
Good afternoon. That's what got interesting to me. Why do owners of small dogs (Yorks, Chihuas, etc.) take them with them on public events? Recently there were events dedicated to the May 9 holiday. There are crowds of people everywhere. And somewhere in this crowd there’s a little Chihuahua wriggling around on a leash. For what? I think so, he won’t appreciate all the beauty of the event, and it’s very easy to step on it or lose it in the crowd. Aren't they worried about this?



Girls, Good morning. The issue has come up, I don’t know how to solve it.
My daughter is 5 years old, she rarely goes to kindergarten due to frequent illnesses, incipient asthma and sensitive nervous system. Let me explain about the latter: the child is sensitive, with small nervous obsessive movements, often “close to tears” (really sensitive, I have an older child - there is something to compare with))).
One teacher is very good, calm, kind. The second is impulsive, loud, rude. I don’t really communicate with the parents of the children from the group, but those who know the cat are also unhappy with her. She can rudely reprimand, gives oral marks for a poorly done task, the child vomited - she yelled, etc.
I would like to go to kindergarten more often, but the child does not want to, he is afraid of the teacher.
Question: what specific measures can be taken to prevent this from affecting the child? or is it possible to transfer to a parallel group? Moscow city.
There is no manager as such, only the director of the site, the girl who decides the issues of distribution to the garden. There are not enough teachers, this teacher has been working for a long time


I wanted to create positive topic. But after going to the store, my mood soured.
I went to the magnet now. I do my shopping as usual. Bring a certain amount of money with you. I shop within its framework. And thank God that the purchase was less than I expected.
Paid. I look at the check.
Roughly speaking, according to my calculations, I had to spend 800 rubles.
According to the check 1100.
I'm looking... Hello. The prices indicated on the goods and the real ones live completely different lives.
I bought a can of cola for 25 rubles. I checked the barcode. In fact, I buy for 41. I take sour cream for 60. The receipt says 85. Diapers are also more than a hundred more expensive. And there are several such positions. In order not to distract the cashier, I approached the seller in the hall. I encountered rudeness. Like you shop here all the time, and now you’re trying to make a fuss. I was surprised. I'm not making a scandal, I'm just trying to understand why there is such a difference.
The seller replied that she did not have time to change the price tags. Then I asked why the piece of paper wasn’t hanging. Usually, when prices change, a corresponding warning is given.
Still, the difference in prices turned out to be quite decent... Not 50 rubles. And not even 100. But almost 3 hundred. She replied that she had no right to hang up such a piece of paper more than once a week.
In short, they gave me the money... but the mood was ruined. I already regret that I got in touch at all.
I called my husband... he laughed. He said, next time, start haggling with them right at the checkout. No, what... what if... Since no one knows exactly what it costs)))
What do you do in such situations?
To be honest, sometimes when I look at receipts I see that there is a difference. But for 10-50 rubles I usually don’t bother.
But here there are 300... And I feel sorry for the sellers. And I was counting on a certain amount.


House in the village

I have a strange question. My closest friend has two children, a boy and a girl, a small ratchet with a walk-through hall. The nursery for both children is in one room, and in another room there is a parent's bedroom. Her mother-in-law tells her that the children should have a separate bedroom for each, that the parents should give their bedroom to the child and move into the hallway themselves. Because the boy is their eldest.

At first I didn't understand the logic. And my friend waited until it came to me, and it never came, so she explained: the boy is 12, the girl is 4, the mother-in-law thinks that it is UNSAFE to leave the girl alone with the boy at night.

Virgos, please correct my aim. Am I really wrong and I think that children can sleep in the same room (in separate beds) for at least another couple of years? Or is it already horror-horror? How did everyone sleep in one-room apartments in the same room before, both with children and children of different sexes? (my friend’s mother-in-law responded to this argument that it would be SAFER in a one-room apartment). I was so freaked out that I still can’t get it back. There is absolutely no reason to suspect the boy of having a bad interest in his sister. Their relationship is excellent, before bed he reads fairy tales to his sister, and when she falls asleep, she hangs out on her phone for a while and also falls asleep.


Any girl has always been horrified by this phrase widely used among gynecologists - “starved firstborn.” This “title” was given to a woman in labor at the age of 27-28 years. Today the situation has changed somewhat, and women are not afraid of late childbirth. Let's look at the lucky star mothers who dared to go to the maternity hospital for a “little miracle” at Balzac’s age.

Svetlana Permyakova - gave birth at 40

The artist decided to give birth at the age of 40, knowing full well that her daughter’s father would not be her legal spouse. Director Maxim Scriabin, from whom Svetlana gave birth, did not start a showdown, and both parents found the strength to come to an agreement. Despite the breakup, they are still raising their daughter Varya together. The actress told the media that perhaps someone considers her action wrong, immoral, but she motivated it by the fact that she has one life, which should be happy.

Ilze Liepa – gave birth at 46

Many ballet dancers deliberately give up the joys of motherhood in favor of a career, but the famous Ilze Liepa, despite her age (46 years!), gave birth to a daughter, Nadya. The ballerina wanted to leave the stage for 1 year in order to devote herself to her daughter, but returned to her career after 3 months. The happy mother spends every free minute with Nadya and considers her birth a real gift from God.

Olga Drozdova - gave birth at 42

Dmitry Pevtsov's wife, Russian actress, I couldn’t become a mother for a long time. Married couple She accepted this life circumstance with dignity and began to arrange her own apartment for her personal needs. But then suddenly the star spouses found out that they would soon become parents! This year the long-awaited son, who was named Elisha, turns 9 years old.

Victoria Makarskaya - gave birth at 38 and 42

Spouse famous actor Anton Makarsky, 13 years old, wanted to experience the joys of motherhood, and at the age of 38 she gave birth to her first child, daughter Maria. Then, at 42, Victoria became a mother again, giving birth to her son Ivan. She claims that it is never too late to become a mother, for example, at one time her 45-year-old grandmother, despite her age, gave birth to her 5th baby. “For a woman, late childbirth is even beneficial, because it rejuvenates the body,” says Victoria.

Maria Poroshina - gave birth at 42

As a little girl, Maria repeated that she wanted to have no less than 5 children. And her dreams almost came true! Maria gave birth to a daughter, Polina, while still married to Gosha Kutsenko, then became the mother of charming girls: Seraphima, Agrafena and Glashenka. The actress decided to give birth to Glafira at the age of 42. The star plans to have another child.

Kristina Orbakaite – gave birth at 40

Christina married twice and gave birth to 2 boys in previous marriages. But at the same time, the singer also always wanted to become the mother of a daughter, which she talked about tirelessly. Having married for the third time to businessman Mikhail Zemtsov, the artist realized her most cherished dream, giving birth to a daughter, Claudia, whom she named after the legendary Claudia Shulzhenko. The singer says that she and her husband did not use modern reproductive technologies: she became pregnant naturally.

Olga Kabo - gave birth at 44

Russian actress Olga Kabo gave birth to a daughter, Tanya, 13 years ago in her first marriage. Son Vitya was born in 2012, when she was 44. Olga admits that with such big difference When you are between two children, you perceive the second pregnancy more consciously.

She gave birth to her first daughter at 39 years old, and her second at 45 years old.

Important events in Monica Bellucci's personal life took place in September, shortly before her birthday. In 1999, on the eve of her 35th birthday, the actress married actor Vincent Cassel. Five years later, a couple of weeks before her fortieth birthday, Bellucci gave birth to a daughter, Virgo, and at 45, a daughter, Leoni.

Monica has an ambiguous attitude towards late childbirth: “Women who give birth late, like me, like to say how brave they are. This is true, because the older you get, the greater the risk for you and the child. But personally, I don’t consider myself brave, I consider myself lucky. When I gave birth to my first child at 39, I said that I wanted a second child as soon as possible, but I was not ready for this in reality. Children are not films; they do not tolerate fuss and haste in preparation for their appearance.”

Halle Berry

She became a mother for the first time at 41, and gave birth to her second child at 46.


Halle Berry gave birth to daughter Nala with her boyfriend, fashion model Gabriel Aubry, at 41. Then they separated and fought for a long time in court for custody. The actress decided to have her second child in marriage with French actor Olivier Martinez. Baby Maceo-Robert was born when Berry was 46.

“I feel great. Although, to be honest, fate gave me an incredible surprise. I thought that all these experiences were already a thing of the past... I was already on the verge of menopause, and then this news,” Berry shared after learning that she was pregnant for the second time.

Salma Hayek

Gave birth to a daughter at 41

Young Salma Hayek conquered Hollywood, struggled with a Mexican accent, dated Edward Norton and Josh Lucas, but became a mother only after forty. Salma gave birth to her daughter Valentina at the age of 41 from billionaire Francois Henri Pinault. After the birth of their daughter, they separated, and a few months later they reconciled and got married.

“At 40 years old, I am a more confident and balanced person compared to me at 30 years old. Ten years ago I would not have been able to give my child as much as I am ready to give now. My daughter is lucky that she was born now, when I am over 40,” Hayek said.

Kim Basinger

Gave birth to a daughter at 41

Kim met her first husband, makeup artist Ron Britton, at the age of 28. With the second, actor Alex Baldwin, when she was 40. A year after the wedding, Baldwin and Basinger had a daughter, Island.

After the birth of her daughter, the actress decided to take a break from her career and immersed herself in caring for the child. “My wife and I are breaking up, she fell in love with another woman - a one-and-a-half-year-old bald girl,” Baldwin joked on one of the talk shows.

Eva Mendes

Gave birth to a daughter at 40

Eva Mendes for a long time were classified as childfree - people who decided not to have children. The actress, who generally does not talk to journalists about her personal life, did not comment on her affair with her colleague and girls’ favorite Ryan Gosling. After a three-year romance, Mendes and Gosling unexpectedly for the couple’s fans (hiding her situation, the actress did not even leave the house!) a daughter, Esmeralda, was born. Eva was 40 years old at that time.

“I had no idea that taking care of a newborn baby is so difficult. I thought my wildest nights were behind me. It turned out that the main tests lay ahead. For now I’m coping without a nanny, but in the future I plan to hire an assistant. For me, this is the meaning of motherhood - struggling to sleep at night, not knowing what to do, coping with everything on my own,” Mendes said.

Marina Mogilevskaya

Gave birth to a daughter at 41

TASS / Elizaveta Klementyeva

The star of the TV series “Kitchen” Marina Mogilevskaya admitted that from the age of thirty she was obsessed with the idea of ​​having a daughter. The birth of a child was constantly postponed: either there was no time, or there was no suitable man nearby. The actress said that as soon as she decided to stop worrying and let go of the situation, she found out about her pregnancy. Mogilevskaya gave birth to a daughter, Masha, from a man whose name she prefers not to name.

“Do I regret that I gave birth at forty-one and not at twenty? No, not for a second. Everything has its time. Only by the age of forty did it become more or less clear to me what I was like, what I could and wanted to give to my child, unnecessary ambitions disappeared somewhere, I stopped proving something to someone.”

Naomi Watts

She gave birth to her first son at 39, and her second at 40.

Fame and success came to Naomi Watts when she was in her thirties (thanks to David Lynch's film Mulholland Drive). Before this, the Australian actress failed auditions in Hollywood and unsuccessfully tried to build a career, which she spoke about in more than one interview. So there was no time for children. Naomi gave birth to her first child, son Sasha, from common-law spouse Lev Schreiber at the age of 39, a year and a half later, Samuel was born.

Naomi is glad that her children were born when she was no longer 20 years old: “I am always with the children. Or they are with me. We are bound by the strongest bonds. Maybe the whole point is that the first one, Sasha, was born when I was already 39, and I managed to understand something about life.”

Nicole Kidman

She gave birth to her first biological child, daughter Sunday Rose, at age 40.

Nicole Kidman's path to fame was more rapid than that of her friend Naomi Watts. Success in Hollywood, husband a movie star (Tom Cruise, having met Nicole on the set of the film “Days of Thunder,” divorced actress Mimi Rogers). Everything was clouded by the absence of a child. Kidman couldn't get pregnant, so the couple decided to adopt children - daughter Isabella and son Connor. Nicole Kidman gave birth to her first biological child, daughter Sunday Rose, from her second husband Keith Urban. Two years later, a second child appeared in the family - daughter Faith Margaret was carried by a surrogate mother.

“I raised children when I was in my early twenties. Then I was not ready to take a serious step - I was still a child myself. Unprepared emotionally and psychologically. Still, late motherhood has its advantages,” admitted Kidman.

Svetlana Permyakova

Gave birth to a daughter at 40

TASS / Vadim Tarakanov

Former KV student Svetlana Permyakova, who became popular after her role as a head nurse in the series “Interns,” was very worried that she had not met the right man and did not give birth to a child. At 39 years old, the actress decided not to wait any longer and take everything into her own hands. Svetlana invited her 19-year-old director Maxim Scriabin to become the father of her child. Without official registration at the registry office and a magnificent wedding. Just in a friendly way. So in July 2012, a daughter, Varvara, was born, in whose upbringing Maxim takes an active part.

“The main thing in my story is the child! Varya is the meaning and center of our union with Max. I am sure that even if he does not live with us, he will still remain the best father and friend for my daughter. Same for me. I now know that you can give birth not only out of love, but also out of friendship,” Svetlana said in an interview with 7 Days magazine.

Susan Sarandon

She gave birth to a daughter at 39 years old and two sons - at 42 years old and at 45 years old.

Fotodom / Rex Features

Susan Sarandon got married for the first time (to actor Chris Sarandon) at 23 years old. They lived in a childless marriage for twelve years - doctors diagnosed the actress with infertility. Susan made up for lost time by turning into her fifth decade. From director Franco Amurri, she gave birth to a daughter, Eve, and three years later, a son, Jack, was born, whose father was Sarandon's co-star in the film Durham Bull, Tim Robbins. Three years later, their son Miles was born.

“When I got pregnant, no one could understand how it happened. I didn't use birth control for many years because doctors said I was infertile. It was definitely a moment of happiness and feeling stronger than any diagnosis,” Sarandon shared.

Courteney Cox

Gave birth to a daughter at 40

East News / Splash News

The star of the series “Friends” became a mother for the first time at the age of 40: she gave birth to a daughter, Coco, with actor David Arquette. Three years before the girl was born, Courtney had a miscarriage, and she suffered another seven after the birth of her first child.

“I'm ready for the birth of my second child because the clock is ticking. If I were 34, I would have waited another year. I want Coco to have a brother or sister. Raising one child is difficult. It’s probably even harder with two,” Cox, 45, said in an interview six years ago. Unfortunately, Courtney never gave birth to a second child.

Mariah Carey

Gave birth to twins at 41

In April 2011, 41-year-old Mariah Carey, who became pregnant through IVF, gave birth to twins Moroccan and Monroe from her now ex-husband, showman Nick Cannon. The pregnancy was difficult, so after the birth of the babies, the singer announced that she no longer plans to have children.

“The pregnancy itself was very difficult. I had gestational diabetes, preeclampsia (high blood pressure that threatens the life of the mother and fetus) and all these things you don't even want to know about. Hello everyone who has ever had twins, I salute you because it is not easy! But in five years with my kids, I received so many new emotions; before they were born, everything in my life revolved around my career,” Keri shared.

Jennifer Lopez

Gave birth to twins at 39

Jennifer Lopez has admitted many times that she dreams of children. At first, her personal life did not work out (a scandalous divorce from dancer Chris Judd, a wedding with actor Ben Affleck that was canceled a few hours before the ceremony), later, in her marriage to singer Marc Anthony, Lopez was unable to get pregnant. Jennifer decided to undergo IVF and in February 2008 gave birth to twins Max and Emma.

Unlike Mariah Carey, Lopez is not afraid to carry twins again. “I want a lot of children. Maybe four or five. I would like to give birth to more twins,” Jennifer admitted.

Olga Drozdova

Gave birth to a son at 42 years old / Vadim Zyukov

Actors Olga Drozdova and Dmitry Pevtsov dreamed of a child for fifteen years. The doctors could not understand what was wrong - all indicators for both spouses were normal. Drozdova became pregnant at 41 years old. By that time, she had almost come to terms with the fact , Interesting...
I want to know everything that happens in the lives of stars.


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Looking at Halle Berry, you are simply amazed at how beautiful the actress looks at 46 years old, and even with a baby in her tummy. The star gave birth to her first child, daughter Nala, at the age of 41. What is this, a miracle of nature or a normal course of life? Today, more and more women are inclined to late pregnancy, By various reasons, of course. It also happens that due to the health of the expectant mother or father, it is not possible to get pregnant for a long time. And when the age is already well over 30, many people begin to develop prejudices. Some couples even give up on pregnancy plans. Perhaps the following selection of celebrities who gave birth to their children in their 40s will help ease fears about late pregnancy.

Kelly Preston

Kelly Preston and John Travolta

Kelly is the wife of a famous Hollywood actor John Travolta. In 2010 star couple I lost my 16 year old son Jett. The couple were so dumbfounded when they found out that they were lucky enough to be parents again. It turned out that Kelly was pregnant with their second son. And she was 48 years old then. After the birth of the baby, Kelly gave an interview on one of the popular talk shows.

I didn't think about the risk. Yes, I understood that he existed. But we were so glad that we did not take all the prejudices into account. We did the right thing. We have a wonderful baby.

Kelly Preston

Salma Hayek

Salma gave birth to her daughter Valentina Paloma Pino at the age of 40. The girl is the actress's first child. To questions about whether Salma was too late to start a full-fledged family, the star answered:

At 40, I am a more confident and balanced person than I was at 30. Ten years ago, I would not have been able to give my child as much as I am willing to give now. My daughter was lucky that she was born right now, when I am over 40.

Salma Hayek

Susan Sarandon

Susan Sarandon

Susan gave birth to her first child, daughter Eva Amurri, when she was 39 years old. The actress did not want to stop there. At 42, son Jack Henry was born, and at 45, Miles. All children are very similar to their mother and are quite healthy.

Kim Basinger

Stunning beauty Kim gave birth to daughter Island at 41 with Alec Baldwin. The girl came out with a real copy of her star mom, just as beautiful and cheerful.

Celine Dion

Celine Dion, Salma Hayek, Nicole Kidman

After numerous attempts to get pregnant using IVF and an unsuccessful attempt to carry a child, Celine Dion was finally rewarded for her efforts and faith. At the age of 42, the singer gives birth to two charming twins - Eddie and Nelson. In an interview, the star admitted that she had some fears about late pregnancy.

My doctor constantly talked me out of it. Of course, this is very depressing. But I decided to take this step and therefore had to go through to the end. I told the doctor that if he told me to stay on bed rest until November, I would lie down and not move until my babies were born. Having children is worth it, and it's the best thing in my life.

Celine Dion

Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep

A wonderful actress and a wonderful mother. Meryl has 4 daughters. The actress gave birth to her fourth girl, Louise Jacobson Gummer, in 1991, when she was 42 years old.

Nicole Kidman

Nicole gave birth to her first biological child at age 40. Recall that Nicole raised two more children - Isabella and Connor, with her ex-husband Tom Cruise. Nicole later revealed what she thought about giving birth after 40.

I raised and raised children when I was in my early 20s. These are completely different things. Then I was not yet ready to take a serious step, I was still such a child. Unprepared emotionally and psychologically. Still, late motherhood has its advantages. The main thing on my mind is that I want to live and enjoy life for Sunday (Nicole's daughter). Sunday changed my whole life.

Nicole Kidman

Mariah Kerry

Mariah Carey, Kim Basinger, Julianne Moore

The most anticipated pregnancy in 2011 was Mariah Carey's. At 42, the singer gave birth to two charming twins - daughter Monroe and son Moroccan.

Julianne Moore

In April 2002, Julianne gave birth to her second child, a girl, Liv. Then the actress was 42 years old. Liv is very similar to her mother. Juliana Moore's first child is already 5 years old.

Naomi Watts

Halle Berry, Naomi Watts

Beautiful mother Naomi Watts also preferred late pregnancy. The actress has two children. The actress gave birth to her son Sasha at 39, and Samuel at 40.

Today, more and more celebrities are having children after forty. In interviews, these “late mothers” talk about motherhood, how the pregnancy proceeded, and are not at all embarrassed by the fact that they decided to give birth in mature age. Monica Bellucci even admits that she would wait a few more years to have children if her health allowed it. She and 12 other stars who decided to have a child after 40.

Monica Bellucci

Monica Bellucci during pregnancy.

Monica Bellucci gave birth to her first daughter, Virgo, at 39, and her second, Leoni, at 45.

Monica Bellucci with youngest daughter Leonie.

Monica herself told reporters about her second pregnancy: “I don’t feel brave, I’m just very lucky. I already had a healthy daughter, I gave birth to her myself, like a simple peasant woman from Umbria, and now my second pregnancy is going very well and calmly. But don’t think that you need to take an example from me. Many people at my age turn to surrogate mothers or IVF clinics. And if I hadn’t been able to get pregnant, I would also have ended up among these women.”

Halle Berry

Holly with her daughter Nala.

Holly gave birth to her first child, daughter Nala Ariela Aubrey, at 42. Despite her age, Holly felt great throughout her pregnancy. At 47, the actress became a mother for the second time, giving birth to a son, Maceo-Robert. At the same time, the actress admitted that she did not plan to become a mother for the second time, considering herself “too old to give birth to another child.” But fate decreed otherwise, and Halle Berry still can’t believe her luck.

Holly with her son Maceo.

Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman during pregnancy.

The pregnancy came as a surprise to Nicole - the actress had been treated for infertility for many years. However, in her marriage to Keith Urban in 2008, at the age of 40, the actress gave birth to her first child, daughter Sunday Rose. But Nicole failed to get pregnant again, and in 2012, Nicole and Keith used the services of a surrogate mother.

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban with their daughters.

Salma Hayek

Salma during pregnancy.

Salma gave birth at 41. In 2007, the actress and French businessman François-Henri Pinault had a daughter, Valentina Paloma Pinault. According to Salma, the pregnancy was difficult, and excess weight, which the actress gained during pregnancy (23 kg), caused her a lot of trouble. However, now the actress is happy that she became a mother and was able to get back into shape.

Salma with her daughter Valentina.

Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey during pregnancy.

At the age of 41, the singer gave birth to twins: the boy was named Moroccan, and the girl was named Monroe, in honor of the Hollywood star. But Carrie's path to motherhood was not so smooth. The singer suffered from preeclampsia (a disease associated with cerebral circulation developing in the second half of pregnancy) and gestational diabetes (a disorder carbohydrate metabolism in pregnant women). The singer gave birth with the help caesarean section. Today, raising twins, Mariah Carey is happy. But the singer doesn’t want any more children.

Mariah Carey with her children and their dad.

Celine Dion

Celine Dion with her husband, who, unfortunately, recently died after long struggle with cancer and children.

Celine's first pregnancy and childbirth went well. But when the singer and her husband decided to have a second baby, problems arose. After numerous unsuccessful attempts, Celine Dion was finally able to get pregnant and give birth to twins at the age of 42.

“I think I was pregnant more than a year. I never gave up. But I can tell you that it was physically and emotionally draining. My doctor discouraged me from getting pregnant. Of course it's depressing. But I decided to do it and had to go to the end. I told the doctor that if he told me to stay in bed until the kids were born, I would lie there and not move. Having children is worth it, and it’s the best thing in my life.”

Uma Thurman

Uma Thurman during her third pregnancy.

Uma Thurman was 42 years old when she gave birth to her third child, a girl with the long name Rosalind Arusha Arkadin Altalun Florence Thurman-Busson. This pregnancy was quite difficult. After giving birth, the actress spent a long time recovering.

Uma with her daughter Rosalind.

Julianne Moore

Julianne with her husband and children.

Julianne Moore gave birth to her first child, Caleb, at age 37. And when the actress was 42 years old, a girl, Liv Helen, was born.

Julianne with her daughter Liv.

“I desperately wanted a child. And my wish came true,” Moore said.

Marcia Cross

Marcia during pregnancy.

Like Nicole Kidman, Marcia Cross was treated for infertility for a very long time. The actress managed to get pregnant with the help of IVF. The Desperate Housewives star gave birth to twins days before her 45th birthday. Due to complications, the actress had to have a caesarean section a month before the expected date of birth.

Marcia Cross with her daughters.

“If I had gotten married and had children at 35, as I dreamed of, I wouldn’t appreciate this miracle as much as I do today!” - said the actress.

Gwen Stefani

Gwen during pregnancy.

Gwen already had two sons when, at 43, the singer became pregnant again. Stephanie gave birth to a third child, again a boy, who was named Apollo. Despite the fact that the pregnancy was difficult at first, by the third trimester Gwen felt better and seemed to blossom.

Gwen Stefani with her son Apollo.

“When I found out that I was pregnant, it was indescribable happiness,” the singer said about her pregnancy.

Tina Fey

Tina during pregnancy.

Actress Tina Fey gave birth to her second child, daughter Penelope, at the age of 41. Tina admitted that, despite her age, pregnancy and childbirth were easy.

Tina with her daughter Penelope.

Rachel Zoe

Rachel Zoe during pregnancy.

Famous designer Rachel Zoe gave birth to her first child, baby Skyler, at 39 years old. Rachel did not delay her second child and became pregnant two years after the birth of her first child. Baby Caius was born when Rachel was 41 years old. The pregnancy was going well, and the designer even managed to hide his interesting situation before last month.

Rachel Zoe with youngest son Caius.

Linda Evangelista

Linda Evangelista during pregnancy.

The famous supermodel gave birth to a son when she was 42 years old.

Linda with her son Augustin.

Also among those who gave birth after 40 and successfully coped with the task of raising children are Kim Basinger (gave birth to her daughter Ireland at 41), Susan Sarandon (gave birth to her second son at 42, and her third at 43), Meryl Streep (gave birth to her fourth daughter when she was 42 years old).