Until recently, no one knew about Vera Glagoleva’s fatal illness. Vera Glagoleva forbade relatives from distributing to the masses this information. Therefore, the unexpected death of the popular actress and director was shocking news for colleagues, friends, and the media. Shortly before her death, friends tried to ask her family about Vera’s well-being, but her daughter categorically answered everyone that her mother was feeling well.

As Marina Yakovleva, Glagoleva’s friend, said: “I accidentally found out that Vera bad feeling, made an attempt to communicate with her relatives, but when Vera danced and had fun at her daughter Nastya’s wedding, I calmed down.”

Vera Glagoleva, what happened, what she was sick with, what she died from, farewell and funeral: what Glagoleva’s illness caused her death

Inna Churikova commented on Glagoleva’s death as follows: “My husband loved her very much and was with her all these painful years for her! And we couldn’t suspect anything! Her death is like an explosion! Absolute shock!

As the producer and Vera Glagoleva’s close friend Natalya Ivanova stated, the director’s condition began to deteriorate in February, after Vera buried her brother Boris, who was diagnosed with cancer. For the last six months of her life, she tried not to show anyone that anything was bothering her. She was very eager to live, work and creativity came first. But cancer left the actress no choice. Sudden death occurred in one of the oncology centers in Germany. A close friend to this day cannot come to terms with the departure of such a strong and strong-willed person.

Then Kirill Shubsky, the husband of the late actress, said in an interview that Glagoleva’s illness was long-lasting; she fought cancer to the last. But even the treatment didn't help. And he added that the death did not occur in America.

Vera Glagoleva, what happened, what she was sick with, what she died from, farewell and funeral: farewell to the great actress

On August 16, 2017, at the age of 62, the famous artist and director Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva passed away during an examination in Germany.

She was buried on Moskovsky Troekurovskoye Cemetery. Relatives wished to say goodbye to the actress without strangers. Only family and friends were present at the ceremony.

In the request of Glagoleva’s eldest daughter Anna Nakhapetova, with whom she addressed journalists, she asked them to give the closest people the opportunity to spend the holiday with dignity. last way artist, and not try to find ways to contact them.

But another daughter, who shortly before her mother’s death had a magnificent wedding with Ovechkin, the famous hockey player of the Russian national team, publicly announced the death of her mother to the media and expressed her emotions in the comments under a photo of her late mother on her blog: “Our beloved... unique and only... no words and there is no strength... you are near and we feel it... forever.”

Vera Glagoleva, what happened, what she was sick with, what she died from, farewell and funeral: who inherited Glagoleva’s inheritance

According to Woman Hit, the entire inheritance deceased Vera Glagoleva's property will be distributed among her relatives after 6 months. According to the Civil Code, her husband Kirill Shubsky will receive exactly half of the actress’s total property. And the rest of the inheritance will be divided into three parts by the daughter of the late Glagoleva.

The main property of Vera Glagoleva was real estate, approximate cost for a three-story mansion amounted to 370 million rubles, the land for which was purchased in 1998. The actress owned a Moscow three-room apartment on Bolshoi Tishinsky Lane.

For the past few years, the artist has lived in Germany. Despite this, she periodically shot films. Six months before her death, the actress began filming the film “Clay Pit.” Suddenly it became known that the artist had died. The news was published on August 16, 2017.

At that time, it was already known about the artist’s illness. The star has already been treated and underwent regular examinations at the oncology center. Many people still ask the question: Does Vera Glagoleva have cancer? As the actress herself reported, she was diagnosed with stomach carcinoma - this is quite frequent illness for constantly busy people.

It became clear to everyone that the star was finished off by damned cancer. Sad news swept across Russia and other CIS countries. After all, the artist still has huge number fans and admirers. After death, the body was taken to Russian Federation by plane to bury the star at the Troekurovsky cemetery. The plan came true on August 19 of the same year.

Why did the star die?

A little later, the oncologist who performed the autopsy stated that the artist did not die from cancer. This interested many, since the star’s relatives and friends had previously stated that she had other difficulties. The doctor who performed the autopsy later explained his statement in more detail.

According to the doctor, Glagoleva did have cancer, but not at the stage that would kill an adult. He also noted that with proper treatment, the actress could have been saved. Death occurred from side diseases and complications that often occur with oncology. But competent specialists can easily solve these problems.

Nobody remembers photographs or live, the actress without hair. This condition usually occurs after a wide course of chemotherapy. The fact is that this type of treatment is one of the main ones, but they often refuse it out of fear. side effects. Yes, they are quite cruel to the body, but as a rule, it recovers in 2-3 months. But without chemotherapy, there is a high chance of relapse (when the disease returns again) or metastasis (pieces of the tumor spread throughout the body).

And two questions immediately arise: either Vera herself was not properly treated, or the doctors did not notice the deterioration of her condition, which led to death. Friends of the actress immediately got involved - they said that she felt good and moved normally, communicated and even attended social gatherings.

And a few hours before fatal outcome, she was talking cheerfully on the phone. In the same year, the artist attended the wedding of her beloved daughter in the second month of summer. At the same time, according to many wedding visitors, she looked great and made big plans for the future.

Elena Valyushkina stated that Vera for a long time suffered from the betrayal of a loved one. And then everything comes together. The fact is that morale is often the most important thing in the fight against a terrible disease. And without support, it is almost impossible to defeat cancer. With additional stress, cancer can begin to devour a person with double force.

Plus, in addition to the physical fatigue of the body that occurs when fighting a tumor, the usual blues can simply ruin it. Although husband Kirill Shubsky stated the opposite. He said that the disease had been devouring Vera for a long time and yet she could not defeat the beast inside herself.

The eldest daughter Anna Nakhapetova appealed to journalists so that they would not invent all sorts of tall tales and allow her mother to be buried in peace. The youngest daughter, opposite, posted a photo of her dead mother and wrote a couple of warm lines on a social network.

Egor Simochev, who also suffered from cancer, also responded on the Internet. But according to the artist, he is completely healthy and cured. He wrote a letter of sorrow, where he told how they constantly corresponded and exchanged the results of their fight against cancer.

At the end of her life, she came to say goodbye great amount people who wanted to say goodbye to their beloved actress. It was really talented person With capital letters and with a giant heart. She loved family and creativity equally endlessly.

Stomach cancer, like any other cancer, is a fatal disease that kills thousands of people every year. According to colleagues, the artist had been struggling with the disease for a long time. Considering that the tumor is usually detected at stages 3 or 4, the star managed to live quite a long time.

It is possible, as many say, that the artist died from concomitant illnesses or from loss of strength, both physical and emotional. This often happens in oncology practice, when a patient dies not from cancer. In any other case, return this wonderful person is no longer possible, and let the exact cause of death remain a mystery.

Request to readers

We can no longer return Vera, and this bright Star, faded away forever. But we can remember her and remember only the good things. Dear readers, write below in the comments warm words about Vera Glagoleva: why you love this actress, what roles you remember her for, and what you would like to say to her when you met if she were alive.

Published 08/16/17 17:21

Vera Glagoleva was rocking her daughter's wedding last July when she suddenly died just a month and a half later.

Vera Glagoleva died: the causes of death became known to the media

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As I wrote, on August 16, 2017 in the USA on the famous Russian actress theater and cinema Vera Glagoleva. According to preliminary data, the cause of her death was cancer.

Vera Glagoleva: the illness killed the actress

Last May, rumors appeared in the media that Vera Glagoleva was seriously ill. It was reported that the star regularly receives blood transfusions, and she also spent one day in intensive care. However intkbbach After some time, the actress herself told the publication “Dni.ru” that everything was fine with her.

The news that Vera Glagoleva is seriously ill worried her fans. They said that the actress had to regularly undergo blood transfusions, and recently she spent a day in intensive care.

“I don’t know anything at all about this. Fortunately, I feel great,” Vera Glagoleva told reporters.

On July 8, 2017, Vera Glagolieva attended the wedding of her daughter from her second marriage, Anastasia Shubskaya, with hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. The celebration took place in Barvikha, near Moscow. The actress amazed the guests of the event with her energy and good mood, having arranged fiery dances on the stage.

Vera Glagoleva at her daughter's wedding VIDEO

Vera Glagoleva: biography

IN teenage years She was fond of archery and even became a master of sports, and also played for the youth team of the then Soviet capital.

After graduating from school in 1974 and without acting education, she was approved for main role in Rodion Nakhapetov's film "To the End of the World". By the early 1980s, the actress starred in films by A. Efros, S. Aranovich, R. Nakhapetov, and in 1990 she became the director of the film “Broken Light.”

Vera Glagoleva was remembered by the audience for her roles in the films “Marry the Captain”, “Sincerely Yours...”, “Descended from Heaven”, “Poor Sasha” and others. In 2000, she took part in the popular television series "Maroseyka, 12".

She holds the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1996) and People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2011).


Vera Glagoleva was born on January 31, 1956. Her family then lived in Moscow, not far from the Patriarch's Ponds. Father, Vitaly Pavlovich, taught physics and biology. Mother, Galina Naumovna, also worked at school as a primary school teacher.

From athlete to popular actress

There are hundreds of cases where people from early childhood strive to become actors. Or they decide to devote their lives to theater and cinema during adolescence. However, Vera didn’t even think about it. As a child, the girl practiced archery and became a master of sports. And on film set Fate brought her, nothing else.

In 1974, immediately after graduating from school, she was noticed by the cameraman of the film “To the End of the World” and invited her to audition. Curious and young, Glagoleva agreed, quickly learned the lines, and performed a scene with the actor who auditioned for the role of Volodya. The director was captivated by her naturalness and ease. But what about - Vera was sure that she was the only contender, so she wasn’t worried.

As a result, she was approved for the main role, although initially they decided to take another actress for the role of Sima. But Rodion Nakhapetov, the film’s director, insisted on Glagoleva’s candidacy. After some time, the newly minted actress married Nakhapetov. Their tandem produced more than one film: “Enemies”, “Don’t Shoot the Swans”, “About You”.

Vera Glagoleva never received an acting education, but gained universal fame. She was recognized best actress In 1986, the girl even received an offer to play at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. And in the 90s of the last century, Glagoleva moved into the director’s chair for the first time. Since then, the artist has harmoniously combined two types of activities: she acted on camera and supervised the filming process.

Heart twists and turns

The first love experience - marriage with Nakhapetov - did not last forever. In 1989, Rodion moved to work in the USA, began an affair with Natalya Shlyapnikoff, and Vera filed for divorce. By the way, the young actress made a bold decision because at that time she was raising two young daughters, Anna and Maria.

The ambitious and energetic Glagoleva did not lose heart. In 1991, she was actively looking for sponsors for her new film. So, in Odessa she met 28-year-old oligarch Kirill Shubsky. The businessman refused to finance the film, but fell head over heels in love with Vera. His persistent courtship (after the divorce, the actress was in no hurry to enter into serious relationship) still bore fruit - the couple got married. In her second marriage, Glagoleva became a mother again - in 1993, her daughter Anastasia was born.

What did Vera Glagoleva die from?

Everyone was amazed at her beauty, liveliness and youth. Even at 60, the actress looked fresh and attractive. A vital energy Glagoleva was busy. Therefore, the news that Vera Glagoleva died on August 16, 2017 stunned everyone. Many refused to believe it.

And there are reasons for this. At the beginning of July, Glagoleva was having a blast at her wedding youngest daughter Anastasia and the famous hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. As actress and friend Marina Yakovleva said, the actress happily danced to the song “I’m leaving, I’m leaving beautifully.” And her eldest daughter, Anna Nakhapetova, cried at her sister’s wedding celebration.

The exact cause of death of Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva is still unknown. Soon after the actress’s death, her husband confirmed journalists’ guesses that her sudden departure was caused by cancer. However, why did the star of “Marry the Captain” worry about cancer? Marina Yakovleva says that the woman struggled with breast cancer for several years. There is a widespread version in the media about stomach cancer, which burned the actress in a matter of days.

The first rumors about cancer that befell Glagoleva appeared in May 2017. But they were quickly refuted by the actress herself, saying that she felt great and did not understand how this could happen in someone’s head.

Medical experts say people don't die from cancer that quickly. Most likely, this is the result of several diseases at once. Cancer patients may suffer from hypertension, disorders cerebral circulation and not only. Let’s add here the general exhaustion of the body, which the artist could have acquired while working on the painting “Clay Pit.”

On the eve of her death, Vera Glagoleva flew to Germany. Their last hours she spent at the Black Forest-Bar Clinic in Baden-Baden. How old was she? This was the 62nd year of the life of the talented actress and director. But she looked much younger, and she made plans for decades to come.

The family practically did not comment on what happened. Only Anastasia Shubskaya (Ovechkina) published a laconic post on the micro-blog on Instagram: “Our beloved, unique and only... there are no words and no strength... you are near and we feel it..”.

But not only fans of the artist’s work were shocked by her death. Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko expressed condolences to Vera Vitalievna’s family. This is an irreparable loss. But she is alive in our memories.

Popular Soviet and Russian actress Vera Glagoleva died in German clinic after long struggle with severe cancer. The artist hid her terrible illness until the last moment, so the news of her death was met with hostility by her fans. Almost none of them could have imagined that the star would die at 61.

The news about the death of the stunning actress and director of six films, Vera Glagoleva, came out like a bolt from the blue. The actress died in Germany, where she was being treated for cancer. Vera Glagoleva behaved well, did not complain to anyone, did not talk about her illness. A month ago, she was among the guests at the wedding of her daughter Anastasia, who married Alexander Ovechkin. At that moment, the artist danced along with the young people and there was absolutely no feeling that she was suffering from a serious illness.

Today we can state that Glagoleva died from a cancerous tumor in the stomach. She was diagnosed a few months ago. First, the actress was treated in Russia, and then she was advised to try to recover in Germany. It was in this country that death overtook her.

Earlier, representatives of the Moscow City Hall and the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation reported that People's Artist of Russia Vera Glagoleva will be buried at Troekurovskoye Cemetery. The farewell ceremony will begin on August 19 at 11:00 Moscow time in the capital’s House of Cinema.

Friends of Vera Glagoleva voiced a new version of the actress’s death

Experts also believe that people don’t die from cancer so quickly, and, most likely, the actress left for another world for a different reason.

Colleagues and friends of Vera Glagoleva believe that she died not from cancer, but for another reason. Moreover, the husband of the deceased, Kirill Shubsky, shares this opinion. He believes that doctors must establish what exactly his beloved wife died from. Writes about this "MK".

In their opinion, the man who cheerfully danced at the wedding of his youngest daughter Anastasia Shubskaya and Alexander Ovechkin in June could not have died so suddenly. Moreover, a few hours before her death, Vera was talking with friends - and there was no sign of trouble.

In turn, experts also believe that people don’t die from cancer so quickly, and, most likely, the actress left for another world for a different reason. Sudden death could be the result of general exhaustion of the body and overload at work.

“A person suffering from cancer for a long time can die from a completely different disease. Cancer patients may have a number of concomitant diseases such as: hypertension or ischemic disease, cerebrovascular accident, which are not directly related to oncology. Against the background of reduced immunity of the body, it loses strength to resist other diseases,” explained oncologist Pavel Koposov of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Shubsky himself said that being already a director, Vera Glagoleva always worked hard. Soon she had to finish shooting her film and therefore worked 12 hours. According to colleagues, Vera was full of creative plans, was going to visit several film festivals abroad, and planned to write new script fairy tales, as reported by actress Irina Tsyvina.

The editors of the publication also learned that on August 16, Glagoleva arrived with her husband and daughter at a clinic in Baden-Baden for consultation with local specialists. However, on Friday, August 18, the coffin with the body of Vera Glagoleva was delivered by plane to Moscow. On Saturday, August 19, a farewell will take place at the House of Cinema. After the funeral at Troekurovskoye Cemetery, a memorial service will take place at the Central House of Writers.

The body of Vera Glagoleva was delivered to Moscow

The body of the deceased People's Artist of Russia Vera Glagoleva was delivered to Moscow on Friday, reported RIA News producer actress Natalya Ivanova.

On Wednesday it became known that Glagoleva died at the age of 62. According to the Russian embassy in Germany, the actress died after long illness in one of the German clinics. Glagoleva will be buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.

“The coffin with Vera Glagoleva has already been delivered by plane to Moscow. A farewell will take place at the Cinema House on Saturday. Her portrait will be installed in the center of the hall, and melodies from Vera Vitalievna’s favorite films will be played. After the funeral at Troekurovskoye Cemetery Orthodox tradition a funeral will be held at the Central House of Writers, which she loved,” Ivanova said.

In total, the actress played about 50 roles in films. Glagoleva’s last film was the film “Two Women” based on the play by Ivan Turgenev, filmed in 2014. Glagoleva also made six films as a director, and acted as a screenwriter and producer in several more films. In 2011, she was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.