Journalistic style- a functional style of speech that is used in genres (article, essay, feuilleton, report, interview, oratory) and serves to influence people through means mass media. It is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, emotionality and appeal.

Genres of journalistic style: journalistic article, essay, speech, pamphlet, feuilleton, appeal.

Stylistic features: appeal, collectivity and evaluativeness.

The journalistic style combines two functions: the function of reporting, information about certain social phenomena, facts and impact function, i.e. an open assessment of the problems presented in order to influence both the thoughts and feelings of readers (listeners), to attract them to support the position that the author takes and defends. In the journalistic style, there is a preliminary selection of linguistic means. In the journalistic style, in addition to neutral words, high solemn words and phraseological units (fatherland, march, rise, stand to death, etc.), emotionally charged words, interjections, particles, simple syntactic constructions, exclamations, repetitions, rhetorical questions are widely used. In accordance with the main purpose of this style, it uses socio-political, moral and ethical words and phraseological units (parliament, economic growth, politeness, compassion, charity, black gold,)

Art style- functional style of speech, which is used in fiction. A text in this style affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, and is characterized by imagery and emotionality of speech.

Emotionality artistic style emotionality of colloquial and journalistic styles. Emotionality artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style presupposes a preliminary selection of linguistic means; All language means are used to create images.

Art style finds application in fiction, which performs a figurative-cognitive and ideological-aesthetic function.
Typical for an artistic style of speech attention to the particular and random, followed by the typical and general. Remember" Dead Souls"N.V. Gogol, where each of the shown landowners personified certain specific human qualities, expressed a certain type, and all together they were the “face” of the author’s contemporary Russia.
World fiction - this is a “recreated” world, the depicted reality is to a certain extent the author’s fiction, and therefore in the artistic style of speech the most important role plays a subjective moment. The entire surrounding reality is presented through the author's vision. But in a literary text we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in this world: his preferences, condemnations, admiration, rejection, etc. This is associated with emotionality and expressiveness, metaphor, and meaningful diversity of the artistic style of speech.
Let's analyze short excerpt from N. Tolstoy's story "A Foreigner Without Food": “Lera went to the exhibition only for the sake of her student, out of a sense of duty.” "Alina Kruger. Personal exhibition. Life as loss. Free admission." A bearded man and a lady were wandering in an empty hall. He looked at some of the work through a hole in his fist; he felt like a professional. Lera also looked through her fist, but did not notice the difference: all the same naked men on chicken legs, and in the background there were pagodas on fire. The booklet about Alina said: “The artist projects a parable world onto the space of the infinite.” I wonder where and how they teach how to write art criticism texts? They're probably born with it. When visiting, Lera loved to leaf through art albums and, after looking at a reproduction, read what a specialist wrote about it. You see: the boy covered the insect with a net, on the sides there are angels blowing pioneer horns, and in the sky there is a plane with the signs of the zodiac on board. You read: “The artist views the canvas as a cult of the moment, where the stubbornness of details interacts with an attempt to comprehend everyday life.” You think: the author of the text spends little time outdoors, relies on coffee and cigarettes, intimate life complicated by something"
What we have before us is not an objective presentation of the exhibition, but a subjective description of the heroine of the story, behind whom the author is clearly visible. The text is based on a combination of three artistic plans. The first plan is what Lera sees in the paintings, the second is an art history text interpreting the content of the paintings. These plans are expressed stylistically in different ways; the bookishness and abstruseness of the descriptions are deliberately emphasized. And the third plan is the author's irony, which manifests itself through showing the discrepancy between the content of the paintings and the verbal expression of this content, in the assessment of the bearded man, the author of the book text, and the ability to write such art criticism texts.
The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word performs a nominative-figurative function.
The lexical composition in the artistic style of speech has its own characteristics. The number of words that form the basis and create the imagery of this style includes figurative means of Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words with a wide range of usage. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic authenticity when describing certain aspects of life.
It is very widely used in the artistic style of speech speech polysemy of a word, revealing meanings and shades of meaning in it, as well as synonymy in all language levels, making it possible to emphasize the finest shades values. This is explained by the fact that the author strives to use all the riches of the language, to create his own unique language and style, to create a bright, expressive, figurative text. The author uses not only the vocabulary of the codified literary language, but also a variety of visual arts from colloquial speech and vernacular.
The emotionality and expressiveness of the image come to the fore in a literary text. Many words, which in scientific speech appear as clearly defined abstract concepts, in newspaper journalistic speech- as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech they carry concrete sensory representations. Thus, the styles are complementary to each other. For example, the adjective “lead” in scientific speech realizes its direct meaning- “lead ore”, “lead bullet”, in fiction forms an expressive metaphor - “lead clouds”, “lead night”. Therefore, in artistic speech important role play phrases that create a certain figurative representation.
For artistic speech, especially poetic, it is characterized by inversion, i.e. changing the usual order of words in a sentence in order to enhance the semantic significance of the word or give the entire phrase a special stylistic coloring.
Syntactic structure of literary speech reflects the flow of the author’s figurative and emotional impressions, so here you can find a whole variety of syntactic structures. Each author subordinates linguistic means to the fulfillment of his ideological and aesthetic tasks.
In artistic speech it is possible and deviations from structural norms in order for the author to highlight some thought or feature that is important for the meaning of the work. They can be expressed in violation of phonetic, lexical, morphological and other norms.

The word journalistic is derived from the Latin word publicus, which means “public, state”.

The words journalistic (socio-political literature on modern, topical topics) and publicist (author of works on socio-political topics) have the same root as the word journalistic.

Etymologically, all these words are related to the word public, which has two meanings:

1) visitors, spectators, listeners;

2) people, people.

The purpose of the journalistic style of speech - informing, transmitting socially significant information with a simultaneous influence on the reader, listener, convincing him of something, instilling in him certain ideas, views, inducing him to certain actions.

The scope of use of journalistic style of speech - socio-economic, political, cultural relations.

Genres of journalism - article in a newspaper, magazine, essay, report, interview, feuilleton, oratorical speech, judicial speech, speech on radio, television, at a meeting, report.

For journalistic style of speech characteristic:






and their corresponding linguistic means.

It widely uses socio-political vocabulary, various types syntactic structures.

Journalistic text is often is being built as scientific reasoning: an important social problem is put forward, possible ways to solve it are analyzed and assessed, generalizations and conclusions are made, the material is arranged in a strict logical sequence, general scientific terminology is used. This brings him closer to the scientific style.

Publicistic speeches distinguished by reliability, accuracy of facts, specificity, strict validity. This also brings him closer to the scientific style of speech.

On the other hand, for journalistic speech characteristic passion, appeal. The most important requirement for journalism is general availability: It is intended for a wide audience and should be understandable to everyone.

The journalistic style has much in common with the artistic style of speech. To effectively influence the reader or listener, his imagination and feelings, the speaker or writer uses epithets, comparisons, metaphors and others figurative means, resorts to the help of colloquial and even colloquial words and phrases, phraseological expressions that enhance emotional impact of speech.

The journalistic articles of V.G. Belinsky, N.A. are widely known. Dobrolyubova, N.G. Chernyshevsky, N.V. Shelgunov, historians V.S. Solovyova, V.O. Klyuchevsky, V.V. Rozanova, N.A. Berdyaev, speeches by outstanding Russian lawyers A.F. Koni, F.N. Gobber.

M. Gorky turned to journalistic genres (the cycles “On Modernity”, “In America”, “Notes on Philistinism”, “Untimely Thoughts”), V.G. Korolenko (letters to A.V. Lunacharsky), M.A. Sholokhov, A.N. Tolstoy, L.M. Leonov, I.G. Ehrenburg.

Writers S. Zalygin, V.G. are known for their journalistic articles. Rasputin, D.A. Granin, V. Lakshin, academician D.S. Likhachev.

The journalistic style (as mentioned earlier) includes the speech of the defense attorney or prosecutor in court. And from them oratory, the ability to master words often determines a person’s fate.

Lexical features of journalistic style

The journalistic style of speech is characterized by the widespread use of socio-political vocabulary, as well as vocabulary denoting the concepts of morality, ethics, medicine, economics, culture, words from the field of psychology, words denoting internal state, human experiences, etc.

In the journalistic style, the following words are often used: with the prefixes a-, anti-, de-, inter-, raz(s), with the suffixes -i(ya), -tsi(ya), -izatsi(ya), -ism, - ist; with roots close in meaning to the prefixes, all-, general-, super-. Complex and compound words and stable figures of speech are widely used in the genres of journalism.

Emotional means of expressiveness in journalistic style of speech

The vocabulary of the journalistic style is characterized by the use figurative means, figurative meaning words, words with a bright emotional connotation.

The means of emotional influence used in this style of speech are diverse. For the most part, they resemble figurative and expressive means of artistic style of speech, with the difference, however, that their main appointment becomes not creation artistic images, namely influencing the reader, listener, convincing him of something and informing, transmitting information.

Emotional means of expressive language can include epithets (including those that are an appendix), comparisons, metaphors, rhetorical questions and appeals, lexical repetitions, gradation.

Gradation is sometimes combined with repetition (not a single week, not a single day, not a single minute can be lost), it can intensify grammatical means: the use of gradational conjunctions and conjunctions (not only..., but also; not only..., but and; not so much..., but).

This includes phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, colloquial figures of speech (including colloquialisms); the use of literary images, quotes, linguistic means of humor, irony, satire (witty comparisons, ironic inserts, satirical retelling, parody, puns).

Emotional means of language are combined in a journalistic style with strict logical evidence, semantic highlighting of particularly important words, phrases, and individual parts of the statement.

Socio-political vocabulary is replenished as a result of the revival of previously known words, but which have received a new meaning. These are, for example, the words: entrepreneur, business, market, etc.

Syntactic features journalistic style of speech

In the journalistic style of speech, as in the scientific style, nouns are often used in genitive case in the role inconsistent definition like the voice of the world, neighboring countries. In sentences, verbs in the imperative mood and reflexive verbs often act as predicates.

The syntax of this style of speech is characterized by the use homogeneous members, introductory words and proposals involved and participial phrases, complex syntactic structures.

Sample text of journalistic style

As our correspondent reports, yesterday central regions Penza region An unprecedented thunderstorm passed. In a number of places, telegraph poles were knocked down, wires were torn, and hundred-year-old trees were uprooted. Fires broke out in two villages as a result of lightning strikes.

Added to this is another natural disaster: rain shower caused severe flooding in places. Some damage was caused to agriculture. Rail and road communications between neighboring areas were temporarily interrupted. (Information note in the newspaper)

Journalistic style is a functional style of speech that is used in the following genres: article, essay, report, feuilleton, interview, pamphlet, oratory.

The journalistic style serves to influence people through the media (newspapers, magazines, television, posters, booklets). It is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, emotionality, evaluativeness, and appeal. In addition to neutral, it widely uses high, solemn vocabulary and phraseology, emotionally charged words, the use of short sentences, chopped prose, verbless phrases, rhetorical questions, exclamations, repetitions, etc. The linguistic features of this style are affected by the breadth of topics: there is a need to include special vocabulary that requires explanation. On the other hand, a number of topics are at the center public attention, and vocabulary related to these topics takes on a journalistic connotation. Among such topics, we should highlight politics, economics, education, healthcare, criminology, and military topics.

The journalistic style is characterized by the use of evaluative vocabulary that has a strong emotional connotation (an energetic start, a firm position, a severe crisis).

This style is used in the sphere of political-ideological, social and cultural relations. The information is intended not only for a narrow circle of specialists, but for broad sections of society, and the impact is aimed not only at the mind, but also at the feelings of the recipient.

Functions of journalistic style:

Information - the desire to the shortest possible time inform people about the latest news

Influencing - the desire to influence people's opinions

Speech task:

influence mass consciousness

call to action

report information

The vocabulary has a pronounced emotional and expressive coloring and includes colloquial, colloquial and slang elements. Vocabulary characteristic of the journalistic style can also be used in other styles: official business, scientific. But in a journalistic style it acquires a special function - to create a picture of events and convey to the addressee the journalist’s impressions of these events.

Emotional means of expressiveness in the journalistic style of speech (epithets, comparisons, metaphors, rhetorical questions, appeals, lexical repetitions, gradation; phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, colloquial figures of speech, quotes, humor, irony, satire), their combination with strict logical evidence.

The vocabulary of the journalistic style is characterized by the use of figurative means, figurative meaning of words, and words with a strong emotional connotation.

The means of emotional influence used in this style of speech are diverse. For the most part, they resemble figurative and expressive means of artistic style of speech, with the difference, however, that their main purpose is not the creation of artistic images, but rather the influence on the reader, listener, convincing him of something and informing, transmitting information.

Emotional means of expressive language can include epithets (including those that are an appendix), comparisons, metaphors, rhetorical questions and appeals, lexical repetitions, gradation. Gradation is sometimes combined with repetition (not a single week, not a single day, not a single minute can be lost); it can be enhanced by grammatical means: the use of gradational conjunctions and conjunctions (not only..., but also; not only..., but and; not so much..., but). This includes phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, colloquial figures of speech (including colloquialisms); the use of literary images, quotes, linguistic means of humor, irony, satire (witty comparisons, ironic inserts, satirical retelling, parody, puns).

Emotional means of language are combined in a journalistic style with strict logical evidence, semantic highlighting of particularly important words, phrases, and individual parts of the statement.

Socio-political vocabulary is replenished as a result of the revival of previously known words, but which have received a new meaning. These are, for example, the words: entrepreneur, business, market, etc.

26 . Features of oral public speech, style features. Genre originality.

Public speaking is the basis of oratory. In order for the performance to be bright and memorable, you need to follow some rules of influence. oral speech per listener:

Political speeches are made, for example, from the rostrum of parliaments by the leaders of the party that has come to power, as well as by heads of government and state, setting out their political program of action.

Diplomatic speeches are usually made when credentials are presented by representatives of the diplomatic corps foreign country when negotiations are held at the level of heads of state, foreign ministers, ambassadors, etc.

The political review contains a brief description of international and domestic political events; in a monologue speech of a political observer, not only information about events and facts is given, but also an ideological, party assessment of them. The political review is mosaic in composition, but united by one common idea.

Military-patriotic speeches are devoted to the issues of instilling love for Russia, readiness to stand up for its defense, glorifying the exploits of those who fought for the freedom of the fatherland during the years of the civil war, the Great Patriotic Wars;

The content of a rally speech can be political or patriotic; it sounds at a rally, that is, at a gathering large number people, and is characterized by appeal, passion, and emotional intensity.

An agitator speech is close to a rally speech, but differs from it in a much smaller coverage of listeners and less emotional intensity, and it is much shorter in time. Agitation and propaganda permeate our entire public life. In the matter of patriotic education of the masses, our country relies on a multi-million army of agitators and propagandists, closely monitors their activities, and encourages their work in every possible way.

There are quite a lot of definitions of the concept “style”. If we compare these definitions, we can distinguish general provisions: style is: 1) a type of literary language, 2) which functions (acts) in a certain area social activities, 3) for which it uses specific features of text construction and linguistic means of expressing content specific to a given style. In other words, styles are the main largest speech varieties.

The formation and functioning of styles is influenced by various factors. Since style exists in speech, its formation is influenced by factors (conditions) that are associated with the life of society itself. These factors are called extralinguistic or extralinguistic. Highlight the following factors:

· Sphere of social activity: science, law, politics, art, everyday life;

· Form of speech: written or oral;

· Type of speech: monologue, dialogue, polylogue;

· Method of communication: public or personal (all functional styles, except conversational, relate to public communication);

· Genre of speech: in particular for journalistic style - note, article, report, etc.;

· Communication functions.

In each style, all the functions of language are implemented (communication, message, influence, etc.), but one is leading. For example, for scientific style this is a message, for journalistic - impact. Based on the listed factors, the following styles of the Russian language are traditionally distinguished: scientific, official business, journalistic, colloquial and artistic.

Let's take a closer look at the journalistic style.

The journalistic style is characteristic of the political sphere of society, functions in written and oral forms, manifests itself both in monologue and in dialogue and polylogue (discussion), and is a public way of communication.

Target journalistic texts- inform citizens about events in the country and in the world, as well as form public opinion. A feature of the journalistic style is the combination of standard (stable linguistic forms of expression) and expression (linguistic means that affect the reader’s emotions).

The journalistic style is represented by a variety of genres that have different tasks in the process of communication and function in different conditions. Thus, journalistic genres include newspaper political information, editorials, notes, feuilletons, pamphlets, lyrical and journalistic articles, as well as slogans, appeals, appeals to citizens of the country, reviews of films and plays, satirical notes, essays, reviews, that is all genres of mass communication (the language of newspapers, magazines, television and radio programs), as well as oral speech - public speeches on socio-political topics. Due to the variety of genres, characterizing the journalistic style raises many difficulties.

It should be borne in mind that the journalistic style, like all other styles, is a historical phenomenon and is subject to change, but in it, more than in other styles, changes are noticeable that are caused by socio-political processes in society. Thus, even a non-specialist can see the changes in the newspaper modern style in comparison, for example, with the language of newspapers at the beginning of the century: the open appeal, sloganism, and directive nature of newspapers have disappeared; modern newspapers strive at least for the external argumentation of the presentation, the polemical nature of publications. However, the characteristic stylistic features of journalism have been preserved.

The journalistic style is primarily characterized by the desire to influence the reader and listener. So, the most important feature of the journalistic style is its influencing function, which can be designated linguistic term"expressive function". This function of the journalistic style is inherent in all its genres in any socio-political conditions.

A characteristic feature of this style is also the informative nature of the presentation, associated with the popularization function. The desire to convey something new to the reader and listener ensures success journalistic genres. The uniqueness of the functioning of the journalistic genre, for example, in newspapers, the conditions for preparing the material, different levels The qualifications of numerous correspondents contribute to the emergence of standard linguistic means in newspaper texts. The standardization of linguistic means is generated both by repetition and by the fact that the search for expressive means is limited by time, and therefore ready-made expression formulas are used.

Thus, the typical features of a journalistic style are: the desire to influence the reader - an influencing function; information content; expressiveness due to the influencing function; presence of a standard in an expression. The influencing function of the journalistic style determines the expressiveness of this style. Expressiveness manifests itself primarily in the assessment of events and phenomena. Evaluativeness is expressed by the use of adjectives, nouns, adverbs with the meaning of a positive or negative evaluation such as: wonderful, interesting, important, sufficient, grandiose, unprecedented, etc.. Evaluativeness is also expressed by the use of high book vocabulary : daring, Fatherland, Fatherland, mission, inspiration, feat of arms, etc.. On the other hand, assessment is expressed in colloquial and even colloquial vocabulary, for example: hype, rabid, renegades, etc.

A sharp, apt, figurative assessment is expressed using metaphors and personification, for example: The news is in a hurry, spring is raging, slander and hypocrisy are walking nearby.

In the journalistic style, foreign words and elements of words, in particular prefixes, are actively used a-, anti-, pro-, neo-. ultra- (anti-constitutional, ultra-right, etc.). It is thanks to the media in Lately The active dictionary of foreign words that are part of the Russian language has been significantly expanded - privatization, electorate, denomination and others. Evaluation can also be expressed using word-forming means, for example, superlative suffixes on adjectives, evaluation suffixes on nouns: highest, most interesting, most important, groupism, hazing, assault.

The syntax of the newspaper-journalistic style of speech also has its own characteristics associated with the active use of emotionally and expressively colored constructions: exclamatory and interrogative sentences, sentences with appeal, rhetorical questions, repetitions, dissected constructions, etc. The desire for expression determines the use of constructions with a conversational coloring: particles, interjections, inversions, non-union proposals, omission of one or another member of a sentence, etc. Often the assessment is expressed in the headlines, therefore the requirements for expressiveness and catchiness are imposed on the title of articles. Expressiveness is thus expressed by a variety of linguistic means, including sentence structure.

The information content of the journalistic style is achieved:

a) in a documentary and factual manner of presentation through the use of special terms, special vocabulary, professional words;

b) the generality of the presentation, its analyticity;

c) “neutrality” of presentation, which is facilitated by non-expressive vocabulary; complex syntactic constructions are used, especially with subordinating connections.

A characteristic feature of the journalistic style is the presence of special newspaper standards, special newspaper phraseology, newspaper cliches arise, for example: make a huge contribution, work with passion, honor sacredly, increase military traditions, universal human values, etc.

The journalistic style uses linguistic means of different styles, but the main stylistic features of the journalistic style stand out very clearly, and the journalistic style is a special phenomenon, combining such features as expressiveness and standard, informativeness and popularization.

Journalistic style - one of functional styles, serving wide area public relations– political, economic, ideological, etc.

PS occupies a leading place in the stylistic structure of the Russian literary language, many means of YHL are tested in PS, but PS can also provide bad influence on the language (penetration of jargon, abuse of borrowings).

Used in: political literature; Media (radio, television, newspapers, magazines).

Journalism seeks to influence contemporary public opinion, morals and political institutions.

Thematic range: politics, ideology, philosophy, economics, culture, sports, everyday life, current events.

The main task of the PS: commenting, evaluating facts and events.


1. Influencing (the presence and formation of evaluative vocabulary, primarily conceptual - socio-political, ideological, etc.);

2. Informative (neutral layer of vocabulary, speech standards, speech vocabulary necessary for verbal presentation of messages).

3. All general literary vocabulary is material for the dictionary of journalistic vocabulary.

In the category of author-journalistic work there are: 2 main features: the author is a social person and the author is a private person. That is, the author expresses both his social position and demonstrates his personal qualities.

Great importance in journalistic works it has the author's style, the manner of writing characteristic of a particular journalist. In the newspaper-journalistic style, the narration is always conducted in the first person; journalism is characterized by the coincidence of the author and the narrator, who directly addresses the reader with his thoughts, feelings, and assessments. This is the power of journalism.

At the same time, in each specific work, the journalist creates an image of the author, through which he expresses his own attitude to reality.

Author's image– ideological and communication center, core work of art, around which all the elements of his poetics and speech means are united and thanks to which they acquire a certain aesthetic purpose and communicative expediency. The image of the author sets the composition of the genre, a certain selection of linguistic means, and expresses the author’s attitude to the work and the facts that it presents.

In accordance with these features and their relationships, certain types of authors: propagandist/agitator, polemicist, reporter, chronicler, artist, analyst, researcher, etc.

Genres of journalistic style: article, essay, feuilleton, pamphlet, essay, open letter and etc.

Natural shape existence of PS- written speech.

Main substyles: mass media, actually journalistic.

Main functions: informative, imperative (influencing), therefore one of the main distinctive features journalistic style: a combination of standardization and expressiveness.

Scope of distribution: periodicals, electronic media, socio-political literature, political speeches, speeches.

The journalistic style is also called newspaper-journalistic style, because journalistic works are published primarily in newspapers. This style is also presented in magazines addressed to the mass reader, journalistic speeches on radio and television, and in the speeches of social and political figures at rallies, congresses, and meetings (in this case it is presented orally).

Journalism is called the “chronicle of modernity”, since it covers the most important problems of society - political, social, everyday, philosophical, economic, moral and ethical, issues of education, culture, art, etc.; its subject matter is unlimited, as is its genre diversity. Living history of our time is reflected in information genres (note, report, report, interview, chronicle, review), analytical (article, correspondence, commentary, review, review) and artistic and journalistic (essay, feuilleton, pamphlet).

Key Features:

1. Relevance of the issue;

2. Speech stereotypes;

3. Abstraction in the presentation of material;

4. Information richness, accuracy, logic, formality, standardization (use of standard techniques), factual reliability (imperative function);

5. Mass of the addressee;

6. Bias;

7. Polemical, emotional, imagery (influential function);

8. Close to intonation, structure and functions oratorical speech;

9. Social evaluation – naming facts along with their evaluative interpretation. The author directly expresses his opinion - the openness and subjectivity of journalism.

Features at the lexical and phraseological level:

1. Interaction of various lexical layers (common, neutral vocabulary and phraseology, as well as book and colloquial);

2. Socio-political vocabulary and phraseology;

3. Evaluative vocabulary, borrowed words, terms from different terminological systems;

4. Poetic, outdated, slang, new vocabulary.

Morphological and word-formation features:

1. Word-formation models with the suffixes -ost, -nik, -ism, -tsia, -ant, -genic, -line, -nichny, etc.: inauguration, utopianism, provocation, production, biogenic, photogenic, communicative;

2. With prefixes anti-, counter-, de-, pro-.

3. Usage difficult words: ubiquitous, mutually beneficial, multilateral;

4. Lots of expressive and emotional images;

5. Units in the plural meaning: reader, pensioner, voter;

6. A lot qualitative adjectives;

7. Lots of personal and possessive pronouns;

8. Many verbs in a generalized meaning, substantivized participles;

9. Use of pronouns in generalized meanings: we, our.

Syntactic features:

1. Ordered sentence structure with detailed syntactic structures;

2. Visual and expressive means;

3. Elliptical sentences; Ellipsis– a stylistic figure consisting of a stylistically significant omission of any member or part of a sentence.

4. All types one-part sentences- nominative, indefinite and generalized personal, impersonal ( We are told; The note says);

5. Connecting structures;

6. Parcellation: Renewing our life is impossible without lawmaking. Without legal justification for changes. Without legislative acts guaranteeing the irreversibility of perestroika;

7. Expressive exclamatory sentences;

8. Rhetorical questions;

9. Inversion;

10. Using cliches: public sector workers, employment services, international humanitarian aid, commercial structures;

11.Usage speech stamps: universal words in general values: question, event, series, specific, separate; paired words - the use of one of them necessarily suggests the use of the other: problem - unresolved, urgent, event - completed. Speech cliches eliminate the need to look for the right, exact words and deprive speech of concreteness.

In the conditions of rapid preparation of newspaper publications, the interest in which is especially heightened in the wake of events, journalists use well-known journalistic techniques, frequent linguistic means, and stable speech patterns (clichés). This determines the standardization of the newspaper language.

Since works of a journalistic nature are addressed to a wide range of readers, main criterion selection of linguistic means in them - their accessibility. Publicists should not use highly specialized terms, dialectal, slang words, or foreign language vocabulary that are incomprehensible to readers; complicated syntactic structures; abstract imagery.

At the same time, the journalistic style is not closed, but open system linguistic means. This allows journalists to refer to elements of other functional styles and, depending on the content of the publication, to use a variety of vocabulary, including extraliterary words and expressions necessary for a reliable depiction of events and their heroes.

The vocabulary of the journalistic style is distinguished by its thematic diversity and stylistic richness. Common, neutral vocabulary and phraseology, as well as book and colloquial vocabulary, are widely represented here. The choice of verbal material is determined by the topic; when discussing socio-political problems, words such as privatization, cooperator, marketing, management, stock exchange, business, democracy, openness, capitalism, socialism; when resolving issues Everyday life- others: pension, salary, consumer basket, unemployment, standard of living, birth rate, etc.

Against a general neutral background, evaluative lexical and phraseological means attract attention. Among them you can find not only colloquial words and expressions ( privatization, chaos, party, cool), but also book ( power, homeland, agony, triumph, accomplish, bring down, scapegoat economic reform, shock therapy, Babylonian pandemonium, Solomon's decision, etc.).

Publicists often use terms in a figurative sense (epidemic of chatter, virus of racism, round of negotiations, Shah of government, political farce, parody of democracy, home stretch, line of fire, chromosomes of bureaucracy), which does not exclude, however, their use in the exact meaning in the appropriate context.

The journalistic style is characterized by a combination of contrasting stylistic coloring words: it uses bookish and colloquial vocabulary, high and low. However, the use of diverse vocabulary and phraseology depends on the genre and should be subject to the principle of aesthetic expediency.

The syntax of journalistic works is distinguished by the correctness and clarity of the construction of sentences, their simplicity and clarity. Monologue speech is used

(mainly in analytical genres), dialogue (for example, in interviews), direct speech.

Main styles of journalistic texts:

Agitation and propaganda texts,


Newspaper and journalistic


Artistic and journalistic.

All this is represented by different genres:




Party documents




Notes, essays,