On April 17, a competition for presidential grants for NGOs involved in the development of civil society implementing socially significant projects and projects in the field of human rights protection. What has changed in the distribution of grants this year?

Presidential grants distribution for NPOs began in 2006. Initially, the operator of the competitions was the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation itself, but already in 2007 these functions were transferred to six non-profit grant operators. To compensate for the costs of organizing competitions, they received 6% of the transferred amounts.

In 2006, 500 million rubles were allocated for grants. By 2008, their size increased to 1.5 billion rubles, and then for several years it settled at around 1 billion rubles. Grants began to increase again in 2012 when the the federal law dated July 20, 2012 No. 121-FZ, introducing restrictions for the so-called “ foreign agents" Because of this law, Russian NPOs actually lost the opportunity to receive funding from abroad - and as compensation, in 2013 the volume of presidential grants increased to 2.6 billion rubles, in 2014 - to 3.7 billion rubles, in 2015 year – up to 4.2 billion rubles. In 2016, grants worth RUB 4.5 billion were distributed.

At the same time, more and more criticism was caused by the work of grant operators, the number of which by 2016 had grown to nine. The process has become overly bureaucratic. An NPO applying for a grant had to familiarize itself with the list of grant operators and find out in what areas they distribute grants.

At the same time, the website of the RF OP indicated several areas of work for grant operators - but did not say which areas were priority. Thus, an NPO could submit an application to a grant operator who is interested in supporting physical education and sports, rehabilitation of drug addicts and animal protection - and then find out that this operator distributes most of the grants “for physical education”, and is not so interested in drug addicts and animals. To avoid this, NPOs had to further clarify the priorities of grant operators.

As a result, NPOs began sending applications to all operators in a row. Because of this, it became difficult for operators to work; they could actually look at the large flow of requests. worthwhile project. And some NPOs, on the contrary, were suddenly lucky - they received grants from two operators at once. It was noted that some grants actually go nowhere - for example, in 2014, a grant for 3.6 million rubles. won an NGO from Krasnoyarsk Territory“Southern Horizons”, which planned to create a discussion platform “I’m a blogger” based on LiveJournal and Twitter. It is not possible to find traces of this site on the Internet - it is mentioned only in articles criticizing the grant distribution system.

In 2016, it was decided to streamline the process by creating a single grant operator. Part new structure included several co-founders representing former operators.

Political scientist Alexei Makarkin back in February 2016, in a conversation with RBC, linked changes in the distribution of grants with his arrival in the Kremlin new team engaged in internal politics under the leadership of Sergei Kiriyenko. As it became known later, Kiriyenko actually headed the coordinating committee of the new Presidential Grants Fund for the Development of Civil Society. A general director The foundation became an expert of the All-Russian Civil Forum Ilya Chukalin, who previously worked in the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Economic Development.

On April 3, 2017, the President of the Russian Federation signed an order and decree on the distribution of grants in the amount of 4.3 billion rubles. in 2017. So how can NPOs get money for a particular project?

When to apply?

This year, grants will be distributed through two competitions (not four, like last year).

Applications for the first competition are accepted from April 17 to May 31, and will be considered within two months. Winning projects must start no earlier than September 1, 2017 and end no later than November 30, 2018.

Applications for the second competition will be accepted from August 16 to September 29. The results will be announced on November 1, and the winning projects will be able to start on December 1. During the implementation of projects, winning NPOs will be required to submit quarterly reports to the grant operator in electronic form.

What projects are grants awarded for?

Grants will be distributed in 12 areas:

Social services and protection;
health protection, propaganda healthy image life;
support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood;
support for youth projects;
support for projects in the field of science and education;
support for projects in the field of culture and art;
preservation of historical memory;
protection of human rights, including protection of the rights of prisoners;
security environment and animal protection;
strengthening interethnic and interreligious harmony;
development of public diplomacy and support of compatriots;
development of civil society institutions.

Is it possible to submit multiple applications at once?

At the press conference “NPOs on the threshold of change” held on April 13 at the ASI-Blagosphere media center, it was announced that each NPO can submit applications in at least all 12 areas - but even if several applications are won, only one grant will have to be chosen.

Can a newly created NPO receive a grant?

A representative of the Presidential Grants Fund for the Development of Civil Society, Anton Dolgov, in a conversation with our publication, said that NPOs registered more than a year ago can receive a grant worth more than 500 thousand rubles. If the application specifies a smaller amount, then the NPO must be created six months before the deadline for accepting applications. Thus, the latest date for registration of NPOs applying for participation in the first competition is November 30, 2016.

How to apply?

In the past, NPOs had to, first, fill out an electronic form, and second, send a paper version of the application by mail. Now a paper application is not required - NPOs only need to upload an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities from the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation into an electronic form. The operator will be able to find out about the details of the organization’s activities on the Internet - and if this information is not there, then it is advisable to attach the NPO to the application Thanksgiving letters, recommendations and other similar documents.

In the past, applicants were required a large number of documents (such as an order for the appointment of a director), which in fact no one looked into. Now only the winners will be asked for all these documents.

How will projects be assessed?

A special expert group is responsible for each of the 12 areas. The work of these groups will then be assessed by a common expert council. A final decision the allocation of grants will be decided by a coordination committee led by Sergei Kiriyenko.

This year, mathematical coefficients for evaluating projects are being introduced, which will increase the chances of starting NPOs to win.

How can I find out about the results of the competition?

NPOs should follow the news on the website of the Presidential Grants Fund independently. The Fund will not personally inform participants about the results of consideration of applications and explain the reasons for its decision. According to Anton Dolgov, this is explained prosaically - there are too many applications, and the experts would not have time to answer everything. Thus, in 2016, 15.7 thousand applications were in progress.

At the same time, the grant operator will systematize typical mistakes of applicants and publish a corresponding report. Then, based on the report, we will develop guidelines for preparing applications.

How to receive the money?

In the past, winning NPOs were required to open special bank accounts and provide a variety of statements for reporting purposes. Banks charged a commission for this, and in 2016, a total of 80 million rubles were spent on banking support for the distribution of grants. Now a special competition will be held to select banks that will accompany the distribution of grants free of charge and independently provide all statements to the operator.

How much money can you ask for?

According to some reports, the size of grants will be determined in three areas - “beginning” NPOs will be able to receive up to 500 thousand rubles, “medium” ones – up to 3 million rubles, and for grants in the amount of more than 3 million rubles. Only “experienced” NPOs will be able to calculate.
This year it is planned to abandon the practice of cutting the amounts specified in applications.

In the past, if an NGO needed 700 thousand rubles for a project, it asked for 2 million - because it was known that the estimate would be cut. This year they promise not to cut the estimates, but it is still not recommended to demand too large amounts. A project with inflated expectations simply will not have a chance of winning.

Can NPOs count on assistance other than financial?

According to Anton Dolgov, winning NPOs can send applications to the grant operator for additional assistance - eliminating administrative barriers, attracting experts, information support, etc. To the extent possible, the Foundation will try to accommodate these requests.

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Applications for the first competition of 2018 were accepted until March 26, the results will be announced before June 1, 2018. This year, Vladimir Putin allocated 8 billion rubles for socially significant projects and the development of civil society and ordered the addition of a new grant direction. The order of the head of state became known on February 19.

Application requirements have not changed. Applicants need to present only one document, in addition to the application itself, - the charter of the organization. If the NPO participated in grant competitions in 2017, has already uploaded the charter to the competition website, and if the charter has not been amended since then, then there is no need to resubmit this document.

The Presidential Grants competition is being held twice this year.

In addition to those areas that the fund already supported in 2017, a new one was added - “Identification and support of young talents in the field of culture and art”. Projects in this area have their own requirements; they are reflected in the Regulations on the competition for grants from the President of the Russian Federation, which is published on the official website of the foundation. An approximate theme of this area: identification and support of talented children and young people in the field of culture and art, including through creative competitions, festivals, preparation for participation in them, targeted support (including the provision of grants).

Presidential grants are significant support project activities NPO.

2018 2017 2016 2015

Answers to frequently asked questions.

The answers given by Ilya Chukalin are marked as (ICH). More full list Questions and answers can be viewed on the website of the Presidential Grants Foundation (FPG). Questions and Answers asked on our website will be added here (EDB).

How are applications assessed?

Criteria for evaluating applications for participation in the competition

Significance factors for applications with a requested grant amount

no more than 500 thousand rubles

over 500 thousand rubles and no more than 3 million rubles

over 3 million rubles and no more than 10 million rubles

over 10 million rubles


Relevance and social significance project 2 1 1 1,5


Logical coherence and feasibility of the project, compliance of project activities with its goals, objectives and expected results 2 1 1 1


Innovation, uniqueness of the project 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5


The relationship between the planned costs of implementing the project and its expected results, the adequacy, measurability and achievability of such results 2 1,5 1,5 1


The realism of the project budget and the validity of the planned costs for the implementation of the project 1 1,5 1,5 1,5


Project implementation scale 0 0,5 0,5 0,5


The organization’s own contribution and additional resources attracted to implement the project, prospects for its further development 0,5 1 1 1


Organizational experience in the successful implementation of programs and projects in the relevant area of ​​activity 0,5 1 1 1


Compliance of the experience and competencies of the project team with the planned activities 1 1 1 1


Information openness of the organization 0,5 1 1 1

For each criterion (except for the criterion whose significance coefficient for the corresponding application is 0), the competition expert assigns the application from 0 to 10 points (in whole number).

Next, the applications are reviewed by the joint expert council, taking into account their preliminary rating, defined as the sum of the average points assigned by the experts who assessed the application for each criterion, multiplied by the corresponding coefficient of significance of the criterion (with the resulting numbers rounded to hundredths), as well as the recommendations of the competition experts.

Based on the results of the review, the joint expert council determines the rating of each application and creates a draft list of competition winners, including proposals for the amount of grants provided for the implementation of each project.

The list of winners of the “Presidential Grants” competition is submitted for approval to the Coordination Committee for holding competitions for Presidential Grants Russian Federation for the development of civil society (formed in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2017 No. 137).

Within five working days from the date of approval by the Coordination Committee of the list of competition winners and the total amount of grants provided as a result of the competition, the Foundation approves the list of winners and posts it on its official website.

What is the size of the grants provided?


There is no formal limit on the size of the grant; the feasibility of the proposed estimate and the compliance of the requested grant size with the goals and results of the project will be assessed by experts.
It is recommended to adhere to the following amounts of the requested grant depending on the type of project:
— up to 500,000 rubles – projects implemented by organizations with little experience and (or) in a small area;
- over 500,000 rubles and no more than 3,000,000 rubles - regional projects;
- over 3,000,000 rubles - projects implemented in several regions or federal districts;
- over 10,000,000 rubles - projects of all-Russian scale and significance. (FPG)

What cost items can the grant funds be used for?


Grant funds can be used to pay for the following costs:
1. Remuneration:
— remuneration of full-time employees;
— payments to individuals (except for individual entrepreneurs) for the provision of services (performance of work) under civil contracts;
— insurance contributions to extra-budgetary funds.
2. Travel expenses.
3. Office expenses.
4. Purchase, rental of specialized equipment, inventory and related expenses.
5. Website development and support, information systems and other similar expenses.
6. Payments for legal, information, consulting services and other similar expenses.
7. Expenses for holding events.
8. Publishing, printing and related expenses.
9. Other direct expenses corresponding intended purpose grant. (FPG)


The joint expert council was formed by a coordinating committee of professionals with extensive experience in implementation social projects, who are well aware of the issues of the grant areas of the competition and the non-profit sector. It is difficult to imagine that such people were not somehow connected with specialized non-profit organizations. The competition experts were also selected based on their experience and competencies. If members of the joint expert council and competition experts were prohibited from submitting applications from their organizations, almost all of them would refuse to participate in the independent examination, and absolute theoreticians would have to be sought.

For council members, this is a social burden, and a significant one at that, and competition experts receive 1,150 rubles for evaluating one project, spending at least several hours on this work. Their main motivation is participation in a large and good deed– selection of the best public initiatives in the country for support. Another issue is that a person involved in the examination of applications should not use his position to create advantages for a project in which he has a personal interest.

Therefore, the presence of a conflict of interest in itself is not a problem; it is important to comply with the procedures for its declaration and settlement. This is world practice. Members of the joint expert council indicated their interest in writing and did not participate in the discussion of the relevant projects. Information about the “conflict of interest” of the council members who took part in summing up the results of the competition is reflected in the minutes of the meeting published on the foundation’s website.

The members of the coordinating committee followed a similar procedure. The minutes of its meeting indicate both applications with interest and the results of their consideration. Of the 16 applications named in the protocol with conflicts of interest from members of the coordinating committee present at the meeting, only three were included in the list of winners. And the rating of these applications was determined by the joint expert council ten days before the meeting of the coordinating committee.

The competition expert is expressly prohibited from evaluating an application if he is personally, directly or indirectly interested in the results of its consideration. The Foundation monitors compliance with this requirement. A number of experts refused to evaluate applications, pointing out a conflict of interest, including an implicit one, for example, when the expert had previously participated as an external trainer in the events of an organization participating in the competition. (ICH)


Applications for second competition“Presidential Grants 2017” will be accepted from August 16 to September 29. The results will be announced on November 1, and the winning projects will be able to start on December 1 and until November 30, 2018. During the implementation of projects, winning NPOs will be required to submit quarterly reports to the grant operator in electronic form.


April 17, 2017 started first competition“Presidential grants” for NGOs involved in the development of civil society, implementing socially significant projects and projects in the field of human rights protection.

Applications for the first competition are accepted from April 17 to May 31, and will be considered within two months. Winning projects must start no earlier than September 1, 2017 and end no later than November 30, 2018.

The results of the first competition are reflected in the article


In accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 1, 2015 No. 79-rp “On provision in 2015 state support non-profit non-governmental organizations participating in the development of civil society institutions and implementing socially significant projects in the field of protecting human and civil rights and freedoms,” THIRD competition begins in 2015 on the distribution of presidential grants. Applications will be accepted until October 29 this year, and the results of the competition will be announced by December 7 this year.

The above decree of the President of the Russian Federation approved eight non-profit non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as grant operators:

All-Russian social movement"Civic Dignity"

All-Russian public organization– Society “Knowledge” of Russia,

Non-profit foundation – Institute for Socio-Economic and Political Research

All-Russian public organization "Union of Pensioners of Russia"


A competitive selection of applications from SO NPOs to receive subsidies from the Moscow city budget in 2015 is announced. Committee public relations of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) announces a competitive selection of applications from socially oriented non-profit organizations that are not state or municipal institutions to provide subsidies from the budget of the city of Moscow in 2015.

The competitive selection is carried out in accordance with the resolutions of the Moscow Government dated April 5, 2011 No. 109-PP, dated February 19, 2013 No. 82-PP, dated September 14, 2015 No. 584-PP.

Programs presented by organizations can be implemented no earlier than December 1, 2015 and no later than October 31, 2016 inclusive.

The volume of budgetary allocations to be distributed for the provision of subsidies is 174 million 157 thousand 930 rubles.

The subsidy is provided in the amount up to 700 thousand rubles inclusive, or over 700 thousand rubles, but not more 5 million rubles.


In accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 1, 2015 No. 79-rp “On ensuring in 2015 state support for non-profit non-governmental organizations participating in the development of civil society institutions and implementing socially significant projects and projects in the field of protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen ", the SECOND competition for the distribution of presidential grants in 2015 begins. Applications will be accepted until September 17 this year, and the results of the competition will be announced by October 20 this year.

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The state supports public non-profit organizations for stable and high-quality activities that help the active formation and development of civil society. Read more about the list of grants, reasons and amounts for receiving them in this article.

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State support for NPOs

Today, the state remains one of the major entities issuing grants. As a rule, support is provided in two directions: presidential and grants from the Ministry of Economic Development. All information is contained on official portal Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation: the opportunity to subscribe to open competitions, information about the requirements for participants and deadlines for submitting applications.

Non-profit organizations are also supported at the regional level. The executive branch is responsible for this municipality. Today grants are provided in 75 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Attention! More information about the conditions for participation in the project for a specific region can be found on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development.

Private grantors

It is possible that government grants are not the only way support of non-profit organizations in our country. Today there are many private and public foundations offering grants.

There are also several different areas, from which we can distinguish the social and scientific areas.

On a note! The most recent and full information contained on the portal “All competitions”.

There are a wide variety of areas for grants: from creativity to the exact sciences. This portal is popular among users social networks(VKontakte, Facebook).

Since 2017, notification of ongoing competitions and grants for Russian and foreign NGOs has been practiced on the website konkursgrant.ru.

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Presidential grants for NPOs

The Presidential Grant occupies a special place among government support for non-profit enterprises. It is relevant in areas of activity that are aimed at resolving social significant projects, helping the development of civil society.

It should be understood that the President of the Russian Federation does not personally determine which organization to provide a grant to. Every year it allocates a certain amount of funds, and also elects an operator, who is the responsible organizer for holding a competition among enterprises engaged in non-profit activities.

Presidential grants for NPOs in 2019

The size of the grant has no legal restrictions and depends on the goals, size, relevance, and demand
NPO project being considered by the commission.

Each type of project requires different amounts of support:

  • that operate in small regions or for a short time - a maximum of 500 thousand rubles.
  • those involved in the implementation of regional projects - from 0.5 to 3 million rubles.
  • the project of which affects several regions or federal districts - from 3 million rubles.
  • with projects of a federal scale - from 10 million rubles.

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How can an NGO receive a presidential grant?

In order to become an applicant for a grant, the management of the NPO must submit an application to participate in open competition and to prove that the nonprofit's goals are truly transformational. If the commission confirms that the enterprise’s activities meet the competition requirements, then the specific NPO becomes a direct contender for the grant.

Submission of an application is carried out within a limited time frame. Thus, for the second competition in 2018, applications were accepted at 23:30 on September 10, 2018.

Attention! If a company wins the first competition, it can apply to participate in the second. It will be considered in general procedure, without any privileges or preferences.

In order for a non-profit organization to participate in the Presidential Grant competition, the enterprise must meet the following requirements:

  1. The NPO must be registered a maximum of one year before the deadline for submitting applications for the competition. Reduced deadlines for those enterprises that apply for grants of up to 500 thousand rubles - registration must be completed within a maximum of 6 months. In cases where an organization is engaged in providing advice and assistance to the population, it must be registered a maximum of one year before the start of accepting applications for the competition, regardless of the desired amount;
  2. The charter of a non-profit organization must meet the requirements specified in the competition regulations;
  3. The activities of the organization should not be suspended during legal proceedings in relation to of this enterprise bankruptcy or liquidation cases should not be reproduced;
  4. The NPO is not a debtor to the Federal Tax Service of Russia according to tax collections or other payments to the state and municipal budget.

Among the required documents for participation in the competition are:

  1. Application for participation;
  2. A photocopy of all pages of the NPO charter along with amendments;
  3. A power of attorney, certified by a notary, for the right of an employee of the organization to represent the interests of the organization when submitting an application for the competition.

Thus, public non-profit organizations have the right to count on a Presidential grant of varying amounts. To do this, it is enough to submit an application and a number of documents. The competition is held twice a year.

Watch the video about receiving the Presidential Grant

August 31, 2018, 13:56 March 3, 2019 13:35

The review has been updated in accordance with changes in the regulations on grants, which were approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. New information in the text italicized. The most important thing is to work now for 3 years, not 5; the list of activities will undergo examination; instead of quotas - a rating of applicants; eligibility must be confirmed by achievements only from the second year.

This season, the Olympic world was shocked by the news that there would be no more Presidential Awards! As a departmental consultant public policy in the field general education Ministry of Education and Science of Russia N.A. Sveshnikova: “The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on bonuses to support talented youth was in force until 2016. It expired last year and was not renewed.”

On this moment There is no alternative to bonuses. The only one material support federal level, which Olympiad participants can count on - grants from the President of the Russian Federation. The program is new and has only been in effect for a few years. We figured out what grants are, who can apply for them, and what pitfalls their recipients may stumble upon.

What are grants from the President of the Russian Federation and who are entitled to them?

The main difference between grants and awards is that they are received by students, not schoolchildren. To become a candidate, you need to enroll in a university budget place. In addition, you must be a winner or prize-winner of a competition from a special list. This list of events is approved annually by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and accordingly only merit received in the graduating class will be taken into account. Since the grants are aimed at supporting the talented youth of our country, the grant recipient must have Russian citizenship.

No more than 1,200 grants are issued per year. Since there may be more potential applicants, a ranking system will be introduced depending on the competitions and results in them. Information about applicants is posted until September 15. But even if you are not on this list, all is not lost. Additional recruitment may be organized to replace those who refused.

As the status grows, so do the stakes. In an ideal situation, students who have entered into an agreement to receive grants receive 20,000 rubles monthly while they are studying for a bachelor’s or specialty degree. Not bad support for a student, considering that the average scholarship is several times less. The total is 240,000 rubles per year, 960,000 rubles for 4 years or 1,200,000 for 5 years of study. True, if the contract is violated, you will have to return 3 times more.

Grants were approved in 2015 as part of the state program “Development of Education” for 2013-2020. In total, it is planned to issue 5,000 grants, no more than 1,200 per year. We do some quick calculations and find that the last recipient of the grant will conclude an agreement no earlier than 2020.

What Olympiads give grants for?

First of all for All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren. Last year, according to its results, 951 people were included in the list of applicants. International Olympiads, for which bonuses were previously given separately, are not included in this list. On the other hand, selection for most of these competitions takes place based on the results of the All-Russian Olympiad.

In general, any Olympiad for eleventh graders can be included in the list of events in which grants are given for winning. Ministry of Education and Science of Russia in cooperation with federal government agencies, state corporations and companies, associations of employers and associations of educational organizations higher education forms a draft list of competitions for which a grant is given for winning. conducts an examination. Based on this, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science approves a list of activities by August 1.

This may include Olympiads, competitions, championships Olympic sports sports, sports competitions and other intellectual, creative and sporting competitions.

Find out the list of competitions for the next academic year it is possible after August 10, by which time the order is published. In 2015, it included 38 events, last year – 34, and this year, winners and prize-winners of 62 competitions can receive grants.

What are the obligations of the grant recipient?

The student annually confirms his right to a grant. One of the responsibilities is to study, study and study again! Sessions must be taken without “tails”. Arrears are considered failures and absences from exams without a valid reason.

Starting from the second year of study, the right to a grant must be confirmed annually by participation in research projects or all-Russian and international competitions, publications in scientific journals or scientific results. See more details. Achievements elsewhere should be reported to the university.

And the main obligation is to work in the Russian Federation for 3 years after graduation. You have 6 months to find a job

Three parties to the contract

The payment agreement is concluded between three parties: the operator, the grant recipient and the university where he is studying. An educational fund has been appointed as the operator. Its representatives contact applicants for grants, make payments, collect necessary information, and monitor whether the grant recipient complies with the terms of the contract.

The role of the operator is clear, let’s figure out what the university does. According to the agreement, it creates conditions for the development (display) of the talent of the grant recipient and for concluding an agreement on targeted training for the purpose of employment in the specialty. In addition, the university helps with paperwork and provides the operator with information about achievements.

Penalties for failure to comply with obligations

If the grant was paid for more than a year, the recipient is required to work for 3 years in Russia. The contract specifies payments and penalties only for failure to fulfill this obligation.

Those who did not complete their studies or refused to receive the grant before the expiration of its payment and did not work for 3 years give back what they were paid back.

If the recipient graduated from a university and did not work for 3 years, then he already returns the amount paid in three times the amount. For example, you studied for 4 years and received a grant all this time, then you will have to pay about 3 million.

Partial service does not count, there are only two options: worked for 3 years or did not work for 3 years. Therefore, it is important to immediately inform the operator about the presence of diseases that impede employment.

For those who received a grant for only 1 year, there is no refund, no penalties, or obligation to work for 3 years. We don’t yet know such cases, and we don’t know how things will actually turn out.

Other nuances

Minor applicants for grants will require parental consent, since citizens aged 14 to 18 years old make transactions with the written consent of their legal representatives (clause 1, article 26 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Those who want a change will be able to transfer to another university or to another educational program. Payments will be adjusted based on changes and duration of study.

Certainly academic leaves By medical indications, in case of call for military service, pregnancy and childbirth, child care can be taken. During training, payments are suspended for this period; after training, that same three-year work activity is postponed or interrupted.

In addition, studying in a master's or graduate school is a reason to postpone the start of work.

In connection with changes to the regulations on grants, which were approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, additional agreements will be concluded with those who are already receiving payments.

Who to ask questions

The material was prepared based on information posted on the official website. Answers to FAQ are given in special. We advise you to ask any questions you may have by calling 8 800 100-86-63.

Find out the answers to all your questions, because your future may greatly depend on it!