The period from the 30s to the 40s of the last century is perhaps the most interesting in terms of creating different types of weapons. In this short period of time, in fact, all types of weapons that are still in use were born: some in a significantly modernized form, and some almost unchanged. One of the areas that made serious progress at this time was, of course, aviation. In particular - fighter. All countries competed in creating the fastest, fastest climbing and maneuverable aircraft. The USSR also participated in this race, and thanks to the efforts of the brilliant designer Polikarpov, such advanced fighters for their time as the I-15, and later the I-16, were created. But a fighter is not only the aircraft itself, but also weapons: you can’t ram enemy vehicles. And in order to hit high-speed aircraft, you need a quick-firing machine gun. Unfortunately, there were problems with this.

The main machine gun of the Red Army in the thirties was the well-known "Maxim". Despite the fact that the machine gun was created already in 1883 and became obsolete, it was still actively used in the army. The second most popular was the equally famous Degtyarev machine gun. Both machine guns were made in different versions: on the machine, on the turret, tank, anti-aircraft, etc. For lack of an alternative, on the basis of Maxim and Degtyarev, they made their aviation modifications, which were called, respectively, PV-1 (Vozdushny Machine Gun) and DA (Degtyarev Aviation). Here it turned out that machine guns suitable for infantry were completely unsuitable for aviation. And main reason- the rate of fire mentioned above.

Let's take the same Maxim. Its maximum rate of fire is 600 rounds per minute. For shelling infantry - it's just for the eyes. Because it, in fact, was used in the army throughout the war: yes, inconvenient, outdated, complex. But it does its job. We look at the modern Degtyarev for that time. He has a maximum rate of fire that is less - about 550 rounds per minute. It would seem - 10 shots per second! It's so much! But this is a lot when you shoot at an infantryman running at a speed of 7 km / h. If you shoot at him from a short burst, then he will take it all into himself. And when you fire at an aircraft flying at a speed of 350 km / h, this is very little. One or two bullets for an infantryman is death, but an aircraft needs much more. Yes, and he maneuvers, infection, constantly. Doesn't let you aim. Therefore, in that short period when he hit the crosshairs of the sight, you need to have time to stuff him the maximum number bullets.

Therefore, military comrades began to understand that the alteration of infantry machine guns was only a transitional stage, and aviation needed special aircraft machine guns with an increased rate of fire. The engineer Shpitalny also understood this, who, together with Komaritsky, created their own ShKAS - Shpitalny - Komaritsky aviation rapid-fire machine gun. On October 11, 1932, the machine gun was put into service. He came out for his time simply advanced! The caliber was standard 7.62 × 54 mm R, but the rate of fire was amazing - 1800 rounds per minute. But Shpitalny and Komaritsky did not stop there. They continued to refine their offspring, and as a result, UltraShKAS appeared with a very sky-high rate of fire of 3000 rounds per minute.

1. The machine gun itself looks like this:

A drum is visible in the machine gun - a tape passes there. This is a photograph from the Zadorozhny Museum of Technology, if anything. Alas, there is no such beauty in my collection.

2. But there is a tape with cartridges:

There are two types of tape here. If you look closely, you will see the difference. She is not only safe.

3. Next to the usual tape from the Kalashnikov machine gun:

In aircraft armament, not solid, but loose belts are used - after removing the cartridge from the belt, the link flies away along with the sleeve.

4. To make the mechanism clear, I will illustrate. Here is the tape going into the drum:

5. A cartridge is pulled back from it:

6. Is sent to the chamber:

And the link at this moment is already free and flies away. After him, in a moment, the sleeve will also fly.

7. As I wrote, 7.62 × 54 mm R cartridges are used in ShKAS. But not ordinary ones. Here on the left is an ordinary armor-piercing cartridge, and on the right - for ShKAS:

Outwardly, the difference is imperceptible, but in reality it was. For ShKAS, separate batches of cartridges were produced with thickened case walls, reinforced crimping of the bullet in the case and a securely fixed primer. That is why the machine gun had such an amazing rate of fire: the engineers created a full-fledged weapon-cartridge complex. By the way, this cartridge was the world's first specialized aviation cartridge (albeit made on the basis of a conventional one).

8. Armor-piercing bullet of a conventional cartridge and ShKAS:

9. Brands on the bottom:

On the second cartridge, the letter "Sh" is visible - this is how cartridges for ShKAS were marked. Such marking was necessary, since with external similarity in ShKAS it was impossible to use standard 7.62 × 54 cartridges - problems appeared with them during firing.

Of course, this machine gun was made in all aviation modifications: wing, synchronous (which shoots through a spinning propeller), turret. It was installed on almost all domestic aircraft of the pre-war and war period, including the legendary Il-2 attack aircraft.

Well, talking about ShKAS, one cannot mention such a moment. In Novikov's book "On the Eve and in the Days of Trials" there is the following passage:
“When our valiant troops, who stormed Berlin, broke into the office of the Third Reich,” B. G. Shpitalny wrote after the war, “among the numerous trophies captured in the office, at first glance, unusual look a sample of a weapon, carefully covered with a glass cap, and papers with Hitler's personal signature. The specialists who arrived to inspect this sample were surprised to find under the glass a Tula 7.62-mm ShKAS machine gun and Hitler’s personal order that was with him, stating that the Tula machine gun would be in the office until the German specialists created the same machine gun for fascist aviation. This, as you know, the Nazis did not manage to do.

Considering that Shpitalny himself told this legend about his own machine gun, I somehow don’t really believe in the veracity. I hear, the engineer lied. The machine gun is magnificent - no doubt! But so be it, right in the office and under glass ... It also worries me that this information has not been found in any other source.

China China
Republic of China Republic of China
North Korea North Korea Wars and conflicts Spanish Civil War,
Fighting at Khalkhin Gol,
winter war,
The Great Patriotic War ,
Chinese Civil War,
Korean War
Production history Constructor Shpitalny B. G., Komaritsky I. A. Designed 1930 Manufacturer Plant No. 525
Plant No. 536
Plant No. 486 (installations)
Plant No. 187 (ribbon links)
Years of production 1932-1945 Total Issued around 150,000 Options turret
synchronous Characteristics Weight, kg 10.5 (turret)
9.8 (wing)
11.1 (synchronous)
Cartridge 7.62×54mmR Caliber, mm 7,62 Work principles removal of powder gases,
shutter skew rate of fire,
shots/min 1800 (turret and wing)
1650 (synchronous) starting speed
bullets, m/s 775-825 (turret and wing)
800-850 (synchronous) Type of ammunition tape ShKAS at Wikimedia Commons

ShKAS(Spitalny - Komaritsky aviation rapid-fire) - the first Soviet rapid-fire synchronous aviation machine gun. The machine gun was developed in 1930 and was produced from 1932 to 1945, when it was decided to stop the production of rifle-caliber aviation machine guns. ShKAS is the first machine gun designed specifically for aviation; special aviation cartridges of increased reliability with armor-piercing and armor-piercing incendiary bullets were also developed for it.

The ShKAS machine gun was installed on all Soviet aircraft produced from 1934 to 1941, and was used in all military conflicts involving the USSR of this period, from the Spanish Civil War to the Great Patriotic War. There is also evidence of the use of I-16 aircraft equipped with these machine guns in the Korean and Chinese civil wars. The reason for this popularity was the high rate of fire achieved by using a feed drum to extract the cartridge from the belt and a gas piston to actuate the automation.

The release of the machine gun was launched in three versions, twin installations were also produced, the possibilities of land and maritime use. In 1937, a modification of the "UltraShKAS" was developed with a rate of fire reaching 3000 rounds per minute, but notable for its low reliability. At the same time, the designer S.V. Vladimirov developed a large-caliber version of the machine gun, which received the name ShVAK, and from it, in turn, by increasing the caliber, the gun of the same name was developed.

History of creation


In 1920, being an employee of the Mytishchi Carriage Works, B. G. Shpitalny became interested in the device automatic weapons. In the wake of this interest, he set out to make a machine gun, in terms of rate of fire exceeding the existing models (mainly the Maxim machine gun). But at that time he did not have the experience and knowledge necessary for such a thing. Nevertheless, as a purposeful person, Shpitalny did not forget about his desire, so in 1926, while studying at the Institute, he again returned to this project. By 1928, while working at, he completed the design of a machine gun and sent the drawings to the commission of the Arms and Machine Gun Trust for consideration.

At that time, the issue of modernizing aviation weapons was acute in the aviation industry of the USSR, so the project was accepted for consideration. The commission noted the boldness of the approach to the design of some elements of the design of automatic weapons and appointed the Weapons and Machine Gun Trust to second the experienced weapons designer and manufacturer I. A. Komaritsky to the project. His task was to assist in finalizing the project, which was at the final stage of preparation, and adapting production to the production of fundamentally new weapons.


In the presence of undeniable merits, the first batches of machine guns new system had a resource of about 1500-2000 shots, which at this rate of fire was considered insufficient. Therefore, in March 1933, when ordering the first large batch of machine guns, the designers were offered to increase their survivability, bringing it to 5000 rounds. In April, B. G. Shpitalny and I. A. Komaritsky presented to the commission a sample that differed from the prototype not only in survivability, but also in some structural changes. In the new version, the box has been significantly changed, the number of individual parts has been reduced. Release modernized machine guns started in July of the same year. By the end of the year, TOZ moved from semi-handicraft to serial production machine gun ShKAS.

There was one more problem: the recoil spring of the machine gun failed after about 2500-2800 shots. Attempts to use different grades of steel, changing the diameter of the springs and the thickness of the wire did not bring success, and after a certain number of shots the spring still had to be changed. The solution was found by Shpitalny: he suggested making a spring twisted from three strands. Tests have shown that the survivability of a twisted three-core reciprocating mainspring reaches 14,000 shots. On December 24, 1934, tests of the ShKAS machine gun with a new spring were completed.

In 1941, minor modifications were made to the design of the machine gun to simplify and reduce the cost of production in wartime conditions.

Design features

The system used a relatively new at that time principle of automation, based on the removal of powder gases. Gases through the hole in the barrel enter the closed chamber and act on the gas piston, which is directly connected to the rod that sets the entire system in motion. The barrel bore is locked by tilting the bolt down. The trigger mechanism operates from a reciprocating mainspring and provides continuous fire. The sear is locked with a flag type fuse. The fuse is two-position, has the positions "automatic fire" and "no fire". The bolt and bolt carrier are equipped with spring buffers to soften the impact of moving parts on the sear during landing and after the end of the burst.

ShKAS has a high rate of fire due to the short travel of moving parts and the reduction of the time taken by reloading operations by combining them. A screw groove is located on the fixed casing of the drum. The cartridge is hooked onto it by the edge of the sleeve, removed from the tape and fed to the chamber. The cartridge case is extracted in two strokes by the bolt legs into a movable reflector connected to the bolt rod.

Principle of operation

To charge it is necessary to insert the equipped tape into the tape receiver, then raise and lower the reload handle until it stops to scroll the drum. The movement of the handle moves the gas piston, which, in turn, by means of a pin on the piston and a groove on the drum, rotates the drum itself. The cartridges move inside the drum, the last half-turn of which, occurring when the gas piston rod returns to its original position, advances the cartridge for chambering. At the end of the scrolling of the drum, the machine gun is loaded.

When firing, the movement of the gas piston rotates the drum. The shot is fired by pulling the trigger. Shooting with single shots is not possible. When the bolt returns to its original position when the trigger is pressed, it sends the cartridge into the chamber and locks with a special ledge, and the gas piston rod, continuing to move forward, advances the floating striker, and it hits the loaded cartridge primer.

After the shot, passing by the hole in the barrel wall, the bullet opens the passage for powder gases into the gas chamber, where they push the gas piston. The first one and a half centimeters of movement of the piston and rod, the shutter remains motionless, after which the shutter unlocks and moves back. After the shutter is moved back a distance greater than the length of the cartridge, the extractor throws up the cartridge, which, hitting the reflector, leaves the receiver through a special hole. At this time, the drum advances the next cartridge, which is returned to the chamber by the reverse motion of the bolt, and the automation cycle continues.

Electric trigger


Ammunition is produced from a metal detachable-link tape through a ten-slot drum-type receiver by means of the movement of the bolt frame, and each cartridge is removed in ten cycles of automation, which prevents the cartridge from being dismantled at such high rates of fire. The tape is fed from a box for 250, in later versions - for 750 and 1000 rounds. Some machine guns were equipped with cartridge boxes for 1500 rounds.

For the ShKAS machine gun based on the standard 7.62 × 54 mm R rifle cartridge, 7.62 mm caliber cartridges were developed with tracer (T-30 and later T-46), incendiary (Az, ZP and PZ), armor-piercing (B-30) and combined action with armor-piercing incendiary (B-32), armor-piercing incendiary tracer (BZT) bullets capable of igniting armored gas tanks. In ShKAS cartridges, to prevent the cartridge from being unloaded (dismantled) at a huge rate of fire from 30 to 50 rounds per second, the walls of the sleeve are thickened, the fastening of the primer in the socket is strengthened, and the bullet extraction force is increased. For cartridges with ordinary bullets L and D, a double annular compression of the bullet in the muzzle of the cartridge case was introduced, the bullet itself was planted deeper in the cartridge case. On the bottom of the cartridge case for ShKAS machine guns, in addition to the standard designations, the letter “Sh” was placed at the end of the 30s. The primer of such cartridges was painted red. Otherwise, the coloring was standard for the respective types of bullets. Ammunition intended for infantry weapons could not be used in ShKAS machine guns due to insufficient reliability. Ammunition for the ShKAS machine gun became the first case in the world of the development and production of cartridges specifically for aviation.

Unusual misfires

In the early 1940s, unexpectedly, systematic misfires began to occur during the operation of the machine gun. To clarify the reasons, on behalf of the People's Commissar of Defense S. K. Timoshenko, a special commission was created under the direction of N. N. Voronov. The commission organized experimental firing. They showed that cartridges that misfire in ShKAS work normally in rifles and machine guns of the ground forces. Marshal Voronov drew the attention of the commission to the fact that “working” and “non-working” cartridges differ in the color of the varnish at the place where the primer is attached: cartridges using black domestic varnish misfire, and those where the foil on the joint is covered with red imported ones do not. As a result of the investigation, it turned out that the cause of the misfire was a flaw in the Soviet chemists, whose varnish interacted with the primer foil, which disabled the latter.

Installation options

Turret and wing options

The ShKAS wing machine gun is interchangeable with the turret machine gun for minor differences due to remote control the fire of a machine gun suspended on the wing from the cockpit: the reloading handle was replaced with a cable mechanism, and the control handle was replaced with a feeder mechanism. The wing version is lighter than the turret version - its weight was 9.8 kg.

Synchronous option

Land options

In the 1930s, the possibility of using the ShKAS machine gun in the ground forces was considered. The manufactured automobile and motorcycle installations for machine guns remained prototypes. In 1935-1936, research was carried out to create anti-aircraft installation to equip ground vehicles from armored vehicles to armored trains, and it was proposed to install a ShKAS paired with it in addition to the 45-mm cannon in a standard cylindrical tank turret. There were also proposals to replace the ball mount under the diesel engine with a similar one under the Shpitalny machine gun on the T-28 and T-35 tanks. In 1936-1937, a floating armored car PB-7 was developed in the USSR with a ShKAS machine gun mounted on it. These tests were curtailed in 1937 due to lack of funds and were not resumed in the previous volume.

The designers achieved some success in installing the ShKAS on the T-37A amphibious tank - a prototype was created. To do this, minor changes were made to the machine gun itself, which made it possible to use cloth tapes for ammunition. This requirement is due to the fact that the links of the collapsible tape could get into the moving parts of the tank and jam them; in addition, such a tape is more difficult to equip in the field. Ammunition for the machine gun was 2750 rounds of ammunition in 250 rounds of ammunition: 750 were stored in a box that directly feeds the machine gun, and the rest - in boxes placed in a special holder. The supply of cartridges from the box was carried out through a flexible metal sleeve, similar to that used in aviation. On the tower there was a special stopper for 39 positions, which made it possible to fix the angle of rotation during firing. The ball mount made it possible to aim the machine gun without turning the turret to the left by 10 ° 30 ", to the right by 18 °, down by 4 °, up by 22 °.

Photos from tests from the archive of the Red Army

Ball tower

Horizontal pointing angle

Vertical pointing angle

Cartridge holder

External images
ShKAS on a pedestal installation photo by Naum Granovsky, 1941, Moscow.

According to the conclusion of the commission, drawn up after the tests, the development was recognized as unsuccessful: the fabric tape showed low reliability at a high rate of fire, as it swelled and torn when fired due to moisture, caused the cartridge to warp and even dismantle them. The high rate of fire led to the fact that even taking into account the time to replace the tapes, the ammunition could be spent in 3-5 minutes of battle. The ball mount also caused criticism: it was noted that it was inconvenient to use it in a cramped tank turret, as well as a small vertical aiming angle, which created a blind zone near the tank. On top of that, the industry was not able to provide the special cartridges needed for a machine gun, in addition to aviation, also armored troops.

In 1940, in the wake of the replacement of small-caliber ShKAS in aviation with more powerful, but the same rapid-fire ShVAKs, an experimental batch of Sokolov machine guns was ordered at plant No. 66 for use with ShKAS machine guns in infantry units. However, they have not received wide distribution.

Navy variant

There is evidence of the installation of ShKAS machine guns on torpedo boats. The G-5 boats were first produced with two DA machine guns installed, then ShKASs were installed on them, and in 1941 they were replaced by DShK. In besieged Leningrad, unfinished D-3 torpedo boats for lack of required amount DShK machine guns ShKAS and DT were installed on 10 boats.



Even before the adoption of the ShKAS machine gun into service, in 1931, S. V. Vladimirov began developing a machine gun based on it for a special flange cartridge 12.7 × 108 mm R, created for this machine gun. The cartridge case of the ShVAK cartridge differed from the cartridge case of the standard 12.7 × 108 mm cartridge not only in the presence of a rim (flange), but also in a more pronounced taper, identical bullets were used. During the development process, Vladimirov moved the gas chamber under the barrel, improved the toothed drum and the bolt. New machine gun was put into service in the turret, wing, synchronous and motor versions.

Ground tests conducted in 1932 showed that the caliber of the new machine gun, called ShVAK, could be increased by replacing the barrel up to 20 mm. At the same time, there was no need to change the dimensions of other moving parts of the weapon, because the diameter of the sleeve flange and its length did not change. So in 1934, an automatic aircraft gun of the same name appeared, produced in wing, turret and motor versions. The latter was installed to a limited extent on T-60 and T-38 tanks in 1941-1942.

ShVAK became the world's first unified bicaliber system. At the end of the Great Patriotic War prototypes were also created for a 37 mm caliber projectile, which were never widely used.

Coaxial machine gun MSSH

In 1935-1937, a group of designers led by K. N. Rudnev developed a pair of ShKAS machine guns, which received the MSSh index. To ensure synchronous operation, the rods of the two machine guns were equipped with gear racks and connected with a gear so that the automation cycle included two shots. This made it possible to obtain a rate of fire of up to 6000 rds / min. with a slight increase in returns. Further development of twin installations based on ShKAS was curtailed due to the planned transition of the Air Force to more large caliber.


Application and assessments

By 1936, almost all combat aircraft Soviet aviation, mainly due to the unsurpassed rate of fire at that time in 1800 rds / min. , while the best foreign samples did not exceed the threshold of 1200 rds / min. In 1938, on the badges of graduates of the military school of pilots and flight observers, instead of the DA machine gun, they began to depict ShKAS.

First combat use ShKAS machine guns occurred during the Spanish Civil War. It was noted that machine guns have low firing efficiency when using cartridges with conventional bullets, but the use of special (armor-piercing, explosive, incendiary) ammunition made it possible at a high density of fire - up to 5 bullets per square meter- achieve good results. In the initial period of the battles for Madrid, I-16s, armed with ShKAS machine guns and ShVAK cannons, shot down about 350 enemy aircraft with minimal losses.

Machine guns were also used in the conflicts around Lake Khasan and Khalkhin Gol. As a result of the application, the machine gun received mainly positive reviews from pilots.

However, by the beginning of the 40s, the increase in the passive protection of aircraft (booking crew jobs, protecting gas tanks) led to the fact that the effectiveness of rifle-caliber machine guns, including ShKAS, dropped sharply, they could destroy an enemy aircraft only with a very large number of hits . The use of a machine gun during

In 1920, while working as a mechanic at one of the factories, Shpitalny set out to make a rapid-fire machine gun. But at that time he did not have the necessary experience, lacked knowledge. After graduating from the institute, the young engineer set about implementing his plan and soon presented a project for such a machine gun, which attracted the attention of the exceptional courage of solving a number of complex issues in the design of automatic weapons. When the project was ready, an experienced weapon designer I. A. Komaritsky was seconded to him to assist Shpitalny in finalizing the sample and speedily manufacturing it.

1930 The first sample of a rapid-fire aircraft machine gun was made, created by Shpitalny with the participation of Komaritsky. It was the world's first aviation system, which immediately put the USSR in first place in this field of weapons.

The system used the principle of building automation, based on the removal of part of the powder gases. Gases, passing through a closed chamber, exert pressure on a piston connected directly to the rod, which sets the system in motion. This principle of automation was later used to create a number of successful designs.

The barrel bore is locked by tilting the bolt down. trigger mechanism operates from a reciprocating mainspring. The trigger mechanism provides only continuous fire. It is equipped with a flag-type fuse that locks the sear. The cartridges are fed from a metal detachable link tape. The mechanism for feeding the tape to the drum-type receiver is driven from the bolt frame. The extraction of the spent cartridge case is carried out by the bolt legs, and its reflection is carried out by a movable reflector connected to the bolt carrier rod. The machine gun is equipped with spring buffers for the bolt carrier and bolt.

The high rate of fire in the ShKAS machine gun was obtained due to the short stroke of the moving parts of the automation and the combination of a number of reloading operations. In order to avoid dismantling the cartridge, it is removed from the belt link in ten cycles of automation, which is achieved due to the screw groove on the gear housing. To soften the blows of moving parts on the sear, during landing and after the end of the queue, a buffer spring is installed.

For the ShKAS machine gun, under the leadership of N. M. Elizarov, cartridges were worked out that had tracer, incendiary and combined action armor-piercing incendiary bullets capable of igniting gasoline tanks protected by armor. In these cartridges, to prevent dismantling (dismantling) of the cartridge at a huge rate of fire of 30-50 rounds per second, the walls of the sleeve are thickened, the fastening of the primer in the socket is strengthened, and a double annular crimp of the bullet is introduced into the muzzle of the sleeve. At the bottom of the cartridge case for ShKAS machine guns, in addition to the standard designations, the letter "Sh" was placed. The capsule is painted red. Otherwise, the coloring is standard for the respective types of bullets. Cartridges intended for infantry weapons in ShKAS machine guns could not be used. Cartridges for the ShKAS machine gun were the world's first aviation cartridges.

With all the advantages of the ShKAS system machine guns, their first releases, made according to the prototype drawings, had an insufficient resource - about 1500-2000 rounds.
* March 1933 Soviet government, giving an order for the first large batch of machine guns, invited the designers to increase their survivability, bringing it to 5000 shots.
* In April 1933, Shpitalny and Komaritsky presented a sample that differed from its predecessor not only in better survivability, but also in some changes that had a positive effect on the simplicity of the machine gun design. In the new model, its main part - the box - was significantly changed, five new parts were introduced instead of thirteen eliminated ones. These changes resulted in significant amount changes in dimensions and tolerances of mating parts
* In July 1933, the production of machine guns began according to new drawings.
* On December 24, 1934, the testing of the ShKAS machine gun with a twisted three-core reciprocating mainspring was completed. The previous recoil spring often failed, unable to withstand more than 2500-2800 shots. We tried different grades of steel, changed the diameter of the springs and the thickness of the wire, but nothing helped, and after a certain number of shots, the shooting had to be stopped to replace the spring. The original solution was found by Shpitalny, who proposed making the spring stranded, twisted. Tests have shown that the survivability of a twisted three-core reciprocating mainspring is 14,000 shots.
* In 1935-1936. K. N. Rudnev, V. N. Polyubin and A. A. Tronenkov developed a mechanical pair of ShKAS machine guns, in which the total rate of fire of two machine guns was increased to 6000-6400 rounds per minute.
* On May 15, 1937, Shpitalny and Komaritsky completed the production of a prototype UltraShKAS machine gun. By applying the principle of a moving barrel in it while moving forward, they achieved a rate of fire - 2800-3000 rounds per minute.

Installation options
The designers were tasked with adapting the machine gun of the ShKAS system for use in various points aircraft as a turret, synchronous and wing.

Turret and Wing variants
They were created at the beginning of 1934. The installation for the turret machine gun was developed by N. F. Tokarev, in March 1934 it was put into service. Previous attempts to install ShKAS machine guns on old turrets designed for Degtyarev aircraft machine guns, weapons that are much weaker, were unsuccessful due to the strong dispersion of bullets. The ShKAS wing machine gun was interchangeable with the turret. The reloading handle in it is replaced by a cable mechanism, and the control handle is replaced by a feeder mechanism.

Synchronous option
The synchronization of the machine gun was carried out in 1936 by designers V. N. Salishchev, K. N. Rudnev and V. P. Kotov. A distinctive feature of the designs of the synchronous mechanism of this machine gun is the transfer of all its main parts, with the exception of the striker and the cocking lever, from the bolt to the receiver.
By 1936, the ShKAS system machine guns occupied a dominant position in the weapons system Soviet aviation.

Country: USSR, Russia
Type of: Aviation machine gun
Constructor: Shpitalny, Boris Gavriilovich, Komaritsky, Irinarkh Andreevich
Issue date: 1930
In service: October 11, 1932-1945
Cartridge: 7.62 mm
Principle of operation: Removal of powder gases
Rate of fire: 1800/1800/1650 rounds per minute
Muzzle velocity: 775-825/775-825/800-850 m/s
Weight (without magazine): 10.5/9.8/11.1 kg
Length: n/a
Barrel: n/a
Charging system: tape
Scope: n/a
Types: ShVAK
Issued: approximately 151127

Cartridges for machine gun ShKAS

Cartridge for the ShKAS machine gun with an ordinary light bullet manufactured by TPZ. The characteristic double compression of the bullet along the height of the muzzle of the sleeve is visible.

There are two types of loose metal belts for the ShKAS machine gun: with and without stiffeners.

Sections of 7.62 mm shells. The cartridge case for the ShKAS machine gun (left), unlike the usual one (right), has thicker walls and a bottom baffle.

Scheme of fastening a bullet in cartridges produced by Podolsky (1) and Tula (2) cartridge factories

Bullets for 7.62 mm ShKAS cartridges

1 - L, light; 2 - D, heavy long-range; 3 - B-30, armor-piercing; 4 - B-32, armor-piercing incendiary; 5 -T-30 (T-46), tracer; 6 - BT, armor-piercing tracer, 7 - BZT, armor-piercing incendiary tracer; 8 - modernized BZT (ZB-46); 9 - ZP (PZ), sighting and incendiary
Samples of marking (branding) of cartridge cases ShKAS

Plant No. 46 was located in Kuntsevo (Moscow region). With the outbreak of war, he was partially evacuated to the city of Novaya Lyalya, where he was later merged with plant No. 529

The main mass-dimensional and ballistic parameters of cartridges for the ShKAS machine gun correspond to the parameters of land-based rifle cartridges with the same types of bullets

Characteristics of 7.62 mm cartridges for the ShKAS machine gun
Characteristic Cartridge type
L B-32 PZ
BZT T-30 (T-46)
Cartridge weight, g 21,75 21,75 22,2 21,23 21,7
Bullet weight, g 9,6 9,5...10,0 9,7...10,4
Charge mass, g 2,25 3,25 3,25 3,25 3,25
Sleeve weight, g* 18,7 18,7 18,7 18,7 18,7
Beginning bullet speed, m/s** 860 860 820 855 850
Chuck length, mm*** 75,2 77,2 77,2 77,2 77,2
Sleeve length, mm 53,7 53,7 53,7 53,7 53,7
Bullet length, mm 28,4 37,8 38,5 40,1 37,8
* The weight of the steel bimetallic sleeve ShKAS is given
** Speed ​​of bullets when shooting from a rifle
*** The length of the ShKAS cartridge with a bullet arr. 1908 manufactured by TPZ


Aviation machine gun ShKAS.

Developer: Shpitalny, Komaritsky
Country: USSR
Prototype production: 1930
Trials: 1932
Adoption: 1932

The first sample of the Soviet rapid-fire aircraft machine gun ShKAS was made in 1930. Already at the beginning of June 1932, Shpitalny, Komaritsky and the representative of the Air Force Ponomarev demonstrated a machine gun to the People's Commissar of the Navy K.E. Voroshilov. The representative of Orujpultrest, I.Glotov, who was present at the same time, later recalled:

“At the demonstration of the machine gun, explanations were given by Shpitalny and Komaritsky, as well as the representative of the Air Force Ponomarev. At the end of the demonstration of the machine gun, by prior agreement with the inventors, I proposed to test it in a local shooting gallery, to which Voroshilov agreed. With some understandable excitement, Komaritsky stood behind the machine gun, and the shooting opened at the command of the People's Commissar of Defense seemed to merge into one powerful flurry of shots ... All the mechanisms of the ShKAS machine gun operated flawlessly when firing ... This result of an unscheduled test of the machine gun caused Voroshilov's approval. He congratulated the inventors on their success…”

The whole of 1931 was the fine-tuning of weapons. Despite the obvious promise of this sample, it turned out to be very complex and required significant efforts by designers and technologists aimed at optimizing technical solutions and increasing the survivability of weapons. A whole engineering team joined in fine-tuning the system: I. Pastukhov, P. Morozenko, I. Somov, S. Yartsev, M. Mamontov, K. Rudnev, G. Nikitin, A. Tronenkov and others.

On October 7, the Revolutionary Military Council approved the results of field tests, and on October 7, 1932, the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR approved the results of field tests of the machine gun and on October 11, 1932, adopted a resolution on its adoption for service under the name “7.62-mm aviation rapid-fire machine gun of the Shpitalny-Komaritsky system of the 1932 model of the year - ShKAS "(Spitalny - Komaritsky aviation rapid fire).

The production of a machine gun, mastered by the Tula Arms Plant, was carried out by semi-handicraft methods due to the overly complex design of the weapon. The transition of the Soviet arms industry to the manufacture of aviation automatic weapons with a high rate of fire required an increase production culture, high accuracy in drawings, tolerance calculations, the use of especially high-quality steels and heat treatment of parts, which determined the survivability and failure-free operation of automation. Domestic weapons production, although they were at a fairly high technical level, still turned out to be unprepared for the manufacture of weapons of this class. The greatest difficulties arose in the selection of high-strength special steels for the most stressed parts and springs, as well as in the creation of a technology for their heat treatment. This explains the very low survivability of the first ShKAS machine guns, which at first amounted to an insignificant 1500-2000 shots.

Simultaneously with the issuance in March 1933 of the order for the first large batch of machine guns, the designers were asked to increase the survivability to 5000 shots. In April 1933, a modified version of the machine gun was presented, known under the in-house designation KM-33 (design model of 1933), which went into production in July. The transition from semi-handicraft to mass production took place only at the beginning of 1934. Therefore, the machine gun is better known under the designation "7.62-mm aviation rapid-fire machine gun of the Shpitalny-Komaritsky system mod. 1934 (ShKAS)". Fine-tuning continued after production was launched. great job in this direction, a group of specialists led by a domestic weapons engineer P.I. Main.

Machine gun ShKAS KM-33 early.

Problems had to be solved on the go. As you know, coil springs at high cyclic speeds lose their elastic properties, becoming, in fact, a solid body. In the ShKAS machine gun, the return spring of the gas piston, which just worked in such conditions, quickly failed. I had to use a stranded spring, which significantly increased its durability. To facilitate the extraction of the sleeve and prevent its breakage, Revelli grooves were introduced into the chamber of the chamber. When fired, part of the powder gases rushed into the grooves, reducing the adhesion force of the sleeve to the walls of the chamber and thereby facilitating its extraction. Spring buffers of the bolt frame and bolt were also introduced, which softened the impact of the moving system in the rear position and increased the speed of its return forward. A sear buffer spring was introduced into the trigger mechanism to increase survivability.

The first versions of the ShKAS machine gun were wing and turret versions, mastered by industry in 1933-1934. Since 1935, a slightly modified version of the KM-35 went into production, which differed externally from the early models in a shortened casing covering the barrel with a vent tube, and the following year, the final production version of the KM-36 with a number of outwardly subtle technological improvements.

The I-16 type 4 fighter was the first of the production aircraft to acquire this weapon - it was equipped with wing-mounted machine guns with a cable reloading mechanism and a cable system for descent.

Installation of the ShKAS machine gun in the I-16 wing.

The Tur-8 open turret, developed by N.F. Tokarev, was put into service in the spring of 1934. In the turret version, a wind vane (or front sight) stand was attached to the muzzle of the barrel, a ring sight stand (rear sight) was mounted on the casing, and a holding handle was mounted on the butt plate. There was a control handle with a trigger connected to the sear through a gear lever. The safety lever locked the sear. The reload handle served to move the movable system to its rearmost position and remained stationary during firing.

On March 28, 1935, Voroshilov wrote to Ordzhonikidze: "... in 1936, all serial production aircraft will be produced with these machine guns."

Later, with the creation of new types of aircraft, other variants of turret (blister) installations with a transparent screen were developed, for example, the upper turrets of the system of G.M. Mozharovsky and I.V. Venevidov MV-5 (placed on the Su-2 aircraft) and MV-3 (aircraft SB, TB-3). For the SB and DB-3 bombers, Mozharovsky and Venevidov under ShKAS developed a retractable lower hatch installation MV-2 with a periscope sight.

The upper turret TSS-1 and the lower MV-2 on the Ar-2 bomber.

In 1937, a synchronous version was adopted, developed in Tula TsKB-14 by K.N. Rudnev, V.I. Salishchev, V.A. Galkin, V.P. .Kurenkov, M.I. Vladimirsky, V.A. Galkin. The synchronizer, allowing firing through the screw, reduced its rate to 1650 rds / min. To compensate for the decrease in the rate of fire on the synchronous version of the ShKAS, a barrel extended by 150 mm was used, which somewhat improved the external ballistics of the bullet, increasing its initial speed. The design of the ShKAS synchronous machine gun differed from the original by transferring all the main parts, with the exception of the cocking lever and the striker, from the bolt block to the receiver. At the same time, on the basis of an elongated synchronous ShKAS, there were two versions in parallel - with a cable loading mechanism and a manual one.

ShKAS Synchronous, extended with a charging handle.

In 1941 there appeared latest version The ShKAS with a barrel length is 75 mm shorter than the synchronous one. ShKAS model 1941 was intended exclusively for the wing installation of the Il-2 attack aircraft.

ShKAS in the IL-2 wing. Scheme.

At first, for firing from a machine gun, gross rifle cartridges of 7.62 mm caliber were used with all types of bullets that existed at that time, designed for firing from carbines, rifles, and machine guns. However, during the testing process, it turned out that they were not suitable for firing from the ShKAS. The mechanisms of a weapon with a high rate of fire (of the order of 1800 rds / min) extract the cartridge from the tape and send it into the chamber so quickly that the resulting inertial overloads can lead to the dismantling of the cartridge. The delays that occurred when firing from the ShKAS with ordinary cartridges (dismantling and breaking the cartridge, dropping out of the primer, falling into the cartridge case, destruction of the primer composition) were caused precisely by inertial overloads. The elimination of most of the above delays required disassembly of the machine gun, which, of course, is impossible during the flight.

The imperfection of the cartridges endangered the life of the pilot and the performance of the combat mission. A well-designed weapon, as it turned out, outperformed the cartridges it fired - quite a rare event in the history of weapons technology. The way out of this situation suggested itself: special aviation cartridges were needed. A team of designers led by N.M. Elizarov took up their development. By the mid-30s, the work was completed and, as a result, 7.62-mm cartridges for the ShKAS machine gun appeared.

Ammunition for aircraft guns appearance practically do not differ from land rifle cartridges. At the same time, there are subtle but important differences in their design, which reflect the specifics of the use of ammunition in weapons with a high rate of fire.

To increase the strength of the bullet in the case, cartridges with ordinary bullets "L" (light, model 1908) and "D" (heavy long-range model 1930, only for GAU), produced by TPZ, had a double crimping of the neck of the case along height. To this end, the bullets in such cartridges are planted deeper by 1.3 mm compared to the conventional cartridge mod. 1908 There are no grooves (flutes) on the bullets. Cartridges produced by PPZ had a reinforced double crimp on the edge of the muzzle of the case, which was made with 4 dies. After the first crimping, the chuck was rotated through a small angle and then re-crimped at the same level. The length of the PPZ cartridges remained standard, light bullets could either have or not have a flute.

Compared to the cartridge case of a conventional cartridge, the shells for cartridges for the ShKAS machine gun had a thicker wall and bottom. This increased their strength and made it possible to significantly reduce the likelihood of a transverse rupture of the shells when fired - a delay that is absolutely unavoidable in flight. Sleeves for ShKAS cartridges were made from both brass and bimetal (steel clad with tombac), and later only from bimetal (at TPZ starting from 1935-1936, at PPZ - from 1938)

To prevent the capsule from moving in the nest, its ring punching was often used, the capsule itself decreased in height. In order to save the mass of the impact composition while reducing the height of the primer, the composition was pressed in with a figured punch, which distributed the impact composition along the edges of the primer. The capsule composition with foil was fixed in the cap of the capsule with the help of specially selected resistant varnishes.

In addition to cartridges with ordinary bullets "L" and "D", cartridges with special-purpose bullets were developed for the ShKAS machine gun. Their range was quite wide and included:
- a cartridge with an armor-piercing bullet B-30;
- cartridge with armor-piercing incendiary B-32;
- cartridges with tracer bullets T-30 and T-46;
- a cartridge with an armor-piercing tracer bullet BT;
- a cartridge with an armor-piercing incendiary tracer bullet BZT;
- cartridges with an incendiary sighting bullet ZP and PZ.

To distinguish 7.62-mm "Shkasov" cartridges from ordinary ones, since 1938, the letter "Sh" was stamped on the sleeve flange.

For firing from the ShKAS machine gun, the cartridges were loaded into a metal loose tape, the links of which were interconnected by the cartridges themselves. When firing, the links of the tape, along with the shells, were thrown out of the machine gun mount over the side of the aircraft or into a special purse.

Links of cartridges in the tape for the ShKAS machine gun.

Cartridges for the ShKAS machine gun, like others, were sealed in "zinc" and wooden boxes on which was applied special sign- the inscription "SHKAS". Additionally, a sign was applied in the form of a red or black propeller.

The presence of a red propeller indicates that the cartridges are approved for firing through the propeller of the aircraft. In this case, the movement of the moving parts of the machine gun was coordinated with the rotation of the engine crankshaft through a special device - a synchronizer. For admission to shooting through the screw, the cartridges were subjected to thorough certification. The main parameter to be checked was the so-called primer response time, on which the moment when the bullet leaves the bore of the weapon depends significantly. In addition, ballistic characteristics, tightness of cartridges, etc. were more strictly checked. A red propeller was applied to the capping of cartridges that successfully passed the certification, and black for those that did not pass. Cartridges that had a black propeller mark on the box were approved for firing from all aircraft guns, except for synchronous ones.

In the 30s, 7.62-mm cartridges for the ShKAS machine gun were produced at the Tula (TPZ) and Podolsk (PPZ) cartridge factories.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the cartridge for the ShKAS machine gun with a bullet L acquired a standard length, while the strength of the bullet's fit in the sleeve was ensured by tighter compression of the bullet and was strictly controlled. The bullet may or may not have a flute. Basically, these cartridges were used for target practice.

During the war, 7.62-mm rifle cartridges with special-purpose bullets were produced at enterprises working on orders from the Main Directorate of the Air Force (the aviation had the main need for them). Factories produced such cartridges only with "shkasovsky" sleeves with thickened walls. In 1942, it turned out that the cartridges with special bullets coming into ground troops from these plants (orders through the GAU line) when used in infantry weapons(Maxim and DP machine guns, Mosin rifle) give delays - tight extraction of the cartridge case was observed. To eliminate this drawback, cartridge cases shipped to the ground forces were covered with a special varnish.

The action of the automatic machine gun was due to the energy of the powder gases discharged from the bore. The machine gun was powered by a metal link detachable tape. The machine gun was equipped with spring buffers for the bolt carrier and bolt.

The main "highlight" of ShKAS was the power supply system, which, in fact, made it possible to achieve such a high rate of fire - 1800 rds / min. The cartridge was fed by a gear (drum) for 10 slots, rotating on a longitudinal axis inside a fixed casing. On the gear axis and inner surface the casing was made with a screw groove. When the piston rod moved back, its curved ridge pressed on the drive roller of the feed lever, which swung in a horizontal plane, and turned it to the left. The lever turned the gear with its finger. The cartridge, picked up by the gear, entered the rim of the sleeve into the screw groove. In one cycle of automation, the gear turned 1/10 of a turn, while the cartridge slid along the screw groove, was removed from the loose tape link and moved back.

Thus, the removal of the cartridge from the tape and its supply occurred smoothly - the cartridge approached the receiving window of the receiver for a full turn, i.e. 10 shots. Here it was picked up by a lever feeder and pressed against the receiving window, holding it up. This made it possible to reduce the length of the shutter stroke. The continuous operation of the feed mechanism, the reduction in the speed of the tape and the cartridge when fed to the chambering line prevented their damage, destruction or distortion (although the strength of the cartridge case and the fastening of the bullet in it for aviation cartridges still had to be increased). In addition, the described system made it possible to reduce the length of the weapon, which is important for placement on an aircraft. When loading the machine gun, it was necessary to release the gear, bring the cartridge belt to it and, using the folding loading handle, turn the gear, introducing 8-9 rounds into it, then turn on the feeder.

The ejection mechanism was no less ingenious. His work was divided into two stages. When moving backward, the bolt frame turned the reflector in the transverse plane. He pushed the sleeve out of the bolt legs into the side socket of the receiver, where it was held by a spring-loaded sleeve catcher. From here, it was pushed out through the sleeve outlet by the protrusion of the rod when moving forward.

In the butt plate, spring buffers of the bolt frame and bolt were mounted. They not only softened the impact of the moving system in the rear position, but also increased the initial speed of its return forward. In combination with a short shutter stroke and the timing of reloading operations, this reduced the duration of the automation cycle and increased the rate of fire.

Scheme of the ShKAS machine gun.

The weight of the ShKAS machine gun was: turret version 10.5 kg; wing 9.8 kg; synchronous - 11.1 kg. The ballistics and rate of fire for the turret and wing versions are the same: with a bullet weight of 9.6 g and a charge of 3.2 g, the tabular initial speed is 825 m / s, and the rate is 1800 rds / min. The synchronous version has a lower rate of fire - up to 1650 rds / min. But the initial speed is slightly higher (850 m/s) due to greater length trunk.

The turret variant was installed on Il-4, Pe-8, TB-4, TB-3 (on TUR-6), Yer-2, DB-3, SB, U-2VS, R-5 and others. The wing version was installed on I-16 fighters and Il-2 attack aircraft, and the synchronous version was installed on I-16, I-153, LaGG-3, Yak-1, Yak-7 fighters, etc.

Serial production of ShKAS machine guns was constantly growing. In 1933, 365 copies were issued, in 1934 - 2476, in 1935 - 3566, in 1937 - 13005, in 1938 - 19687, in 1940 - 34233, in 1943 - 29450, in 1944 - 36255 and in 1945 - 12455.

The ShKAS machine gun was an outstanding weapon in many respects, in fact, being the first domestic purely aviation machine gun, designed to meet the requirements of its time. The continuous feed of the tape, the stranded reciprocating mainspring, the frantic rate of fire - this was implemented in ShKAS for the first time.

The negative aspects of the ShKAS design include the very high labor intensity and complexity of the design of the machine gun. Also, the disadvantages include the impossibility of changing the feed direction of the tape. Due to the intricate pattern of cartridge movement, the feed was carried out only from the bottom right, which, however, somewhat reduced the severity of this problem, compared with the classic cartridge feed schemes purely left or purely right.

With the advent of ShKAS in the Soviet school small arms there was a departure from the concept of unification of weapons for all types of armed forces, advocated by the Soviet masters Fedorov and Degtyarev. Although ShKASs were sometimes used both as manual and anti-aircraft guns on various improvised machines, the high rate of fire made their survivability in the "land version" extremely small. Well, this was a natural price for the outstanding qualities of this weapon.

Among contemporaries - machine guns created in other countries, there was no weapon equal to ShKAS in terms of rate of fire. Some samples of foreign machine guns, of course, reached such parameters as those of ShKAS, but only at the expense of reduced reliability.


ShKAS (t) - turret, the first modification.

ShKAS (kr) - the ShKAS wing machine gun was interchangeable with the turret and had only those differences that were dictated by ease of use. The loading handle in it was replaced by a cable mechanism. Weight - 9.8 kg; with a bullet weight of 9.6 g and a charge of 3.2 g, the tabular initial speed is 825 m / s, and the rate is 1800 rds / min. The wing version was installed on I-16 fighters and Il-2 attack aircraft.

ShKAS (s) - a synchronous version of the ShKAS machine gun was created in 1936 by designers V.N. Salishchev, K.N. Rudnev and V.P. Kotov. A distinctive feature of the design of the synchronous mechanism of this machine gun was the transfer of all its main parts, with the exception of the striker and the cocking lever, from the bolt to the receiver. Weight - 11.1 kg, rate of fire - up to 1650 rds / min, initial speed - 850 m / s.


Caliber, mm: 7.62
Cartridge: 7.62 x 54mm R
Principles of operation: Removal of powder gases
rate of fire,
shots / min: 1800 (ShKAS (s) - 1650)
Type of ammunition supply: tape
Weight (turret), kg: 10.5
Rate of fire, rds / min: 1800
Initial speed, m/s: 825

Turret machine gun ShKAS in the museum exposition.

Turret machine gun ShKAS in the museum exposition.

7.62 mm aviation rapid-fire machine gun

For the first time, ShKASs on Soviet fighters were used in air battles in November 1936 over Madrid (at the same time, SB bombers, also carrying ShKASs, also fought in the sky of Spain). A year later, I-15s and I-16s armed with them fought Japanese aircraft over China. The ShKAS proved to be both in the battles at Khalkhin Gol and in the Soviet-Finnish war.

The scheme of the machine gun was developed by the designer Boris Gavriilovich Shpitalny with the help of Irinarkh Andreyevich Komaritsky. I.A. took part in its revision. Pastukhov, P.K. Morozenko, A.A. Tronenko, M.A. Mamontov, G.I. Nikitin, K.N. Rudnev, I.P. Somov. The machine gun was put into service on October 11, 1932, but then another two years were spent on technological refinement and some simplification of the design, so that mass production began only at the beginning of 1934. As a result, the weapon was given the designation "7.62-mm aviation rapid-fire machine gun systems of Shpitalny and Komaritsky arr. 1934 (ShKAS)". Its fine-tuning continued even after the production was launched in Tula. A lot of work was done by a group of specialists led by a major gunsmith P.I. Maina. I.V. honed their design skills at ShKAS. Savin, A.K. Norov, S.A. Yartsev, N.F. Tokarev.

Machine gun automation worked by removing powder gases, power was supplied from a loose metal link belt. The design consisted of a barrel with a casing, a receiver with a lid, a bolt carrier with a rod and a piston, a bolt, a gear, a gear casing, a feed lever and its cover, a clutch with a loading handle, a reflector, a sleeve catcher, a trigger, a butt plate.

The barrel was fastened in the casing with a cracker joint. The barrel chamber is of a floating type, that is, with longitudinal grooves on the walls extending beyond the front cut of the sleeve (Revelli grooves). After the shot, part of the powder gases rushed into the grooves, reducing the pressure difference on the walls of the sleeve and the force of its adhesion to the walls of the chamber. This facilitated extraction and prevented rupture of the sleeve at high shutter speeds. At 180 mm from the muzzle, a transverse gas outlet was made in the barrel wall. The gas chamber of a closed type was located above the barrel and was supplied with a plug - gas regulator with three holes with diameters of 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 mm. The casing with the barrel was attached to the receiver with a coupling. The barrel was cooled by air, although in 1939 a water-cooled version was also tested.

The bolt frame, rigidly connected to the piston rod, served as the leading link in the automation. A three-core reciprocating mainspring was placed in the rod channel. The barrel bore was locked by tilting the bolt down, while the rear beveled section of the bolt stood on the combat stop of the receiver behind the receiving window. Locking and unlocking the shutter produced a figured vertical ledge of the shutter frame. The total mass of the movable system was 921 g, the backward speed was from 9.0 (with a vent hole of 2.5 mm) to 12.1 m/s (with a hole of 3.5 mm).

The drummer was mounted in the shutter. The shot was fired from the rear sear, which is natural for a machine gun with a large barrel heating. The combat platoon was located on the left side of the bolt carrier. The trigger mechanism was assembled in a separate housing; to increase survivability, a sear buffer spring was introduced into it. When the bolt carrier came to its extreme forward position (that is, after the bolt was locked), its protrusion hit the drummer.

The main "highlight" of ShKAS was the power supply system, which, in fact, made it possible to achieve such a high rate of fire - 1800 rds / min. The cartridge was fed by a gear (drum) for 10 slots, rotating on a longitudinal axis inside a fixed casing. A screw groove was made on the axis of the gear and the inner surface of the casing. When the piston rod moved back, its curved ridge pressed on the drive roller of the feed lever, which swung in a horizontal plane, and turned it to the left. The lever turned the gear with its finger. The cartridge, picked up by the gear, entered the rim of the sleeve into the screw groove. In one cycle of automation, the gear turned 1/10 of a turn, while the cartridge slid along the screw groove, was removed from the loose tape link and moved back.

Thus, the removal of the cartridge from the tape and its supply occurred smoothly - the cartridge approached the receiving window of the receiver for a full turn, i.e. 10 shots. Here it was picked up by a lever feeder and pressed against the receiving window, holding it up. This made it possible to reduce the length of the shutter stroke. The continuous operation of the feed mechanism, the reduction in the speed of the tape and the cartridge when fed to the chambering line prevented their damage, destruction or distortion (although the strength of the cartridge case and the fastening of the bullet in it for aviation cartridges still had to be increased). In addition, the described system made it possible to reduce the length of the weapon, which is important for placement on an aircraft. When loading the machine gun, it was necessary to release the gear, bring the cartridge belt to it and, using the folding loading handle, turn the gear, introducing 8-9 rounds into it, then turn on the feeder.

The ejection mechanism was no less ingenious. His work was divided into two stages. When moving backward, the bolt frame turned the reflector in the transverse plane. He pushed the sleeve out of the bolt legs into the side socket of the receiver, where it was held by a spring-loaded sleeve catcher. From here, it was pushed out through the sleeve outlet by the protrusion of the rod when moving forward.

In the butt plate, spring buffers of the bolt frame and bolt were mounted. They not only softened the impact of the moving system in the rear position, but also increased the initial speed of its return forward. In combination with a short shutter stroke and the timing of reloading operations, this reduced the duration of the automation cycle and increased the rate of fire.

ShKAS was the first in many respects. The preceding PV-1 A.V. Nadashkevich, DA and DA-2 by V.A-Degtyarev were a continuation of the experience of the First World War - infantry machine guns "Maxim" and DP adapted for aviation. ShKAS was the first specially designed aviation machine gun designed to meet the requirements of its time. Continuous feed of the tape, stranded reciprocating mainspring - this was implemented in ShKAS for the first time. As well as for the first time in single-barrel systems, such a rate of fire was achieved. Indeed:

The 7.62-mm French aviation machine gun "Darn" with belt feed gave 1100-1200 rounds / min, the English 7.7-mm "Vickers" -R (store-fed) - 1000, the American 7.62-mm "Colt- Browning "(tape) - 900, German 7.92 mm MG-17 (tape) - 1100.

ShKAS was used in three versions. The I-16 fighter was the first to receive this weapon - in the form of wing machine guns without sights, with a cable reloading mechanism and a cable system for descent.

In the turret version, a weather vane (or front sight) stand was attached to the muzzle of the barrel, a ring sight stand (rear sight) was mounted on the casing, and a holding handle was mounted on the butt plate. There was a control handle with a trigger connected to the sear through a gear lever. The safety lever locked the sear. The reload handle served to move the movable system to its rearmost position and remained stationary during firing. The barrel cover has changed. The turret was developed by N.F. Tokarev. For example, the TB-3-AM-34RN bomber had four Tur-8 installations. Later, with the creation of new aircraft, other options for turret (blister) installations were developed.

Finally, in 1936, a synchronous version was adopted (ShKAS arr. 1936), developed by K.N. Rudnev, V.P. Kotov, V.N. Salishchev. The synchronizer, allowing firing through the screw, reduced its rate to 1650 rds / min, but some lengthening of the bullet acceleration path increased the initial speed to 800-850 m / s.

Development N.M. Elizarov of variants of a rifle cartridge with an armor-piercing incendiary, tracer, incendiary bullet completed the formation of an aviation machine-gun complex.

The production of ShKASs continuously increased: if in 1933 they were assembled in a semi-handicraft way, 365 pieces, and in 1934 - 2476, then in 1937 - 13,005, in 1940 - 34,233. aviation weapons larger calibers - for 1941 they planned to produce only 3500 ShKAS machine guns and 30,000 spare barrels for them. We list the types of aircraft on which the ShKASs were deployed: I-16, I-153, Yak-1, Yak-7, LaGG-3, MiG-3 fighters, Il-2 attack aircraft, TB-3, TB-7, SB bombers, Su-2, He-2, Tu-2, Il-4, Yer-2, U-2 (Po-2), reconnaissance R5-SSS, P-Z, Be-2 (ship), military variants of Li-2. Instead of DShKs, ShKASs were also installed on G-5 and D-3 torpedo boats.

Turret installation of a ShKAS machine gun on a SB bomber

In 1939, the “super-fast-firing” Ultra-ShKAS was adopted and produced in small quantities - the automation cycle time in it was reduced, giving the barrel a forward movement after unlocking. Bow installations with twin ShKAS were installed on the SB. In 1935 - 1937 K.N. Rudnev, V.N. Polyubin, A.A. Tropenkov worked out the so-called mechanical twin ShKAS (MSSH) - organically paired ShKAS with a rate of fire of up to 6000-6400 rounds / min. The machine gun rods were equipped with gear racks and connected with a gear - the automation cycle included two shot cycles, and the maximum recoil force did not exceed its value with one shot. But it is significant that further work in this direction were interrupted due to the planned transition to heavy machine guns.

ShKAS brought fame to Shpitalny. Rapid career was a typical phenomenon in the early 30s. Having first appeared among weapons designers around 1930, Boris Gavriilovich already in 1934 received the Special Design Bureau (OKB-15), which he led until 1953. Ordzhonikidze and Tukhachevsky provided great support to the Design Bureau. There was a kind of "star system" when in any area one "best" was elected, the most patronized by the authorities. Shpitalny became such in the field of artillery and small arms aviation. He also came into Stalin's field of vision. In 1940, along with other designers, he received the Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor and a doctorate in technical sciences. Stalin Prizes in 1941 and 1942, two Orders of Lenin, the Order of Suvorov of the 3rd degree, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of the Red Star ... Alas, he could not avoid "star disease". In any case, both B.L. Vannikov, who did a lot to set up and develop the production of ShKAS, who closely communicated with Shpitalny before the war, when he was People's Commissar for Armaments, and V.N. Novikov, Deputy People's Commissar for Armaments during the war years, left not the most personal memories of Shpitalny.

The designer failed to repeat the success of ShKAS. True, S.V. Vladimirov created on its basis, first a 12.7-mm machine gun, and then a 20-mm ShVAK automatic cannon (by the way, one of the first serial samples of bicaliber weapons). By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 20-mm ShVAK and 7.62-mm ShKAS were the main and most mass armament aircraft of the Red Army Air Force. ShVAK even became a tank gun (TNSh-20). But the war, as the most cruel examiner, buried Shpitalny's hopes for a "monopoly". ShKAS began to be replaced on aircraft by the 12.7-mm UB system M.E. Berezina. ShVAK was first partially replaced by the 23-mm VYA-23 A.A. Volkova and S.A. Yartsev, and since 1944 - B-20 Berezina. OKB-15 Shpitalny began to regularly play OKB-16 A.E. Nudelman - 37-mm cannon Sh-37, at the suggestion of the People's Commissar of Armaments D.F. Ustinov, from the end of 1942 was replaced in production by the NS-37. Shpitalny failed to hand over the 37-mm gun as an anti-aircraft or tank gun. OKB Nudelman bypassed Shpitalny and in work on a 45-mm, new 20-mm cannon, after the war - on 23- and 30-mm, he lost the competition for a new 12.7-mm machine gun to A.M. Afanasiev. He did not achieve much success in competitions for a submachine gun and an anti-tank rifle.

Tactical and technical characteristics:

Caliber, mm - 7.62
Weight (turret), kg - 10.5
Rate of fire, rds / min - 1800
Initial speed, m/s - 825