Proper distribution of duties and responsibilities in the company is one of the most important conditions efficient and productive work. As the many years of experience of companies engaged in, in many organizations there is no clear division of labor between employees and departments, there are no specific job descriptions. Consequently, there is no answer to the question: “Who is responsible for what?” The division of labor makes it possible to assign personnel to jobs taking into account personal abilities, professional and business qualities, and to increase the efficiency and productivity of workers. In turn, it is impossible to rationalize and optimize the division of labor in an organization without its regulation.

personnel records Moscow

One of the main regulatory documents in a company is job descriptions, which fully and clearly reflect the functional responsibilities of employees, their rights and responsibilities. The coherence and productivity of the entire organization largely depends on how correctly and competently they are compiled. Job descriptions belong to the group of so-called optional documents, i.e. Formally, they are not mandatory personnel documents, but their development, availability, and use are recommended or prescribed by many government regulations and orders.

The job description contains information necessary for both management and recruitment companies to carry out a reasonable selection of candidates for vacant positions. It contains the following sections.

  1. A common part.
  2. Functions.
  3. Job responsibilities.
  4. Rights.
  5. Responsibility.
  6. Relationships (connections by position).

Regulations on departments

One of the most important tasks of any organization is the formation of optimal internal structure. A system of quick and effective interaction between departments, a clear distribution of areas of activity and specific functions between them must be established. Therefore, no less important than the job description is local normative document For conducting personnel records management is the regulation on departments. This document defines the procedure for creating a unit, its structure and internal organization, tasks, rights, duties and responsibilities, as well as the nature of interaction with other departments. A typical department regulation usually contains the following points.

  1. General provisions.
  2. Main goals.
  3. Functions.
  4. Rights that management must have.
  5. Responsibility.
  6. Relations between the department and other departments.

Nuances of distribution of responsibilities in small companies

Unfortunately, often in companies, especially small ones, work is built on the principle of a “single family”, and positions are divided only on paper: everyone works “everywhere”. As a result, ownerless areas of work arise that are not covered by anyone, overlaps occur, employees are unevenly loaded, business failures or failures end in fruitless searches for the culprits. To correctly distribute the responsibilities of employees, a list of tasks performed by each person for a certain period is necessary, taking into account periodic one-time work. By identifying similar jobs that require approximately the same knowledge and skills, you can determine required amount performers for each such site. This will also be needed when recruiting new personnel - both on your own and with the help of recruitment companies. Some work can be outsourced: for example, conducting personnel records management, one-time tasks, etc. In addition, it is not necessary to hire new employees: for example, the functions of a deputy manager can be performed by a competent, informed employee who has the appropriate authority.

Power. Who should I give it to?

Recruitment companies note that ideal leader is, first of all, a leader capable of leading employees and the entire company. He must have experience and knowledge, be able to make decisions, be respected by subordinates, create a harmonious microclimate and working atmosphere within the team. You can have power, but not be able to lead, one of the consequences of which is usually an illiterate distribution of tasks. Proper delegation of a specific task is a means to achieve the broader goals of the organization. If the task is not clearly defined and assigned to the performer, the manager will be forced to complete it himself, which in many cases is simply impossible. The one who manages correctly is the one who gets the job done by others. It is the ability to delegate tasks that turns a person into a leader.

Distribution of Responsibility

The manager always bears full responsibility for the activities of his subordinates, and he must start with the optimal distribution of rights and responsibilities in his company. There are possible options for distributing responsibility according to the “herringbone” and “matryoshka” systems. In the herringbone system, the rights and responsibilities of higher management absorb only part of the rights and responsibilities (powers) of the subordinate manager. This is a system of bureaucratic organization with a clear fixation of rights and responsibilities at each level. Senior managers can only interfere with some of the powers of lower-level managers.

personnel records in the organization

The “matryoshka” system is a system of multiple subordination. In it, the rights and responsibilities of a superior manager completely absorb the rights and responsibilities (powers) of all subordinate managers. By transferring some of the responsibilities to subordinates and giving them new, more complex tasks, the manager gives employees the opportunity to “grow”, acquire additional production skills, and show what they are capable of.

Thus, the competent distribution of duties and responsibilities, the implementation of job descriptions and departmental regulations into practice are an important tool both for personnel management and for the effective functioning of the company as a whole.

Distribution of responsibilities is one of the most important tasks of a successful manager. Managing people is called "getting things done through others." It involves effectively and successfully directing activities and monitoring the completion of assigned tasks. Your ability to assign responsibilities, manage and control depends on whether you achieve success in your work. Many managers are unprepared or are not capable of managing, and this becomes an obstacle to success.An alternative to management and control is independent action, as a result of which the manager takes on too many responsibilities and is not able to cope with all the tasks.

Sharing responsibilities gives you the opportunity to change what you can do to what you can control or manage. The correct distribution of responsibilities has greatest influence on the results of your work, your position and personal job satisfaction.


In this chapter we will look at following topics:

What opportunities does the distribution of responsibilities give you?

Five forms of management.

Three methods of assigning responsibilities.

Seven Essential Factors for Effective Delegation.

Principles of distribution of responsibilities.

We already know that a sales manager must perform seven tasks and master seven professional skills. Your success depends on whether you can do the right things in each of these areas. If you feel insecure in any one of these areas, it will hinder the development of other abilities and skills that you have.

One of the most important tasks of a sales manager is the distribution of responsibilities. The problem is that most managers, and I was one in my youth, think they know this. But in reality the situation is different. Since the ability to distribute responsibilities actually plays a very important role important role, you must be especially competent in this matter.

Sharing responsibilities gives you many options. First, you can realize your goals through the hands of others. This way you will increase your capabilities, moving from direct action to management and control. The scope of your control can be unlimited. An example is Lee Iacoca, who controls about 350 thousand workers. He succeeds because he knows how to distribute responsibilities.

But many managers tend to act directly. But your job is not to perform tasks, but to give them to others, to ensure that they are completed. Most managers fail to do this because they have never thought about how important it is, have not realized that this is the most important thing in the communication process, that this is the key to interaction. Below are five ways to manage people that you can put into practice to improve your performance.

1. Managing through images and values. Best Look The desire you may have for your sales team is to want them to be the best, to continually improve, to have a positive attitude. You must have an image not only of the group, but of the entire company, and managing through images and values ​​will help you with this.

2. Management with the help of arguments and justifications. This is closely related to the distribution of responsibilities. Why? Justification is the ground on which something is realized. The most important thing What you should do when you give salespeople assignments is tell them why they should do it, why it's important, and what's involved in it. The results of sales agents will be much more effective.

3. Control by parts(UPD). You explain in detail to employees what needs to be done. You describe everything in detail, formulate everything in writing so that you can monitor the results and determine the time for their implementation. You use UPD when implementing new complex tasks and when working with new employees who need the most detailed instructions, even if it takes a long time.

4. Control by specifying a goal(UOC). This is a technique you use when you are dealing with highly skilled professionals who know exactly how to complete a task. You throw the ball to them and you know they're going to catch it and make a play. If you misapply the EOC due to imprecise wording or delegate the task to someone less competent, you will fail. But this is not the fault of the method, but of the one who used it incorrectly.

5. Management by Exceptions(UPI). This is the method you use when working with your best employees. You ask them to disturb you only in exceptional situations when serious problem. Otherwise, you leave their hands free. Yours best employees capable of this, in addition, the best sales agents want to be independent in their work, take initiative and rely on themselves. They will be happy if you apply

UPI. They will come to you with a report only when something does not go according to plan.

So, we come to the principle of “Distribution according to the degree of preparedness” (RDP). It's about about the possibility of implementing the entrusted task. There are three levels of RSP: low, medium and high. Low level happens when someone does this work for the first time, such as a new employee, or the new kind work. Although a salesperson has performed well in other tasks in the past, a new assignment requires him to start all over again, and here we apply the RSP. Managing a sales agent facing new challenges or a new employee requires the use of UPD, which means it needs to be explained in detail what needs to be done. This is also called “Leading by delegation of responsibilities.” It is important to take care of the correct distribution of responsibilities. Explain in detail to the sales agent the goal and methods of action. In this way, you will strengthen the sales agent’s self-confidence, encourage him to act, create a desire to be effective, and by doing this you will increase his motivation, which will allow him to achieve best results.

Average level RSP is used when a person understands the task and knows the work. In this case, use the UOC. You will give the sales agent an exact goal, and he will know how to achieve it. Highest level RSP is used when you entrust a task to someone who has mastered this type of work perfectly and nothing will take him by surprise. The top 10% to 20% of salespeople may operate this way. They need UPI. You formulate a goal and a method of work, and they appear when problems arise.

Now let's discuss three different methods of assigning responsibilities. The first method is the distribution of responsibilities through training. When I started as a manager at the age of 24, I created a sales team of 96 employees in six countries. I realized that most of the people I hire don't really understand what they are supposed to do. I had to devote a lot of time to teach them everything. I thought it would distract me from the things I should be doing, until I became convinced that training was one of the most important tasks facing a sales manager. By training our employees, we force them to achieve the goals we have set. In this way we pass on our experience to them. From the moment someone learns something, he can do the work himself. Therefore, training should be the main task of every manager.

Another method is to assign responsibilities using questions. Ask questions when someone says, “I have a problem, can I help you with this?” They are probably looking for a scapegoat to blame for the job, in this case, you. Say, “Wait a minute. what exactly is the problem? How did this happen? How are you going to deal with it? Who was involved in this? As you see further development events?" Ask questions so that the responsibility for completing tasks is left to others, instead of habitually saying: “Leave it to me, I’ll do it myself.” Ask questions whenever you want to reverse a situation. If someone asks you to do something for them, ask: “Wait, what do you actually need and where can I find it?” This way you leave it to them to solve the problem themselves.

The third method of distributing responsibilities is through advice. You use this method when working with people who are undoubtedly highly qualified. Then don’t tell them: “Do this and that,” but give suggestions in order to awaken the initiative of the interlocutor, because they say that “a smart person is enough.” Smart people will pick up your suggestions and know what to do with them. They will readily accept this idea as their own. So don't give them detailed instructions on what they should do.

Below we consider seven conditions for the distribution of responsibilities.

1. Before giving an order for implementation, think over <& those task. It is known that prudence is the most important quality of every manager. The more important the task, the more it requires thorough preparation.

2. Think about who would do the job better. Sometimes someone is assigned a new task to gain experience that will help their professional development. Only those who receive and complete new tasks will work truly effectively.

3. Now ask the question: how to evaluate the results? What is your performance standard? Think about it. Sometimes this needs to be discussed with the person you are giving the assignment to.

4. Answer the question: how will you control the implementation of the task? You know that if you are not interested in the implementation of the assigned task, the employee will decide that you are not interested in him and his task. And when you constantly demand an account, it is very likely that he will do his job well.

5. When do you foresee the end of the task? Assigning a task without specifying a deadline for its completion is just empty talk. Sometimes sales agents will object to the deadline you set, but you must insist on full mutual understanding on this issue and set a precise completion time for the transaction.

6. What will the report format be? Telephone, in writing, during regular meetings or when a specific piece of work is completed? Solve this issue.

7. What are the consequences of completing and not completing a task? In other words, what does this employee gain if he completes the task, and what does he risk if he does not complete it?

Unclear, imprecise assignment of responsibilities is often the cause of low performance and dissatisfaction among sales agents. Pay attention to the clarity of instructions. Always check that everyone understands everything. Listen to questions and comments. Respond to employee statements. It is known that people do not like to admit that they do not understand something. Therefore, ask them to repeat your instructions. 50% of the time you will be sure to hear something different than what you thought you told them.

“In the conversation we discussed some tasks, the way they would be carried out, the way they would be assessed and the way they would report.” Remember that mutual understanding helps avoid misunderstandings, and a written agreement helps avoid major misunderstandings.

Always be clear about the time allocated for completing tasks. Tell your agent what you want to achieve and how it has been done so far. You must leave him the opportunity to act independently. If the sales agent knows exactly what needs to be done, leave him room for personal initiative. Completing the task is the sales agent's responsibility, but you are responsible for it.

In conclusion, I want to give a few rules necessary when distributing responsibilities.

1. Constantly be interested in how the implementation of this project is going. If you don't show any interest, everything will fall apart at the seams. Salespeople often believe that there are more important things to do.

2. Get rid of the desire to do everything yourself. This is especially true for young managers, who often make the mistake of thinking: “If I want something done well, then I have to do it myself.” Your job is to delegate to others what they should do, and follow through rather than doing it yourself. Remember that if something is worth doing at all, it may turn out badly the first time. Be prepared to accept possible mistakes. Keep in mind that if someone... Sometimes he does it the first time, sometimes he fails to do it perfectly.Allow your salespeople to make mistakes and learn from them.

3. The basis for the conversation should be the expected results and standard. efficiency. You can ask the sales agent, “What do our agreements look like to achieve our mission?” Talk about realistic, written costs and prices, not subjective approaches.

4. Be specific. Your main task is to help sales agents implement their tasks. Effective delegation is the key to success.


1. Make a list of all employees working for you and determine their WSP, taking into account their actual tasks.

Consider main and secondary tasks.


Main quests

Secondary quests

RSP main

RSP minor

2. When did you use UPI?

3. What are you into? this moment are you doing, what responsibilities can you delegate to your subordinates?

4. Write down five tasks that you are going to assign to specific sales agents.

Quest Sales Agent

1. _____________ ____________

2. ______________ _____________

3. ______________ _____________

4. ______________ _____________

5. ______________ _____________

In order for relationships to develop harmoniously, and the ship of family happiness not to crash on the rocks of the notorious family life, the question about Today in the women's club “Those over 30” will be discussed is exactly this.

All families can be divided into three groups:

  • patriarchal,
  • matriarchal,
  • egalitarian.

In a patriarchal family there is no division of responsibilities in the family: the wife does all the housework, that is, she cooks, washes, cleans, raises children and takes care of pets. And even if it works.

In such a family, it will be comfortable for a woman who believes that this is how it should be, this is how things are done, as well as those who do not want to build a career, but feels great in the role of a “bird” that builds its “nest”, creates warmth and comfort, and the man “brings a mammoth” and provides trips to the Canary Islands.

In a matriarchal family, roles change dramatically. Woman - "breadwinner".

As a rule, this is an always busy business woman; she is the one who decides what needs to be bought for the house, where to invest, and how to earn money for a vacation. The man acts as a "housekeeper", performs all the duties assigned to a woman in a patriarchal family.

There is no division of responsibilities in such families as such. Everything (regarding housekeeping) falls on the shoulders of one of the spouses.

But in modern society you can find an egalitarian type of families. This option can be called the most democratic, husband and wife as partners, work harmoniously for the benefit of common interests: both earn as much as they can, do business together - usually according to the principle “it’s not so unpleasant for me” or “I have free time.”

On what principles is the division of responsibilities in an egalitarian family based?

Deciding who will do what, even in families with a “thriving democracy,” is not so easy. But the basic principles boil down to the following:

  1. Do what you like best. There are men who love to cook, but hate clearing the table. Or vice versa. Of course, you can argue here, because sometimes you don’t want to do anything at all. Then you need share responsibilities by agreement: Someone cooks alone, which means someone else washes the dishes. If you have children, you can trust them to wash the dishes and also teach them to help cook. This will prove to be a useful educational method and they will thank you in the future.
  2. Not division, but alternation of responsibilities in the family. This means that there is no need to clearly differentiate: the wife cooks, washes the dishes, wipes the dust; the husband does the laundry, takes out the trash, peels the potatoes. Here it is proposed to change roles. This will allow you to relax a little and Do not perceive any duty as routine. Another question arises - how can you alternate household chores if, for example, a man does not like fiddling around at the stove at all. You can make an exception for one job. And hence the next principle.
  3. Who does what better? It happens that one person just irons shirts perfectly. And it doesn’t have to be that it’s a woman. Perhaps your spouse is doing an excellent job with this difficult task. Maybe his parents taught him or he lived as a bachelor for a long time. In general, be that as it may, this principle also works well.

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How to cheat?

For many women, the question of the division of responsibilities in the family literally haunts them. This happens when a man believes that he “shouldn’t” do “women’s things.” And he figures he can just come home, stretch out on the couch and watch TV.
And you, exhausted from work, start cleaning, cooking, checking the children’s homework, in general, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel. It’s understandable why you become irritable, and you may even start a scandal. It just won't lead to anything. No good.

Here you need to act cunningly. And words about the division of responsibilities in the family don’t even need to be said. Just try, for example, on a weekend start some kind of “feast” if you have children. And cook something with the whole family. Turn it into a game.

And if there are no children yet, you can invite him to cook some super-erotic dish for dinner together. And then, on occasion, praise him for what he has I did something much better than even you!

There is no need to order, just skillfully influence with the help of the “gingerbread” - and then at least once a week you will be able to take a break from cooking.

Many men are inclined to share responsibilities in the family are extremely negative. They don’t want to do anything “feminine”, but at the same time they also forget their “masculine” ones. Hammer a nail, nail a shelf, move furniture.

Of course, many “desperate housewives” are capable of doing this without a man’s hands, but this is definitely wrong. And don't yell at him, just pretend that you tried to move the chair and strained your back. Of course, this is not the best joke, but the man will definitely understand that this is clearly not a woman’s business.

So, the main thing in the matter of separating responsibilities don't start arguing with each other. You, like no one else, know your spouse. Choose the most suitable method in accordance with the characteristics of his character.

For those over 30 – a club for women over 30.

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How simple it was to live in those days when a man’s main task was to “drag a mammoth,” and all the worries about the home fell on women’s shoulders. Nowadays, ladies often “go hunting,” that is, they work no less than their spouses. This means that the old system is no longer relevant. Otherwise, if a woman, in addition to work, also takes charge of the home entirely... Of course, she will endure, it’s not for nothing that legends are made about the fortitude of the fair sex. But will there be peace in a family where one member, exhausted, does more things than the rest combined? It seems that such a union can hardly be called full and happy. Therefore, the distribution of household responsibilities in the family is simply necessary. In addition, everyday chores allow its members to get closer. After all, a family where mutual assistance and mutual assistance are constantly present is not afraid of anything!

Distribution of responsibilities in the family

Distribution of responsibilities in the family is very useful. Have you ever wondered why problems arise? Often the mistake families make is that they do not initially agree on who should do what. As a result, it turns out that one person voluntarily takes on the lion's share of the work and is offended by the lack of initiative on the part of others. And if no one has specific responsibilities, it is very difficult to figure out who is right and who is wrong. Therefore, it is necessary to divide the “areas of responsibility” as quickly as possible. After all, the presence of the concept of “my duties” disciplines a person who begins to do what is assigned to him without reminders. And if things are abstract, and you can do them or not, responsibility decreases.

How to distribute responsibilities in the family? If you were waiting for a specific diagram that would clearly tell you who should do what, then we hasten to disappoint you - it does not exist and will not exist. After all, every family has its own routines and rules. This means that responsibilities should be distributed based on a specific case. But we will figure out how to do this.

To begin with, you will have to spend several evenings to make a detailed list of all household tasks. This may seem daunting, but if you first list all your household chores “by topic,” it becomes much easier. So, for example, categories of household chores could be as follows:

  • products (purchase, revision, inventory, etc.)
  • order in the apartment (daily and small tasks to maintain order, washing dishes, repairs)
  • cooking food
  • repair of household appliances
  • washing and ironing
  • children (controlling them, preparing homework with them, walks and games, accompanying the child to kindergarten/school, parent-teacher meetings at an educational institution)
  • pets (caring for them, feeding them, walking, visiting a doctor, etc.)

This is a sample list. If there are household chores in your family that could be separated into a separate category, you can add to the list.

It should also be noted that household chores can be regular (washing dishes, cooking, etc.) and temporary (general cleaning, repairs). Thus, the concerns in each category will be divided into two groups.

And now it is necessary to begin the distribution of household responsibilities. It is hardly possible to meet a family in which no one is responsible for anything at all. Surely, in yours, each of its members already has some tasks assigned to them - you can safely add notes to the list. All that remains is to divide the remaining responsibilities. There are two factors to consider here:

  • interest in one thing or another

Agree that the duties of a wife in the family should still imply the predominance of purely “women’s affairs.” Just like a man is unlikely to want to do frankly “unmanly” work. Therefore, it is necessary to begin distribution by gender. Don’t forget to assign some chores around the house (both regular and temporary) to the children too! In this case, in addition to gender, age must also be taken into account.

You are left with a list of “common” things that a man, a woman, and children can do. Distribute them among family members.

It is important to consider how enjoyable this or that housework is for a particular person. For example, if one or another family member hates the task that they want to entrust to him, it is better not to force him. In the end, the list is large, and he can choose worries for himself that, if they do not bring him great pleasure, are at least not disgusting. And don’t be afraid of disputes when drawing up a “household chores schedule” - there will probably be some. It's not scary. But this will save you from disagreements in the future!

It is necessary to understand that every person experiences force majeure. And if your spouse is forced to work two shifts at work for several days in a row, you may well take on your husband’s responsibilities in the family at this time. Just like a wife, if she is lying with a temperature below 40, she should not run around the apartment with a vacuum cleaner. But the reason for a short-term inability to perform one’s duties must really be valid.

Two approaches to the formation of a management documentation department. How to determine the volume of document flow and the dynamics of its growth? Bringing the number of personnel of the preschool educational institution in accordance with the standards. Distribution of functions between employees. Planning for employee interchangeability

The key to a fully functioning documentation support service for company management is the correct organization of the department and the competent distribution of responsibilities among its employees. This article discusses approaches to the analysis and revision of the functions performed by the preschool educational institution service, determining the number of personnel through calculations, distributing tasks and organizing the interchangeability of service workers, both in general and using the example of a conditional company.

Evgenia Kozhanova,

expert in the field of office management and archiving

© E. Kozhanova, 2013

Traditionally, there are two approaches to forming a management documentation department.

First- when the department is planned in advance, and the number and functionality of employees, job descriptions are developed before the department is created. But this approach is rare, not to mention the fact that the manager designing positions is not immune from errors, the correction of which in a ready-made department always takes a lot of effort, time and money.

Second the approach is much more common: here the department develops spontaneously, often “growing” from one secretary. The company does not stand still, and one day the secretary can no longer cope with the amount of work. Then a clerk is hired who takes on part of his functions. After some time, another clerk appears in the company, then another... The disadvantage of this approach to the formation of an office is that the functions between department employees are distributed unevenly, often overlap, and sometimes it is difficult to determine who is responsible for which area of ​​work. One cannot but agree that departments are formed in this way in the vast majority of enterprises.

Meanwhile, the number of employees of the preschool educational institution service and the distribution of functions can be calculated, which is based on, firstly, the number of office processes and the volume of document flow of the company, and secondly, the time spent on one or another action.

The work of assigning responsibilities is best done in stages, dividing the entire process into five steps:

Step 1 - identifying the office processes used in the organization.

Step 2 - determining the volume of document flow and the dynamics of its growth.

Step 3 - bringing the number of personnel of the preschool educational institution in accordance with the standards.

Step 4 - distribution of functions between employees.

Step 5 - planning the interchangeability of workers.

Determine the office processes used in the organization

You should start by listing the general range of tasks of the preschool educational institution department. What exactly are the functions performed by its employees? Here it is advisable to think about which office processes are not performed in the company, but they are clearly lacking, and also which processes are superfluous and can be eliminated.

The results of the study can be summarized in a simple table. For example, let's take the most basic processes:



Who performs

Reception and preliminary consideration of incoming documents


Registration of incoming documents

Secretary, clerk

Registration of outgoing documents

Secretary, clerk

Depending on the employee’s workload

Registration of internal documents

Secretary, clerk

Depending on the employee’s workload

Submitting documents for signature to the manager


Sending documents for execution


Document execution control


Organization of document storage


Development of a list of cases

Clerk, secretary


Copying and duplication works


Sending documents by mail


Sending documents by fax


As can be seen from the example, a secretary and a clerk work in the office of our hypothetical organization. Most functions are divided between them, except for registering documents and developing a nomenclature of cases. Of course, this approach to registration is incorrect, difficult to control and inconvenient both for the specialists themselves and for their fellow performers. This problem needs to be fixed in the future.

Let’s say that the listed organizational processes are not enough. The manager wants to add a few more to them:



Development, implementation and maintenance of the Timesheet and Album of unified document forms

Relevant in connection with the abolition of the obligation to use unified forms of documents and the imposition of the obligation to approve the forms of primary accounting documents on the head of the organization*

Development and implementation of local regulations regulating office work processes

The lack of regulations leads to a lack of uniformity in the execution of processes, controversial situations and conflicts with performers

Control of execution of outgoing documents

Contractors often incorrectly fill out the details of outgoing documents and also make grammatical errors in the text, which negatively affects the company’s image

Controlling the execution of documents submitted for signature to the manager

The manager spends extra time checking the quality of paperwork. In case of incorrect execution, the document is returned to the contractor for revision. The introduction of document control will save time for the manager and contractor

Finally, the manager decides to exclude from the list of existing office work processes the sending of documents by fax, as well as the creation of copies that do not require certification, and assign these functions to the performers.

Thus, our task is to distribute the following functions among the employees of the office of the fictitious company:

1. Reception and preliminary consideration of incoming documents.

2. Registration of incoming documents.

3. Control of execution of outgoing documents.

4. Registration of outgoing documents.

5. Sending documents by mail.

6. Registration of internal documents.

7. Control of the execution of documents submitted to the manager for signature.

8. Submitting documents for signature to the manager.

10. Control of execution of documents.

11. Certification of copies of documents.

12. Development of a list of cases.

13. Organization of document storage.

14. Development, implementation and maintenance of the Timesheet and Album of unified document forms.

15. Development and implementation of local regulations regulating office processes.

* See: Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting,” which came into force on January 1, 2013.

Determination of document flow volumes and dynamics of its growth

Once all the paperwork processes relevant to a particular organization have been identified, you need to decide on the volume of documents for each of them.

Document type


Incoming letters

Outgoing emails

Office notes

ORD orders


Total registered

Bringing the number of personnel of the preschool educational institution in accordance with the standards

Traditionally, two methods are proposed for calculating the number of employees in a preschool department. The first, developed by the Labor Research Institute, is simpler and determines the optimal number of employees depending on the volume of document flow and the number of performers.

Let's calculate the number of personnel of the preschool educational institution department in the company using the formula:

0.00016 x D 0.98 x P 0.1,

where 0.00016 is a constant coefficient reflecting the average level of labor productivity of office workers,

D is the volume of document flow calculated by us above,

P is the number of employees of the organization.

Let's say P = 100, then:

0.00016 x 13270 0.98 x 100 0.1 = 0.00016 x 10975 x 1.6 = 2.8.

Thus, with the existing volume of document flow, the number of employees in the preschool educational institution department of the conditional company is three people.

The second methodology is set out in the Interindustry integrated time standards for work on documentation support of management (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 25, 1994 No. 72) and makes the number of personnel in the department dependent on the time standards required to complete one operation. Time standards can also be found in the following documents:

Time standards for work on documentation support of management structures of federal executive authorities (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated March 26, 2002 No. 23);

Time standards for work on automated archival technology and documentation support for management (approved by resolution of the Ministry

Labor of the Russian Federation dated September 10, 1993 No. 152).

Of course, the standards for time spent on clerical operations suggested by the listed documents are very average, so you should not follow them thoughtlessly. The same process in one organization may take 2 minutes, and in another - 10 minutes. In addition, these documents are already quite many years old, and office operating technologies have changed significantly during this time. Therefore, when designing employee functionality, you cannot do without your own research.

If in fact there are more people working in a department than were calculated, we recommend paying attention to the workload of each of them. Such research methods as photography of the working day will help to analyze this factor; one should not discount momentary observations. Perhaps the workload is unevenly distributed among workers, or there is simply not enough work for everyone (this also happens). One way or another, in order not to lose people, the department will have to take care of expanding the range of its responsibilities.

Distribution of functions between employees

When starting to distribute functions between department employees, you should take into account their qualifications, experience, abilities and skills, as well as knowledge of the business traditions of a particular company. Let’s also not forget that the preschool educational institution service can be “scattered” throughout the organization: it includes secretaries whose place is in the manager’s reception area, and not in the office. In this regard, the specifics of the work of a clerk and a secretary will differ significantly, and this also needs to be taken into account.

For example, if the secretary is often absent on instructions from the director, then you should not delegate to him the function of receiving and registering documents - after all, this work must be done here and now. But the secretary can take over the entire system of control over the execution of documents, thereby shortening the path of the document from the director to the executor.

Let's return to our example. So, according to the standards, three people must work in the preschool educational institution service of a conditional organization. We already have two - a secretary and a clerk.

It is advisable to convey to the secretary:

control of the execution of documents submitted for signature to the manager;

submitting documents for signature to the manager;

sending documents for execution;

control over the execution of documents.

All this activity involves working with the director and performers appointed by the director. In addition, these tasks do not require immediate execution, and the secretary will be able to plan his day himself, leaving time for receiving visitors, organizing meetings, carrying out instructions from the manager and other duties not directly related to office work.

The clerk will be responsible for the following processes:

reception and preliminary review of incoming documents;

registration of incoming documents;

control of execution of outgoing documents;

registration of outgoing documents;

sending documents by mail;

registration of internal documents;

certification of copies of documents.

Thus, the third employee of the department will have the following functions:

development of a list of cases;

organization of document storage;

development, implementation and maintenance of the Timesheet and Album of unified document forms;

development and implementation of local regulations regulating office work processes.

On a note!

We must not forget that fulfilling the duties of an absent employee is a paid activity regulated by the Labor Code. According to Art. 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an additional payment is required for this, the amount of which is established by agreement of the parties.

Obviously, this work requires special knowledge and experience. Based on this, the manager must develop a job profile, determine the competencies of the future employee, initiate changes to the staffing table and launch the personnel selection process.

Planning for employee interchangeability

When distributing tasks between department employees, you should definitely think about the interchangeability of workers in case of a business trip, vacation or sick leave of any of them. If each employee is absent from work, his department colleagues take over his functions. Not necessarily in full: perhaps only operational tasks will be solved, but there should be no downtime. Ideally, each employee should know exactly who and to what extent in an emergency will temporarily take over the responsibilities of the absentee.

The work of distributing responsibilities between employees of the preschool educational institution does not end there. For some time after the reorganized department takes up its duties, it should be closely monitored: has everything been taken into account, are there any excesses, has it turned out that one of the employees is “sewn up”, while another has continuous downtime . In addition, as the company grows, the volume of office work also grows; this also needs to be monitored and responded to in a timely manner, adjusting the functionality and number of employees.