In pursuit of slimness, many celebrities literally torture themselves with diets and exercise in gyms. Stopping at nothing, they become like living skeletons. We bring to your attention the top most famous skinny beauties and handsome men. 10 stars will be presented, as well as the famous Kate Moss, who will be discussed below.

Famous designers: Rachel Zoe and Victoria Beckham

The hit parade is opened by TV star Rachel Zoe Project, stylist, writer and designer Rachel Zoe. Her clients include such stars as Cameron Diaz, Eva Mendes, Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Richie and Keira Knightley. She often hears reproaches against her for being too thin. The media compares her to a walking skeleton. Rachel herself claims that this is her nature and she simply cannot gain weight.

Victoria Beckham, wife famous football player, carefully monitors his figure. The mother of four children, she often resorted to various systems for weight loss to stay in shape. Her weight is always at the same level. The designer is considered the standard of style.

Lost weight due to stress: Selma Blair and Kate Bosworth

45-year-old actress Selma Blair is considered very thin. Many attribute this to a failure in his personal life - a breakup with Jason Blick, a designer. The couple was in an unregistered marriage and raised their son Arthur together. However, to date there is no confirmation that the separation was final. Selma and Jason get tied up difficult relationship, and the press writes about their separation quite often.

Kate Bosworth, an actress and fashion model, is also under attack for her thinness. The girl was forced to admit that weight loss usually occurs due to stress. So, she experienced real excitement in 2013 before her wedding to Michael Polish, the director. Today the young woman is 34, but she is still distinguished by her slim figure.

Skinny actresses who play sports: Sarah Jessica Parker and Denise Richards

The Sex and the City star is often criticized for painful thinness. The girl always attributed everything to genes. But meticulous journalists found out that Sarah Jessica Parker is regularly engaged personal trainers, including yoga. Observing the actress’s hands, which look quite pumped up, helped to come to this conclusion.

For the first time, the thinness of actress Denise Richards seemed painful to fans when she was seen by the paparazzi on a walk with her adopted daughter Eloise. The woman commented that she was simply lucky: she had been slim all her life. In fact, the actress only eats healthy foods and is actively involved in training, preferring Pilates. Denise is one of the few famous women who admitted to a lesbian relationship.

Accused of anorexia: Nicole Richie, Keira Knightley, Lara Flynn Boyle

Nicole Richie hollywood celebrity, whose fame was brought to reality television" Simple life", was not always a thin girl. Once adopted by musician Lionel Richie, the actress and fashion model was not thin either in childhood or in her youth. People first started talking about problems with an eating disorder in 2007, although Nicole always denied the presence of anorexia. However, later It turned out that the girl was suffering from hypoglycemia.

Keira Knightley has always been accused of anorexia, British actress and the star of "Pirates" Caribbean Sea". The girl fiercely fights off critics throughout for long years. The celebrity’s figure did not change after the birth of her daughter Edie from musician James Righton in 2015.

47 year old American actress, known for the films “The Practice” and “Twin Peaks,” has not only been criticized for being too thin. She is even accused of promoting anorexia. Due to frequent plastic surgery and a dramatic change in appearance, Lara Flynn Boyle's career began to decline. IN last years she is forced to act in low-budget films.

A few words about Kate Moss

The British Kate Moss is in no way inferior to those presented in the top. The model, who made her first million at the age of 20, was the highest paid celebrity on the catwalk in the early 2000s. Having a height of 168 cm, the girl managed to squeeze out the tall beauties - Claudia Schiffer, Linda Evangelista, Nadya Auerman and Naomi Campbell. Her thin figure and irregular, wide-cheeked face made her not a celestial being, but a representative ordinary girls, one of the crowd. This phenomenon was first discovered when the model represented the Calvin Klein brand and the unisex style again became popular on the catwalks.

The only man in the top

On central photo— Macaulay Culkin. This is one of the most successful actors in Hollywood, who became famous in his childhood. Having started acting at the age of four, he became famous all over the world thanks to the film Home Alone. His career could have come to an end due to heroin addiction and a suicide attempt, which the actor committed after breaking up with actress Mila Kunis. But now, to the delight of fans, Culkin began acting again, joining the film crew of the film Changeland. He also often appears in video clips and short films.

Women think about how to lose weight all year round without ceasing. Diets and fitness are especially popular during the holiday season. Some people want to lose just a couple of hated kilograms, while others need to seriously think about changing their lifestyle and diet. After all, a healthy weight is not only beautiful figure and the opportunity to show off in any outfit, and also an indicator of health.

The main problem in losing weight is insufficient motivation or its complete absence. Therefore, those losing weight regularly need to stimulate themselves. If you are also currently on a diet and actively involved in sports, you will probably be interested in looking at the achievements of other people, especially celebrities. About which celebrities, how and how much weight they lost over the course of Lately, you will find out from our top 10 celebrities who have lost weight.

10th place - Irina Pegova

More recently, the actress literally shocked everyone by appearing at an event noticeably slimmer and prettier. Irina has always been very different appetizing shapes, which allowed her to play very feminine heroines. But even today, having lost weight, she has not lost her charm.
As it turned out, the secret to losing weight is very simple. Having divorced her husband, the actress finally began to devote time to sports: running, figure skating, barre training - all the things she loved to do as a child. In addition, Irina has recently become a vegetarian. In addition to meat and fish, she also eliminated drinks such as tea and coffee from her diet. Reducing calorie intake led to rapid weight loss. Irina assures that she is not chasing a certain number on the scales, she simply enjoys the vigor and lightness that has appeared.

9th place - Anna Shulgina

Daughter famous singer Valeria from her marriage to producer Alexander Shulgin, Anna Shulgina, following her mother, is rapidly gaining popularity. Growing interest in her person and new projects forced Anna to take more care of her appearance, weight in particular. The girl always had a body, in addition, for health reasons, she had to take hormonal drugs, the effect of which only contributed to weight gain. But Anna set herself a goal - to lose weight at all costs, and achieved her goal.

She does not hide the fact that she achieved significant changes in her figure solely thanks to diligent training with a personal trainer. In addition, the girl works out daily using the popular Powerplate exercise machine. As for the singer’s current diet, she did not adhere to any special diets. Simply by replacing unhealthy foods with healthy eating.

8th place - Victoria Lopyreva

A significant part of his excess weight The famous TV presenter and model managed to get rid of it a few years ago. But she did not stop there. The process of losing weight was also delayed thanks to the extremely healthy approach to losing weight that the girl chose. All previous attempts with the help of so-called “quick” diets did not give the desired result, and over time they returned the lost kilograms with sagging.
Now Victoria is focusing on accelerating her metabolism. After all, if a person’s metabolism is not impaired, then even an extra portion of his favorite dish will never be deposited on his sides. Following this principle, she starts the morning with a glass of water, applies the system fractional meals. This approach allows you to always stay full without overeating. Moreover, she regularly exercises physical exercise, which only promotes fat burning and at the same time tones the body.

7th place - Irina Dubtsova

Another singer in our ranking of thinner stars. Like many Irina for a long time fought with overweight. Fans are already tired of tracking her ups and downs - Irina either gained weight or lost it again. It turned out that the whole point is that she has to take medications regularly, one of side effects which is weight gain. Every time Irina has to lose weight after taking a course of pills. It goes away on its own, but to keep the body in good shape, you need to exercise in the gym and eat small portions 5 or more times a day.

As they say, “There is no harm without good.” We wish the singer to recover quickly and focus her energy on maintaining physical fitness, and not on endless weight loss after undergoing therapy.

6th place - Maxim

After the birth of her second child, the singer got rid of all the extra pounds gained during pregnancy. Moreover, she became much slimmer than before giving birth. Today the performer boasts to her subscribers in in social networks a picture on the scales that show 45 kilograms! The motivation for Maxim to lose weight was the need to appear in the role of a ballerina in her video for the song “Golden Fishes,” which was released this winter. The singers had to lose an additional 8 kg to get closer to ballet standards. Well, she succeeded. Thanks to her fragile figure, she really looks like a ballerina.

To achieve such mind-blowing results, Maxim plunged headlong into sports for several months. Regular classes choreography, boxing, professional tennis, as well as adherence to a strict diet, complete rejection of sweets and junk food did their job.

5th place - Pelageya

But excessive passion for one’s appearance sometimes plays a cruel joke on stars. Their thinness begins to threaten their health. They exhaust themselves with training and do not serve best example youth. What to do about it - decide for yourself, but for now, get acquainted: the most skinny stars.

Slimness is not a vice or what explains the thinness of celebrities?

1. Meet Rachel Zoe. She is one of the most sought-after designers in the United States. 43 summer woman They call her a “walking skeleton,” but she defends herself by saying that she doesn’t like being so slim. Rachel just can't do anything about it. She has always been like this, and gaining weight for her is a whole problem that she has repeatedly, but unsuccessfully, tried to solve.

2. Victoria Beckham was included in the “worst stars” list deliberately. The British singer constantly flaunts her figure and makes a lot of efforts to maintain the title of “style icon” that she has been given. Her numerous weight loss systems and only low-calorie foods allow her to maintain the result, which she is quite happy with, although a couple of kilograms will not hurt her.

3. Gwyneth Paltrow is an adept healthy image life. She runs her own blog and describes her preferences in it, which boil down to vegetarianism, sports and proper nutrition. But if you look at appearance stars, then the question arises: “Does she eat at all?” It seems that she refused vegetarian food to get into the “worst stars” rating. Whatever you do to get people talking about you!

4. Kate Middleton also appeared in our rating. The Duchess of Cambridge is losing weight, and journalists are calling her the disappearing princess. It all started with a wedding, but he looked beautiful at it. Now she loses her grams every day. It's time to stop to avoid health problems.

5. Keira Knightley’s thinness gives birth to entire legends in Hollywood. There are rumors that she suffers from anorexia, but the star herself denies these facts.
She talks about the heredity that was passed on to her from her father. The star leads a normal lifestyle, excluding any diets, and believes that her health is fine. One could believe her, but she still ends up on the “worst stars” list.

6. Tennis player Anna Kournikova has recently become the center of attention. Her success in sports was overshadowed by her dubious slimness. They say that the girl was overcome by anorexia and an eating disorder. Anna refutes this and says that she is thin by nature. She used to look different due to sports training because she spent a lot of time on the court. Now they are not so intense, so she maintains her figure by eating apples and drinking plenty of water. But you can’t hide the facts, and Anna became completely different.

7. The reason for Angelina Jolie's sudden weight loss is stress after the death of her mother. Famous actress faints, but still refuses to eat, especially during filming. It is unlikely that her shape will excite the appetite of those around her. But this does not bother the actress, because she knows how to hide her emaciated figure. It is becoming increasingly difficult to do this, and closed dresses do not help.

8. The Hilton sisters were also included in the rating of the thinnest stars. Their idea to weigh no more than 50 kg was followed by concrete action. Over time, parting with extra pounds turned into an obsession and a drastic change in appearance. It seems like the sisters are obsessed with this. But they have a different opinion. Girls consider their appearance attractive.

9. Kate Moss is known for her passion for scandalous statements. One of them is her illness. The girl admitted that she suffered from anorexia. She chose a strange method of treatment: with the help of drugs. But now he has overcome cocaine addiction, he feels fine, but is still on the list.

10. Actress Kate Bosworth is 165 cm tall, but she weighs only 48 kg. She is considered anorexic, and this happened after breaking up with her lover Orlando Bloom. Then the girl got hooked on pills, but she still hasn’t managed to gain weight. Love played a cruel joke and provided a place in the ranking of the worst stars in the world.

Our rating of skinny women is 10 celebrities. But, in fact, there are much more of them. They approach the problem differently. If we consider making oneself thin as a way to attract the attention of the public, then this is not the best option. Read thanks to the fact that I lost and gained weight several times.

But it is impossible to explain the general and craze of celebrities for slimness in this way. Apart from a threat to health, it brings nothing.

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These men are exceptions to all the rules. Nature has rewarded them with an appearance that is far from the accepted standards of beauty, but despite this, they are damn attractive and charismatic.

website I have to warn you that you may be swept away by the flood powerful energy, be careful.

Danny Trejo

Every Trejo hero is a simple Mexican guy with the intelligence of a stool. But how cool he is, it’s crazy! Tattoos, motorcycles, machetes - that's all. He’s like that in life too, that’s the beauty of it.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Curly blond curls, large almond-shaped eyes, an elongated head, a disarming smile and a royal stature allow him to transform into any heroes and attract the attention of others in any society.

Javier Bardem

This sultry Spaniard is a real heartthrob. He drove thousands of women crazy, despite his rough features and big nose. Javier looks like a real brutalist, an uncouth macho and an insidious seducer, but in reality he is a decent family man and raises two children - a son and a daughter.

Serge Gainsbourg

Four marriages, many mistresses and an incredible number of fans. How? Probably thanks to his charisma, which made and still makes you fall in love with him, despite his specific appearance.

Mick Jagger

Despite (or thanks to!) strange appearance and bizarre movements, Jagger exudes a special aura that captivates both women and men.

Adrien Brody

Adrien Brody's distinctive appearance and natural charm served him well on his path to success. He is called an intellectual actor, considered strange and arrogant, some people find him unpleasant, others admire the scale of his acting capabilities. But one thing is clear: he does not know indifferent attitude towards himself, including from women.

Adriano Celentano

Large teeth, a wrinkled forehead, a heavy gaze - unlike Alain Delon, he does not have classic male beauty. But despite this, Celentano, with the help of his talent, was able to become a real embodiment of masculinity and sexuality. Who will challenge?

Gerard Depardieu

Depardieu's appearance, in fact, is far from the one that should drive the fair sex crazy. Nevertheless, they were always next to him beautiful women. French charm is merciless!

Vincent Cassel

A thin face, a hooked nose and bulging eyes - such an appearance should repel, but in fact, on the contrary, it attracts and drives girls crazy. His long-term marriage to Monica Bellucci is the main proof of the undeniable sexuality of the French actor. In films, he often plays villains: sexy, smart and powerful.

Yury Nikulin

“I always knew I was ugly. Worm is fainting. Thin, long and stooped...” - the actor recalled how they made fun of him in the army. It was then that I realized: if he started to reflect on his appearance, he would be ridiculed for the rest of his life. And he chose the only correct tactic - to laugh at himself along with everyone else. It was self-irony and boundless charm that helped him achieve the love of millions.

Willem Dafoe

Thanks to his demonic appearance, for most film lovers Defoe was and remains best performer strange roles: characters with an unstable psyche, normal people, falling into crazy circumstances, and just villains. Unusual appearance The actor is the result of a mixture of different bloods: English, Scottish, Irish, German, Swiss and French.

Christopher Walken

Christopher Walken has a unique gift for making audiences feel uncomfortable, and his face plays a key role in this. His eyes always seem to be wide open, as if he is always trying to make you feel uncomfortable under his gaze.

Mickey Rourke

Once upon a time, trees were big, ice cream was delicious, and Mickey Rourke was so handsome that you couldn’t take your eyes off. Since then, everything has changed dramatically. But I’m glad that there are still things in the world that do not change: Mickey’s charisma, for example. Who cares what he looks like? He's beautiful - period.

Anna Mikhalkova, who has always been a charming chick, managed to truly surprise her fans. One fine day, the actress just came out having lost 10 kg! And even after the birth of my third child. All that remains is to applaud!

Polina Gagarina

Polina Gagarina, whose fragility and thinness have already become her calling card, was also not always so slender. At the beginning of her career, Polina was far from skinny, and she managed to lose as much as 40 kg thanks to a special diet, which Gagarina herself readily talks about.


Svetlana Hodchenkova

The beauty evolution of Svetlana Khodchenkova is truly impressive, because the actress has lost almost 20 kg, and in the film “Bless the Woman” she is completely unrecognizable. In the image of a buxom beauty, Svetlana was also attractive, but for the sake of work she decided to be closer to accepted standards.

Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia Borodina on her Instagram often boasts of her pumped up abs and physical fitness. The TV presenter really has something to be proud of, because being slim is not a gift from nature, but solely her merit. Ksenia experimented with many diets until she finally came to the most correct system - healthly food plus fitness.

Alla Pugacheva

During her long career, the Diva lost weight and gained weight more than once, but at the last “New Wave” competition, Alla Pugacheva was able to truly surprise - the singer is slimmer than ever!

Svetlana Permyakova

Svetlana Permyakova looked very organic in the role of the plump, gossipy nurse from the TV series “Interns,” but she also decided to lose a little weight. Svetlana lost extra pounds after the birth of her daughter - by her own admission, the actress simply began to move more.

Rosa Syabitova

Roza Syabitova's changes were perhaps the most impressive. In three months, the host of the “Let's Get Married!” program I lost 10 kg and also had breast augmentation surgery. Now the matchmaker does not hide the fact that she feels much more confident and feminine.

Irina Pegova

Actress Irina Pegova has always been distinguished by her feminine, rounded shape, but it was difficult to call her plump. Nevertheless, she succumbed to this trend and decided to lose weight. Irina says that she became a vegetarian and gave up fatty foods and sweets. It worked!

Dana Borisova

Dana Borisova made a real show of her weight loss - she told everyone how she lost 30 kg, and also acquired a “new” lush bust. Dana's shape is truly impressive - from a plump woman she has turned into a sexy Barbie who can afford the skimpiest bikini.

Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak began having problems with excess weight after the birth of her child, but the singer did not lose her head, pulled herself together and lost 15 kg! Anya’s secret is simple: work, work and work again. Ani was very active in sports and dancing, which, of course, is noticeable in her toned figure.

Ekaterina Skulkina

It would seem that being overweight did not bother Comedy Woman star Ekaterina Skulkina at all. On the contrary, weight was an integral part of her comic images. However, Catherine herself was tired of the image of a plump woman - the actress decided to radically change her image and lost 15 kg. We can’t help but notice that now Skulkina really looks great!