Who is Maxim Averin and what secrets of his biography and personal life does the actor hide from prying eyes? Some argue that the artist has been happily married to ideal woman, whom he decided to call his wife. Others went even further and started talking about the children of Maxim Averin. And a few years ago, completely unexpectedly, a film, theater and television star celebrated his anniversary... in a gay club. And he immediately found himself on the front pages of the yellow press, which don’t feed it bread - let them savor the details of the next homoscandal.

Maxim Averin and his secret wife: wedding photos 2015

Maxim Averin secretly got married and even managed to have children! Domestic media presented this event as a real sensation and even attached a photo from the wife’s birth, in which, allegedly, Maxim Averin personally received the newborn. And the scandalous shot of the actor holding a newborn baby in his arms became a real “bomb” for the artist’s fans.

Does Maxim Averin already have children?

However, it later turned out that these photos were taken on the set of the series “Sklifosovsky”, where Maxim Averin plays one of the main roles. By the way, about the film works of our hero. Nationwide love and the actor’s role in the series also brought him popularity. Just not about doctors, but about law enforcement officers. Many watched the famous “Glukhar” with bated breath and were very worried about the hero Maxim Averin, investigator Glukharev. Another storyline is the romance between the hero Averin and his boss, played by actress Victoria Tarasova. Very tender and reverent relationships, as insiders say, began between the actors in real life. And individuals with a particularly wild imagination believed that the stars of “Capercaillie” played in 2015 secret wedding and are now husband and wife.

Maxim Averin and Victoria Tarasova - husband and wife?

But the actors themselves quickly refuted this ridiculous news, although Victoria Tarasova in an interview more than once admitted her great sympathy and even love (albeit platonic) for her colleague Maxim Averin.

“On the set of Pyatnitsky, Maxim is not around, and I miss his enthusiasm, cheerfulness, and running around the pavilion in his shorts. I always miss him..."

And later Tarasova admitted how difficult the bed scenes with Averin were in the first season of “Capercaillie.”

“The bed scenes were mostly in the first season, when, as luck would have it, I ended up on crutches - on the eve of filming I broke my leg. In the first bed scene, I was terribly shy, I put on a silk shirt like a bulletproof vest. “Oh, don’t touch my knee!” - I shouted. - “Your division!” - Max yelled. - “Put away your crutches!”...

But fans of the stars stubbornly did not want to lose faith in the fairy tale called “The Wedding of Maxim Averin and Victoria Tarasova” and everyone dedicated clips to them, where the actors played such passion and love that it is still difficult to believe that all this was just part of the film script.

But even when the myth of the “big and pure love” the stars of “Capercaillie” dissipated, the yellow press did not want to calm down and published more and more new photos of Maxim Averin with his “wife”. True, these turned out to be either colleagues or simply girlfriends of the actor.

The Internet is replete with fake photos of Maxim Averin with his “wife”

Maxim Averin: homoscandal as a gift for the actor’s 40th birthday

How can such a handsome, charming and damn talented artist remain alone for so long? Why has Maxim Averin still not got a wife and children? This question is of great interest to representatives of the yellow press. And fans of the work of the most famous “Capercaillie” do not hide their interest in the personal life of their idol. In the creative community they even began to talk about the fact that Maxim Averin is gay... Now any photo of a celebrity with his colleagues in the shop is interpreted ambiguously... Even if it is such macho men as Alexei Vorobyov or Denis Rozhkov.

Maxim Averin with his colleagues on the set: just friends?

Added fuel to the fire non-standard approach actor to celebrate his 40th birthday. A real homoscandal broke out with Maxim Averin in the leading role. Firstly, contrary to superstitions that men should not celebrate their 40th anniversary in a grand manner, the actor nevertheless decided to celebrate this round date on an unprecedented scale. Fortunately, it was in Sochi, where Maxim was on tour. And the star’s friends are all easy-going. The beginning of the celebration took place in the famous Sochi restaurant “Baran Rapan”. And then the hero of the occasion and the guests smoothly moved... to the no less famous establishment of the “city with the darkest nights” - the Mayak gay club. And then the guests had a blast! Maxim Averin “lit up” on the dance floor with the club’s regulars, and from the stage received the most heartfelt congratulations from the actors of the local drag queen show. The celebration was captured by people having fun “in the same place, at the same hour.” Eyewitnesses say that Maxim Averin’s colleagues and friends, led by the birthday boy, celebrated his birthday until the morning.

Another thing that only worsened the rumors that Maxim Averin is gay was his lengthy comments to one journalist on the topic that although the actor is not married, this does not mean that he is lonely.

“Why did you decide that I, as a priest, would confess to you and tell you about my personal life? Believe me, there is no need to worry about me. I have someone to fall asleep with, and - most importantly - I have someone to wake up with! After all, it is written on a person’s face that he exists and with whom he sleeps. It happens that an actor walks by, there is no face on him, he smells of borscht a mile away. Surely he shares a bed with a grymza who nags him all day long! I'm not against borscht! But it’s impossible for a person to have nothing more to his soul than everyday life!”

And there were also comments from the actor about living in an endless series of hotels, of which there are a great many in the touring life of any actor. Averin admitted that he loves to create coziness in his hotel rooms with the help of... white flowers! The star of “Capercaillie” and “Sklifosovsky” especially loves snow-white roses and carnations.

Is the favorite of women, handsome Maxim Averin, blue?

And someone else remembered the actor’s role in the play “Santa Claus is a scoundrel,” where Maxim Averin very believably played a transvestite. Although, would he be a good actor if he couldn’t get into the role one hundred percent?..

Maxim Averin: personal life of “investigator Glukharev”

Personal life is something that Maxim Averin values ​​​​very much and does not intend to show to the public. The actor says so: in the bed there is only room for two - outsiders are not allowed to enter there. And he has religiously adhered to this principle for many years.

Maxim Averin does not like people prying into his personal life

Maxim Averin was born into a Mosfilm family. And even though his parents were not famous movie stars, the child clearly inherited the unique spirit of the legendary film studio and a love for “the most important of the arts.” The actor's mother worked as a costume designer, his father worked on props. But attentive parents noticed the child’s acting talent quite quickly. Already at the age of 6, little Maxim Averin shone in an episode of the film “The Adventures of Count Nevzorov.”

The first role of the future celebrity was episodic

A few years later, the future star comes out on theater stage, which also easily submits to him. Unlike strict teachers theater universities, who, not the first or even the second time, saw brilliant acting abilities in the charming, smiling young man. Lucky ticket into the world of theater and film art has become for young actor admission to the legendary Shchukin School.

Young Maxim Averin on stage

The star role of "Capercaillie" was still far away, so Averin had to earn money just like his other classmates. The actor starred in commercials, music videos. Many people still remember the advertisement of WagonWheels chocolate cookies thanks to the eccentric Maxim Averin. Just like his character, the hooligan from Svetlana Roerich’s “Palms” video.

Later, Maxim Averin was noticed by Konstantin Raikin and invited him to try his hand at the stage of the legendary Satyricon Theater. This is where it all started to happen: roles in “Othello”, “Richard III”... Averin brilliantly reveals himself in the role of a deep dramatic actor. But at the end of 2014, for reasons unknown to many, the artist decided to resign from Satyricon, one of the leading theaters in the country. Why??? There are rumors about the deterioration of relations between artistic director Raikin and leading actor Averin, and much is said about the sky-high ambitions and “stardom” of “investigator Glukharev.” The topic of the actor’s physical and psychological exhaustion is also vigorously discussed. Allegedly, very high employment in the theater, cinema and TV made itself felt.

Maxim Averin as Richard III

In fact, everything turned out to be much more prosaic and not at all as scandalous as many would have liked. Maxim Averin explained his departure from Satyricon on his official website.

“This decision was made difficult, nervously painful. I served in the Satyricon Theater for 18 years... Now I feel that I am standing on the threshold of a new stage in my life, new theatrical discoveries, where I was able to use the experience gained over all these years, try my hand... And I want to use the chance of fate, to open up in a new way both for myself and for you, my dear viewers!”

But Maxim Averin’s personal life is not going so smoothly. On the one hand, they gossip about numerous love victories and high-profile novels artist, on the other hand, all this is nothing more than gossip. At social events, the actor still appears only in the company of fellow actresses.

Just colleagues: Maxim Averin and Maria Poroshina

Much was said about a certain girl Tatyana, who became truly close to the actor. But she is a non-public person, and Maxim has always vigilantly guarded his personal space. Therefore, few people have seen this girl. But there was still a lot of talk about the upcoming wedding.

Maxim Averin has not yet married and does not intend to

On this moment the actor is free again. Although, he admits that he has “someone to wake up in the same bed with.” Considering the rumors that Maxim Averin is gay, one can only guess who it is: a woman or a man?..

Maxim Averin: the life of an actor on Instagram

The actor loves to vacation in Europe and exotic countries, loves to fool around in front of a photo lens and often becomes part of large charity projects. You can learn about all this by flipping through Maxim Averin’s photo tape on his personal page on Instagram.

Maxim Averin on vacation...

... and Maxim Averin at work

And, of course, the actor is happy to share his photos from film sets, theater performances and tours.

Maxim Averin: rest is relaxation, and performances are on schedule

The actor himself also loves to take photographs. And most often his photographic lens includes close people and pets. By the way, Averin has several of them: a couple of cats and his beloved dog Banderos live amicably in the celebrity’s spacious apartment.

Pets of Maxim Averin

Here, on the actor’s Instagram, you can discover another side of Maxim Averin - a singer and a wonderful reader. The actor has admitted more than once that he loves to recite the works of Russian classics. By the way, it was during the fateful entrance exam to the theater school. Shchukin, the actor felt how unusual and wonderful it was to immerse himself in the world of characters from Russian classics. The actor was accepted after reading Zheltkov’s monologue from Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet.”

And Maxim Averin is a brilliant showman and an excellent TV presenter. The artist can often be seen in prime time on central television channels. Either he is a member of the jury of the popular transformation show “Exactly”, or the host of a song project with the stars “Three Chords”.

Maxim Averin and Maria Kulikova and their relationships in life: just friends or something more?

It is known that actress Maria Kulikova and actor Maxim Averin have known each other since their student days. But when, like a bolt from the blue, news appeared about the divorce of one of the most beautiful and strong married couples, Maria Kulikova and Denis Matrosov, journalists began to attribute romances with colleagues on the set to the star of the TV series “Two Fates” and “Sklifosovsky”.

Maria Kulikova and Denis Matrosov lived happily ever after... but still got divorced

First it was Andrei Chernyshov, who was the best friend of the Matrosov-Kulikov family, and then Maxim Averin, with whom Maria played stormy love affair at work in the series "Sklifosovsky".

Maria Kulikova and Andrei Chernyshov on the set

Maria Kulikova and Maxim Averin

Maria Kulikova admits that she could easily have fallen in love with Maxim Averin even when she entered “Pike,” but then her heart was occupied. And she, like a decent girl, did not look around. Maybe in vain?

« I fell under his charm 19 years ago, when I saw him for the first time at the Shchukin School... But I didn’t fall in love with Averin then, because I had a serious affair with my classmate and I didn’t look around.»

And Maxim Averin himself admits that he is fascinated by his partner in the series “Sklifosovsky” and that there are not many actresses like Maria. Those who are easy to be with not only on the set, but also off it.

“We are not exactly friends, but we work in a friendly atmosphere. We excite each other, charge each other positive energy, we are interested in being on camera together... Masha - amazing person, efficient, kind, sympathetic..."

Until their stormy TV romance “stepped over” into real life. But many fans of the series are looking forward to the fact that the relationship in the lives of Maxim Averin and Maria Kulikova can develop into something more than just friendship. Moreover, both are currently absolutely free and open to new novels.

Actor Maxim Averin, a smiling brutal heartthrob, is known throughout the country - he professional biography includes more than 50 roles, and photos constantly appear in various publications, but nothing is clear about his personal life; it is known that there is no wife and children yet. Maxim’s fans, of whom there are millions, are happy about this fact and secretly hope that one of them will be lucky.

The actor himself does not like to discuss his personal life, but about professional achievements speaks with pleasure.


Maxim Averin is an incredible talent who, over the 20 years of his career, has managed to try himself in several directions, and quite successfully.

The main area for an actor is acting in theater and cinema. He has already played more than 20 roles on stage, and appeared on screen in more than 40 films, achieving incredible success and national recognition.

Averin tried himself as a director, released an album with his own songs, and was the host of a TV show on five channels, including the Ukrainian Inter and TRK Ukraine.

Maxim Averin on the set of the program “Smak”

The artist appeared in the videos of the Bravo group and Svetlana Roerich. At the beginning of his career, he starred in commercials and voiced over computer games.

Maxim Averin tries to discover as many directions as possible, adding new achievements to his biography. His personal life does not take up much time, the actor is not burdened with his wife and children, so all his efforts go towards continuing to build a career.

Childhood and family

Maxim was born on November 26, 1975 in the capital. Father Victor worked as a decorative artist at Mosfilm, and mother Galina worked as a dressmaker all her life. Maxim was the second child in the family.

Maxim Averin with his parents and older brother Gennady

As the actor later admits, for him and his brother Gennady, the lullaby was sounds sewing machine, and in general, the head of the family in the house was the mother. Her father listened to her unquestioningly. For Maxim, she is an example of how to endure difficulties. Galina Viktorovna survived post-war years, suffered tuberculosis and cancer. But the father always dreamed of becoming an actor, but he realized his dream in his son.

From the age of 12, the future star of Russian cinema began working part-time. I delivered mail and gave my earnings to my mother.
Maxim Averin recalls that Father Victor did not understand why his wife decided to divorce, and this fact family biography to some extent it affects the personal life of the actor himself. He is afraid to start a family. One day, the mother decided that she had enough of living with a man who was a dreamer, ironed her husband’s three-piece suit, and they went to court.

At first Maxim was incredibly angry with his parents, but then he forgave them. True, the relationship with my father remained difficult.

Theater career

Maxim is very grateful to his father for opening the world of art to him. The future artist liked this atmosphere so much that from childhood he decided to connect his life with it. Even at school he refused to take tests in mathematics, explaining that the subject would not be needed at drama school.

Already at the age of 9, the young talent began playing in the Theater of Miniatures. His first performance was the production of “The Brandenburg Gate”.

From the 9th grade, Maxim began to seriously think about choosing a university and prepare for entrance exams.

Young Maxim Averin

At first the choice fell on VGIK. During the entrance exams, Averin passionately recited Mayakovsky’s poems, but suddenly the commission interrupted him and asked him to show his teeth. Maxim answered boldly: “I’m not your horse.” And he failed his exams.

He didn’t particularly like the school named after the Shchepkins, but in Shchukinsky the future actor felt at home. The second time he made it there and was enrolled in a course with Marina Panteleeva.

Maxim Averin claims that his professional biography and personal life are one and the same for him; the actor considers entering a university as a marriage, and theater and cinema as a family, devoting himself entirely to his career.

Performance "Othello"

After graduating from theater school, Maxim was invited by Konstantin Raikin to Satyricon. At first he played only in the crowd, but after three years Averin began to receive big roles. And in 2002, the role of Branko in the play “Macbeth” brought him the love of the audience. A couple of years later, the actor played in “Richard III” and critics praised this work, noting that Averin sees the line between sincerity and parody.

In total, Maxim played in 15 performances of the Satyricon Theater and in another 11 enterprise productions.

Film career

Averin made his debut in cinema even earlier than in the theater. At the age of 6, Maxim’s father took Maxim to Makhachkala, where they filmed the film “The Adventures of Count Nevzorov,” and the boy was entrusted with a cameo role. He had to dance on camera, and he did a great job.

Maxim Averin with Denis Rozhkov

At the adult level, the debut took place in 1999. Averin played the role in the film “Love is Evil,” and when the film was released, the actor began to be called “the domestic Jim Carrey.” So everyone was amazed by Maxim’s smile and facial expressions.
In 2005, the 12-episode film “Carousel” was released, in which Maxim played the role of surgeon Korneev. The film brought Averin recognition from the audience and recognition.

In 2011 already famous Maxim Averin played a role in the film “Coming Home,” and the audience was captivated not only by the actor’s performance, but also by the songs. Maxim performed four compositions from the film:

  • "Tramp";
  • "The path to you";
  • “Where to find your traces”;
  • "Happiness is near".

The roles in the series “Capercaillie” and “Sklifosovsky” became legendary for the actor, which finally established Averin in the role of one of the main stars of Russian cinema.

At the moment, Maxim’s filmography includes 52 roles.

"Glukhar" and "Sklifosovsky"

The first season of the series "Capercaillie" appeared before viewers in 2008. Main character films - Major Sergei Glukharev. He is a policeman, he guards the law, but he does not have “the most honest rules.” This is a cynical investigator with a wealth of life experience. And he also knows a lot about humor. Averin's facial expressions and charisma adorned the character, who became a people's favorite.

Still from the TV series "Capercaillie"

In general, films about the police are very popular in Russia, but here is such a character - fearless, cheerful, charming. Almost the entire country was worried about the fate of Glukharev.

After the release of the series on the screens, fans became interested in the biography and personal life of Maxim Averin with double zeal.

The actor's talent did not go unnoticed. The series was recognized as the best at the TEFI awards ceremony in 2011, and Maxim received a statuette for best actor.

In 2013, the drama series “Sklifosovsky” is offered to viewers. It tells about the life of the Sklifosovsky hospital, where the outstanding surgeon Oleg Bragin and his colleagues work.

Maxim Averin as Oleg Bragin

It's interesting to watch the character's transformation. If in the first season he is a humorous doctor who doesn’t listen to anyone and is constantly trying to make jokes, then already in the fifth season, released in 2017, he has changed beyond recognition. The surgeon is wise from life experience, survived the death of loved ones, almost lost his sight, and therefore he thinks to some extent philosophically.

Such a transformation reveals the real talent of Maxim Averin, who transforms from comic to tragic and, vice versa, with such simplicity, as if it was enough to just press a button in his head.

In 2014, Maxim Averin was recognized as an Honored Artist Russian Federation.

It is noteworthy that the biography and personal life of the hero Maxim Averin are somewhat reminiscent of his own: he has no children, and it is difficult to start a relationship, since work always comes first.

Personal life

The professional biography and personal life of Maxim Averin is one of the main subjects of discussion in acting circles. Rumors were spreading that the Russian cinema star had already acquired a wife and children, but the actor denied all the photos in which he was either hugging someone or holding a child in his arms. They say it’s just a friendly hug, and this is a friend’s child.

Maxim Averin and Sofia Khilkova

Rumor has it that the artist had countless novels, but all his hobbies were frivolous, and Maxim never found a wife.

When Averin starred in the series “Capercaillie”, the press actively discussed his possible romance with Victoria Tarasova. The actor said that they only had a flirtation, but this passion never developed into a real romance.

Maxim Averin with Maria Kulikova

Then they attributed to him a passion for Maria Kulikova. They have known each other for more than 20 years, so Averin immediately dispelled the rumors, claiming that they were just good friends. At that time, Kulikova was in a relationship, but then divorced her husband. In 2016, the press again began to fan rumors about a romance between Maxim and Maria, but they soon died down.

Finally, Averin got tired of all this, and he himself decided to play a prank on the audience. As the host of the show “One to One,” the actor announced his imminent wedding with Anna Ardova. She also gladly took part in the drawing. Everyone believed and began to discuss new pair domestic show business, but Anna and Maxim suddenly admitted that it was just a joke.

Maxim Averin and Anna Ardova

In general, Maxim Averin rarely visits women's company, at one time they even began to say that he was gay, but the actor himself stated that his professional biography was the most important thing for him. He truly lives only at the moment when the camera is pointed at him, so he devotes himself entirely to the work he loves.

True, the celebrity lifted the curtains on the secrecy of his personal life. The actor claims that he is in love with a girl named Tanya. She is brown-haired and far from acting. And these are all the details that are known to the press. The nationality, profession, and age of the chosen one remain “classified as secret.”

Most recently, the actor gave journalists another reason for rumors. Averin in December published a photo of him in bed with Anna Yakunina, a colleague in the series “Sklifosovsky”. Another prank? Declassified relationship? We can only guess what it is.

In the meantime, Maxim lives with the cat Yasha and the cat Fira. Previously, he also had a Chihuahua dog named Banderos, but now it is with the actor’s parents.

  • Until the age of 4, Maxim did not speak. He expressed everything with gestures and individual sounds. No one would have thought that such a boy would grow up famous actor, the idol of millions.
  • The actor’s father accustomed him to serious literature, and now Maxim Averin is interested in biographies: he loves to be alone with himself and get acquainted with all the details of his personal and professional life famous personalities, read about wives and children, look at photos. The actor takes a lot from what he reads.
  • Maxim's apartment is a reflection of his soul. He thought through every detail of the interior design, because he is convinced that the home reflects the character and inner world person.
  • Averin also likes to take the subway to work and look at people and monitor their behavior. And this despite the fact that the actor has been driving for 10 years.
  • The actor is in no hurry to bring his wife into the house. He states that a girl should be an excellent housewife and interesting person. Only in this case will he think about marriage. The actor is sure that he has no illegitimate children. Maxim considers it unacceptable when children are left without a family. This is a consequence of the parents' divorce.
  • Despite the fact that the role of Major Glukharev is just an image, Averin already has a couple heroic deeds. He caught a thief on the subway and explained to him how to live. I didn’t turn him in to the police. And once again he saved a girl from hooligans.
  • In his old age, Maxim dreams of settling on one of the uninhabited islands. The artist loves solitude, so there will be no lack of communication, as he himself claims.
  • Averin is an excellent cook, and his favorite dishes are borscht and sushi. The combination is unusual, as is the actor’s character.

Maxim Averin on the stage of the theater

Maxim Averin now

Maxim continues to actively act in film, trying on more and more new roles. He also works as a TV presenter. Averin really liked this role.

The actor has acquired the image of a brutal, bald, handsome man who can be tough and cynical, but still kind inside. Averin dreams of playing a negative character in every sense of the word.

As the actor himself admits, he feels that he is on the threshold of a new stage, and what exactly it will be, how it will manifest itself, time will tell.

Russian theater, film and television actor, director, TV presenter. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Maxim Averin. Biography

Maxim Viktorovich Averin born in Moscow on November 26, 1975 in a family directly related to cinema. His father worked at Mosfilm as an editor and set designer, and his mother created costumes for the film studio. When Maxim was 16 years old, his parents divorced; It took the young man many years to forgive them.

Maxim first appeared on screen at the age of six. Father during the filming of the film " The Adventures of Count Nevzorov“Took Maxim with him on an expedition to Makhachkala, where the boy was filmed in one of the episodes of the film. When Averina Turned nine years old, he participated in productions of the Theater of Miniatures, where he played in the play “Brandenburg Gate”, and also attended classes at the theater studio at the House of Cinema.

At school, Maxim was interested in literature and even somehow refused to write test in mathematics, explaining that he would not need this subject at the theater institute. Averin planned to study at VGIK, but during the exam he was carelessly rude to representatives of the admissions committee and did not enroll. The future artist failed to become a student at the Shchepkinsky School. Subsequently, Maxim Averin got into the “Pike”, although only the second time.

Maxim Averin. Theater career

After graduating in 1997 with honors from the Higher Theater School named after B.V. Shchukin at the Theater named after E.B. Vakhtangov, Maxim became an actor at the Satyricon Theater, where he served for eighteen years. The young artist received an invitation to join this theater from Konstantin Raikin himself. On the Satyricon stage, Averin took part in such performances as Macbeth, Richard III, King Lear, Profitable Place, The Threepenny Opera, Hamlet, The Lion in Winter, Chanticleer, Masquerade ", "London Show" and others.

In July 2015, the actor left the Satyricon troupe and focused on enterprise productions - Romeo and Juliet (Globus production center), Bummer OFF, I. ABOUT." (Center for Drama and Directing by A. Kazantsev and M. Roshchin), “Father Frost is a scoundrel” (Independent theater project), “All about men”, “Othello” (theater company “Free Stage”) and many others.

Averina commented on his departure from Satyricon as follows: “I made a difficult, nervous, painful decision, but in my relationship with this theater I have no grievances, scandals or breaks. I have always considered and will continue to consider my artistic director Konstantin Raikin as a teacher. But new theatrical discoveries have come in my life. After all, any creative person needs rebirth..."

In search of a new self, Averin, who decided to break the replicated images, turned to the genre of a one-man show, which requires maximum dedication from the actor. This experience turned out to be successful. Among Maxim’s productions: the performances “It all starts with love...”, “Sincerely, without cuts”, “My life is cinema”, as well as the performance “Applause”, dedicated to the memory of Lyudmila Gurchenko, with whom he worked in her benefit performance “” on the TV channel NTV.

Maxim Averin about his profession: “The worst thing, perhaps, is when the viewer leaves the hall with the words: “Well, we had a nice evening!” Would you believe it: all my life I have been trying to avoid such a “cute” result. After “Glukhar” or “Sklifosovsky” I could have walked around in a police uniform or a medical gown for another 20 years, and you would have been glad to see me, having gotten used to them. But I don’t want the viewer to get used to me. I want the viewer to be in a state of anticipation every time, what else I can surprise him with, waiting for a new turn, a zigzag. This is more interesting than replicating the common formula for success.”

Maxim Averin. Film and television

His first significant role as a “colorful bastard” Maxim Averin played in the 1998 comedy Vladimir Zaikin « Love is evil" The young actor’s partners on the set were Russian film stars Irina Muravyova, Valentin Smirnitsky, Larisa Udovichenko, Stanislav Sadalsky, Viktor Sukhorukov. After this role, Averin was dubbed “Russian Jim Carrey.” Over the next few years, directors saw only a comedic character in the actor.

According to himself Averina, as a film actor he took place after the film with the participation of Victoria Tolstoganova “ Magnetic storms "(2003) directed by Vadim Abdrashitov ("Parade of Planets", "The Train Stopped", "Fox Hunt"), where he was able to fully reveal his dramatic role.

“Cinema and theater are two completely different professions. There are theater actors who easily enter into the organic nature of cinema and understand all the components of this specialty. Some people, as they say, even love film. But not everyone, even a unique theater artist, can be a good film actor. It matters who your mentor is. Vadim Abdrashitov taught me how to work in cinema; I starred with him in the wonderful film “Magnetic Storms,” notes Maxim Averin.

In 2005, the actor was awarded the Russian Government Prize in the field of culture and the Silver Horseshoe prize at the IV annual Russian film festival “Love in Russian” for playing the leading male role in “ Magnetic storms».

After Averin had work in the films “Doctor Zhivago”, “Spare Instinct”, “ Barbara's wedding», « Aurora's Love», « To be continued", as well as the TV series "Glukhar" (2008), where he played one of his star roles - investigator Sergei Glukharev. In the third season of "Capercaillie" Averin tried himself as a director and became the author of several episodes.

Maxim Averin about “Glukhara”: “I have heard more than once from viewers: “In this film everything is like in life.” There is no “varnishing” of reality, no exaggeration, no embellishment... In such reality of events and recognition of the characters’ characters there is main reason success. That's why you believe the series! When I was working on the role, I remembered how great actors played policemen - Yumatov, Efremov. I really wanted to create a similar image on the screen...”

The actor’s other most notable screen works were roles in the TV series “Charlie”, “Goryunov”, “Furtseva”, and in the films “ City without sun" and "Carousel".

In 2012, Averin “retrained” from a brutal police captain into the womanizer surgeon Oleg Bragin, starring in the TV series “Sklifosovsky” along with Olga Krasko, Dmitry Miller, Maria Kulikova, Elena Yakovleva and Konstantin Yushkevich. According to the actor, he never tried to copy the life and behavior of doctors, but tried to create his own unforgettable image. In 2014, Sklifosovsky was nominated for the Golden Eagle film award.

In 2012 Maksim became the host of a comedy program " Good evening, animals!", and in 2014 he began to host musical show"Three chords". In October 2016, NTV released a project about Russian cinema “Kinoshow” with the participation of Averin, co-hosted by actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Creative achievements Maxim Averin has been awarded a number of prestigious awards and prizes. In 2002, he became a laureate of the Russian independent youth award "Triumph", and three years later he was awarded the "Silver Horseshoe" prize of the IV annual Russian film festival "Love in Russian" and the Russian Government Prize in the field of culture for his role in the film "Magnetic Storms" . Edmond's role in the play "King Lear" was awarded the "Seagull" theater award in the "Villain" and "Some Like It Hot" categories. In 2011, the actor was awarded the TEFI Award for Best Actor (TV series "Capercaillie. Continuation"), and in 2012 - the Ukrainian People's Award "TV Star" in the category "Favorite Actor 2011" ("Capercaillie. Return"). In 2014, Maxim Averin was awarded honorary title"Honored Artist of the Russian Federation."

Maxim Averin about changing his image for the melodrama “Love and Sax”: “This is an attempt to prove to the director that I can do this. Thank God that the directors do not require breaking legs and arms. I just had to grow my hair out for my role in a modern lyrical story where I play a saxophonist. The director and I were looking for an image, and I came up with this option, but in the end I still play in a wig. I don't know if I like mine or not new hairstyle, but for now I’m like this.”

In 2016, the actor also starred in the continuation of the naval tragicomedy “Goryunov” and the series “Partners”, where he received the main male role - intelligence officer Yegor. 2017 was marked for Averin with filming in the fifth and sixth seasons "Sklifosovsky".

Maxim Averin. Interesting Facts

The actor was repeatedly credited with having affairs with colleagues: he was “married” to his partner in the series “Capercaillie” Victoria Tarasova, as well as a former classmate, actress Maria Kulikova. In 2015, during the recording of the show “Exactly”, Anna Ardova and Maxim Averin, sitting on the jury, announced an imminent wedding, giving rise to a lot of gossip. Throughout the episode, the actors supported their legend: they hugged, whispered and convincingly played the roles of newlyweds.

Maxim Averin is left-handed. The actor claims that this does not cause him any inconvenience: in everyday life he has long learned to deftly handle both his left and right hands.

In 1996, Averin took part in the filming of the Bravo group’s video for the popular song “This City,” and a year later appeared in the video clip Svetlana Roerich"Palms."

In 2013, Maxim Averin recorded the album “Ellipsis” together with the composer and pianist Laura Quint. Subsequently, the actor showed his musical talent as the host of the Channel One show “Three Chords”.

Maxim Averin. Theater works

Theater "Satyricon"
“The Taming”, based on the play “The Taming of the Shrew” - Petruchio
"London Show", based on the play "Pygmalion" - Henry Higgins
"Richard III", W. Shakespeare - Clarence, Edward, Duchess of York
"King Lear", W. Shakespeare - Edmond
“Profitable Place”, A. Ostrovsky - Aristarkh Vyshnevsky
“Poplars and the Wind”, J. Sibleiras - Rene
"Kyojin Skirmishes" - Padrón Tony
“The Threepenny Opera”, B. Brecht - member of the capture group
"Hamlet", W. Shakespeare - Marcellus
"The Lion in Winter", J. Goldman - John Lackland
“Chauntecleer”, E. Rostand - Cat, Rabbit, Goose, Foreign Rooster
“Hedda Gabler”, G. Ibsen - Jorgen Tesman
"Macbett", E. Ionesco - Banco
“Masquerade”, M. Lermontov - Arbenin, Kazarin
"Funny Money", R. Cooney - Victor Johnson

“Romeo and Juliet”, W. Shakespeare, Globus production center - Mercutio
“Bummer OFF”, Center for Drama and Directing A. Kazantsev and M. Roshchin - Stolz
"AND. O.”, Center for Drama and Directing A. Kazantsev and M. Roshchin - Hans
“Santa Claus is a bastard”, Independent theater project - Kati
"Portrait. Part I", State Museum of A. S. Pushkin - Chartkov
“Sincerely, without cuts”, creative evening
“It all starts with love...”, ANO “Theater Marathon”
"TriAda"/"Others" - Garcin
“Everything about men”, theater company “Free Stage” - Zoki, Father, Max, Robert
“My life is cinema”, creative evening
“Othello”, W. Shakespeare, theater company “Free Stage” - Othello

Maxim Averin. Filmography

  • Actor
  • 2018 Girls don't give up (Vadim)
  • 2018 Sklifosovsky-6 (Oleg Bragin, the main role)
    2017 Love and Sax (Seva, main role)
  • 2017 Sklifosovsky. Reanimation (Oleg Bragin, main role)
  • 2016 Partners (Egor Raevsky, main role)
  • 2016

Details Created: 05/18/2016 13:12 Updated: 08/29/2017 20:29

Maxim Averin - talented actor, who was remembered by television viewers as police captain Sergei Glukharev from the TV series "Glukhar". Be the first to find out all the details about his personal life, career, mysterious woman and love affairs, as well as see many interesting photos.

Biography of Maxim Averin

According to sources, Maksimka was born November 26, 1975 in an ordinary family in Moscow. Nationality Russian. Mom (Galina Viktorovna) - dressmaker women's clothing, and dad (Victor) is a decorator at Mosfilm (where he worked almost all his life). They lived in a small apartment (18 square meters), where mother always worked all day until night to feed the family.

Little Maxim

There are rumors that Galina Viktorovna was very sick since childhood, because she was born with one lung and was constantly tormented by tuberculosis. Therefore, with early childhood Maxim was already working and helping his parents as much as he could.

According to the media, Max has brother- Gennady, on the mother’s side from her first husband. Now he is a successful businessman (dealing with cars) and happy family man. Gennady has a wife, Daria, and two beautiful children (son Dmitry and daughter Polina). Max supports with his brother great relationship and often celebrates family holidays with them.

Averin family

Max with his nephew

Rumor has it that Max was not born a completely healthy child. IN early age he had skin disease - eczema. But the mother, with all her efforts, cured her beloved son. The father raised the boys very strictly, forcing them to play sports all the time so that they would grow up healthy and strong. Even now in my retirement age, Maxim’s dad rides a bike, gets fit and runs in the morning.

Max with his brother Gennady

According to sources, his parents divorced when Averin was 16 years old. He admits that the mother herself initiated this divorce. One fine day, she ironed her father’s suit and took him to the registry office, where they divorced.

Maxim with his mother


At the age of 6 he already had his own small role in the film " The Adventures of Count Nevzorov", there he played a small scene of a dancing boy in the crowd. Having received his first fee, he realized that he wanted to connect his life with art. After this, at the age of 9, he already plays the responsible role of a hungry child in the play “ Brandenburg Gate"(Theatre of Miniatures).

Maksimka - dancing boy "The Adventures of Count Nevzorov"

Rumor has it that in Theater School named after B.V. Shchukina he did it twice. The first time in 1992, it didn’t work out, but he didn’t back down and in 1993 he applied again (this time successfully). He studied well, his teachers saw him as a future artist and predicted a brilliant future. He graduated with honors and immediately received invitations to work in the theater. Max's dad always dreamed of becoming an artist, but it didn't work out. But his son managed to make his dream come true.

Student years

Filmography Maxim Averina

He has many awards, about 30 theater roles, 60 film roles, he starred in talk shows, hosted TV shows, sang and even released his own CD, and that’s not all of his achievements. He is a very creative and multifaceted person, cheerful and responsive in life, and also simply a charming man.

Still from the film "Glukharev"

Among his roles in the theater, the following robots can be noted: "The Taming", "Richard III", "Hamlet", "Hedda Gabler", "Masquerade", "Funny Money" and others. He even recorded his own music disc “Ellipsis” (2013).

The best films considered: "Truckers" (2000), "Doctor Zhivago" (2005), "Dead. Alive. Dangerous" (2006), "Capercaillie" (2008), "Capercaillie: the sequel" (2009), "Capercaillie: the return" ( 2010), “The Capercaillie in the Cinema” (2010, was the director of this part), “Sklifosovsky” (2012), “Sklifosovsky - 2” (2013), “Sklifosovsky - 3” (2014), “Sklifosovsky - 4” (2015) , "Runaways" (2015) and others.

TV Show: " New year's night in the village of Glukharevo" (2010), "An extraordinary concert with Maxim Averin" (2011), "Three Chords" (2014) and more.He starred in the video for Svetlana Roerich - "Ladoshki" (1997) and the group "Bravo" - "This City".

Interesting Facts

Max has a weakness - he loves taking photographs. He admits that he once didn’t let go of his camera, was constantly running around with it, and now his phone has become his best friend ( newest miracle technology).

Photo portrait

Max also loves animals, except birds (for some reason he doesn’t like them). His darling is always waiting for him at home red cat - Yasha and the dog - Banderos(temporarily lives with his parents, as he is already old and cannot bear moving).

Red cat - Yasha

Favorite - dog Banderos

Love to the animals

His height is approximately 192 centimeters, and weight is about 89 kilograms. Max loves to cook, experiments a lot and often spoils his loved ones with his own culinary masterpieces.

In life he is a cheerful person and constantly smiles. He admits that it is easier to go through life with a smile. He also has a huge library, his friends give him many books, but most of- This is my father's collection.

Max also admitted in one of his interviews that he is a terrible clothes-taker and a metrosexual. After all, he loves to take care of himself and dress beautifully. Loves leisure, travel, as well as expensive drinks and delicious food.

Personal life of Maxim Averin

According to sources, he has many friends, because he is the life of the party and a fun person in life, but unfortunately he does not have a wife or children yet. A lot of evil tongues were talking about him gay, because now it’s so accepted: if you don’t have a wife and children, then you’re gay. But this is just empty gossip, because Averin adores women, but he has not yet met the only one.

His wife and warm dinner are not waiting for him at home yet, I can’t hear children's laughter(and he is already 40 years old), but he has best friends a cat and a dog - who will never deceive, will wait and love their owner forever. Averin does not like to discuss his personal life, because apart from stormy and fleeting romances, he has nothing to brag about. He himself admitted more than once that women need to pay a lot of attention and time, which he constantly does not have. Therefore, real relationships and love feelings he doesn't have one yet. He has not yet been able to find his soul mate, but he believes that everything is ahead of him.

For a long time he was credited with having an affair with Victoria Tarasova(an actress who starred with him in the film "Capercaillie"). The actor has admitted more than once that he has tender and friendly feelings for his film partner, but nothing else connects them. The fleeting flirtation ended immediately after the end of the series.

Maxim Averin and Victoria Tarasova

Maxim Averin and his wife: wedding 2015

A photograph where Averin was present at the birth and held the child in his arms caused a lot of noise. Rumors immediately spread online that he had finally found his chosen one, got married in secret and became a father. But the rumors were immediately dispelled, because it was just another scene on the set of the series “Sklifosovsky”.

They say that it is impossible to exclude the possibility that he has illegitimate children, because everyone knows that he is an inveterate womanizer and in his life he was involved in sexual relations with many ladies.

Maxim Averin burst onto Russian screens with the television series “Glukhar” and “Sklifosovsky”. Courageous, charismatic, with a special charm, the actor quickly fell in love with television viewers, especially his fair half.

The details of his personal life are of interest to the artist’s many fans, but little is known about her. The only thing you can be firmly sure of is that Max Averin is not married and does not seek marriage.

Rumors and rumors

The personal life of this artist is generally a closed topic. It is not known whether she has a constant companion today, and even nothing can be said about Averin’s past novels.

It’s as if Averin never fell in love, never lived with anyone, no one claims paternity and no one runs to take a DNA test.

For a man who is over 40 years old, this is even somehow strange. Therefore, the public has to be content with rumors, speculation and assumptions.

Avernin was credited with an affair with his partner in the series, Victoria Tarasova. The acting was too convincing, the sex scenes were too believable.

The audience had no idea that on the set of candid episodes, Victoria Tarasova played with a broken leg. Between passionate hugs and kisses, the actors quarreled: “Don’t grab my knee, it hurts!”, “Get away your crutches.”

Fan speculation

Fans so wanted to see their favorite actors as a couple that they even edited videos that they offered to show Maxim and Victoria at the wedding. Such is the power of art. Both artists categorically rejected rumors of an affair, and Averin said that he has not had an official relationship for a long time.

They also gossiped about his relationship with her, with whom they had known for a long time, since their student days. Kulikova has admitted more than once that she sympathizes with Averin.

Maria Kulikova was married and divorced in 2015. Fans are frozen in anticipation beautiful novel, but the actors admitted that apart from warm, sincere friendship, nothing binds them.

There was a moment when TV viewers seriously believed in novel between Maxim and his colleague on the jury in the transformation competition, actress Anna Ardova. At the very beginning of the show, they announced that they intended to tie the knot, and throughout the program they flirted and behaved like lovebirds.

Later, the pranksters-artists appeared together at the Chanson of the Year award. It is clear that on the part of Ardova and Averin it was just a joke.

The “blue” version was also discussed, how would we live without it. There was information on the networks that Maxim Averin celebrated his fortieth birthday in a gay bar. The banquet began at the Baran-Rapan restaurant and continued at the Mayak establishment for gay people. Got into the network video from a hot party.

Averin himself does not like to comment on his personal life, but he can talk about love, feelings, and relationships at great length and length.

From interviews in which Maxim is more or less frank, it is clear that love for women occupies a significant place in his life. Averin admits that he is very loving, and this is a big problem.

Youthful crushes

He also talks about his relationships, but does not name any ranks or names. At school he had his first love in high school, very strong feeling. The parents of the high school students were aware and even agreed to the wedding. The lovers were waiting to come of age.

After Maxim entered the Shchukin School, he was captured by exactly the life he had always strived for, he fell into a circle of like-minded people and got to know a lot of interesting people.

The girl didn’t need it at all and wasn’t interested. Maxim realized that they were very different, and the feelings gradually faded away. The lovers parted without hysterics and drama.

Later, while studying at the institute, Maxim had novels every now and then, which, by and large, did not lead to anything. For example, in his second year he fell in love with a fourth year student. The romance was passionate and beautiful, but Averin forgot everything and everyone with his love, he could even fly out of the institute.

“Being in love is my problem,” the artist laments.

At the time of the success of "Capercaillie" Averin had a woman named Tatyana. She was not a public person, she was minding her own business. When asked why Maxim never appears at official events with his significant other, he replies that it is her choice.

Averin believes that love is a self-centered feeling that has nothing to do with altruism and self-sacrifice. We all want a person to belong to us entirely and completely. Here, stay with me today, you know how bad I feel without you. But work, obligations, other vital interests - such arguments are not accepted.

Interesting notes: