The organization's representative offices, which employ a total of more than 12 thousand people, are located in almost 80 countries around the world. In situations of armed conflict, the ICRC coordinates the activities of national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies and the International Federation that unites them. The ICRC has been awarded three times Nobel Prize peace humanitarian organization, operating throughout the world based on the principle of neutrality and impartiality. In 1884, the first international conference of the International Committee of the Red Cross took place. The headquarters is located in Geneva. The ICRC is an independent and neutral organization. Task: provide protection and assistance to victims of armed conflicts and internal strife. Mandate of the ICRC In accordance with the mandate given to the International Committee of the Red Cross by the world community, and guided by the principle of impartiality, the organization provides assistance to detainees, the sick, wounded and civilians affected by armed conflicts. The ICRC is coordinating the efforts of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to provide humanitarian assistance in the situation armed conflict and dissemination of knowledge about international gum. law and universal gum. principles to prevent human suffering. The structure is an independent humanitarian organization with a special status; yavl. one of components International movement Red Cross and Red Crescent; yavl. an association whose activities are determined by Art. 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code; is a legal entity under Swiss law. The main governing bodies of the ICRC are the Assembly (the supreme governing body) The President of the ICRC is Dr. Jacob Kellenberger, Ph.D. The European Parliament is the legislative body of the European Union, directly elected by the citizens of the Union member states. Together with the Council of the European Union, the Parliament forms the bicameral legislative branch of the EU, and is considered one of the most influential legislative bodies in the world. The European Parliament has three important tasks: control of the European Commission, legislation, budgeting. The European Parliament shares legislative functions with the Council of the EU. Since the signing of the treaty in Nice, most political spheres, the so-called principle of joint decisions applies, according to which Heb. Parl. and the Council of the European Union have equal powers, and each bill submitted by the Commission must be considered in two readings. Disagreements must be resolved during the 3rd reading. Fiscal policy - The European Parliament and the Council of the EU jointly form the Budget Commission, which sets the EU budget. - Significant restrictions on fiscal policy are imposed by the so-called “Mandatory expenditures”, which amount to almost 40% of the total European budget. - Parl powers. in “Mandatory expenses” are limited. Control functions v Parliament also exercises control over the activities of the European Commission. The Plenum of Parliament must approve the composition of the Commission. v Parliament has the right to accept or reject the Commission only as a whole, and not as individual members. v In accordance with the Lisbon Treaty, the European Parliament is charged with electing the President of the European Commission. v In addition, Parliament can, through a 2/3 majority, put forward a vote of no confidence in the Commission, thereby causing its resignation. v Parliament can also exercise control over the Council European Union and the European Commission, establishing a committee of inquiry. This right particularly affects those areas of politics where the executive functions of these institutions are great, and where the legislative rights of parliament are significantly limited

INTERNATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS Founded in Aug. 1946 at the World Congress of Students in Prague.

According to the charter, the goals of the MCC are:

Protecting the interests of students,

Fight for peace and international security, against imperialism, colonialism and neo-colonialism, reaction, fascism and racism, for national liberation, social progress and democratization of education.

Supreme body MCC - Congress, which elects the Executive Committee (manages the union between the congresses), the president and the Secretariat (location - Prague).

President of the MSS - D. Ulchak

MSS took an active part in holding a number of events aimed at strengthening the international cohesion of progressive students, and was one of the organizers of the World Forums of Youth and Students in Moscow (1961 and 1964), and the World Festivals of Youth and Students.

56. NATO purpose

target: strengthening stability and increasing prosperity in the North Atlantic region. Strategic concept(three tasks) - collective defense, crisis management and security based on cooperation.

ANZUS- was created at the initiative of the United States to “coordinate collective defense efforts” in the area Pacific Ocean, and in 1978 the scope of the block included Indian Ocean. Initially, ANZUS was directed against national liberation movements in South-East Asia and the Pacific region, as well as against the USSR and its allies in Southeast Asia.

CSTO- The task of the CSTO is to protect the territorial and economic space of the countries participating in the treaty with common effort armies and auxiliary units from any external military-political aggressors, international terrorists, as well as from natural disasters large scale.

RSS- Providing collective security, liquidation of consequences natural Disasters, protection of the constitutional order of the parties to the agreement, fight against drug smuggling

The main goals and objectives of the SCO are:

· strengthening mutual trust between member states; development of multidisciplinary cooperation

· joint counteraction to terrorism, separatism and extremism in all their manifestations, the fight against illegal drug and weapons trafficking, other types of transnational criminal activity, as well as illegal migration;

· encouraging effective regional cooperation in areas of common interest;

· promoting the provision of human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the international obligations of member states and their national legislation;

· interaction in prevention international conflicts and their peaceful settlement;

· joint search for solutions to problems that will arise in the 21st century.

NATO and Russia:

On June 7, 2007, the President of Russia signed the federal law No. 99 “On the ratification of the agreement between the states parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and other states participating in the Partnership for Peace program on the status of the Forces of June 19, 1995 and the Additional Protocol thereto.”

In July 2009, US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip Gordon said that the United States is ready to consider Russia's accession to NATO under certain conditions

Russia is cooperating with NATO on the issue military operation in Afghanistan. The Russian side has concluded agreements with the United States and Germany on the transit of military cargo through its territory for troops participating in International forces security assistance

57. Purpose and main directions of activity of the UES other economic and financial structures. Name examples of Russia's participation in the processes of European integration, reveal the current trends in economic cooperation between Russia and the CIS countries, give specific examples.

European Economic Community - association of a number European countries who strive for economic integration while partially abandoning their national sovereignties. Economic integration is a process of convergence and interweaving of the economies of several countries with homogeneous socio-economic systems, aimed at creating a single economic organism. The European Economic Community was legally formalized by the Treaty of Rome in 1957 and initially included six countries: Germany. France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy. In 1973 it included England, Denmark and Ireland, in 1981 - Greece, in 1986 - Spain and Portugal. IN basis economic policy principles: free trade exchange, free migration of labor, freedom of choice of residence. freedom to provide services, free movement of capital and free payment circulation. The first step towards the implementation of these principles was the creation of a free trade zone, which implied the mutual abolition customs duties, export and import quotas and other foreign trade restrictions. At the same time, a unified customs policy began to be pursued in relation to third countries that are not members of the EEC (the so-called “customs union”). An important stage in the development of the Common Market was the creation of the European Monetary System. In addition to the EEC, there is the European Coal and Steel Community, as well as the European Atomic Energy Community. These three associations are known as the European Communities (EC). There are a number of supranational bodies that govern the European Economic Community: the Council of Ministers (legislative body); Commission European Communities (executive agency); European Parliament (monitors the activities of the Commission and approves the budget); Court of Justice of the European Communities (highest judicial body); European Council (composed of the heads of government of the EEC member countries); European Political Cooperation (a committee consisting of 12 foreign ministers and one member of the Commission of the European Communities). The strengthening of the role of the latter body indicates the desire of the participating countries not only for economic, but also for political integration.

Since Soviet times, Russia has maintained close cooperative ties with Ukraine in the production of aircraft equipment, and with Belarus in the production of electronics. Now it is important not only to preserve traditional cooperation chains that have historically been inherited by partner countries, but also to create new ones, including in high-tech industries. The development of industrial and scientific-technical cooperation will allow the Commonwealth countries to quickly achieve the goals set in the Strategy economic development CIS task of transition to an innovative economic model, to modernize the economy.

Integration in the Commonwealth space is of a multi-speed and multi-level nature. This means that each country, in accordance with its national interests and degree of readiness, has the opportunity to choose any option for further participation in integration processes. You can limit yourself to only using the obvious advantages of the free trade regime or take part in the formation customs union and a single economic space within the Eurasian Economic Community. And this already means a higher level of integration and additional benefits for business.

TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONS: in relation to power - governmental and non-governmental;

in relation to the budget - budgetary and non-budgetary; in relation to the main goal - public and economic; by level of formalization - formal and informal;

Government Organization (by)

This status is given by official authorities at the federal or local levels. Government organizations include those established in the Constitution, presidential decrees, for example, ministries, state committees, the Presidential Administration, prefectures, district governments, etc. These organizations are subject to various privileges and certain strict requirements (privileges - financing, benefits, social security; requirements - a government official does not have the right to head commercial structures, does not have the right to use privileges for his own benefit or the personal benefit of his employees.

Non-governmental organizations

A non-governmental organization (NGO) is any voluntary, non-profit association of citizens organized at the local, state or international level. Focused on achieving specific results and led by people united by common interests, not government organizations They carry out a wide variety of tasks and perform many humanitarian functions, such as bringing people's needs and aspirations to the attention of governments, providing public oversight of the police, and promoting active grassroots political participation at the local level.

Budgetary organizations

The source of financing for such organizations is the state budget or the budget of a government agency. Budgetary organizations are exempt from many taxes, including VAT.

Non-budgetary organizations

They themselves seek sources of financing, including the source of financing may be the budget, and the investor may be a budgetary organization.

Public organization

is a membership-based public association created on the basis joint activities to protect common interests and achieve the statutory goals of united citizens. Members of a public organization, in accordance with its charter, can be individuals and legal entities- public associations, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law and laws on certain types of public associations.

By having membership, a public organization differs from a social movement, in which membership is not required. The highest governing body of a public organization is the congress (conference) or general meeting. The permanent governing body of a public organization is an elected collegial body reporting to a congress (conference) or general meeting. In the case of state registration of a public organization, its permanent governing body exercises the rights of a legal entity on behalf of the public organization and performs its duties in accordance with the charter.

Formal organizations

These are public and economic organizations registered in accordance with the established procedure. This is an association of people bound by an agreement on their rights and responsibilities. Formal organizations may have the status of a legal or non-legal entity.

Informal organizations

Unregistered with government authorities. This is an association of people who are not bound by formal agreements on rights and obligations; they are not registered with government bodies; they are created on the basis of common interests in the field of culture, everyday life, sports, etc. (a group of tourists, an association of running friends, etc.) . A sign of the formation of an informal organization is the emergence of an informal leader. The emergence of a strong leader increases the chances of an informal organization growing into a formal one.

A limited liability company is an organizational and legal form of commercial organizations that has a number of distinctive features, due to which it is considered the most attractive for carrying out entrepreneurial activities.

A limited liability company is one established by one or more persons. A company whose authorized capital is divided into shares. Participants in a limited liability company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, to the extent of the value of their shares.

Participants of the LLC company who have not made full contributions bear joint liability for its obligations to the extent of the value of the unpaid part of the contribution of each participant. According to current legislation, a Limited Liability Company may be founded by one person or may consist of one person, including when it is created as a result of reorganization. However, an LLC cannot have another business entity consisting of one person as its sole participant. Like all legal entities, a Limited Liability Company has separate property in its ownership, accounted for on an independent balance sheet, and can, in its own name, exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities and be a defendant in court.

An additional liability company is a limited liability company, the participants of which bear subsidized liability for its obligations in the same multiple of the value of their contributions in accordance with the constituent documents of the company. What distinguishes it from a limited liability company is that if there is insufficient property to satisfy the claims of creditors, its participants are liable subsidiarily (additionally) in a joint and several manner. The amount of liability of the latter (unlike general partners) is limited only to that part of their property that is a multiple of the amount of contributions made by them. The bankruptcy of one of the participants leads to the fact that his responsibility for the obligations of the company is distributed among the remaining participants in proportion to their contributions, unless a different procedure is determined by the constituent documents.

Open Joint-Stock Company is a joint stock company whose participants can alienate their shares without the consent of other shareholders.

Such a joint stock company has the right to conduct an open subscription for shares issued by it and their free sale under the conditions established by law and other legal acts. An open joint stock company is obliged to annually publish for public information an annual report, balance sheet, and profit and loss account.

Legal characteristics of an open joint stock company

The main features of an open joint stock company prescribed by law are as follows:

the number of shareholders of an open joint stock company is not limited by law; shareholders of an open joint stock company may alienate their shares without the consent of its other shareholders; an open joint-stock company has the right to conduct both open and closed subscriptions for its shares; An open joint-stock company is obliged to provide the market with information about its activities in the amounts and within the time limits established by the legislative and other regulations of a given country, in particular, it is obliged to annually publish for public information an annual report, balance sheet, and profit and loss account.

Regional and interregional organizations

Regional and interregional organizations are permanent international bodies - bodies of interaction between states, with limited competence and a simplified organizational structure. They may have different names, for example, Council of States Baltic Sea, Chernomorskoe economic cooperation, Central Commission navigation on the Rhine River, Danube Commission. The CIS is an association of states based on the principle of equality of all its members, who are independent and equal entities international law.

The basis of such bodies is an agreement between the states that are their members. Organizational structure may be quite developed, approaching an organization. The Council of the Baltic Sea States has a council of foreign ministers, a committee of senior officials, Commissioner for Human Rights, working groups. For other bodies it is simpler, for example, the Danube Commission consists of the commission itself and the secretariat. The legal personality of such bodies is usually carried out in accordance with the law of the host country; decisions are not legally binding.

International non-governmental organizations: concept and features

According to the Resolution General Assembly UN 1296 (XIV) dated 23 May 1968 international non-governmental organization(INGOs ) is any international organization not established by intergovernmental agreement. According to the resolution of the Economic and Social Council(ECOSOC) 1996/31 of July 25, 1996 An INGO is any non-governmental organization not established on the basis of an intergovernmental treaty and not pursuing commercial profit. According to C. Collard (France), organizations, sometimes abbreviated as NGOs, are by their nature private organizations; they unite private individuals, sometimes even statesmen And public organizations, but not states?1.

The main features of INGOs are:

  • a) lack of profit-making goals;
  • b) recognition by at least one state or the presence of consultative status with international intergovernmental organizations;
  • c) receiving Money from more than one country;
  • d) carrying out activities in at least two states;
  • e) creation on the basis of a constituent act.

Subjects of international law cannot be members of INGOs.

INGOs arose in early XIX V. Currently there are more than 8 thousand of them. Brief information about these organizations (as about any other organization) can be found in the book?Yearbook of International Organizations?, published in Brussels International Association. The first INGOs in the socio-political field were mainly professional, educational, religious, and pacifist.

INGOs play an active role in all aspects of modern international relations. Moreover, in a number of areas they are leaders. In particular, the International Institute for Humanitarian Law (established in 1970) conducts great job on the application of norms and principles of international humanitarian law. The Institute regularly convenes seminars to educate officers about the laws and customs of war and regulations aimed at protecting refugees.

International Law Association(established in 1873) coordinates research on current problems international public and international private law. The organization pays attention to research in the field of conflict of laws and the law of contracts.

The International Criminal Law Association (established in 1924) develops principles and guidelines for the application of international criminal law conventions. She developed

International Committee Red Cross(ICRC), whose principles are humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntariness, unity and universality, has made an enormous contribution to the development of the principles and norms of international humanitarian law. With his active participation, the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in active armies 1906, The Hague Convention for the Application to War at Sea of ​​the Principles of the Geneva Convention for the Protection of Victims of War of 1949, two Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions of 1949. Among the numerous and difficult tasks assigned to the competence of the ICRC by humanitarian conventions, special mention should be made of the right to visit all places where prisoners of war or civilian internees are held, and the establishment of a Central Prisoner of War Information Agency to collect information about them. Article 3, common to the four Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, states: “An impartial humanitarian organization such as the International Committee of the Red Cross may offer its services to parties to a conflict.” As a neutral mediator in cases of armed conflict or disturbance, the ICRC focuses its efforts on ensuring the protection of victims of international and civil wars(see chapter XXII).

Many INGOs actively cooperate with intergovernmental organizations. The main form of such cooperation is consultative status. Each intergovernmental organization has its own rules for granting consultative status to INGOs. Obtaining such status not only means recognition of the useful activities of INGOs, but at the same time reflects the growth of international authority and influence of international non-governmental organizations on the development of modern international relations.

According to Art. 71 of the UN Charter, ECOSOC is empowered to make appropriate arrangements for consultation with non-governmental organizations interested in matters within its competence. Such events can be coordinated with international organizations, and, if necessary, with national organizations after consultation with interested UN members.

The UN's relations with INGOs are regulated by the ECOSOC resolution? Arrangements for consultation with non-governmental organizations?, adopted in 1946 (subsequently revised several times).

According to UN General Assembly resolution No. 1296 (XIV) of May 23, 1968, any international organization not established on the basis of an intergovernmental agreement. Main features

International Non-Governmental Organizations:

a) lack of profit-making goals;

b) recognition by edge at least one state m or availability consul alternative status with international intergovernmental organizations:

c) receiving funds from more than one country:

d) carrying out activities on edge at least in two states;

e) creation on the basis of a constituent act. IN International Non-Governmental Organizations Subjects of international law cannot be included. International Non-Governmental Organizations arose at the beginning of the 19th century. Currently there are more than 8 thousand of them. The first International Non-Governmental Organizations in the socio-political field they were mainly professional. educational. religious, pacifist. International Non-Governmental Organizations play an active role in all aspects of modern international relations. Moreover. in a number of areas they are leaders. In particular, the International Institute of Humanitarian Law (established in 1970) regularly convenes seminars to train officers law am and customs of war and norms. aimed at protecting refugees. International Law Association(established in 1873) coordinates research on current issues of public international and private international law, focusing on research in the field of conflict of laws and law agreement ov. Many International Non-Governmental Organizations actively cooperate with intergovernmental organizations. The main form of such cooperation is consul alternative status. Each intergovernmental organization has its own rules for providing consul native status International Non-Governmental Organizations. Obtaining such status means not only recognition of useful activities International Non-Governmental Organizations. but also reflects growth author status and influence International Non-Governmental Organizations on the development of modern international relations.

International Non-Governmental Organizations. They are divided into three categories:

International Non-Governmental Organizations. who are given consul optional status, can send their observers to the opening of the meeting of ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies, as well as submit written statements regarding the work of the Council, consul communicate with the UN Secretariat.

UN specialized agencies have their own rules for providing consul native status. So, International Maritime Organization(IMO) provides consul alternative status of topics International Non-Governmental Organizations. which can make a significant contribution into its work if the purposes and functions of these organizations are in full harmony with the functions and principles of the IMO.

6 . The role of international organizations in modern international relations and in global development in general. Main directions of globalization of politics.

In the modern world, international organizations are the main organizer of communication between states. An international organization is an association of states in accordance with international law and on the basis of an international treaty for cooperation in political, economic, cultural, scientific, technical, legal and other fields, having the necessary system of bodies, rights and obligations derived from the rights and obligations states into an autonomous will, the scope of which is determined by the will of the member states. Modern international organizations are divided into 2 main types: intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.

The role of both is significant and they all contribute to communication between states in various spheres of life.

As a rule, int. Organizations have a number of characteristics.

1) it is created in accordance with international law

2) any international organization is created on the basis of an international treaty (convention, agreement, treatise, protocol, etc.).

3) The parties to such a treaty are sovereign states, and more recently, intergovernmental organizations have also been participants in international organizations.

4) The purpose of creating any international organization is to unite the efforts of states in one area or another: political (OSCE), military (NATO), economic (EU), monetary and financial (IMF) and others.

5) It is very important for every international organization to have an appropriate organizational structure

Integration processes are manifested primarily in the formation of many international interstate and non-governmental organizations. Currently, there are many international organizations in the world that resolve issues in all areas of human life;

(NATO). NATO was created on April 4, 1949. NATO's primary purpose is to ensure the freedom and security of all members through political and military means in accordance with UN principles. Council of Europe. The Council of Europe was founded in accordance with its Charter in May 1949. The purpose of this Organization is to achieve greater unity among its members in defense and implementation of the ideals and principles which are their common achievement, and to promote their economic and social progress.

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)). The goals of the OSCE are: promoting the improvement of mutual relations, as well as creating conditions for ensuring long-term peace; support for the easing of international tension; recognition of the indivisibility of European security, as well as mutual interest in developing cooperation between member states; recognition of the close interconnectedness of peace and security in Europe and throughout the world; contribution to human rights, economic social progress and the well-being of all peoples. The OSCE carried out mediation missions in Chechnya, Abkhazia, Transnistria and other “hot” spots in Europe and Asia. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)) was created in accordance with the Agreement signed at Bretton Woods (USA) in 1944. UN specialized agency. The goals of the IBRD are: ---Providing assistance in the reconstruction and development of the territory of member states by making investments for productive purposes, including economic recovery, conversion, and manufacturing enterprises. -Providing assistance to private foreign investment by providing guarantees or participating in loans and other investments. -Promoting the long-term balanced growth of international trade and maintaining balance of payments balances by stimulating international investment in order to develop the productive resources of member states, thereby contributing to increased productivity, living standards and improved working conditions in their territories. - Arrangement of loans or their guarantees in order to ensure priority for the implementation of the most useful and urgent projects, regardless of their scale. - Conducting operations with due regard to the impacts of international investment on business terms, as well as assisting in the transition from a war economy to a peacetime economy. International Monetary Fund (IMF). Created in accordance with the Agreement signed at Bretton Woods (USA) in 1944. UN specialized agency. In accordance with Article 1 of the 1944 Agreement. The IMF has the following objectives: -To promote international cooperation by providing a mechanism for consultation and concerted action on international monetary issues. -Promote balanced growth of international trade and thereby promote high levels of employment and real income and the development of productive capabilities. - Promote the stability of currencies and orderly foreign exchange relations and avoid competitive currencies. -Promote the establishment of a multilateral system of payments and current account transfers and strive to eliminate foreign exchange restrictions that impede the growth of world trade.

Intergovernmental and governmental organizations:

1. UN (promotion and protection effective implementation all human rights; removing obstacles to achieving full respect for all human rights and preventing their violations; promoting and coordinating action in the field of human rights)

2. Human Rights Council (promotion and protection of human rights around the world)

3. UNESCO (building peace for all people. Its work in the field of human rights aims to promote the development of human rights education, it seeks to accelerate action to protect human rights at the regional, national and international level.)

4. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (coordinates international activities to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems around the world. Its main task is to ensure respect for the rights and welfare of refugees.)

5. US State Department Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (takes action to establish the truth and facts in all ongoing human rights investigations)

6. Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) (protects human rights, focusing on issues of freedom of movement and religion, as well as the prevention of torture and human trafficking.)

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)– an organization established by private individuals and/or other public (non-profit, NGO) organizations without the participation of official (government) institutions and carrying out its activities on the basis of the charter and at its own expense. The NGO's own funds consist of contributions from its members and raised funds (private and corporate donations, private and government grants, orders for work in the sphere of competence of NGOs, etc.).

There is a distinction between national and international NGOs (INGOs).

An INGO is an international people's organization not established on the basis of an intergovernmental agreement. A distinctive feature of an INGO is its recognition by at least one state or the presence of consultative status with international intergovernmental organizations.

1. Association of International Law (scientific profile)

2. Doctors Without Borders (MSF) (international medical humanitarian organization)

3. Greenpeace (an international non-governmental human rights (environmental) organization.)

4. Amnesty International (AI) (international non-governmental human rights organization)

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) (an international non-governmental human rights organization against censorship and for the release of journalists imprisoned because of their professional activities.)