People have been talking about the influence of the location of stars at birth on the rest of a person’s life for a long time. They developed astrology, determined the signs of the zodiac, gradually supplementing the usual gradation of twelve signs with more and more new elements. Gradually, such a concept as the element of a sign was introduced, on which the interaction of one or another zodiac sign with others was believed to depend. Entire maps of compatibility between people have been developed, the study of which can shed light on difficult human relationships. But we must not forget about the generally accepted characteristics of the zodiac signs, which also shed light on our personal qualities.

Sagittarius element

During the period from November 22 to the Sun is within the boundaries of Which element suits people born at this time? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to refer to the general characteristics of the sign.

According to her, Sagittarius are fire signs. Ancient people depicted this zodiac sign as a centaur armed with a bow. Just like the legendary ones mythical creatures Sagittarians are characterized by a desire to endlessly explore the world around them. In this desire, they stop at nothing: thanks to their innate assertiveness, they overcome obstacles, and their natural charm helps them find mutual language with every. Best Feature for this sign it is the answer to the question: “What element?” Sagittarius is fire, but the fire is peaceful, giving light and warmth, and in no way dangerous.

Detailed characteristics

Let's talk a little about such an amazing sign as Sagittarius. What element according to the horoscope is the same person. Like fire, Sagittarius gathers people around them, selflessly sharing their warmth with them. Representatives of this sign always believe in the best, which is why Fortune is so favorable to them. But if something prevents this sign from achieving its goal, it mercilessly removes the obstacle from the path. As soon as this one reaches one height, it immediately jumps to another, constantly being in motion and not stopping for a second.

Sagittarius needs to be needed, but he will not tolerate control over himself. Therefore, it is precisely this sign that can often have conflicts with someone who has risked in any way infringing on his rights. You should not get involved in confrontation with him, remembering which element controls him. Sagittarius is a fire that will not go out until it gets its way.

Fire in the blood

Continuing the theme of the influence of fire on the character of Sagittarius, it should be noted that due to the constant flame in their blood, they are impatient and impetuous, they always rush forward, trying their best to act as quickly as possible. This sign is not short of intelligence. The main thing is that this fiery impulsiveness does not play a cruel joke on Sagittarius.

It is also noteworthy that Sagittarians tend to overdo it - they do not know the limits in love, work, pleasures, which can sometimes lead to serious problems both psychological and physical. They are generous and extravagant, risky and talkative - yet what element the zodiac sign belongs to plays an amazing role in character formation.


As for career, this is where the influence of fire comes into play. The flame does not tolerate loneliness - so the owners of this zodiac sign strive for professions in which they have to interact with people. They are also inclined towards creative professions.

The main thing for this sign is freedom, so you need to remember who Sagittarius is and what element this sign has. He is unlikely to be able to work as a service staff - he has too many ambitions. Moreover, he is unlikely to tolerate an authoritative leader: no one can curb the fire.


The issue of health cannot be ignored. Things with him for Sagittarius are not as smooth as they would like. Most often they are susceptible to problems with the autonomic system, diseases of the joints, ligaments, and back muscles; in addition, problems with metabolism are possible; many owners of this sign are susceptible to asthma.

It’s sad, but in this situation it doesn’t help at all what element controls it. Sagittarius should spend more time on fresh air, not necessarily playing sports, just walking is enough.

The influence of the eastern horoscope on Sagittarius

There is also such a concept as Eastern horoscope. According to him, each year belongs to a specific animal, whose character then affects the person born in that year. This cycle is repeated every 12 years, so that every dozen years a new generation of children of a certain zodiac sign and a certain sign according to the eastern horoscope is born. It turns out that the characteristics of the zodiac sign and element are also superimposed on the qualities characteristic of the animal of the eastern horoscope.

Take, for example, the year of the Goat. We have a baby born on December 1st. We already know what element controls it. The Sagittarius child (year of the Goat), if you believe the description, will grow creative personality with amazing imagination. These qualities will only be reinforced by the innate Sagittarius-fiery talent. The pessimism of the Goat will be hidden by the openness of Sagittarius, and the fiery nature will only increase stubbornness and assertiveness, characteristic of people born this year. As we can see, we can easily conclude that the eastern horoscope and the zodiac complement each other, thus allowing us to create an amazing combination of character traits that distinguish people from each other.

In love

But let’s move on to, perhaps, the most exciting part of the horoscope for some. We are subject to the influence of stars in many matters. The rebellious Sagittarius also obeys the inexorable luminaries. The element of a sign, its compatibility with others, its character - all this depends on the position of the Sun in the sky at the moment of a person’s birth.

This fire sign, which is not surprising, will be most successfully combined with air signs (Libra, Aquarius and Gemini) and, most strikingly, with (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Sagittarius either will not get along at all with representatives of their own element (Aries and Leo) because of the constant struggle for the palm, or they form the brightest, but, alas, short-term tandems.

It is worth noting that Sagittarians are very fickle in love, and persuading them to marry legal marriage, if they don’t want it, it’s almost impossible. Having been burned once, they will then recover for a very long time, avoiding all contact with representatives of the opposite sex. This sign is waiting ideal partner, which is why, realizing that the one who is nearby is not the only one, Sagittarius immediately breaks off all relationships.

Brief conclusions

We found out which element controls the sign. Sagittarius is in the blood, in the actions, in the mind. The characteristics of this sign show that the stars shape a person’s character and influence his abilities and inclinations.

Sometimes it may seem that everything has long been predetermined for us from above. How else can one explain such striking features characteristic of this or that sign? But still, each of us creates our own destiny and our own happiness, therefore, even when looking at the stars, do not forget to think about who you really are, who you want to be, and not who the people around you and the heavenly bodies want you to be.

Influence: Jupiter.

Metal: zinc, tin.

Plant: , narcissus, palm tree.

Mascot: horseshoe, salamander.

Happy day: Thursday.

Lucky numbers: 3 (numbers divisible by 3), 4, 9.

Born from November 23 to December 2- freedom-loving, proud and independent natures. Their sensuality is combined with firmness of spirit. They are fond of sports, especially extreme sports. Important age: 36, 40. Born from 3 to 12 December- people with a rich imagination and fantasy love to travel. The mood is extremely changeable. Important ages: 15, 30, 40, 45, 60. Born from 13 to 21 December- stubborn natures, able to insist on their own. Sensitive, adoring luxury in all its forms. Important ages: 19, 36, 38, 40, 45, 57.

General description of the character of the sign Sagittarius

Those born under this sign are distinguished by humor, inexhaustible optimism, imagination and a desire for independence. The freedom-loving nature of the Sagittarius zodiac sign does not tolerate any pressure, no matter who it comes from. This should always be remembered by those who communicate with Sagittarius. Don't try to give them unsolicited advice or teach them how to live. This way you will forever lose the favor of Sagittarius, who in such a situation will either remain silent or, most likely, give you an angry rebuke.

Sagittarians are born travelers. They can travel both in thoughts and in reality. Life in a routine depresses them and plunges them into despondency. The worst thing for Sagittarius is knowing that tomorrow will be similar to yesterday. Sagittarians often do not know how to live in the present day. It is typical for the Sagittarius zodiac sign to rush restlessly into the future or turn sadly to the past. But more often than not, Sagittarius is still in the future. The most interesting thing is that by making plans, sincerely believing in them, not allowing for a minute that they could fail, Sagittarius in most cases achieve their goal, because their ideas are specific, and their energy and will are crushing. The main danger facing Sagittarius on the way to implementing their plans is haste and impatience. One of the primary qualities when describing the Sagittarius zodiac sign is patience, the ability to wait, and also act more thoughtfully, without giving in to the first impulse. Therefore, they always have every chance to achieve what they want.

Sagittarians hate hypocrisy and rarely resort to lies, even if it is a white lie. They make friends easily, their energy can attract even reserved and uncommunicative people. They love to receive public recognition and approval of their actions, which are based on a heightened sense of justice and a great love of life. Sagittarians are born warriors of Light. People of this sign want to be useful to society. They want to impress others and, no matter how pompous it sounds, leave their mark on the earth.

Astrological knowledge can help a person find himself in this world, understand his purpose and see his Path.

Tendencies of those born under the constellation Sagittarius

Sagittarians are sincere people and demand the same sincerity from others. Easily vulnerable and touchy. They forgive with difficulty, but they can remember grievances until coffin board. The whole life of Sagittarius passes under the sign of the desire for perfection. They love to learn and are ready to acquire new knowledge into their old age. The main quality in the description of the Sagittarius zodiac sign is its curiosity, which knows no bounds. Sagittarians usually achieve perfection in their mature years. It is at this time that they are at the peak of their intellectual, physical and mental strength. They begin to like themselves, and this is very important, because this is how restless Sagittarians gradually find spiritual harmony...

The description of the zodiac sign Sagittarius implies excessive straightforwardness and ardor, which often brings them significant harm, but the tendency to compromise and duplicity are not in their character. Sagittarians are pleasant conversationalists and quickly become the life of any company, but in relationships they prefer depth and seriousness. They love pleasure, but if necessary they can easily do without the usual comfort. They don't get attached to things, and material values do not occupy the first place in their life hierarchy. Sagittarians strive to learn everything new and unknown. Among Sagittarius there are many people prone to mysticism and clairvoyance. This sign has a constant and strong connection with the Cosmos and the other world.

Born under the sign of Sagittarius: Jonathan Swift, Hector Berlioz, Quintus Horace Flaccus, Maria Stuart, Friedrich Engels, Charles de Gaulle, Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, Mark Twain, Ludwig van Beethoven, Walt Disney, Giuseppe Garibaldi .

What are Sagittarians like in work, love, sex and friendship? What Sagittarians don’t like and what is important to remember about this zodiac sign!

Sagittarius is the most conservative sign of the zodiac. Usually, Sagittarius's appearance is not the most memorable, but their charisma is a magnet for others. Sagittarians are easy to appreciate and respect because they have many talents. If you want to have at least one reliable person in your life, then you should meet a Sagittarius.

We present to you brief description Sagittarius men: stubborn, responsible, generous, lucky, passionate, purposeful and reliable.

Brief characteristics of a Sagittarius woman: attractive, sensitive, a little arrogant, capricious, temperamental and charming.

Sagittarius at work

Sagittarians are constantly late for work, so they need a flexible schedule and understanding from management. They do not accept boundaries, and there is no need to tell them that “this is how the whole country lives.” They will come up with their own ways to live the way they want, and not the way others tell them. If Sagittarius is in love with his project, he will devote all his time and all his energy to his favorite business. They do not like to study at school, but in the future they will be willing to study what may be useful to them to provide for themselves and their family.

Sagittarius in love

The Sagittarius man is very romantic in his courtship; he, like a boa constrictor, directly surrounds his chosen one with care and love, but this does not mean that he is ready to get married. His freedom and sense of independence are important to him. But if you still managed to win the heart of Sagittarius, then he knows how to love for a long time and faithfully. He chooses the best from the best, it is important for him to be understood and supported, otherwise why else would love be needed?

The Sagittarius woman goes headlong into her love. But if suddenly her partner let her down or she lost interest in his person, then she will silently leave. Representatives of this sign are for happiness with both hands and do not need these everyday problems, unfulfilled agreements or eternal quarrels. She is in an eternal search for romance, understanding and sincerity.

Sagittarius in bed

The Sagittarius man is very passionate in bed. He knows how to maximally tune his partner in the right way. But the main rule for him is: “don’t get too carried away with the objects of seduction.” He is a supporter of classical techniques, but if he is asked to experiment, he will not object. He is a lover of intimate suits, high heels and stockings during long foreplay.

Sagittarius women are strong supporters of great sex. Such a woman is a magnet for the opposite sex, because she does not try to hide her shortcomings. This woman simply loves herself and enjoys her ability to love life. She can invent more and more new tricks, scenarios and games in bed. A restless creature that needs affection. The Sagittarius woman is not particularly worried about how long the process of intimate pleasures was; it is important for her that everything started quickly and ended with the desired result.

Erogenous zones of Sagittarius

The Sagittarius man loves when, during foreplay, a woman pays attention to his back, and especially his lower back and buttocks. You can use both light and passionate stroking, biting, subtle touching and kissing. A Sagittarius man will go crazy from any of your touches on his lower back.

The Sagittarius woman is not indifferent to a head massage. A gentle touch to the skin, stroking the hair, a light head massage while taking a joint bath will show you a side of your partner that she has not previously seen. You can safely expect an avalanche of passion and excitement. So don't be afraid to try this little trick.

Sagittarius in friendship

Representatives of this sign are some of the best friends in the world. They will not lie, but will come up with real way help. Sagittarius will lend you money, but they will immediately figure out where and how you can earn money, so that they can not only repay the debt to them, but also earn good money themselves. Sagittarius is drawn to more successful people, he likes to develop, although he is sometimes lazy. You can trust Sagittarius, because they simply do not know how to betray and let down.

Sagittarians do not like it when their friends complain about their lives. Sagittarians always see other ways out, because pity has never helped anyone cope with problems. They are advocates of action rather than tolerance.

Famous personalities born under the sign of “Sagittarius”: Gianni Versace, Maxim Averin, Yulia Timoshenko, Tina Turner, Vincent Cassel, Nikolai Nosov, Natalya Krachkovskaya, Alexander Maslyakov, Emir Kusturica, Anton Makarsky, Vladimir Mashkov, Bruce Lee, Vera Fisher, Alexander Block, Jane Sibbett, Ridley Scott, Mark Twain, Woody Allen, Nelly Furtado, Britney Spears, Lucy Liu, Julianne Moore, Fyodor Tyutchev, Afanasy Fet, Patricia Kaas and others.

Important to remember

Each sign of the Zodiac carries some semantic characteristic of describing character traits and behavior, but each person is individual and unique. It is important for each of us to remember that in life we ​​need to place emphasis on self-knowledge and self-development. Sometimes it's easier for us to blame everything on our date of birth than on our unwillingness to hold back or solve problems, but, nevertheless, horoscopes do not become less interesting for people.

Horoscopes have been read, are being read and will be read in order to simply get to know someone “better” or to explain the reason for some stupid actions. Advice: “Love your shortcomings and the mistakes of your loved ones, because they are what make us unique and inimitable people.” Live today, understanding that each of us is free in our choice and in our decision. Respect others and then you will not encounter the problem of “incompatibility of zodiac signs.”

Characteristics of the sign for women and men

Sagittarians are people with unwavering faith in the future. They always know that spring is just around the corner, new emotions, a bright streak in life. This is also shown by the sign - an arrow directed upward, which, breaking through the clouds and darkness, breaks out into the light. However, you can notice at the bottom of this arrow a cross that holds it, which does not allow a person to tear himself away from the ground, from worldly worries and desires.

The task of Sagittarius's entire life is to find their path, which leads to the light. That is why in the life of this sign many problems arise that can be equated to critical and insoluble. Much that happens to Sagittarius cannot be experienced by other signs of the Zodiac, but this is his destiny - only by breaking through darkness and misfortune can he achieve success and find the path to the light.

Sagittarius Time

Element of the sign

The element of the Sagittarius sign is fire, which is why people born at this time are sincere and straightforward.


Sagittarians are doers and thinkers in one person. They constantly move and communicate a lot. They tend to be interested in everything in the world and find contact with others. They do not like restrictions; they are considered freethinkers who do not like being “systematic.” Inside Sagittarius there are many ideas and desires for their implementation. The inability to focus on one task and lack of patience does not often allow you to achieve your goals. In communication they are generous and kind, but because of their straightforwardness they spoil the impression. They can tell the truth in person, regardless of the status or age of the interlocutor. This leads to the appearance of enemies. Representatives of this sign have many acquaintances, but few close friends, which is why they may suffer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive qualities are frankness, courage, independence. They have an inquisitive mind and a generous soul. These are people who strive to achieve a lot, true idealists. They are honest and reasonable. They love nature and have a philosophical type of mind.
Sagittarians are impulsive, noisy, and lack patience. Among negative qualities should be called aggressiveness, love of boasting. These are arrogant people who have an acute tendency to exaggerate and tactlessness. They are uncollected and may seem rude and inconsistent, which is not always true.


Interesting natures for whom it is important to constantly study the world. They value their own freedom and want to live in accordance with personal rules and guidelines. Because of this, the Sagittarius man risks being left alone, preferring love without obligations. Ways to repel women by being categorical. These are freedom-loving people who initially have a negative attitude towards marriage, since the family can limit creative aspirations. Sagittarians are in no hurry to get married and start their own home, but if they decide to take this step, they become loving, honest husbands and gentle fathers.


Independent, with lively manners, real beauties. For them, freedom is important in life, so the image “ old maid“does not burden them. These are far from soft wives who have a tendency to be straightforward. Sagittarius women are amorous and lose their heads over elegant men with a bright character. Due to the diversified development, interesting ideas attract men not only by appearance, but also inner world. Love failures do not lead to depression; these women do not lose heart and continue to enjoy life alone.


It is important for these children to feel free. They are full of energy and passion for adventure. The child will grow up honest and generous, which will allow him to communicate with people from opposite strata of society with equal success. The Sagittarius baby's cheerfulness energizes those around him, and he will be a leader in group games. If he is faced with injustice, restrictions without reason, he may withdraw into himself for a long time. They love to travel, and often play sports and professional life can choose this path.


They pay little attention to the state of the body, as they are involved in bright events that prevent you from being distracted by trips to the doctor. They tend to develop illnesses and suffer from colds “on their feet.” Weakness- joints, respiratory organs. It is recommended not to overload nervous system, do cardio and take long walks in the fresh air to stay healthy. Sagittarius should not self-medicate, overeat, or drink a lot of alcoholic beverages.

The most striking character traits of Sagittarius according to the horoscope are dynamism, optimism and determination. They love to chat and think, but are completely unable to sit still.

What is the character of Sagittarius according to the horoscope?

Sagittarius' thoughts are always directed to the future. They constantly need a goal that would lead them forward. Therefore, having achieved one goal, they immediately come up with a new one, being tireless and surprisingly inventive in this search.

They love everything new and always go towards it with enthusiasm. If any traditions, conventions or restrictions get in the way, Sagittarians mercilessly destroy them.

At the same time, Sagittarius' goals always remain high and humane, even idealistic. True, sometimes Sagittarius themselves cannot understand what they want, and yearn for something unrealistic.

Sagittarians are very enthusiastic people; they do not stop when hit and cope with difficulties faster than people of other signs. Besides, they are always lucky.

However, at the same time, Sagittarians often abandon unfinished business, having found new area application of your strength. They lack such qualities as thoroughness, patience, and attention to detail. Sagittarians easily refuse to carry out their plans if it requires them to be reasonable.

According to the horoscope, the character of fiery Sagittarius is restless. He can often be more of a homebody than a traveler, or pessimism can easily give way to a love of life. Sagittarius, whose temper can drive anyone crazy, is distinguished by duality and unstoppable energy.

Sagittarius character traits

Sagittarius do not like to shoulder any obligations or bind themselves with promises. They always try to leave room for changing their decision and maintaining freedom of action.

Sagittarians are characterized by complete sincerity and honesty. They are unfamiliar with the ability to lie. Sometimes their habit of telling everyone only the truth can be shocking.

At the same time, Sagittarians not only openly express their opinions about others, but also speak completely sincerely about their feelings and experiences. Sagittarius's desire for truthfulness has absolutely no evil intentions, but it makes it difficult for Sagittarians to keep secrets.

Other character traits of Sagittarius according to the horoscope are sociability, willingness to help, generosity and magnanimity, courage and intelligence, as well as a great sense of humor. As a rule, Sagittarians easily establish relationships with people, but do not feel attachment to anyone.

At the same time, they easily change their attitude towards a person to a hostile one if that person abuses their kindness or accuses Sagittarius of dishonesty. Sagittarians really don’t like it when they themselves are deceived. Therefore, they will take revenge on those who fooled them.

In general, Sagittarians are generous and cheerful idealists who tend to set themselves ambitious and difficult to achieve goals.

Sagittarius is always ready to try something new, he adapts very easily to any life situations. So, Sagittarius is a very versatile person, he always succeeds in everything with ease, and he can simply be torn among the mass of interesting and useful things. Sagittarius have a fantastic mind and excellent memory, but all shooters have problems with discipline.

They often cannot figure out how to behave correctly in a given situation. In contrast to the mind, Sagittarius has a very developed intuition. Sometimes, they even listen to her too much and act according to impulse. Idealistic Sagittarius shows incredible loyalty to the idea that he carries within himself. He inspires those around him. True, patriotism and complete dedication to the cause of life often lead shooters to a dead end.

Pros and cons of the Sagittarius character

Positive features Sagittarius

People born under the sign of Sagittarius are very sociable and friendly, they are distinguished by directness in their relationships with other people.

Sagittarians have a unique combination of determination and high intelligence, which can make them winners.

Sagittarius are alien to deception and falsehood. They tend to do everything completely sincerely, like little children. Like children, they are agile, love animals, and enjoy sports.

Sagittarians usually look cheerful and happy, they are always full of optimism. Sagittarians can perfectly defend themselves without outside help, but after a skirmish they quickly cool down and often try to establish relationships again.

Love of sports can cause injuries, but Sagittarians never stay in the hospital for long. They also succumb to illness with difficulty and recover quickly.

Sagittarius is always on the go, he rarely sits in one place. An altruist by nature, he nevertheless can easily injure a person and simply not notice it. Sagittarius is an honest person and is physically incapable of lying. He would rather tell you the bitter truth than spend a long time choosing loyal words so as not to offend you.

So, Sagittarius simply despises liars and deceivers and always demands that others be honest with him. Sagittarius is also incapable of betrayal, as well as lying. He is exceptional true friend. Trusting Sagittarius will accept everything you tell him as the truth, but will never forgive deception. He does not understand subtle hints; the main thing for him is straightforwardness.

Unbridled optimism in the character of Sagittarius according to the horoscope is fundamental. After all, in absolutely any situation, Sagittarius will “hold his tail like a gun”, no matter what, he will rejoice at every sunrise and every sunset. Along with optimism, Jupiter blessed Sagittarius with luck.

He always appears in in the right place V right time and never lacks money. At the same time, he loves to give gifts - Sagittarius's generosity knows no bounds. Sagittarius always has a lot of friends and acquaintances - few can resist his charm. He is full of enthusiasm, smart, well read, and besides this, he simply energizes those around him with his internal energy.

One of the main character traits of Sagittarius according to the horoscope is the thirst for independence and freedom of action. Family life Sagittarius may find herself unhappy if her significant other does not accept the Sagittarius' need for personal freedom.

Neither friends. No relatives will ever be able to take away Sagittarius’s personal space, which he needs like oxygen for life. Sagittarius' independent nature often hurts those close to him. However, it is better to come to terms with this character trait of the fire centaur.

Sagittarians are very musical. Representatives of the centaur sign often have absolute pitch. True, like many of their abilities, Sagittarius often neglects the gift of music and gives preference to art in general: painting, sculpture, poetry - everything captivates the multifaceted Sagittarius. People of this zodiac sign are in a constant process of exploration and learning.

They are confident that the reserves of the world’s mysteries are simply inexhaustible and they definitely need to learn as much as possible about all the secrets of the world. Sagittarius. At the same time, they are excellent philosophers and speakers, they understand the high meaning of existence, and the truth always remains down to earth with their minds.

Despite all positive traits According to the horoscope, the character of Sagittarius is filled with optimism and is distinguished by the following negative traits: the habit of not finishing what is started, sarcasm, gambling and irresponsibility.

Negative traits Sagittarius

Sagittarians can often seem tactless, but there is no point in being offended by them. They make their shocking remarks not out of malice, but with completely good intentions and simply cannot think that they could offend their interlocutor. Sagittarians in general are always sure that they are the most diplomatic people.

Sagittarians enjoy the feeling of physical or emotional danger; they love taking risks. They are distinguished by talkativeness and extravagance. At the same time, no one can resist the persuasion of a Sagittarius, since their behavior is absolutely devoid of malicious intent.

Although Sagittarians always seem friendly, their mood can change dramatically if others abuse their friendliness or behave too familiarly. In addition, Sagittarius is outraged by the manifestation of someone else's power over them. They cannot stand accusations of dishonesty.

Sagittarians have a somewhat childish outlook on life. This leads to the fact that Sagittarians do not like to take responsibility and try in every possible way to avoid it. This is particularly evident in their attitude towards marriage.

Sagittarians fall in love very quickly, but they also cool down just as quickly. It's hard for them to go serious attitude with someone, they can think about the decision to get married for a very long time, but never decide on anything.

One of the most unpleasant character traits of Sagittarius according to the horoscope is the tendency to eat and drink a lot, which can even lead to alcoholism. Sagittarius's wit can easily turn into sarcasm. Sagittarians are often unable to keep secrets.

Sagittarians have an excellent memory, but at the same time they are very absent-minded, which is why they often lose their things.