Since ancient times, special attention has been paid to the choice of a boy’s name, because he is the successor of the family, a protector and, of course, a future father. We will help you choose the best and most suitable name for your child.

Even in ancient times, people knew and believed that the name influenced fate, so they tried to name their children after heroes, gods, or simply strong creatures(Wolf, Oak, etc.). Over time, many proper names have appeared, but each name means something different, special. Therefore, before you name your newborn son, you should find out the origin, meaning and etymology of the name you want to call him.

Today there is a tendency to call sons by some original or foreign names.

First of all, you need to remember that every boy will sooner or later become a father, so you need to choose a name that will make a good middle name.

Therefore, you should not name the child Bill, George, Murray, etc. Have pity on your grandchildren, who will bear the patronymic names Djordevna, Djordjevich, Billovna, Billovich, etc. After all, their father’s origins will be judged by their patronymic.

It would be much more favorable to name the child with an Old Russian name, since they are rapidly returning to use.

Such names, on the one hand, are familiar to everyone, and, on the other hand, are quite original, so you can’t go wrong if you name your son: Matvey, Miron, Luke, Mark, Gleb, Ignatius, Svyatoslav, etc.

Also, if you want to name your son after his father, then you should think about it several times before, because:

  • A boy can grow up to be very irritable, nervous and moody.
  • He's losing his personality
  • This combination is not easy enough to pronounce: Nikolai Nikolaevich, Alexander Alexandrovich, Pavel Pavlovich, etc.

You should not name your son after one of the deceased relatives, especially if they did not die a natural death. This is highly discouraged.

Remember that children can be cruel, so give your son funny name It’s not worth it, because he might be offended. Think about him first.

It is very important to know the etymology, origin and meaning of the name, since you must know what you call the boy and whether he will be the “protector” Alexey, “like God” Mikhail or “vigilant” Gregory.

Also, when thinking about what you can name a boy, choose those names for which a complete and short form(Vladislav - Vlad, Vasily - Vasya) and which can be used in a soft children's form (Glebushka, Leshka, Leshenka, Lenechka, etc.). If a boy grows up rude and cruel, then it is better to call him something affectionate, in a diminutive form, as often as possible.

Thanks to a name, certain qualities can be developed in a child. For example, if you want your son to become strong and purposeful, then choose names with paired voiced consonants, especially in combination with “r”: Igor, Georgy, Dmitry, Bogdan...

In order for a boy to grow up calm and sensitive, the most suitable names for boys will be those with many vowels or sonorant sounds: Alexey, Vitaly, Mikhail, Alexander, etc.

There are also names of boys that cannot be classified as either hard or soft, then the child will grow up balanced, and everything in him will be in moderation. These are names such as: Pavel, Roman, Arkady, Andrey and others.

First name combined with patronymic

It is important that the name chosen for your child is combined with his patronymic, because in adult life he will be addressed officially, so the question “how to name a boy by his patronymic” is quite relevant.

First of all, the name must correspond to the “nationality” of the patronymic. Therefore, if the father Slavic name, then you should not call your son too “foreign”, for example: John Vasilyevich.

Also, if the middle name is quite long, then the most suitable would be short name for a child: Lev Vasilyevich, Gleb Konstantinovich, etc. Names equal in size to the middle name will sound good: Vladislav Nikolaevich.

It is equally important that the middle name be sonorous, therefore, if the child’s middle name begins with a consonant, then choose a name that ends with a vowel and vice versa. Avoid junctions of consonants at the end of the name and at the beginning of the patronymic: Nazar Romanovich.

Combination with surname

How to name a child so that his first name goes with his last name? Do not forget that in addition to the patronymic, the child also has a surname, so the chosen name should be in harmony with it. If the surname is undecidable, then you should not call your son the name “unisex”, since it will be difficult for a person to determine by ear whether you are talking about a man or a woman (Sasha Velk, Zhenya Kozak), if you call the child affectionately. If the surname is inclined and by it you can understand who we are talking about, then call the child whatever you want, within reason, it will sound clear and beautiful: Zhenya Ryzhiy and Zhenya Ryzhaya - it’s absolutely clear where the boy is and where the girl is.

Depending on the time of year

I think you have noticed that people born at one time or another have certain general qualities. And this is true, because somehow the time of year affects the character of the child. We will tell you how to name a boy born at one time or another of the year.

Boys born in winter are quite cold, purposeful, have iron willpower, perseverance, and strong character.

To balance the hard qualities of a winter baby, you should give him a beautiful soft name with sonorant and vowel sounds.

Spring boys can be too soft and fickle, but at the same time they are smart and sensual. Therefore, it would be preferable to call them by a solid name with consonants.

If your son was born in the summer, then give him a melodious, soft name, as such boys can be overly persistent and proud.

Autumn boys are the most balanced, logical, reasonable, and calm, so any name will suit them, but romantic playful names will sound especially beautiful.

Depending on date of birth

If you don’t know what to name your son and want to rely on fate, then you can name your boy in honor of the saint on whose day he was born.

Just enough to open church calendar and see on which saint’s day your child was born.

This will not only make choosing a name easier, but will also provide your baby with the protection of a saint for life.

We hope that we were able to make it easier for you to choose a name for your boy and suggest suitable ones. We wish you to choose the right name and give birth to a healthy baby!

What to name the future baby? Each married couple inevitably faces this question. In fact, choosing a name for a child is not as easy as it seems. Quite often this controversial issue may cause quarrels and disagreements between future parents. After all, each name is necessarily associated with some familiar person, as a result of which we associate all the negative things of this person with a certain specific name. Therefore, when naming a child, we build a certain list of close and attractive people from which we make our choice. However, you should not rely solely on your own associations; listen to other options for resolving the issue of how to choose a name for a child. Let's look at some of them.

There is an opinion that the sounds that make up certain names, coming into resonance with certain organs of the body, are capable of stimulating various areas of the brain, thereby endowing their owners with certain qualities. It is believed that people with the names Zhanna, Igor, Daria, Dmitry are distinguished by their persistence, determination, stubbornness and strong-willed character. Mikhail, Vera, Vasily, Alexey, Svetlana, Ilya are soft and melodious names, their bearers are distinguished by kindness, responsiveness and compliance. People named Pavel, Roman, Vitaly, Artem, Anna, Andrey, Zoya, Lyudmila have balance and prudence.

You can choose a name for your child based on the baby’s month of birth. For example, babies born in February and December are usually stubborn and emotional. Therefore, they should be called by softer names, such as Angela, Andrey, Alexey, Mikhail. Born in summer more prone to activity and mobility, in this case it would be ideal if they were called Konstantin, Igor, Dmitry.

You need to choose a name for your child based on his middle name. There should not be any great dissonance between these important components. First of all, this will cause bewilderment among the people around him, and the baby himself may grow up to be a shy and insecure person.

When planning to choose a name for your child, immediately rule out the possibility of repeating the names of relatives who died as a result of the tragedy. Their aura, associated with grief, can haunt a person throughout his life, bringing new troubles and misfortunes. Do not think that this pattern has been confirmed in scientific research.

It is not recommended to name your baby with names that are too original or invented by you. After all, they separate the child from the cultural environment. And the names that came to us from popular foreign television series and cartoons will not bring joy to your child at all; with them he will feel like a “black sheep” and may acquire certain complexes.

You can name the baby after one of the parents. But it is believed that such children will be constantly under pressure, since they are destined to live in eternal comparison with their mother or father.

Remember not to name a girl male name, with him it will not be easy for her to communicate with her peers. Remember what offensive jokes children come up with, and try to prevent your child from having a complex or being angry with others because of your fault.

Make every effort to ensure that loved ones address the child by the name given at birth. Stop any attempts to call the baby whatever you want. This can provoke a subconscious internal split, leading to the fact that the baby will behave differently from his parents and grandparents. Such seemingly innocence can lead to a whole series of negative consequences.

Based on the above features, carefully think about how to choose a name for your child and make the right choice.

One of my friends asked me:

Why is it so important to give a child a name at birth that is not in honor of one of the relatives, or famous people, or as the parents want, but to approach this issue carefully, it is advisable to ask for advice from a serious specialist (astrologer, psychologist, elder)?

Most of us know the well-known expression “whatever you call the ship, so it will sail.” People don't usually think about it special significance. In this case, many people understand from the example of a ship that the total thoughts and ideas about this ship, their associations and emotional mood, starting from its name, will either strengthen this ship and create a positive atmosphere and eagle around this object, or will not do this . And people don't realize how important this is for any physical things. Although it has already been experimentally proven using water as an example that thoughts and words addressed to water structure it, are forced to work in accordance with the meaning a person puts into water.

Everyone is also well aware of the expression “ in the beginning was the Word"(author's note: the Bible), which structured the Universe, created it. We also know many examples in life when a particular name or symbol has a very powerful effect on its owner. With all this, people often forget that a name can bring their child both very great benefit (if given correctly) and very great harm.

The benefits and harms of a name

Let's figure out how this happens. When a child is born, he is quite pure and not conditioned by this world. One of the first and most powerful programs that begins to program him is his name. A name can introduce into his field either the necessary vibrations that will strengthen in him the best inherent in God (nature), or vice versa - go against his goals in life and character, introduce a strong imbalance in his future fate, health, social realization etc., and in some cases even strengthen something bad that is in it.

In all cultures of the world, the name of the child was chosen by the wisest representatives of the area or clergy, priests. In addition to the everyday name, there was another name, a spiritual one, which was supposed to contribute not only to the development of a person in society, but also in the spiritual world. As a rule, this name was secret, known only to that person and a small circle of his mentors or brothers in his spiritual aspirations.

How does a name affect a child? When we pronounce certain sounds (name), this creates a vibrational code that affects the consciousness of the child, which is actively formed and connects the speech adopted here in this at this moment time, with the images that are in the parents’ heads. This affects his entire aura, field structure, character and shapes it both on the physical and on more subtle planes.

Every name in world mythology and information field of humanity there are many images and information rigidly assigned to a given name. Very often we do not know the full meaning that was and is put into this or that name that we call a child. IN best case scenario we evaluate how much we feel it suits or does not suit him. So, when a name is given to a child, he begins to identify himself consciously and, for the most part, unconsciously - at the subconscious level - with the entire amount of information stored in the memory of humanity. Plus, all the people who call him by his name strengthen this program in every possible way, and in addition to all this information (which humanity has about the name), they strengthen this program precisely with their attention and emotions. Accordingly, if all these vibrations, information and emotions go in the right direction (the name is chosen correctly), the child receives powerful support, and his fate changes in better side(health, relationships with other people, etc.), negative generic programs are eliminated. And vice versa, if all this force is directed incorrectly, every year the name kills a person more and more.

Since most people don't know this information or don't have it nearby wise man, most people have wrong names that are not conducive to their development and good life.

We can find information about the importance of choosing the right name in astrology, and in all religions and secret (esoteric) teachings. And no matter how different they are, in different times and eras anywhere on Earth attached extremely great importance to the selection of a name.

A name is like a powerful mantra

Let us once again consider the mechanism of the influence of a name on a person. On physical level our body perceives our name as a set of certain vibrations (code), influencing through the eardrums the brain, and through the brain - everything physical body. At the energy level, pronouncing this or that name, we, like generators, vibrate and create a specifically directed wave (set of waves) affecting the person to whom given name belongs, enhancing certain waves in it.

At the emotional level, each name also carries a number of associations and micro-emotions, which, as a rule, are not realized either by those who speak or by those who perceive, although in the subconscious of one and the other there is a certain block of information and emotions that is automatically activated when the name is pronounced . This is so, since these people at birth connected to the information field of the Earth in the place where they were born, and are actively identified with culture, society, its conscious and unconscious, in order to master the language with which they will interact at a given time in a given society.

At the intellectual level, which is often minimal, the name also has some meaning, but the influence on all of the above factors is much weaker.

Based on all this, we understand that the name is like powerful mantra or a program, shapes a person in such a way that it is not completely clear either to himself or to the one who called him this way (if they are not professionals). And, accordingly, it is not clear how people want their children to have good fate, naming children is unclear. It's the same as installing software on a computer, choosing it not by its semantic content, compatibility with this equipment and its functional tasks, but by the cover, packaging of this software product. This example makes it very clear that even good computer(“hardware” – genetics and the human body) will not work normally if the “program” of a washing machine or vacuum cleaner is loaded there, and vice versa.

On this simple example It's clear how absurd most of us are in naming our children. And then they wonder why the child often gets sick, his personal life does not work out, his family is destroyed, and there is no success in the professional field.

If the name is chosen correctly, it not only corrects a person’s destiny for the better through the harmonization of his character and field structure, but is also powerful defense mechanism from external negative influences ( Negative influence people, space and external environment). A person can, by repeating his name several times and at the same time relaxing, carry out powerful self-therapy and harmonization.

Errors when choosing a name

Often, various specialists and name selection systems provide insufficient information for selecting a name, which leads to the incorrect selection of a name. For example, this happens if a person is given a name at the level of its intellectual significance. Globally, a person may need completely different things than what the name carries on its surface (intellectually, logically).

Another common misconception is choosing a name. by melody. If a name seems melodious and beautiful when pronounced, people think it suits their child well. This is also a misconception.

The third common misconception is choosing a name. in numerology. Modern numerology as a science is practically dead and does not have a sufficient degree of knowledge in its popular version to choose the right name.

Another popular misconception is all kinds of reference books of various popular authors offering their combination options first name, last name and patronymic based on an analysis of the success of previously living people.

One of the popular misconceptions is choosing a name in honor of religious saints in one religion or another based on religious astrology, where, in accordance with a particular date of birth, the name of the nearest saint who was born at that time is given.

Another common misconception is to name a child in honor of the deceased a relative or a person who has achieved a lot in society.

In all these cases it is violated main principle- the principle of human individuality. In all these cases, a person is tied to some beliefs of his parents or social cliches that have no benefit for him.

From the point of view of parapsychology research, a person’s name determines (shapes) his life by an average of 20-30%. IN in some cases, if the name is given correctly, it can remove up to 50% of all kinds of negativity in a person’s life.


For simple ordinary person All the above conclusions may seem unclear. But every person understands perfectly well that if you call him by his name, it gives him a certain sense of self, which greatly influences his daily actions and choices made in life, which leads to movement either according to the best scenario or according to a better scenario, or worse. Anyone can understand this.

Also, any person can conduct an experiment and for some time ask to call him by a different name, and compare his internal state when called by one name or another.

If you are an adult and your life is not going the way you want, then it's never too late to change your name, because the wrong name is like a backpack with bricks that you carry on your person. It's never too late to change your name.

From the editor: for those who want to choose the right name for their child

We suggest turning to the “Name for a Child” project, created by Sergei Bobyr (author of the article) specifically to help in choosing names. Sergey Bobyr has been engaged in activities for the harmonious development of people for more than sixteen years. As an annotation for the Baby Name project, he writes:

Ten years ago I began to study the topic of the influence of a name on a person’s fate and character; During this time, hundreds of people, with my help, named their children, changed their names and chose pseudonyms that enhanced the desired qualities in them. On this site I offer my services in choosing a name for both newborns and adults who want to adjust their destiny line.

You can learn more about the name selection method proposed by Sergei.

The most difficult thing in any business is the beginning. And it is very important that it be good. " A good start- half the battle is pumped out" - reads folk wisdom. For us, such a beginning will be a conversation about the name. After all, it also gives rise to life.

The most important

There is such a children's riddle: “ What can’t a person live without?” Whatever you offer in response, all your logical and completely demonstrable assumptions will be overturned by the answer - no name.

From this children's wisdom we will draw an important conclusion for parents: giving a child a name is more than choosing a word you like. Therefore, we will talk about proper handling of the name. If you were surprised or didn’t even believe that the choice of name and attitude towards it could be illiterate, it’s in vain. After all, literacy is not only the ability to read and write. We are talking about another kind of literacy - about having sufficient knowledge in the proposed field of activity. Any work must be done with skill, and such as choosing a name - even more so.

A name is not just a word, it is something more - a person’s personal name. It accompanies him all his life. A person always builds a very personal relationship with his name. This is his second self, after all. And the most paradoxical thing is that it is not the person who chooses the Self, but the parents.

A person has three main emotions (with various variations) about his name: like, dislike, indifferent. This means that the parent's choice of name was either successful or not. Let's see how the choice of name is made, or, scientifically speaking, naming, and what difficulties parents face here. How to avoid making mistakes with your linguistic ignorance.

It would seem that there is nothing easier than giving a name to your child - take the one you like - and no problems. This is what the vast majority of parents do, according to surveys. However, the catch is hidden in this very “liked” thing. It is not at all obvious that your tastes will coincide with the taste of your child, of course, when he grows up and can say so.

The secret of popularity

What do people usually like about a given name?

Firstly, its popularity, that is, the fashion for certain circle names It seems to parents that, say, Anastasia, Daria, Nikita, Danila sound beautiful and the parent does not want to think about anything else. For example, that the frequency of the name is already off the charts, that it has outgrown reasonable limits.

Secondly, another fashion no less often influences the choice of name - the rarity of the name. Then the parents, on the contrary, do not follow the lead of “public taste”, but begin to seek out various sources something like that, more ancient. This is where parents can seriously overdo it. And along with the Matveys, Arsenys, Rostislavs, Svyatoslavs, Valeriys, Kiras, Vasilisas, Foka, Thomas, Makar, Samson, Mechislav, Ratibor, Agafya, Euphrosyne, Melania appear. In the latter case, parents should understand that living with a rare name that falls outside the modern linguistic situation is an additional burden on the psyche and emotions of your child. Have you prepared him for this?

Exotic names that have experienced “Western” or literary influence also seem “beautiful” to parents. There are, of course, very edge cases when a Russian child is called Julia, Anna-Maria, Richard, Askold, Ken. But most often, parents are limited to choosing foreign-sounding names that fit into the Russian language: Eduard, Arthur, Angelina, Alina, Aelita.

Sometimes the “birth” of a new name occurs when parents insist on one form or another. For example, Lina (although this is a shortened form of the names Capitolina or Western Magdalena, Caroline), or Alina (taken from a poem by Pushkin, it is also not full name from Adelina or Angelina, popular names at that time), or Arina (the home name of Pushkin’s nanny, whose full name was Irina). As a rule, registry office employees register such names: parents have the right to insist on their choice of name, even if this form of the name is not entirely complete from a linguistic point of view.

All the reasons mentioned above explain the choice of a “beautiful” name without any additional parental explanations. It would be unfair if we did not say that there are reasons for conscious parental choice.

When asked about choosing a name for a child, the answer in second place is “in honor of someone.” These can be relatives (the closest and very distant), beloved friends and girlfriends, celebrities (most often singers and film actors), literary, cartoon and film characters and... guardian angels. IN last decades Parents are increasingly checking their choice with whether this name is in the church tradition in order to give the child the protection of a heavenly patron.

And, finally, the so-called “exceptional situations” of choosing a name: the girl was born in May (Maya), in July (Yulia); mom looked at the picture where there were funny bear cubs (Mikhail); the girl is as beautiful as a flower (Rose, Lily); they waited a long time for the child (Bogdan) and many more different individual stories, which sometimes surprise with their whimsical logic in choosing a name.

Here are three main paths, one of which parents choose when their unique child is born. The child is, of course, unique, but his name will be chosen from the existing ones. How to guess what you need? How to decorate and not ruin a child’s life with parental choices?

I'll give you three pieces of advice. They do not concern the rules for choosing a name. This was mentioned above in a veiled form. Tips will relate to teaching parents how to handle the chosen name so that the child is pleased with the parental choice, so that the child feels comfortable with the name, so that he likes it.

Advice one. It is imperative to tell the “story of naming.” With such a high syllable I called your obligatory story about why you chose this name.

A girl I knew, Alice, once asked her parents reproachfully: “Do they call people by my name?” The girl often saw her name in names various institutions: Vet clinic, the shops ( wedding dresses and toys), a bank, etc. But she didn’t meet any other Alices at that time. If the girl had been told earlier why this name was chosen for her, then the reproach would not have arisen. As, by the way, they did it in another family, where daughter Alice and her mother are captivated by Lewis Carroll’s fairy-tale duology about the English girl Alice Liddell.

Another friend already adult woman, still does not understand the reasons that prompted her parents to give her the name Lada. The name does not seem beautiful to her (“Only cars are called that,” she believes), and her parents cannot clarify and give reasons for their choice. Maybe it would help to explain that Lada is the name of an ancient Russian goddess hearth and home and love, from the word lad - agreement.

Tip two. You should know that a name usually means something. If it is of non-Russian origin, it has a translation from Greek, Latin, Hebrew (we borrowed most of the names from these languages ​​of Christian culture), Scandinavian, German, English and other languages.

The meaning of a name is nothing more than a meaning; you should not insist on the influence of a name on fate - this is undignified and unprovable. However, know What the name means, knowing its cultural (historical) meaning is quite useful. Therefore, get to know the origin of the name yourself, and be sure to tell your child.

The sound of a name can be very attractive, but its meaning can be overwhelming: Vadim - “troublemaker, debater”, from the ancient Russian verb “vaditi” - “to sow confusion, disputes”; Barbara - Greek “savage”, Yakov - Hebrew. “heel”, i.e. “the second born, coming on the heels of the first.” But even in this case, you can play with the name you love so that the child accepts your interpretation.

The origin of the name can also help in another case: if the child actively does not like the name. It happens that after learning the meaning of a name, a child begins to relate to it differently. For example, Zinaida is Greek. “from the family of Zeus”, Ivan - Jewish. “mercy of God”, Kuzma - Greek. "decoration".

Tip three. Be sure to form various variants from the name - do word formation at home. Can you see more than two forms in your child's name? Usually children at home are called either by their full name (Dmitry, Anastasia) or by their incomplete name (Dima, Nastya). From incomplete names, affectionate names are easily formed. Or unusual options for home use: Marina Tsvetaeva was called Musya at home, Tatami was called Natash and Tatyan.

We have the right to pet names: to call Asya and Alexandra, and Anastasia, and Natalya. Or Lyusya - Lyudmila and Larisa. Alya is the pet name of Alla, Albina and Alevtina. There are no strict restrictions here.

The ability to diversify a name shapes linguistic taste and tolerance. And this result will also be included in the treasury of your parental achievements.

Alevtina Nikolaevna Speranskaya, linguist, candidate philological sciences, Lecturer at the Department of Russian Language at Siberian Federal University

The meaning of a name for a person is difficult to overestimate. A successful choice largely determines in life.

In ancient Slavic culture, it was customary to give a person not one, but several names. At the same time, the present was carefully hidden until a certain age. It was believed that this would help protect the baby from unwanted influences.

Nowadays, the tradition of changing the name has been preserved, for example, upon initiation into new faith, ordination and so on. A new name means a new stage in life. An adult is able to make his choice consciously.Choosing a name for a childlies entirely with parental responsibility. The baby will simply accept what you give it.

That's why it's so importantchoose the right name for your baby.

The child's name must matchits psychophysical characteristics, fit into the sociocultural context, be in tune family values and traditions.

What are they usually guided by when choosing a name for a child:

  • Church calendar;
  • Names of relatives;
  • Names of close friends, favorite heroes, musicians, politicians;
  • Astrological and other techniques.
  • Fire: Alexander, Andrey, Arkady, Marina, Maria, Arina, Regina (voiced vowels, open consonants);
  • Earth: Sophia, Stepan, Mikhail, Timofey (voiceless consonants, outdated names);
  • Air: Semyon, Dmitry, Alexey, Lydia, Elena (voiced consonants, double vowels);
  • Water: Ilya, Olga, Yulia, Tatyana (softness of sound).

However, the most interesting and exciting way to choose a name is asteroids.It is them that will be discussed further. Asteroids receive undeservedly little attention. Although many of them have an obvious influence on our characters and destinies.

What are asteroids?

These are small bodies of the Solar system that formed in its internal area. Translated from Greek, asteroid means “star-like.”

Asteroids are extremely numerous. In our solar system there are more than a million of them. Moreover, more than 17,000 have official names.

The main asteroid belt is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. This arrangement gave rise to the hypothesis that the planet Phaeton died in this place. The period of revolution around the Sun for most asteroids is from 3.5 to 6 years.

Ceres, Pallas, Vesta and Hygiea are the largest objects. They are well studied and used by some astrologers. The rest of the asteroids elude our immediate attention.

How to choose a name for a child?

Many asteroids are named after people. Since there are quite a lot of such objects in the sky, the possible choice of names is large. We will be primarily interested in asteroids:

  • In connection with natal Sun or the Moon.
  • In conjunction with the Ascendant, the planets of the 1st house, the ruler of the 1st house;
  • Having other major aspects with the indicated points.

Selection example

Let's say you need to choose a name for a child born on August 20, 2016 at 17:36, St. Petersburg.

The Natal Sun is located at the 28th degree of Leo, the Moon at the 28th degree of Pisces, the Ascendant at the 22nd Sagittarius, and the ruler of the Ascendant Jupiter at the 26th degree of Virgo.

We need to look at which asteroids were located at the indicated degrees at the time of birth. Many astrological programs provide such an opportunity. As a rule, to do this you need to go to a special catalog and select the necessary objects.

Display on natal chart all asteroids are impossible, because for each selected degree of the Zodiac there will be several of them. Indeed, let's see what we got. We will try to choose only those names that are obviously associated with people's names.

We see that already by the Sun we can make a preliminary choice: Inna, Ada. According to the almuten of the first house, Nadya is read, and according to the Ascendant, Sophia.

It is interesting to select names based on associative connections. In the “Ascendant” column there is the name of the asteroid – Simonov. Let's ask who this is.

We ask Yandex and find out that this is the same writer and poet Konstantin Simonov. Remember “Wait for me and I’ll come back...”? Therefore, we consider the name Konstantin.

You can also start from the parents' map. For example, look at which asteroids the cusp and ruler of the fifth house of the child’s mother interact with.

The orbs should be small, up to one and a half degrees. Consider only major aspects, giving preference to the connection.

Playing asteroids can be extremely educational and fun. Try looking for matches between your first house elements and asteroids. Coincidences are sometimes simply amazing.

For example, in my natal chart, the asteroid with my child's name makes an exact trine to the cusp of my fifth house. It would be too bold to talk about rectification using asteroids. However, it is possible to use asteroids as evidence of the map's accuracy.


I wish you new discoveries in your own natal chart and the charts of your loved ones!

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