A very popular actor and TV presenter. His activities on the television stage are before everyone’s eyes, some admire his qualities as a presenter, others prefer Urgant the actor. However, both of them are interested in his personal life and family. Urgant's daughter is one of the most discussed topics.

First marriage

The famous presenter had the good fortune to be in two marriages. At 37 years old, he has two children. And just recently I became a father for the third time.

The showman's first wife was Karina Avdeeva. The couple was very young, they had just turned eighteen years old, and they decided to register their relationship. However, this decision was too impulsive; the marriage lasted a couple of months. The newlyweds did not get along at all, fought constantly and eventually decided to separate. In this short marriage, Ivan had no children. Famous daughter Then.

Second chance for happiness!

After the first failure, the showman lived for about 5 years with She Was famous TV presenter, however, even here the relationship did not work out, the couple separated.

Ivan had been working towards this event for many years. After an unsuccessful first marriage, he could not find a worthy life partner. In numerous interviews, he said that he really wanted a child. Colleagues did not imagine Urgant as a father and constantly joked about the fact that the life of a showman and the world of children are two different elements. Therefore, when Urgant’s daughter was born, colleagues in the workshop were very surprised at how Ivan suited the role of a father.

But life turned out in such a way that, being invited to one of the social events, Urgant met his classmate, who also played the role of Ivan’s first love. But after graduating from school, the young people did not communicate. Natalya married a businessman and gave birth to a daughter in this marriage. However, the couple’s life did not work out; Natalya divorced her husband.

A daughter is the highest gift!

The romance between the young people began very quickly. Soon Urgant and Kiknadze decided to legitimize their relationship. The wedding was very magnificent and crowded. And in May 2008, Urgant received a gift from fate in the form of a charming daughter. They decided to name the baby in honor of the famous grandmother Nina Urgant, whom Ivan loved very much. Urgant’s eldest daughter was not his own, she is Natalya’s daughter from her first marriage, but Vanya did not skimp on his feelings for her.

Most recently, the actor gave birth to a third child, who was named after Ivan’s mother. The couple carefully hid the fact that they would soon become parents again, but the journalists managed to take several photographs of Natalia with a rounded tummy, and everything became clear.

As it became known, the couple spent about five hundred thousand rubles on the birth. Natalya was treated by the best medical staff and was given a good room. Urgant's wife and daughter left the hospital happy, because they were greeted by a caring dad and a generous husband.

Showman's stepdaughter

Having married Natalya, Ivan received another happiness - an adopted daughter, with whom he has a very good relationship. a good relationship. Natalya has a daughter, Erica, from her first husband. However, the paparazzi claim that Urgant cannot improve relations with his adopted daughter. To refute these rumors, the showman appeared with his stepdaughter Erica at the presentation of the new film “Yolki” with his participation.

At the event, father and daughter were constantly nearby, the famous parent introduced the girl to his famous friends. After this social appearance, Ivan Urgant’s stepdaughter often attends such events.

However, Urgant is very attentive to Erica's education. Set her up in good school, free time spends reading books with her daughter. Natalya, the girl’s mother, says that she is very glad that Ivan was able to replace Erike own father, with whom it was not possible to maintain friendly relations.

Leisure time for Urgant and his family

Despite his busy schedule, the showman tries to spend all his free time with his family. The Urgants' favorite pastime is organizing fun family walks and picnics. Sometimes photographs of such events appear on the Internet. The family also tries to spend vacations together. According to the showman, Ivan Urgant’s wife and daughter spent their last vacation with him in hot countries.

On weekends, the family likes to go to their dacha, which is located in the outskirts of St. Petersburg. Urgant himself says that the family loves trips to the dacha, because there they can relax, barbecue and just relax. The family loves to take pictures during moments of relaxation, but only a few shots are posted online. In these photos, fans see loving and happy family. Each daughter of Urgant looks happy, just like her mother.

What do colleagues say about the showman's family?

Urgant does not like to put his personal life and the life of his family on public display. His colleagues say that they are extremely surprised by such a close relationship between Ivan and his children. No one would have thought that Urgant would turn out so good and happy father, from whom his friends now take their example.

The actor’s colleagues are glad that he does not separate his own children and his adopted daughter, whom he gradually introduces to the world of show business. As he himself states famous dad, Urgant's first daughter appeared with his wife Natalya. He does not understand how it is possible that the dearest and most adored woman on Earth gave birth to him. Ivan simply did not have time to become Erica’s natural father, but he will be the best stepfather.

Ivan Urgant is not only a popular actor and TV presenter, but also an excellent family man and loving father. The mutual understanding and harmony in his family is envied not only by his colleagues, but also by his fans. It turned out that you can combine the world of show business and family very successfully. This is proven by the example of Urgant.

For ten years now, Ivan Urgant remains, perhaps, the most popular character on central television. The female half of the charismatic TV presenter’s viewers have long been interested in the question: who is Ivan Urgant’s wife? No one doubted that it existed - it simply cannot be that such a charming and interesting person there was no life partner.

The public's favorite, about whom many beauties still sigh, always preferred to remain silent about his personal life. The showman famously translated all the journalists’ questions about his wives and children into jokes.

Karina Urgant - the first wife of Ivan Urgant

Even at school, as eyewitnesses say, crowds of girls ran after Ivan Urgant. Almost immediately after receiving the certificate, the young man hastened to connect his life with Karina Avdeeva, who was four years older young spouse. Ivan’s chosen one studied at the St. Petersburg University of Culture.

The couple met in the summer, when young Ivan went to relax at his dacha in the village of Gruzino, which was located 30 km near St. Petersburg. During the disco village club the future showman drew attention to bright girl, which stood out from the general background. The dacha romance that had begun continued in the city. The couple in love submitted an application to the registry office, barely waiting for Urgant’s 18th birthday.

Both the bride's parents and the groom's parents were against this marriage. As Ivan’s father said, they were embarrassed by the fact that the girl was older than their son.

Of course, the parents turned out to be right. Just a few months later family life the love passed, and the spouses began to feel irritated towards each other.

The divorce took place quite quickly and without mutual claims.

After the divorce, Karina kept for herself famous surname husband In her further biography there were two more marriages. Karina found her third husband on a dating site. Now the woman lives in Germany, she has a daughter. As far as we know, today Karina Urgant, the first wife of Ivan Urgant, does not support ex-husband any relationship.

Ivan Urgant's common-law wife Tatyana Gevorkyan

An affair with MTV TV presenter Tatyana Gevorkyan became a long and serious story in the life of Ivan Urgant. Being colleagues, the young people constantly clashed at work.

At first Gevorkyan and Urgant were just good friends. Ivan trusted his friend so much that he even told her about his unsuccessful first marriage. At that time, a large businessman was courting Tatyana. To get rid of his importunity, Gevorkyan and Urgant went on vacation to Portugal together. A friend's trip suddenly turned into a romantic getaway. Urgant began to beautifully court his famous colleague, and friendship soon grew into love.

Within two months the couple began to live together. The lovers spent a lot of time together. The couple was busy in television projects, they were invited to host parties and concerts, and in their free time they continued to travel.

Their civil marriage lasted more than three years. Ivan dreamed of marrying the woman he loved so that they could have real family, however, she refused to get married. As Tatyana herself later admitted, she was afraid of the “stamp in her passport”:

Oddly enough, in our relationship I took a masculine position: he really wanted a family, children, and I was afraid of the “stamp in my passport.” Then it seemed to me that marriage would kill romance and turn everything into prose. I felt very good with Vanya, and I was afraid to change anything.

The couple decided to get married after they got their own home.

At the same time, Gevorkyan is in real trouble at work. The woman is very tired, and the doctor prescribes her a sedative. After taking antidepressants common-law wife Ivan Urganta fell into a state of complete apathy. Family relationships deteriorated. Tatyana tried to provoke Ivan to jealousy by starting to accept gifts from a rich admirer.

Unexpectedly, Tatyana found out that her lover had met another woman in a restaurant, telling her that he was having lunch with his partner. Gevorkyan, without explaining anything, simply left home. Urgant, who did not understand anything, asked Tatyana to return, but she refused.

Ivan Urgant's second wife Natalya Kiknadze - love from school

Despite the fact that parting with Tatyana Gevorkyan was quite a severe shock for Ivan Urgant, he was not left alone for long.

Arriving to visit his relatives in St. Petersburg, Urgant quite by chance meets his school love, Natalya Kiknadze. In their senior year, Ivan and Natalya liked each other, but graduation party a disagreement arose between the teenagers, after which their paths diverged for many years.

It was with Natalia Kiknadze that Ivan Urgant spoke then in the restaurant, informing Tatyana about the meeting with his business partner.

A sudden meeting in St. Petersburg again revived old feelings, and Ivan proposed to Natalya.

Already in the spring of 2008, Natalya and Ivan had a daughter, who was named Nina - in honor of the famous grandmother of the TV presenter.

Despite the birth common daughter, the couple was in no hurry to officially register their relationship. Only in 2015, Ivan and Natalya decided to legalize their relationship, and in September, Ivan Urgant’s wife Natalya Kiknadze gave birth to his second daughter. The couple named the girl Valeria - in honor of Ivan’s mother, who died at the beginning of the year.

Ivan Urgant with his wife and children, new photos

Today Ivan Urgant - main man in the real feminine kingdom. In addition to the two daughters he shares with Natalya Kiknadze, the showman is raising his wife’s eldest daughter, Erica, from her first marriage.

Natalya also has an eldest son, but the guy, according to rumors, stayed to live with his father Vakhtang Kutalia in St. Petersburg.

The TV presenter for a long time tried not to advertise his relationship with Natalya Kiknadze, especially since Ivan Urgant’s wife has nothing to do with show business. True, in the last two years, the showman’s Instagram page has appeared family photos, where Ivan Urgant himself is depicted with his wife and children.

Judging by the pictures, the TV presenter feels great surrounded by his beloved women.

Today there is no other presenter who could compete with him in popularity. It is not surprising that viewers are interested in knowing what is happening in his personal life, who is Ivan Urgant’s wife, and whether he has children. However, he does everything possible to less information concerning his loved ones became the subject of discussion among outsiders.

Personal life of Ivan Urgant

Ivan, who has a sparkling natural sense of humor and undoubted charm, has always had many fans. IN school years he was popular with his classmates, many girls followed him, and it is not surprising that he created his first family early.

Urgant's first wife Karina Avdeeva

In high school, Ivan met Karina Avdeeva, who became the first wife of Ivan Urgant. Their acquaintance took place during summer holiday in the holiday village of Gruzino near St. Petersburg.

At one of the rural discos, Ivan saw a pretty, bright girl, whom he immediately met. The romance, which began on vacation, continued after Karina and Vanya returned to the city, and as soon as Urgant turned eighteen, the lovers immediately decided to register.

The young people were not stopped by the fact that their parents were categorically against this decision - they were embarrassed by the age difference between Ivan and Karina, who was four years older.

As it turned out, the adults were right - the personal life of Ivan Urgant and Karina together turned out to be not as rosy as their summer romance. Unsettlement, lack of work and money caused the love to cool down, and it was replaced by irritation with each other and quarrels, which led to a quick divorce.

The ex-wife kept her husband’s last name, and although she later married two more times and now does not maintain any relationship with Ivan, she remains Karina Urgant.

Ivan Urgant and Tatyana Gevorkyan

The affair with Tatyana Gevorkyan became more serious and lasting in the biography of Ivan Urgant. They met when Vanya came to work on the MTV channel, where Tatyana was already building her career as a presenter.

Like Karina Avdeeva, Tatyana was older than Ivan and also by four years, but this did not become an obstacle to starting a new romance, although the relationship between them did not begin immediately. They were prompted to start the novel by a joint trip to Portugal, where Tatyana went to get rid of the advances of one annoying admirer, and took Ivan with her.

From there they returned already overwhelmed mutual love. Ivan and Tatyana started dating, then began to live together, but Tatyana refused Urgant’s proposals to become his wife. Kiknadze admitted that she was afraid to change something in the relationship:

“Oddly enough, in our relationship I took a masculine position: he really wanted a family, children, and I was afraid of the “stamp in my passport.” Then it seemed to me that marriage would kill romance and turn everything into prose. I felt very good with Vanya, and I was afraid to change anything,” Gevorkyan later said.

They were connected not only living together, but also work - together they participated in the same television projects, attended social events and parties.

For Gevorkyan’s sake, Ivan even moved to Moscow. Their family existed for about five years, and then each of them went their own way, and the wedding, which all their friends and acquaintances were already waiting for, never happened.

Urgant had a hard time breaking up with Tatyana, but a meeting with a former classmate changed everything.

Ivan Urgant and his wife Natalya Kiknadze

Ivan’s classmate at the gymnasium at the Russian Museum was Natalya Kiknadze, for whom he already had tender feelings during his school years. Natasha was also not indifferent to Urgant, but did not take him too seriously. At the school prom, Vanya proposed to a classmate, but, apparently, it looked quite frivolous and did not leave any trace in their biographies.

After school, Ivan immediately got married, Natalya also soon married Teimuraz Kutalia, a man who was ten years older than her, and Urgant and Kiknadze diverged for ten long years. But you can’t escape fate, and a chance meeting former classmates dramatically changed their personal lives.

The meeting stirred up their old feelings, they began dating, and then began to live together.

For a very long time, Ivan Urgant’s wife Natalya Kinadze lived with him without registering the relationship, and even the birth of their daughter Nina did not push them to go to the registry office and register.

However, Ivan apparently realized that he had met the woman of his dreams, with whom he would like to live for the rest of his life, because to all questions concerning his personal life he answered that he was the first to be married and last time.

Only seven years after Nina’s birth, Ivan and Natalya decided to formalize their relationship, perhaps due to the fact that the second daughter of Ivan Urgant and Natalya Kinadze, Valeria, was about to be born. But the TV presenter’s family consisted not only of him and his wife and their two daughters - Natalya had two children from her previous marriage - son Niko and daughter Erica, who lived with them.

Natalya took her daughter after her divorce from Teimuraz and came with her to Moscow, and her son stayed with his father and now lives in St. Petersburg.

Ivan always treated Erika as one of his own. to my own child, perhaps this is explained by the fact that he loves his wife very much, and this love extends to her daughter.

“I love my wife Natalya Kiknadze so much that no other woman can compare with her. “I can’t imagine another woman next to me,” says Ivan.

He repeatedly emphasized that Natasha is gentle, patient, faithful and very cheerful.

Children of Ivan Urgant

The TV presenter calls himself father of many children, because in addition to two little daughters, their family also has adult daughter his wife from Eric's previous marriage. Ivan is very trusting with her warm relations, they spend a lot of time together, always finding common topics for conversations.

Erica also has a truly daughterly love for her stepfather, reciprocating his feelings.

Ivan calls himself strict father and sometimes he allows himself to raise his voice at his daughters who are naughty, but then he always scolds himself for it.

“I'm a kind dad, but I'm nervous. It happens that I can say something so harsh and, of course, I blame myself very much for it later. I want my children to be the same as in Viktor Golyavkin’s story - “My good dad,” said Ivan Urgant.

Brief biography of the TV presenter

Ivan was born in April 1978 into a family with deep artistic roots, and, according to him, was doomed to have his biography forever associated with theater and cinema.

It so happened that Ivan’s parents separated when he was just one year old, and his grandmother was mainly involved in his upbringing. famous actress Nina Urgant, who became his dearest and closest person.

After graduating from high school, Ivan became a student at the Academy theatrical arts, where he was accepted immediately into the second year. After graduating from university, he chose a career as a musician and showman, performing in various St. Petersburg clubs.

Possessing an undeniable talent for capturing the attention of the public, Ivan Urgant immediately became the central figure of any evening, turning it into a real holiday.

He tried his hand at radio and television, and was successful in any endeavor. Now Ivan Urgant is the most popular presenter of programs on television and radio, various events, and his participation in them is always the key to the success of any project.

"Evening Urgant"

Urgant has participated in such projects as “Spring with Ivan Urgant”, “Circus with the Stars”, “Smak”, “ProjectorParisHilton”, significant stage his creative biography became the television show “Evening Urgant”, which is extremely popular among viewers.

Ivan Urgant protects his wife Natalya Kiknadze and children from the attention of the press. There are stars who love to show off their personal lives. But you can’t dig up fried facts about Ivan Urgant’s family; his personal life is truly personal. Even in public, Ivan and his wife rarely appear together.

School love

Ivan and his wife, the daughter of a famous St. Petersburg jeweler, met during their school years.

In this video, Natalya and Ivan play in a school play:

In addition to studying, they played in KVN and school performances; it was Natalya who everyone predicted a wonderful acting career, which apparently did not attract her at all.

According to some evidence, there were many girls around Ivan during his school years, and he and Natalya were not interested in each other. According to others, in high school, Ivan was so in love with his future wife that he proposed to her for the first time at graduation, but she did not accept him.

Ivan and Natalya in high school

The girl already had a fiancé, the son of her father’s business partner, and soon after receiving her certificate they got married.

Ivan also soon married, against the wishes of his family, but the marriage fell apart almost immediately.

Ivan Urgant's first wife Karina

After this, the presenter pursued a career, and then lived in civil marriage with MTV presenter Tatyana Gevorkyan, but then Tatyana and he broke up.

As Tatyana said later in an interview, Ivan needed a family, and she wanted to hang out with that easy-going and cheerful boy that the showman was when they met. Friends tried to reconcile them, but to no avail.

Meeting with future wife Natalya Kiknadze

And then, during a trip to St. Petersburg, he accidentally met Natalya. By that time, Natalya had already separated from her husband and was raising two children - son Niko and daughter Erica. Having met, the young people talked all evening. That's how their relationship began.

Ivan began to court Natalya, then she went to him in Moscow and Erica moved with her, and Niko chose to live with his father’s family.

The couple hid their relationship so successfully that even Ivan’s relatives were amazed to learn that he was not marrying Tatyana Gevorkyan, but Natalya. Some sources say that grandparents generally learned about their grandson’s marriage from newspapers. Since then, Urgant has continued to remain secretive.

In 2008, the couple had a daughter, Nina, and in 2015, another daughter, Valeria.

Daughter Nina

Valeria's daughter

In 2015, the couple secretly got married in St. Nicholas Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Only the closest relatives were present at the ceremony. Ivan’s grandmother, actress Nina Urgant, said in an interview that it was a wonderful ceremony, and although she rarely leaves the house anymore, she could not miss such an event. And she added that it is happiness for her to look at friendly family grandson.

Pushed the host to the wedding sudden death mother from a short illness. He was crushed by grief, but Natalya supported him in everything.

Natalya devotes almost all her time to her family and children, and she also runs the restaurant “The Garden”, which was given to her by her husband.

Restaurant opening

But she doesn’t like to communicate with journalists or often attend social gatherings.

Ivan has developed great relationship with Natalia's children from her first marriage. Except that he sees Niko less often, and he calls Erica his eldest daughter.

They can often be seen in photographs; the two of them can go to some event or film premiere. Now eighteen-year-old Erica is studying in London, is interested in art and fashion, and participates in modeling shoots.

Nina studies at school, and everyone also notes that in appearance she is almost a copy of Ivan.

By the way, she once took part in the “Evening Urgant” program.

But fans have not yet been able to see the face of little Valeria, named after the presenter’s mother.

Rumors of divorce

Of course, journalists cannot believe in such a love story, and since Ivan and Natalya stubbornly do not give reasons for gossip, they are being sucked out of thin air. For example, they are regularly divorced, stating that Natalya is tired of her husband’s popularity and employment.

Sometimes it seems to journalists that they were too restrained at the event - and now, information appears in all sources that a cat ran between Ivan and Natalya.

And although Ivan usually does not pay attention to this, once he nevertheless spoke out on his Twitter about this:

“Guys, here in the press there was information about discord in my family... Like, everything is bad with the Masyasek. So there you go! I'm informing you! The best thing in my life is my beloved wife and family.”

Last year there were also rumors that Natalya was pregnant again; it seemed to journalists that the woman had a visible belly in one of the photographs.

But for now the composition of the family remains the same.

In 2018, Ivan began to share more often family photos on my Instagram. So, fans finally saw their grown-up daughter Valeria:

And in 2019, he shared a shot with Nina and Erica from a basketball game in Oakland.

Ivan Urgant - famous Russian TV presenter, showman, actor, traveler, TEFI award winner. There is probably no person in Russia who has not heard this name, since his own program “Evening Urgant” is broadcast on the country’s First Channel several times a week at the peak time.

The most famous guests have already visited his studio, including Hollywood stars who visited Russia with their world film premieres. Ivan Urgant is one of the most successful and sought-after showmen on TV, and has repeatedly become “Person of the Year”.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ivan Urgant

Tall brunette with early age Having hosted entertainment programs on MTV, acted in films and acted in the theater, it is therefore not surprising that at the age of 40 he has achieved such incredible success. Ironic, able to insert a “sharp word”, and not at a loss for words, Urgant became the ideal candidate to become the face of own program, because his programs always had very high ratings.

Ivan's today great amount fans who are actively interested in the life and work of the presenter, and follow his personal life on social networks. Numerous fans of the showman actively google Ivan Urgant’s height, weight, age, and how old is Ivan Urgant, and it’s not surprising, because the artist is always taller than the guests of his studio, his height is 195 cm, and his weight is about 90 kg.

Biography of Ivan Urgant

The biography of Ivan Urgant begins in 1978 in Leningrad. The future actor was born in a very famous family, so the surname “Urgant” was known to the audience long before his birth. Ivan inherited eloquence, the ability to quickly improvise and a very expressive appearance from his father, so with youth dreamed of the stage. The boy really loved watching movies, and was very jealous of Fedya Stukov, who starred in Mikhalkov’s film at the age of seven.

Already at school, Urgant had his first “public”; he was a very active guy, a noisy joker, and such a ringleader. He always had many friends around him, and big company guys who literally looked their leader in the mouth. The boy was actively involved in sports, attended different sections, but still did not want to connect his life with sports in the future. Vanya loved to play tricks on the teachers, and despite his big name, he was often kicked out of class for disrupting lessons and making inappropriate jokes. In 1993, Urgant, for his good studies, entered a student exchange program and went to a foster family in the States for a month and a half. There, Ivan for the first time feels out of place, he does not know the language, which prevents the guy from freely communicating with his peers, and Urgant feels like a stranger. Therefore, very soon he decides that he must learn the language in order to “communicate with the whole world”, and brings his spoken “English” to perfection.

After school, Ivan graduated from the Academy of Theater Arts in St. Petersburg. Many people think that the son of his famous parents, Ivan, immediately became an actor, but this is far from the case. After receiving his diploma, the guy worked as a waiter, sang in a restaurant, and then organized night shows in clubs. After some time, the active guy was invited to work on the radio, at first he worked on the St. Petersburg wave, and then he was lured to Hit FM, and “ Russian radio", where the radio host already had his first fans.

Filmography: films starring Ivan Urgant

Success came to Urgant in 1999, when he became the host of a music program on MTV. At the same time, he starred in films for the first time. Urgant's filmography is not large, but he starred in the film with Milla Jovovich herself in the film "Freaks", and also became the permanent hero of the New Year's film "Christmas Trees", of which 6 parts have already been released. The actor also played in the film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive,” and played himself in the musical “First Ambulance.”

After the TV show, Ivan began to be invited by other channels; he hosted the program “ National artist", and in 2005 he ended up on Channel One. Together with three other presenters, the actor hosted the humorous program “ProjectorParisHilton,” which was loved by millions. For a long time Together with Vladimir Pozner, the actor hosted a TV show about travel. They traveled around the world and talked about different countries: America, France, Spain, after which the host’s army of fans was replenished with tourism lovers. Since 2012, the channel has been airing “Evening Urgant,” Ivan’s personal show, where he communicates with different people art, culture and sports.

Looking at the joker and ringleader Ivan, it becomes clear that the humorous and cheerful guy has everything in order with the attention of the fair sex. Women, as you know, really appreciate men with a sense of humor, so the actor has had a ton of fans since his popularity. Urgant knows how to win the hearts of women, he plays several musical instruments well, sings well, skillfully gives compliments, and behind a man like him, any woman will feel like behind a stone wall!

The personal life of Ivan Urgant has always been of interest to fans. Surprisingly, Urgant is very impressed by Armenian women, he current wife, Natalya Kiknadze, also belongs to this nationality. On the Internet you can see pictures of Ivan Urgant with his wife and children. Photos from 2016 to VIVA magazine caused a great stir in the media when the actor gave a long interview about his family.

There were three in the actor's life great love. Two official marriages and a whirlwind romance, which, alas, did not end in anything. Between his first and second marriages, the actor had an affair with TV presenter and actress Tatyana Gevorkyan. The young people lived together for about 5 years, but then, without putting a stamp, they separated.

The family of Ivan Urgant is very famous in Russia. His grandmother, Nina Urgant, famous Soviet actress, People's Artist of Russia, and has many USSR awards in the field of cinema. The actress is known for playing a lot in war films. Today she is 88 years old; the last time the actress acted in a movie was ten years ago. The actor’s grandfather is Lev Milinder, famous artist, theater actor, who is 74 years old today.

The father of the TV presenter, the son of Nina Urgant - Andrey Urgant, also Soviet actor theater and cinema, TV presenter, and showman. He has acted in many films, hosted entertainment programs, and is a dubbing actor. The actor’s mother is actress Valeria Kiseleva, better known as a theater actress.

Alas, Ivan’s parents divorced a long time ago, so he grew up without a father and was raised by his stepfather. The actor communicates with his star dad today, as an adult, but as a child he held a grudge against the man. In 2015, Ivan experienced a great loss - his mother died of an infection.

The TV presenter and his wife are raising four children today. However, not all of Ivan’s children are his own. Even before her marriage to Ivan, the actor’s wife already had two children from her first marriage: a boy, Niko, and a daughter, Eric, but this did not bother Ivan, and he is raising the children as his own.

The actor himself grew up without a father, he was raised by his stepfather, so he knows how hard it is when you grow up with a stranger and tries to do his best so that his wife’s children perceive him as a father. In his marriage to Natalya, the actor also had two children: two daughters. Ivan Urgant's children live with mom and dad big family, and their parents there is no division into “yours” and “mine”.

Daughter of Ivan Urgant - Nina Urgant

The daughter of Ivan Urgant, Nina Urgant, was born in 2008. The girl was named after the actors’ grandmother, Nina Urgant. Today the actor’s daughter is already 10 years old, she is very active and open girl. Ivan is very proud of his daughters, and often publishes photos of his big family on social networks. The girl studies at school, goes to sport sections and learns to play musical instruments.

Ivan said that he instills hard work in his children and cannot stand the word “elite.” He believes that his children should not suffer" star fever”, and wants them to grow primarily as individuals. Bye eldest daughter The presenter has not chosen a profession for herself, but she is sure that her dad will always support her in her choice.

Daughter of Ivan Urgant - Valeria Urgant

Three years ago, several good events happened in the actor’s life. They With common-law spouse, Natalya, officially formalized their marriage, and a second one appeared in their life joint child- daughter. The daughter of Ivan Urgant, Valeria Urgant, was born in 2015.

The young parents immediately decided that they would give the girl the name of Vanya’s mother, who had passed away shortly before. Today three year old girl grows up very active, loves fashionable clothes, and helps mom with everything. Little Lera has already visited many countries with her parents, and most of all she loves books about travel, which her star dad reads to her at night.

Ivan Urgant's ex-wife - Karina Urgant

The actor got married for the first time when he just came of age. The young man was then dating a girl four years older than himself, and of course he thought that this was love for life. Karina was a student at the University of Culture, and Ivan, being a decent person, fell in love and immediately married her. The parents did not want their son to marry the girl, but they did not dare to go against his will, because he loved this girl.

Their marriage did not last long, breaking down due to family life and lack of money, since at that time Ivan earned little, and his parents were in no hurry to help him. After several years of marriage, the couple divorced and ex-wife Ivan Urgant - Karina Urgant (before the wedding - Avdeeva) kept her husband's famous surname. Today the woman lives in Germany, where she married a businessman.

Ivan Urgant's wife - Natalya Kiknadze

After the first bad marriage and an affair with Tatyana Gevorkyan, the presenter finally became happy. He and Natasha knew each other at school, she was his classmate, but after school he secret lover married someone else, and their paths diverged.

They met as adults, when Kiknadze already had two children, and as it turned out, the guy’s love never went away, and after the meeting it flared up even more. He and his second wife were in no hurry to get married, and formalized it after the birth of two children. Ivan Urgant’s wife, Natalya Kiknadze, became his support, they have a very good family, and Ivan repeatedly said in an interview that she was his only and last love.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ivan Urgant

The actor and showman is a real favorite of the public, his program is aired on television five times a week, and Urgant has millions of views. Last year, Channel One again launched the program “ProjectorParisHilton,” which loyal fans had been waiting for for many years. However, the second time it didn’t work out, the broadcasts became not as fun as before, perhaps it’s just that the showman himself now pays more attention and time to the author’s program.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ivan Urgant contain a lot interesting facts, many photographs from the actor’s working and personal life. Ivan is very open man, he shares his thoughts with fans and never minces his words. Article found on alabanza.ru.