Each person lives in several worlds at the same time, and this is quite obvious. During the day, he consciously chooses his path, at night, in a dream, he can be far from reality, see mysterious images, which have a variety of meanings.

What if you dream of running over a person?

Every person has had a dream at least once in his life and knows that they can be both pleasant and frightening. You can see wonderful, fantastic, bright and colorful dreams that lift your spirits for the whole day. You can also see tragic, bad, unpleasant and even frightening dreams that make you worry and nervous all day long. Therefore, when a person wakes up, he wants to find out the interpretation of the dream, to understand what the subconscious wanted to tell him by this, where to be careful and attentive.

Due to technological progress, cars are an everyday thing today. Going out into the street, a person sees hundreds of cars passing by him. Because of this, in Lately people began to have dreams related to cars more often.

These can be both good and unpleasant dreams. For example, people can see themselves driving a car, or seeing a person being hit. The second option is often frightening, and it is very interesting to find out why you dream of running over a person. In general, a car in a dream is a symbol of movement, both professional and personal.

This is rapid movement forward. Most often, if a person sees a car in a dream, regardless of the nature of the dream, then this means movement, mainly in the professional sphere.

Therefore, if a person dreams that he is driving and accidentally hits a person, then this indicates that the path he has chosen to achieve his goal is not entirely correct. Knocking over a person in a dream is a warning that you need to reconsider your priorities and change the ways of achieving your goal so as not to harm others. Also, such a dream may indicate obstacles that will stand in the way of achieving your goal. This applies to those dreams when a person himself throws himself under a car. Such a dream warns a person that he needs to be more flexible, agile and extremely careful in achieving his goals.

What does it portend?

If you deliberately knock down a person in a dream, this means that any obstacles or difficulties that arise along the way will not stop you. In this case, a person, sacrificing everything, will go towards his goal, even if he has to harm others.

This dream has another interpretation. Knocking over a person in a dream may mean that very soon you will have a chance to meet a very important and influential person who will radically change your life. It will help you take a different, more professional and better path. This speaks of new life. About a new aspiration and movement. This applies not only professional activity, but also a worldview that new acquaintances can change. If a car hits the dreamer in a dream, then real life he is disturbing someone.

It becomes an obstacle, a burden in achieving goals. This can predict conflicts, quarrels, misunderstandings in a career. In this case, a person needs to be more careful in the professional sphere, and maybe even think about changing his occupation.

A dream is another world, not a real one, but only a warning, hints from our subconscious, which can be followed or not. In any case, if you have dreams, then you need to listen to them, because the subconscious always tries to guide a person on the right path.

If in a dream you were the victim of a car collision, then this is a clear harbinger of significant changes related to your career or business. It is quite possible that your source of income will weaken somewhat, and the work itself will take a lot of time and moral strength. But if we turn to the modern dream book, then this event in a dream symbolizes imminent good news, as well as a meeting with a close friend or relative. If you miraculously manage to avoid a collision in a car, this means impending good luck and prosperity in financial matters.

According to the interpretation of the popular women's dream book: hit by a car - a warning that someone in your family is in danger. There may well be a health hazard. Seeing blood in this dream means material losses and useless troubles.

Turning to an erotic interpreter, we find a completely different interpretation, according to which becoming the culprit of a collision with a person of the opposite sex means quick love and passion.

The psychological dream book indicates that this dream may be associated with internal experiences about someone close to you. Sometimes such a dream can be a signal for a break from work or pressing problems. Try to take a vacation and relax calmly from the hustle and bustle and stress.

Why do you dream when a car hits another person?

The interpretation of such dreams depends primarily on the plot seen: who was the victim for you, how severe the accident was, whether death? So, for example, seeing a corpse (whether a person you know or not) means for you imminent difficulties with money, heart or vascular disease. Seeing the corpse of a relative means that this person will face serious health problems.

When you dream that a child is hit by a car, this indicates deception on the part of a loved one. Most likely, the person you trust the most will be the deceiver. Seeing a dead child means that you have become the culprit of someone else's grief and tears. Usually girls who date married men have such dreams.

A dream in which a friend was hit by a car means that this woman secretly envies you and suffers greatly from this. It may well be that envy is caused by your boasting and her unsettled life.

But remember, when asking yourself the question “why do you dream of being hit by a car?”, be sure to analyze your fears and experienced situations. It may well be that this is just a figment of your imagination, haunting you even during a night’s rest. So, watch your thoughts and have pleasant dreams!

Why do you dream about being hit by a car? Such a dream is very unpleasant, after it they usually wake up in a bad and anxious mood. But is it worth worrying? Let's try to figure out how favorable or unfavorable the meaning of such a dream is.

Why do you dream that you are hit by a car?

Most often, such a dream predicts events related to work, career growth. But interpretations can be different: it all depends on the details of the plot, the events that happened in the dream.

We have collected the most popular predictions, look for the right one in our list:

  1. I dreamed that you were hit by a car. This means that in real life you should expect difficulties. Obstacles will affect work matters: something will interfere with completing the started project. But it’s not you who will be to blame, but external circumstances.
  2. According to Modern dream book, a traffic accident with human casualties is dreamed of good news from old friends or distant relatives. Expect good news - you will like it
  3. If you dream that you almost fell under the wheels of a car, but dodged at the last moment, this is a favorable sign. Yours future life will proceed calmly and safely, and in soon a series of joyful events will happen
  4. The authors of some dream books believe that if you are hit by a car in a dream, it is better to refrain from active activities. Try not to leave your house in the coming days - there is a risk to your life. This is especially true for people who regularly exercise active species sports and recreation
  5. There is also an opinion that such a dream symbolizes a certain disease that the dreamer will become infected with. You will catch some kind of disease that will have to be treated long and hard, but in the end everything will end well - you will recover and be able to return to business
  6. Do you dream that a car hits not you, but another person you know well in real life? This means that this person lacks your attention. Try to surround him with care, take an interest in his affairs and offer your help

These are the most common predictions, but there are others.

Being hit by a car in a dream: what does it mean?

Here are other interpretations. Choose the ones that suit you:

  1. IN women's dream book it is indicated that if you are hit by a car in a dream, it means that in real life you experience subconscious anxiety for your loved ones. Children are especially worried. But if in the dream the accident ends without loss of life, there is no cause for concern, you can rest assured
  2. According to erotic dream book, car accident may be interpreted differently. If you were driving and hit a person, then in the near future you will meet a pleasant man with whom you will begin a romantic relationship. And this will be what is called love at first sight
  3. If a car hits you in a dream, but you remain unharmed, this also portends a passionate love story in future. You will meet your soulmate, and the relationship with this person will be filled with intense emotions and passion
  4. Psychologists believe that a dream in which you are hit by a car indicates a premonition of some danger. You suspect that something bad might happen to you. There may be reasons for this, so be vigilant, careful and attentive

Watch the video to see what else traffic accidents can cause in your dreams:

Other predictions

We looked at the most popular interpretations, which are set out in most dream books. But there are also lesser-known predictions that are also reliable. For example:

  1. If a woman was driving the car at the time of the accident, and a man has a dream, then the dreamer will have a pleasant acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex. Perhaps a relationship will begin, but you will have to try to achieve the favor of your chosen one
  2. If in a dream you are hit by a car and you attack the driver with your fists, then in real life expect a lot of tedious troubles. Some problem will arise that will have to be solved at the cost of incredible efforts
  3. If you dream that a man was driving a car, this indicates that in real life someone is plotting against the dreamer. There is some ill-wisher who is trying to ruin your life. Take a closer look at those around you and try to understand who doesn’t love you so much and why
  4. The meaning of sleep also depends on the time of day at which the traffic accident occurred:
  5. If in a dream a car hits you at night or late in the evening, while the culprit of the accident drives away and you do not have time to see his face, this is a favorable sign. The dream suggests that in real life there is a person secretly in love with you who cannot wait for your reciprocity
  6. If an accident in the kingdom of Morpheus occurs during the day or early morning, expect a serious conflict in the near future. You will have a big quarrel with a loved one, which will leave a very unpleasant aftertaste in your soul. Try to avoid scandals and showdowns
  7. If you dream that a car hits another person before your eyes, try to remember who the victim was. If this is your acquaintance from real life, then a strong and sincere friendship will soon begin between you
  8. If in a dream after an accident you feel severe pain, and there is a lot of blood around you, this is an unfavorable sign. It’s worth going to the doctor - your health is at risk. Perhaps the subconscious is signaling through sleep that a serious illness has arisen in your body
  9. If in a dream you, while driving a car, hit close friend or a relative, then in real life this person needs your help. Perhaps he will ask for a large sum of money to borrow

Dreams in which transport is present in one way or another are among the most common. Moreover, driving is often a dream for those who don’t even know how to drive. What could such dreams mean?

Correctly deciphered dreams lift the mysterious veil of the future before us, warn, instruct, encourage. It is only important to correctly interpret what you see, to remember even seemingly insignificant little things.

Dreams in which transport is present can be explained very simply: a car from a dream always represents the sleeping person, and the road along which it travels represents his life. However, details are extremely important here.

Why do you dream about driving your car, driving in a dream?

So, in a dream you are driving your car on a straight, level road. Nothing bothers you, nothing worries you, you drive confidently.

At the same time, you like the car itself, you are satisfied with everything. The weather is good, and the terrain through which you are driving is free of obstacles and piled up buildings.

This is an excellent dream, which means that everything is fine in your life: everyday life, work and personal life are arranged the way you wanted. No one is stopping you from realizing your plans and making your dreams come true. Feel free to continue moving in the chosen direction.

Driving a car in a dream is a favorable course of life

If in a dream you understand that your car problems with tires or flat tires and this prevents you from driving– in life you are far from reality, you live in your dreams, you have little communication with your relatives. Perhaps it's time to improve relationships with loved ones. Don't miss the opportunity.

If your the car in a dream has an unsightly appearance– you should be careful in business, troubles and failures are possible. Foggy, dirty, cloudy car windows, through which you can’t see the road well - you don’t want to notice the obvious, you miss important details.

If you drive an ugly car in a dream, be careful in life

Why do you dream about a truck, a fire truck, an ambulance?

See in a dream truck– you are overly busy in life. Having taken on too much, you clearly did not calculate your strength.

Fire engine, what you saw in a dream promises the beginning of a new important major project in life. Do not underestimate the importance of the upcoming task, approach it with all responsibility. Perhaps your fate will depend on its outcome.

A fire truck in a dream - to new ones large projects in life

Don't expect anything good if you appear in your dream ambulance. Notice how close this car passed you. The closer and more clearly you saw the ambulance in your dream, the more difficult it will be for you in life. Troubles and illnesses can await you at every turn.

« Ambulance"in a dream foreshadows problems in life

Why do you dream of a car in the water, a sinking car?

Yours the car ended up in the water in a dream? In life, your affairs will stall, stop. Your strength will leave you, or serious obstacles will arise along the way that will prevent you from moving on. At the same time, your emotional state will want the best.

Depression, anger, depression due to unexpected downtime in business will come at once. You will want to be alone for a while. And this will be beneficial.

Why do you dream about a man, a child, people, a dog in a car?

If in a dream you are not alone in your car, it means that in reality someone is taking an active part in your life.

Dog in the car means friends in a close circle. You can safely count on their help.

I dreamed of a dog in a car - expect to meet a friend soon

But if the dog in the car is angry and tries to bite you b - be careful, ill-wishers will soon appear in your life. If A dog in a car bites you and there is blood.- your relatives will put a spoke in your wheels.

Child sitting in a car in a dream, means new events. Small boy in the car promises troubles, girl- amazing unexpected incidents.

In a dream you saw men the one sitting in the car? Remember the details of this dream. If the man is angry and irritated- disagreements with management are likely. Friendly man in a car in a dream before a serious patron appears in life.

If a girl or unmarried woman dreams that she is going to car alone with a man- in her life she will soon be offered a marriage proposal.

Why do you dream about washing your car?

To those who are intensely dreaming washes the car, you should put things in order in reality. If you have unfinished projects or things put off “for later,” take care of them urgently.

Washing a car in a dream means you need to put things in order

Why do you dream of hitting a person with a car?

You woke up in a cold sweat, and your heart sank anxiously from an accident that happened in a dream, in which you hit a man with a car?

It was not by chance that you saw this dream. You should stop or slow down your current affairs and think carefully about everything. This may prevent you from making a serious mistake.

If the dream did not leave a heavy aftertaste or feelings of guilt, you calmly remember it - expect pleasant changes. Moreover, a person you previously did not know will miraculously change your life for the better.

If you hit a person in a dream, stop and think about what is happening in your life

Why do you dream about a burnt out or burning car or a fire?

If in a dream your the car is on fire and you are trying to put it out- coming soon favorable time to build a career. The work done will give good result, or you will be noticed at work.

Extinguishing a car in a dream means good luck in your career

The dream in which the car is on fire, and you calmly watch the fire and do nothing, warns about the possibility of making a mistake. Most likely you will fall on deaf ears valuable advice experienced knowledgeable person. Health deterioration is also possible, be careful.

Remember the car was on fire inside or outside? In the first case, the dream foreshadows emotional distress, in the second - financial difficulties.

Burnt to the ground The car dreams of problems. It doesn’t matter whether it’s your car or not, it’s you who will have problems.

Why do you dream of sitting in a car?

If in a dream you are sitting as a passenger in a car moving along the road - your life will soon change. These changes will occur due to an unexpected event, chance.

If the car you were in in the dream stood motionless- think about your behavior. Most likely, it is what prevents you from achieving what you want in life.

Sitting in a car in a dream means changes in life

Why do you dream of a car involved in an accident without casualties?

If the car you were driving in in a dream got into an accident, but there are no victims of the incident - in reality you will be disappointed in life and people. Perhaps what you have always dreamed of will no longer interest you.

If you dreamed of a car involved in an accident without casualties, expect disappointment in life and people

Why do you dream of a broken car?

If in a dream you see that your car is broken, difficulties await you in life.

If you're trying drive a broken car- your plans cannot be realized, and your dreams are not destined to come true.

If broken cars a lot of– troubles, replacing one another, will haunt you for a long time.

If you saw that The windows and mirrors in the car are broken, you need to be careful. Losses, accidents, losses are likely.

Why dream about a car being stolen or losing a car?

Car theft in a dream foreshadows troubles in reality. Moreover, problems will arise precisely in the area that is most important to you now. If you are in love, you will quarrel with your chosen one or get rejected; if you are building a career, you will stumble and make the wrong decision.

For those who are planning to make a large purchase, a dream about a car being stolen foreshadows an unsuccessful deal or the emergence of unexpected obstacles.

If your car was stolen in a dream, expect trouble

However, this dream may not carry secret meaning, but only reflect the fears and worries of the car owner about its theft. As they say: “What one fears, one dreams about.”

In a dream Have you left your car somewhere and don’t remember where exactly? Nervous shocks await you.

Why do you dream of a red, white, black, blue, green, yellow car?

Remember what color the car from your dream is:

  • red- prophesies love and passion in relationships with the opposite sex, unless it flashed past you in a dream. If a red car is racing, you will soon take a risk that will be justified by winnings, luck, and income. If the red car is very large or heavy, you have taken too much on your shoulders in life. A breakdown, flaw, or contamination of a red car in a dream means failure in business.
  • white– a quick recovery for the sick, the approach of the “white streak”, good luck. But only if the white car is new and clean. If something is wrong with a car in a dream, on the contrary, a period of disappointments and sorrows may begin, scandals and disagreements in the family are likely
  • black– sadness, illness, the onset of a “black” streak
  • blue(blue) – melancholy, depression, apathy
  • green- prophesies good luck
  • yellow– luck in business, increased income, well-being. Also warns of the likelihood of deterioration in the health of family members

If you dreamed of a green car, expect good luck

Why do you dream about buying a car, a new car?

Purchase new car pleasant not only in reality, but also in a dream. And the dream itself promises the onset of a favorable period in life. Soon your dreams will come true, you will be lucky in the lottery or get admitted profitable proposition At work.

If in a dream you are buying a used car, in reality you will have to abandon your plans, solve unexpected problems or undergo treatment.

Buying an expensive vintage car reminds you of an unforgotten old love. Perhaps you are still hoping to reconnect with your previous partner. One way or another, your past may soon come back to haunt you, and you will be glad about it.

Why do you dream about a long journey by car?

If in a dream you drive far in your car This means that a period of worries and unrest will soon begin in life. Whether they will be pleasant or not depends on the details of the dream.

Remember your feelings from the trip, the color of the car, the condition of the road you were driving on. If there were obstacles on your way or you got lost– in reality, unpleasant misunderstandings and delays in the implementation of plans are possible.

Why do you dream of someone else's car?

Someone else's car- someone else's life. In a dream you took someone's car- in reality you will interfere in your own business. If you are traveling in someone else's car as a passenger- soon you will have to work as a subordinate.

Why do you dream about a former car?

You are drawn to the past. Something or someone is preventing you from living peacefully today and now. You constantly remember, compare. It's time to understand yourself and, if the past doesn't mean that much to you, try to let it go.

If in your life you recently sold a car and now you dream about it, do not take such dreams to heart. It’s just that your subconscious has not yet let go of your recent past.

Why do you dream about an expensive car?

If you bought a too expensive car for which you did not have enough money– your dreams and desires are not realized.

If in a dream you had enough money to buy an expensive car, you will experience pleasant changes in your life and, first of all, they will concern your financial condition.

A lot of expensive cars in a dream warns that you will soon have to be in an unusual, new situation or environment, and perhaps feel “out of place.”

Why do you dream of driving in a car with dead people?

An ambiguous dream that has various interpretations. If you rode with a dead person in silence, there may be danger in your life, be careful.

If you were having a conversation uh, remember what exactly the dead man was talking about. If he asked for something, perhaps just remembering it is enough.

If from a trip with the deceased in a dream you still have pleasant feelings- in reality everything will work out well for you, your plans will come true.

Some dream books promise those who see themselves in a car with a dead person unexpected luck, winnings or a find.

Riding in a car with a dead person in a dream means danger awaits you in life

Why do you dream about being given a car?

For unmarried girl this dream is a sign. You should take a closer look at your immediate surroundings. There you will certainly find a secret admirer, and not the worst one.

For those who are married, the dream promises winning or good luck if the gift in the dream was to their liking. If in a dream you didn’t need a car, but they gave it to you anyway- in life something will be imposed on you that will not be easy to get rid of.

Why do you dream about speed in a car?

Speed ​​in sleep e – rapid development of events in reality. Try now to do as much as possible of your plans.

In your personal life, this dream promises pleasure and enjoyment gained from communicating with your loved one.

If in a dream you are rushing enormous speed and lost control– in life, be careful, think about your every step. The situation may get out of your control and begin to develop according to its own scenario, which is not beneficial to you.

Why do you dream about keys and a car wheel?

Did you dream that you can't find your car keys? In life you will need help, since you cannot solve the problems that have befallen you on your own. There may be conflicts and misunderstandings at work or school.

If you searched for a long time and found the keys, you will be able to find a way out difficult situation, but what will happen soon will be extremely unpleasant for you.

Opening a car with keys in a dream– in life you are confused in yourself, in your thoughts and feelings; close it - you will take a desperate, bold action that will determine the further course of events.

If in a dream you hide your car keys, then you will not be able to implement your plans in life soon, besides, you are hiding something and it will soon “come to light”, putting you in a bad light.

Start the car with the keys the first time - good luck and a new life await you.

Starting a car with keys in a dream means good luck and the onset of a new life.

Auto wheel– work symbol:

  • lost a wheel- there is a possibility of losing your job
  • change a tire– a favorable moment to change jobs
  • big wheels on the car– good job prospects
  • wheels on axle- love affair at work
  • spin the wheel quickly– the work ahead is easy, slow – difficult, overwhelming
  • look at the rapidly spinning wheel– favorable changes at work, provided that you keep your mouth shut
  • flat tire– troubles at work, lack of strength and energy

Why do you dream about a car exploding?

If in a dream a car exploded before your eyes- in life the wrath of ill-wishers will fall on you.

If you were thrown by a car explosion- your feelings and lifestyle will change for the worse due to slander and gossip from envious people.

Seeing a car explode in a dream - to the anger of ill-wishers

If you escaped the explosion, getting out of the car in time means you will have many difficulties, but you will be able to find a decent way out of the current situation.

You felt the explosion but didn't see it- ahead depressive state, melancholy, regret.

If you did not see or feel the explosion of the car itself, but you see its destructive result– you should reduce your ardor, stop, think about the correctness of your actions and behavior, otherwise troubles cannot be avoided.

Feeling a car explosion in a dream means melancholy and depression

Why do you dream of getting hit by a car?

In a dream get hit by a car- in reality get into trouble or dangerous situation. Deception of partners at work or betrayal of friends is possible.

If you dreamed that someone close to you was hit by a car– he will soon need your help, don’t turn away from him. If you see how car hit a stranger- you will witness an unpleasant situation in which you can provide help or support.

Being hit by a car in a dream means betraying friends

No matter how vivid and memorable a dream about a car is, it means nothing if in reality all your thoughts are occupied with buying, selling or repairing a car. Keep this in mind when trying to find a transcript of a night dream.

Video: Dream Interpretation - Why do you dream about a car?

Dream interpretation hit by a car

You woke up from a fright, the dream caused a lot of emotions and left behind a difficult impression. In a dream, you found yourself in a traffic accident or observed its consequences. We saw a wounded adult or child, a dead cat or dog. The interpretation of the dream largely depends on what role you played in the dream - the victim or the culprit.

In a dream you are hit by a car - for someone you are an obstacle to their career or professional growth. Remember the driver's face? Perhaps he is your secret rival.

Behind the wheel

A person’s experiences, his internal tension associated with driving a car, can manifest themselves in a dream. We almost ran over a cat, ran over a passerby, and felt like an unwitting killer.

Create an accident in a dream while being a driver

  • A driver hits a man and sees the attractive face of another man. Excitement and emotions overwhelm you - expect a meeting in reality that will turn your life around, fill it with passion and love.
  • If you hit a stranger - you have chosen the wrong path to achieve your goal, you need to stop and rethink your life priorities.
  • If you dream that you knock a person to death - you are a purposeful, confident person, no obstacles will prevent you from achieving your goal.
  • Why do you dream that a large animal, such as a cow, has been hit? Expect unexpected profits, if you hit a cat, you will deal with the burden of accumulated problems without much effort.
  • An unmarried man dreamed that he ran into a young girl - expect changes on the personal front. Remember her face, because perhaps this is your destiny.
  • If you dream that you are racing in a car without brakes and creating a dangerous situation on the road - you have set an excessively fast pace of life and can keep everyone and everything under your control.

Car accident victim

Why do you dream that a car hits a person? Is the victim a stranger, someone close to you, or were you the victim yourself? Depending on this, the interpretation of dreams varies greatly.

As a victim

Being hit by a car in a dream

You got hit by a car and are dying - an influential patron will help you solve your problems, even global changes in your life.

If you get hit by a car, you have become a real nuisance for someone; you should reconsider your professional priorities or even change your job.

In the dream there were no serious injuries - in reality your fears are in vain, but a preventive examination by a doctor will not hurt you.

You were almost hit by a car, at the last moment you managed to dodge from under the wheels - try also deftly in reality to avoid the blow of fate.

Another man

IN nightmare people were injured in the accident. Perhaps they are familiar to you, you have seen a loved one, daughter, mother, old man or child. If you were hit by a car:

  • Mom or dad - you worry about them, about their health.
  • Husband or wife - pay more attention to your spouse, your help and support is simply necessary.
  • Your child - worrying about the choice that your grown-up daughter has made. Do not exaggerate your demands on her chosen one and try to suppress your jealousy. If your daughter is seriously injured, then your ill-wishers will gain a temporary victory over you.
  • Someone else's child - to problems and difficulties in your personal life. Why see a child covered in blood - cause causeless anxiety, which you will project onto your relatives.
  • A good friend or friend - real threat their health is not good, but the help of friends will not hurt them.
  • A child was almost run over - a conflict is brewing between his parents.
  • A passerby was run over by a car and died - a well-established business will come to a standstill, unpleasant news will not take long to arrive.


Domestic and wild animals often die under the wheels of cars. Their death can be interpreted differently depending on the dream scenario.


Dream about an accident with animals

Why did you dream that someone hit a cat? A problem that has been causing you a lot of inconvenience will suddenly be resolved. The one who killed a cat in a dream will turn out to be your deliverer from gossip and intrigue.


If you dreamed that a dog was dying - your friend needs help and support. Did the dog survive? Thanks to you, your friend will cope with his problems. You see a dead dog on the roadway - because of omissions and little things you can lose a friend.

Cow or elk

A large dead animal symbolizes that you have financial difficulties and uncertainty about your future.

Other interpretations

Often, the meaning of a dream can come down to the fact that you saw a story about an accident on the news and took someone else’s tragedy to heart. A squashed cat or dog was spotted on the side of the road. However, if the dream was not provoked by your emotions, there are many different interpretations Why do you have such a dream?

  • Erotic dream book. Hit by a car - to a bright love affair, with long-term consequences.
  • Psychological dream book. Your concern is related to work, pay more attention to formal legal norms, think about the advisability of a business trip. If you dream that your daughter was injured in an accident, she does not need excessive care. She prevents her from improving her personal life; it’s better to try to come to terms with her choice.

Freud's dream book interprets a dream in which you were hit by a car as a desire for sexual intercourse. If you suffered in this case, you are latently worried about the health of your reproductive organs. Multiple injuries - an unreasonable fear of death has settled in your subconscious.