“I will probably remain in history as the author of the song “My Blue-Eyed Girl,” Lyubov Voropaeva sadly complains, “but as a poet, I wanted something completely different.”

Lyubov Voropaeva and her husband (now deceased) Viktor Dorokhin are the people who made Zhenya Belousov the idol of millions of girls of the 90s. They were introduced to the young singer by his then girlfriend, the editor of the Main Editorial Board of Music Programs of the USSR State Television and Radio, Marta Magilevskaya. Before their eyes, his romance with Natalya Vetlitskaya developed. And finally, through the efforts of this creative couple, Zhenya married a girl, Lena Khudik, who by that time had already given birth to his daughter Christina.

Then there were other songs and other women. A civil marriage with the keyboard player and chief accountant of his group Oksana Shidlovskaya and the birth of a son, Roman. And finally last love singer - Elena Savina (after his death she became singer Elena Belousova), who before last minute was next to Zhenya. He seemed to have died strange death- was treated for pancreatitis, but had a stroke. And the artist died. He was only 32 years old.

On September 10, Zhenya Belousov would have turned 50 years old. Lyubov Voropaeva told MK all the ins and outs about the singer’s development and his first steps into the star abyss.

- Zhenya Belousov left two children, did any of them follow in their father’s footsteps and take up music?

As far as I know, only his nephew, the son of his twin brother Alexander, is seriously involved in music. His name is also Evgeniy, he is the full namesake of Zhenya Belousov.

- He didn’t instill in his children a love of music?

None of the children grew up with their father, and yet the father communicated with them - with his daughter Christina, when she was little, they lived together. Today his daughter is a very private girl who shies away from any publicity. It seems that she was involved in dancing and music, but did not choose this path as a profession. And he communicated with Roma, his illegitimate son, he constantly helped them: his mother, Oksana Shidlovskaya, could call and say that he and Roma needed something, Zhenya would immediately break down - and come to them. But Zhenya’s son is still studying.

- Did he dream of a son? As is usually the case with fathers.

I don’t know, we never talked about this topic. But Viktor Dorokhin and I learned that Christina was born when she was already several months old. Zhenya hid this fact.

- Why?

Because he was a free young man. My friend, the famous music editor Marta Magilevskaya, with whom he was having an affair at that moment, brought him to our home to meet. He's somehow a short time lived with her, it was at that moment that Martha decided to take up solo career Zhenya suggested that we - me and Victor - do it. At that time, we perceived Belousov as Martha’s new romantic interest. Then an unexpected explosion occurred - an affair with Natalya Vetlitskaya, including a short-term marriage. Then it turned out that Zhenya’s first wife, Lena Khudik, had been pregnant all this time... Christina was born.

Kristina Belousova, Zhenya's daughter. Lyubov Voropaeva met Kristina, whom she called Ryzhik, when she was just over a year old, and did not see her until recently. Photo from the archive of Lyubov Voropaeva.

- Why did Zhenya break up with Vetlitskaya so quickly? After all, if it came to marriage, the feelings were strong?

They were very passionate about each other, but for too short a time. And it ended not the way Zhenya told everyone everywhere with a grin, but with terrible experiences and greatly hurt pride - the fact is that while he was on tour, Natalya easily started other romantic relationships. She was such an amorous girl. To match Zhenya... But she left him, and Zhenya was really very worried. Until suddenly, in some conversation, the fact came up that his first love, a girl from Kursk named Lena, gave birth to a daughter, and Viktor Dorokhin and I began to act decisively. That is, we understood that a star of this magnitude, which we planned to make from Zhenya, must definitely have a rear, a family, and then a daughter was born... In any case, Victor Dorokhin had a lot of men’s one-on-one conversations about this I talked about the topic with Zhenya. And although Lena Belousova-Khudik wants to present the story a little differently, and I understand that we, women, always follow our own line in relationships with men, nevertheless, it was Viktor Dorokhin and I who pushed Zhenya towards Lena and her newborn daughter, overcoming a certain resistance with his hand. As a result, Zhenya’s difficult trip to Kursk to visit Lena and her daughter took place. Then there were tours in the south of the country, at the same time Lena and Christina ended up visiting her parents in Simferopol, and we agreed that they would join us. The guys were together all summer, and then everything was done so that Zhenya would take them to Moscow.

For fans, his marriage and the presence of a child remained a secret? Women really liked him, and, of course, they wanted to see him free.

Yes, the fact of having a wife and child was hidden. Zhenya could walk in a crowd of fans, clearly showing attention to someone, and Lena and her child walked a little to the side. A courageous woman, of course, because her husband was an overly enthusiastic person... But at the same time he was very picky. He liked certain women. Both Lena Belousova and Natasha Vetlitskaya, and then his common-law wife Oksana Shidlovskaya, and his last love Lena Savina are outwardly the same type, all blondes. With every fiber of my soul I was on the side of Lena, his wife, because while we were working and communicating, Lena was nearby.

- For you, was Zhenya Belousov the work of your whole life?

When we did this, as it is now called, project, we, of course, were romantics and did not think about what modern producers are thinking about when first drawing up its feasibility study and estimate. We were interested in the creative moment, and somehow it coincided that Dorokhin liked Zhenya in all his respects, and most importantly, he understood what he wanted from him. If it weren’t for this mutual understanding, respect and love for each other in our trinity, nothing would have happened. Victor was an idol for him, an authority, all his life, until the end of his days, Zhenya copied all Dorokhin’s phrases, all his jokes. Dorokhin taught him to drive a car and instilled in him a taste for good music. We had an American friend who supplied us with world musical material; we had at home something that almost no one in Russia had. Preparing for the project, we copied everything onto tapes for him - Michael Jackson, Jenny Jackson, Paula Abdul and others, which our audience did not see or know then. Zhenya gained access to all this pirated content, which he studied under the guidance of an older comrade, a highly qualified musician with a higher education.

Lena Savina (pseudonym - Lena Belousova) is the last love of Zhenya Belousov with her daughter Evgenia. Photo from the archive of Lyubov Voropaeva.

- That is, Zhenya himself at that time was practically plasticine in your hands?

Well... Belousov was already 24 years old, he graduated from music school, although, in my opinion, he did not graduate, he was kicked out of there, but Zhenya was an excellent bass player and he had already passed his first singing tests at Integral. At the same time, he was terribly afraid to go on stage.

- Were you afraid to go on stage? And how did you deal with this?

I remember there was a huge concert at the Olimpiyskiy, everyone was waiting for Zhenya, he was at the very crest of fame and was supposed to appear as a headliner. There were a lot of guests, this American friend of ours arrived... “Belousov, on stage!” is heard over the loudspeaker, and Zhenya runs away, passes for a few seconds, suddenly returns... We persuade him, encourage him... He goes to the stage... Runs away again. In general, he left and returned three times. In the end, I couldn’t stand it, my mother’s heart trembled, I said: “Let’s go!” And she brought, damn it, millions onto the stage by the hand of this idol, then stood on the side until the end while he was on stage. And the audience went wild! These were the first steps to the rays of glory. Zhenya was very responsible in his profession; he suffered for a long time over the slightest mistakes. It was this attitude to the matter that Dorokhin put into him that gave such a result.

- That is, Viktor Dorokhin raised him? And not always, probably, by gentle methods?

Yes, I witnessed this once. There was a solo show at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, and although there were as many as 33 teams as a warm-up act, nevertheless, on the poster was “Zhenya Belousov”. There were two concerts on one day. And then we sewed Zhenya a new suit of colors sea ​​wave with a silk shirt. By the way, I found a cronyism in a cooperative shop, and they brought me material from Italy. So in this beautiful suit, the star Belousov, the idol of millions, lay down on the banquette to sleep. Because all night the night before he and I played slot machines, what great hunters there were. Dorokhin entered, saw what kind of person was sleeping on the banquette, and hit Zhenya with a backhand, saying: “Remember, my dear, you go out to the audience in a concert costume. You can’t eat, you can’t lie down, you can’t smoke in the corridor - this is sacred.” Zhenya flew off the banquette, I grabbed my heart. But the lesson was good - about attitude towards the viewer.

- In those years, did he sing without a soundtrack?

No, he sang to a soundtrack. It was such a hassle with the equipment, and in cities, in open areas, there’s nothing to say at all. When a huge stadium was assembled, he was put in a car, and, like the late Brezhnev, he cut circles to a soundtrack and waved his hand. And they threw flowers at him. After that, he took, as they say now, the loot...

- There was a lot of money...

The money was crazy! He and Dorokhin resolved all these issues together: where to hold concerts, Zhenya was well versed in this and even personally participated in the negotiations. Dorokhin didn’t have to travel, he was on the phone. Zhenya called and reported on what was on the set, whether they had brought the money... Then the directors and producers showed up.

Elena Belousova (Khudik), widow of Zhenya Belousov. Photo from the archive of Lyubov Voropaeva.

- Did he know how to handle money? Or was it easy to come and easy to go?

None of us knew how to handle money, this was not an expected profit, money just fell on us - and we joyfully and festively handled this money. We had a childhood friend in Ramenskoye, Stas, the father of four children, and we sent money there in packages. Zhenya helped many. There was practically nothing to invest in then, there was no way to buy an apartment yet, Zhenya lived in an evicted house, in a vacant apartment, the building had not been renovated for several years, and he paid the rent personally to the head of the DEZ. I won’t hide the fact that we started relationships with currency traders and black marketeers.

We had the same furniture in the apartments, the same white bedrooms Louis XVI, absolutely identical refrigerators, microwaves, washing machines, televisions, purchased with checks. We made a friend who had access to this database. It was dangerous, but it was possible to buy weapons and trauma equipment, and we had them. We went and learned to shoot; the situation in the 90s was dangerous, despite the numerous guards. They called us, told us where they gave us gold, we came to buy a few rings, something was exchanged for currency. They bought for ten, twenty dollars. While on tour in Sochi, some Finn sold us Finnish stamps. In general, some kind of bullshit. I made an acquaintance in a store on Malaya Bronnaya, where all the shortages were distributed “to our own people”; I regularly met famous artists there. We drove up in our car and loaded up full boxes of groceries. We had shelves with glass jars of black caviar, shelves with expensive drinks, and boxes of chocolates. Bears and truffles, they spoil, so they were distributed in bags left and right. Cervelat, frozen tongues, “Bush legs”. For this, the girls from the special warehouse only wanted to go to the Song of the Year finals, and I brought them invitations. There were three cooperative stores, including one in a former toilet on Tverskoy Boulevard, where they bought absolutely everything, some clothes. Immediately to me, Zhenka’s mother Nona Pavlovna, father Viktor Ivanovich, Lena Belousova. A bunch of different watches, some kind of microwave oven set, chandeliers. The Vesna trading company, where I made connections, let me into the warehouse - and I immediately bought suits in three sizes, we all wore the same suits, with the same handbags: three white, three black. They bought a crazy amount of “Pupa” cosmetic sets - for themselves and for gifts, some perfumes were taken out by the box, cigarettes by the block. Today it all seems like some kind of nightmare, but it was necessary to invest this money in order to at least keep something...

- Were the cars bought or driven from abroad?

Dorokhin made an agreement at the factory - and we bought our first Moskvich cars for crazy money and crazy overpayment, brand new, “in oil”. Then they started using used foreign cars, performed at a factory in Togliatti, bought “nines”, but they “went” to television, to someone higher.

- Was the racket following you?

I was kept very far from all this, only once did I see the racketeers when they were looking for Dorokhin, but they found me and demanded that I take them “to the boss.” Then my legs simply gave way. And once I was set up in Kyiv - our guards, and they were from Kharkov, warned that bandits were coming from there, and this was a serious racket. A decision was quickly made: since no one knows me by sight, all the money and valuables should be transferred to me. I will pretend that I have nothing to do with the artists. Horror - I was walking along the other side of the street with a bag of money, sitting in the general spectator buffet, and the bag was standing at my feet. It seems that racketeers came, there were some sort of showdowns, but they didn’t tell me about it.

Zhenya Belousova’s mother Nonna Pavlovna, who died a few days ago, at her son’s grave on June 2, 2012 with Lyubov Voropaeva. Photo from the archive of Lyubov Voropaeva.

- Were there any reserves?

We performed for someone somewhere, I remember, we went to some authority, but then it was rare.

- Everything was going so well, why did you end up breaking up?

I think if it weren’t for Dorokhin’s pride and the pain from the fact that everything built with such hellish labor because of Belousov’s advancing “stardom” could go to hell and is already beginning to fall apart, everything would have held together. If Vitya had had the wisdom to behave differently, they would not have separated. I understand that it was painful and offensive for him to watch and listen when they told what was actually happening on the sites. It was our custom to film every concert and then arrange a debriefing. Then only episodes began to be filmed, and then everything came to naught. Zhenya didn’t disrupt concerts, but rumors began to reach that the singer was taken out of the plane, and there he fell asleep on a bench... At first there was a lot of difficult men’s conversations, Zhenya swore: “Vitya, this won’t happen again!” The vows were broken, and Dorokhin’s nerves gave way. If only I had the wisdom to stop, to take him somewhere for a while, as I suggested... Messengers came from Zhenya, after they parted, but Dorokhin was adamant. I cried for six months, and Victor said: “I don’t even want to hear about him!”

- After the breakup, didn’t you forbid him to sing your hits?

We didn’t forbid him anything at all, but he himself didn’t want to. In general, I don’t know whether Dorokhin forbade him there or not; I never attended Belousov’s concerts.

Then there were attempts to start a business, which ended in failure... By the way, why? Did he not have the ability for this?

Interestingly, he had very good makings of a businessman. To be honest, most musicians of those times had such “talents”: they bought goods in one city and sold them in another. And when I found out that he went into business, selling alcohol, I thought: “God willing! You should succeed!” But he was deceived, he was kind, trusted, quickly got along with people, considered them friends. Unlike what the incredulous Dorokhin taught him. Openness and faith in friends played a role.

- You didn’t communicate again until his death?

About a year ago we met at the fiftieth birthday of Petrovich (Presnyakov Sr. - Auth.), and then, by the way, Zhenya introduced Lena Savina as his wife, I only later found out that she was a common-law wife. We started communicating with Zhenya again. And I perceived Lena as his wife, and when he was in the hospital, Lena called every day, through her we monitored the whole situation. When Zhenya was already in a coma, we communicated daily. I supported Lena as best I could, because until the very end she had hope that he would survive.

- Was his aneurysm congenital?

I’m not a doctor, there are different rumors, maybe it’s congenital or acquired in the car accident he was in, but the fact is that he was admitted to the hospital with a different diagnosis - pancreatitis. Doctors were bringing him out of this disease when suddenly a blood vessel in his head ruptured. What caused this, no one can say for sure.

- Did pancreatitis develop due to alcohol?

I don’t know what causes this disease, although I can guess...

-Has he experienced depression in recent years?

Well, of course, and, in fact, when he died, at the wake - everyone heard this - his father, now deceased, Viktor Ivanovich stood up and said: “If he had stayed with Lyuba and Viktor, we would not have buried him now. As a father, I know this."

Evgeny Belousov, whose stage name was Zhenya Belousov, was a popular singer in the late 80s. One of the popular representatives Russian stage, Zhenya Belousov, with his seemingly simple songs about love and romance, gave birth to a whole community of pop performers who entertained young people at discos in the early 90s. He was invited to collaborate with different teams, but Solo career The singer was already quite successful at that time, so the songwriter toured the Union a lot and performed abroad.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Zhenya Belousov

Zhenya Belousov looked like a typical representative of the 80s. Long lush and curly hair, multi-colored shirts and constant jeans became the artist’s stage costume for the duration of his short career. Zhenya loved bright clothes. Blue and red jackets, tight trousers and lots of jewelry. On the Internet you can find many photographs from photo shoots and tours of the singer, information about his life, height, weight, age. The years of Zhenya Belousov’s life from 1964 to 1997. The singer died young, at the time of his death he was 32 years old.

Biography and personal life of Zhenya Belousov

Evgeniy was born in Ukraine, in the Kharkov region, but after a few months his family moved to the city of Kursk. There Zhenya graduated from school and received musical education in guitar class. Belousov wanted to become a musician since childhood, but his parents insisted that the guy get a more realistic profession, and Zhenya graduated from technical school as a mechanic. Naturally, the young man was drawn to creativity and music, so in the evenings he worked in restaurants in the city, where he entertained guests of the establishment with musical performances. It was on one of these evenings young guy saw the Moscow producer and musician Bari Alibasov, and invited Zhenya to play in his group in the capital. Belousov didn’t think long, packed his things and left for Moscow, where his solo career later began.

The musician’s first song, “My Blue-Eyed Girl,” brought Zhenya real popularity. A video was shot for the composition, which was played on the best channels in the country, and soon Belousov began appearing on popular television shows, giving interviews and began working on his second album. Then there were the songs “Girl-Girl” and “Cloud of Hair,” which Belousov wrote with a new producer. Having successful career musician and fame, Zhenya decided to go into business and invested money in the production of domestic vodka, hoping to make a profit. But Belousov, who did not know how to run a business, went bankrupt; the artist was accused of tax underpayments.

The biography and personal life of Zhenya Belousov was often discussed in the media. During his life, he was officially married twice, and between marriages he had affairs with different girls. Belousov had his first relationship with producer Marta, whom he never married, however. And before his death he lived with a young girl named Elena.

Family and children of Zhenya Belousov

Zhenya was born on the same day as his twin brother Alexander in a very ordinary working-class family. The parents of the future artist lived in Kharkov, and then left Russia for better life. The singer has elder sister Marina. The singer himself has two children from different women who lived with their mothers. Belousov never had a normal family life. Perhaps because of his popularity, he could not deny himself the pleasure of a relationship with different women. It is unknown where Zhenya Belousov’s family and children live today.

Son of Zhenya Belousov - Roman Belousov

The son of Zhenya Belousov, Roman Belousov, was born in 1992 in civil marriage singer with Oksana Shidlovskaya. His parents did not live together for long, so after breaking up the boy remained with his mother, and he only inherited a red concert jacket from his dad. Since childhood, the singer’s son was interested in technology and dreamed of opening his own car service center. Today Roma is 26 years old, he was educated as a mechanic, participates in motorcycle racing, and loves to repair and disassemble motorcycles. The guy looks a lot like his father and wears long hair.

Daughter of Zhenya Belousov - Kristina Belousova

The daughter of Zhenya Belousova, Kristina Belousova, was born in 1987 in the singer’s first official marriage with Elena Khudik. Since childhood, Christina had a craving for everything beautiful. She studied at a music school, danced and worked in a modeling agency. The girl worked as an editor for a music website, but then decided to devote her life to psychology, entered a medical university, and now the 30-year-old daughter of a musician works as a psychologist. A few years ago, Christina met her paternal brother, but the young people walked around the city in silence, not knowing what to talk about.

Zhenya Belousov's ex-wife - Elena Khudik

Evgeniy and Elena got married in 1986. When they met, Lena was working as a pharmacist in a store. The singer's wife gave birth to a daughter, but despite this, the young people divorced when Lena found out that her husband had repeatedly cheated on her with the girls who played in his group, as well as on tour with his music colleagues. Zhenya Belousov’s ex-wife, Elena Khudik, received a three-room apartment in Moscow after her divorce from the singer. After her marriage to Belousov, Lena got married three more times; the woman has no other children.

Ex-wife of Zhenya Belousov - Natalya Vetlitskaya

Evgeniy and Natasha met on tour when they participated in the same concert. Vetlitskaya is a popular singer today. Such a flared up between the young people passionate romance that Zhenya even forgot that he was married. In 1989, the performers got married, but this marriage did not last ridiculously long - only 10 days. After divorcing her husband, Zhenya Belousov’s ex-wife, Natalya Vetlitskaya, was officially married 2 more times, and lived in a civil marriage for another 6 years. famous men Russian show business.

Zhenya Belousov's common-law wife - Oksana Shidlovskaya

Zhenya Belousov’s common-law wife, Oksana Shidlovskaya, lived with the singer for a little while more than a year. The woman first played in the same group with the singer, and after the birth of her son Roman, she studied financial matters, and provided accounting support for the singer’s vodka business. Maybe against the backdrop of unsuccessful investments, or maybe because of Belousov’s constant infidelities, Oksana moved out common-law husband with baby. After the young people broke up, within a month Zhenya was living with his new passion– eighteen-year-old Elena.

Cause of death of Zhenya Belousov and his funeral

Lately Belousov had health problems. The singer suffered a stroke, after which he underwent emergency brain surgery. After surgical intervention the artist lived for another month, after which he died suddenly from a cerebral hemorrhage. The cause of Zhenya Belousov's death and his funeral were covered in the media in 1997. The musician was buried a few days later at the Kuznetsk cemetery; many people came to say goodbye to him. A large marble monument was erected on his grave.

Wikipedia Zhenya Belousov

Zhenya Belousov wrote songs full of romance and optimism. Listeners came to his concerts to be infected by him vital energy, listen to your favorite songs among fellow fans of the singer’s work. Although music career The artist's journey was swift, it was not very long. The singer released 7 full albums, and 4 more collections were released after Eugene’s death. Wikipedia Zhenya Belousov has links to sites dedicated to the memory of the singer, as well as information about his life and work.

Evgeny Viktorovich Belousov, better known as Zhenya Belousov. Born on September 10, 1964 in the village. Zhikhar, Kharkov region - died on June 2, 1997 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian pop singer.

Mother - Nonna Pavlovna Belousova (1937-2014).

Father - Viktor Ivanovich Belousov, military man, died in 2006.

Twin brother - Alexander Viktorovich Belousov, musician, member of the Red Dawn group, later a drummer for the singer.

Sister - Marina Viktorovna Belousova, accountant.

Soon after the birth of Zhenya and his brother Sasha (they were about two months old), the Belousov family moved to Kursk.

First he studied at school No. 44, and then at school No. 6 with a mathematical bias.

Studied at a music school. As it turned out, it was his love for music that killed him - at the age of 10, on the way to music school, he ended up in serious accident which subsequently led to his death.

“Zhenya’s passion for music appeared in childhood. We immediately sent him to a music school. Although it almost cost him his life. When Zhenya was ten years old, he was hit by a car. He fell and hit his head hard on the asphalt. He was literally hanging by a thread from death. Even the doctors could not say what would happen to his son. Fortunately, after three days he began to recover,” said his mother Nonna Pavlovna.

In high school, he began playing in the school ensemble.

He graduated from vocational school No. 1 with a degree in mechanic-repairman.

Then he studied bass guitar at the Kursk Music College.

He did not serve in the army: he was released for health reasons - due to an illness suffered in school age severe concussion after being hit by a car.

In the mid-1980s, he played in one of the Kursk restaurants, where he was noticed by the head of the popular ensemble “Integral” Bari Alibasov, with whom Belousov later worked as a bass guitarist and vocalist.

Since 1987 he began his solo career.

Got my attention for the first time general public in July 1987, when he appeared on the TV show “Morning Mail” with S. Shustitsky’s song “Distant Continents”. Then - in the New Year's program "Wider Circle" with Stalmakov's song "Touch the Stars" as part of the group "Integral", and a year later solo with the song "Alushta".

On September 25, 1988, a video clip for the song “My Blue-Eyed Girl” was shot. The video for the next song “Night Taxi” was filmed, but in a cut-down form it was shown only on March 8 in the program.

Zhenya Belousov - My blue-eyed girl

Until 1991, Belousov’s producers were the poetess Lyubov Voropaeva and composer Viktor Dorokhin. In three years they wrote only seven songs, so at the end of 1991 Belousov went to work with composer Igor Matvienko, who became his producer.

The composition “Girl-Girl”, which appeared in 1991, repeated the success of the song “My Blue-Eyed Girl” and became a popular hit.

In 1992, in Moscow, at the Small Luzhniki Sports Arena, 14 solo concerts of Belousov were sold out, organized by Yuri Aizenshpis. In 1993, the album “Girl-Girl” was released (songs based on poems by the poet Alexander Shaganov and music by composer Igor Matvienko).

Most famous songs performed by the singer: “My blue-eyed girl”, “Night taxi”, “Alyoshka”, “Girl-girl”, “Evening-evening”, “Cloud of hair”, “Golden domes”, “ Short summer", "Dunya-Dunyasha", "Evening on a bench".

Since 1993, Belousov got involved in the vodka business (investing in the Ryazan Distillery), his touring activity and popularity began to decline. However, problems soon arose in the business: he was accused of tax fraud.

In 1996, the singer released an album again, but it remained unnoticed by listeners. During that period, Belousov worked with various authors, the main one of which was V. Bashenev.

Death of Zhenya Belousov

In the mid-1990s, Belousov began serious problems with health.

At the end of March 1997, he was admitted to the Sklifosovsky Institute with an attack of acute pancreatitis. A head injury suffered in childhood also made itself felt, resulting in a stroke.

At the end of April 1997, at the Sklifosofsky Institute, Belousov underwent brain surgery due to a stroke. He lived for about another month and died at the institute on the night of June 1-2, 1997. The cause of Belousov's death was a cerebral hemorrhage.

He was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow. Alexander Lyubimov and Ivan Demidov helped Belousov’s relatives erect a monument.

The singer’s mother was sure that diets ruined Zhenya. In order to get rid of excess weight, Belousov could eat nothing for weeks. His relatives tried to dissuade him from strict diets, but he didn’t listen to anyone. I believed that an artist should not be fat. “Once he was starving for ten days. I told him: “Zhenya, you can’t do that! You’re killing yourself.” But he just shrugged it off. During this time he drank only tea, and even that without sugar. In addition, he practically did not eat meat "he was a vegetarian. And he also smoked black - one after another," she said.

On June 2, 2006, in Kursk, at vocational school No. 1 (now a professional lyceum), where Belousov studied, a museum dedicated to his life was opened.

Also in 2006, Channel One released the film “The Short Summer of Zhenya Belousov,” which tells about the life, work and reasons for the singer’s death.

Zhenya Belousov's height: 176 centimeters.

Personal life of Zhenya Belousov:

He was in a civil marriage with Marta (Marina) Yuryevna Mogilevskaya, a music editor and television producer. They lived together for about a year.

Marta Mogilevskaya - former common-law wife of Zhenya Belousov

On January 1, 1989, Belousov married the singer. The marriage lasted nine days - from January 1 to January 10, 1989.

They were introduced by Marta Mogilevskaya, who later said: “I introduced them myself when we were filming New Year’s Light.” Natasha then had an affair with Vadim Korotkov, a director. She came to this shooting as his girlfriend. And she and Zhenya constantly communicated on the sidelines. After a while, Zhenya was supposed to meet me at the station. Then there was severe frost, he was, as always, without a hat and went to warm up in the station building. And I, not seeing him on the platform, went home. And there she found cigarettes in the ashtray. And at that time, only Vetlitskaya was distinguished by extravagance and smoked cigarettes. After that, I simply didn’t let Zhenya in the door anymore.”

According to Andrei Razin, Zhenya Belousov and Natalya Vetlitskaya broke up because of the singer’s infidelity: “Zhenya, who went on tour, suddenly returned home because the flight was cancelled. He opens the door, and there Vetlitskaya is lying in bed with an artist, whose name I will not name, and says: “Didn’t you fly away?” He said, "No." I collected my things, put them in my bag and left. That’s where the whole marriage ended.”

His next wife was Elena Khudik, whom he had known since childhood. The couple had a daughter, Christina (born 1987), who was born before her marriage to Vetlitskaya.

Elena Khudik - ex-wife of Zhenya Belousov

Daughter Christina graduated from medical school, and son Roman graduated from Bauman University.

After his divorce from Khudik, he was in a civil marriage with Oksana Shidlovskaya, the keyboard player of his group and the chief accountant of his company. In 1992, their son Roman Evgenievich Belousov was born.

The last three and a half years of his life he was in a civil marriage with Elena Savina, who later took his last name and became singer Elena Belousova.

"We met Zhenya while visiting mutual friends. He was 29 years old, and I was an 18-year-old girl. I recognized him immediately. But Zhenya did not behave like an artist, no narcissism. He was very good guy, but far from being a romantic. Zhenya did not like to let strangers into his personal life. At the beginning of his career, when he was married to a girl from his native Kursk, Lena Khudik, in order to win the love of fans, he had to hide his status and even age. The producers presented him to the public as a young boy, and Zhenya was already 26 years old. They went to any lengths to make Zhenya popular. By the way, despite the fact that Zhenya was everyone’s favorite, not a single fan knocked on our door during these three and a half years,” recalled Elena Belousova.

Zhenya Belousov and Elena Savina (Belousova)

After the death of Zhenya Belousov, Elena met another man - millionaire Viktor Bondarenko. She gave birth to a daughter from him, whom she named Zhenya in honor of the singer. But the relationship did not work out, and the father tried to take the child away.

On the 20th anniversary of the musician's death.

Thus, the widow Elena Belousova said that she knew about her husband’s many hobbies. “I accepted that Zhenya was interested. She accepted, and did not forgive. These are different things,” she said.

She told how at some point Evgeniy decided to admit to her that he had a child on the side. “Zhenya told me: Roma, my son, I’ll leave you alone with a glass of wine. What thoughts will you have, tell me tomorrow. I don't want to divorce you. I decided that I also wanted to be with Zhenya. And life began... Children and women require attention. I couldn't stand it. She said to Zhenya: here is God, and here is the threshold. To be honest, I myself asked him to leave,” Elena Belousova recalled.

Wives, mistresses and children of Zhenya Belousov. Tonight

Discography of Zhenya Belousov:

1988 - “My blue-eyed girl”
1990 - “Night Taxi (reissued in 1994 on CD)”
1993 - “Girl-Girl”
1994 - “Girl-girl. Best songs"(collection)
1995 - “Golden Domes” (collection)
1996 - “And again about love”
2000 - “Best songs. My blue-eyed girl" (collection)
2003 - “Farewell” (collection)

The talk show “Tonight” gathered ex-wives, lovers, children and friends of Zhenya Belousov.

The “Tonight” program was dedicated to the singer, star of the 90s, who died 20 years ago. Friends gathered in the studio and former women the deceased, who remembered how their romance with the performer developed. Many hitherto unknown details from the life of the star were revealed, incl. and very spicy.

The singer died on June 2, 1997, very young - he was only 32 years old. I am remembered for such hits as “My Blue-Eyed Girl”, “Night Taxi”, “Alyoshka”, “Cloud of Hair”.

Zhenya Belousova's producer Lyubov Voropaeva, the musician's concert director Nikolai Agutin, singer Alena Apina, presenter Ksenia Strizh and others came to the studio.

Lyubov Voropaeva - producer Zhenya Belousova

Zhenya Belousov's favorite women were also invited to the program - his widow Elena Belousova, Zhenya's former keyboard player Oksana Shidlovskaya, Belousov's last love Elena Savina.

Elena Savina - Zhenya Belousov's mistress

After the singer’s death, Elena Savina gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Zhenya in his honor.

Zhenya Bondarenko, who is very similar to her mother, came to the studio and said that she loves Zhenya Belousov’s songs.

Zhenya Bondarenko - daughter of Elena Savina

Marta Mogilevskaya visited the studio - she gave Zhenya Belousov a start on television.

They were also lovers. Mogilevskaya told how she kicked Zhenya Belousov out after she realized that he was cheating on her with Natalya Vetlitskaya.

Marta Mogilevskaya - Zhenya Belousov's mistress

Elena Belousova said that she knew about her husband’s many hobbies.

“I accepted that Zhenya was interested. She accepted, and did not forgive. These are different things,” she said.

Elena Belousova - widow of Zhenya Belousova

A couple of years after the musician and his wife got married, Belousov had an illegitimate son. His mother is the same keyboard player Oksana Shidlovskaya.

Oksana Shidlovskaya - Zhenya Belousov's mistress

At some point, Evgeniy decided to admit to his wife that he had a child on the side.

“Zhenya told me: Roma, my son, I’ll leave you alone with a glass of wine. What thoughts will you have, tell me tomorrow. I don't want to divorce you. I decided that I also wanted to be with Zhenya. And life began... Children and women require attention. I couldn't stand it. She said to Zhenya: here is God, and here is the threshold. Honestly, I myself asked him to leave,” Elena Belousova recalled one of the most dramatic moments from her personal life.

Both heirs of Zhenya Belousov came to the program studio.

The first daughter to appear was Christina from her marriage to Elena. The girl will turn 30 this year. The stately red-haired beauty immediately charmed the audience. Christina is a clinical psychologist by training and is interested in esotericism. The girl's boyfriend knows very well who her father was.

“I often think about dad, I think about how everything would be if he were alive. I often watch videos of him. I see that we have similar manners,” said Christina.

Kristina - daughter of Zhenya Belousov

Then Zhenya Belousov’s illegitimate son, 24-year-old Roman, came to the studio. Seeing the guy, the studio gasped - the young man was strikingly similar to his famous dad. The same gait luxurious hair and voice.

Roman sang a song that his father once sang, “Where the maple trees rustle.” The audience was also able to see that the son of Zhenya Belousov inherited both his timbre and intonation.

Roman is the son of Zhenya Belousov

A year ago, Roman Belousov told his mother that sometimes he wanted to sing.

“I sat down at the piano and suggested: come on, I’ll play along! Roma sang something from the repertoire of “Flowers” ​​by Stas Namin. I played with my eyes closed. And goosebumps ran down my spine: I heard Zhenya! The voice is one to one... To be honest, I never forced my son to study music, I thought that nature had rested on him. Yes, at school he and his friends made some attempts to form a group, but now these old guitars are over there, gathering dust in the garage,” recalls Oksana Shidlovskaya.

Oksana was common-law wife singer She officially got married three years after Zhenya’s death. Now she lives in a two-story country cottage with Roma, her husband, an engineer. medical equipment, and his son from his first marriage, 14-year-old Artem. He takes care of the house, the garden, and makes seasonal twists. I transferred my apartment in Dolgoprudny to Roman. After all, all he got from his father was a red jacket, in which Belousov starred in several videos. Now he puts it on to show off in front of the girls. Roman, like his father, has a lot of them.