In 1967, Vanga was registered as a civil servant. Surprisingly, Vanga’s years in the orphanage were her happiest. Her family was unable to provide treatment, and as a result, Vanga went blind. In May 1942, Vanga married Dimitar Gushterov from the village of Kryndzhilitsa, Petricheskaya region. In January 1941, Vanga’s biography, full of amazing events, was supplemented with this fact.

She was born into the family of a poor Bulgarian peasant. Most lived her life in the city of Petrich, at the junction of three borders (Bulgaria, Greece, Republic of Macedonia). For the last 20 years she has been receiving visitors in the village of Rupite. The name was given according to the Bulgarian folk custom: going out into the street and asking the first person you meet.

Vanga's predictions that came true

WITH early years She was distinguished by her hard work, which she retained throughout her life. With the outbreak of World War I, Vanga Pande's father was mobilized into the Bulgarian army. His mother died when Vanga was three years old. The girl grew up in a neighbor's house. She was found only in the evening, covered with branches and with her eyes filled with sand. In 1925, she was sent to the Home for the Blind in Zemun, Serbia, where she spent three years learning to cook, knit, and read Braille.

In 1941, Vanga was visited for the second time by a certain “mysterious horseman”, after which she began to exhibit supernatural abilities. One of Vanga’s first titled visitors was the Tsar of Bulgaria Boris III, who visited her on April 8, 1942. Shortly before the wedding, she moved with her groom to Petrich, where she subsequently became widely known.

She often referred her to healers or doctors who could help these people, and often she did not know these healers and spoke about them like this: such and such a person lives in such and such a city. From that moment on, she began to receive an official salary - 200 leva per month, and a visit to her cost 10 leva for citizens of socialist states, and 50 dollars for citizens of “Western” states.

According to Vanga herself, she owes her abilities to certain invisible creatures, the origin of which she was not able to explain. Vanga's niece, Krasimira Stoyanova, said that Vanga spoke with the souls of the dead or, in cases where the dead could not give an answer, with a certain inhuman voice. According to the rector of the church of St. Archangel Michael in Varna, Bulgaria, “she actually built a temple at her own expense, which was painted by one of the famous Bulgarian artists.

Vanga's prophecies and predictions by year

A.L. Dvorkin in his memoirs cites the case of Metropolitan Nathanael, who was invited by Vanga to his house because she conveyed through messengers that she needed advice. And then she broke into a frantic cry: “THIS! He holds THIS in his hands! THIS is stopping me from speaking! Vanga had a good attitude towards the theosophy of H. P. Blavatsky and the teaching of “Living Ethics” of N. K. and E. I. Roerichs.

Vanga died on August 11, 1996 from cancer of the right breast, not allowing herself to undergo surgery. She transferred all her property to the ownership of the state. Vanga's name is often mentioned in the pages of the tabloid press. Before her death, Vanga said: “The time of miracles and the time of great discoveries in the field of the intangible will come. There will also be great archaeological discoveries that will radically change our understanding of the world since ancient times.

How did Clairvoyant Vanga die?

At the same time, people who knew Vanga personally say that she did not make predictions about the death of the Kursk submarine, as well as other events, and most of all these messages are myths and untruths. Vanga allegedly predicted that World War III would begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. According to the testimony of Vanga’s close friends, she never predicted the outbreak of World War III and the subsequent end of the world.

Anatoly Stroev, who was his own correspondent in 1985-1989 “ Komsomolskaya Pravda"in Bulgaria believes that in the USSR about Vanga, "journalists invented sensations for the sake of circulation." He talked about several cases when Vanga made big mistakes. Yes, we didn’t even know each other. I only saw him from a distance at official events, nothing more.”

Despite this, the media circulates a legend about the role that Vanga allegedly played in the life of the Kirkorov family. Also, Vanga’s name can often be found in advertising banners of fraudulent sites offering to receive a prediction of the future for SMS, allegedly made by Vanga herself. Sergienko expressed the opinion that “it cannot be said that Vanga worked for the KGB, but her assistants collaborated with us,” since with their help “our agents received the necessary information.”

At the same time, Vanga allegedly predicted his marriage at the age of twenty-seven to a woman with a name beginning with the letter “A”, and the birth of a daughter at the age of 44 from a surrogate mother. Vanga was born on January 31, 1911 in Strumica on the territory of the modern Republic of Macedonia in the family of farmers Pande and Paraskeva Surchev. In 1994, at the expense of Vanga, according to the design of the Bulgarian architect Svetlin Rusev, the chapel of St. Paraskeva was built in the village of Rupite.

Possessed a unique gift of foresight worldwide famous psychic and the soothsayer Vanga. There are legends about her life, fate and prophecies, films are made, stories and entire books are written, and countless people healed and saved by her gift walk the earth (by the way, among them are many privileged and titled people).

Was Vanga sighted or blind at birth, how did she develop unusual abilities, and what famous forecasts she left behind for humanity - these are the main questions that interest many people around the world. Read further about when and how Vanga lived (the biography of the soothsayer is presented in expanded form in this article).

As Wikipedia states, full name the world-famous fortuneteller Vanga - Surchev Vangelia Pandeva (after marriage she was Gushterova). The life of a woman who became the owner of an amazing gift as a result of an accident began in a poor family.

Early childhood and wanderings of Vangelia

Vanga was born into an ordinary Bulgarian family, whose financial situation in pre-war times was completely deplorable. Her date of birth is January 31, 1911. The birth of the future prophetess back in 1911 was very mysterious, because the girl was born at midnight, premature and with some physiological defects. The likelihood that the baby would die was so high that at first she was not given a name.

Only later, when the seven-month-old baby began to grow up and gain strength, a name was chosen for her in accordance with the folk custom that is relevant for the residents of the Bulgarian city of Strumitsa ( Ottoman Empire). As expected, on the day of choosing the name, Vanga’s grandmother went out onto the porch and asked the first person she met what they should call the girl.

The first person they met was a woman who suggested the name Andromache. But it did not suit the grandmother, and she decided to try her luck again by turning to the next passerby. He suggested the name Vangelia. Because full form its name was the Gospel (translated from Greek “Ευαγγελία” - “good news that brought the gospel”), they decided to give it to the two-month-old baby for protection from death and various misfortunes.

Vangelia's father, Pande Surchev, was a simple peasant who in the First world war fought at the front. Mother - Surcheva Paraskeva, in whose honor many years later the temple in the village of Rupite, erected with funds from Vangelia in 1994 (Temple of Light Petka Bulgarska), will be named.

The Vanga girl was left alone early in her childhood. Her father, drafted into the Bulgarian army, went to the front. While he was fighting, Vanga’s mother died. Until her demobilized father returned, Vanga was raised and lived with a neighboring family.

Panda returned when Vangelia was almost 8 years old. At first, he, a sad widower, and the girl lived together in their old house. But soon Pande married for the second time to one of the beauties of Strumitsa, Tanka. The new family lived amicably, but poorly. A few years later, Pande decides to move to his homeland, Macedonia. In 1923, when young Vangelia was already 12 years old, they began to live in Novo Selo.

How the girl found her gift

The move in 1923 would radically affect all subsequent years of Vangelia’s life. She will lose her sight, but will gain something more by starting to predict...

Many people are interested in how the Gospels became blind. After moving to Macedonia, one fine day the girl went with a group to the outskirts of the village. Suddenly a whirlwind arose, which knocked all the guys to the ground except Vanga; it lifted the future soothsayer and carried her several hundred meters into the distance. What Vanga said later seemed to many to be fiction. The victim claimed that, while being carried away by the tornado, she felt someone's touch, after which she lost consciousness.

All this happened during the day, but Vanga was found in the evening. She was lying on the ground under a pile of rubbish and sand, and there was so much dust in her eyes that they hurt terribly and could hardly open.

To restore his vision, Vanga needed surgical intervention and special medications, for which his parents did not have money. As a result, the 12-year-old girl lost her sight, but began to practice clairvoyance, which we will talk about below.

After this tragic incident, Vangelia will live with Pande and Tanka for a couple more years. Later she will go to a Serbian school in the city of Zemunda, where they trained and educated blind people. Little is known about the life of the blind Vanga in those years.

While in the “house of the blind,” she mastered the sciences, learned to play the piano and various household skills, and even got ready to get married. But the wedding of Vanga and one of the orphanage’s children, Dimitar (also blind), was not destined to take place right then. In connection with the death of his stepmother in 1928, Pande called Vanga home.

The Blind Woman Who Could 'See'

Already at home, doing housework and caring for my younger ones stepbrothers and sisters, Vanga tries to make prophecies for her friends. Vanga’s first experience of clairvoyance came around the 30s, when, at the request of her girlfriends, the girl told fortunes to them.

In those days, in Bulgarian villages there was one custom: several girls gathered and threw one object into a jug, which was placed in the yard at night, so that the next day the girls could find out their fate. The role of “oracle” - perhaps by chance - always went to Vanga. And she coped with it “excellently.”

Each time predicting exactly what came true a few days later, she earned herself the reputation of a clairvoyant. And since then they turned to her to talk about the fate of a person.

On the eve of her 30th birthday, after Vanga suffered pleurisy, an amazing guest appeared to the seer in the guise of a shining wanderer on a white horse. He said that soon Vanga would tell people about death, and told her not to be afraid, as he would tell her true words. Such a story, told from the words of the seer, would seem only an amazing tale if Vanga’s life had not changed after this incident.

Since 1941, the clairvoyant Vanga began to receive people who wanted to know the fate of those who had gone to war. Often single women entered the door of her house in the hope that Vanga would tell about the fate of their fathers, husbands, and sons who had gone to the front. And no matter how bitter the truth was, Vanga always told everything exactly.

What Vanga predicted in one of the Bulgarian villages also reached the Tsar of Bulgaria, Boris III. And in the spring of 1942 he goes to a blind woman, famous for her psychic abilities, for a session. He wanted Vanga to tell him about his death. And she allegedly did this by indicating the exact day and year, and also describing the exact circumstances of his death. After the visit of such a titled person, the fame of Vanga spread far beyond state borders.

Since then, the fortuneteller began to make prophecies for a variety of people. She worked with ordinary people, but sometimes also hosted privileged individuals (political and cultural figures, actors, pop stars and many others). Among the most outstanding personalities who made an appointment with Vanga and went to Petrich were:

  • Soviet scientist Bekhtereva Natalya Petrovna.
  • The heir of Nicholas Roerich (the famous painter) is Svyatoslav Roerich.
  • Representatives of B.N. Yeltsin and others.

What was her future fate?

Throughout her life, the fortuneteller was distinguished by her religiosity. She was proud to belong to Orthodox faith, and because of this, at first I was afraid of my gift. But, realizing how much good it brings to people, Vanga began to practice, receiving 100 thousand people annually.

By that time, as was written above, the fortuneteller had already become quite famous person, the fame of which spread throughout Bulgaria and beyond.

Having heard about the blind Vanga the prophetess from a Macedonian village, Dimitri Gushterov, a student of the Serbian “house of the blind,” decided to find his first love. He came to her in 1943, and a year later the couple in love went to Petrich, where the young people got married. But after the wedding, Dimitri had to leave his beloved - he was called to the front.

By what miracle did Dimitri survive and be able to return home to Vanga? According to available information, before leaving for the war, Dimitri received advice and instructions from his newly-made wife. Most likely, guided by Vanga's tips, he was able to avoid terrible death and return from the war alive.

But after the front, amid worries about the death of his brother and the illnesses that plagued him, Gushterov gradually began to become an alcoholic. Neglecting the instructions and requests of his wife Vangelia, Dimitri Gushterov did not stop drinking. And as a result, he died in 1962. The cause of his death, according to doctors, was cirrhosis of the liver.

But all the time while her husband was abusing alcohol and dreaming of revenge for his brother who died in the war, Vanga did not stop practicing. She met people who came to her from different parts of the world for advice, tips, solutions to problems and even healing.

Which of the things predicted by the woman who went blind at the age of 12 came true? For example, the death of Stalin. Vanga claimed that death would befall the Soviet leader in 1953, in the spring. Vangelia announced her forecast back in 1952. And as soon as the news reached the top of the USSR government, it was decided to arrest the clairvoyant.

Having placed Vanga in incommunicado custody, they planned to keep her in custody for 10 years. But Joseph Stalin could not avoid what was predicted. In March 1953, as the seer stated, Stalin died. After long meetings, they decided to release Vanga from prison. Much later, in 1967, she was even awarded the status of a civil servant, for which she received two hundred leva a month.

In addition to this incident, Vanga’s 85-year-old grandmother “foretold” her own death. Vanga died a month after she predicted the date own death- August 11, 1996 - from an oncological formation in the right breast, flatly refusing surgery. After 3 days, she was buried on the territory of the Church of St. Paraskevi, built with her own money.

What Vanga said about Russia, which would become a powerful power that united many states, brought her considerable fame during her lifetime. But world fame came to the prophetess when Vanga told about the end of the world. According to the fortuneteller, it will happen in 3797. But by this time people will be able to invent new method, in order to preserve the basis of humanity and thereby continue life after death on Earth in the conditions of a new star system. Author: Elena Suvorova

A newborn girl, wrapped in a sheepskin coat, lies warm next to the stove - this is how the biography of Vanga, the famous fortuneteller of all times and peoples, began. The girl’s parents didn’t even hope that the baby would survive, so they didn’t give her a name. Only two months later, the girl screamed like a normal baby. At baptism, the girl was christened Vangelia (Vanga). “She who brings good news” is translated from Greek as Vangelia, who was destined to become the greatest psychic. When Vanga was three years old, her mother died. For a long time, Vanga was under the watchful supervision of neighboring women.

The next milestone in Vanga’s biography began with his arrival in parents' house new owner - stepmother Vanga. A real tragedy, which has no reasonable explanation, happened to a girl who was eleven years old at that time. Overcast did not foretell anything special until the children walking on the street noticed something approaching in the sky unusual cloud. The first thoughts that came to the children’s minds were that a thunderstorm would break out. Despite gusts of ominous wind, tearing and blowing leaves from the trees, no thunderstorm was expected. The dusty pillars rising from the ground swirled with incredible speed like tornado funnels, approaching closer and closer to little Vanga until they completely picked her up. With terrible force, Vanga, spinning in the mouth of the tornado, was carried by it a considerable distance and thrown into the field. Before losing consciousness, the little girl felt as if someone's palm had touched her head.

Surprisingly, Vanga remained alive after the evil and horror inflicted by nature! Waking up after the incident, Vanga’s eyes were tightly closed and covered with sand. Local doctors were unable to cope with the girl’s injury. The only hope was for an expensive operation at that time in the capital's hospital. The small landowner did not have the required amount of cash, but Vanga’s father tried hard to find it. Meanwhile, the girl’s vision was constantly deteriorating, and Vanga’s final blindness overtook her four years after the incident, which remained a mystery.

Vanga's biography continued in the House of the Blind, where she was sent in 1925, and where she spent three years of her life. Here she learned the basics of knitting, sewing, cooking, mastered reading techniques for the blind, and studied music. Right here young girl I experienced the brightest feeling on earth when I met and fell in love with a blind young man from a wealthy family. In Vanga’s biography, this period is rightfully considered the happiest and brightest, because the loving couple was already preparing for the wedding. As fate would have it, all plans collapsed at one moment when Vanga’s stepmother died during the birth of another baby. The father, who was in confusion and confusion, left with the children without a woman’s hand, counted only on the help of his eldest daughter. Thus, Vanga’s dreams of his own happiness ended up buried along with his stepmother. At the behest of her father, the girl again found herself in her father’s poor house...

Vanga's subsequent biography, dating back ten years of his life, is characterized as a painful and difficult period. Despite complete blindness, Vanga had to knit, spin, and sew to feed her family, however, there was a catastrophic lack of money. In addition, Vanga was overtaken by a serious illness. After standing for a long time on the concrete floor with bare feet to receive benefits for the poor, Vanga caught a very bad cold and was bedridden with terrible diagnosis- polio. There was minimal hope for recovery, but to everyone’s surprise, the seriously ill Vanga rose to her feet. In Vanga's biography this is the second unexplained phenomenon what happened to her. At this moment, her extraordinary abilities were noticed by people, and Vanga’s biography is marked by a new period called “Vanga’s predictions.”

As Orthodox publications tell about Vanga’s biography, she first fell into a trance in 1940. A year later, in 1941, Vanga spoke to an unknown male voice and absolutely unexpectedly began to predict the future for everyone, foreshadowing further death or a long life. Vanga’s biography throughout the year involves a complete lack of sleep.

As Vanga herself says, at that time she was amazed to discover knowledge that was previously unknown to her about what was about to happen and what other people could not even imagine.

At first, Vanga did not prophesy to anyone, for fear of being declared crazy. One day Vanga could not restrain her impulse and predicted to her friends that the war would start in April. There is no doubt that her predictions were viewed with skepticism. But when German troops invaded the territory of Yugoslavia with military operations on April 6, everyone immediately remembered Vanga’s prophecies and started talking about her as a clairvoyant. A mass pilgrimage began to her house. Despite the fact that at this stage biography of Vanga, she was much younger than most of her visitors, all the newcomers asked for help, advice and had high hopes for Vanga’s predictions. The fortuneteller tried not to refuse people who came to her, with the exception of the cases with Chumak, Kashpirovsky and Juna’s students. Vanga’s predictions always turned out to be true; only the last few years of Vanga’s biography indicate the opposite. It is surprising that in most cases Vanga did not start a conversation with those people who were on the verge of death or came to her out of curiosity.

Based on the experience of 25 years of observations of Vanga, G. Lozanov, a Bulgarian scientist, approved more than seven thousand of Vanga’s predictions, which actually came true. He concluded that Vanga's predictions are realized beyond the limits of random coincidences and amount to about 80% of the total.

When in 1942 soldier Dimitar Gushcherov approached Vanga, asking him to point out his brother’s killers, the clairvoyant avoided answering. She promised to talk about them later, taking the soldier’s word not to take revenge on the killers. Vanga added that he would be destined to see with his own eyes the death of his brother’s killers.

The soothsayer amazed the soldier, who came to her more than once until she offered to become his wife. After the wedding, Vanga moved to live with Dimitar in Petrich, located two hundred kilometers from Sofia, the Bulgarian capital. IN last years During his life, Vanga’s husband drank a lot due to the fact that they did not have children, and died in 1962 from cirrhosis of the liver. After his death, suffering all the years from the fate of remaining childless, Vanga accepted an orphan boy who one day knocked on her house, who became her own son. When Dimitar Volchev - Foster-son soothsayer - grew up, then found his recognition as a prosecutor.

Vanga's predictions turned out to be true not only regarding the course of the Second World War, but also the events in Nicaragua, Syria, and Prague. In 1943, Vanga predicted Hitler would lose the war and asked him to leave Russia alone. According to eyewitnesses, the Fuhrer ridiculed the Bulgarian clairvoyant, as it turned out, absolutely in vain. Subsequently, Vanga's 1963 predictions regarding the assassination attempt on John Kennedy, the thirty-five-year-old US President, came true. Vanga's 1968 biography tells the story of three important events she predicted. political events- the fatal wounding of Senator Robert Kennedy, the rebellion in the Czechoslovak Republic and the victory of the Republican candidate. In 1969, Vanga predicted the death of Indira Gandhi, in 1979 - the initial period of perestroika and the collapse of the USSR. One of Vanga’s most famous predictions is “Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it...” Skeptics wondered: “How can the city of Kursk, located far from the sea and other large water sources, be buried under water?” And only August 2001 clarified the situation: people understood which “Kursk” the fortuneteller had in mind.

In her autobiography, Vanga wrote that in 1967 she “entered” public service. Vanga’s biography talks about the fact that at a certain period she received up to one hundred and thirty people a day. In the last years of her life, Vanga could receive no more than ten to fifteen visitors, spending no more than three to four minutes on each of them. Moreover, all the money Vanga received as a token of gratitude went to the state treasury. The cost of the services of the most famous Bulgarian psychic was one hundred leva for Bulgarians and $50 for foreigners, despite the long-term resistance of intelligence officers regarding their visits.

How did Vanga “predict”? In her autobiographical essay, Vanga said that all the deceased close people gather around a person, who willingly talk, ask questions and answer those posed by the soothsayer. Vanga’s predictions are based on the facts that she hears from these dead people, and it is these words that Vanga conveys to the living. Sometimes people who visited Vanga heard voices from other world, which seemed like a thin, dull whisper. Often visitors lost consciousness, recognizing the voices of their deceased relatives.

According to representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, Vanga was not an Orthodox believer, although she considered herself one of them. This opinion is caused, first of all, by the fact that Vanga believed in reincarnation, which is unique to pagans. However, Vanga constantly celebrated religious Christian holidays and observed all fasts. Using his own savings and human donations, Vanga managed to build a snow-white Orthodox church Saint Petka, whose vaults were painted by the famous Bulgarian artist Svetlin Rusev. However, Vanga's relationship with the church was quite complicated due to the church's denial of similar predictors and disbelief in their prophecies.

Talking about her biography, Vanga said that there was no need to make futile attempts to explain her actions. According to her, everything she does is business God's hands, and her gift is from God, who deprived her of sight, giving in return another way of seeing the world - visible and invisible.

Among Vanga’s regular visitors were Simeon II, the Bulgarian Tsar, Todor Zhivkov, the leader of the state and party, whose daughter Lyudmila, the Minister of Culture of the People’s Republic of Belarus, for long years was considered the guardian of the fortuneteller. In addition, Vanga’s predictions also applied to the writer L. Leonov, Yu. Semenov, artist N. Roerich, and many no less, who came to her famous people. Among them were emissaries of B.N. Yeltsin, to whom Vanga eagerly made political forecasts that were not advertised for well-known reasons.

Vanga's predictions to the Russian people, as a rule, came true. She said that criticism of Gorbachev was in vain and people would still remember how good it was with him.

One day the soothsayer was visited by actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov. From the doorway, she asked him angrily why he did not fulfill the request of Yuri Gagarin, who asked before his last flight to buy an alarm clock and put it on the table, as if in memory. No one knew about this conversation except its participants, so Tikhonov was simply shocked.

Leonid Leonov was also lucky enough to visit the famous seer. The writer took absolutely all of Vanga’s predictions for granted and believed them unquestioningly. At the beginning of 1991, Leonid Leonov asked his friend from Bulgaria to give Vanga a letter that spoke about the novel “Pyramid”, which the writer began in 1939. He was dissatisfied with the work he had written and increasingly began to think about destroying the completed book. Having received Leonov’s letter, Vanga replied to him that the novel can be considered completed, however, minor additions and adjustments need to be made to it. The prophecy was supplemented by the fact that the novel would be published and translated into several languages, but after completing work on the novel, Vanga predicted Leonid Maksimovich’s death. For twenty years he was in no hurry to put last point in this work, because he knew that Vanga’s predictions were endowed with enormous power. Perhaps the world would never have had a chance to see the “Pyramid” in the form in which it is presented now, if in the early nineties of the 20th century Leonov had not received yet another written prediction from Vanga. The letter said that the writer would have time to publish his work and enjoy its international fame. Thus, the beginning of April 1994 was marked by the publication of the first volume of the novel "Pyramid", after which in the summer of the same year, celebrating ninety-five summer anniversary, its author, Leonid Leonov, died. Unfortunately, all Vanga’s predictions tend to come true...

The clairvoyant did not stand on ceremony with Evgeniy Yevtushenko, who came to Vanga, telling him straight in the eyes that he smelled like a barrel. Vanga told the writer that he knows a lot and is good for a lot, but drinks and smokes too much.

Krasimira Stoyanova, Vanga's niece, the world owes what she recorded for the fortuneteller a large number of her sayings. She described the most popular and significant ones in her article “Biography of Vanga.”

Vanga's predictions regarding scientific discoveries. She said that the time of miracles would come, and grand discoveries will be made by science in the field of the non-material world. Vanga predestined people to become witnesses greatest discoveries in the field of archeology, which will have to radically change humanity’s ideas about ancient world. According to the clairvoyant, gold, previously hidden, will certainly appear on the surface of the earth, but the water will leave.

Vanga sincerely believed that the future belongs to people with kind hearts, who will live in a world full of splendor, and which is difficult to imagine modern representatives humanity.

Relatively human soul Vanga had a clearly formed idea. The soul is not capable of dying and being reincarnated. The souls of bad people become embittered, so they are not taken to heaven. And the best and kind souls return to earth.

Vanga gave very wise and valuable instructions, telling her not to envy anything and mourn her life, because the load she carries through life is unbearable. The soothsayer said that you should not wish for too much in order to be able to pay for everything later.

Vanga announced the exact date of her death a month before. With a smile on her lips, Vanga accepted death. On August 10, 1996, at exactly midnight, doctors started talking about a sudden improvement in the condition of Vanga, who was suffering from cancer, which was constantly progressing. It is worth noting that Vanga, giving people relief, did not allow anyone to treat her. When describing Vanga’s biography, her niece said that her grandmother asked for bread and a glass of water, and then wanted to take a swim. When her requests were fulfilled, Vanga said that she was fine now. At approximately nine o'clock in the morning, the fortuneteller reported that the spirits of deceased relatives had arrived for her. The Seer talked with them, made gestures reminiscent of stroking the head... And at ten o’clock in the morning she passed into another world. This is how the biography of Vanga, the greatest clairvoyant of the 20th century, ended.

It is still not known whether Vanga left heirs. There is a moment in Vanga’s biography when she said that a certain girl lived in France. It is to her that she must pass on her abilities, and supposedly after Vanga’s death the girl will go blind... However, immediately before her death, Vanga said that only God, who gave her these abilities, can decide to whom they should be passed on, and nothing depends on her.

Since 1900 and for several decades more natural disasters safely bypassed Bulgaria and Macedonia. In the small town of Strumitsa, no one had ever heard of such horrors as hurricanes and tornadoes. At the same time, the whole world knows that in 1923, a twelve-year-old girl in those very places was torn off the ground by a hurricane and dragged for more than two kilometers. She miraculously remained alive, but sand filled her eyes, and due to the lack of literacy medical care the girl went blind...

Why did Vanga deceive people?

Magazine: Mysteries of History No. 8, 2012
Category: Woman in history

The world fame of the clairvoyant was ensured by the daughter of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party?

This girl's name was Vangelia Dimitrova. Years later she will become famous clairvoyant Vanga, who lost physical sight and, as if in return, gained great gift to see what is incomprehensible to people with ordinary eyes.
It sounds so simple and even, despite the tragedy, beautiful that it looks like a plot from a novel.

Hurricane of Hate

Alas, in reality Vanga’s life was somewhat different. The girl really went blind, but it was not the violence of the elements that did this to her, but... people. More precisely, the male nonhumans who attacked her brutally raped her, forever depriving her of the ability to have children, and gouged out her eyes. Probably so that she would not be able to identify the criminals later. Unlike the hurricane that never passed over it, which was not confirmed by any meteorological reports, this fact is evidenced by a report from the police archives, according to which local residents On the outskirts of Novo Selo, a girl of about 12 years old was found unconscious, having survived rape and blinding.
The reason why the truth about her tragedy was carefully hidden both by her family and by herself is understandable. The little victim of the two-legged scum would have become a doubly victim if anyone had found out what really happened to her - it would have been perceived not as a disaster, but as a shame. And she was silent. All life.
You can argue as much as you like about whether Vanga was a clairvoyant, but undoubtedly a person of unbending will. Doctors did not believe that such a small and weak girl would even survive, but she did not die. Having lost her mother, forced to live with a stepmother who hated her and a drinking father in a poor family, she found in herself enough mental strength to truly love and care for your step-sisters and brothers. And even when her world was divided into “before” and “after,” she retained her steely inner rod, who allowed himself not to die, not to kill himself, and not to go crazy. She even managed to fall in love with a man. True, only once, when in a boarding school for blind children she met her fellow sufferer, and the young people even dreamed of getting married...
But even here she was unlucky. The stepmother died, and the father, taking eldest daughter from the boarding school, he brought her back home to work for the family.

That's what love is like

Vanga made her first serious prediction at the age of thirty. In the spring of 1940, she stated that John Chrysostom had descended from heaven and told her about the imminent start of war within a few days. No one believed her words, but when the prediction came true, and on April 6, 1940 German troops entered Yugoslavia, the blind woman from Struwitz began to be taken seriously. Subsequently, Vanga will predict many catastrophic events of historical significance and scale for many years to come.
During the war, crowds of women lined up to find out about the fate of their husbands who had gone to the front. According to Vanga, the truth was revealed to her thanks to the help of the dead, whose voices she constantly hears in her head day and night.
Her authority increased day by day. And a year later, the young soldier, who came to the clairvoyant to find out who dealt with his brother, had no doubt that Vanga would point him to the killers. But she didn’t name any names, saying only that the guy should give up his idea of ​​revenge; these people will still die before him. And she predicted something else: that he... would marry her and they would have two children.
This prophecy came true, but not completely. Dimitar really left his former bride and married Vanga. But could it be otherwise, could he argue with fate, which was personified for him by a clairvoyant, and, according to rumors, also engaged in black magic? He was afraid of her and treated her with reverent awe, calling her a saint. At the same time, there was almost no physical intimacy between the spouses, at least since she became convinced that she was infertile. And the enormous power she has over people, over men who now do not dare to object to her. Dimitar lived with Vanga for twenty years, and no one will know what these years became for him. What is known is that he drank terribly, which is why he eventually died.

Under the control of the intelligence services

But Vanga became a world-class clairvoyant not only because her prophecies came true with high accuracy(although often done in a veiled form), but because her daughter became interested in her phenomenon Secretary General Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party Todor Zhivkov - Lyudmila.
Fascinated by mysticism and esotericism, Lyudmila, having heard about Vanga, paid her a visit, and from that moment their long friendship began. The soothsayer was officially taken under state protection, provided security, and most importantly, thanks to the patronage of the Zhivkov family, she became famous throughout the world, high-ranking clients began to visit her, both members of the Communist Party and foreigners.
At the same time, the Bulgarian intelligence services became very interested in Vanga, seeing in her a potentially valuable source of information. In 1967, Vanga “entered” the public service. She received up to 120 people a day, and only in recent years she prophesied to no more than ten to fifteen visitors, spending three to four minutes on each. The money for this went to the city treasury. A visit to the prophetess cost Bulgarians and citizens of socialist countries 100 levs (about 2 dollars), foreigners - 50 dollars.
And in 1975, the seer was suspected of having connections with foreign intelligence because she was visited too often foreign guests. At the same time, a much more sophisticated near-political intrigue cannot be ruled out. Having discovered that Vanga undoubtedly has a strong ability to persuade and suggest, the same intelligence services put at her disposal a whole network of informants who “leaked” information about visitors to her in advance. And when, at the beginning of the meeting, the clairvoyant voiced such details that the guest believed that only he knew or the narrowest circle of close people, but certainly not the blind woman whom he was seeing for the first time in his life, it immediately made an indelible impression. The rest became a matter of technique. It was much easier to persuade such a person to make certain decisions and actions.
The Soviet intelligence services also tried to use Vanga’s abilities for their own purposes, but abandoned this idea after she did not pass the “test”: she could not help in finding and capturing the maniac, only very vaguely hinting that he would soon be detained. This, by the way, did not happen, and he continued a series of brutal murders for more than five years.
This case disappointed Soviet specialists in the abilities of Vanga and psychics in general. Especially considering that, according to the results of a serious study by Professor Georgy Lozanov, director of the Institute of Suggestology (he studies the mechanisms of hypnosis, suggestion, telepathy), which began back in the 1960s, no direct evidence of her prophetic abilities was obtained. Although the same Lozanov was forced to admit that “recognition” from Vanga goes beyond the boundaries of random coincidences. Is this due to extrasensory abilities or unique intuitive data, it’s hard to say...

Vanga - the secrets of life and its prophecies
Vanga is a world-famous fortuneteller and healer, whose name is shrouded in many secrets and sometimes fantastic facts. The baby was born on January 31, 1911 in the then small Bulgarian town of Strumitsa. The girl was born so weak that no one believed that she would survive. Therefore, the newborn was wrapped in a fur coat and placed next to a warm stove. The girl showed signs of life after one and a half to two months, notifying the world of her birth by crying. And only after that she was christened with the name Vangelia, which from Greek means “the one who brings good news.”

Vanga's biography: childhood years
Childhood was very difficult for Vanga. Her mother died when she was three years old, and a year later her father was sent to the front in the Bulgarian army. The girl lived with a neighbor's family and often played with other children. She loved to pretend to be a healer, collecting herbs and “healing” her friends. Three years later, my father returned from the front and soon married a second time. The father was engaged in farming, and the family began to live in abundance. However, soon the local Greek authorities, accusing her father of partisan activities during the Balkan War, took away the land and property. After this, Vanga’s father was forced to work, hired by other people, and Vanga helped her stepmother around the house. At the age of 12, the girl suffered a misfortune that forever changed her future. When she was returning from the field, a terrible tornado flew in and picked up little Vanga, throwing her hundreds of meters away. Her relatives could not find her for a long time, and when they found her, it turned out that her eyes seemed to be covered with sand and did not open. All efforts to restore the girl’s vision were unsuccessful. The only way out was complex operation, But poor family I simply didn’t have the funds for it. Vanga’s childhood was so difficult, like all of her difficult life.

Biography of Vanga: House for the Blind.
In 1925, Vanga’s father brought the girl to the Home for Blind Children, which was located in the city of Zemun. There they washed me, cut my hair, dressed me cleanly and fed me. Vanga began a completely different life. Together with the boarding school students, she studied music, grammar and many other disciplines. Vangelia learned to masterfully play the piano, cook, clean, and many other women's tasks. There she met young man, who suggested linking their destinies. In a letter to her father, she asked for a blessing for the marriage, but he did not want to listen and demanded that the girl return home as soon as possible. The stepmother did not survive another birth, and there was no female hands.

Vanga's biography: an unusual gift
Upon returning home, Vanga became a real housewife. She not only coped with direct household responsibilities, but also did handicrafts for sale. Fellow villagers knew about the family’s poverty and gave food and clothing in gratitude. She first discovered strange, inexplicable abilities in herself at the age of 30. The young girl was afraid of her abilities and did not tell anyone about it, she was afraid that they would think she was crazy. One day, unable to resist, she told her friends about the upcoming war. They, of course, did not believe her. And when the war did begin, rumors about Vanga’s predictions spread throughout all districts. People began to come to her for advice and help. She spoke about the course of military events and other events in Prague, Syria and Nicaragua.