Ivan Bunin
"Thick green spruce forest by the road..."

Dense green spruce forest near the road,
Deep fluffy snow.
A deer walked in them, powerful, thin-legged,
Throwing heavy horns to the back.

Here is his trace. There are paths trampled here,
Here I bent the tree and scraped it with a white tooth -
And a lot of coniferous crosses, ostok
It fell from the top of the head onto the snowdrift.

Here again the trail is measured and sparse,
And suddenly - a jump! And far away in the meadow
The dog race is lost - and the branches,
Covered with horns on the run...

Oh, how easily he passed through the valley!
How madly, in an abundance of fresh strength,
In joyfully bestial swiftness,
He took beauty away from death!

Bunin's poetry is very original, stylistically restrained, precise, and harmonious. The poet is alien to the search for something new. His poetry is traditional, he is a follower of Russian classics. Bunin is a subtle lyricist, an excellent connoisseur of the Russian language. His poems are unique. This is more rhymed, organized prose than poetry in its classical form. But it is precisely their novelty and freshness that attracts readers.

Bunin had a sharply negative attitude towards symbolism; all of his poetics, in essence, was a persistent struggle against symbolism. Moreover, the poet was not embarrassed that he found himself alone in this struggle. He sought to tear out from his work everything that could be in common with this movement in art. Bunin especially rejected the “untruth” of symbolism. For the Symbolists, reality was a veil, a mask hiding another, more genuine reality, the exposure of which is accomplished through the transformation of reality in a creative act. Landscape is a touchstone in the depiction of reality. It is here that Bunin is especially persistent against the symbolists. For them, nature is raw material that they process. Bunin wants to be a contemplator of perfect creation.
Bunin remained true to his anti-symbolism; he could not believe that form could serve not only as a container for thought, but also express thought itself.
The form of Bunin's poems, of course, is impeccable, but it cannot help but note that the poet deliberately deprived it of many significant possibilities. By binding his form, he had partially bound himself.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin
Russian writer: prose writer, poet, publicist.
Ivan Bunin came to literary fame in 1900 after the publication of the story " Antonov apples". "In 1901, the Symbolist publishing house "Scorpio" published a collection of poems "Leaf Fall". For this collection and for the translation of the poem by the American romantic poet G. Longfellow "The Song of Hiawatha" (1898, some sources indicate 1896) Russian Academy Sciences Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was awarded the Pushkin Prize.
The last years of the writer passed in poverty. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin died in Paris.

Subject : I.A. Bunin "Dense green spruce forest near the road..." 3rd grade

Type: learning new material


  • Develop an understanding of the means of creating an image in literature and the visual arts.
  • Teach expressive reading.
  • Form a system of reading skills.

Planned results


  • Read aloud fluently, consciously, without distortion, expressively. When reading expressively, choose intonation, tempo, logical stress, pauses
  • Use basic text analysis techniques.
  • Watch the poet sing native nature what feelings does he experience?


  • Understand and accept the learning task, plan its implementation.
  • Analyze the poemI.A. Bunin "Dense green spruce forest near the road..."based on the teacher’s system of questions, identify the main idea of ​​the work.
  • Evaluate your results of working in pairs using the “success” scale.


  • Show interest in reading the works of great writers and poets.
  • Love to motherland.

Metasubject connections: Russian language, topics “Vocabulary”, “Text”.

Lesson Resources : L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky " Literary reading. Textbook 3rd grade", portrait of I.A. Bunin; photos of deer;


  1. Organizing time

The long-awaited call is given

Lesson begins

I wish you now

New knowledge, good morning.

  1. Checking homework.

a) Reading the poem “Wildflowers”

Yesterday we studied the poem “Wild Flowers” ​​by Ivan Alekseevich Bunin and at home you had to prepare it expressive reading. Now please us with your expressive reading.

b) Questions after reading:

  1. Lesson topic message

Yes, not only artists admire nature, but also poets, writers, and you and me.

Guys! The work that we will read today contains the experiences, thoughts and soul of the poet who wrote them.

1 slide (Portrait and years of life of I.A. Bunin)

Let me remind you of some facts from Bunin’s life.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born on October 10, 1870 in Voronezh, into an old noble family. He traveled a lot and knew Russian, English, French languages. Bunin's poems are characterized by sincere intonation. They reflected the poet’s love for Russia, his native land.

Today we will get acquainted with his poem “Dense Green Spruce Forest”. Close your textbooks.

  1. Primary reading

Listen to the poem by I.A. Bunin and try to understand the attentive and careful attitude poet to the natural world.

(Expressive reading of a poem by the teacher)

Did you like this poem? Why?

What mood did this poem evoke in you?

(joy, feeling of admiration)

What causes this joy in you?

Open your textbooks to page 176.

What words helped the poet convey this mood?

Oh, how easily he passed through the valley!

How madly, in an abundance of fresh strength,

In joyfully bestial swiftness

He took beauty away from death!

  1. Fizminutka
  2. Reading for children and working with a dictionary

Read the poem yourself, find the words that are difficult for you and underline them.

Vocabulary and lexical work (work in pairs)

Now you will complete the building on cards. You are asked to correlate the new difficult word, which appeared in the text with his lexical meaning. You can work in pairs.

Check if you completed the task correctly.

Slide 2 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th stanzas)

1 stanza

Elnik is a forest in which spruce trees grow.

Thin-legged deer is a deer that has thin legs.

Heavy horns - heavy horns

2nd stanza

Scraped with a tooth - gnawed with a tooth

Ostinka is a diminutive form of the word “awn”: a thin long bristle on the ear of cereals; in this case we are talking about pine needles.

Top of the tree - top of the tree

3rd stanza

Measured trace - a certain measure for the trace

Dog rut - (drive - hunt, drive.)

4th stanza

Valley - open area

Frantically - with all my might

In excess of fresh strength - a lot of new strength

Swiftness - speed

How many of you completed the task without errors? Evaluate your couple's work.

Come up with a title for this poem.

(“Handsome deer”, “Beauty conquers death”, “Dense green spruce forest by the road...”, “Beauty”)

(It deprives the reader of the opportunity to feel a sense of admiration for the beauty of the beast.)

  1. Analysis of the poem

Why does the poem begin with a description of a dense green spruce forest?

Unfolds before us quiet life forests, beautiful in their everyday life.

Dense green spruce forest near the road,

Deep fluffy snow.

Slide 3 (spruce forest landscape)

Do you think the hero - the narrator of this poem - really observed the events that he described?

How did he understand what happened in the forest? (Following the tracks.)

What traces did he see? Whose tracks were these? (Deer tracks.)

How do deer tracks change?(“And suddenly – a jump!”)

Whose other footprints appear in the snow? (Hunting dogs)

Where does the trail lead from the forest now? (Into the meadows, into the valley)

What landscape is now before us at the end of the poem?

Slide 4 (Photos of deer)

How did the chase end? (The deer is saved.)

What is the beauty of a deer?

(“Mighty, thin-legged, with heavy horns thrown back”)

What can be said about the narrator who was able to reconstruct the events that took place based on the tracks?(He is an observant person.)

Does he love nature?

Where and why does a mood change occur?(“And suddenly – a jump!” - the meaning of the duel of life and death, beauty and death.)

  1. Working on expressive reading of a poem

– Which lines are read slower and which ones faster?

Expressive reading of a poem

  1. Reflection, evaluation

What excites you? What are you thinking about?(Such people know how to love and appreciate nature, so they painted amazing pictures with colors and words.)

– This poem was written 100 years ago, but today, almost a century later, we are studying this poem and admiring these paintings. Why?

– (The desire to save beauty from destruction is still relevant, and therefore Bunin’s beautiful poem sounds very modern.)

– I thank you for your work in class.

  1. Homework

Prepare an expressive reading of the poem, draw an illustration, and sign with a quote from the poem.

Slide 5 (Thanks)

I.A. Bunin is one of the most famous Russian authors, including the owner Nobel Prize on literature. He created not only prose works, but also poetry, many of which were devoted to the theme of the beauty of nature. The poem “Dense green spruce forest by the road...” can also be classified as this type.

Impressionism in Bunin's poetry

Bunin is considered one of the founders of the impressionistic style in the Russian tradition. Impressionism in art appeared in France. It involves conveying the author’s impressions of what he saw around him. It is on the basis of these impressions that artistic images are created.

In the case of Bunin, impressionism is best expressed in landscape sketches. In both poetic and prose works, the author devotes a special place to descriptions of nature, conveying its beauty in detail. Unique for Bunin the world is the main source of inspiration. He uses numerous artistic media to emphasize how beautiful every day is.

Analysis of the poem "Dense green spruce forest by the road..."

Poem "Dense green spruce forest by the road..." - sample landscape lyrics. Its plot is quite simple and describes the collision of the lyrical hero with a deer in winter forest. However, a small work contains a special meaning that is important for the author.

Main means artistic expression, used by the author are:

  • epithets (“fluffy snow”, “coniferous crosses”, etc.);
  • anaphora ("Here is his trace... / Here is his trace again...");
  • inversion (“deer, mighty, thin-legged...”).

The main idea of ​​the work is contained in the last phrase: “He took away beauty from death...”. This sentence made me think about issues such as the relationship between beauty and death, and the importance of life in general. For Bunin himself, death kills the beautiful, which is why the lyrical hero is filled with joy when he sees a deer fleeing from hunters. After all, this means that it is very beautiful Living being will be able to please others with his appearance for some time.

Native nature occupies a very special place in Bunin’s work. In both prose and poetic works, Ivan Bunin refers to the beauties of his homeland. At the same time, the functions performed by the landscapes painted by the poet are very different depending on the specific work. A landscape can express the feelings experienced by a lyrical hero, contribute to the emergence of a contrast between the world and social elements, can become an emotional background that subtly tunes the reader to the perception of the poem. It was Bunin’s understanding of Russian nature that made its depiction in his work an excellent and effective tool serving the goals of the writer.

“Dense green spruce forest...” written in 1905. However, it was published in a collection summarizing the poet’s work for 1903-1905, entitled “Deer”.

The main theme of the work

The central theme of the short poem is nature - its description and call to protect, protect from destruction. The reader seems to see in reality red deer, who slowly, regally walks through the spruce forest, trampling paths and looking for food for himself. Nature is peaceful, calm, and the deer is the only one who disturbs its stillness. But in the third quatrain everything changes. A third factor intervenes in the harmony of the beast and the forest - man.

The deer, which previously moved naturally through the forest lands, is frightened by hunting. He is forced to take off and hide in the forest to save his life. Bunin describes this with the words “he took away beauty from death,” emphasizing that nothing good beast there is no expectation of human entertainment.

The change in the pace and nature of the narrative is rapid, it frightens the reader, makes him shudder and be taken aback for a moment. And at the same time, sympathy and sympathy are evoked by a frightened deer and a disturbed spruce forest, and not by a failed hunt. The reader experiences joy from the fact that the deer, full of strength, easily escapes from hounds and people, remains free and alive.

Structural analysis of the poem

“Yelnik” is a short work, only 4 stanzas, each consisting of one quatrain. Cross rhyme. In the first two stanzas, emphasizing the grandeur and tranquility of nature, Bunin almost does not use verbs: they appear only when necessary, describing the movements of the animal.

In the third stanza, thanks to the missing verb in the phrase “And suddenly - a jump!” swiftness and suddenness of action are achieved. It is emphasized that the peaceful picture of the forest has been destroyed; by his hunting, a man who poisons a noble animal with dogs has trampled nature.

The last stanza contains many epithets and exclamations, which conveys the joy of successfully rescuing the deer.

This poem expresses the writer’s admiration for Russian nature and warns of the need to preserve it. Bunin does not directly accuse people, he does not say anything about them at all, and man as a subject is completely absent from the work. But thanks to his talent, Bunin evokes sympathy in the reader and makes him think about whether entertainment is worth the disturbed beauty.

The work of the great Russian writer Ivan Alekseevich Bunin became a bright page in the history of Russian literature. Each work of this writer and poet is filled with subtle feelings, through which the author conveys to the reader the beauty and unusualness of the surrounding world and people.

Ivan Boon has written many novels, stories and wonderful poems, into which he poured not only his writing skills, but also his soul. You will read one of his poems now.

Analysis of the poem “Dense green spruce forest by the road”

The first line of the poem takes us to a winter landscape; we imagine the impassable snow that shrouds the forest thicket. Suddenly a handsome man came out from behind a green spruce forest - deer. He walked slowly and proudly carried his beautiful horns. The author describes the tracks along which the deer walked: a bent spruce, sprinkled on White snow needles and deer hair, branches covered with antlers and tracks.

It was from the tracks that the author concluded that at first the deer walked slowly, and then began to run. But who was he running away from so hastily? From people who wanted to kill him. At the end of the poem, Ivan Bunin admires the strength and beauty of the deer, which, despite everything, was able to escape from its pursuers. With his desperate run, the deer managed to save not only his own life, but also the beauty of nature, of which he is a part.

The beauty of nature in the poem “Dense green spruce forest by the road”

The poem “Dense green spruce forest by the road” evokes in the reader a feeling of admiration for nature. The author was able to convey all the beauty of nature that surrounds a person. Vast spaces, white snow, green coniferous trees and a strong, beautiful deer - all this makes us feel admiration and delight.

In the verse, Bunin also raises another very important topic - the protection of nature by man. People who hunted deer saw it exclusively as prey, and did not consider the animal as an integral part of the beautiful wildlife. They did not notice his beautiful horns, his strength and courage.

Very often we use nature for selfish purposes and thereby cause irreparable damage to the entire world around us. It should be remembered that nature must be protected: animals and plants need our help.

Each of us should do everything possible so that the beauty of nature, which Ivan Alekseevich Bunin described in his poem, does not disappear from real life, and we could always enjoy it.