Tatyana Tarasova is known to figure skating fans as a professional and competent coach who has educated and trained a record number of future winners of the World Championships and Olympics. But even now Tatyana is full of strength and plans for the future: she is still working in the world of figure skating and heads the jury in ice shows. While doing what she loved, Tarasova did not have to sacrifice her personal life. Despite the fact that she and her husband did not have children, she was able to realize her parental potential by raising her many students, who became like family to her.

Tatyana Anatolyevna was born in 1947 in Moscow. Her father, Anatoly Tarasov, is a famous hockey player and coach, and her mother was a physical education teacher. Her sister Galina also grew up in the family, who found recognition in pedagogy after working for many years as a school teacher. When the girl was four years old, her parents put her on skates. From that time on, figure skating became firmly established in her life. Performing in tandem with Georgy Proskurin, the young athlete achieved success at the World Universiade, held in 1966. However, a year later Tarasova was injured, which forced her to leave the sport.

She found a use for herself by teaching young skaters and staging numbers. Among her famous students we can mention such athletes as Natalya Bestemyanova, Alexander Zaitsev, Irina Moiseeva, Andrei Minenkov, Johnny Weir, Shizuka Arakawa and many others. During her coaching work, Tatyana Anatolyevna received her education at the Institute of Physical Education.

In the photo Tatyana Tarasova with her father

In the 90s, Tarasova created an ice theater, where she had to be not only a mentor, but also a director and choreographer. Figure skating stars performed all over the world with their favorite performances. Since 2006, her collaboration with television began, where the renowned coach served on the jury of numerous ice shows aired on Channel One.

Tatyana Anatolyevna’s personal life did not develop happily right away: her first two marriages were unsuccessful. The union with her first husband, actor Alexei Samoilov, lasted about two years. However, ex-spouses broke up without scandals and remained for a long time good friends. Now he lives in France. The athlete’s second husband was track and field athlete Vasily Khomenkov, but the man died tragically in 1976. Tarasova loved him very much, but she does not like to remember this period.

In the photo Tatiana Tarasova with her husband Vladimir Krainev

According to the famous coach, a fortune teller predicted what her third husband would be like. She said that future spouse will sing and dance. Soon she met musician Vladimir Krainev. This union, which lasted more than 30 years, was very harmonious and happy. The couple often loved to sing together, and many friends always gathered in their house. Unfortunately, children never appeared in this marriage. The husband died in 2011 after a serious illness. Her parents and sister are also no longer alive. Now in Tatyana Anatolyevna’s personal life there are her nephew Alexey and his sons, Matvey and Fedor. Fedya is passionate about hockey, and he is assigned the number 10, which his illustrious grandfather had.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 12/04/2016

Her figure skating career ended before it really began - at the age of 19. The first marriage was followed by a divorce, and the second ended tragically with the death of her husband. Tired of all the shocks, 31-year-old Tatyana Tarasova turned to a fortune teller - and she predicted a fateful meeting for her...


Her father, the legendary USSR hockey coach Anatoly Tarasov, was extremely annoyed when he learned that the second child in the family was also a girl. I only came to terms with it when I saw little Tanya’s “capable” legs. And if the eldest Galya did without his personal training as a child, then Tanya got it to the fullest: in addition to classes in the figure skating section, her father sent her jogging and gymnastics every day - in any weather at any time of the year.

“Tarasov’s” methods bore fruit: at the age of 19, Tatyana won the World Universiade, performing in tandem with Georgy Proskurin. And then, while making a lap of honor on the ice, she received a ridiculous injury: she fell on the path leading to the podium. The diagnosis of “chronic shoulder dislocation” left no chance: with figure skating it was necessary to say goodbye. Character, tempered by training and the harsh upbringing of her father, played a role: Tarasova did not give up. She decided that she would become a coach - and immediately began to advise the country's leading skaters, without wasting time on beginners.

The Figure Skating Hall of Fame, more than 40 gold medals for her students - all this will come later. And then, having returned with the “silver” of the Olympics for her wards Moiseeva and Minenkov, Tarasova received a condescending message from her father: “We are fired from work for second place.” Only after five gold medals from his daughter’s students did he recognize her as a colleague.


By the age of 30, Tatyana Tarasova had gained a reputation as an experimental coach, invariably leading her students to victories. It's no joke - the youngest honored coach of the USSR! The great Irina Rodnina and Alexander Zaitsev, under her leadership, had already become Olympic champions, her father no longer doubted her professionalism, and she was surrounded by honor and respect from her friends and colleagues.
While training pairs on the ice, in life Tarasova remained a “single skater” - although she already had two marriages behind her. Her first husband was actor Alexei Samoilov, thanks to whom Tarasova made many actor friends. They lived together for only two years: Tatyana did not intend to preserve the family hearth by sacrificing work. The marriage broke up.

For the second time she married track and field athlete Vasily Khomenkov - according to Great love which ended in tragedy. Vasily died at the age of 29, and Tarasova refuses to talk about the reasons and circumstances of what happened throughout her life.
By the age of 30, her family consisted of her parents, sister and nephew and, of course, figure skaters. She devoted all her time to work, until one day Tarasova’s friend, actress Marina Neyolova, dragged her to a fortune teller. She predicted that on this day Tatyana would meet the love of her life.

“Then I stopped by a friend’s house and saw Krainev there - it was so unexpected that I couldn’t help myself, laughed and said: “This is my happiness!” And so it happened. Volodya immediately volunteered to take me home, and when we drove off, two rainbows appeared in the sky at once. It was a good sign."


35-year-old Vladimir Krainev, a famous pianist, of course, knew who Tarasova was. But I couldn’t even imagine that after meeting both of them, they would literally be overcome by mutual attraction. Nine days later they began to live together, although in their case it looked very specific. Either Tarasova went to training camps and competitions, then Krainev went on tour.
Tatyana's father joked that to be completely happy they needed a small house near the Sheremetyevo runway. Due to constant travel, they could not formalize the relationship for a long time. Finally, a chance came up: on tour, Vladimir pinched his finger and made a whole tragedy out of it - I can’t play, let me go home!

He was allowed a "window" of 16 days. Lifting everything up possible connections, in these two weeks they managed to organize registration at the registry office. On March 2, 1979, Tatyana Tarasova became the wife of Vladimir Krainev.

Their compatibility was ideal: for both, work was not just a job, but a matter of life, a calling. That is why they endured separation so easily. That's why they were so interesting together.

“I have always been amazed by Tanino’s vision of music - she has a talent for turning sounds into movements. When I traveled abroad, Tanya asked me to bring records that were not available in Moscow, and from a dozen discs she unerringly chose a few minutes of music,” said Vladimir Krainev. Together they created music for 18 of her skaters' programs. Her intuition and his musical gift together worked wonders: the numbers choreographed by Tarasova were admired by the whole world.

Their parents also lived in perfect harmony: Anatoly Tarasov doted on Vladimir’s mother Ila Moiseevna. And Nina Grigorievna Tarasova just shrugged: she thought that pianists lived alone, but the number of guests in their house only increased - musicians were added to the skaters.

….Everything ended in May 2011. News came from Hannover, where he taught at the conservatory for several years: Vladimir Krainev suddenly died from a rupture of the pulmonary artery. The usually inflexible Tatyana Tarasova turned black with grief.
“Volodya made me happy. He supported me in everything. Together we made 18 programs for my skaters and lived 33 best of the year life... And now he’s gone and I don’t know how I’ll live further,” that’s all she said. And again her character saved her. They were waiting for her on the ice; they couldn’t do without her! And Tarasova pulled herself together. Since 1967, she has not missed a single Olympics as a coach - and continues to keep her mark.

Tatyana Anatolyevna celebrated her 71st birthday in Pyeongchang. During the most difficult Olympics for the entire Russian team, the great coach remains at his post - which means we will definitely have victories.

Iago Lamela (athletics)

Spanish long jumper Iago Lamela was recently found dead in his parents' home. The famous athlete, according to the police, thereby replenishing long list athletes who decided to commit suicide. Lamela is a two-time world championship medalist: in 1999 in Seville he became second, and four years later in Paris - third. Best result in his career, the Spaniard showed 8.56 m at the World Indoor Championships in Japan. In all history athletics only a dozen athletes managed to fly further. Apparently, the reason for such a radical decision was the depression that Iago suffered after leaving the sport in 2009.

Elena Ivashchenko (judo)

Not even a year has passed since the wonderful judoka Elena Ivashchenko passed away. The real reasons the tragedies will probably remain unknown, but the athlete’s decision could have been influenced by: sports results, and troubles in my personal life. The four-time European champion failed to win a medal at Olympic Games ah in London, and on the eve of her death she also had a fight with her boyfriend. Elena stepped out of the window of her apartment, located on the 15th floor in a brand new high-rise building. A suicide note was found in her pocket, in which she asks not to blame anyone for her death.

Claudia Heil (judo)

Elena's death horrified the entire sports world and especially fans of the popular form of martial arts. Many immediately remembered the Australian athlete Claudia Heil, who also committed suicide. Claudia, in addition to many awards from continental competitions, had silver from the Athens Olympics in her collection. However, success on the mat did not deter the athlete from taking the fatal step. A 29-year-old girl jumped from the window of a house in the center of Vienna. The fall from the sixth floor was fatal. No one will know the reason for this decision: suicide note The judoka did not leave, and for those around her the terrible news came as a real shock.

Robert Enke (football)

Terrible news hit the entire football world on November 10, 2009. It was on this day that the European vice-champion, goalkeeper of the German national team, Robert Encke, committed suicide. Athlete for a long time suffered from depression, but there were reasons for this. He first sought psychological help in 2003, when he failed to gain a foothold in Barcelona's first team. In 2006, Robert's daughter died, the cause was congenital heart disease. Finally, after a successful 2008 European Championship, Enke sat on the bench. The combination of all these factors led to the fact that the talented goalkeeper walked along the tracks towards the high-speed train.

Vladimir Kuts (athletics)

The famous Soviet athlete lit up the world of athletics with a bright flash, like a meteor. Vladimir competed on the track for 14 years and during this time managed to earn not only two gold medals at the Olympic Games in Melbourne in running long distances, but also a lot of diseases, which forced the athlete to switch to coaching, and then to leave the sport altogether. In 1972, Kuts suffered a stroke, but did not stop abusing alcohol, to which he had become addicted. And in August 1975, the two-time Olympic champion decided to commit suicide. He took an increased dose of sleeping pills, washed down the medicine with vodka and never woke up again.

Samuel Wanjiru (athletics)

Kenyan marathon runner Samuel Wanjiru apparently decided to take his own life due to family troubles. A few minutes before jumping from the balcony, an athlete in Once again quarreled with his own wife. Samuel certainly couldn’t complain about sporting failures: at the Olympics in London, the Kenyan won historic victory, setting a world record, and over the next two seasons the athlete excelled at his favorite distance three more times: in London and twice in Chicago. The talented and cheerful athlete was only 25 years old.

Jeret Peterson (freestyle)

The American freestyler, vice-champion of the 2010 Olympics in acrobatics, was only 30 years old when he pulled the trigger of a shotgun. Jeret had many other awards in his collection, but they did not seem to have any significance for the athlete himself, since the athlete was in deep depression in the last years of his life. The cause was suicide close friend Peterson, and Jerett took the loss extremely hard. He repeatedly admitted to friends that he was thinking about suicide, they tried to help him and support him, but it did not help, and Jeret did the same thing as his friend six years ago.

Mikael Ljungberg (wrestling)

The titled Swedish Greco-Roman wrestler won hundreds of victories on the mat in his life, but he lost the most important one, which took place in his soul. Ljungberg is a two-time world champion, European champion, and Olympic champion. His interests extended far beyond the gym: Mikael was an artist, wrote books, and gave lectures to young people. But the formidable Swede was knocked down family problems: in 2002 he lost his mother and

divorced his wife. He had to be treated for depression, but psychological help did not have the desired effect. In November 2004, the Olympic champion was admitted to a psychiatric hospital, where he hanged himself with a sheet.

Edwin Valero (boxing)

In April 2010, Venezuelan boxer Edwin Valero, the former WBA lightweight champion and record holder for the number of victories by knockout in the first round of a fight, committed suicide. Unlike most of the cases described, the reasons for Valero’s suicide are clear. The police arrested the boxer on suspicion of murdering his wife, but he did not deny it for a long time and admitted that it was he who committed a serious crime. After interrogation, Edwin was returned to his cell, but the athlete did not wait for the court’s decision. Valero sentenced himself to death penalty and hanged himself with a noose that he made from his own clothes.

Evgeny Belosheykin (hockey)

In the late 80s, Evgeniy Belosheykin became an Olympic champion and world champion as part of the national team Soviet Union in hockey. It seemed that life was good. However, Evgeniy began to abuse alcohol and, due to problems with discipline, was expelled from several clubs in a row. I had to leave hockey, but I couldn’t find a new goal in life. Belosheykin was often unemployed and continued to drink. Family troubles and unrealized opportunities seem to have led to suicide. In November 1999, during another attack of depression, Evgeniy decided that the noose would be his only possible solution problems.

Tatyana Tarasova is the person without whom it is impossible to imagine figure skating. Thanks to her coaching work, today we have seven Olympic gold medals in the national team’s treasury. Among her students are such famous figure skaters as Alexey Yagudin, Irina Rodnina, Oksana Grischuk, Evgeny Platov and others.

Biography of Tatyana Tarasova is step-by-step instruction on how to achieve true greatness despite all the odds life difficulties.


Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova was born in a Moscow maternity hospital on February 13, 1947. The future coach grew up in a sports family. The biography of Tatyana Tarasova would not be what it is now if not for her parents, who invested a lot in their daughter’s future. Her father, Anatoly Vladimirovich, was a hockey and football coach. Tatyana Anatolyevna’s mother, Nina Grigorievna, was a physical education teacher. In addition to Tanya, Galina, the elder sister of our today’s heroine, was also brought up in the Tarasov family.

As Tatyana Tarasova herself says, her parents tried to instill character in her almost from birth. So, for example, to teach four-year-old Tanyusha to swim, her father threw her into the sea and said: “Swim!” Within a few minutes the girl was confidently floating on the water.

Tatyana Anatolyevna’s first acquaintance with figure skating occurred at the age of five, when Anatoly Vladimirovich, the father of our heroine, took her to practice this skating sport at the stadium “ Young Pioneers" There, together with Tatyana, young Lyudochka Pakhomova trained, who later became a famous Soviet figure skater.

Coaching career

In the period from 1964 to 1966, Tarasova successfully performed in tandem with Georgy Proskurin. In two years they managed to become silver and bronze medalists at the USSR Figure Skating Championships. And at the Winter Universiade among students held in 1966, they won the highest award - gold. Then, a great future was predicted for this couple. And most likely everything would have been so if nineteen-year-old Tatyana had not received a serious injury, because of which she had to forget about her figure skating career forever.

After this accident, the biography of Tatyana Tarasova begins new period. Not wanting to give up figure skating, she becomes a coach. Her first students were couples: Elena Zharkova - Gennady Karponosov and Irina Moiseeva - Andrey Minenkov.

After some time, Tatyana Anatolyevna is going to enroll as a choreographer at GITIS. The father is against his daughter's decision. He believes that Tatyana should go to study at the Institute of Physical Education. The girl could not go against her father. She always listened to his opinion. Therefore, in 1974, Tatyana Anatolyevna gave her preference to the physical education institute.

In 1975, as a student, our heroine was awarded the title of Honored Trainer of the country. However, she receives recognition from her father only seventeen years later, when her charges became triumphant for the third time at the Olympics in France. So, a few days after the end of the competition, Anatoly Vladimirovich will greet his daughter with a loud: “Hello colleague!” For Tatyana Anatolyevna, these words became the highest reward.

Throughout her coaching career, Tarasova took part in as many as eight Olympics. Several times Tatyana Anatolyevna led her students to Olympic gold: Zaitsev - Rodnina (1976, 1980), Bukin - Bestemyanova (1988), Ponomarenko - Klimova (1992), Gordeeva - Grinkov (1994), Ilya Kulik (1998), Grischuk - Platov (1998), Alexey Yagudin (2002). In addition, Tarasova’s students were able to win more than a hundred medals at the World and European Championships.

Working on two continents

After democratic changes took place in the country, which could not but influence the events in the biography of Tatyana Tarasova, our heroine began to look for opportunities for realization abroad (unfortunately, Russia was unable to create decent conditions for her work). She coached the first six months in the United States, the second in Moscow.

Creation of an ice theater

In the mid-80s, Tatyana Tarasova, together with Elena Tchaikovskaya, opened the All Stars ice theater. Many famous figure skaters were invited as participants. During the entire existence of the theater (14 years), the artists managed to tour almost the entire Earth. Concerts were held in places such as Melbourne, Washington, London, etc. Thanks to this theater, Tatyana Anatolyevna fulfilled her old dream - she was a choreographer.

Personal life

Personal life occupies a special place in the biography of Tatyana Tarasova. The sports celebrity was married three times, and her chosen ones were quite successful people.

Tatyana Anatolyevna’s first husband was actor Alexei Samoilov. They lived together for two years. And although ex-lovers They broke up a long time ago, they still manage to maintain a warm relationship.

The personal life in the biography of Tatyana Tarasova does not end there. The second husband of the famous coach is track and field athlete Vasily Khomenko. Their acquaintance occurred in the late 60s. However, this marriage did not last long. In 1976, husband Russian coach in figure skating commits suicide. Tatyana Anatolyevna was very worried about this tragedy. This led her to severe depression. Only after some time was the honored figure skating coach able to recover and return to her work. New achievements and awards awaited the sports celebrity ahead, which left an indelible mark on her biography.

The personal life of Tatyana Tarasova also underwent changes. Two years after the death of her husband, she marries Vladimir Krainev (Soviet and Russian pianist, People's Artist of the USSR).

In general, their acquaintance is quite mystical in nature. Before meeting her third husband for the first time, Tatyana Tarasova and her friends go to see her grandmother, a fortune teller. At first, the legendary Russian coach didn’t even want to listen to her, because she brought up the topic of the death of her second husband. However, the old woman detained Tatyana Anatolyevna and informed her of an imminent wedding with a man much shorter than her.

In the evening, the friends go to visit the Fradkin family. Vladimir Krainev was already there. When Tatyana Tarasova entered the house and saw a short man at the table, she laughed and exclaimed that she had finally met her happiness. He was very similar to the one the old woman was talking about. After the feast, Vladimir Krainev invited Tatyana to take her to work. Tarasova agreed. And when they crossed the Stone Bridge, a formation formed behind them. amazing beauty double Rainbow. After what he saw, Krainev said that it was fortunate, and he turned out to be right. Nine days after they met, Tatyana and Vladimir got married. They lived together for 33 years. Only a tragedy could separate them, which plunged the Russian coach into real horror. In 2011, her husband, Vladimir Vsevolodovich Krainev, died from a pulmonary aneurysm.

It just so happened that the personal life in the biography of Tatyana Tarasova is very tragic. It was only thanks to her work and her students that she was able to cope with her losses and return to sports.

Our own - other people's children

What could be more important than your personal life? Children! In the biography of Tatyana Tarasova, they occupy one of the highest niches. "Why?" - you ask. This is exactly what we will talk about in detail now.

And although God did not give Tatyana Tarasova children, the coach’s biography shows that she began to play the role of a mother from the age of nineteen - the very period when her coaching career started. The coach truly treated her players as if they were her own children. Despite the fact that sometimes she was tough with them, they still loved and continue to love their Tatyana Anatolyevna very much. As Tarasova herself admits, she could have become a mother a long time ago, but all this was postponed until later. As a result, it turned out that this “postponed for later” never came.

In general, in addition to the “sons” and “daughters” of sports life, in Tatyana Tarasova’s biography there are other children whom she also loves very much and considers her own. It's about about her nephew (her son older sister Galina) and about his three children.

Tarasova and her kind heart

Many people know that Tatyana Anatolyevna is a big-hearted person, she is always ready to help. So, for twenty years she has been helping a former pupil of an orphanage, who already has her own family and children. The biography of Tatyana Tarasova is so pure that this woman simply cannot help but be called a saint.


In addition to the biography, personal life and photos of Tatyana Tarasova, many people are interested in learning about her own achievements.

Since 1972, Tatyana Anatolyevna has the title of Honored Trainer of the RSFSR. And in 1975 she became an Honored Trainer of the USSR. Tarasova was also awarded several orders, the last of which (Order of Merit for the Fatherland, fourth degree) was awarded to her in 2017 by Russian President Vladimir Putin. In 2007, the sports celebrity won the “Russian of the Year” award.

Secrets of losing weight from Russian trainer Tatyana Tarasova

IN Lately The Russian trainer has lost a lot of weight, which can be seen from her Instagram photos. Tatyana Tarasova’s biography already had many achievements, but she did not stop there and decided to take a new peak, only not in sports, but in diet.

Thanks to her diet, thousands of women are losing weight today different ages. Tatyana Anatolyevna herself got rid of 33 kilograms excess weight. The essence of her diet is simple:

  • proper meals five times a day;
  • refusal to eat 2-3 hours before bedtime;
  • drinking 2 or more liters of water per day;
  • complete or partial refusal of salt.

Biography, personal life, children of Tatyana Tarasova - all these, of course, are interesting topics for discussion. But we must not forget about interesting facts. Moreover, in the life of a Russian coach there are countless of them.

Few people know that the heroine of our article is also a professional writer. In 71 years she managed to write 2 books. The works tell the story of the biography of Tatyana Tarasova. The author's personal themes also find their way into these books.

And the next fact is from the childhood of the honored coach. IN school years Before going to class, young Tanechka first ran several circles around the house.


It's amazing how beautiful the biography of Tatyana Tarasova is. By personal example, she was able to prove that nothing is impossible in life. Thanks to this great woman, her name will forever go down in the history of figure skating.

Everyone knows that Tatyana Tarasova is the daughter of the great hockey coach Anatoly Tarasov. Yes, she trained a record number of Olympic champions - as many as 12. Yes, throughout recent years she regularly judges all " Ice Ages"and sometimes is too strict. But only her family and friends know what is happening in the life of Tatyana Anatolyevna herself. IN documentary film, dedicated to the anniversary of a wonderful coach, nephew Alexey Tarasov and his wife Alena, students - Natalya Bestemyanova, Andrey Bukin, Alexey Yagudin, friends - director Galina Volchek, actress Inna Churikova, conductor Vladimir Spivakov talk about Tatyana Tarasova...

For the first time, Tatyana Tarasova will openly tell you how terrible the last four years have been for her. She spent all this time in constant struggle. Not for Olympic medals, but for the lives of their loved ones. She was ready to snatch this victory at any cost. But even the great Tarasova can be powerless... One after another, with a difference of a year, everyone who was family and support for her passed away - sister, mother, husband.

“I was the favorite,” says Tatyana Anatolyevna. “My husband, my sister, my dad, my mom loved me very much. And I loved them. Only now I understand that everything I did - building a dacha, furnishing an apartment - all this was not for myself, but so that my mother could walk comfortably, and later, ride in a stroller. I don't need this myself...

Tatyana Tarasova was married three times. Her first husband was the son of the famous people's artist Evgenia Samoilova. But their union did not last even two years. The topic of second marriage is taboo in the Tarasov family. And yet Tarasova’s friends risked lifting the veil of secrecy. According to them, Tatyana Anatolyevna was very fond of her second husband, track and field athlete Vasily Khomenkov. In 1976, he committed suicide... Tarasova is ready to talk about her third wife, the outstanding pianist Vladimir Krainev, for hours. He died last April in Hannover from a pulmonary aneurysm.

Now Tatyana Anatolyevna does not teach any of the students, being a consultant to the Russian figure skating team, and helps a wonderful coach at CSKA, champion Elena Vodorezova.

I'm just a consultant. I can say what I like and what I don’t, what needs to be done to make it better. I can tell this to any person, including even Alexei Nikolaevich Mishin. True, it’s his business to listen to me or not,” Tarasova admits. - I also referee on the “Professionals Cup” project. I will always find myself a job. If not this one, then I’ll open a figure accessories store, I’ll draw there and sew dresses. Or I’ll start a clothing store for plus size women...