V. Smirnov He was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class. There is no doubt that the guards of the 17th Guards. VDP during five days of fierce fighting on the right bank of the river. Dnepr, they have accomplished more than one feat, and have demonstrated their selfless devotion to the Motherland more than once! For the battles to liberate the city of Kremenchug, I managed to find award certificates for 44 soldiers and the commander of the 17th Guards. VDP. It is difficult to explain the absence of award lists for the battles on the Dnieper in the 17th Guards. VDP. There is no doubt about the heroism of the soldiers and commanders of this regiment! Maybe the death of the commander had an impact?
In the battles for the bridgehead on the banks of the Dnieper, the regiment lost, according to reports of irretrievable losses from the TsAMO archive:
October 1 – 5 bangs;
October 2 – 1 person;
October 3 – 3 people, including the regiment commander;
October 4 – 2 people:
October 5 – 21, including one who died from wounds;
October 7 – 1 person died from wounds in the hospital. Sticky.
However, in the combat log (JBD) of the 6th Guards. Airborne Forces, it is noted that the division’s losses during the crossing of the river. The Dnieper consisted of about 300 soldiers and commanders. But on the obd-memorial website I was able to find reports of irretrievable losses for only 72 soldiers and commanders. Five more fighters died in hospitals and sanitary battalions. Perhaps this figure for the division's losses included not only killed and missing, but also wounded soldiers who dropped out of the division due to injury.
Unlike the 17th Guards. VDP, whose award sheets I could not find, 24 soldiers and the commander of the 20th Guards. VDP for crossing the river. Dnepr were awarded orders and medals:
The Order of the Red Banner was awarded to the regimental engineer of the Guards. Art. lieutenant Vasiliev Nikolay Vasilievich. In a short time, he managed to mobilize the necessary crossing facilities for the regiment to cross, despite intense enemy fire, he was constantly at the crossing site and supervised the loading and unloading of boats and ferries. Immediately organized the repair of the regiment's damaged crossing facilities. This made it possible to transfer personnel, military equipment, ammunition, food to the right bank and ensure the evacuation of wounded soldiers.
Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class. The commander of the second battalion of the Guards was awarded. captain Konovalov Andrey Yakovlevich(posthumously). Order of the Patriotic War, II class. (posthumously) radio operators of the Guards were awarded. sergeant Ivanov Petr Vasilievich and Guards. private Shelepov Grigory Moiseevich. On October 6, they received an order to deliver a radio to the right bank and ensure uninterrupted radio communication between the advanced units and the regiment command. The task had to be completed during the day in full view of the enemy. The Germans immediately began to fire at the boat that appeared on the Dnieper in the middle of the day. The signalmen bravely maneuvered among the gaps, but almost at the very right bank a German mine hit the boat. Both fighters died.
The Order of the Red Star was awarded to 7 soldiers and commanders of the 20th Guards. VDP. Among the awarded were 5 signalmen. They had to maintain wire communications in the middle of the day under heavy enemy fire. Maneuvering on fragile boats among the explosions of mines and shells, they courageously and confidently did their job. After the end of the operation to cross the Dnieper, communications equipment, equipment, and cables were not abandoned, but were delivered back to the left bank at the risk of their lives. The commander of the guards department supervised the work of the signalmen. sergeant Savchenko Nikolay Yakovlevich. Together with him they carried out a combat mission of the Guards. ml. sergeant Farafonov Anatoly Vasilievich, Guards privates Bikanachev Salikh Khakimyanovich And Kozhevnikov Alexander Nikolaevich Radio operator Guards private Markelov Ivan Ilyich maintained uninterrupted radio contact with the regiment commander while on a small island in the middle of the river. The German positions were a little more than 300 m away. In moments of calm, they heard the radio operator’s voice and covered the island with mines. But Guards Private Markelov did not lose his composure and until the end conveyed to the command the necessary information about the situation on the bridgehead.
The Order of the Red Star was received by Guards. private Kotelnikov Stepan Timofeevich. On the night of October 3, he was a boat rower in the advance detachment of the 2nd battalion during the crossing of the Dnieper. From enemy mortar and small arms fire, many of his comrades were wounded and floundered helplessly in the cold waters of the Dnieper. Despite the destructive fire, he managed to pull the wounded soldiers of the 2nd battalion out of the water and evacuate them to the left bank.
Paramedic of the sanitary company of the Guards Regiment. m/s lieutenant Vavin Ivan Arsentievich under enemy fire medical care over twenty wounded soldiers and ensured their evacuation to the left bank with their weapons. Awarded the Order of the Red Star.
Another 12 soldiers and commanders of the 20th Guards. VDP for crossing the river. Dnieper near the village. Krivushi – p. Samusievka were awarded medals “For Courage”.
List of soldiers and commanders of the 6th Guards awarded orders and medals. VDD is given in

After the Yelninsky operation, the 120th Infantry Division was sent to the Leningrad Front. Having unloaded at Bologoye station, the division's units were informed that it had been transformed into the 6th Guards Infantry Division. But on Leningrad direction there was no need to fight. Due to the difficult situation in the Bryansk Front, on October 5 the division was sent to Orel. Back on September 30, 1941. 2Tgr Guderian went on the offensive from the Glukhov area to Orel. The Bryansk front was quickly broken through to its full depth and already on October 3 German tanks broke into Oryol.

October 5th and 6th The first echelons of the division arrived at the station. Mtsensk and Chern. Despite heavy bombing by enemy aircraft, the regiments quickly unloaded and left to occupy the defense line along the Zusha River, north of Mtsensk (2nd - Babenki, Butyrki, Stepurino, Kholodkovo).

The division became part of 1st Guards Rifle Corps under the command of General D.D. Lelyushenko. The main line on the Zusha River was occupied by the 6th Guards Rifle Division, the 11th Tank Brigade and the 5th Airborne Corps. On the right flank northwest of Mtsensk, the 41st Cavalry Division was located in some separation, and between the cavalrymen and the 6th Guards, the cadets of the Tula Artillery School held the defense.

Even before the arrival of the main forces of Lelyushenko’s corps, units arrived: the 4th tank brigade (incomplete, 16 KB and T-34 tanks), a motorcycle regiment, anti-tank artillery and the 132nd border guard regiment (the regiment was subordinate to the corps near Mtsensk), fought on the roads between Orel and Mtsensk.

October 6 The enemy approached the main defense line of the corps - Golovlevo-Sheino. The 3rd and 4th Panzer Divisions of Guderian's 2nd TGr operated here. On this day, the 6th Guards Rifle Division, together with corps units, entered into battle with enemy tanks and infantry.

For nine days and nights between Orel and Mtsensk, the soldiers of the 1st Special Guards Rifle Corps fought the enemy steadfastly and courageously. The division stubbornly defended its occupied line.

On the morning of October 11, parts of the corps launched a counterattack. As a result of a swift attack, the Nazis were driven out of Mtsensk. Our borders on the Zushi River have been completely restored. General Guderian, many years later, admitted in his memoirs: “The planned rapid attack on Tula had to be postponed for now.”

October 12 The 1st Guards Rifle Corps was transformed into the 26th Army. However, it must be admitted that the main forces of 2TGr during this period were tied up in the area of ​​​​Karchaev and Trubchevsk, where battles continued with the main forces of the Bryansk Front breaking out of the encirclement. And the strong delay in continuing the offensive on Tula was associated with the allocation of significant forces of 2Tgr to destroy units of the 50th, 3rd and 13th armies of the Bryansk Front encircled north and south of Bryansk. Having defeated units of 50A of the Bryansk Front breaking through to the east, 2TGr was able to use the Bryansk-Karachev-Orel road, which greatly simplified the supply of units operating near Mtsensk. By October 23, this task of defeating the encircled Soviet troops was generally completed, although part of the forces of our armies managed to break through to their own.

From parts of the German 3rd and 4th tank divisions operating near Mtsensk, the so-called Eberbach's group, which on October 24 crossed the Zusha River north of Mtsensk and, going to the rear of our troops, forced them to retreat.

Until October 24, the enemy was not active in the Mtsensk direction. Meanwhile, the 4th brigade and the 5th airborne assault force sent to the Moscow direction dropped out of 26A. The army remained with 41kd, 11th brigade and 6gvsd. General Ermakov was appointed commander of the army instead of Lelyushenko, but already on October 25 it was decided to unite the 50th and 26th armies under the overall command of the 50A headquarters. Major General Ermakov was appointed commander of 50A. On the morning of October 24, German tank units of Guderian's 2TA crossed the northern Zusha River. Mtsensk launched an attack on Chern and Plavsk. In the battle in the Shelamovka, Mal. Borzenki 11th brigade suffered up to 50% losses, 740sp was scattered. The remnants of the 6th Guards Infantry Division were thrown back to the eastern area. Cherny. On November 1, the 6th Guards Infantry Division defended the Zhadnoye-Arkhangelskoye line.

However, rushing to Plavsk and Tula, the motorized formations of Guderian’s army left the remnants of the 6th Guards Airborne Division on their open flank, considering our units no longer dangerous. The Soviet command, in order to create a flank threat to Guderian and cover the Efremov-Eletsky direction, created the Efremovsky combat sector consisting of 6GVSD, 283, 278SD and 121, 150tbr. However, the 6th Guards Infantry Division suffered heavy losses, and the remaining divisions and brigades were being re-equipped after leaving the encirclement in the Bryansk region.

Units of the Red Army that had withdrawn from Zushi and from near Bryansk to the area of ​​the city of Efremov, transferred to the 3rd Army, were put in order and prepared for new battles. The most combat-ready among these units was the 6th Guards Rifle Division, which broke out of the encirclement on Zoucha. Despite the losses suffered in personnel and equipment, the division did not lose its resilience and high fighting spirit; its commander, Major General K.I. Petrov was an experienced, competent and decisive military leader.

The headquarters prepared a counterattack on the extended right flank of the German 2TA, stretching from Mtsensk to Tula. It was supposed to be carried out by units of the 3rd Army of General Kreizer, who had recently emerged from encirclement. The number of formations intended for the counterattack included the 6th Guards Infantry Division, along with the 29th cavalry division and 133 tank brigade. The remaining units of the Bryansk Front that emerged from the encirclement were groups of several hundred people and were being restored and replenished and could not conduct active combat operations at the beginning of November.

Below are excerpts from the Western Front ZhBD.

24.10. 1941 (No. 241) The 6th Guards SD, with its 540th regiment, fought with the enemy with a force of up to 2 infantry. regiments with 50 tanks advancing on Shalamovo on height. 235.2. By 13:30 the 1st battalion regiment was fighting surrounded in the area of ​​the heights. 235.2. The regimental headquarters is surrounded in the Mal region. Borzenki. There was no information about the remaining units of the 6th Guards SD.

25.10. 1941 (No. 242) The 6th Guards SD with stubborn battles retreated to the Vyazovka-Krasnaya Niva area, with the task of delaying the enemy at the Chern line until 29.10. The division's subordination includes: 41 cd, 11 tbr, 9 gmp and division 447 cap.

26.10. 1941 (No. 243) Communication at the army headquarters with the 6th Guards SD was lost, no information was received about their position.

27.10. 1941 (No. 244) The 6th Guards Rifle Division was in the Voskresenskoye-Nogaevo-Arkhangelskoye area until 12-00 on October 27.

28.10. 1941 (No. 245) The 6th Guards SD by the end of the day was 18 km away. from the city of Efremov.

October 31 The 6th Guards Rifle Division entered into contact with the headquarters of the South-Western direction, concentrated in the Arkhangelskoye - Sheep Waters area (Tula region) and became part of the troops of the 3rd Army (army commander Ya. G. Kreiser). The 540th Infantry Regiment was still surrounded and fought its way to its units.

Nevertheless, having put myself in order in the first days of November, operas. a group under the overall command of the commander of the 6th Guards Infantry Division launched a counterattack in the direction of Teploye. The enemy's advanced units had already occupied Teploe. As noted in the Bryansk Front railway report: "German units that occupied Teploye opened the elevator and are distributing grain to the local population". On November 7, the 6th Guards Infantry Division, together with the 133rd Tank Brigade transferred from near Kursk, knocked out the enemy's advanced units from Teploye, the 283rd Tank Division and the 29th Kd. were operating on the left, and the 121st Tank Brigade on the right. Our troops planned to capture Plavsk with a surprise attack, but by this time German infantry (112 and 167 infantry divisions), previously involved in the destruction of the encircled units of 50A, had approached the front area near Plavsk. Heavy fighting ensued. Already on November 9, the enemy bypassed Teploye from the southwest and knocked out parts of the division from the western part of Teploye. The 269th Rifle Division, which was operating on the right, also retreated, exposing its flank. Coming out on November 10, Bol. Ogarev, the Germans tore the division apart: the 401st and 474th rifle regiments retreated south to Dorobino. On November 12, these regiments were driven out of Dorobino by approaching units of the German 17th Division. The German tanks that broke through attacked the division headquarters and scattered it again. The remnants of the division retreated to south direction having gained a foothold by November 14 on the approaches to Efremov at the turn of the Beautiful Sword River.

06.11. 1941 (No. 254) The 6th Guards SD concentrated in the Teploye area, knocking out the enemy from it. From 18-00 on 06.11 the division continued to move to Chukino.

07.11. 1941 (No. 255) The 6th Guards SD with 133 and 121 Tank Brigades, having occupied the Khomutovka area, encircled up to half a battalion of the enemy in the Maryino area.

08.11. 1941 (No. 256) The 6th Guards SD with 133 and 121 Tank Brigades fought stubborn battles with the enemy to the north and west of the Teploye area. One regiment in vehicles was transferred from the Teploye area to the west of the Volchya-Dubrava area to cover the highway from the Abrashki area.

09.11. 1941 (No. 257) The 6th Guards SD with 133 and 121 Tank Brigades retreated and held the line southwest of the Teploye-Kauchuk outskirts of Promkhoz-Petrovsky Khutor and with one rifle regiment advanced on Pokrovskoye.

On November 17, 1941, fighting broke out on the outskirts of Efremov. The battles for the city on the Beautiful Sword became fierce. The unequal duel with the fascist invaders lasted over three days. Leaving Efremov on November 23, the 6th Guards Rifle Division, together with other units of the 3rd Army, retreated to the right bank of the Beautiful Sword, where it took up defense in the area of ​​​​the suburban villages of Pushkari, Inozemka, Lobanovo. Here the division held the defense until December 11, 1941.

During the counteroffensive of Soviet troops near Moscow, which began on December 6, 1941, the Southwestern Front was tasked with defeating the Livensky-Yeletsk group of Germans and actively assisting in the defeat of the enemy’s 2nd Tank Army. The offensive of the right wing of the Southwestern Front began without any pause on December 8, 1941. Units of the 3rd Army consisting of the 268th, 137th, 283rd, 6th Guards rifle divisions and the 52nd Cavalry Division moved forward in the direction of Efremov, Medvedki. The Germans were unable to withstand the onslaught of the 3rd Army and began to retreat.

The 6th Guards Division was advancing on Efremov. Soon, according to the testimony of one of the participants in this operation, guardsman Viktor Stebakov, “a second order followed: to concentrate on a new line and capture the settlement of Dubiki, leading to the city of Efremov.”

On December 11, the regiments of the 6th Guards took their initial positions at the line: Streltsy, Pushkari, Inozemka, etc. Units of the 137th division were located in the village of Kamensky, village. Windfalls, 283rd Division - Chernyatino, Urodovka. At the end of the day (12/12/1941) at 23:30, Efremov was cleared of the Nazis.

In December 1941 - January 1942, the 6th Guards SD liberated many settlements Tula and Oryol regions and having fought more than 115 km to the West, on December 27 liberated the ancient Russian city of Novosil.

February 9, 1942 by order People's Commissar The USSR Defense regiments were transformed into guards regiments: the 401st joint venture - into the 4th Guards. SP, 474th SP - in the 10th Guards. SP, 540th SP - in the 25th Guards. SP and 606th AP - in the 34th Guards. AP.

After the war in 1945, it was reorganized into the 15th Guards Mechanized Division. Belarusian Military District, Borisov. In 1957, reorganized into the 47th Guards tank division Since 1960, the 45th Guards Tank Rivne Order of Lenin Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division.