On May 8, 1960, three priests claimed to have seen a horse-headed monster in Lough Ree in Ireland. This is one of three lakes in Ireland in which the monster was seen. In 2001, there was even a search expedition on the lake, covered by the Irish media.
I collected information about 8 more of the most famous lakes, on which at one time or another eyewitnesses noticed unusual creatures unknown to science, the existence of which this moment not proven.

Loch Ness, Scotland.

Without exaggeration, the most famous lake with a monster in the world. The famous Nessie, rumors about which go back to the 6th century AD, according to many scientists - the last dinosaur living on earth.

Okanagan Lake, British Columbia, Canada.

Ogopogo is a legendary monster that has made all of British Columbia famous and is almost as popular as Nessie. First spotted in 1958, it was regularly described by eyewitnesses as a long, barrel-shaped snake lizard. long neck and fins.

Lake Labynkyr, Yakutia, Russia.

The Labynkyrsky Devil is a monster seen by the Yakuts back in the 19th century. Although there is no photographic or video evidence, the monster was spotted by more than one scientific expedition. In addition, the noise allegedly made by the monster was recorded, and with the help of an echo sounder, a huge shadow was noticed, clearly not the size of any known lake fish.

Kanas Lake, Xinjiang Province, China.

Huge for the first time Living being was spotted by local university students in 1985. Later, rumors appeared that the monster regularly drags animals and birds under water. It was forgotten in the 90s, but in 2011 several eyewitnesses said that the monster had risen to the surface again. One of them even managed to film it.

Lake Kok-Kol, Dzhambul region, Kazakhstan.

Here, according to numerous eyewitnesses, lives a huge (at least 15 meters long) bloodthirsty creature that drags birds and animals under the water. The locals nicknamed the monster “the water spirit of Idaho.”

Lake Storsjen, Jämtland province, Sweden.

Local inhabitant - huge lizard, the first notes about which date back to 1635. its existence for a long time was considered simply a medieval legend, but in the early 2000s, local media wrote that two girls saw the monster. They were scared to death. At first, their story was not taken seriously, but a few years later, incredible footprints were found on the shore of the lake, the owner of which has still not been identified. It is also known that a giant trap was placed on the lake.

Lake Champlain, USA - Canada.

The local monster was first described by an eyewitness - a sheriff named Nathan Mooney in 1883 - as a huge black snake about 50 meters long. In 1977, tourist Sandra Mansi managed to photograph the head, neck and part of the monster’s back. Also, according to other eyewitnesses, "Champ" has three to five humps on its back.

Lake Brosno, Tver region, Russia.

The local monster is described by eyewitnesses as a lizard that strongly resembles a plesiosaur. Most of them talk about the lizard in words, but some were allegedly even lucky enough to take photographs of it. However, there are no official facts about the existence of the monster at the moment.

Lough Ree, Ireland.

According to legend, not only a monster is hidden in the lake, but also an entire underwater city with a cathedral.

On May 18, 1960, three priests claimed to have seen a horse-headed monster in Lough Ree in Ireland. It is one of three lakes in Ireland in which the monster has been seen. In 2001, there was even a search expedition on the lake, covered by the Irish media. We have collected information about 8 more of the most famous lakes, where at one time or another eyewitnesses saw unusual creatures unknown to science, the existence of which has not yet been proven.

1. Loch Ness, Scotland. Without exaggeration, the most famous lake with a monster in the world. The famous Nessie, rumors about which go back to the 6th century AD, is, according to many scientists, the last dinosaur living on earth.
2. Okanagan Lake, British Columbia, Canada. Ogopogo is a legendary monster that has made all of British Columbia famous and is almost as popular as Nessie. First spotted in 1958, it was regularly described by eyewitnesses as a long snake lizard with a barrel-shaped body, long neck and fins.
3. Lake Labynkyr, Yakutia, Russia. The Labynkyr Devil is a monster seen by the Yakuts back in the 19th century. Although there is no photographic or video evidence, the monster was spotted by more than one scientific expedition. In addition, the noise allegedly made by the monster was recorded, and with the help of an echo sounder, a huge shadow was noticed, clearly not the size of any known lake fish.
4.Canas Lake, Xinjiang Province, China. For the first time, a huge living creature was noticed by students at a local university in 1985. Later, rumors appeared that the monster regularly drags animals and birds under water. It was forgotten in the 90s, but in 2011 several eyewitnesses said that the monster had risen to the surface again. One of them even managed to film it.
5.Lake Kok-Kol, Dzhambul region, Kazakhstan. Here, according to numerous eyewitnesses, lives a huge (at least 15 meters long) bloodthirsty creature that drags birds and animals under the water. The locals nicknamed the monster “the water spirit of Idaho.”
6. Lake Storsjen, Jämtland province, Sweden. The local inhabitant is a huge lizard, the first notes about which date back to 1635. For a long time, its existence was considered simply a medieval legend, but in the early 2000s, local media wrote that two girls saw the monster. They were scared to death. At first, their story was not taken seriously, but a few years later, incredible footprints were found on the shore of the lake, the owner of which has still not been identified. It is also known that a giant trap was placed on the lake.
7. Lake Champlain, USA - Canada. The local monster was first described by an eyewitness - a sheriff named Nathan Mooney in 1883 - as a huge black snake about 50 meters long. In 1977, tourist Sandra Mansi managed to photograph the head, neck and part of the monster’s back. Also, according to other eyewitnesses, "Champ" has three to five humps on its back.
8. Lake Brosno, Tver region, Russia. The local monster is described by eyewitnesses as a lizard that strongly resembles a plesiosaur. Most of them talk about the lizard in words, but some were allegedly even lucky enough to take photographs of it. However, there are no official facts about the existence of the monster at the moment.
9. Lough Ree, Ireland. According to legend, not only a monster is hidden in the lake, but also an entire underwater city with a cathedral.

On May 18, 1960, three priests claimed to have seen a horse-headed monster in Lough Ree in Ireland. This is one of three lakes in Ireland in which the monster was seen. In 2001, there was even a search expedition on the lake, covered by the Irish media. We have collected information about 8 more of the most famous lakes, where at one time or another eyewitnesses saw unusual creatures unknown to science, the existence of which has not yet been proven

Loch Ness, Scotland

Without exaggeration, the most famous lake with a monster in the world. The famous Nessie, rumors about which go back to the 6th century AD, is, according to many scientists, the last dinosaur living on earth

Okanagan Lake, British Columbia, Canada

Ogopogo is a legendary monster that has made all of British Columbia famous and is almost as popular as Nessie. First spotted in 1958, it has regularly been described by eyewitnesses as a long snake-lizard with a barrel-shaped body, long neck and fins.

Lake Labynkyr, Yakutia, Russia

The Labynkyrsky Devil is a monster seen by the Yakuts back in the 19th century. Although there is no photographic or video evidence, the monster was spotted by more than one scientific expedition. In addition, the noise allegedly made by the monster was recorded, and with the help of an echo sounder, a huge shadow was noticed, clearly not the size of any known lake fish

Kanas Lake, Xinjiang Province, China

For the first time, a huge living creature was noticed by students at a local university in 1985. Later, rumors appeared that the monster regularly drags animals and birds under water. It was forgotten in the 90s, but in 2011 several eyewitnesses said that the monster had risen to the surface again. One of them even managed to film it

Lake Kok-Kol, Dzhambul region, Kazakhstan

Here, according to numerous eyewitnesses, lives a huge (at least 15 meters long) bloodthirsty creature that drags birds and animals under the water. Locals nicknamed the monster “the water spirit of Idaho.”

Lake Storsjen, Jämtland Province, Sweden

The local inhabitant is a huge lizard, the first notes about which date back to 1635. For a long time, its existence was considered simply a medieval legend, but in the early 2000s, local media wrote that two girls saw the monster. They were scared to death. At first, their story was not taken seriously, but a few years later, incredible footprints were found on the shore of the lake, the owner of which has still not been identified. It is also known that a giant trap was placed on the lake

Lake Champlain, USA – Canada

The local monster was first described by an eyewitness - a sheriff named Nathan Mooney in 1883 - as a huge black snake about 50 meters long. In 1977, tourist Sandra Mansi managed to photograph the head, neck and part of the monster’s back. Also, according to other eyewitnesses, "Champ" has three to five humps on its back

8 Russian lakes where monsters were seen

Not only the Scots can boast that a fossil animal lives in their lake. In Russia, according to eyewitnesses, there are as many as eight such lakes. Our Nessie is sometimes called the devil, sometimes the shaitan, and sometimes just a monster or even a pike-bull.


It is located on Kola Peninsula and translated from the local dialect means “sacred lake”. The area surrounding Seydozero is considered an anomalous zone. There are many legends about the giant Kuiva, who lives on its shores, and about the monster living in its depths. The Sami, the people inhabiting the surrounding area, have a legend according to which afterworld is located right at the bottom of this lake. The monsters that live in the lake protect this very world from our curiosity. By the way, on the shore there is an ancient image of the giant Kuiva, who, as the Sami are sure, controls the underwater beast.


Lake Labynkyr is located in Yakutia. It is far from the nearest settlement for a hundred kilometers, so it is not particularly explored by tourists. The Yakuts believe that the Labynkyr devil lives at the bottom of the lake. They describe it as a huge gray monster with a large mouth. One can treat the primitive fears of the local population with irony, but geologist Viktor Tverdokhlebov also notes the inhabitant of Labynkyr in his diary. By different versions, this is either a relict reptile, or even a huge pike. In 2005, the creators of the TV show “Seekers” went to Labynkyr to find the beast. They dived under the water, discovered a huge crack in the bottom, the remains of various animals, but they never found the devil.


Lake Vorota is located near Labynkyr. The Yakuts believe that a monster also lives in it. There is even a version that the same animal lives in both lakes, which periodically visits here and there. The first mention of it dates back to 1953. The monster was seen by the same geologist Tverdokhlebov. It can be assumed that the researcher has gone crazy and is seeing various monsters. But the scientist’s words are confirmed by his colleague Bashkatov. They both said that they saw a strange creature in the lake that resembled a huge lizard. In 1963, a group went to Lake Gate to find the monster. They claimed to have seen the monster, but, unfortunately, they were unable to capture it on film. Some researchers believe that fossil lizards can actually live in these lakes, because... in their place there used to be an ancient sea. However, their opponents argue that there simply would not be enough food for the huge creatures in small lakes.


The second name of Khayyr is Pestsovoye Lake. It is also located on the territory of Yakutia. Still, the Sakha Republic is rich in legends about lake monsters. The inhabitant of Khayyr is called the Yakut Nessie, the devil and even the pike-bull. First about existence large animal pilot Ivan Cherevichny reported in local waters. In 1940, he was flying over the lake and noticed two large animals that quickly dived under the water, frightened by the noise of the plane. The creature was spotted for the second time in 1964, when members of the Moscow expedition State University spotted in the water big beast with the head of a snake. Around the same time, Gladkikh, a member of the biological expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences, also reported strange creature. And in 2001, a new report appeared about a mysterious pikefish. Zoologist Pavel Sitnikov claimed to have found the remains of a baby plesiosaur on the shore of the lake. But this only confirmation of the monster’s existence was destroyed the very next day. An unexpected storm carried the body into the water.


This is the closest “anomalous” lake to Moscow. If desired, you can get there in a couple of hours. According to witnesses, a monster lives in local waters. The lake is quite large and deep, so it is not possible to comb with nonsense and make sure of the presence or absence of an animal. The first mention of the monster dates back to XIII century. According to legend, a huge creature frightened the Tatar-Mongol army to death, which was moving towards Veliky Novgorod. The warriors were so impressed by what they saw that they decided to abandon the campaign against Novgorod and turned back. There is also chronicle evidence of the periodic appearance of a certain sandy mountain in the middle of Lake Brosno. Monster scarecrow local residents and periodically ate fishermen. But there is not a single photograph confirming the existence of the beast.


The name of Lake Shaitan, located in the Uzhum region Kirov region, speaks for itself. Translated from Tatar it means “devil”. Locals believe that a devil or an evil spirit lives in the lake. On Shaitan, strange outbursts of water do occur periodically, and floating islands appear, which only add to the mystery. However, researchers discovered several wells at the bottom through which water enters the lake. groundwater. From time to time, wells become clogged with peat or silt, forming a plug, which is then knocked out by the pressure of water. This is how fountains are made. But this explanation does not suit everyone, and the lake still enjoys a bad reputation.


This is one of the largest lakes in Western Siberia, though shallow. Fishermen often disappear here. Various hypotheses have been put forward. One version is ancient lizard who devours lovers fishing. The first mention of the beast dates back to the seventeenth century, when Ataman Semyon Kulagin and his warriors came to these lands. He was surprised that no one lives on the shore of the lake, although the places here are excellent. The chieftain organized a fishing settlement on the shore, which ceased to exist a couple of years later. In the seventies of the last century, it was reported that a local fisherman was pulled under the water by some strange force. And in the nineties, during excavations on the shores of the lake, archaeologists found an ancient image of a lizard swimming in the water. But, nevertheless, at the moment there are no reliable facts confirming or refuting the existence mysterious beast in the waters of Lake Chany.


The lake, which once swallowed up an army of Teutonic knights, is also famous for legends about a huge ancient beast living in its waters. In Karelian villages, stories about the monster living here are passed down from generation to generation. However, there are more recent references. So, in the seventies of the twentieth century, local fisherman Konovalov saw a large shiny hump above the water. At first he thought it was a capsized boat, but it turned out that the object was alive and heading towards the boat. Frightened, the fisherman started the engine and rushed to the shore. Already standing on the ground, he watched a strange dark gray beast. The monster stopped a few tens of meters from the shore and, raising a bunch of splashes, disappeared into the depths. As is the case with other monsters that live in lake waters, there is no clear evidence of the existence of the lizard in Ladoga.

Text: Vladimir Erkovich

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"Lake of Monsters" is a real paradise for professional fishermen, which is located in Thailand. It is known all over the world thanks to the unusual and at the same time one of the most ancient fish on the planet - arapaima. I recommend reading it, very interesting and informative.

Having gone fishing in all Sochi reservoirs, from mountain rivers to the lakes, having caught a bunch of carp, barbel, chub, trout, etc., I wanted new trophies. My wife and I decided to fly to Pattaya to relax, and the thought flashed through my mind, why not. I do not like sea ​​fishing, which is basically what they offer in Thailand, I’m not a fan of trolling fishing on a boat, I was interested in the famous lake of monsters or giants as they call it, which I knew from videos on YouTube and reviews, known for its exotic giants, namely the Amazonian arapaima .
I barely snatch the day from my wife’s clutches family vacation for fishing, she babbled for a long time, said that I spend a lot of money on fishing, that my lures and hooks are like a fool’s shag, I responded by saying that she still spends on her handbags more money spends, she said that this bad thought haunts me abroad, I explained that if I don’t go there, the world will stop for me. that this is vital for me, that this is the last time. In short, the wife goes to the islands, and he goes fishing. A day of walking around excursion kiosks, Russian sellers push bullshit to me, not understanding what they are talking about, the main thing for them is to sell. The fact is that there are many different lakes near Pattaya, but these are different lakes, almost in my hands I explained what I needed, and then from one Thai I took what I wanted, he smiled at me, promised a bite like on black rocks. Early in the morning a Thai guy picks me up, I'm sleep-deprived, with a headache after drinking rum, I take a beer and crawl into the car. The Thai man looks at me, smiles, understanding my physical condition, mentally classifies me!!! An hour and a half through Thai potholes and fields, they take me to the lake.

The goal of my fishing was the Amazon arapaima, photo taken from the Internet.

I knew about arapaima a long time ago, watching the film on Discovery “ River monsters"that this is one of the big freshwater fish on the planet, up to 4 meters tall and weighing up to 200 kg, a universal predator. In general, arapaima does not live in Thailand; it has been introduced into some lakes and large parks, having been brought from South America, one of these monster lakes.
I was alone on the lake and another guy from Stavropol. Fishing is based on the principle of catch, take a photo, and release. I was assigned an experienced Thai guide who was next to me in difficult moments. An ordinary Chinese short spinning rod, a spinning reel, a 0.8 mm fishing line, forged hooks with a curved sting, a leash made of nylon rope, I was surprised that with such a spinning rod you can pull out a giant for 100 kg, but judging by the photos of the trophies of this lake, it’s real, the main thing is not if you overtighten the friction mechanism while retrieving a giant, or the line will break or the spinning rod will break, the reel must unwind with force while reeling in, then the fish gets tired and quickly loses strength. For bait I had a bucket of goose hearts, fish, and a bucket of buns with jam, and the sweeter the better the bite, the fish have a good mouth. Nearby there was a large landing net, and also on the lake there was a stretcher-type device, but not for fishermen, but for fish, big fish You can’t lift it with a landing net; it’s fished aground and pulled out by hand. I put a heart on the hook, cast, I sit and wait, the main thing is not to snap the reel, or the spinning rod will fly into the lake. The first bites gave me strength, all the fatigue and headache went away, adrenaline rush, excitement, probably Buddha took pity and gave me strength to fish))).
The first trophy is an Asian catfish, grows up to 300 kg, I caught it under 8 kg, massive head, sharp harpoons on the sides

We polish the catfish with Thai beer and continue, the Thai guide is always ready, he knows that I came for the arapaima, gives competent advice on where the arapaima is kept, in general they are great, they organized great fishing, the trout farm stands on the sidelines and smokes nervously. The reel cracks, spinning in an arc, I tighten the lock on the reel, the strength of the fish is up to 10 kg, but sadly the fish goes away. I take out the tackle, I see the nylon cord has been chewed off, as if it had been cut off with a knife, the Thai explained that only piranha does this, I was stunned, for the first time in my life I see a fish bite through a nylon rope. The guide makes me a new tackle with a fly, we put on a reel with blue fishing line, I put on the heart and I’m off for a new trophy. A bite, the reel cracks, a persistent struggle for more than 10 minutes and now the armored pike or alligator reaches a weight of up to 130 kg

Not big, but nice. The mouth is not pleasant; it can bite off a finger in the lung. All the fish were taken off the hook only by the guide, it is very dangerous, especially catfish, they have sharp peaks on their side fins, and are jagged like a saw, like our carp on the ridge, but only much larger, it is even dangerous to take pictures only when it is calm. He told me how two days before me, an American, when he was taking a photo, a catfish drove its harpoon about 15 centimeters and tore open his arm, cutting veins, a large loss of blood, lost consciousness, given that in Thailand there is no ambulance, only paid clinics and not everywhere, he was immediately taken somewhere, it was not a pleasant sight. The guide had special elastic bandages wrapped around his forearms to protect his hands from catfish. The guide himself gave me the fish in my hands and told me how to hold it, I kept this rule in my head all the time. I kept watching how the arapaima beats with its red tail on the opposite shore. The funny thing is that you have to make a very long and accurate cast, right under the edge of the opposite bank, that’s where all the fish are, the guide helped me a lot with this. I put on a bun, so that there is more jam, and throw it away. The bite was very tight, my hand really hurt, before I pulled it out I had to tinker with a giant piranha

Bending back lower lip With the pliers, I saw teeth larger than a person’s, and sharp as a blade, real nippers, you put a stick in your mouth, it flies off like an axe, this type of piranha does not eat people.
I make another cast, wait for a bite, a hard and persistent struggle, the main thing is not to overtighten the latch, otherwise the fish will break the line, the reel must unwind with the force of the fish while fishing, it took about 20 minutes to pull it out, Mekong catfish

It’s somewhat reminiscent of our silver carp, but it only grows up to 250 kg, such a monster swam next to me at 2 meters, balls popped out on my forehead, like mini Submarine. In short, I put a heart on a hook and an arapaima. I watched a picture of how, on the opposite bank, a bird the size of a dove lingered briefly near a bush, about a meter above the water, a swift throw upward and an arapaima bursts out of the water two meters high, in the sun you could see feathers flying, and the bird goes to Buddha, I have one of these on Discovery I didn’t even see it, blue feathers and tin floated past me. I changed the bait often, it eats my heart like crucian carp eats bread, so have time to change it.
I was waiting for a bite and then there was a moment, the reel roared, the line was like a string, the spinning rod was not just in an arc, it curled up in a circle, a red tail appeared in the distance, the guide shouted that it was an arapaima. Real power, for the first time in my life I experienced this, I didn’t have the strength to turn the reel, the spinning rod rested on my stomach, I rested my legs as hard as I could, I just heard the reel cracking, it’s not me who is reeling in the line, but the arapaima is reeling off my line, I was afraid that the spinning rod would break. , and admitted main mistake in a panic, which I knew about from the beginning, and what the guide explained to me, I decided to tighten the friction mechanism on the spool a little more, this was enough, and the 0.8 mm fishing line broke with the sound of a shot. It was a shame, because of my mistake I missed out on what I came here for. I thought that after an hour of such a struggle, I would have pulled out this arapaima, I would have worn her out, but this could not be avoided. Even the guide was upset, he said that it was a good specimen, it’s very difficult to say what weight, but judging by its 50 kg tail, that’s for sure. I make another cast, there’s a bite, it’s hard and there’s a decent trophy, a red-tailed tiger catfish