Their romance haunts millions of people around the world: in search of a solution, journalists and detectives collect the memories of their acquaintances, invent gossip and write their biographies. All - in order to find the answer to just one question: how the teenage hobby of the French President was able to pass the test of time and grew into true love.

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron on a walk in Le Touquet - the place where their love blossomed, April 22, 2017

On a warm May evening in 1993 assembly hall The private Jesuit school La Providence was crowded: high school students attending Madame Ozier’s theater group were performing “The Comedy of Language” by Jean Tardieu. As always, the success was resounding: at the end of the performance, the satisfied actors and their beloved teacher rose to take their final bow. As soon as the intensity of the applause reached its limit, one of the leading actors, the hope of the school and an excellent student, Emmanuel Macron, could not resist and clung to Madame Ozier's cheek. She did not push him away: the fun of a 15-year-old student who kissed his 40-year-old teacher in gratitude could then cause nothing but tenderness.

Still, Amiens is a small town, and rumors spread quickly here. And here is the naive prank of an exemplary student from intelligent family is already becoming a local scandal, because more and more more people They begin to notice that Madame Brigitte and her student are spending too much time together. Unnaturally many.

24 years after their first meeting, Emmanuel and Brigitte “together” (Macron quote) win the presidential election

Madame Bovary

However, at first, Brigitte Ozier’s overly busy schedule with her students did not arouse any suspicion. A teacher of Latin and French, Madame Ozier, wife of the respected but not very talkative banker Andre Louis Ozier and mother of three children, never sat idle, although, as they say, her husband always wanted to see a housewife next to him. But the freedom-loving and cheerful Brigitte, who tied the knot at just 21 years old, had only three decrees to understand: a meaningless stay within four walls was not for her. It never happened.

Brigitte grew up all her life in Amiens, a city where several generations of her family owned pastry shops. The girl was the youngest of the six offspring of the Trogneux couple, and the only one who was born after the war. Probably, there really was something karmic in her date of birth: unlike her brothers and sisters, Brigitte was the most cheerful and mischievous child. She grew up in the 60s - back then beautiful time, when the hardships of the war gradually receded, and the income of bourgeois families began to work again for the benefit of French capitalism. Her love for life helped her naturally and logically cope with the death of her closest relatives (her sister died in a car accident, and her niece died from acute appendicitis) and in general infect everyone around with a hedonistic thirst to desire, create, fall in love, laugh. "Being the youngest daughter in big family, she had an unlimited amount of freedom,” recalls one of her childhood friends. Brigitte dressed in best stores city, and for good grades at school, her parents could easily give her an expensive jewelry set.

The first generation of the Tronier family to own a pastry shop in the center of Amiens. Currently, the establishment is owned by Brigitte's nephew, Jean-Alexandre

By the age of 20, she was already one of the most fashionable and famous townspeople of Amiens (as they would say today, it-girl) - who, however, very soon was engaged by the local bourgeois prince Andre Louis Ozier. True, he, having arranged a magnificent wedding for her in the city hall, eight years later, almost as an ultimatum, took her with two children and pregnant with a third to the suburbs of Strasbourg, forcing her to leave her beloved city and no less beloved job as a press attaché. Having barely recovered from two decrees, Brigitte in the future had a third child and the status of the wife of a Bank director foreign trade. The position may be enviable, but it is not at all in the spirit of the future first lady.

Having moved to the east, young Madame Ozier would have gone completely crazy with boredom if one day she had not put aside her beloved and well-read novel Madame Bovary, remembered her talent for making friends and would not have taken up politics - of course, in local level. She would even run for local office in 1989, promising to open skate parks throughout the city and make it easier for young families to rent. But, despite her assertiveness, she will lose the election - and as her neighbors remember, only because she was a new person in the ossified town of Trystersheim.

At the same time, Brigitte plunged headlong into her other passion - teaching, which, due to early marriage she was never able to devote a single minute of her time, although she studied literature at the university. But luckily she still had a diploma and the necessary certificate, and with them the right to teach languages ​​and literature (though only to schoolchildren). Since then, she has given lessons everywhere: in Trystersheim, in the center of Strasbourg and even in Paris. But in 1991, her family was irresistibly drawn back home to their native Amiens, where Andre Louis continued to work in finance, and Brigitte got a job as a teacher and drama club teacher at the Jesuit college La Providence. The local child prodigy, Emmanuel Macron, has been studying here for two years now, with whom she entered the same class. eldest daughter Brigitte Laurence.

Brigitte Macron - teacher at La Providence, early 1990s

Literature lessons

Emmanuel quickly became friends with Laurence - but without romance. Moderately sociable and friendly, the boy, however, was not at all interested in girls of his age, devoting himself entirely to his studies at school, lessons at the local conservatory and his main passion - literature. Brigitte's colleagues recall that she never taught him literature, and yet, once enrolling in her theater class, Emmanuel preferred to hone his literary skills only with her. The teacher herself was in awe of the student’s talent (as was the entire teaching staff): at times it seemed to her that she was dealing with a modern Mozart.

“Without a doubt, he was not like everyone else. He was always drawn to adults. He just wasn’t a teenager – that’s all,” Brigitte said many years later.

Brigitte Ozier, 1990s

Emmanuel Macron, school photo

The bliss of an unrealized feeling forced the student, who was barely fifteen, to seek meetings with Brigitte more and more often. They were often left alone - and although no one will ever know whether there was anything more between them than rehearsing plays, one thing is certain: the relationship with Brigitte inspired the enchanted Emmanuel to the most daring literary exercises. One of them was an erotic novel in which a young man in love prudently changed the names and gave it to his neighbor for printing. She, also quite prudently, did not save the manuscript, but still was not afraid to admit many years later that the essay was “bold and quite frank.”

Meanwhile, Brigitte, increasingly recalling her former favorite heroine Madame Bovary and her destructive passion for the student Leon, tried to understand her role in this novel. It is quite obvious that her wife did not have even a hundredth of the romantic potential that this enthusiastic and talented young man, who seemed more serious than all the bankers in the world, concealed within himself. “Writing was only an excuse,” Brigitte’s friends recall her saying, “but in reality I felt that we had always known each other.” Formally, Brigitte didn’t even break the law - the age of consent in France is already 15. And yet her reputation would have come to an end.

Brigitte Ozier during a play production, 1990s

And he came. A year later, from a family friend, Emmanuel’s parents learned about the scandalous affair, who all this time were in full confidence that their son was dating the daughter of Brigitte Laurence. The boy's father, Jean-Michel, nearly fell out of his chair when he heard the news. The mother was much more restrained - and yet also adamant. “Don’t you see? You already had your own life, and what about him? You won’t even be able to bear him children.”

Burning with shame, the discouraged parents demanded that the lovers at least wait until Emmanuel's 18th birthday. “I can’t promise you anything,” Brigitte honestly admitted. It's funny that his beloved grandmother Manette, who also once taught at high school. But her condescension was not enough. Emmanuel's parents firmly decided to send their son in love away from Amiens and the unlucky teacher. Where? Yes, even to the same Paris - to the prestigious Lyceum of Henry IV: all the same, Emmanuel will go to university next year. Jean-Michel and Françoise themselves never admitted that they sent Emmanuel to Paris because he was in love, claiming that they were thinking exclusively about his education. And yet the young man and his beloved could no longer get rid of this thought.

Before leaving, he told her: “You can’t get rid of me. Whatever you do, I will marry you.”

Love in exchange for reputation

Emmanuel Macron in high school

A year later, she began to regularly visit him in Paris - under a variety of pretexts. Emmanuel graduated from school as an excellent student and entered a one-year training course at the university. Then he turned 18: an affair with Brigitte ceased to be a ban for him. In the capital, no one had any orders for them - study gradually gave way to love (probably that is why Emmanuel constantly failed the entrance exams to the institute for the next two years), but the young man was truly happy.

Brigitte was also completely consumed by the new feeling: in her native Amiens, every second person already knew about her affair, and, as the locals said, during this period many old friends turned away from Madame Ozier, considering her a molester of an innocent boy. It was no easier for Emmanuel’s parents: respected doctors, at one point they became laughingstocks, who were henceforth treated “as if they were infected with the plague.” In Amiens, the beloved of the future president will constantly feel like an outcast. This time was very difficult for her - but there was nowhere to retreat.

Finally, the last person to learn about Brigitte’s infidelities will be her husband Andre Louis, for whom this news will be a real blow. “When her husband finds out the truth, he will fly into a rage. – writes Mael Brun, author latest biography Brigitte Macron, – To be pushed out by his daughter’s classmate, an ordinary teenager whom he personally welcomed into his home? This is a wound that is not easy to heal.” Andre Louis will not forgive the betrayal: he will immediately leave home, leaving Brigitte alone to explain everything to her children. She will receive a divorce only in 2006.

Brigitte Macron with daughters Laurence and Tiffany during Emmanuel Macron's election rally, April 2017

After the storm

“There come moments in every person’s life when you have to make a vital choice,” explained Brigitte Macron, already the country’s first lady, in an interview with French Elle. “In one second, everything that has happened to you for the last 20 years loses what -meaning."

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron on the day the presidential election results were announced, May 7, 2017

For ten years, Brigitte and Emmanuel loved each other in spite of the whole world. The young man was able to enter the prestigious Sciences Po in 1998, then continued his education at the University of Paris X - Nanterre, and in the 2000s he moved to Strasbourg to get a degree in business administration. From now on, Brigitte was always with him: unlike Andre Louis, she was only happy to indulge Emmanuel’s ambitions, because he was in love with her like a boy, both a year and five years later. And ten years later, when 29-year-old Emmanuel finally decided to propose to his former teacher. Brigitte was 54 years old at that time. Her children also grew up and set off on their own, eventually forgiving their mother for her happiness.

They got married in the city hall - the same place where Brigitte got married for the first time back in 1974. Emmanuel then publicly thanked everyone for being able to accept the “not quite normal couple.” The newly-minted Macron couple settled in Brigitte’s family villa in Le Touquet, which today periodically opens to tourists.

Brigitte Macron on the porch of her family villa in Le Touquet, summer 2017

The Macrons at the Bastille Day parade, July 14, 2017

The material was written using data described in the biographies “Brigitte Macron: L'Affranchie” (author - Mael Brun), “Les Macrons” (authors - Caroline Derrière and Candice Nedelec), as well as based on statements by Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron in the press.

Photo: Getty Images, archive,

The future wife of the head of state and the standard of French women was born in the north of France in large family. Little childhood Biddy passed in a secured and friendly family: spouses Tronier were engaged in baking and producing sweets.

Having grown up, BrigitteTronierdevoted herself pedagogical activity. IN hometown She gave lessons to Amiens French V high school and in parallel led a circle theatrical arts. At the next lesson, her fateful meeting took place withEmmanuel. The acquaintance slowly grew into affection and romantic feelings of the future head of state for his teacher. On that moment Bridgetconsisted of legally married with Andre LouisOzier and raised three children.

Two years later, Emmanuel’s parents sent him to study at an elite Parisian gymnasium, but the relationship did not end there. After several years Bridgetdivorced, moved in with her lover and began teaching at a religious school. In 2007, the couple officially registered their marriage and got married.

Today, 64-year-old Bridget Macronalready has seven grandchildren, and the newly-crowned President of France dotes on the kids. The First Lady helps and supports her husband in every possible way in his political career.

The French President considers his wife to be his main adviser and faithful assistant, and numerous journalists and photographers note the harmony of the couple.

What Macron's wife looked like in her youth: photo

Bridget Macron in her youth she wore her hair with bangs, which were divided into two sides. The length of the hair always corresponded to the classic bob. The profession obliged the teacher to choose elegant and discreet outfits, and in everyday life Bridget I always dressed fashionably and stylishly. Especially Bridget I loved chiffon scarves.

Wife MacronI didn’t use a lot of makeup when I was young. Natural features were emphasized by a wide smile and well-chosen colors of clothing. Appearance current wife The president has always been distinguished by her brightness. An open look and upturned nose still give the impression of a sincere and optimistic person.

Fresh, smiling and energetic - this is what the wife looked like Macronin her youth, whose photos are now actively circulated on the Internet and print media. In clothesBridgethas always given preference to dresses and skirts that perfectly demonstrate her proportionate figure and slender legs.

Changes in the style and appearance of Brigitte Macron

Brigitte Macron is in excellent shape for her mature age. She always accompanies her husband at receptions and meetings. The wardrobe of the President's wife is dominated by suits and dresses of a fitted silhouette, which emphasize the waist.

Another love of Macron’s wife is expensive accessories from famous designers. She prefers classic jackets and military-style coats, and brightens up her wardrobe with biker boots and leather trousers.

Now the president's wife not only monitors modern trends and tries to conform to fashion trends, but also dresses in more restrained styles and muted colors.

The main features of Bridget's current appearance are a pronounced tan and beautiful slender legs. The First Lady openly demonstrates her sympathy for high heels and dresses above the knee.

Tanned skin combined with blond hair creates an unconventional look. French style impression. This complements the unique image of Macron’s wife, who remains herself in everything.

Madame Macron often uses powder with reflective particles to hide existing wrinkles.

Experts agree that plastic surgery she didn't. Bridget's face shows signs of natural skin aging, but her facial features have not changed.

Natural attractiveness is maintained not only through good genetics, but also through regular professional care. The First Lady is not a supporter radical methods plastic surgery, but cosmetology experts suggest a SMAS facelift. This procedure preserves the natural oval, maintains the eyebrow line and tightens the chin.

The impressive difference between Bridget and her husband is 24 years. The same number of years lived separates current president USA Donald Trump and his wife. The styles and appearance of Slovenian fashion model Melania Trump and ex-teacher Bridget Macron are often compared in the press: stylists notice similarities in the choice of outfits for official events.

The classic style always looks elegant, and spectacular combinations of styles and shades help to advantageously emphasize the advantages of the figure.

Brigitte Macron tries to live up to the worthy image of the first lady of the state in everything. However, she reserves the right to express her personality through clothing and appearance. Modern outfits and fashionable accessories help complement the image of an energetic and intelligent woman with an active lifestyle.

Photo sources:,,,,,,,, vacancies-,,,,,,,

The first lady of France is called behind her back in the press eminence grise, who manages state affairs behind her husband's back. There are also all sorts of tales circulating about the President himself. But french women They state one fact: the current President is smart, handsome, charming, and his wife is much older than him. Let's try to figure out what is the truth and what is the speculation of journalists and what the wife of French President Emmanuel Macron really is like (photo).

Let's start with the fact that the wife of the current President of France is his school teacher, whose grandchildren Macron babysits on weekends. Since the French are passionate people who love emotions, therefore most of The female gender of this country is perplexed as to why this happened. After all, Macron has many fans himself of different ages and why does he need an elderly wife.

It is true that Brigitte Macron is almost 25 years older than her husband. If you look at photos of Brigitte in her youth and now, there is practically no difference. In any photograph you can see how the eyes of a woman passionate about her work sparkle. Emmanuel's wife has seven grandchildren, and her husband is only 40 years old. She is a former teacher of French and Latin.

Spouse current President France Brigitte Macron was born on April 13, 1953 in the family of Simone and Jean Tronier. In addition to Brigitte, the family had 5 more children. Her dad is a confectionery owner and chocolate maker in Amiens. The Troniers were a very wealthy family.

Brigitte got married for the first time in 1974. She bore her husband three children, who now have their own families. Brigitte first taught languages ​​in France, after which she moved to Strasbourg.

Tired of not permanent place After residence, the future bearer of the Macron surname returned to Amiens and got a job as a teacher at the local Jesuit lyceum, where Emmanuel attended. He was a classmate of her daughter Laurence. The bright student enjoyed attending classes and a theater class under Brigitte.

The wife of French President Macron: a novel

Their beautiful story love began in 1994, when Emmanuel was 17 years old. To become the wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, Brigitte will need a long journey (photo). And then, so that their relationship would not become public and a scandal would not arise, Emmanuel’s parents sent him to finish his studies in Paris.

Almost everyone in their native Amiens knew about the romance between the teacher and her student. This city will never accept her as family after what happened. The teacher’s husband was the last person to find out about her infidelities. As relatives of the ex testify married couple, this discovery was a big blow for Andre. He would never have thought that his wife, the woman who bore him three children, was cheating on him with a boy. Especially with his daughter’s classmate. The husband did not suspect about the rival for exactly as long as they had been together for years.

Andre received Emmanuel at his home and was sure until the very end, just like the student’s parents, that he was friends with Laurence. Having learned the bitter truth, Oziera left their family home. Brigitte separated from her husband Andre Louis Ozier in 2006, and the following year she and Macron married.

She's always there

The President's wife first appeared in secular society at a diplomatic dinner in 2015, when Emmanuel became a politician. He briefly served as France's Minister of Economy. When Macron ran for President of France, Brigitte was his faithful assistant, although she remained in the shadows. But it is she who the husband trusts unconditionally.

She and her children helped him participate in election campaign and voted for him. The presidential candidate promised the people that if he wins, he and his wife will be equal in political activity.

And on May 15, 2017, Brigitte’s husband, Emmanuel Macron, became the President of France. He wanted to give his wife presidential powers of a certain kind, but the people began to collect signatures against this step. By the way, more than 200 thousand signatures were collected. None of the politicians expected such an onslaught from the French people. Having become the head of the country, three months later Macron nevertheless endowed the First Lady with representative opportunities, giving her an unpaid job in the Presidium. He made a statement to the country that his wife's position would not be paid for with taxpayers' money.

The wife of the President of the Republic of France, Brigitte Macron (photo), studies the problems of ordinary people and helps solve them. She analyzes where there are gaps in the legislation and then transmits the data to the government. The people, seeing that the wife of the head of state was trying to help in some areas of their lives, reached out to Brigitte.

Numerous requests, complaints, petitions - all this is sent directly to the First Lady and nothing remains unanswered. Its goal is to improve the social well-being of families in the country who are faced with problems that the state sometimes simply does not have enough time to solve.

Brigitte effect

The First Lady always looks one hundred percent. She is slim, tanned, and sparkles with her snow-white smile. She always wears exquisite outfits, which speaks of her excellent taste. There were rumors that the wife of the head of the Republic dresses in ultra-fashionable outfits donated to her by leading French couturiers. This turned out to be an invention of the common people and envy on the part of those dissatisfied with her husband’s rise to power.

She inspired thousands of women her age throughout France. With her story, Brigitte showed that all ages are submissive to love, no matter how old she is. Thousands of letters are written to her, where French women thank her for setting an example for far from young women who believed that their lives were over. Not a single wife of a French president who has been in power has received so many letters from ordinary people.

Some addresses touch on the politics and activities of the First Lady. But mostly Brigitte is written by people her age, who send her photos of themselves in their youth, talking about their failed love. Women thank the President's wife for her courage in actions, impeccable style and example of worthy relationships between spouses of different ages.

To communicate with journalists and her people, the First Lady has an assistant, Michelle Marchand. Due to the fact that Emmanuel became President, his wife at first had to hold back the onslaught of negativity about her age. It was Michelle who took on the role of a barrier to protect Macron from criticism.

Michelle developed her activities in such a way that gradually the French’s opinion of Brigitte changed dramatically. In fashion magazines you can see the stylish First Lady, articles about the love story of the President and his wife, advice from Brigitte on the pages of Internet resources. Michelle arranged this and much more during numerous PR campaigns for the wife of the President of the Republic of France Emmanuel Macron (photo).

Macrons always appear at all events together, holding hands. Almost every joint photo you can see the blooming President of France, who is not shy about kissing his wife in public. She is a powerful support for him, his muse to whom he dedicated his life.

9 February 2017, 21:52

Meet us! Emmanuel Macron - French politician, ex-Minister of Economy and former investment banker for the House of Rothschild. French presidential candidate.

Emmanuel Macron is a strange candidate for the presidency of France. He doesn't have political experience, he had never been elected anywhere before. He is not a member of any of the leading parties, and three years (from 2006 to 2009) in the ranks of the socialists can be considered a formality - Macron joined them on duty, membership fees did not pay and did not attend party events. Macron is an investment banker by profession.

Emmanuel was born in 1977 in Amiens into a family of doctors. After graduating from the National School of Administration, the leading university of the French elite, he worked for several years as an inspector in the Ministry of Economics. The promising 29-year-old economist was noticed and invited to work by Jacques Attali, a long-term adviser to several French presidents. Thanks to Jacques, in 2008 Macron was hired by Rothschild et Cie Banque, where he made a rapid career and in just four years rose from an analyst to a partner. His commissions amounted to more than a million euros per year. In 2010, the ubiquitous Jacques Attali recommended his friend Hollande Emmanuel Macron as an economic adviser. In 2012, Hollande becomes president, and Macron leaves the Rothschild bank and is appointed deputy Secretary General at the Elysee Palace. In 2014, with the status of a “young reformer,” he became head of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs. A very fast career.

In 2016, when Hollande's rating was already critically low, Emmanuel resigned and announced that he intended to take part in the presidential elections. PR specialists and the media were able to turn an investment banker into an anti-system candidate. He doesn’t run for elections from boring parties; out of nowhere, he formed his own movement, which is considered neither left nor right, that is, just the kind to take for himself maximum amount disaffected voters from all ends of the political spectrum. His program book is called nothing less than "Revolution!" and promises to be a voter in everything good and against everything bad, although without much specificity. Even if we make allowances for the fact that custom polls deliberately give Macron a high rating, the result of his PR campaign is still impressive. And in January 2017, when revelations significantly spoiled the chances of his competitors Marine Le Pen and Francois Fillon, Macron remained out of scandals. And no one was able to dig up any serious incriminating evidence on him.

In personal life everything is much more interesting. The media portrayed it as a purely romantic story. The fact is that the wife of the favorite in the presidential race is 24 years older than him.

On their wedding day in 2007, he was 29 and she was 53. Macron told reporters that he had fallen in love with his future wife back at the age of 15, when she taught French at his lyceum. Since then, he graduated from a lyceum and a university, traveled around the world, made a career, but for all 14 years he remained faithful to his first love. Photos of Macron walking hand in hand with his wife, or Macron with a bottle baby food, feeding her grandchildren, made the rounds of all the newspapers in the country. Fashion magazines hailed his wife as a “style icon.” True, the yellow press periodically fuels rumors that Macron is the lover of Radio France President Mathieu Galle, but there is no evidence of this, and Emmanuel refutes them.