Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov, the elder to whom Patriarchs Alexy I and Pimen, confessor of Alexy II, confessed, has died. The prophecies and predictions of the elder Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov were associated with the immediate future of Russia. Did his prophecies come true?

On February 20, at the age of 98, one of the most revered elders of the Russian Orthodox Church, the confessor of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov, died.

Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov departed to the Lord, the elder’s prophecies: biography, photo

“Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) has gone to the Lord... The Kingdom of Heaven is newly departed. Another lamp has gone out, another conductor of God’s mercy…” - she was the first to announce the death of the elder on her page in social network nun Theodora (Lapkovskaya).

About his biography and worldly life very little is known. It is known that he was born into a peasant family, his father and mother were deeply religious people, reports In his youth he was a technologist at a metallurgical plant; in the late 30s he was drafted into the army. There he was an infantryman.

Passed the Great Patriotic War, reached Austria with his platoon. He took part in the battles for Stalingrad. It was in this city in 1943 that he found the Gospel on the ruins of one of the houses, after reading which he converted to faith.

After the war, he graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary, and then the Moscow Theological Academy. From that time on, his life was connected with the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

In 1954 he took monastic vows. At the same time he was ordained a hierodeacon, and then a hieromonk. In 1965 he became the confessor of the Lavra brethren and was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

It was with Elder Kirill that Patriarchs Alexy I and Pimen confessed. It is also known that he was the confessor of Patriarch Alexy II, which is why he moved to the patriarchal residence in Peredelkino.

In the early 2000s, the elder suffered a stroke, which effectively confined the elder to bed. At moments when his strength returned to him, the Archimandrite supported and consoled the believers.

Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov went to the Lord, prophecies of the elder: prophecies, was the elder right?

The prophecies and predictions of the elder Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov were associated with the near future of Russia; he predicted the imminent coming of the Antichrist and the associated trials. For a believer, the corruption of this world is a harbinger of the imminent end of the world and future trials for the faithful. The elder was asked a lot of questions about the Taxpayer Identification Number; the elder did not believe that this was the seal of the Antichrist, but rather its harbinger, reports The danger here is rather in the unwillingness to leave the comfort zone for the sake of Christ, in the willingness to make compromises, which in the future could lead to real renunciation.

Nun Taisiya (Zhitineva): “About our times, Father Kirill always said: “Pray, don’t judge anyone, and keep your ears open.” Somehow they started talking about the second coming. I say to Father Kirill: - How scary it is to live until the coming of the Antichrist... Father, my friend, confidently answers me and answers: - You will live until the second coming. Mother Maria - she is eight years older than me, also asks: - Father, will I live? To which Father answered her: “Yes, if you don’t get sick.” This conversation took place in the 70s. We then took it as a joke. Now, what a year! And I'm 75 years old! So, it’s soon already?..\”

L.P. \"When I studied at a Soviet university, we taught issues of electronic technology. Even in those days, scientists and teachers who dealt with this topic told us during the training process that nothing good development will not give this area to a person. Our teacher, who stood at the origins of these developments, said that the time will come and this science will develop. It will not bring any benefit to people, but it will make them dependent on this technology. They will lose a lot from this. This scary process, this will be the enslavement of man. It started with pension cards. One man brought Father Kirill a pension card. Father Kirill said that there are no chips in it yet, but soon there will be documents that will contain them and it will be much worse.

Nun Veronica: “We also talked about the future and persecution. I don’t remember how our conversation came to this, but he started talking about the “last train.” He says: “Mother, don’t be afraid of anything.” Try to get on this \"last train\". (Meaning that “last train” about which the elders wrote). Don't back down from anything. Be on that train, be on the first train! To clarify whether this is how I understand him, I ask: “Father, how do you understand about this “train”?” In a figurative or literal sense? He says: “The Holy Fathers said, understand in the most literal sense.” — Will they take it somewhere? - Yes. And don’t be afraid to be in it.\”

Nun Veronica. \"I often remember the words of Father Kirill about the \"last train\": - If you don't get on the first train, cling to the second. Run after the tail of the last train. Cling to it. I’m very careful not to be late for them.\”

Nun Theophylact: “I’m crying for the people of the Urals who remained in those parts, I’m sobbing bitterly. Father Kirill consoles: “Mother, don’t cry, the Urals will survive.” - Father, there are still Chinese there. - And the Urals will give them a boot. The Germans did not reach the Urals, and the Chinese will.\"

Nun Theophylact: “Father prepared us for the coming sorrows. — Accept everything as if from the hand of God. With humility, with meekness. Never grumble. Courageously, even when you lack strength, you cannot control your will. When they forcefully put an electronic chip on you. Then a person will not be able to control his own will, stop his words and actions, and sin. Even then, “I can’t help it,” pray! And then the Lord will be able to help you, like the first Christians, the first martyrs. Father Kirill said to always have your backpack packed. “We must stand for the truth to the end, and not be afraid.” Take care of your sisters. who will follow you. We must stand for Christ to the end!\"

Nun Theophylact: \"Father, but Father Nikolai said that Russia will rise again and flourish, and that the Tsar is coming? - This is not about you. - What do I need? Will there be a prison? - You should prepare for another cross, this does not concern you. Who knows, maybe the Lord will soon take someone away, but you are not ready, for the most important thing. You still take this path, bear the cross of trials and suffering. What will the Lord give you, if martyrdom, then martyrdom! We don’t swear off scrip or prison, but we must be ready for anything. And never lose heart, what joy we have been given! We walk with Christ and will rise with Him!\"

Nun Theophylact: \"Will we have a Tsar? - I pester Father with my questions. He answered slowly, with sadness: “I doubt that there will be a Tsar.” There have been so many generations without God.\"

Nun Theophylact: “I’m persistent, I ask: - Father, but Father Nikolai said about the dawn for Russia that the people will still have time to repent. Father Kirill didn’t answer right away either, he paused, then said: “Not about you.” we're talking about. You prepare your sisters for martyrdom. There is no need to stockpile supplies. Divine, spiritual reserves must be made. When they drive you, don’t be afraid of Siberia - the gardens will bloom there... Russia will be saved. The Church will be alive until the end of time!\"

Nun Theophylact: “For the future, Father instructed this way: “The main thing is that the Holy Spirit indwells your heart, so that you abide with Him.” And the Spirit will reveal to you where to be, what kind of people will be around you, and through whom you can receive the Sacrament of Communion and confession. Such an opportunity will be very rare. Then each person will fear the other and will be saved secretly. Not everyone will know these people, i.e. Near such rare elders, from whom one can receive Communion, not everyone will know them. Those. you need to prepare your heart so that the Holy Spirit dwells there, through whom you can learn how to pray, so that unceasing prayer, despite great adversity, remains in your heart. Then only you will have salvation.\"

Lyudmila A.: “It sometimes happened in life that I got involved somewhere and didn’t understand anything. There was no knowledge. Father, with pity, told me: “Lyudmila, read more.” — I find it difficult to read theological books. It’s easier for me to ask you, and you will explain everything to me. - Study, Lyudmila. There will be times when there will be no one to ask and no one to rely on. You will have to think for yourself.\"

Lyudmila A.: \"About new war I asked Father Kirill. He replied: “They can make war any time they want, they have everything in their hands for this.” There will be famine. People, especially those with children, need to stock up on a small supply of food. The most important thing is that we need to prepare our spiritual storehouses now.\"

Lyudmila A.: \"And about the predictions of the elders, the sending of \"echelons\" she asked that at least you need to jump into the last carriage. Father Kirill said that we must keep this in mind. Don’t blink, don’t be faint-hearted, have time to get there.\”

Alexander Zhirov: \"I confessed. I asked a question that had been bothering me about passports. Father Kirill frowned a little and was silent. Then he put his hand on my head. And then he remains silent, says nothing. I remind him of my question: “Father, what should I do with my passport?” Can I get a new one? Father Kirill looked at me carefully, and then said: “What do you think?” … I answer: “Father, my heart tells me that I shouldn’t take all these electronic passports and cards.” The Apocalypse says it all. He looked at me searchingly again. He put his hand on my shoulder and said: “If you, Alexander, can do it with your old passport, then it’s better to stay.” That is, he did not strictly say: accept or not accept. I determined my free will and decision. And rightly so. So much stronger! There will be no one to blame for any problems or disappointments. I made up my mind.\"

Alexander Zhirov: “I asked him many more questions. ... He suddenly took my hand, squeezed it tightly and, lifting it, turned me towards the iconostasis. Then he brought him to the Altar and said with a kind smile: “Yes, Alexander, get ready for the tests.” - Father, which ones? He was silent for a long time, bowing his head, and then answered: “We will live to see the Antichrist.” I was very surprised by this answer, and carefully asked him: “How are we?” Who are we? - It’s a sinful thing to think, like, okay, I’m young, and Father is old. He is already over eighty. And will he survive? So close, then, is our destroyer?!.. Father Kirill, as if reading my thoughts, confirmed: “We will all live to see the Antichrist.” Time goes by very quickly. And we must pass tests if we want to meet the Lord with dignity. These trials will be allowed to us by God. He smiled after these words, crossed me and again reminded me that I must be guided in everything as my heart dictates.\"

Larisa Prikhodko: \"We have an icon in our house Royal Martyrs... This was just on the eve of the canonization of the Royal Martyrs. We thought, maybe this means that Russia will be reborn? We asked Father about this: “Father, maybe Russia will rise up after all?” Father Kirill was then very concerned and upset about the impending processes of globalization. He sadly answered: “God willing!” Although there is little hope for revival now...\"

Georgy: \"Acquaintances wanted to sell a house in Semkhoz and buy a three-room apartment in Moscow. They had three children. They came to Father Kirill, and he told them. \"But what about when difficulties begin? There will be difficulties with food. Electricity, gas, heating will start to work intermittently... Where will you be? How can you live? You have very young children. No need to sell. You definitely need to have a house with land.\" ... For their edification, Father said that such a difficult time would come that they would have to wait it out. For this, it is advisable for everyone to have a house outside the city.\"

Georgy: “Thanks to Father Kirill, the whole history of Russia became clear to me. Much became clearer. Father Kirill does not forget to remind at the end of almost every sermon: “These are the last times.” Be sober, watch yourself... You are walking dangerously." Elder Kirill (Pavlov). “Now it is necessary for believers to set themselves up and prepare themselves for all kinds of trials and tribulations. This is where it goes. We must not panic, not become discouraged, and not despair. And if the Lord allows some trials, you need to be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven without complaint, with joy and hope, with peace of mind.\"

Behind last years The moral state of society has deteriorated significantly, but nothing so far indicates that the elder’s prophecies will soon be fulfilled.

Recently, the so-called prophecies of Elder Kirill (Pavlov) have begun to appear on the Internet more and more often. Sometimes there are too many of them, and their authorship raises doubts: do they really belong to our beloved elder? In fact, the main sayings of the elder regarding the upcoming trials of our people and in particular the Orthodox people are collected in the book “ELDER. ARCHIMANDRITE KIRILL (PAVLOV)” (compiled by priest Viktor Kuznetsov).The latest edition was published in 2012. This book contains the memories of Father Kirill’s spiritual children, and it is noted that many of the notes were made either during conversations, or, as they say, “on fresh tracks.” Thus, the reliability of the published information seems to be quite high.

One Orthodox Internet user (togiya) studied this book and made a selection of the elder’s sayings, believing that they can be considered as prophecies of Fr. Kirill (Pavlova). He suggests that you familiarize yourself with them in the same sequence in which they are written down in the publication.

When meeting on the Internet with publications of other prophecies of Archimandrite Fr. Kirill (Pavlov) we will test the sources of their origin, fearing forgery. Why is there such a danger? Because with the help of false prophecies it is possible to manipulate Orthodox believers, and there are many of them in Russia, if we proceed from faith, and not from visiting the churches of the Moscow Patriarchate, which constantly discredits itself.


Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov)

1 . Nun Taisiya (Zhitineva)

Father Kirill always said about our times: “Pray, don’t judge anyone, and keep your ears open.”
Somehow they started talking about the second coming.

I say to Father Kirill:

– How scary it is to live until the coming of the Antichrist...

Father friend confidently answers me:

– You will live to see the second coming.

Mother Maria, she is eight years older than me, also asks:

-Father, will I live?

To which Father answered her:

– Yes, if you don’t get sick.

This conversation took place in the 70s. We then took it as a joke. Now, what a year! And I'm 75 years old! So it’s soon?..”

2. L. P.

When I studied at a Soviet university, we taught issues of electronic technology.

Even in those days, scientists and teachers who dealt with this topic told us during the training process,that the development of this area will not give a person anything good. Our teacher, who was at the origins of these developments,He said that the time would come and this science would develop. It will not bring any benefit to people, but it will make them dependent on this technology.

They will lose a lot from this. This is a terrible process, it will be the enslavement of a person. It started with pension cards.

One man brought Father Kirill a pension card. Father Kirill said that there are no chips in it yet, but soon there will be documents that will contain them. And it will be much worse.

3 . Nun Veronica

We also talked about the future and persecution.

I don’t remember how our conversation led to this, but he started talking about the “last train.” Speaks:

- Mother, don’t be afraid of anything. Try to get on this “last train”. (Referring to the “last train” that the elders wrote about).

– Don’t back down from anything. Be on that train, be on the first train!

To clarify whether I understand it correctly, I ask:

- Father, what do you mean about this “train”? In a figurative or literal sense?

He says:

– The Holy Fathers said, in the most literal sense, understand.
- Will they take it somewhere?
- Yes. And don’t be afraid to be in it.”

4 . Nun Veronica

I often remember the words of Father Kirill about the “last train”:

– If you don’t get on the first train, catch the second one. Run after the tail of the last train. Cling to it.

I am careful not to be late for them.

5. Nun Theophylacta

“I’m crying for the people of the Urals who remained in those parts, I’m crying bitterly. Father Kirill consoles:

- Mother, don’t cry, the Urals will survive.
- Father, there are still Chinese there.
– And the Urals will give them a boot. The Germans did not reach the Urals, and the Chinese will.

6. Nun Theophylacta

Father prepared us for the coming sorrows.

Accept everything as if from the hand of God . With humility, with meekness. Never grumble. Courageously, even when you lack strength, you cannot control your will, To when will they forcefully put an electronic chip on you? . Then a person will not be able to control his own will, stop his words and actions, and sin.

Even then, “even though I can’t,” pray! And then the Lord will be able to help you, like the first Christians, the first martyrs.

Father Kirill said to always have your backpack packed.

We must stand to the end for the truth , Do not be scared. Take care of your sisters. who will follow you. We must stand for Christ to the end!

7. Nun Theophylacta

- Father, did Father Nikolai say that Russia will rise again and flourish, and that the Tsar is coming?
- This is not about you.
- What do I need? Will there be a prison?
– You should prepare for another cross, this does not concern you. Who knows, maybe the Lord will soon take someone away, but you are not ready, for the most important thing.

You still take this path, bear the cross of trials and suffering. What will the Lord give you, if martyrdom, then martyrdom!We don’t swear off scrip or prison, but we must be ready for anything. And never lose heart, what joy we have been given! We walk with Christ and will rise with Him!

8. Nun Theophylacta

– Will we have a Tsar? - I pester Father with my questions.

He answered slowly, with sadness:

- I doubt that there will be a Tsar. There have been so many generations without God.

9. Nun Theophylacta

Nasty I'm smart, I ask:

– Father, Father Nikolai said about the dawn for Russia that the people will still have time to repent.

Father Kirill also did not answer immediately, paused, then said:

- We are not talking about you. You prepare your sisters for martyrdom. There is no need to stockpile supplies. Divine, spiritual reserves must be made.

When they drive you, don’t be afraid of Siberia - the gardens will bloom there... Russia will be saved. The Church will be alive until the end of time!

10. Nun Theophylacta

For the future, Father instructed as follows:

– The main thing is that the Holy Spirit indwells your heart, so that you abide with Him. AND The Spirit will reveal to you where to be, what kind of people will be around you, and through whom you can receive the Sacrament of Communion and confession. Such an opportunity will be very rare. Then each person will be afraid of the other and will be saved secretly.

Not everyone will know these people, i.e. near such rare elders from whom one can receive Communion, not everyone will know them. Those. you need to prepare your heart so that the Holy Spirit dwells there, through whom you can learn how to pray,so that unceasing prayer, despite great adversity, remains in the heart. Then only you will have salvation.

11. Lyudmila A.

So in life sometimes it turned out that I got involved somewhere and did not understand anything. There was no knowledge. Father, feeling sorry, told me:

– Lyudmila, read more.
– I find it difficult to read theological books. It’s easier for me to ask you, and you will explain everything to me.
- Study, Lyudmila. There will be times when there will be no one to ask and no one to rely on. You will have to think for yourself.

12. Lyudmila A.

I asked Father Kirill about the new war. He replied: " They can make war at any time , whenever they want, they have everything in their hands for this . There will be famine.

People, especially those with children, need to stock up on a small supply of food. The most important thing is that we need to prepare our spiritual storehouses now.”

13.Lyudmila A.

And about the predictions of the elders, the dispatch of “echelons”, she asked that at least you need to jump into the last carriage. Father Kirill said that we must keep this in mind.

Don’t blink, don’t be faint-hearted, have time to get there.

14. Alexander Zhirov

Confessed. I asked a question that had been bothering me about passports.

Father Kirill frowned a little and was silent. Then he put his hand on my head. And then he remains silent, says nothing.

I remind him of my question:

- Father, what should I do with my passport? Can I get a new one?

Father Kirill looked at me carefully and then said:

– What do you think?

I answer:

– Father, my heart tells me that I shouldn’t take all these electronic passports and cards. The Apocalypse says it all.

He looked at me searchingly again. He put his hand on my shoulder and said:

– If you, Alexander, can do it with your old passport, then it’s better to stay.

That is, he did not strictly say: accept or not accept. I determined my free will and decision.

And rightly so. So much stronger! There will be no one to blame for any problems or disappointments. I made up my mind.

15. Alexander Zhirov

I asked him many more questions...

He suddenly took my hand, squeezed it tightly and, lifting it, turned me towards the iconostasis.Then he led him to the Altar and said with a kind smile:

- Yes, Alexander, get ready for the test.
- Father, which ones?

He was silent for a long time, bowing his head, and then answered:

– We will live to see the Antichrist.

I was very surprised by this answer and asked him carefully:

- Like us? Who are we? - It’s a sinful thing to think, like, okay, I’m young, and Father is old. He is already over eighty. And will he survive? This means our destroyer is so close?!..

Father Kirill, as if reading my thoughts, confirmed:

“We will all live to see the Antichrist.” Time goes by very quickly. And we must pass tests if we want to meet the Lord with dignity. These trials will be allowed to us by God.

He smiled after these words, crossed me and again reminded me that I must be guided in everything as my heart dictates.

16. Larisa Prikhodko

In our house there is an icon of the Royal Martyrs... This was just on the eve of the canonization of the Royal Martyrs.

We thought, maybe this means that Russia will be reborn? We asked Father about this:

– Father, maybe Russia will rise up after all?

Father Kirill was then very concerned and upset about the impending processes of globalization. He answered sadly:

- God forbid! Although there is little hope for revival now

17. Georgiy

Friends wanted to sell a house in Semkhoz and buy a three-room apartment in Moscow. They had three children.

They came to Father Kirill, and he said to them: “But what about when difficulties begin? There will be difficulties with food.

Electricity, gas, heating will start to work intermittently... Where will you be? How can you live? You have very young children.

No need to sell. A house with land is a must.”

For their edification, Father said that such a difficult time would come that they would have to wait it out.
To do this, it is advisable for everyone to have a house outside the city.

18. Georgiy

Thanks to Father Kirill, the whole history of Russia became clear to me. Much became clearer.
Father Kirill does not forget to remind at the end of almost every sermon:

“These are the last times. Be sober, watch yourself... You are walking dangerously.”

19. Father Kirill (Pavlov)

“Now it is necessary for believers to set themselves up and prepare themselves for all kinds of trials and tribulations. This is where it goes.

We must not panic, not become discouraged, and not despair. And if the Lord allows some trials, you must resignedlywith joy and hope, with peace of mind, be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Only the Orthodox can wait for the last echelon and place high hopes on it. Save, Christ, all your faithful. Amen

1. Nun Taisiya (Zhitineva). “About our times, Father Kirill always said: “Pray, don’t judge anyone, and keep your ears open.” Somehow they began to talk about the second coming. I say to Father Kirill: “How scary it is to live until the coming of the Antichrist... Father, friend, confidently and answers me: “You will live to see the second coming.” Mother Maria, she is eight years older than me, also asks: “Father, will I live?” To which Father answered her: “Yes, if you don’t get sick.” This conversation was in 70s. We took it as a joke then. What a year it is now! And I’m 75 years old! So, it’s soon already?..”

2. L.P. “When I studied at a Soviet university, we taught issues of electronic technology. Even in those days, scientists and teachers who dealt with this topic told us during the training process that the development of this area would not give a person anything good. Our teacher, who stood at the origins of these developments, he said that the time will come and this science will develop. It will not bring any benefit to people, but will make them dependent on this technology. They will lose a lot from it. This is a terrible process, it will be the enslavement of people. It started with pension cards. "One man brought Father Kirill a pension card. Father Kirill said that there were no chips in it yet, but soon there would be documents that would contain them. And it would be much worse."

3. Nun Veronica. “We also talked about the future, persecution. I don’t remember how our conversation came to this, but he started talking about the “last train.” He said: “Mother, don’t be afraid of anything. Try to get on this “last train.” (Having I mean that "last train" about which the elders wrote). Don't back down from anything. Be on that train, be on the first train! To clarify whether I understand it correctly, I ask: - Father, how do you understand about this "train" "? In a figurative or literal sense? He says: - The Holy Fathers said, in a very literal sense, understand. - Will they be taken somewhere on it? - Yes. And don’t be afraid to be in it."

4. Nun Veronica. “I often remember the words of Father Kirill about the “last train”: “If you don’t get on the first train, cling to the second. Run after the tail of the last train. Cling to it. I’m careful not to miss them.”

5. Nun Theophylact. “I cry for the Urals who remained in those parts, I sob bitterly. Father Kirill consoles: “Mother, don’t cry, the Urals will stand.” “Father, there are still Chinese there.” “And the Urals will give them a boot. The Germans did not reach the Urals, and the Chinese will get "

6. Nun Theophylact. “Father prepared us for the coming sorrows. - Accept everything as if from the hand of God. With humility, with meekness. Never grumble. Courageously, even when you don’t have enough strength, you won’t be able to control your will. When they force you to have an electronic chip. Then a person will not be able to control his own will, stop his words and actions, sin. Even then, “through I can’t,” pray! And then the Lord will be able to help you, like the first Christians, the first martyrs. Father Kirill said to always The backpack was packed. “You must stand for the truth to the end, don’t be afraid. Take care of your sisters who will follow you. You must stand for Christ to the end!”

7. Nun Theophylact. "- Father, did Father Nikolai say that Russia will rise again and flourish, and that the Tsar is coming? - This is not about you. - What about me? Will there be a prison? - You should prepare for another cross, this does not concern you. Who knows ", maybe the Lord will soon take someone away, but you are not ready, for the main thing. You still take this path, bear the cross of trials and suffering. What will the Lord give you, if martyrdom, then martyrdom! We do not renounce the scrip and prison, but we must be ready for anything. And never lose heart, what joy has been given to us! We walk with Christ and will rise with Him!"

8. Nun Theophylact. “Will we have a Tsar?” I pester Father with my questions. He answered not right away, with sadness: “I doubt that there will be a Tsar. There have been so many generations without God.”

9. Nun Theophylact. “I’m persistent, I ask: “Father, but Father Nikolai said about the dawn for Russia that the people will still have time for repentance.” Father Kirill also did not answer right away, he was silent, then said: “We’re not talking about you. You prepare your sisters.” to martyrdom. There is no need to stockpile reserves. Divine, spiritual reserves must be made. When they are driven, do not be afraid of Siberia - the gardens will bloom there... Russia will be saved. The Church will be alive until the end of time!"

10. Nun Theophylact. “For the future, Father instructed this way: “The main thing is that the Holy Spirit dwells in your heart, so that you abide with Him. And the Spirit will reveal to you where to be, what kind of people will be around you, and through whom you can receive the Sacrament of Communion, confession.” Such an opportunity will be very rare. Then each person will be afraid of the other and will be saved secretly. Not everyone will know these people, that is, near such rare elders from whom you can receive Communion, not everyone will know them. That is, the heart "You must prepare yours in such a way that the Holy Spirit dwells there, through whom you can learn how to pray, so that unceasing prayer, despite great adversity, remains in your heart. Then only you will have salvation."

11. Lyudmila A. “So sometimes in life it turned out that I got involved somewhere and didn’t understand anything. There was no knowledge. Father, feeling sorry for me, said to me: - Lyudmila, read more.” - Theological books are difficult for me. ask you, and you will explain everything to me. - Study, Lyudmila. There will be times when there will be no one to ask and no one to rely on. You will have to think for yourself."

12. Lyudmila A. “I asked Father Kirill about the new war. He answered: “They can make a war any time they want, they have everything in their hands for this.” There will be famine. People, especially those with children, need to stock up on a small supply of food. The most important thing is that we need to prepare our spiritual storehouses now."

13. Lyudmila A. “And about the predictions of the elders, the dispatch of the “echelons”, she asked that at least you need to jump into the last carriage. Father Kirill said that you need to keep this in mind. Don’t blink, don’t be faint-hearted, have time to get there.”

14. Alexander Zhirov. "I confessed. I asked the question that had been tormenting me about passports. Father Kirill frowned a little and was silent. Then he put his hand on my head. And then he remained silent, said nothing. I reminded him of my question: “Father, what should I do with my passport? Can I have a new one?” Father Kirill looked at me carefully, and then said: “What do you think?” I answer: “Father, my heart tells me that I shouldn’t take all these electronic passports and cards. It’s all said in the Apocalypse.” He again looked at me searchingly. He put his hand on my shoulder and said: “If you, Alexander, can do it with the old passport, then it’s better to stay.” That is, he did not strictly say: accept or not accept. He determined the decision on my free will. And rightly so. . So stronger! There will be no one to blame for any problems or disappointments. I made up my mind myself."

15. Alexander Zhirov. “I asked him many more questions. ... He suddenly took my hand, squeezed it tightly and, lifting me up, turned me towards the iconostasis. Then he led me to the Altar and said with a kind smile: “Yes, Alexander, get ready for the tests.” Father, to which ones?" He was silent for a long time, bowing his head, and then answered: “We will live to see the Antichrist.” I was very surprised at this answer, carefully asked him: “How are we? Who are we?” I sinfully think, well, okay, I - young, and Father is old. He’s already over eighty. And will he live? So close, that means he’s our destroyer?!.. Father Kirill, as if reading my thoughts, confirmed: “We will all live to see the Antichrist.” Time passes very quickly. And we must go through trials if we want to meet the Lord with dignity. These trials will be allowed to us by God. He smiled after these words, crossed me and again reminded me that I must be guided in everything as my heart dictates."

16. Larisa Prikhodko. “In our house there is an icon of the Royal Martyrs... It was just on the eve of the canonization of the Royal Martyrs. We thought, maybe this means that Russia will be reborn? We asked Father about this:

Father, maybe Russia will rise up after all? Father Kirill was then very concerned and upset about the impending processes of globalization. He sadly answered: “God willing!” Although there is little hope for revival now..."

17. George. “Acquaintances wanted to sell a house in Semkhoz and buy a three-room apartment in Moscow. They had three children. They came to Father Kirill, and he told them. “But what about when difficulties begin?” There will be difficulties with food. Electricity, gas, heating will start to work intermittently... Where will you be? How can you live? You have very young children. No need to sell. It is imperative to have a house with land." ... For their edification, Father said that such a difficult time would come that they would have to wait it out. For this, it is advisable for everyone to have a house outside the city."

18. George. “Thanks to Father Kirill, the whole history of Russia became clear to me. Much became clearer. Father Kirill does not forget to remind at the end of almost every sermon: “These are the last times. Be sober, watch yourself... You are walking dangerously." Elder Kirill (Pavlov). “Now it is necessary for believers to set themselves up and prepare themselves for all sorts of trials and tribulations. This is what is coming. We must not panic, do not become discouraged and do not despair. And if the Lord allows some trials, we must resignedly, with joy and hope, with with peace of mind you will be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven."

"From the book Elder Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov"


He is Sergeant Pavlov (defended a house in Stalingrad) for up to 40 minutes, then about the seal of the Antichrist, “if you took the Taxpayer Identification Number, then do not take the electronic card”

The last battle of Elder Kirill (Pavlov). Movie VI


about a card with a chip..
from 30 min. about the fact that the computer died out when they tried to add Pavlov’s name to the lists...

from 33 min. about the Provisional Government in 1917
from 40 min. we will survive when we raise morality among the people
from 48 min. oh... the elders and nuns about the murdered babies
from 58 min. Father Kirill was the treasurer of the Lavra... about his spiritual exploits...
from 01:05 min. about the personal condition of Patriarch Kirill. made capital in the tobacco business and oil...
from 01:06:30 sec. about the confession and service of Elder K.P.
from 01:09:30 minutes about the trials and tribulations of the elder in the Lavra.. the monastery is far from being a heavenly place, but a place of trials..

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All rights belong to their authors. This site does not claim authorship, but provides free use.
Page creation date: 2017-06-21

Having refused to join the party, the legendary warrior was immediately demoted and stripped of his heroic title. IN post-war years He graduated from theological seminary, became a monk and spent more than 60 years in the main monastery of Russia - the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Great patriot and man of prayer, spiritual successor St. Sergius Radonezh, through many years of labor he acquired the blessed gift of clairvoyance. For half a century he spiritually cared for the brethren of the monastery, rulers, clergy and laity who came to him from different cities and countries of the world. He was the confessor of three patriarchs: Alexy I, Pimen and Alexy II. It is no coincidence that he is called “the last light of Russia.”

Former soldier Ivan Pavlov accepted the monastic rank on June 22, 1954, the day the war began. In this way he is especially sealed as the protector of the people from all attacks of enemies, visible and invisible. He fought off some by force of arms, others (for more than 60 years) by the force of the Jesus Prayer.

10 years ago serious illness chained Father Kirill to bed. Today he sees poorly, hears poorly, but his lips constantly whisper a prayer. Possessing acute spiritual vision, even in such a painful situation he continues to guide his children to salvation. A Greek bishop who recently visited the elder said that “Archimandrite Kirill is now crucified on a suffering cross - one for all of Russia.”

Through the efforts of his spiritual children and students, a book entitled “Spiritualist” was published (M., 2013). Its author is priest Viktor KUZNETSOV, a member of the Union of Writers of Russia. It contains precious grains of Father Kirill’s instructions, facts from his biography, photographs and testimonies of many people. Here are some excerpts from this wonderful book.

“Read the Gospel!”

While still studying at the seminary, during any break, seizing every minute, avoiding empty conversations, he left his fellow students, hid somewhere in the corner and read the Gospel. And he always carried it with him - an old, worn-out one, once found in the ruins of Stalingrad. There is a minute - he immediately puts his hand in his pocket. And he constantly gave the instruction to all his children: “Read! Read the Gospel as much as possible! How can one live according to the Gospel without knowing the Holy Book? And if we read, it’s like that, abstractly. When we pray, we talk with God, and when we read the Gospel, the Lord Himself talks with us. Our grandmothers sometimes could not read, the communists took away all their books, but they lived according to the Gospel! Remember: where there is no Christ, there is no morality. Without knowing by whom and why man was created, what he is called to, what tasks are assigned to him, it is impossible to think and act morally, that is, according to the will of God. Over the heads of the grieving, the sick, and those in prison, read the Gospel, as many chapters as possible, and at the end - a prayer. Let it be your reference book."


“We can see how beneficially the gospel works on human souls. Why was our country called Holy Rus'? Because our ancestors studied from the Psalter and the Gospel. And piety flourished. How many people from the world went to monasteries! There were streams of people wishing to serve in the monastic rank! There were more than 1,500 monasteries in Russia, and they could not accommodate everyone. And now the monasteries are being revived, but there are not enough volunteers. This is a consequence of the fact that people are now brought up by television. St. Seraphim of Sarov never parted with the Gospel and said that one must know it so that the mind seems to float in it.”

Archimandrite Kirill

"Don't run away from cities"

IN last times, except for a direct attack on Orthodox Church, there is a powerful erosional attack on the faithful children. In order to excommunicate believers from confession and communion, a myth has been launched about the gracelessness of the Church. An active campaign was launched to encourage the exodus of the population from big cities. But this is where the main battle takes place! This is how destructive work is carried out from within - to disperse the forces of the protesters.

Father Kirill, as an honest and vigilant guardian of our souls, gave clear answers to these questions. He never spoke about us fleeing en masse from the cities, and if anyone started such a “song,” he objected:

What are you talking about? In the cities, in the capital, there are so many temples, so many shrines, so many people who want to be saved, your family and friends! And you want to leave them?

Yes, he blessed us to have a house with land during difficult times, but he never approved of leaving the cities where there was so much struggle, so much sweat was shed by our ancestors. Who should leave the cities to? Enemies? For desecration? So that our united stand in the truth does not prevent them from doing stinking deeds? On the contrary, Father Kirill mobilized all the strength of his children to fight evil. And they argued that when they exactly fulfill everything that he commanded, all things go well, without troubles or breakdowns.

“Do not shorten services”

Father was very sad because they stopped reading the Psalter in churches and began to greatly reduce the service. Said:

Worship is the basis of the foundations, and we will drive everything away faster, faster, but at gatherings we can sit for hours... Leave everything earthly. Blessed are those who have ascended and are within the enclosure of the Church. Everything here is in the sky. Love one another and save yourself. If you lose love, you will lose everything. All your dispensations will be in vain and will burn up.

We have no exploits, so we will be saved by illnesses and sorrows. We must not run away from them, but accept them with humility, as an inevitability we deserve. Those who are sick obediently take bitter medicines - for their own recovery. We should remember the words of the Savior: “In the world you will have tribulation; but take heart: I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

About the future he said this: “If we live, moving God to mercy, God will extend us Peaceful time. And if we live the way we live now and collect the wrath of God, then expect wars and disasters. Our Church is being persecuted today. All other churches will rebel against the Orthodox. Then God will allow the war, like in 1941. The Lord will cleanse everything!

“But if we deserve it, we will have a Tsar,” said Father Kirill. All his life he honors Tsar Nicholas II. And even in those years when he had not yet been glorified as a saint, he was remembered and served in secret.

"Less attention to externals,
more - internal"

Father, why is there no joy from communion? After all, I did everything according to the rules, but there is sorrow in my heart...
- My dear, external preparation is not at all the same. We often only do external things. We put on a white scarf, a white jacket, fast for three days, wash ourselves and read the rule. You don’t need to “read”, but really pray before communion! Or already on extreme case- read everything carefully. Otherwise, just say, I reported to God, and now I’ll go on sinning. A great sin is lack of repentance for sins. Then we will not receive the proper wedding clothes at the royal feast. We must never forget that only those who were wearing wedding clothes came out to the feast. If you confessed poorly or are formal about it, or if you want to receive communion without confession at all, then you are not provided with wedding clothing. You are present at the feast, but you seem to be covered in rags and dirt. Pay less attention to the external, more to the internal. With all your might, head towards good deeds, to mercy, to prayer service - this is a struggle. Standing tensely before God can be compared to voluntary martyrdom. Especially nowadays. People are rushing, some into scientific atheism, some into social restructuring, some in all directions. They don’t succeed, but still they don’t come to faith. Nothing takes them. They still don't understand us...


“Faith is our most reliable companion until the grave. It is difficult to live in the world without faith, and even more difficult to die. In earthly life, unbelievers forget Christ and pass Him by, but at death they can no longer pass Him and will definitely meet Him face to face. And fear will come over them because they did not have faith. My dears! Let us guard our faith more than any precious treasure. And in case of any disasters that befall us, she will show where to find consolation and how to ward off evil.”

Archimandrite Kirill

“The Church will be destroyed from within”

“There are now many distortions in modern spiritual books,” warned Father Kirill. - Be careful and picky about them. Sometimes they write something that is not true. Check the prayer books, there are a lot of gags, insertions, and typos.”

These are the methods that the leader of the world proletariat once taught his followers: there is no need to fight with the enemy, you need to integrate into it and turn it into absurdity from within. And now is just such a time. There are a lot of outsiders built into the Church. They receive a certain task and position in the hierarchy, shake the foundations of the Church from within, try to discredit and humiliate it.

Father Kirill advised reading the works of the holy fathers: Theophan the Recluse, Ignatius BRYANCHANINOV and others. “This is the most acceptable,” he said, but he was somehow silent about modern theologians. He gave us children such a strong program for life. Why are you falling? This means that you are not following some of his orders, you have moved away from prayer, or you are lazy, or you are giving yourself some slack. He firmly commanded: “If you break your fasts, you will have sorrows. If you chat in the altar during the service, you will get into trouble.” That's how it happens...

Continuing the story about Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov, let us dwell in more detail on his military biography and instructions for spiritual children.

The thorny path of a soldier

He started fighting back in the Finnish era, and in total he went through a combat journey of six years. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War - in the infantry. Reached Romania, Austria, Hungary. In 1946 was demobilized and came to Moscow.

The most ordeal for 22-year-old Sergeant Pavlov it was the battle for Stalingrad. The essay by Colonel General Alexander Ilyich RODIMTSEV, “The House of Soldiers’ Valor,” tells in detail how Sergeant Ivan Pavlov and three soldiers captured a four-story house in a no man’s land in the center of the city, how they sent him reinforcements, and how they began to defend themselves from enemies. For more than two months, the defenders were under constant fierce enemy fire, with almost no food or medicine. Some died, others made their way to their place, but they did not give up their fighting positions.

The general then commanding the 13th guards division, who defended Stalingrad, names only a few names known from the very beginning of that operation. According to documents, 24 fighters visited there. When the battle ended, the hero-sergeant Ivan Pavlov was offered to join the party, but unexpectedly for the political department workers, he avoided the honorable, solemn entry into the ranks. He said that he was “not worthy”, “not ready”. The special officers were shocked, and the rebel instantly “burned out,” becoming inconvenient to the authorities. This news spread across the entire front, from mouth to mouth. Rumors began to spread. Scandal!

Then the local NKVD officers helped: they quickly knocked the hero off the pedestal of glory and transferred him to the reconnaissance force - into the thick of it. These are those who, perched on the armor of rushing tanks, are the first to rush to storm impregnable fortifications. This is true and imminent death. But by a miracle of God, Ivan remained alive. He was wounded in battle, and after being wounded they found good people, who transferred him to another part, less fatal.

Distinctive feature What makes a great people great is its ability to rise to its feet after falling. No matter how severe his humiliation may be, the appointed hour will strike, he will gather his confused moral forces and embody them in one or several great people, who will lead him onto the straight historical path, temporarily abandoned by him. V.O. KLUCHEVSKY. 1892

How did the double appear?

A native of Stalingrad, A.A. BUDANOVA returned to the city immediately after its liberation. She remembers well the destroyed Pavlov House. After the battles, a board hung on the ruins, on which it was written in black pencil: “A heroic defense was held in this house soviet soldiers under the command of Sergeant I.D. Pavlova." The board hung under the glass for a long time, and then it was removed and another one was hung. With a different text, with a different name...

Why did it happen? In the early 50s, Sergeant I.D. Pavlov again returned to the attention of the authorities - he entered the seminary and became a monk! What was to be done? In peacetime there are no penal battalions; you can’t send him under bullets. Hide in the Gulag? So he is clean, you won’t find fault with anything. And then inventive organs concocted a double. This is an old, proven method of silently killing a person. They found another combat sergeant, a participant in the battle for Stalingrad - Yakov Pavlov. By that time, there were only three living witnesses: the soldiers who defended that house in the fall of 1942. One of them is an Uzbek peasant, and the other two were soon repressed.

Having called monk Kirill and received his consent to silence, the organs confidently began to unwind new version. Newspaper articles, films, and books glorified the copy of the hero poured in in a wide stream. With a complete monopoly on the press, the authorities easily managed to entrench a lie, and then only maintain this structure: it is strong to this day. The Internet is full of messages about another Hero. But a lie does not last forever, for the gospel truth lives on for centuries: everything secret becomes clear.

The created double has already passed into another world. The Soviet ideology of atheism collapsed, but the authorities are still afraid to reveal the truth. In the center of Volgograd stands the famous “House of Sergeant Pavlov,” one of the main objects of military glory. Tourists from all over the world often come here: how can we admit a mistake now? It was restored and hastily occupied immediately after the war. A fragment of the ruins and a memorial plaque were left as a souvenir for descendants...

(From the memoirs of Nikolai SEDOV)

"Silence out of humility"

“One old nun kept a front-line Stalingrad newspaper, which published an article about the feat and a photograph of Ivan Pavlov. When I asked her why the priest himself does not defend himself from false attacks from all sides and does not say anything about it, she replied: “Because of monastic humility.” When they summoned him and started a trial about his name, they asked: are you so-and-so? Realizing what they wanted from him, he replied: “If it’s so convenient for you, then I am the monk Kirill Pavlov, and Ivan Pavlov died.”

When the question arose whether to enroll him in the brethren of the monastery, the authorities set a condition: either you remain silent “about this”, or we will kick you out of the Lavra. He, of course, burned all his bridges behind him and chose the monastic life.

Today we, sincerely loving father Kirill, the truth needs to be restored. He does not need mystery in this matter, which has been hanging for decades. He already endures many troubles and illnesses, and for this reason he bears a heavy cross - from his own exploits.

(From the memoirs of Abbot Ephraim)

Question about rewards

When the next volume of the Encyclopedia of Russian Civilization was being prepared for publication, Elena, the spiritual daughter of Father Kirill, was assigned to write an article about it. When asked “do you have military and church awards,” he wrote in his own hand: “Order of Glory, many medals, Order of St. Sergius, Order of Prince Vladimir." He again modestly kept silent about the most important award - the Golden Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

But the star was still awarded to the priest, - testifies Professor A.V. NEDOSTUP, who for 20 years was the attending physician of Archimandrite Kirill, - already in perestroika times, in the early 90s. All the real documents had been destroyed by that time, but the decree on the award somehow miraculously survived. Then military archives were opened, a lot began to become clear, and that decree was also revived, but for some reason even in church newspapers they don’t write about it...


“A bad peace is better than a good war. There is no need for any hostility, the enemy is giving this idea. Enmity is his most tried and tested remedy. Therefore, I wish you that the brotherhood will be unanimous. They would have mercy on each other and forgive... Whoever persecutes others with anger and vengeance, doesn’t he himself deserve vengeance and the wrath of God? There is no mercy for those who have not done mercy. Let the peace of God rule in all hearts.”

Archimandrite Kirill

"War is worse than hell"

In his sermons, Father Kirill often recalled the war, but spoke about the events in a detached manner, as if on behalf of some other young man, a participant in the hostilities. In conversations with his close children, he was sometimes more frank, and they recorded several episodes from his words.

He once stood guard on guard. It was a dark, damp, moonless night. There is absolute darkness all around and a strong corpse smell! Goosebumps ran across his skin with trepidation. He thought he had entered the realm of death. He talked about it like this: “I was gripped by such mortal horror that I had never experienced!”

One day someone started talking about the war. Father Kirill looked closely and said: “Whoever has not been there knows nothing. At times it was worse than hell. It’s extremely difficult to survive this...”

According to him, it was especially difficult to endure meanness and cowardice. War is an even greater pressure. Here everything unfolds faster and sharper. In minutes mortal danger both the best and the basest qualities of a person are immediately revealed. Against the backdrop of mass heroism, there were cases of betrayal, cooperation with authorities, and petty transitions from the front line to the rear services.

This especially depressed the fighters and took away their spiritual strength. The man was in a perimeter defense all the time. He did not have a sense of a reliable rear: “The enemy was right in front of you, but new people appeared nearby all the time, and you didn’t know, you weren’t sure of them. This was worse than hell. In hell everyone suffers the same, you can’t get any favors there. Hell is also terrible spiritual suffering here on earth. We went to serve and did not know how long this war would last. There was obscurity...”

"Don't be afraid! I'm with you"

At the very beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad, Ivan Pavlov was captured and ended up in a death camp. When they were led in a column to be shot, he suddenly saw that right before his eyes stood, as if alive, his own grandmother, who in childhood taught her grandson the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary...”. On the last frontier between life and death, she came to his aid with the words: “Pray Mother of God

He earnestly began to ask the Mother of God - and saw Her image in the sky! He heard a voice that said to him three times: “Move quietly to the side. I'm with you! Don’t be afraid...” As if in a fog, he noticed how he was gradually moving away from the general column, and now the guards with shepherd dogs were walking not behind, but in front. And no one sees his departure, as if the eyes of his enemies were closed. Thus, in a miraculous way, the Lord preserved His chosen one from inevitable death.

In the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, no one knew about his front-line biography until he was admitted to the hospital. This happened in the 60s, during another wave of persecution of the Church. In the reception room they did not want to register him as a clergyman - it was forbidden to receive such people.

One doctor finally took pity and asked: “Well, have you at least been to the front?” And then Father Kirill said: “Yes, a participant in the war.” After that incident, the monks picked up the documents and learned that his military path went from Stalingrad to Europe. However, he again reacted modestly: “All of us who were in the monastery then were from the front, experienced by life.”

“He shines for us with his example”

God is merciful! He loves our elder very much and helps him in his illness. Over these years, our weaknesses, laziness and negligence have intensified, the general retreat has also grown, and our father is still the same unbending warrior. And at the age of 90, he would not have left his combat positions if a serious illness had not crippled him. Even now he would continue to explain to people where the truth is and where the lies are. No matter how many ill-wishers attacked him, he did not retreat a single step - just like in Stalingrad. God determined another feat for him - through illness he saved him from attacks, and he did not burn out completely. He still shines for us today and with his highest example teaches us firmness and patience.

(From the memoirs of Vladimir TSYGANKOV)

It is known that the priest greatly respected the famous Marshal of Victory - Georgy Konstantinovich ZHUKOV. He argued that this was a true gift from God for the country, without it we would not have won the war. We should all give thanks to the Lord for the Victory. In the first years of the war, punishment was allowed to the people, a significant part of which renounced the faith.

But after some time of fiery trials, we woke up from the party frenzy, and God began to help us. We began to win victories. The omnipotence of the party was shaken, Stalin's opinion changed. In 1943 relaxation towards the Church began, and after this the course of the war changed sharply. G.K. Zhukov noted in his memoirs: “We did not recognize some German generals. They, experienced military leaders, began to make major mistakes, one after another, and we began to move forward step by step.”

May 9 is a day of great worship of the Lord for victory in the war. At one time, with the careful prompting of Father Kirill, a church-wide commemoration of the fallen soldiers on Victory Day, with memorial services and services, was approved. Now this has become a custom. Recently they began to serve and thanksgiving prayers. This is living folk memory.

Human transformation

You can collect many stories and write mountains of books about how beneficial the influence of a confessor is on the destinies of his children. Thousands of people have passed through the hands and heart of Father Kirill over 60 years. We will give just a few episodes.

A young cellist and artist of the opera and symphony orchestra came to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. She suffered seriously from heart attacks, and the ambulance came to her almost every day. She arrived at Father Kirill’s with a bag of medicine and an oxygen bag, and in her pocket she kept a piece of paper with the address: where to report if she dies on the way. In confession she told him: she believes that her illness is spiritual. According to the teachings of the holy fathers, a sick heart is a boiling of passions that kills the organ of love. Father Kirill covered her head with an epitrachelion:

If you believe that you have a spiritual illness, then we will be treated spiritually.

And he demanded that she throw away the bag of medicine.

What are you doing? I'll die right away!

“You won’t die,” he calmly objected.

She did not agree for a long time, but still overpowered herself and obeyed. After this, Father Kirill continued the “treatment”:

Don't eat any meat, it puts a strain on your heart. In addition, meat is also passion, and one must learn to be completely dispassionate. Fasting, prayer, frequent confession and Communion, go to confession only to me...

A year and eight months have passed. Doctors told the artist that she had the heart of a healthy person. After that she changed her whole life. She graduated from the regency department of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy and devoted herself to serving God. He does not miss a single morning or evening service. You need to see her face! The eyes shed the light of kindness and understanding. In communication with her, everyone’s hard-heartedness melts and despair disappears. She owes her transformation to her confessor and tells everyone that they must strictly follow his word, his preaching of love and forgiveness. And then hearts will become healthier...

Reply to the officer

Up to two hundred people gathered at the door of the priest’s cell every day. We traveled from all cities, from different countries. Even if you spend 3 minutes on each person, you will already have 10 hours! Where does the old man get so much time? Just take away from sleep and rest...

One day an officer came. I waited long and patiently in a huge line. Having entered, he asked:

Father, I don’t know what to do. I have family. They were laid off from the military unit and transferred to the reserve. Should I become a watchman? Disgusting. I'm still in good shape. Former colleagues are called to join the special anti-terrorism unit. Would you bless me to go there?

No need. Don't accept this offer. Your soul will perish. They will soon be used against the people, and you will be an accomplice to their crimes...

“Rus is invincible steel”

“Through our cooling, the departure from the Church will be the same as during the revolution: savagery, hunger, chaos,” says A.V. ARTEMYEV, the spiritual child of Archimandrite Kirill. - When the icon of the Mother of God was brought to the Lavra from Chicago, it was covered in blood. The priests said: “There will be terrible bloodshed where this icon comes from.” And soon two skyscrapers in New York were blown up, strong tornadoes and floods occurred in succession, many houses were washed away, and many lives were taken. Wars and revolutions began in many countries.

Hard times are coming for us too, but Rus' is invincible steel. It is not for nothing that they call it the destiny of the Mother of God. Even nature proves this. Look, for example, at the Christmas trees. Like crosses, their tops are directed to the sky. In winter and summer they are the same color and do not change their appearance. This is how we must stand - not bend, not break, and hold on in any situation. Orthodox faith, do not let your enemies get close to you. Let them know: they will never defeat Russia!”


If we put our tongue on one scale, and all our good deeds on the other, then even if there are many of them and all of them are pleasing to God, then the sinful tongue of our condemnations and slander will still drag us to hell.

When new churches with golden domes were opened, he was very happy, but he reminded his children of the main thing: “Golden your souls, souls! Repentance must be emphasized. Do not remain silent, but resist the evil, always hold on to the good. We live in a destructive world, and we need to know the enemy by sight.”

“Father also protected us from overeating,” recalls one priest, who was cared for by Father Kirill for a long time. - Was Lent, I overeated and took bites, and he taught: “You can also overeat when you are fasting. This is voluptuousness, pleasure. Sit down at the table only twice a day, as expected: lunch and dinner. No snacks. You can drink tea. Eating is a mortal sin!

“How many times did the priest teach us: “Don’t take anything from the temple, not a piece of paper, not a thread, nothing.” And we have everything of our own: “Yes, I’ll take a little, a little, no one needs it there.” - “Maybe it’s not necessary, but don’t take it anyway! We forget to bring something we need to church, but we don’t forget to take it for ourselves. If there is a burden on the heart, then the sin has been committed. Live according to your conscience - that’s your duty.”

Back in the 80s, he said that schools, libraries, and hospitals would be closed as “unprofitable.” This is what is happening now. And because the general mass of believers is decreasing and cooling, now the time of individual salvation is coming. Everyone, go to the cross yourself.

When there was talk everywhere about the future and another end of the world was expected, many decided to leave Moscow somewhere. Father gently reassured: “What are you doing? You can't hide from this. We must behave calmly. Pray and go about your business as usual. If times come when you have to suffer for your faith, do not be afraid. No death, no torment, no fear of anything! And if you have to die for Christ, then you must accept it with joy. It is an honor". And all his children calmed down...

“Now is a difficult and dangerous time,” taught Archimandrite Kirill. - The enemy is subtly, cunningly advancing, approaching. The breath of the Antichrist is felt. Do not panic under any circumstances. Right now there are signals that set us up to be closer to God and to each other. Try to leave behind your negligence and take the issue of your correction and testing more seriously. Now more than ever we need to put on the armor of Christian faith and love. Let us not sleep like others, but let us be sober and awake..."

Many Christian believers are familiar with the predictions of Father Kirill Pavlov, who was the confessor of the Russian patriarchs of the Soviet era. There are recordings of his words made by loved ones. Reading them, it is clear that Paul’s father did not speak his prophecies directly, but most often allegorically. He was always worried about the future of his native country, which seemed gloomy. Did anything come true?

The future monk was born from deeply religious Christians who lived off hard peasant labor. After graduation, he worked as a technologist in metallurgical production. Like many representatives of their generation of the 20th century. In the 1930s he was drafted into the Red Army, where he served in the infantry troops.

He took part in many battles, including Battle of Stalingrad. In 1943, among the rubble of a building, I found a book that turned out to be the Gospel. This discovery turned his whole life upside down and converted him to faith. He fought honestly and, together with his comrades, reached the Austrian lands.

After the victory, he decided to connect his fate with serving the Lord. He entered and successfully studied at the Moscow Theological Seminary. He did not complete his education there, but went further, graduating from the Moscow Theological Academy. Since then, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra has become permanent place his residence.

Having taken monastic vows (1954), he was ordained first as a hierodeacon, and then as a hieromonk. Since 1965 - archimandrite. In the 2000s, the elder was practically paralyzed, and he did not get out of bed. However, I did not forget to support kind words those who needed it. At the 98th year of his life, the confessor of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra died.

One of the most reliable books about Elder Kirill was written by priest V. Kuznetsov. It’s called “The Elder.” Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov)." One of the most complete editions was published in 2012. All possible memories are collected here, and records of people who closely communicated with the hero of the book are indicated.

Prophecies of Elder Kirill (Pavlov)

Many believers have preserved memories of how they talked with Pavlov, sometimes asking him very difficult questions. Father always answered them seriously. Much was written down by the nuns, some conversations were passed on from mouth to mouth.

About the coming of the Antichrist

Recalling her conversations with Father Kirill, the nun (Zhitineva) asked him if she would live to see the terrible coming, to which she received an affirmative answer, which is necessary. The conversation took place in the 70s of the last century. The nun is still alive today, albeit at an advanced age. Another woman, Maria, who was much older than Taisiya, answered evasively, perhaps she too would be destined if her illness did not take her down.

Zhirov asked the same question. The smiling old man led the man to the iconostasis and said that trials were coming, and everyone would live to see the Antichrist, hinting that he was already close and one must act as the heart tells him.

About chipping the population

One of the Christians brought the elder to show SNILS, when they had just come out and were new to everyone. After looking at the card, Kirill noticed that there was nothing terrible for a person in it yet, but times were coming when many business papers will have chips, and people will be connected and dependent on them, which is bad.

Believers were concerned about questions about new passports. Should they be changed or should they remain the same? They often pestered the priest with this. Father Kirill replied that anyone who is able to live with an old passport should stay with it. And the person himself must decide this.

About the last train

The nun recalls a conversation where the topic of the future of Russia was touched upon. She wondered if people would be persecuted. To this the elder replied that no matter what happens, there is no need to be afraid, one should always strive to get on the departing train.

On the last train, in his opinion, they will take him somewhere. You must definitely be in it, without fear of anything. It’s impossible to cling to the first, you have to strive for the second, no matter what happens, cling to the last, run after the tail.

About the Urals

The nun Theophylacta was worried that the Urals might end up under Chinese rule and reported this to her confessor. In response to her concerns, he replied that the Chinese would get a boot, like the Germans did in Russia. There will never be Ural land belong to another state.

About unyielding faith

Even if the will is no longer subject to control, and the person is under complete control, the conversation was about chips, then prayer can be the only salvation. No matter what, you have to pray, feeling that you are weakening, accepting everything from the hand of God and praying, I can’t.

God will always help in this case, and the backpack must be packed, that is, a person at any moment must be ready to appear before the Lord with pure thoughts, one must stand for Jesus Christ until the very end. The nun Theophylact told about this.

The rise of Russia and the revival of the monarchy

One day, the nun Theophylact relayed her conversation with Father Nicholas, in which he spoke about the upcoming flowering Russian state, and that there will soon be a king. To her words, the priest replied that this should not concern her, the job of a nun is to never lose heart and follow the path that God has prepared for her. And about the future monarchy he expressed his doubts, shaking his head.

The elder had no doubt that Russia would be saved. According to him, even in Siberia the gardens will be fragrant, and the church, no matter what persecution it accepts, will always exist.

About teaching

According to the memoirs of Lyudmila A., she was very inquisitive, but had difficulty understanding serious sciences; she simply did not have enough knowledge. Seeing her torment, the priest always recommended more theological books.

In his opinion, there is no need to run to him too often with questions. There may come times when there will be no one to answer. We must learn to be independent and try to think for ourselves.

About a new war and difficult times

Military events can be expected at any time. It is always within the power of the rulers to untie them. Therefore, supplies will not interfere, because famine is possible. However, the most important thing now for society is to fill the spiritual bins.

The elder advised parishioner George to always be sober, that is, look at things realistically, and not allow yourself to be deceived. Perhaps all sorts of sorrows await ahead, you must accept them without complaint and hope for the best, and you should always maintain peace in your soul.

According to Georgy’s recollections, his friends decided to buy an apartment in the city, for this they needed to sell their own house with a vegetable garden and plot. The family decided to ask the priest for advice, to which he replied that having small children, it is not worth doing this, since the electricity will be cut off, it will become cold, and there will be almost no food. It’s better to always have your own garden, as there’s more to come hard times. This was said in the early 90s.

Will all the prophecies of Art. Kirill (Pavlov) is difficult to predict, but, as we see, some of them did come true.