Our library honors the memory every year and holds an information day every year. To this bright day in reading room An exhibition dedicated to the intersettlement library was organized: “The Greatness of the Feat of the Soviet People.”

The exhibition features a selection of literature reflecting the events of the Great Patriotic War. Unique publications are on display: “June 22. Black Day of the Calendar", "Rising from the Ashes", "Feat of the People", "Hero Cities". Readers were offered books about the Battle of Stalingrad, the defense of Moscow, and the exploits of the partisans. At the exhibition, one could get acquainted with the unique collection “Courage Creating Victory,” which tells about the courage and bravery of those who fought at the fronts and in the rear. This collection was created by library workers; it contains poems by participants in the regional competition “Courage Making History,” which was held on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the victory. A place of honor at the exhibition was occupied by the historical reference book “The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945,” which contains memories, essays, letters, documents, and photographs.

The subscription included a book exhibition “Forties, Fatal, Military and Frontline” dedicated to the 67th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. It presented works of art dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, literature about the military and labor exploits of people at the front and in the rear.

And also an exhibition of faces: “Victory is immortal - its soldiers are immortal.” At which information was presented about veterans - fellow countrymen, about Chistoyozersky residents who, without sparing themselves, forged the long-awaited victory.

The fateful victory of the Russian people has always inspired artists of different genres and directions. The interactive exhibition “They Talk About the Feat of the Canvas” featured works by Russian painters and illustrators dedicated to this significant event.

There was also a video cruise: “Chronicles of the Second World War - works of painters.” Where you could not only admire the paintings, but also learn about the artist who created this masterpiece.

All those who attended the information day were given a memorial leaflet: “On May 9, the memory of the dead is a legacy to the living” and a recommended list of literature: “Sacred Pages of War.” “Memory of Burning Years”, under this name, a historical evening dedicated to the chronology of the Second World War was held.

Videos were shown, so those present in the hall were able to remember and learn about the main events and decisive battles in the Second World War. It is not for nothing that the Patriotic War is called the Great War. Her greatness lies in her feat Soviet soldiers and officers who fought for their homeland. All literature, poetry and prose dedicated to the Great Patriotic War narrates, inspires and calls our people to heroism, to Victory.

Readers who attended the information day were able to find out the names of those who fought for the Motherland, see examples of perseverance, courage and unbending will of ordinary soldiers and officers who were able to bring the bright Victory Day closer.

March 19 in the children's library-branch No. 1 named after. A.S. Pushkin was held information day “Come into a green house, you will see miracles in it”.

Information day plan:

  1. Library quilt “Why are we friends with the forest, why do people need it?”
  2. Book exhibition-vernissage " Enchanting music forests"
  3. Conversation at the book exhibition “Journey to forests and forest wonders”
  4. Riddle game “On the forest paths”

Throughout the day, all library visitors got acquainted with literature about the forest and reproductions of paintings by famous artists presented at the book exhibition-vernissage “Enchanting Music of the Forests.” During the conversations at the book exhibition “Journey to the Forests and Forest Wonders” children learned that forests occupy 31% of the entire surface of the planet, head. library L.Yu. Potanina talked about the importance of forests in human life. The conversation was about why we should protect and preserve the forest, about the rules of behavior in the forest.

Riddle game “On forest paths”
took place in several rounds. Students of the 4th grade of the NOU Orthodox Gymnasium “St. Tikhon of Zadonsk." Librarians Taravkova E.I. conducted it with the children. and Queen E.S.

The first round was held near the book exhibition “Flower Tales”. Quiz " fairy flower» asked the children questions (on the petals of fairy-tale flowers) about fairy tales about flowers. For example, “In what fairy tale did the petals of an amazing flower help a girl fulfill all her wishes?” (“The seven-flowered flower” by V. Kataev)

The second round was Game "Bird Trills". Children were asked to guess riddles about birds, which were placed on paper birds. For example, “Together with this black bird, spring is knocking on our window. Hide your winter clothes! Who is jumping across the arable land? (Rook).

"Riddles from the basket"
- third round of the game. The questions were written on images of animals, tree leaves, and mushrooms. Each child, choosing a certain picture, understood what the riddle would be about. Questions from the mushrooms were made about mushrooms, questions from the leaves - about plants, from pictures of animals - about forest animals. For example, “Here is someone important with a little white leg. He has a red hat, with polka dots on his hat” (Amanita); “Snoring can be heard from the den - the owner, the clubfoot, is sleeping. The whole area is covered in snow, but he feels warm in his sleep” (Bear).

The final round of the game was competition “Recognize by smell”. The children were offered jars of herbs, from which they had to choose forest herbs. Adults also took part in this tour with pleasure.

On this day, the library was decorated in the shape of a forest. Everywhere visitors were greeted by leaves, cones, acorns, butterflies, birds and flowers. This created a certain mood. There were bird trills, insect sounds and just a pleasant melody “A Walk in the Forest”.

At the end of the event, the children answered the question quilt “Why are we friends with the forest, why do people need it?” and attached paper stickers to a poster that was placed in the library lobby. The children's answers were very competent and serious. Each child was imbued with a sense of responsibility for preserving the forest.

Answering the quilt's question, the guys wrote that “we need the forest because it is called the lungs of our planet”, “we take care of the forest in order to breathe”, “the forest heals us, gives us fresh air“,” “the forest is needed so that animals can live,” “to know the habits of birds,” “because there is pleasant air there and you can breathe fresh, non-city air,” “...if you cut it down, there will be no nature,” “gives us healing herbs", "nature gives us tasty and healthy herbs, and if we spoil them, then no one will survive", "the forest purifies the air, feeds and heals us", "the forest gives us paper. Houses, dishes, furniture are made from wood”, “in the forest you can take a break from the heat and bustle”, “you can’t make noise in the forest, start fires, scatter garbage”, “we need the forest for air, for beauty, for a break from the city, for living knowledge and inanimate nature", "so that we can walk in the clean air."

Library users can obtain additional information about the forest from the books included in recommended list of literature for children “You can touch nature only with your heart.”

The music of Chichkov's Scherzo sounds. Children dressed as animals and insects run into the hall. A musical composition is being performed. Children depict animals, birds, insects. The composition ends with a free construction.

Reb. There are miracles in this world

Blooms like a poppy in the distance

On your blue planet

Children celebrate Earth Day!

Reb. There is one garden planet,

In this cold space

Only here the forests are noisy,

Birds, calling migratory

Only on her alone will you see

Lilies of the valley in the green grass

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Reb. Nature has vibrant colors,

Millions of radiant inflorescences

What are miracles from fairy tales for?

If you can meet them in life?

Reb. We are not guests on the planet

And the earth is our home,

It will be light and clean,

If we save:

AND clear lakes, and cedar forest,

And patterns of colored fields and river space.

Reb. Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world

Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it

We won’t let anyone offend her.

Reb. Let's take care of birds, insects, animals

This will only make us kinder,

Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens and flowers

All. We need such a planet!

“Let the planet bloom” song.

Ved. Nature has three treasures: Water, Earth and air - its three foundations. No matter what misfortune strikes, they are safe, everything will happen again and there will always be life on the planet.

The girl Masha comes out. He holds a flower pot in his hands.

Masha. Hello.

Ved. Hello Masha. Why you so sad?

Masha. So, I wanted to grow a flower, I planted a seed in a pot, I wait, I wait,

but nothing grows. I don't even know what to do.

Ved. Guys, we need to help Masha. Let's remember what a plant cannot grow without?

Children. Without Earth, water, sun, clean air

Ved. That's right, and we go to the forest, to Mother Earth for help. We’ll take Masha with us, and so that we can get there faster, sing more cheerfully!

.“It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together” round dance

The curtain opens. Forest Glade. The Earth comes out and sings a song

Song "Don't pick flowers" by Antonov

Earth. Good morning today, sunny. The forest has already woken up. Hello forest. So the flowers in the meadow open and golden bees rush towards them. I'll listen to their funny song.

Song-dance “In the apiary”.

Earth. Fly, workers. (Waves his hand at them) Where are all the animals?

A bunny runs out into the clearing.

Hare. Mother Earth, Mother Earth! Help us quickly, we are in trouble!

Earth. What happened, bunny? Who scared you?

Hare. An evil boy, a hooligan named Grishka, came to the forest. He wanders through the forest and strikes fear into everyone. It breaks bushes and destroys nests. I scared away all the birds and scattered the garbage.

Earth. We need to call all the animals, rescue the forest quickly! All the animals come here quickly, there is trouble in our forest!

The animals come out.

Animals. What's happened?

Hare. An evil boy, a hooligan named Grishka, came to the forest. He wanders through the forest, instills fear in everyone, breaks bushes, destroys nests. I scared away all the birds and scattered the garbage.

Earth. We need to help out the forest, save birds and animals.

Wolf. I can scare him as soon as I howl - Oooh - ooh - ooh. He will tremble in fear and run away from the forest.

Hare. No, he won't be scared!

Bear. Then I’ll scare him, catch him by the collar, explain everything properly and drive him out of the forest.

Hare. No, he won't be scared.

Earth. I will outsmart him, lure him deeper into the forest, ask the children to scream and respond like an echo.

Bunny. Help us guys and answer like an echo.

The animals go behind the trees. The earth remains. Grishka comes out.

Sings: I came to the forest for a walk and to scare the animals.

I break everything, I shoot birds,

That's how brave I am, that's how I am.

Children. Oh oh.

Grishka. Oh, who's here?

Children. Here, here.

Grishka. Something made me feel uneasy, I felt a little scared.

Earth. What, is it scary? You offended the forest, so it scared you.

Grishka. Forgive me, I won't do it again.

Earth. Then tell me how to behave in the forest?

Grishka. I don't know.

Earth. Forest animals, come out, tell Grisha how to behave in the forest.

Bear. If you came to the forest for a walk, to breathe fresh air,

Run, jump and gallop, then don’t forget,

That you can’t make noise in the forest, even sing very loudly.

Wolf. Do not break oak branches,

Never forget:

Remove trash from the grass

There is no need to pick flowers in vain!

Hare. Don't shoot with a slingshot, you didn't come here not to kill!

Let the butterflies fly, who are they bothering?

There is no need to catch them, stomp, slap, or hit them with a stick!

Grishka. I got it. Now I will take care of the forest!

Earth. Let's smile how good it is around.

Nature is our good, our kind, faithful friend!

For us, the forest grasshopper will sing among the grass,

And the breeze will play on the keys of the foliage!

Song "Don't tease the dogs"

Masha comes out.

Masha. Mother Earth, we come to you for advice. I planted a flower, but it doesn’t grow, I don’t even know what to do, maybe you can help us?

Earth. Of course I'll help. I will give you land from the forest. Transplant your flower into this soil, and then water will help you, without it the flower cannot grow. I also give you flower seeds.

If everyone plants a flower, our planet will become more beautiful!

Ved. Guys, the Earth said that we can’t do without water, but let’s remember what water is and what it comes in?

Reb. Water travels in nature.

It never disappears.

It will turn into snow, then into ice,

It melts and goes on a hike again.

Over mountain peaks, wide valleys,

Suddenly it rises into the sky and turns into rain.

Look around, look at nature,

We are surrounded everywhere and always,

This sorceress is our water!

Song of Water. (Individual number)

Water. I'm so funny, I'm so mischievous

Drops of rain are with me, I’ll spill them on the ground.

Dance of Water and Droplets.

Masha. Dear Water, help us. Our flower cannot grow without you.

Water. There you are pure water, and now Sunny will help you. Goodbye.

Ved. Guys, in order for our flower to grow, it is not enough to plant it in good land and water it with water, it still needs sunlight. Let's call Sunny.

Reb. The sun is rolling in the sky like a yellow ball.

Sometimes he hides behind a cloud, sometimes he jumps through the trees.

Come out, come out the sun, shine more generously,

Smile at us kindly, make everyone kinder.

The sun runs out under the “sunny bunny”.

Sun. I am made of heat,

I carry the warmth with me.

I warm the rivers, awaken nature.

I look at the window in the morning,

And I call myself the Sun!

Did you call me? What happened to you?

Masha. Sunny, we want to grow a flower, but without your light and warmth it cannot grow.

Sun. Of course, I will help you, because I love you all so much.

Look at each other, who has my freckles?

And now my advice to you: Place the flower in sunlight.

Be healthy, everyone, be cheerful,

Run, jump, jump, dance!

Dance “Freckles” (Pairs)

Ved. The sun gave us good advice. Guys, what else is needed to grow a flower?

Children. Fresh air.

Ved. That's right, and a cheerful breeze will bring it to us.

The Wind Boy runs out to the tune of “Cheerful Wind”.

Wind. I fly all over the earth,

I quickly disperse the clouds,

I don't know where I live

I'll attack and destroy the trees.

I whistle and the river trembles.

You can't stop me being mischievous!

Masha. Wind, we really need you. Our flower lacks clean air.

Wind. I will help you, just answer the question: What am I like?

Song of the Wind.

Wind. Yes, I am like that, I love to fly, blow, frolic and play. Let's play?

Game "Wind and Insects"

Ved. The breeze died down and all the insects flew to their houses. Guys, sit down.

Wind. I enjoyed playing with you, but it's time to fly away. I’m giving you my advice, I’ll say it finally. Fresh air breathe, and take care of your flower. (The wind leaves).

Ved. Here we have collected all the necessary tips. And now we know that in order to grow a flower, you need: clean air, good soil, water and sunlight. If we take care of these earthly riches. Then our planet will become even more beautiful.

Children stand in a semicircle.

Reb. May it be a glorious day in April,

And eternal in future years.

And let it be more transparent than watercolors

The air in the cities shines!

Reb. So that the sun shines brightly,

And our day did not fade into darkness,

We have a lot to do

In the name of life on Earth.

Reb. It's all about the person

It can do miracles:

Save the animals, clean the rivers,

Create gardens, grow forests!

Ved. I know, guys, that we have enough to do.

Love animals, people and flowers

Please do not hide your kindness.

Reb. I know, guys, that we have enough to do,

Do good, those who have not yet done so.

Love animals, people and flowers.

Please, do not hide your kindness!

Reb. There are many questions in the world

And we could solve them,

Whenever there was day on the planet,

And our World Earth Year!

Dance “Tell the Birds” (children dance with flower arches).

At the end of the dance, the children bow and leave the hall.

Goals and objectives.

To develop environmental consciousness and a sense of respect for planet Earth.

Raise sympathetic, kind, merciful children. Teach them environmentally

Competent behavior in nature, humane attitude towards all living things.

Musical tasks:

To develop children's musical sensitivity and ability to emotionally

Respond to feelings expressed in music.

Develop children's musical curiosity using pop music,

Symphonic works, music by classical composers.

To develop in children the ability to feel the mood of music or a change in mood

By portraying animals or insects using pantomime, teach children to self-

Expression and improvisation.

When working on the song repertoire, I solved the following problems:

Formation of singing skills in children that contribute to

Correct and expressive performance.

Development of creative abilities in individual work with children.


Earth is an adult

Masha, Grishka, Wind, Sun, Water, Animals - hare, wolf, bear - children


Hero costumes

Flower pot,

Flowers for children

Flower seeds

Slingshot for Grishka

“School of Mastery Issue 4th INFORMATION DAY IN THE LIBRARY methodological recommendations Minsk, 2011 Information Day in the Library: School of Mastery (issue 4) Today, when the flow of information...”

Government agency

Centralized system State public libraries of Minsk”

Central Library named after Y. Kupala

Library Marketing Department

School of excellence

Issue 4



Minsk, 2011

Information Day in the Library: School of Mastery (issue 4)

Today, when the flow of information is constantly growing, intensifying and

informational role of libraries. One of the most relevant components of the work is bibliographic information – bringing information to consumers (in accordance with their requests or needs). The main forms of bibliographic information without specific requests are Information Days.

The purpose of Information Days is the widest and most multifaceted disclosure of library resources.

Information Day is a comprehensive information event designed for a diverse readership.

They are held in libraries once a month or as new literature becomes available, and everyone can attend.

The library notifies readers and users, as well as interested organizations and institutions in advance about the place and time of the event.

Information Day can be entirely devoted to new products, in which case all publications received during a certain period in all fields of knowledge, including informational, bibliographic, audio-video materials, CDs, etc., are exhibited.

A special feature of Information Day is that all events taking place on this day must be interconnected and complement each other.

Librarians of the subscription and reading room carefully prepare for each such event.

Preparatory stage:

a plan is drawn up;

invitation cards are sent to readers or invitations by telephone;

attention is paid to inviting readers who are temporarily not visiting the library;

responsibilities are distributed among employees of various library departments in accordance with the interests and capabilities of each;

Pages 2 Information Day in the Library: School of Mastery (issue 4) publications are systematized by topic, genre, reader's purpose, etc.;

draws attention to the Belarusian book;

the texts of conversations and bibliographic reviews are thought through;

thematic zones, exhibitions and literature viewings are organized;

bookmarks are compiled, etc.

The Information Day program includes:

exhibition-viewing of new arrivals;

bibliographic review;

book discussions;

legal information: Standard NCPI RB;

viewing video materials;

consultations on how to keep up with new editions and publications;

the procedure for issuing literature in the library, including on a paid basis.

Forms of work used in the Information Days program:

exhibitions and viewings by topic;

exhibitions and viewings by genre;

exhibitions and viewings by type of publication;

exhibitions and viewings of Belarusian books; exhibitions of one publication or one thematic series;

premieres of new publications in the form of reviews and presentations;

presentations of electronic publications and databases;

bibliographic reviews;


information culture lessons with training in the skills of independently searching for the necessary information.

–  –  –

Sometimes thematic Information Days are held for individual groups of users interested in a specific issue.

The chronological coverage of materials in this case will be much wider than the day of information about new products.

When thinking through a program, each library should take into account:

leading topic in the work of the library;

leading topics of the year;

reading groups;

composition of the library's book collection.

Literature is selected, exhibitions and open viewings are organized, thematic reviews are conducted, specialists are invited for consultations, orders are placed.

Exhibitions and open viewings of new acquisitions, the purpose of which is to acquaint readers with new publications - books, newspapers, magazines, audio-video materials, electronic documents, received by the library over a certain period of time.

Due to the diversity of their readership, universality of content, operating time and location, exhibitions and viewings of new arrivals make it possible to make information about new products available to almost all readers.

On this day, exhibitions of new literature are open in all departments of the library.

It is also advisable to display publications that were purchased earlier, but for one reason or another are not yet in demand by readers.

Of course, not everyone can visit the library exactly when the information day takes place. Therefore, exhibitions must include lists of references or a card index of new acquisitions.

Unlike the reading room, books from exhibitions and open viewings are loaned to your home.

–  –  –

After browsing in the library, it is advisable to create a separate shelf of new literature on which to present a card index of new acquisitions or lists of new acquisitions for a certain period.

Oral bibliographic reviews of new products are used not only as independent forms to familiarize readers with new arrivals, but also as a significant addition to exhibitions of new products.

The review gives detailed information about the most interesting, in the librarian’s opinion, publications. Sometimes reviews of new products are recorded and repeated at a certain time interval when the contingent of readers changes.

Information Day participant questionnaire Date: ________ 1.

Are you satisfied with the quantity and quality?

Were you interested in the literature presented at the event?

What do you think was not mentioned during the Information Day?

Your wishes and suggestions.

Information Day evaluation criteria:

–  –  –

Industry, fiction, periodicals and electronic publications.

Special, educational information.

Systematization and methods of presenting material.

satisfying information requests of users ability to work with information Combination of traditional and innovative forms.

presence of a creative approach

–  –  –

Information Day (from the experience of the Youth Department of the Read-Gorod Library Center, Veliky Novgorod).

Methodological consultation by N.V. Konyaeva, chief bibliographer of the Youth Department of the Library Center for Children and Youth Read-Gorod."

From the experience of organizing the Information Day (DI) of the Read-City Municipal Organization in the way we understand and conduct it, in the Youth Department of the Read-City Library Center. This, of course, is not a standard that must be followed, but I hope that our experience will be useful to you in some way.

The purpose of DI is the widest and most multifaceted disclosure of library resources. In general, any library event designed to reveal the library's collection and thereby bring information to consumers. DI differs from others in that it is a comprehensive event. The functions of the library for disclosing library collections are implemented through a combination of visual, oral, and printed forms.

The DI program may include a wide variety of ways to convey information to the consumer: exhibitions and viewings various materials from the library's collections, reviews, conversations at the exhibition, consultations with invited specialists, viewing of video materials, bibliographies literature. Information about publications can be supplemented with elements of teaching library and bibliographic knowledge and a tour of the library. The peculiarity of DI is that all events taking place on this day must be interconnected and complement each other. And an obligatory element of any art exhibition is exhibitions.

In terms of readership coverage, DIs can be universal, intended for a wide range of readers. Typically, this is a CI about new acquisitions to a library over a certain period of time. Or they can be thematic - for individual groups of users interested in a specific issue. Chronological Pages 6 Information Day in the Library: School of Mastery (issue 4) the coverage of materials in this case will be much wider than the DI about new items.

The regularity and duration of DIs are determined by the library itself that conducts them. For example, in the Youth Department for a number of years recent years Traditions are developing regarding the frequency of conducting DI. If we talk about new arrivals, we conduct such a study once a year. Although exhibitions of new arrivals are organized in departments on a monthly basis. But, taking into account the specifics of the Youth Department (high school readers, secondary school and university students, who have summer holidays and library attendance drops), we hold a DI about new arrivals “New in the Youth Department” on September 1, on the Day of Knowledge, thus marking the beginning of a new school year. As for the frequency of thematic DIs, as a rule, such DIs are held within the framework of cycles of major events. When developing, we try to take into account the needs and interests of readers, the possibilities of the book fund and the periodical fund, significant dates and the events of the year, perhaps not quite ordinary or well-known holidays. For example, for the third year in a row in May, on the occasion of Family Day (May 15), we hold a useful information for young parents. In November, during the Week of Useful Information, we have also been holding thematic DIs for several years now. It should be noted that all divisions of the Youth Department, not only bibliographers, and sometimes not so much bibliographers as employees of service departments, take part in the preparation and conduct of research studies in one way or another.

We begin the work on preparing the DI by defining the purpose and objectives of this event. For example, if our goal is simply to bring information to library readers, then these will be the same tasks, i.e. ways to achieve the goal. If, in addition to providing information, we have a goal to attract new users to the library, to make ourselves known, to tell them that there is such a library and it offers its services to the population, then, of course, the tasks of achieving such a goal will be broader. One of the goals of CI could be, for example, to attract working together both on a specific event and on the work of the library as a whole, partners and sponsors.

The definition of tasks to achieve these goals and the development of an event program depend on setting DI goals. For example, in the case of Page 7 Information Day in the Library: School of Excellence (issue 4), if the goal is only to bring information to library readers, we do not set ourselves the task of organizing a wide advertising campaign for DI. Of course, there should be an announcement about DI, but in this case an announcement in the library itself and, for example, in other libraries of the Central Library is sufficient. And the goal of such DI is achieved through the display of all available materials from our funds through a wide variety of forms. This, in my opinion, is the least expensive DI in all respects.

As an example from work experience, one can cite the DI “New in the Youth Department,” which I have already mentioned. At exhibitions and viewings in all divisions of the Youth Department, publications received by our funds for summer period. But in the process of preparing for the DI, adjustments had to be made to the program. One of the goals of the DI “New in the Youth Department” was to attract new readers. Unfortunately, we did not take into account that the day (September 1) was not very well chosen to achieve this goal. Therefore, we were unable to agree with any groups or classes to visit the Youth Department on this particular day. And the information review at the exhibition in the reading room, which was prepared by bibliographers, had to be recorded on a tape recorder and played throughout the day on the subscription.

And although this year we have planned the DI on new arrivals again for September 1, this time we will focus on individual readers, those who have already come to our library on this day, and not on organized groups. For example, instead of informational reviews at the exhibition, conduct short consultations on new literature for interested readers, supplementing these consultations with elements of teaching library and bibliographic literacy.

If one of the goals of library library is to attract new readers, then the task of revealing the library's collection is not enough. Here you will need to think over a system for notifying about DI not only to those who visit the library, but also to potential users (residents of a microdistrict, village, students of nearby educational institutions etc.).

It may be worth setting the task not only to inform about the upcoming DI, but also to establish contacts with user groups (for example, specifically Page 8 Information Day in the Library: School of Excellence (issue 4) to invite to the library a certain group of students or specialists from any enterprise or institutions).

When we set one of the goals of DI to attract sponsors to joint work, then the task, in general, is one - to interest our possible partners.

After defining the goals and objectives of CI, we begin to develop its program. We are thinking about what methods we will use to convey information about the materials we have in our collections to consumers, and what interesting and instructive things we can offer to those who come to us that day. Exhibitions and bibliographic reviews remain the main forms of disclosure of collections in DI. Taking into account the current situation with the acquisition of funds, large exhibitions and viewings in the Art Museum in the Youth Department are organized in the reading room. Moreover, the exhibition presents not only books and periodicals, but, if available, video and audio materials, CDs. On this day, there is also an exhibition of literature on the subscription, but it is usually smaller in volume. And, unlike the reading room, books from such an exhibition are given out. Of course, not everyone can visit the library exactly when the DI is taking place.

Therefore, exhibitions must include bibliography lists (thematic or lists of new arrivals).

A bibliographic review can be carried out either at a book exhibition or be independent. Let me remind you that when conducting a review, various techniques are used to present a particular book, for example:

Start the story with the most interesting;

Show illustrations;

Offer some intriguing questions that can be answered by reading the book;

Show several other books similar to the recommended topic and pay attention to how this particular book differs.

There is no point in retelling the annotations. It’s better to say something like this about an unread book: “I haven’t had time to read it yet, but judging by the annotation (preface, book review) it talks about...., it touches on problems...” Pages 9 Information Day in the Library: School of Excellence (issue 4) Sometimes a wide variety of techniques are woven into the review, even quizzes. The question can also be asked as a rhetorical question that does not require an immediate answer from the audience. The librarian can suggest a book in which the reader will find the answer.

One of typical mistakes when reviewing, talk about the book in such detail that the listener has no desire to read it, everything has already been told.

To attract readers last role The entertainment and originality of the proposed activities play a role. Therefore, when conducting DI, we use and game forms: various quizzes and competitions.

For example, the Youth Department held a thematic day of information on the history of Russia of the 19th-20th centuries “FROM CENTURY TO CENTURY”. The program included:

Information stand in the lobby of the library about the most important events in the history of Russia 19-20 centuries;

Exhibition of literature "From century to century";

Game "Wheel of History".

At the exhibition “From Century to Century,” literature on the history of Russia of the 19th century was presented on one shelf, and literature on the history of Russia from the 20th century, including reference publications, was presented on the other. In the middle there was a “wheel of history”, on which the years of the most significant events were indicated.

Everyone turned the wheel, the arrow pointed to the year, and the participant had to answer what event happened that year. If he found it difficult to answer, he could turn to the literature on display and look for the answer in books. As "cheat sheets" the game participants were offered lists of the most significant events without specifying the year.

All participants were given small prizes (pens). The goal of this DI was not only to show the materials we have on the history of Russia, but also to interest our young readers in this topic, even if short period games.

Game forms were also used during the thematic DI “Secular Event”, dedicated to the anniversary (285 years) of the book “An Honest Mirror of Youth”. In addition to exhibitions and talks on the history of etiquette,

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Those interested were invited to take part in a quiz on the rules of conduct.

In order to more actively attract readers to printed sources, when preparing some DI, we announce various competitions among readers. I will tell you more about such competitions below.

We summarize the results during the DI.

Unfortunately, it is no secret that nowadays libraries, due to financial difficulties, sometimes have to turn to various organizations and private entrepreneurs. "Read-city" is also no exception. This usually happens when organizing large events, including DI. Therefore, I will dwell a little on such a goal of DI as attracting partners to joint work.

Before contacting them, we should determine what kind of help we want to receive from them. As a rule, the Chitaygorod Youth Department turns to partners when conducting thematic research projects.

Let’s say we see that our collections do not have enough materials to fully cover the topic, or that such literature is outdated. Then we ask for money to be allocated to purchase new materials. If we believe that it is necessary to invite certain specialists to the DI for consultations on a topic, we look for those firms or enterprises that can provide such specialists. Contacting them should be at the official level, through the library director.

We come to our partners (sponsors) with an approximate DI program.

The final program is drawn up after we have agreed (or not agreed) on working together. What can we offer on our part in exchange for help? First of all, advertising of a company, enterprise, its products or services, placement of booklets and advertising brochures on the territory of the library. During the DI, it is necessary to mention that the event is being held with the support of such and such a company, etc. Information about this can also be placed on advertisements and invitation cards. If our partners are interested in constantly receiving information about books and periodicals on a certain topic, of course, we meet them halfway, and in this case

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We compile reference lists for free and bring them to the attention of our sponsors.

It should be noted that many organizations and companies to which we turned for help are willing to make contact and sometimes offer something new themselves. For example, when conducting a DI on career guidance "Parade of Professions", the Center human resources provided us with an electronic version of the guide for applicants “Where to go to study” for Veliky Novgorod and the Novgorod region. When the Youth Department conducted DI in psychology, the center psychological assistance"Trust" also willingly cooperated with us. The library organized a preliminary collection of anonymous questions for the psychologist, which we tried to answer with the help of the exhibition of books and periodicals “The Psychologist and Me.” At the DI, a psychologist from the “Trust” center was on duty at the exhibition, to whom anyone could turn for help.

After the DI program has been drawn up, a system for advertising this event is developed: announcements, personal invitations, information in the media. Announcements must indicate the library program and contain information about the services that the library provides on that day (for example, compiling lists of literature, filling out requests for books, etc.). For example, in the DI program for young parents "Harmony of Childhood" we indicated such a service as free viewing of fashion magazines with children's models.

The goals of the DI for young parents “Harmony of Childhood” were:

satisfying requests by communicating information to certain group consumers, disclosure of library funds, attracting new readers. Therefore, the DI program looked like this:

“Invitation” campaign: in addition to individual invitations to young parents - library readers, our employees issued invitations to nearby kindergartens and a children's clinic.

Exhibitions "Constellation of Talents", "Harmony of Childhood", "Family Happiness"

Information stand in the library foyer “Everything should be fine in a child”

Selection fiction for preschoolers

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Information review of new literature For a number of years, the Week of Useful Information has been held annually in November in Read City. During the Week, all departments of "Chitaygorod" host exhibitions and various events, incl. and thematic DI.

In 2003, the Children's Fair "Ecological Assortment" was held: exhibitions were organized in all departments. The subscription includes a review of new books on ecology (recorded on tape). In the Information and Leisure Sector there was a conversation about specially protected areas of the Novgorod region "Wildlife".

In 2004, the Week of Useful Information will be dedicated to the traditions and customs of the Russian people. A DI on this topic is also planned.

A unique type of DI can be called the annual free seminars held in the information and leisure sector of the Youth Department for everyone as part of the “Beauty School” cycle, dedicated to the International women's day. These are thematic research studies involving third-party specialists, which require a lot of preliminary preparation and considerable costs. And it is precisely in the preparation of such large-scale events that we cannot do without outside help. In the preparation of such seminars, not so much bibliographers are involved as workers in the information and leisure sector.

Bibliographers are responsible for designing a book exhibition and conducting exhibition reviews.

This is the third year that such seminars have been held in Read City. The program of each of these three seminars includes a competition, which we pre-announce among readers. The announcement of the competition, as well as the event itself, is posted in all departments of the library center and in the media. Individual work is carried out with readers. A small selection of literature is prepared in advance, which can be used by those wishing to take part in the competition.

The first seminar was dedicated to caring for your appearance and was called “You can’t forbid living beautifully.” The program included:

Exhibition of the book collection purchased with funds allocated by Panacea-N LLC;

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Presentation of a book exhibition (bibliographic review of literature at the exhibition);

Consultation with specialists (cosmetologist, hairdresser, fitness specialist);

Summing up the results of the "Secret of Beauty" competition (readers shared their recipes for maintaining an attractive appearance.

"Beauty recipes" were evaluated by a cosmetologist and the best one was selected).

The second seminar, “Create your own style,” was dedicated to creating a unique image for each girl using decorative cosmetics, clothing, and perfumes. The program of this seminar also included an exhibition of printed publications, a review of the exhibition, consultations with specialists, and summing up the results of the competition “In the style of Cosmo”.

The third seminar was called "High Fashion in the World of Flowers." The seminar program included: an exhibition of literature and an informational review of the exhibition; consultations with specialists in floriculture, phytodesign and floristry; performance by artist Ksenia Katrich, whose exhibition of works “Invitation to Summer” was displayed in the reading room of the Youth Department; summing up the results of the competition.

Considering the feature age group users served by the Youth Department "Read-Cities" (workload curriculum, lack of time, desire to quickly receive necessary information or literature), Information Days, in my opinion, are optimal shape bibliographic information to young people.

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State institution "Centralized system of state public libraries of Minsk"

Central Library named after. Y. Kupala Library Marketing Department School of Excellence (4th edition) Information Day in the library Minsk, 2011

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