If SNILS is lost, it must be restored without fail within one month. How to do it - right now.


  • What and where to do: Contact the MFC, pension fund or your employer (depending on the case, details below)
  • Required documents: passport and application (Read important details below)
  • Price issue: Free
  • Terms: up to 30 days

One of the main documents that belongs to every citizen, regardless of his age and legal capacity, is SNILS. It is an individual account that records not only pension contributions throughout the entire working life, but also all the necessary information about the length of service. It is he who will be needed when registering a pension.

The combination consists of 11 numbers, and these numbers do not change throughout a person's life and are unique. The rule is triggered: for one citizen - one unique number SNILS accounts. Along with the main purpose related to pension contributions, the document will also be needed in the following cases:

  1. If you create your personal account on the State Services portal in order to receive various certificates, extracts, pay fees, then it will be needed to identify the user - i.e. along with passport data, this unique combination allows you to identify a specific citizen.
  2. It is necessary for registration and receipt of the UEC - a universal electronic card.
  3. For employment, the provision of SNILS is mandatory, since the employer must receive an account to which he will send pension contributions.
  4. Along with a pension, in many cases, citizens receive certain benefits - for example, for the loss of a breadwinner.
  5. Finally, in some cases, the document comes in handy when contacting government agencies or private organizations (for example, when applying for a loan).

Thus, if SNILS is lost, it must be restored without fail, and how to do it right now.

Recovery methods

Restores and issues SNILS exclusively by the Pension Fund... However, you can contact 2 departments:

  1. To the very branch of the fund.
  2. To the MFC branch - as a rule, this allows you to significantly save the waiting time in the queue, however, in general, it slightly increases the time for making a duplicate (by 1-2 working days).

In general you only need to take your passport and application with you, the form of which is issued by representatives of the organization. However, a person does not always have to personally contact this department. There are several recovery options:

  1. If a citizen is an adult and is officially employed, he applies to the personnel department, writes a corresponding statement, after which the document is restored by the employer and hands it over to the employee. In this case, the employer sends a copy of the employee's passport, his application, as well as an inventory of these documents.
  2. An adult capable unemployed or self-employed citizen is personally involved in the restoration of SNILS - in this case, he will only need a passport.
  3. If it is lost by an incapacitated citizen of any age, guardians or legal representatives are engaged in restoration - a certificate of guardianship, a guardian's passport and a passport of the ward will be required.
  4. In case of loss to minors, the situation depends on how old he is:
  • up to 14 years old - parents restore (you need a parent's passport and a child's birth certificate);
  • from 14 to 18 years old - the child recovers on his own, for which only his passport is needed.

NOTE. You can also restore it through your authorized representative - for this you need to draw up a power of attorney, which must be signed by a notary. The trustee takes his passport and power of attorney.

Thus, the possibility of restoring SNILS online is not provided - in any case, you will have to contact the Pension Fund office through your employer, legal representative or in person.

Procedure and terms of restoration

In general restoration period does not exceed 1 calendar month regardless of how you apply to the Pension Fund - in person, through a representative by proxy or with the help of your employer. The countdown of the period begins from the working day, which follows the day of circulation. By this time, you can add the term for sending the request from the employer and the finished document in the opposite direction, as well as 1-2 working days if you submit an application through the MFC.

It is issued in exactly the same way as the application for its restoration was submitted:

  1. SNILS is sent to the employer, who issues it to the employee under a personal signature. Then the employer sends the corresponding report to the Pension Fund.
  2. It is issued personally to an unemployed (or officially unemployed citizen) who comes to the Pension Fund after 30 calendar days.
  3. It is handed over to the legal representative of a child under 14 years old (even if at the time of manufacture he was 14 years old) or to a guardian who also comes to the branch of the Pension Fund where the citizen applied.

As for the cost, the procedure getting and restoring is completely free therefore, no agency or the employer itself has the right to charge any fee. Even if it was lost repeatedly and too often, the state still manufactures it at its own expense.

NOTE. In some cases, when an emergency recovery is needed, citizens turn to private companies that provide such services for a fee. It should be understood that in this case the citizen takes responsibility for the result, since the legislation does not provide for such a possibility of restoration.


The answers to the most common ones are given below.

Is the employer obliged to restore the document

Yes, it is the employer's responsibility. But only in those cases when it comes to official employment. Thus, if an employee works for an individual entrepreneur or in a private company, but does not have an employment contract, he will have to start the recovery procedure on his own.

If an employee provides services under a civil law contract, it means that he has not entered into an employment relationship with his actual employer. Hence, it also goes to the pension fund on its own.

Another option is if the person works part-time and is a freelance employee, but at the same time is officially employed. In this case, he himself has the right to choose which of his 2 or even 3 employers to contact in order to write an application for reinstatement. In all cases, the company does not have the right to charge any fee (including for sending papers).

If a citizen is not in his city

Such a case does not in any way affect the procedure. Those. it remains completely free and happens in the usual way. Thus, a citizen, personally or through an employer, has the right to apply to any branch of the Pension Fund throughout the country, regardless of his permanent or temporary registration.

How best to recover - through the Pension Fund or the MFC

If there is an opportunity to choose, it is better to contact the Pension Fund, since in this case the procedure will take a little less time. On the other hand, if you contact through the MFC, then, as a rule, you will be notified by SMS or a call that a duplicate of SNILS has already been made, which is much more convenient.

Is it possible to speed up the procedure

Unfortunately, such an opportunity, as well as the procedure for ordering SNILS online, is not provided. Those. if you constantly come to the fund and expect employees to complete recovery faster, it is wrong. Nevertheless, there are informal methods when private companies undertake restoration for a separate fee, as mentioned above.

Do I need to change SNILS when changing the full name

In this case, a change is required. The procedure is exactly the same - a person must apply to the Pension Fund within a month (personally or through an application to the employer). The issuance procedure is completely free, regardless of how many times the last name, first name or patronymic has been changed and regardless of the reasons for the changes.

Do I need to change when moving

The answer to this question is unequivocal - no. The number is assigned to a citizen throughout his life, and there is no possibility or need to change the combination of numbers. Thus, any change in personal data (except for the full name) does not entail the obligation to replace it, even if the citizen obtains a second citizenship or temporarily leaves Russia.

After submitting the application, it was necessary to leave the city

In this case, there are 3 options:

  1. You can issue a power of attorney in advance for any adult capable citizen who will receive it instead of the applicant.
  2. You can pick up the document upon return, since in theory the paper can be stored in the Pension Fund for as long as you like. However, in practice, it is better to check with the agency representatives in advance how long they have been waiting for the applicant.
  3. Finally, you can contact the nearest branch of the Pension Fund and request that the document be sent. This possibility does not always exist, therefore, the procedure should be clarified with the representatives of the department.

Receiving SNILS by military personnel

In this case, the procedure is greatly simplified, since a soldier (under a contract or on urgent service) only needs to contact his military unit, which is obliged to submit his application to the Pension Fund, from where he will be received by the applicant in a month.

Anything can get lost - from an identity document to a plastic card or house keys. And if for a modern citizen it has long been no problem, then not everyone knows what to do if there is no passport, taxpayer identification number or green insurance certificate on the spot. On this topic, there are many of the most controversial rumors: someone thinks that in order to restore SNILS, you will first have to pay a fine, while others, on the contrary, do not consider it necessary to obtain a duplicate of the lost card.

In fact, the restoration of an insurance certificate, if it was lost, stolen or hopelessly damaged, is a necessary, but not so difficult step. There are several ways to get a green card after being lost. What difficulties you will have to face in order to restore - see below.

What to do if SNILS is lost?

The first step for a person who has lost a green insurance certificate or suddenly discovered its absence is to search properly in order to avoid unnecessary bureaucratic burden. or its duplicate is not difficult, but why waste time and effort visiting government agencies, if you can make one more attempt and still find the document at home?

If the loss of the green card is obvious, the next step will be to apply for its restoration. If the case is not a criminal one and the insurance certificate was not stolen among other documents, it is not worth notifying the law enforcement agencies about the incident: their representatives are unlikely to help in searching and filling out a questionnaire in the ADV-3 form, and they certainly will not initiate a case in the absence of corpus delicti ...

Important: SNILS is issued by the Pension Fund once and for all and, unlike most other documents, does not change throughout a person's life. If the document is stolen or lost, a citizen will receive a duplicate with exactly the same number - which is why a minimum of effort and paper is required to restore SNILS.

Getting a green card is no more difficult than: a person who finds himself in an unpleasant situation needs to follow a simple algorithm to avoid unnecessary visits to the Pension Fund and collection of irrelevant documents.

Important: Although Russian legislation does not provide for any punishment for late receipt of SNILS, it is recommended to submit an application form within one month from the date of discovery of the loss. This will make it possible to do without unnecessary claims from the employees of the Pension Fund; if the time elapsed since the loss exceeds the specified one, you should at least not notify the authorities about this.

How to restore SNILS in case of loss?

To restore an insurance pension certificate means to receive a duplicate of it, which, from the moment of issue, replaces the document that was previously in the hands of a citizen. You can apply for the issuance of a green card in person, through a legal representative who has a notarized power of attorney, or (in the presence of official employment) through an employer.

Where to go?

You can apply for the restoration of SNILS in person in three ways:

  1. Visiting the branch of the Pension Fund of Russia... A person who has lost a green insurance certificate, in this case, needs to find out the work schedule of a state institution, including lunch hours. Arriving at the department and waiting for your turn, you should describe your problem to the employee, fill out a questionnaire in the ADV-3 form and wait for a duplicate to be made. In the future, it remains only by invitation to appear at the same branch of the Pension Fund and pick up the restored pension card - this can be considered complete communication with the state institution.
  2. By filling out an electronic form on the official website of the Pension Fund... The service generates an electronic document in PDF format; in the future, it can be printed and used instead of the usual, but obsolete green card. A person who has lost SNILS can also limit himself to a digital insurance certificate, but its use outside of a paper medium will be fraught with a number of obvious difficulties.
  3. Arriving at the nearest multifunctional center and in the same way filling out the ADV-3 questionnaire. The method is relevant if it is easier to get to the MFC than to the local branch of the Pension Fund; in other cases, it is recommended to prefer the first or second option, since the multifunctional center does not deal with drawing up an insurance certificate, but simply sends the documents to the FIU, which slightly increases the time for obtaining a duplicate. In favor of restoring SNILS through the MFC, a more convenient system for tracking the readiness of a document is also evidenced - especially if comfort for a citizen is more important than speed.

You can restore the insurance certificate through the employer by sending a written statement in a free form to the HR department or even by making an oral request there. In the future, the company sends a request to the Pension Fund, independently fills out the ADV-3 questionnaire and gives a ready-made duplicate of the green card to the employee.

To obtain an insurance certificate through a legal representative (especially important if a citizen does not have the time or physical ability to do it on his own), it is necessary to issue a power of attorney from a notary.

If the green card is lost by a child under the age of fourteen, one of his parents, adoptive parents, guardians or other legal representative must apply for its restoration. A minor who has already received a passport must personally appear for a duplicate; the presence of parents or other legal representatives is, of course, not excluded.

What documents to collect?

Recovering an insurance certificate is no more difficult than; in this case, it is necessary to present only documents suitable for personal identification:

  • adult citizens of Russia - a passport or passport;
  • minors - a birth certificate or passport;
  • for tax residents - a document giving the right to stay in the country;
  • to the legal representative - your passport (international passport) and a notarized power of attorney.

The main stage in the restoration of SNILS is filling out the ADV-3 questionnaire. You can draw up a document either by hand, by printing a blank template, or on a computer, not forgetting to put a “live” signature at the bottom of the sheet and indicate the date of filling.

In the questionnaire, it is necessary to display in block letters and as legibly as possible:

  • last name, first name and patronymic - in full, without abbreviations and initials;
  • date of birth in the format DD.Month_pisyu.YYYY;
  • place of birth - in ascending order: city, district, region and country;
  • registration and actual residence addresses;
  • contact phone - cellular or landline;
  • the name of the document used to identify the person (passport, international passport and other permissible), its series and number, the date of receipt and the official name of the body, unit or institution that issued it;
  • date of filling out the questionnaire;
  • the signature of the applicant.

In the lower section (filled in by the employer, if the restoration is made through him, or by an employee of the Pension Fund), the number of the lost SNILS, the position of the person in charge, as well as his signature with a decryption are indicated, after which the questionnaire is accepted for processing.

Terms and cost of SNILS restoration

According to the current regulations, a duplicate of SNILS in the Pension Fund must be made within 5 working days; if this deadline is exceeded, the insured person can file a complaint with the authorities or send a complaint to the prosecutor's office.

When submitting an application through a multifunctional center, the processing time of the questionnaire increases due to the need to forward to 7 working days... You can act on a delay in the same way as described above.

You don't have to pay anything to get a duplicate: the service is provided free of charge both Russian citizens and foreign nationals for whom individual personal accounts were opened in the Russian Federation.

Responsibility for loss or damage to a document

Despite widespread misconceptions, the legislator does not provide for any liability for loss or deliberate damage to the document. Article 19.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which is usually referred to, concerns only an identity document - a passport.

The insurance number of an individual personal account cannot be used for personal identification due to the absence of a photograph, which means that even theoretically, its loss or even intentional destruction should not be covered by the said article.

Nevertheless, in order to avoid unnecessary difficulties, you should not devote the employer or employee of the Pension Fund to the details of what happened: it is enough to declare in the prescribed manner about the loss of the document, present a passport, fill out a questionnaire in the ADV-3 form and wait for a duplicate to be issued; it is much easier than explaining to third parties why the document no longer exists or cannot be used.

Is it possible to restore SNILS in another city?

According to the information on the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia, you can submit an application form for obtaining or restoring SNILS both at the place of permanent registration and at the branch at the place of residence. In this case, the legislator does not impose any restrictions - therefore, a citizen can apply for a duplicate to any branch of the PFR located nearby. The main thing is not to forget to pick it up there: the Pension Fund is not involved in sending it from one branch to another.

Summing up

A person who has lost an insurance certificate needs to notify the Pension Fund of Russia about the incident within a month by contacting it personally, coming to the nearest multifunctional center or using the appropriate service in the personal account. In the latter case, instead of the usual green card, the system will generate an electronic document - then it should be printed. It is not necessary to notify law enforcement agencies about the loss of a document, unless it is an obvious theft.

If SNILS was lost by a minor under the age of 14, one of the parents or legal representatives must receive a duplicate for it. When restoring an insurance certificate through an employer, you must first submit an application to the HR department. In all cases, the issuance of a duplicate SNILS is accompanied by filling out a questionnaire according to the unified form ADV-3 - more precisely, its upper part; the lower one is filled in by the employer or the representative of the FIU who accepted the questionnaire.

From 01.04.2019 SNILS in its usual form (green laminated card) is not issued. This does not mean at all that the registration of citizens in the pension insurance system is no longer carried out, it is just that now it is not necessary to receive a physical medium containing information about the account number.

If you have lost the old green SNILS, you can receive a notification confirming the fact of registration in the pension insurance system. It can be issued both in paper and electronic form.

Where to restore SNILS in case of loss

Today, you can restore SNILS (we remind you that restoring SNILS means receiving a notification with an individual personal account number, but not a laminated piece of paper) in different ways. Let's tell you more about each of them.

How to recover if lost via the Internet

You can receive an electronic version of the notification with the personal number of a citizen in the pension insurance system without leaving your home, using a special service of the Pension Fund. An electronic certificate signed with a digital signature has the force of a paper document, so it can be used wherever SNILS may be required.

Don't know your rights?

However, the electronic format is not always convenient, therefore the legislator provides the opportunity to receive an ordinary paper document (its form was approved by the Resolution of the Board of the RF Pension Fund "On approval ..." dated 13.06.2019 No. 335p).

Through an employer

If you want to receive a document at work, fill out an application for its issuance, attach a copy of your passport and submit the documents to the HR department (or accounting department - depending on which department is responsible for working with employees' documents). The employer will independently send the documents to the Pension Fund, and then give you a ready-made certificate with the account number.

In the Pension Fund

All citizens can apply directly to the Pension Fund: working, temporarily unemployed, self-employed and having the status of entrepreneurs. The document is issued upon application, which you can fill out on the spot. Do not forget your passport: in order to make a request for the issuance of a certificate, you will have to verify your identity.

Through the MFC

Through the MFC, you can get various types of public services, including those related to pension insurance. Submit an application for the issuance of information about the account number at the MFC and receive a ready-made document within 5 days after contacting.

Through "Gosuslugi"

It is impossible to restore SNILS through "Gosuslugi", but you can use the service on the Pension Fund website (the login and password for entering will be the same as on the "Gosuslugi" portal). An electronic document will be generated upon request. To get a paper certificate, you need to personally visit the PFR branch.

Restoring SNILS for the unemployed

Unemployed citizens can use any of the listed methods to restore SNILS (with the exception of contacting the employer due to his absence). To obtain a document, you will also need to write an application and present your passport.

Recovery time

Recovery of SNILS will not take much time. Since laminated green cards are no longer issued, the issuance time for the finished document has been significantly reduced. You can receive an electronic document in real time immediately after sending a request. A paper version of the certificate in the Pension Fund is also issued immediately - the employee will only print the finished document. When contacting the MFC, the waiting period will increase to 5 days - this time will be required to transfer the certificate from the FIU.

So, it is impossible to get a new laminated green card containing SNILS from 04/01/2019. If you have lost it, in return you will be able to receive only a certificate containing a personal account number in the pension insurance system (in paper or electronic form).

As you know, each person has important documents, without which one cannot do without in a modern state. SNILS also belongs to them. Unfortunately, no matter how carefully you treat your documents, the pension insurance certificate can be lost or stolen. Also SNILS may become unusable due to floods and fires. Since this document gives access to a personal account with pension savings and is necessary when contacting many institutions, citizens whose it is damaged or lost are thinking about how to restore SNILS.

SNILS: what is it and what is it for

From the point of view of the legislation of the Russian Federation, SNILS (insurance number of an individual personal account) is a unique identifier that makes it possible to track the movement of pension insurance contributions of persons registered with the Pension Fund of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the PFR).

The document is made in the form of a green laminated card, which, in addition to a number set of 11 digits, contains information about the owner: last name, first name and patronymic of the insured; date and place of his birth; floor; the date of registration with the FIU; the reverse side contains the rules for operating the certificate.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges employers to transfer pension contributions for each employee to the Pension Fund, therefore all citizens who are officially employed in Russia must receive SNILS. Children, or rather, their parents or guardians, can issue it.

For what reason do you have to restore

The loss of a pension insurance certificate is the most common reason for its restoration. Due to the fact that today even a baby can issue SNILS, it happens that children lose their "green card", so there is nothing unusual in the fact that adults are necessarily involved in the process of replacing it. For them, in this situation, the question of what to do if they have lost SNILS of a child is by no means idle.

Parents of teenagers who have already turned 14 are less concerned with solving this problem, because children at this age can do it on their own, which will only help their further socialization, and at the same time they will find out where the Pension Fund branch is located in their city.

If SNILS of an adult is stolen, the options for restoring the document will depend on whether the citizen is working. In the case of official employment, a person who has lost a certificate of pension insurance can restore it in two ways:

  • on one's own;
  • through the employer.

If SNILS of an individual who is unemployed or working unofficially is lost, you will have to restore the document yourself.

You will also have to issue a duplicate certificate of pension insurance in the event of a fire or flood. Such incidents, fortunately, do not happen so often, but they cause both moral and material damage, and in addition, almost all documents have to be restored.

Another reason why SNILS will need to be received again is theft. Of course, it is difficult to imagine that the "green card" can be stolen on purpose, since bags or purses are stolen quite often, and they contain not only documents. But if you are sure that the goal of a thief or robber is to take possession of the certificate of pension insurance, then the attackers are targeting your pension savings.

Due to the fact that some people are not fully aware of whether the SNILS number changes when lost, it is worth noting that the number on the document itself remains the same, because, like the TIN, it is assigned to a person only once. Thus, the restored document will show the same number as in the previous certificate.

Terms of application for restoration

If SNILS is lost or damaged, you should apply for its restoration within a month. As practice shows, it is during these periods that people most often apply, since a certificate of pension insurance is a document of frequent use and is simply necessary for contacting some organizations.

What to do if more than a month has passed since the loss

If you lost SNILS more than a month ago, but you are only going to replace it now, do not worry: there are no fines or other sanctions for loss or damage to a document. However, from a practical point of view, its replacement is still not worth delaying.

Recovery procedure

If the parents or legal guardians for any reason have lost the certificate of pension insurance of their ward, the first step in solving the problem is to find out what the child needs to restore SNILS. Do not forget that children under the age of fourteen cannot solve this issue on their own; parents will have to contact the Pension Fund department.

Of course, you can go to the FIU unprepared and, just in case, grab all the documents available at home, and then find out what is needed and what is not. But in order not to take extra paper with you and save time, it is better to look in advance for information on how to restore the lost SNILS in 2020.

When applying to the PFR office, citizens over 14 years old must have a passport with them. There, an application of a special form - ADV-3 is filled in, after the registration of which the citizen is assigned the day of receiving a duplicate of the pension certificate.

Parents are often interested in how to replace SNILS in case of loss, because it is they who will go to the Pension Fund branch. In this case, you must take with you not only your passport (or other identity document), but also the child's birth certificate, which indicates the parents, or a decree on the establishment of custody of a minor.

It is no secret that documents should be handled with care and not be transferred to third parties, but not always and not everyone succeeds in adhering to these rules. As a result, you have to spend time figuring out how to get SNILS again instead of a lost one or a TIN, or a passport, etc. Negligent handling of some documents, including their repeated loss, is fraught with a fine for a citizen, but SNILS is not one of them. Therefore, without any penalties, you will be given a new duplicate of the RF pension insurance certificate in case of loss, even repeated.

Which authorities to apply to

Now let's take a closer look at where you can get SNILS if lost. For many people, the procedure for restoring documents is associated with bureaucratic red tape, fortunately, now this process is not so long and exhausting.

In connection with the emergence of a "one-stop shop" - a panacea for all problems in the struggle of citizens with government agencies and their paperwork, many residents of Russia are interested in whether it is possible to restore SNILS if it is lost through the MFC. The overwhelming majority of citizens are sure that when contacting this institution they will be able to avoid long queues and save their time, which fully corresponds to reality. Another positive characteristic of the MFC is that, if the document is ready, you will be notified of what you should not expect after contacting the Pension Fund.

The development of a single portal of State services today cannot be ignored. This site makes it possible to check and order many documents, therefore Internet users often look for information on how to restore SNILS through the State Services in case of loss. However, the answer will not satisfy them, because the pension insurance certificate refers to confidential documents and cannot be restored via the Internet. The Russian Pension Fund has taken such measures to protect the data of insured persons.

Therefore, do not even waste your time on requests like "Where to order a copy of SNILS via the Internet for free", it is impossible to legally obtain such information, even if you are lucky enough to find a site that promises to provide this service, in no case leave your personal data there, since, most likely, it belongs to scammers.

Thus, the list of institutions where a resident of Russia can apply in case of loss of SNILS is as follows:

  • Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • employing organization (if the citizen is employed);

There is another way to restore a pension certificate, but only children who study at an educational institution can use it: the educational institution itself can take over the replacement of the document.

As for the military, they can get a duplicate of SNILS by contacting their military unit.

Online on the official website of the PF

Experienced users who spend most of their lives on the Internet (that is, they work and rest there, and also solve many everyday issues through it), of course, will prefer to replace SNILS online. But when you go to the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia, clicking on the section "How to get, replace and restore SNILS", we see the following window.

We click on the item "" and from the text that opens, we learn that the document can be restored only by contacting the PFR department in person.

It follows that on the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia it is possible to download the application form for issuing a duplicate of the insurance certificate and later fill it out on a computer or by hand, the application itself cannot be submitted online, but only with personal contact with the competent authorities.

Employed citizens

Busy citizens are often interested in how to restore a lost SNILS to a working person, or rather, to whom exactly in the organization you need to contact on this issue. If you work for a private entrepreneur who runs a small business and is your immediate manager, you can contact him directly, but he will most likely advise the employee to contact the FIU directly. As for large organizations and companies, in order to carry out the restoration of SNILS through an employer, you need to contact the personnel department.

It is worth noting that the employer can address this issue, but is not required to. Upon the initial receipt of SNILS, your organization must provide you with this document, but in case of restoration, the employer can take on this only at will.

The unemployed category of the population

Information about where SNILS can be restored to non-working citizens can also be found on the official website of the PFR.

Required documents

Regardless of the place of appeal you choose, the package of documents for replacing the pension insurance certificate will be the same, but what documents are needed to restore SNILS in case of loss, it is still worth clarifying.

Usually, when contacting the PFR office or the MFC, it is required to present a passport and fill out an application for the issuance of a duplicate of the pension insurance certificate - the ADV form.

It is imperative to take a birth certificate of a child under fourteen years of age if you have to restore a child's document.

Knowing what documents are needed to restore SNILS, you can safely go to the institution you have chosen for this purpose.

What is form ADV-3

The ADV form is an application for the issuance of a duplicate of SNILS, which is filled out in the department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in case of loss or unsuitability of the document for use.

The owner of the damaged or lost pension certificate must fill out the ADV form directly, but if the document is restored through an employer, educational institution or military unit, then an authorized person of the organization can fill out the application.

How long will it take to make a duplicate

Where it is possible to restore a pension certificate and what documents are needed for this, it was described above. It would be logical to find out how long SNILS is restored in case of loss, because it is required when contacting almost every state institution.

The answer to this question is contained in paragraph 21 of the Procedure for registration in the compulsory pension insurance system (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 21, 2016 No. 766n): ".

In fact, if the PFR department has installed modern software and equipment on which the certificate is made, that is, a printer and a laminator, then the question of how long it will take to restore SNILS, the applicant will not have time to ask: the document, with the exception of special cases, will be issued on the day treatment.

If the documents were submitted through the MFC, the recovery period for SNILS in case of loss will take 5 days, you will be notified about the readiness of the document.

Is there an urgent manufacturing

In our life, different situations happen and it happens that you need to restore SNILS urgently. An example of such a situation would be the loss of a document a few days before contacting any body or institution where it is definitely needed.

A citizen has only one way out: to look for an opportunity, how to quickly restore SNILS.

You don't have to choose from a variety of options, because there is only one way to restore SNILS faster: contact the PFR branch at the place of registration directly. The fund specialist will check your documents with the data in the system in front of you, prepare a certificate form and cover it with a protective film.

Some are trying to solve the problem via the Internet by entering phrases like "duplicate SNILS urgently" into the search engine. Of course, there will immediately be sites that will offer to solve the problem within one day, they estimate their services at about 2,000 rubles. Since the site asks for your personal data, it is up to everyone to contact it, whether to trust it, especially the Pension Fund of Russia does not give information about the registered persons to third parties.

How much does the service cost

Before contacting the Pension Fund or the MFC, most citizens are interested in how much it costs to restore SNILS in case of loss in 2020. It is worth saying that no state duties and other fees are required to pay for obtaining a duplicate, everything is done absolutely free of charge.

Is it possible to restore SNILS in another city

Quite often the request “How to restore SNILS in another city” comes across on the Internet, and this is not surprising, because people often take documents with them on business trips or long trips to relatives and friends, who are sometimes lost.

In case of loss of the "green card" outside the region of permanent registration or stay, Russian citizens and foreigners working in our country have to find out whether SNILS can be restored not at the place of registration. The answer in this case is yes, since in order to solve this problem, it is not necessary to wait for returning home, it is enough to visit the local branch of the FIU.

Responsibility for loss or damage to a document

The good news for those who have lost or spoiled their SNILS will be the absence of any sanctions for the damage caused, since the legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for a penalty for the loss of SNILS.

How to restore SNILS: Video

Every Russian must have a certificate of pension insurance (SNILS), which is the same important identity document as a passport. Today, even newborns are automatically entered into the single register of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) immediately upon registration at the registry office, and their parents or legal representatives have the right to request. This document belongs to the category of important, since it is required when visiting a clinic, for getting an official job, for applying for various social benefits and payments, when applying for a mortgage. Using a special identification code on a green card, you can find out about a person's work experience and about the funds contributed by the employer, which subsequently go to the formation of the insurance part of the pension. The restoration of SNILS in case of its loss should be carried out as quickly as possible, otherwise the citizen will simply lose many social privileges.

What to do if SNILS is lost or becomes unusable?

Important! It should be borne in mind that:

  • Each case is unique and individual.
  • Careful study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome of the case. It depends on many factors.

To get the most detailed advice on your issue, you just need to choose any of the options offered:

A citizen is obliged to carefully store his SNILS, but sometimes it happens that a valuable green plastic card is lost or becomes invalid. This can happen through the negligence of a citizen or as a result of various incidents (theft, fire). But the loss of an important document does not mean that it becomes invalid SNILS. It can be restored, because the number of this document is assigned to a specific person from the moment his data is entered into the single register of the FIU and until he dies.

That is, everyone has the right to receive a new SNILS with the same data and registration number. This can be done both independently and with the help of your employer (only you should take into account the fact that you need official employment).

Important! If SNILS is lost or damaged by a young child (up to 14 years old), either one of his parents or a legal guardian is engaged in the reissuance of the document.

It is possible to restore the document with the participation of the employer only in the case of official employment of the citizen. The fact is that the standard package of documents that the applicant provides when applying for a job also includes SNILS, or rather, a scanned copy of the insurance certificate. All information about the personal eleven-digit identifier is stored in the HR department, so it is easy to find it. But for this, it is necessary to write to the director of the enterprise where the citizen works, a statement that the certificate has been lost.

If the employer draws up the entire procedure, then the employee should bring the documents for the restoration of SNILS as soon as possible and do the following:

  • fill out a unified application form for issuing a duplicate document;
  • supplement it with a copy of your passport;
  • transfer everything to the employer.

The application is drawn up in the form of ADV 3. It is better to do this within a month from the date of disappearance of the green card. In the application, it is necessary to write the number that was assigned to the citizen when the SNILS was issued to him to the nearest digit. Naturally, no one memorizes this eleven-digit cipher and does not remember it. Therefore, you should contact the personnel department at the place of your work with a passport or pass (certificate).

An application for the restoration of SNILS can be filled out both by the owner of the plastic card himself and by an employee of the personnel department. At the end of the application, the signature of the applicant himself and the date of drawing up the application are put. On the back of the document, the employer is obliged to write that the person who lost SNILS actually had it earlier and this is documented.

Next, the employer will have to send the received application to the territorial office of the Pension Fund of Russia, and after a few days, maximum 3 weeks, he will receive a duplicate of SNILS. He is obliged to transfer the document to the present owner within a week. The restoration of SNILS through the employer is regulated by Federal Law No. 27.

Restoring SNILS on your own

Not all citizens of the Russian Federation work officially in any institution or enterprise. Many are self-employed or unemployed. Accordingly, they cannot restore the lost SNILS through their employer. In this case, if you lose an important document, you will need to restore it on your own.

Usually, the FIU employees enter the position of the victim and the issuance of a duplicate SNILS occurs in a few days. But if officials refuse to receive a new green card, then a person must apply to the head of the PFR branch, where he directly submitted an application earlier, with a request to indicate the reason for the refusal. Having received the necessary paper, it is worth going to court with it, filing a claim for the illegal refusal of employees of the Pension Fund.

When restoring SNILS on your own, you should contact the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of your registration, not forgetting to take your passport with you, or, if this cannot be done, then to the nearest multifunctional center with an identity card. In 14-21 days a new SNILS will be manufactured and it will be possible to pick it up where the documents were submitted.

Little secrets

When contacting the territorial office of the Pension Fund, a citizen fills out an ADV 3 form. This is a document of the insured person and it is provided only when a duplicate of SNILS is issued. When issuing a green card for the first time, the ADV 1 form is filled in. There is practically no difference between these two applications, only in the ADV 3 document you will have to indicate the number of the lost document.

If a person was not officially employed, does not remember his SNILS number and lost his plastic card, how can he restore it on his own? And in this case, there is a way out. All that needs to be done is to come to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and submit an application in accordance with the established ADV 1 form to an official. After a while, the citizen will be informed in writing that the application was rejected due to the fact that the insured person has already been assigned an individual number. Accordingly, this same cipher will be indicated in the refusal letter.

After that, you should again come to the Pension Fund or the MFC and fill out an application for the restoration of SNILS, but already in the form of ADV 3, since the number of the insurance certificate will already be known. Here is a little trick that allows you to restore your document yourself.


SNILS is the most important document with which you can not only receive the insurance part of the pension, but also enjoy the right to various social state benefits. The loss of this document for some citizens is a real tragedy.

One simple truth should be remembered, when SNILS is lost, only a plastic card is lost. But the identification number is in the register of pension insurance, so it is always possible to restore the document. There is no need to pay any duties in favor of the state or other persons, the document is issued absolutely free of charge. Recovery of SNILS in case of loss is possible only in the Pension Fund or in a multifunctional center. A similar service on the State Services portal is currently impossible.

Lawyer of the collegium of legal protection. He specializes in administrative and civil cases, compensation for damage by insurance companies, consumer protection, as well as cases related to the illegal demolition of shells and garages.