Black Moon days or dark moon days are two days before the new moon and two days after the new moon of each month. Black Moon is Greek goddess Hecate, therefore in astrology the days of the Black Moon are called “Lunar days of Hecate” or “days of Hecate”. One of the most unfavorable days Hecate is considered the 29th lunar day, the nearest 29th lunar day falls on February 25th. Hecate's lunar days in February 2017 fall on February 24, 25, 27, because the new moon in February 2017 will occur on January 26 at 17.59 Moscow time. The new moon in February 2017 will be intensified solar eclipse. The meaning of lunar days directly shows that it is favorable to take into account the days of the black moon in your activities, when any activity will be subject to obstacles and will have difficulties and adverse consequences. In the natal horoscope, the black Moon is called Lilith. It is important to know the calendar of lunar days in order to calculate the days of Hecate. Or you can calculate the lunar day yourself.

Hecate's lunar days are considered a difficult time, during which the Moon is not visible in the sky. At this time, the human body is at the minimum of its vital activity, so all severe mental states emerge. Also, with the appearance of the Dark Moon in the sky, dark sides our subconscious. But in reality, Hecate's days are intended to analyze one's life path, plans and goals. On the days of Hecate, it is good to carry out various cleansings and parting with mistakes that were made over the previous 29 days. It is very favorable to fast at this time and reduce external contacts. You need to look deep into yourself and close all debts before the previous lunar cycle. Although Hecate's days are also called Satanic days, they are considered important for the purification of the human soul.

In ancient times, Hecate was the name given to the other side of the Moon, which is never visible. According to myths, Hecate guarded the transition to subtle world and punished all half-educated people who were engaged in esotericism without rules and did not comply with the laws. Hecate's revenge was very serious - everyone who went to meet Hecate unprepared returned from their path of the Gate between the worlds already insane. In Indian mythology, the power of Hecate is possessed by the stern Goddess Kali - she is responsible for time, destruction and transformation. She protects her home and her children from dark and evil forces.

The days of Hecate are considered to be 28, 29 (or 29/30) and 2.3 lunar days every month. It is believed that those born on the days of the Black Moon have the power of the Goddess Hecate.

If a child is born on the days of Hecate, that is, 2 days before the new moon and 2 days after the new moon, then most likely at this time the mother herself will be exhausted and the birth itself will not be as easy as at other times. But at this moment, information from natal horoscope mother herself about the position of the aspects (conjunctions) of the planets to the Moon and the Sun. And also, the horoscope of the very day on which the child may be born. If a child is born in the days of Hecate, then he will have his own character trait - it will not be easy for him to adapt to environment, he will feel a lack of emotional fulfillment. There is a possibility that you will keep a lot of things to yourself, emotions and worries. Therefore, in this case, the mother will need to watch the child very carefully and talk to him a lot so that he does not hide his experiences within himself, but brings them out. This mental feature will also affect the fate of the child. As an adult he will for a long time deal with your childhood conditions, blocks, fears, clamps, etc. As soon as he understands all these things that are holding him down internal factors, then he will feel free and after that he will be able to build his destiny differently. Such a child, born in the days of Hecate, will place great emphasis on his internal state, disassemble your psychological blocks and thus work through and cleanse negative generic programs. In this he will need support from his mother and then, as an adult, from a psychologist. It will be difficult for a person born in the days of Hecate to understand other people and their feelings until he understands himself. In childhood and adolescence the child will often withdraw into himself and into his inner world, close yourself in it from influences outside world. Therefore, parents need to be very attentive and careful towards such a child.

For 2 months (from December 14, 2016 to February 14, 2017), a tense, explosive situation will remain in society, as well as within the family. During this period, the world will be ruled by total Evil. The only one good news- it will devour itself. Conflicts are possible in the political arena, in the financial sphere, and on religious grounds. Winter is a time of reckoning for the dirt that has been accumulated over the years.

The influence of the Black Moon and the Burnt Path

The Black Moon (Lilith) is often called an insidious temptress who brings negativity into a person’s life. In fact, she is neither bad nor good. Lilith simply shows the second, often hidden from view, side of the coin. It pushes some difficulties and problems to the surface, distorting the meaning and promoting an incorrect perception of reality. The Black Moon teaches people to show moral and spiritual qualities. She only wants us to make informed decisions, after thinking and weighing everything beforehand. People get negative results only because they act at random, and Lilith does not forgive mistakes.

The burned path tests humanity's strength. Evil will be in agony, but this does not mean that it will not drag people along with it. Fiery energies will burn everything unnecessary, obsolete, imperfect. Base human qualities and evil intentions must be eradicated. A burned path provokes disasters, brings all the dirt to the surface, and contributes to popular unrest.

Recommendations for the period of the Black Moon transit along the Burnt Path

The period from December 14, 2016 to February 14, 2017 will be the most difficult for purposeful, ambitious people to endure. The world is constantly changing and people are forced to obey its laws. Anyone who decides to show stubbornness risks going to the bottom along with the evil that requires maximum quantity victims.

Winter is absolutely not suitable for starting things that require risk. In pursuit of fame and illusory earnings, a person may not notice how fate trips him up. This is not the time for narcissism or satisfaction of ambitions; it is better to show moderation in everything, restrain emotions and not participate in dubious transactions.

The Burnt Path, together with the Black Moon, can interfere in both the affairs of the state and the family. The level of influence is not important for an aspect. You need to be constantly alert, to remain calm in the most terrifying situations. Evil is afraid of creativity, endurance and intelligence, so it must be fought only in this way. At the same time, one cannot remain deaf and dumb to the troubles happening around. Indifference can lead to more victims.

It just so happens that the Black Moon passes along the Burnt Path during the Nativity Fast. For Orthodox Christians, this is a chance to cleanse themselves, ask for forgiveness for sins and be renewed. The period promises to be difficult and painful, but it will cleanse the earth of imperfections. This is a kind of general cleansing that will give the world hope for a better life.

@ Muravyova Lyudmila, astrologer

The black moon (Lilith) has moved from Scorpio to the sign of Sagittarius, where it will remain for approximately 9 months. What can we expect from this transit?

The black moon will bring distortion in all Sagittarius spheres: foreign policy, connections with abroad, education, travel. Problems, troubles, and wrong decisions are likely here.

Planning a trip or vacation - it makes sense to stay at local resorts.

When planning education, it is important to weigh the pros and cons. It is very likely that you will be misinformed and given something that is not at all what you wanted, but you will only waste your money. When choosing universities for children, make sure they are reliable - universities will collapse at this time, like soap bubbles.

For those who are engaged import-export, works with foreign companies - a difficult time when there may be losses and damages.

Lilith's transit through Sagittarius is a time when the risks of falling into the trap of sectarians or false gurus grow. This is the time when you can face lawlessness and arbitrariness, since the ruler of the sign, Jupiter, is associated with the law. Legal matters will be slow, red tape, and judges' decisions may take the most bizarre forms. In this period The most absurd laws can be adopted.

This is also the time when communication with God may be difficult, difficulties in visiting temples. New scandals are likely in the church environment.

Lilith's transit through Sagittarius will be felt by solar, lunar, Sagittarius ascendants, as well as those who have planets in these signs. Sunny Sagittarius may feel that others perceive their personality inadequately, and there may be serious unfounded negativity. The distortion here is two-sided, since the world and people at this time are also perceived distortedly.

Lilith's exit to the Ascendant is very important time, When you can get to know the shadow side of your self. Fixed ideas arise, and the true nature of things during this period is not realized.

Transit of Lilith on the Moon - a rather gloomy and depressing time. Emotional distortions may occur and even psychosomatic disorders. At this time, strange and phantasmagoric dreams may occur.

Particular care must be taken when, whose natal Black Moon is in Sagittarius. These are the ones who are now 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72 years old(Lilith cycle - 9 years). At this time, you can easily get hurt by other people who will show you your shadow side. You can become a victim of false teachers, sectarians, and representatives of the law. Fate can entice you with blessings, and then take everything away. During this period, you should avoid long trips, foreigners, and adventurers. You can’t meddle in ideology and teaching. You need to pacify your pride, not nurture grandiose plans, but work modestly, do your job well - this is best medicine from the machinations of the Black Moon.

November 2017, despite the fact that the Sun in Scorpio is always emotional, brings a lot of clarity and sound reasoning. This is due to the passage Mercury in the sign of Sagittarius. He will enter this sign directly November 6, 2017. Before this, that is, on November 1–3, the transit Moon in Aries will have time to make a mess, connecting with Uranus and fighting with Mars in Libra. It is undesirable to force events these days (they themselves will fall out of the blue). Conflict time.

November 4, 2017 full moon with Moon in Taurus: beautiful time for everything that multiplies, for example, cutting hair for thick hair, opening a bank account, buying a home and moving, planting a plant... (Taurus is fertility in all its manifestations). From May 2018 to 2026, Uranus enters the sign of Taurus - great discoveries await us in the field of biotechnology, and in general, this will be a time of peaceful agriculture).

November 8, 2017 Venus moves into the sign of Scorpio and on November 13, 2017 connects with transit Jupiter at 8 degrees Scorpio. This is a Plutonian degree of passion, troubles, however, for the initial Scorpios, Pisces and Cancers, this day can provide a good chance for success, since small happiness (Venus) and large happiness (Jupiter) have united and create a powerful conglomerate of energies. Venus, passing through Scorpio, awakens desires, a sense of uncertainty and a state of stress, and the presence of Jupiter can push for the expansion of feelings.

How stronger feelings– the more intense the period, “all or nothing”! Venus in Scorpio creates contrasts, sexual desires on the basis of “military actions” with the opposite sex. Feelings will be born in spite of.

November 2017 is the time of “military harmony” and “khaki military love.” The more resistance they give you, the better your soul will be. “And eternal battle, we only dream of peace”! This period excellent ground for betrayal, besides, Mars passes through the sign of Libra, traditionally responsible for harmonious relationships; in this sign, Mars does not have much power, but its presence indicates problems in partnership and marriage.

November 10, 2017 black moon (Lilith) moves to 9 months sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is a system of power, ambition, responsibility. The breath of the demoness Lilith defiles these aspects of society. Capricorn is associated with achieving a goal, position in society, career, power. When Lilith passes through Capricorn, the most stable systems can collapse before our eyes, corrode and fall apart like houses of cards.

Since the fall of 2017, the passage of Jupiter through Scorpio and Lilith through Capricorn can knock both individuals and entire systems off their pedestals. The influence of the Black Moon exorbitantly enhances individualism and egocentrism. Managing people, suppressing others and imposing one’s will turns into an end in itself. The Black Moon in Capricorn can distort the understanding of a sense of responsibility and duty. Under the influence of the Black Moon, ideas become vague and often lead to a loss of the ability to differentiate concepts, clearly formulate thoughts, and concentrate. The boundaries of one’s own personality become blurred, a person does not distinguish his thoughts from those of others and is easily suggestible. Actually, transit Pluto in Capricorn has been doing this for many years. Regardless of the type of action, the Black Moon can make thinking too limited and conservative.

On November 11, 2017, the Sun passes the black-magically destructive 19th degree of Scorpio; the passage of the Moon through Leo on this day can mean outbreaks of pride and aggression, pathological stubbornness and falling into the sphere of influence of black teachers.

From November 17 to 21, Jupiter is in the 9th degree of death, this is also the degree of loss of parents in early age(keep in mind: those born on these days may become orphans).

November 18 at 11:43 GMT, there will be a new moon in Scorpio- for people with a labile psyche, the November days of Hecate (usually 3 days including the new moon) can become a test, illusions of the astral plane and suicide attempts. Scorpio is directly related to issues of death and transformation; with the accumulation of planets and the new moon in Scorpio, facts of death will be recorded.

November 20 - 21 The Moon passes through Sagittarius, connecting with Mercury and Saturn, a time for decision-making.

On November 23, 2017, the Sun moves into the sign of Sagittarius, freeing himself from the desire for revenge. In Sagittarius, the Sun demands justice and prosperity for all.

Black Moon, Lilith - February 13 - 14, 2017 - moves from the sign of Scorpio to the sign of Sagittarius.

On February 14, 2017, the Black Moon changes sign: from Scorpio, where it stayed for about 9 months, it moves into Sagittarius.

Scorpios can exhale. When Lilith passes through a solar sign, very strong distortions of your Self occur. People begin to perceive you distortedly; you may encounter aggression, rudeness, and misunderstanding. In addition, Lilith in Scorpio makes the topic of sex and money painful. Dissatisfaction arises in these areas.

In Sagittarius there will be distortions on topics abroad, travel, religion, education, and law. You can easily encounter lawlessness and arbitrariness. Travel can bring unpleasant surprises. Students may face serious difficulties.

February 14, 2017 at 03:32 Moscow time Druj (Lilith) changes the sign of the Zodiac and until November 8, 2017 will be in the sign of Sagittarius.


Well, where we do not…

Mikhail Garnov

Beware of False Prophets

In clothes made of sheep skins.

There are many vices inside them,

Only wolf natures are worthy.

Will the thorn tree ever be able to

Giving birth to fruits like grapes?

Will Burdock be rich?

The fruits of figs are like a marvelous garden?

Trees are kind, we know

They bear good fruit.

But thin people are everywhere

The fruits they produce are always poor.

And good will not give bad,

Bad things will not give good.

Under God's heavens

All this truth is old.

It's the way it is in the world

God's Ages of all the ancients from time immemorial -

That tree whose fruit is worthless

They cut them down and carry them into the fire.

Don't look for any use in clothes,

Don't believe tempting words.

So, the crafty false prophets

You will know by their fruits.

Task Black Moon during the period of passage through a particular sign, gather as many fans as possible under your banner. This is especially true for the sign of Sagittarius, since it is responsible both for the state of the banners and for those who are looking for leaders or teachers for themselves in order to bring some idea to life, to prove their importance and irreplaceability.

The Law of Sagittarius works for earthlings in order to teach those who want to learn to understand issues of ideology and methods of its implementation in life.

Let's go through the ideological component of the Zodiac signs:

Sagittarius Law works when using any of the proposed ideologies. The task of man, in this regard, is to distinguish one from the other at a given moment in life. You don’t have to figure it out, then you will always be a victim of someone else’s idea or dream.

Resistance to destructive ideas and leaders gives a person a lot of trouble and unpleasant circumstances, but this is the only way he can influence his future and the future of his descendants.

Resistance to Evil according to Sagittarius is exclusively intellectual - mental in nature, based on conscience and faith in a better outcome. Evil works here on a large scale and ostentatiously, gaining cheap authority and increasing its importance on false promises.

World gathering I. A. Krylov

Whatever the order of the undertakings,

But if it is in the hands of unscrupulous people,

They will always find a trick

To do where they want, skill.

The lion asked the wolf to be the sheep leader.

Through the efforts of the godmother foxes

The lioness put in a word about whom.

But since the world knows little about wolves,

And they wouldn’t say that the lion is looking at the faces,

That is what the beast commanded all the people

Call for a general meeting

And ask the other one

He knows what is good or bad in a wolf.

The order was also fulfilled: all the animals were summoned.

But there is not a word against the wolf,

And the wolf was ordered to be put in the sheepfold.

What did the sheep say?

Surely they were at the meeting? –

No! They forgot about the sheep!

And the most important thing to ask would be them.

The fable was published in 1816.

Sagittarius psychology has its own subtleties and nuances

People during stay Black Moon in Sagittarius somewhat inadequately may use their status or rank. In this regard, it is important to monitor the correct expression of thoughts so as not to incite hostility of a religious, national or family nature, including on an interstate scale. The desire to be an unquestioned authority can push people to violate and change the rules of cooperation or competition. The constant desire for recognition and power over the crowd pushes people during this period to frantic oratory, travel in order to show themselves, to be remembered and honored, and also to the desire to suppress dissent.

In this regard, such areas as: the education system, jurisprudence and socio-political organizations, including international ones, will be subjected to serious tests of strength and competence.

Tourism and long-distance travel must be taken with caution.

During the passage of the Black Moon through the sign of Sagittarius, it is worth speculating on the topic: - Well, where we do not.