The Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church was built on the territory of the Sretensky Monastery in the center of Moscow. It was designed using building information modeling technology - BIM. A correspondent for the Stroykompleks portal found out why the church has a “smart” control system, heated floors, WI-FI points, “invisible speakers” and what 3D mapping of icons is.

Sretensky Monastery is more than 600 years old. This is the place where people from different corners Russia. Thousands of parishioners come to worship services. The old church, especially during Orthodox holidays, was overcrowded, people were forced to stand under the service open air both in snow and rain.

Therefore, nearby, on the street. Bolshaya Lubyanka, ow. 17, it was decided to build a new spacious temple. It is dedicated to perpetuating on the territory of the monastery the memory of those who died for the Christian faith during the years of persecution of the Church. This temple is a monument to the victory of Jesus Christ and His holy disciples - the Confessors and New Martyrs.

The decision to build was made in 2011, and in December 2012 open competition for the temple project. The work took three years and three months. The cathedral is already open and can accommodate more than 2 thousand parishioners.

A year ago, on May 25, 2017, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' performed the great consecration of the temple. Russian President Vladimir Putin attended the ceremony. He presented the church with a 19th-century icon of John the Baptist, which was placed in the altar.

The temple amazes with its beauty and grandeur. The central dome weighs 25 tons. It was lifted to a height of 50 meters in strong winds by a special crane weighing 500 tons.

The cathedral is decorated with golden domes; gilding was applied using galvanic technology. Its peculiarity is that gold plating is not simply applied to the surface being treated, but the molecules of the substance penetrate into the surface layer of the part being processed.

The temple is lined with stone carvings made of white Vladimir limestone. The ancient white stone cathedrals of Vladimir, Suzdal and Moscow were built from similar stone.

The building has five floors, including underground. Here are the main and small halls for services, the vestibule, and the catholicon ( middle part temple), solea, altar, choir, representative rooms.

The underground space is occupied by a spiritual and educational center, premises for servicing vestments, storing church utensils and others. The building is equipped with four elevators.

The temple has a unique font, consisting of three parts. Two of them are dry, and central part filled with water, where baptism takes place. Over the course of the year, more than 160 people were baptized here. The font is made of concrete and depicts compositions by St. Petersburg mosaic artist Igor Lavrenenko.

47 icons were painted especially for the temple, most of of them is made in Russian-Byzantine traditions. Even before applying the plaster, it was decided to use 3D mapping (from the English mapping - reflection, projection). This is a direction in audiovisual art, which is a 3D projection onto a physical object, taking into account its geometry and location in space.

Experts created a computer model of the iconography of the walls and dome. At night, with the help of projectors, the images of the saints were “illuminated” in the temple to make the originals as accurate as possible. Only after 3D mapping did the artists get to work.

Engineering communications are the pride of builders and designers. They were developed using BIM technology (Building Information Modeling, building information modeling).

In short: the temple first grew in a special computer program - 3D projection. This is not just a three-dimensional picture for carrying out structural calculations, but a single model with which specialists of all profiles, from an architect to an estimator, worked. It stored all the information about the object.

How many building materials are needed, what is the filling of the building, and most importantly, it was possible to see the problem areas of the future object at the project stage and correct them with one click of the computer mouse. The BIM model makes it possible to manage construction at all stages - from project creation to commissioning of the facility. Moreover, BIM is now used in the operation of the facility.

So, the temple was built in a 3D model, and a design for the entire wiring of utilities was created in it. There is a climate control system for the comfort of parishioners and the preservation of high-quality finishes and icons. There is underfloor heating, as well as a supply and exhaust ventilation system.

Thanks to BIM modeling, it was possible to correctly “hide” network engineering. All communications are located behind the walls and in the ceiling; special “hatches” have been provided for maintenance and repair. Under the temple there are technical rooms.

The cathedral has Wi-Fi, and the priests have microphones and tablets to control the light and sound. During services, sound can be broadcast not only to the street, but also to the Internet. Such technologies are already being implemented in Moscow. The entire cathedral is equipped with invisible columns, there are about 36 of them in the lower church alone.

Now colleagues from abroad are turning to the Sretensky Monastery for help in implementing the same system. Our specialists have already made sound equipment in churches in San Francisco and Munich.

Leading Moscow companies, the general designer “Design Workshop “Tochka Sborki”, main architector and the author of the temple concept Dmitry Smirnov, technical customer of Ekspertinzhstroy LLC, general contractor of Mostotrest PJSC.

In the Sretensky Monastery of Moscow, on Lubyanka, the Church of the Resurrection of Christ and the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church was consecrated.

The Sretensky Monastery was revived in 1993. At that time, on the territory of the monastery, the brethren still found the remains of those killed - they were collected and buried at the site of the more recent (precisely before 1949, but possibly later) executions, on the right at the entrance to the current monastery. In 1995, with the blessing and participation of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, a Worship Cross was installed over the remains of the sufferers. Hieromonk Cleopas (Danelyan), a resident of the monastery, says that in our time they even tried to desecrate the shrine by writing some kind of abuse in black paint, as if the martyrs did not accept the mockery here enough and someone was impatient to mock them some more.

In 1999, the monastery found its now holy abbot, who before the revolution headed the monastery of Hieromartyr Hilarion (Troitsky), Archbishop of Verei. Then his relics were transported from the Resurrection Novodevichy Convent in St. Petersburg, in whose cemetery the saint was laid to rest. He died in the Leningrad prison "Kresty" while being transferred from Solovetsky camp to Kazakhstan.

Prisoners, driven from one transit prison to another, were kept in such conditions that a typhus epidemic broke out. The Bishop was robbed on the way, he was left in nothing but rags, infested with insects. (Those who survived this and survived said that clothes could become simply heavy from so many lice.) In a fever, he was thrown into the Krestov cell. A day later, the seriously ill archpastor-prisoner was sent to the hospital, where he was forced, pushed by guards, to walk.

A few days later he died there. In his delirium, the bishop said: “Now I am completely free...” The doctor, who was nearby to ascertain death, later testified that, while dying, the bishop thanked God, rejoicing at the speedy meeting with Him.

When the Leningrad Metropolitan Seraphim (Chichagov), himself a future hieromartyr, ensured that the body of the bishop was handed over for burial, those who came for the body did not recognize Bishop Hilarion. He was only 43 years old, but from a strong, full of strength, exquisitely handsome man, he turned into an emaciated old man, and on the eve of his death he was shaved. One of the relatives of the deceased, seeing him in the coffin, fainted.

Glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia as new martyrs back in 1981, during the transfer of the relics to the Sretensky Monastery in Moscow, Hieromartyr Hilarion was glorified as a locally revered saint, and already in 2000, at the anniversary Council of Bishops on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, he was numbered among the host of holy new martyrs and confessors Russian Church for general church veneration.

On the feast of the Ascension of Christ this year, the relics of the Hieromartyr Hilarion were solemnly procession along many hundreds of banners with the faces of the same sufferers, now crowned by the Lord with eternal glory, were transferred to the new Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ and the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church.

“In this place of suffering,” he said at the consecration His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and all Rus' Kirill, - a temple is being erected, dedicated not to martyrdom, not to death, but to the Resurrection of Christ, - as a symbol of the fact that demons have fallen, and no devilish power predetermining human destiny, does not exist because the power of God stronger than strength diabolical."
Which, of course, is still rearing up, trying its best to interfere, quarrel, incite...

How it was necessary to pray to the power of Christ: “May God rise again...”

Now it is simply obvious to everyone that this place was definitely waiting to raise a temple. How undoubted is the will of God for this white-stone triumph, which reveals its evidence with such frankness... In the FSB quarter, in the very center of Moscow, where there is not even a piece of land not crammed with communications, suddenly there is a patch free from their dominance - you can dig a pit... But before that there is a lot of approvals. Without the Providence of God, such a temple would not have been built here in three years, which required maximum concentration of forces and workers.

When construction had just begun, it was assumed that this would be the Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors on Blood, on Lubyanka. But Easter joy overcame the pain! And the cathedral turned out to match: bright and peaceful.

IN color scheme the decoration is suddenly dominated by green - this is the most otherworldly color! The new martyrs are definitely returning to this world, from which they were so arrogantly and, as it seemed to the executioners, expelled forever. This is the same green that became a kind of signature color for the Sretensky Monastery after the release of the bestseller “Unholy Saints” and the subsequent “green series” of books.

The work on the temple generally crowned the prospect of a number of projects that began with the creation at the very end of 2010 of the Patriarchal Council for Culture, the chairman of which is now Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) of Yegoryevsk. This included the release in 2011 of the already mentioned book “Unholy Saints”, all proceeds from the sale of millions of copies of which went to the construction of the temple, and the launch of the series of exhibitions “Russia. My History,” the prolegomena of which was in the same year 2011, the summing up of the 20th anniversary of the revival of the Russian Orthodox Church with the construction of a corridor in memory of the New Martyrs and Confessors. Then it was a dark tunnel with red reflections and sometimes ominous newsreel footage...

Now, huge windows along the entire perimeter of the walls of the tallest white-clad carved Vladimir limestone church orchestrate the play of light inside, reverently glinting on the textured frescoes of the new martyrs, comparable to the plots of the gospel history drawn right there. And at sunset, those gathered for evening service They wait with bated breath for the last ray of the sun to shine, highlighting the center of the temple - the cross above the single-tier iconostasis, according to the Byzantine tradition.

This majestic cathedral contains many replicas from Hagia Sophia of Constantinople - in particular, the step that raises the spade to the Altar above the floor level of the entire altar and centers the lower temple of St. John the Baptist and the 12 Apostles baptistery, reproducing the ancient type of baptistery with three descents: for the priest performing sacrament, the baptized person and his godparents.

This is one of the mysteries of this impressive space, rebuilt exactly for the 100th anniversary of the Russian disaster.

By the way, the first liturgy was served on the porch of the church in the open air on the day of the 100th anniversary of the forced abdication of Tsar Nicholas II from the throne and the appearance Sovereign icons Mother of God March 15th.

What is this Russian lesson? Viewers will soon be treated to the premiere of the episode of the same name, “The Fall of an Empire... A Lesson,” based on the recent history of Russia.

Although the temple itself already foreshadows the Resurrection.

What does it mean to accept Baptism where the new martyrs took a terrible test of the strength and steadfastness of faith - and passed it? How did they read the Creed here? Surely this comparison will lead some of those who read out these codes with their confession to the narrow and cross path, which is the life of every Christian at any time. What a responsibility to accept the Sacrament of Baptism here, but also what a guarantee of hope!

Will we be able to forgive and love as much as the new martyrs and confessors of the Russian Church reminded us in the image of Christ, praying for their tormentors, blessing the executioners before execution...

Of course, the descendants of both those who suffered and those who abused those who were killed will be baptized here, since our entire country inherits either one or the other, and often both together. This temple is called the Temple of Reconciliation.

“It is deeply symbolic that new temple consecrated in the year of the 100th anniversary of the February and October revolutions, which became Starting point for many of the most difficult trials that our country had to go through in the 20th century,” said head of state Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin at the consecration of the temple. “We know how fragile civil peace is... Therefore, our common duty is to do everything in our power to preserve the unity of the Russian nation.”

The consecration of the temple on the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord on May 25 this year also marked the 10th anniversary of the reunion of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and the Moscow Patriarchate. “The restoration of unity,” the president noted, “has become and remains an event of great moral significance, a symbol and example of the fact that the history of our country, its past can and should not divide, but unite us all.”

“The Church of the New Martyrs, built on Lubyanka, does not signify eternal sorrow and reproach to the Soviet past, but the triumph of Christ and His disciples over the forces of evil and death,” comments the abbot of the Sretensky Monastery, Bishop Tikhon of Yegorievsky, on the result of the work.

This is the jubilant power of Light into which everyone is called to enter. Many are called (Matt. 22:14).

Here in the new temple it’s hard not to repent: “I see Your palace, my Savior, adorned, and neither the Imam’s clothes nor I go into it...”

Among the new martyrs and confessors, whose robes are made white (Rev. 7:14), the uncleanness of one’s soul is especially obvious...

It was this reconciling resource of repentance, taught to us in the experience of the new martyrs, as was repeatedly noted by representatives of the foreign delegation that arrived for the celebration and consecration of the cathedral, led by Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, that made this unification possible in its time.

Archbishop Mark of Berlin and West Germany, who more than 35 years ago built the world’s first church consecrated in memory of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church, who took part in the consecration of the cathedral, - cathedral in Munich, never tires of repeating that the veneration of the new martyrs is the most precious thing that is and can be in the life of each of us.

Hence the splendor of the temple, which makes the soul tremble. Seemingly huge, rising above the gray quarter with golden domes and crosses sparkling in the sun with apocalyptic script, and inside... “They built a small temple again!” - someone was surprised that there was no crowd inside, as in the old small cathedral, and, throwing his head back at the frescoes of the Lord Jesus Christ and His disciples-new martyrs under the dome, he gasped: “We thought they were dead, but they are looking at us! They are praying for us!”

Olga Orlova
Photo by S. Vlasov, O. Varov (, A. Goryainov (

November 26th, 2017 , 10:05 pm

Behind the white stone wall rise the golden domes of the majestic temple. Rare rays of the autumn sun glide across the crosses crowning the domes. As soon as you enter through the slightly open gate and take a few steps around the territory of the monastery, you begin to feel the heart-filling joy of the contemplated beauty and contact with silence. A few kilometers from the Kremlin is located a rather small in area, but at the same time one of the largest brethren of Moscow monasteries - Sretensky stauropegial monastery. Within its walls, inhabitants and pilgrims glorify the Name of the Lord our God day and night and pray for the whole world.

Now in this secluded spiritual oasis in the middle of a noisy, bustling metropolis, nothing reminds of tragic events beginning of the 20th century. Decades of godlessness, madness and hatred have left a bleeding wound on the body of our country that has not healed to this day. Next to the monastery wall is the same building on Lubyanka, for a long time Random thoughts about which caused many to break out in a cold sweat. Thousands of death sentences were passed in his offices. Among the victims of repression were the inhabitants of the modest monastery.

After the monastery was closed in 1925, most of the monastery buildings were destroyed, including one of the oldest churches in the capital - the temple in honor of Mary of Egypt. The NKVD dormitory settled in the surviving premises. Executions were carried out on the territory adjacent to the buildings of the country's main Cheka. In 2011, at a sermon dedicated to the Week of the Publican and the Pharisee, Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) called the plot of monastic land soaked in the blood of the holy martyrs “the antimension, that blessed platform on which Divine Liturgy in the temple." In 1995, in memory of the victims of the atheistic authorities, a worship cross was installed at the entrance to the monastery.

Nowadays, prayer chants are heard again in the churches of the Sretensky Monastery, the Name of the Most High is glorified, and faith gradually revives our hearts. The monastery is rapidly being revived: a new church has already been built and consecrated, a publishing house and a literary cafe operate at the monastery, and missionary activity is actively carried out.

It has been operating at the Sretensky Monastery since 1999. religious school. In 2002, it was transformed into Sretensky Theological Seminary. The rector of the seminary is Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) of Yegoryevsk, vicar of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', abbot of the Moscow Sretensky Monastery. Currently, more than 200 students are studying at Sretensky Seminary to preach the Word of God throughout the world.

The young men spend their first year of study in a monastery near Ryazan. Everything there is arranged for a full-fledged educational process: the course has its own confessor, teachers come from Moscow to the students. At the same time, the first year spent away from the usual metropolitan life helps students establish themselves in their chosen path. From the second year, seminarians continue their studies in the Moscow building. Here they not only study, but also perform some obediences and participate in many projects of the monastery.

Within the walls of the seminary, the famous choir of the Sretensky Monastery was formed, which sings at services in the monastery, and also participates in many concerts and festivals.

During the excursion, which was organized and conducted for us by Yulia rijaya_koshka and employee pilgrimage service of the Sretensky Monastery Maria, our group was blessed to visit the educational building. At the entrance we were greeted by a fresco in which the Angel of the Lord leads a man by the hand. Thus, the All-Merciful Lord extends His hand to each of His children. And only man himself, self-willed like a capricious and disobedient child, snatches his palm from the Father’s hand, and then, lost, weeps bitterly far from his Parent.

6. In the theological seminary

As soon as we crossed the threshold of the seminary, we immediately felt as if we had entered a temple. Subdued soft light, on the walls are the faces of saints. The central place is occupied by the fresco “Jesus Christ and His Disciples”. On both sides of the Savior are depicted devotees of piety from different times. An interactive display is installed nearby, on which students of the seminary can learn about the saints depicted in the fresco and read important news from the monastery.

7. In the theological seminary







14. Meeting of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church 1917-1918.

The last time I was in the Sretensky Monastery, military operations were in full swing on its territory. construction works. The new temple was then hidden behind a fence. And thanks to Yulia’s invitation, the opportunity arose to visit the recently consecrated church in honor of the Resurrection of Christ and the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church.

Already from afar, the cathedral amazes with its splendor. With its solemn appearance, it recalls the Savior’s Victory over death and the greatness of the feat of the Soldiers of Christ, who suffered for their faith in the atheistic years. Not all the work in the temple has been completed, so we were only able to visit a small area specially prepared for the group and venerate the honest relics of Bishop Hilarion. But even a brief acquaintance made a strong impression.

The need to build a new, large church in the Sretensky Monastery has been felt for a long time. The only cathedral in the monastery that survived the hard times on special days church holidays could not accommodate all the believers, and many had to listen to the service while standing on the street. With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', a competition was held in 2012 design work. 48 sketches were submitted to the jury for consideration, from which the project was selected, in the best possible way reflecting the idea of ​​the triumph of the spiritual victory of the new martyrs and confessors of Russia and solving all the technical tasks set by the customer. In 2014, construction work began at the Sretensky Monastery, and in May 2017, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill consecrated the new temple.

The walls of the cathedral, decorated with carved patterns from white Vladimir limestone, are reminiscent of the ancient temples of the Vladimir land. Looking at the bizarre ornaments, images of the Churches of the Intercession come to mind Holy Mother of God on the Nerl, Demetrius of Thessalonica in Vladimir, St. George's Cathedral in Yuryev-Polsky.

The upper church is consecrated in honor of the Resurrection of Christ and the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church, and the lower one in honor of St. John the Baptist and the twelve apostles. In the Church of St. John the Baptist there is a baptistery, that is, a baptismal font. When our group entered the cathedral, the Sacrament of Baptism was being performed there. We tried not to interfere and limited ourselves to studying the frescoes with biblical scenes in the narthex.

Parable of those invited to the wedding feast:
“...Jesus, continuing to speak to them in parables, said: The kingdom of heaven is like a king, who held a wedding feast for his son and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding feast; and didn't want to come. Again he sent other slaves, saying: Tell those who are invited: behold, I have prepared my dinner, my bullocks and what is fattened, slaughtered, and everything is ready; come to the wedding feast. But they, neglecting this, went, some to their field, and some to their trade; The others, seizing his slaves, insulted and killed them. Hearing about this, the king became angry, and, sending his troops, destroyed their killers and burned their city. Then he says to his servants: The wedding feast is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy; So go to the crossroads and invite everyone you find to the wedding feast. And those slaves, going out onto the roads, gathered everyone they found, both evil and good; and the wedding feast was filled with those reclining. The king, entering to look at those reclining, saw a man there, not dressed in wedding clothes, and said to him: friend! How did you come here not wearing wedding clothes? He was silent. Then the king said to the servants: Having tied his hands and feet, take him and throw him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth; For many are called, but few are chosen.” [Matt. 22, 1-14]


Parable of the Good Samaritan:
“... And behold, one lawyer stood up and, tempting Him, said: Teacher! What must I do to inherit eternal life?
He said to him, “What is written in the law?” how do you read?
He answered and said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself.
Jesus said to him: You answered correctly; do this and you will live.
But he, wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus: who is my neighbor?
To this Jesus said: a certain man was going from Jerusalem to Jericho and was caught by robbers, who took off his clothes, wounded him and left, leaving him barely alive. By chance, a priest was walking along that road and, seeing him, passed by. Likewise, the Levite, being at that place, came up, looked and passed by. A Samaritan, passing by, found him and, seeing him, took pity and, coming up, bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine; and, setting him on his donkey, brought him to the inn and took care of him; and the next day, as he was leaving, he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper and said to him: take care of him; and if you spend anything more, when I return, I will give it back to you. Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the one who fell among the robbers?
He said: He showed him mercy. Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.” [OK. 10, 25-37]

Parable of the Sower:
“And Jesus went out from home that day and sat down by the sea. And a great multitude gathered unto Him, so that He entered into a boat, and sat down; and all the people stood on the shore. And he taught them many parables, saying: Behold, a sower went out to sow; and as he sowed, some fell by the road, and birds came and devoured them; some fell on rocky places where there was little soil, and soon sprang up because the soil was shallow. When the sun rose, it withered and, as if it had no root, withered away; some fell among the thorns, and the thorns grew and choked it; some fell on good soil and bore fruit: one a hundredfold, and another sixty, and another thirty. He who has ears to hear, let him hear! [Matt. 13, 1-9]
<...>To everyone who hears the word about the Kingdom and does not understand, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart - this is who is meant by what was sown along the way. And what was sown on rocky places means one who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; but it has no root in itself and is fickle: when tribulation or persecution comes because of the word, it is immediately tempted. And what was sown among thorns means one who hears the word, but the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. What is sown on good soil means one who hears the word and understands it, and who bears fruit, so that some bear fruit a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty.

He proposed another parable to them, saying: The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; while the people were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went away; When the greenery sprang up and the fruit appeared, then the tares also appeared.
Having come, the servants of the householder said to him: Master! did you not sow good seed in your field? where does the tares come from?
He said to them, “The enemy man has done this.” And the slaves said to him: Do you want us to go and choose them?
But he said: no - so that when you choose the tares, you do not pull up the wheat along with them, leave both to grow together until the harvest; and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather first the tares and bind them in sheaves to burn them, and put the wheat into my barn.

He proposed another parable to them, saying: The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, which, although smaller than all the seeds, when it grows, is larger than all the grains and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and take refuge. in its branches. [Matt. 13, 19-32]"

About the Pharisee and the Publican:
“...two people entered the temple to pray: one was a Pharisee, and the other was a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed to himself like this: God! I thank You that I am not like other people, robbers, offenders, adulterers, or like this publican: I fast twice a week, I give a tenth of everything I acquire. The publican, standing in the distance, did not even dare to raise his eyes to heaven; but, striking himself on the chest, he said: God! be merciful to me, a sinner! I tell you that this one went to his house justified more than the other: for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted” [Lk. 18, 10-14]


Entering the upper temple, our entire group froze for a moment with delight - it was so majestic and solemn. The gaze tried to cover the entire space and soon stopped at the fresco above the altar with the image of the Savior, surrounded by a host of holy Apostles and Saints, including the New Martyrs.








27. Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky

The venerable relics of Hieromartyr Hilarion (Trinity), Archbishop of Vereisky, previously resided in the cathedral in honor of the Presentation Vladimir icon Mother of God. Upon completion of the construction of the new church and its consecration in honor of the Resurrection of Christ and the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church, the shrine was moved to a new location. Now believers can pray at the shrine with the relics of the saint in the new cathedral.

28. Reliquary with the relics of Hieromartyr Hilarion (Trinity), Archbishop of Verei

Archbishop Hilarion (in the world Vladimir Alekseevich Troitsky) was born on September 13, 1886 in the family of a priest in the village. Lipitsa, Kashira district, Tula province. Since childhood, the boy strived for knowledge. At the age of five, Volodya, imitating Mikhail Lomonosov, decided to go to Moscow with his three-year-old brother to study. When the tired brother began to cry, Volodya told him: “Well, remain unlearned.” True, that time the youth failed to reach the capital. The parents realized it in time and returned the children home. But the thirst for learning in the future Archbishop of Verei never faded.

In 1900, Vladimir graduated from the Tula Theological School. In 1906, he completed the course at the Tula Theological Seminary with honors and entered the Moscow Theological Academy. In 1910, the young man graduated from the academy with a candidate's degree in theology and remained with it as a professorial fellow. On March 28, 1913, a very important and long-awaited event occurred in the life of Vladimir Troitsky. In the monastery of the Paraclete of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, he took monastic vows with the name Hilarion, and two months later he was ordained a hieromonk. On May 30, 1913, Hieromonk Hilarion was appointed inspector of the Moscow Theological Academy. In December 1913, Archimandrite Hilarion was confirmed as an extraordinary professor of Holy Scripture New Testament.

29. Hieromartyr Hilarion (Trinity), Archbishop of Verei

When the question of restoring the patriarchate became acute, Saint Hilarion, as a member of the Local Council of 1917-1918, spoke at the Council with inspiration in defense of the patriarchate.

With the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, persecution of the Church began, accompanied by arrests, repressions, confiscation of church valuables, desecration of shrines, barbaric destruction of churches, and cruel abuse of believers, including young children, old people and women.

First of all, the atheistic authorities brought down their wrath on the clergy and monastics. Archimandrite Hilarion was first arrested in 1919 and spent three months in Butyrka prison. After the release of Fr. Hilarion settled in Moscow with his fellow countryman and friend at the academy, priest Vladimir Strakhov. Father Vladimir served in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Listy, located on Sretenskaya Street.

In 1920, Archimandrite Hilarion was consecrated Bishop of Vereisky, vicar of the Moscow diocese. At the same time, the bishop was appointed abbot of the Moscow Sretensky Monastery.

30. Reliquary with the relics of Hieromartyr Hilarion (Trinity), Archbishop of Verei

The episcopal ministry became his Way of the Cross. On the day of his naming, Fr. Hilarion said: “Before I read books, now I must read human hearts, these wisest and often completely incomprehensible writings. Then I wrote with ink on paper, from now on I will have the grace to write the image of God in human souls. Before I taught, from now on I must lead to salvation. Previously, I could remain hidden - now you place me in the church candlestick. Previously, I could hide from people and be in blissful obscurity - from now on I must shine the light of good deeds on people. With all my soul I loved the academic life, detached from the world, elevated above the world, solitary, as if deserted. Now you are taking away the hope of returning to this desert again and completely.”

A new arrest followed in September 1921. The reason was that on the patronal feast of the Sretensky monastery, Saint Hilarion obtained from the director Tretyakov Gallery AND I. Grabar gave permission to take the miraculous Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God to the Sretensky Monastery for one day, which caused a significant gathering of believers. The saint spent some time in prison, but was soon released.

Two years after his consecration, Fr. Hilarion was again arrested and sent into exile for a year in Arkhangelsk. The authorities adopted a decree on the confiscation of church property and wanted to force Patriarch Tikhon to send the clergy a corresponding decree on the surrender of valuables. The God-fighters tried to influence His Holiness through the arrests of clergy close to him, including Bishop Hilarion.

In addition to persecution by the God-fighting authorities themselves, the Orthodox faith was subjected to another attack at the beginning of the 20th century - renovationism. A supporter of Patriarch Tikhon, Archbishop Hilarion tried with all his might to resist church schism and apostasy from the true faith. In 1923, he served an all-night vigil at the Sretensky Monastery, which was captured at that time by the renovationists. Bishop Hilarion consecrated the cathedral with a great rite, which is performed in the event of desecration of churches. By this he showed that the sin and wickedness of apostasy from the Church require special purification. Word of this immediately spread not only throughout Moscow, but throughout Russia. Renewalists in entire parishes and communities repented and returned to the bosom of the Mother Church.

In August 1923, His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon elevated Fr. Hilarion to the rank of archbishop.

The security officers who patronized the renovationists could not ask the ruler to refuse cooperation and deviate from their convictions. In December 1923, Archbishop Hilarion was sentenced to three years in prison. He was taken by stage to the Kem camp, and then to Solovki. When the archbishop saw the horror of the barracks environment and the camp food, he said: “We won’t get out of here alive.”

A meek, humble shepherd, filled with Christian love, and at the same time a fearless Warrior of Christ, Archbishop Hilarion did not leave the service of Christ in the camp, showing by his example the image of a true Christian. While on Solovki, Vladyka retained in himself all those good qualities of the soul that he acquired through exploits both before becoming a monk, and in monasticism, and in the priesthood. Those who were with him at that time witnessed his complete monastic non-covetousness, deep simplicity, genuine humility, and childish meekness. He innocently gave everything he had to those who asked, and did not care about his things and worldly goods. Vladyka Hilarion rejoiced at the thought that Solovki turned out to be a school of true virtues - non-covetousness, meekness, humility, abstinence, patience, and hard work. The saint's complacency was not selective and even extended to the Soviet regime. And he could look at her with kindly eyes. And the kind and wise pastoral word of the Bishop helped many prisoners serving their sentences with him to come to repentance.

The merciful saint did not discriminate between people of different origins and classes. He treated people from the very bottom with the same love, his fellow priests, and his guards. Once, during a storm, a boat with military commissar Sukhov was carried away at sea. The guards and prisoners on the shore were sure that the boat and the people on it were doomed to certain death. None of the camp guards dared to go to the aid of those in distress. But the bishop, having prayed and relying on God in everything, together with several prisoners, despite the storm, set out in search of the missing ship. And by God’s grace a miracle happened - in the dead of night Father Hilarion’s longboat returned with those rescued on board.

In the middle of the summer of 1925, Archbishop Hilarion was sent from Solovki to Yaroslavl prison. Here the situation was different from Solovki. In prison, the bishop enjoyed special benefits - he was allowed to receive books of spiritual content. Archbishop Hilarion immersed himself in reading patristic literature and made many thick notebooks with extracts, which, after prison censorship, he handed over to his friends for safekeeping. The saint secretly visited the prison guard, kind person, and conducted his collection of underground handwritten religious, Soviet literature and copies of all church administrative documents and correspondence of bishops.

The Gregorians repeatedly persuaded Fr. Hilarion to join the schism, but the shepherd faithful to Christ did not agree to deviate from his Teacher, which angered the atheistic authorities. In a conversation with an agent of the GPU, the saint decisively rejected his offer to receive a pardon and join the group of bishops preparing a church coup. “I would rather rot in prison, but I will not change my direction,” he said to his fellow prisoner, the renovationist “bishop” Gervasius. In the spring of 1926, Archbishop Hilarion was again returned to Solovki. The basis for this was the “disclosure” by the saint among the prisoners of the contents of his conversation with the agent.

On Solovki, with God's Help, Saint Hilarion managed to accomplish something completely unimaginable for that time and place - to serve the Easter service in the camp.

In the fall of 1929, St. Hilarion’s prison term ended, but the authorities did not want his release. In October, the holy martyr was again sentenced to three years. This time, the bishop was sentenced to deportation to Kazakhstan for three years, where he was sent in stages. On the way, the saint contracted typhus, which broke out among the prisoners. In a fever, the bishop was brought to Leningrad and placed in prison. When Fr. Hilarion ended up in the hospital in critical condition; the doctors were no longer able to help him. The doctor who was present at the death of the bishop witnessed how the saint thanked God, rejoicing at his close meeting with Him. He went to Christ with the words: “How good! Now we are far from...” This happened on December 15 (28), 1929.

Thanks to the efforts of Leningrad Metropolitan Seraphim (Chichagov), the authorities allowed the saint to be buried in accordance with his rank. Hieromartyr Hilarion (Troitsky) was buried in the cemetery of the Novodevichy Convent at the Moscow Outpost (Leningrad). In 1999, the relics of Bishop Hilarion were found and transferred to Moscow, to the Sretensky Monastery.

May 25, 2017 His Holiness Patriarch Kirill will consecrate the new Church of the Resurrection with a great ceremony Christ's and New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church in the Sretensky Monastery in Moscow.

During the consecration of the relics of the spiritual patron of the monastery and its abbot in the twenties of the holy martyr Hilarion (Troitsky) will be moved from the ancient cathedral, in which they have been located since 1999, to the new church, reports the press service of the Synodal Department for Church Relations with Society and the Media.

The relics will be placed in an ark mounted on stones brought from the Solovetsky Islands, where Hieromartyr Hilarion was imprisoned from 1924 to 1929.

The consecration of the temple will begin May 25, 2017 at 9.00, Liturgy at 10.00. The day before, May 24, an All-Night Vigil will be held in the new church (starting at 17.00).

On May 25, entrance to the temple will be organized by invitation cards. According to tradition, these will be those who took part in its creation: builders, architects, engineers, icon painters, stone and metal craftsmen, as well as other workers who spent more than three years building the temple.

A broadcast of the service and confession will be organized on the monastery square for those preparing for communion. At the end of the service, everyone will be able to tour the new temple.


The Church of the Resurrection of Christ and the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church in the Sretensky Monastery is consecrated on the 100th anniversary of the revolution in Russia. The cathedral is intended to glorify the memory of Orthodox Christians - martyrs and confessors of the twentieth century.

The decision to build the cathedral was made at a meeting of the Board of Trustees on March 3, 2011. In December 2012, an open competition was held to design a new temple. Before construction of the temple began, thorough archaeological excavations were carried out. Construction of the cathedral and reconstruction of the monastery territory began in early 2014 and took 866 working days.

The height of the temple is 61 meters. The most modern technologies were used in its construction.

The cathedral is lined with stone carvings made of white Vladimir limestone. The ancient white stone cathedrals of Vladimir, Suzdal, and Moscow were built from such stone.

The temple complex has several floors. The upper church is in honor of the Resurrection of Christ and the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church. The lower church of the new cathedral is dedicated to St. John the Baptist and the twelve apostles. In its center is the baptistery - a baptismal font, decorated with mosaics modeled on ancient Byzantine temples.

On two floors in the lower, stylobate part of the new temple, auditoriums for educational and youth centers will open. Two museums will be created at the temple: the new martyrs and the Shroud of Turin.

The total area of ​​the cathedral's frescoes is 6530 square meters. m. 47 icons were painted especially for the new temple, most of which are in Russian-Byzantine traditions.

The consecration of the new temple - the Resurrection of Christ and the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church - in the famous Sretensky Monastery became the key event of both the year of the centenary of the revolution, and, perhaps, the century itself.

As in early Christian times - “on blood”, on the site of executions for faith - a temple-monument appeared, symbolizing victory, and not sorrow. And calling for reconciliation - through suffering. And this is also an example of modern Russian temple creation of the 21st century. This temple is a “statement” of a huge number of people - about a thousand people took part in its creation. They were building God's house as it should be (according to them) today. The abbot of the Moscow Sretensky Monastery, Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) of Yegoryevsk, tells how it happened.

It seems to me that the appearance of a new church in the Sretensky Monastery showed that modern church building is becoming a free creativity. It feels like this is a bolder and freer artistic statement about God.

- Bishop Tikhon: For the Sretensky Monastery, this temple was vital in all respects. Today we have so many parishioners that a new spacious church is simply necessary.

- But there are almost no residential buildings nearby.

- Bishop Tikhon: Yes, this is the very center of the city, and there are practically no residential buildings, especially apartment buildings, here. But people come to our services from all over Moscow and the Moscow region, many pilgrims. On Sundays and holidays, many had to pray outside - in any weather. In winter it was especially difficult. Therefore, the decision to build a temple was largely dictated by pragmatics: we need a new, large and spacious temple.

Not to mention that the premises were required by educational and catechetical courses, youth association, Sunday School. And in our smallest (albeit the most populated - 50 monks and 250 seminary students) monastery in Moscow there were always not enough of them.

But pragmatics, of course, does not exhaust everything. The idea of ​​creating a temple and dedicating it to the new martyrs came to us a long time ago, almost from the beginning of the revival of the monastery. The place where the monastery stands - Bolshaya Lubyanka - is a place of imprisonment, suffering and martyrdom of many confessors, Orthodox Christians faithful to God - hierarchs, priests, laity. To build a temple glorifying their loyalty, courage, spiritual beauty and feat, to call upon their prayers for us was our most important spiritual task.

- How was the image of this temple born?

- Bishop Tikhon: It was formed from the very beginning. And it was already indicated in the technical specifications of the competition in 2011. The temple was supposed to be bright, joyful, proclaiming the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ and his disciples and followers over the forces of destruction, lies, evil and death. From the presented projects - there were about 50 of them - the project of the workshop of Dmitry Smirnov and Yuri Cooper was chosen.

The project was later implemented by the young architect Dmitry Smirnov. He creatively perceived the images and wishes we offered and professionally translated them into artistic sketches. We've remade them many times. Until we came to what we wanted - to our inner, spiritual vision of this temple. The erected temple bears little resemblance to the original project - revisions were carried out almost continuously.

I am glad that the leader of the work was not a professional architect, but a very talented artist. Of course, then the projects and sketches fell into the hands of engineers, who made their own design adjustments to them, which we could not help but take into account.

- How long did the construction last?

- Bishop Tikhon: Three years and three months. And together with the preparation of the project - about 5 years. The start of construction was preceded by archaeological work. And then architects, icon painters, fresco artists and many other masters formed a wonderful community that constantly mutually enriched each other spiritually and creatively.

- What guided you when making thousands of artistic decisions?

- Bishop Tikhon: And the icon painters, and the fresco artists, and the creators of the architectural appearance of the temple, and our wonderful foundry worker, the head of the Kolyada workshop, Yuri Kireev, turned out to be people of common tastes. Their and our aesthetic ideals were in the same vein of church art - Russian and Byzantine. At the same time, no one set themselves the task of copying anything or artificially combining these principles. We did not set any a priori tasks of this kind at all. We were simply looking in tradition for something that could serve as the basis for us to create the image we needed. We understood that everything we did would still be perceived by modern people. And they had to “translate” something, so to speak, from Byzantine or Old Russian architectural language to today’s.

The combination of these principles resulted, it seems to me, into a special harmony. We did not set ourselves the task of necessarily saying some new word. We simply proceeded from our tastes and artistic preferences... We held endless art councils almost every day. We discussed all the details, starting from door handles and ending with elements in painting.

- Who chose this amazing thing? green color and the background of the upper temple?

- Bishop Tikhon: We argued for a long time about this together with fresco artists Mikhail Leonov and Daria Shabalina at the sketch stage. And in the end, despite the fact that there were many doubters among us, we decided to settle on this color. There is still an advantage in the position of vicar of a monastery - to insist on something, taking responsibility. This is the color of joy, spring, new life.

Dmitry Smirnov, who had previously been the main artist of our expositions at the interactive historical exhibitions “Russia. My History,” gave us the opportunity to project the sketches made by Mikhail and Daria onto the walls of the newly plastered temple. And see on this giant computer projection all the shades of colors and the arrangement of figures...

- Are you criticized for your artistic decisions?

- Bishop Tikhon: It happens, and we are attentive to criticism. Unless, of course, it sounds like some unfounded statements like these: pictures were projected onto the walls of the cathedral and their contours were mechanically traced. Our artists did the work from scratch, just as church artists did three hundred, five hundred, and a thousand years ago. But we are truly grateful for the smart criticism.

There are many unexpected things in the temple. As we climb the stairs, we see quotes from the prophets and their unusual visualizations...

- Bishop Tikhon: From the very beginning, the temple was conceived as a special place where our faith would be taught. Along the stairs in the central temple there are images of prophecies. Those that have already happened and those that still need to come true. These are Old Testament prophecies about the Nativity, suffering and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, about the future of our world, humanity. Unfortunately, even Orthodox people do not know very well about them. Meanwhile, some of them (for example, the famous prophecy of the Holy Prophet Daniel) came true literally down to specific days. Our guides lead Orthodox Christians and anyone interested in the church on excursions along these stairs, which are extremely educational and interesting. Another topic for excursions is the frescoes of the new martyrs presented in the upper church, and this amazing, tragic and beautiful period itself, when people in the most terrible conditions testified to their loyalty to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Church.

There will also be excursions on the topic of the frescoes of the lower temple. This theme is God and man. Sermon on the Mount and the Last Supper, conversations of the Lord Jesus Christ with his disciples and marriage in Cana of Galilee, a conversation with Nicodemus... The guides will tell you about the meaning of these conversations, about what God expects from a person. There will also be a story about the creation of the world, as professed by the Holy Church. Why did God create the world, what were the stages of this creation, why was man created. How evil came into the world, and how a person can resist this evil.

In the lower church we also have a baptistery lined with unique mosaics - the place where future Christians are baptized. We have already held several baptisms here. And we see that special artistic symbolism adds special meanings to this great sacrament.

- Many people admire the chandeliers in the upper church. Are these serial products?

- Bishop Tikhon: No, in our church all works of applied art are completely new. We did not set ourselves the task of performing artistic casting in the Art Nouveau style. But there are undoubtedly elements of modernism in the chandeliers. And this is justified: Russian Art Nouveau marks one of the peaks of architectural and artistic creativity Russia.

Although someone else, on the contrary, finds ancient Russian or Byzantine elements in chandeliers.

- The temple has elevators, ventilation, air conditioning...

- Bishop Tikhon: Yes, and we are especially grateful to the people who were involved in the actual construction and engineering - the Mostotrest company, and many other companies - from wood carvers to air conditioning and elevator specialists. Our temple is not even two - four stories high. Elderly people and people with disabilities It's hard to climb, so we have special elevators for the disabled.

Direct speech

There is always a different sky above the monastery. Slightly tilted, tilted, as if turned towards the ground. And above the smallest in area in Moscow - Sretensky - too. The monastery is incredibly well maintained and cozy.

With a path going to the left and down, the monastery is somewhat reminiscent of the prototype that raised its governor Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, described in such detail by him in the book “Unholy Saints”.

The current governor entered the monastery through obedience.

Father John Krestyankin blessed him to agree to this monastery. Father Tikhon, who arrived at the monastery with great difficulty, was allocated one single room, and the monastery “began” in an extremely unfavorable atmosphere. The new temple of the Sretensky Monastery is also dedicated to Fr. John, who was in pre-trial detention in Lubyanka.

Among the shrines of the monastery are the relics of Hieromartyr Hilarion (Trinity), bishop, " right hand"Patriarch Tikhon, who wrote very important books about the importance of the Church, was arrested more than once and imprisoned in prisons and camps (including the famous Solovki) and died of typhus between arrests.

Those who saw him on Solovki recalled: “A young, cheerful, comprehensively educated man, an excellent church preacher, speaker and singer, a brilliant polemicist with atheists, always natural, sincere, open, wherever he appeared, he attracted everyone to him and enjoyed universal love ..."

Once, on the eve of Easter, Vladyka saved the military commissar Sukhov, who was drowning in the sea. The rescued security officer crossed himself three times and threatened the rescuer not to tell anyone about his sign of the cross: “Be silent, otherwise I’ll rot in the punishment cell...”.

Already in the 90s, the spiritual daughter of Bishop Hilarion, Lyubov Timofeevna Cheredova, came to the revived Sretensky Monastery, who courageously went into exile with him in the 20s, and then prayed to God all her life so that she could live to see the glorification of her spiritual father. "I know I won't die until I find out about this!" - she said at the age of 102. She left on the day when the decision was made to glorify him.

The monastery, of course, is full of extraordinary flock. Scientists, artists, directors, the daughter of Marshal Zhukov... Many of them are described in the famous book of the monastery governor “Unholy Saints”. But the majority, of course, ordinary people, like you and me, also loved and accepted in the monastery.

Once upon a time in Holy Saturday I received a call from the English poet and translator Julian Lonefeld. “Lena, I’m getting baptized today. With Father Tikhon, in the Sretensky Monastery. Come to the christening.”

They baptized Julian - now, in Orthodoxy, Julian - in the lower church. On the wall hung a huge illuminated copy of the Shroud of Turin - like X-ray our salvation. There were three or four of us next to Julian - his godparents and friends. The baptism was the natural result of Julian’s translation of the book “Unholy Saints” into English, which has already gone through five editions in the United States.

And this monastery and its governor, the author famous book, a hierarch with a reputation as a man-bridge between the people of the Church and people of culture, open to disputes and himself starting big discussions, able to speak the same language even with Mikhail Piotrovsky, even with the powers that be, even with ordinary people, erected a new temple.

The first model of the new temple I saw during the interview seemed to me like a decorated box, and I recklessly blurted out, “The ancients said: the length of things is vanity, only their height brings joy.” “But this is the center of Moscow, a place of historical buildings with strict height restrictions,” Bishop Tikhon reasonably noted.

However, the temple, which grew up in a monastery, still increased its height. I'm not sure if it's physical, but it's architecturally accurate. It created a visual dominant for those walking and driving, and became a beacon. And, not surprisingly, he recreated a historical landmark: the blown up bell tower of the Sretensky Monastery was approximately the same height. He calls out, he calls, he tells us something that has not yet been fully heard.

This word is about Orthodox faith. God's house of our time. Canonical and unusual, calming and surprising, made according to the latest technology and the ancient word of the saints.