Vladislav Vavilov, recruitment and training expert, practicing HR director, Master of Economics.

Leader (from the English leader - leading, first, going ahead) - a person in any group / organization who enjoys great, recognized authority, has influence, which manifests itself as control actions.

Not formal leader is a member of a group who does not officially have a leadership position, but due to certain personality traits, combined with life experience and behavior, has taken a special position. Has a greater influence on others than the immediate supervisor.

Not formal leadership It arises within the team most often spontaneously and is a kind of symbol of the community of employees. It is based on competence, personal sympathies and a number of psychological properties. For example, the ability of a person to find an effective way out of difficult situations. The informal leader usually enjoys a very large influence in the team.

Informal leaders have characteristic qualities:

  • the presence of an active need to control the actions of other people and manage them;
  • the ability to easily make contact with people, while using the most beneficial forms of communication in each specific case;
  • the ability to concentrate on oneself the main streams of psychological information;
  • quick response to changes in behavior.

To understand who is the informal leader in your team, you need to observe all its members, their activities and relationships, determine the position of each employee in the group and the types of interpersonal relationships.

An informal leader in a group can be identified in personal conversations with subordinates by asking them the following questions:

  • Who would you turn to for advice in a case requiring competent advice?
  • who would you invite with you to another firm if you were offered good conditions work and the opportunity to form your own team?

The main characteristic for recognizing an informal leader in a group is the reaction of the team members to his presence, as well as the frequency of mentioning him, referring to his words, quoting his statements, following his advice and instructions. Sometimes informal leader enjoys some privileges, for example, a better equipped workplace the ability to come to work later.

Informal leader - a problem or a support?

An informal leader can become both a serious problem and a reliable support for the leader. Depending on the influence of the informal leader on the team, one can distinguish constructive and destructive(positive and negative) leaders.

Informal leaders constructive types affect the institution and the work of the team positively. They initiate the exchange of information, contribute to the realization of common interests, help in the adaptation of new employees and the creation of a corporate culture.

Informal leaders destructive types use their influence to sabotage the decisions of the manager, resist change, can undermine the authority of the manager, question his orders, reducing the efficiency and motivation of employees. Having quit their job, they can take part of the team with them.

What to do with a destructive leader?

Naturally, if the “shadow authority” brings only inconvenience and even losses to the company, you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. But this is far from the best method, and for medical institution it is not desirable at all. It should not be forgotten that the informal leader has already acquired supporters among the staff, has formed a certain point of view and assessment of the actions of the management, and a hasty dismissal can once again confirm his “rightness”. In addition, such a radical step can cause the loss of valuable personnel: the leader is able to take the whole team with him, which means a serious malfunction of the clinic, for which to find good specialists not so easy.

In this situation, the director needs to restore functions and communications as soon as possible, to "intercept" functions from the informal leader. For example, rumors began to spread - the director should inform subordinates in more detail; lack of communication - arrange a corporate event, etc. The main thing is to constantly keep feedback with employees, otherwise the influence of the “informal” will increase by leaps and bounds.

In most cases, an informal leader is a valuable and indispensable specialist in his place, because professionalism is an important component of his authority. Therefore, without resorting to extreme measures, you will have to be patient. Experts advise to soberly assess the situation and the cause of the employee's destructive actions. Need to figure it out - it's just a matter of personal qualities leader or in the policy of the leadership, which for some reason does not find the support of the team. Get ready for a long and painstaking work of building relationships: in each specific situation, try to get to know the motives of this person as best as possible. Show that his experience and knowledge will be in demand, and you will listen to his opinion. Give him such tasks so that he can prove himself: - Requiring independence and responsibility. In the end, motivate him financially - perhaps the root of the problem is here? But at the same time, do not try to rudely please the “competitor”, you need to be very tough in work matters and at the same time very soft in personal matters. Don't give the team a reason to think that " eminence grise"has more rights and privileges than the rest. Your relationship must be completely transparent to all employees. In no case do not scold him in the presence of subordinates. If he himself is trying to compromise you, say, at a meeting, do not start a discussion in public - sort things out in private. By showing excessive emotionality, you risk getting other subordinates as opponents.

A destructive leader also has a good effect on his approach to the official leadership. Make his power legitimate: such an employee is an excellent expert in the field of internal problems. Standing behind the official control panel, a person may begin to better understand the position of the leadership and stop acting against its interests. In addition, such a “formalization” of the leader will deprive him of his ideas and views of oppositional attractiveness, which will significantly reduce his influence on the group.

Since the informal leader feels the atmosphere and mood of the team very well, he will provide invaluable assistance in matters related to the psychological climate in your clinic. Its potential can be used in a number of cases, such as:

  • rallying the team to solve the challenges;
  • improving the moral climate in the team;
  • resolution of disputes, conflicts;
  • initiative in putting forward new ideas;
  • increased discipline.

If you are completely sure that you have taken all possible steps to make peace, and the leader, despite everything, continues his destructive activities, then it makes sense to say goodbye to him. But how to do it as painlessly as possible? First of all, you must make sure that other employees do not leave with the leader. Therefore, before dismissing the leader, discuss again with the team the policy of the leadership. Check all weak spots and contentious issues. Your subordinates must understand that you are not eliminating the “fighter for justice”, but on the contrary, you are trying to achieve this justice by joint efforts, avoiding a split in the team.

How to raise a leader?

Can the leadership grow an informal leader artificially, “for themselves”? We should not forget that an informal leader has no power and authority, therefore the only thing that can allow him to be a leader is his personal qualities (charisma, emotional intelligence). These qualities are 90% innate. There is an opinion that a person can develop in himself necessary qualities, but in most cases this is a thankless task, since the result does not justify the effort.

There is an informal leader in any team: in any permanent group of people naturally the leader stands out - the person is energetically stronger, more active, ready to take responsibility, make a decision. This is the person for whom extreme situation people will go. Therefore, the leader cannot educate an informal leader from scratch, but can single out a person in the team who already has such inclinations and simply develop them further, orienting the person on the path of constructive cooperation.

Cases when raising a non-formal leader can be justified:

  • the leader plans to "grow" a successor, i.e. he himself is going to take a higher position and wants to put someone in his place;
  • the manager plans to split his department into two parts, so it is necessary that someone lead the second team;
  • the leader purposefully “educates” the leader, who will be a “mishandled Cossack” and report to the leader about the moods and situations in the team and, through his personal influence (which the leader himself does not have), influence the team (in the way necessary for the leader, of course).

Who else, if not doctors, should know that the prevention of a disease is always better than its cure? In order to avoid the appearance of a destructor in your team, you need to pay constant attention group processes. Employees with leadership qualities you need to recognize as early as possible and immediately attract to your allies. best methods interaction here is communication on an equal footing, the presence of responsible tasks and material incentives. By directing the energy of leaders in a constructive direction, you will get irreplaceable employees who can control the mood of the entire team.

In leadership theory, there are different kinds this category of management.

Leadership is classified as formal and informal.

- formal leaders are leaders of organizations who can

simultaneously be informal leaders or not be such;

- informal leaders- these are people who are not associated with the possibility of using

force, coercion, pressure, due to the position in the organization (position,

status) or official, formal powers.

Informal leaders tend to:

faster than the rest of the group members to realize the emerging intra-group

norms of behavior, to promote their consolidation in the life of the group;

effective communication; they easily come into contact with other people, use

the most successful forms of communication to influence the behavior of group members;

the desire for leadership, the need to direct the actions of other people;

the feeling of satisfaction that comes from successfully performing a role

informal leader.

Ticket 13.

1. External and internal goals of the organization

The goal of an organization is the desired state that the organization seeks to achieve.

to translate into reality (A. Etzioni). Objectives must satisfy at least two requirements: - as close as possible to the functional nature of the organization,

considering the potential conflicts of this organization; - reflect the interests of various subjects of the organization as much as possible.

External objectives are those whose achievement enables the organization to change

external environment, and internal goals are those whose achievement allows

organizations to develop themselves. Achievement of both goals is interrelated.

those. it is impossible to try to achieve any internal goal without achieving

external and vice versa.

Among the many external goals, one can be singled out main goal, which

remains unchanged throughout the life of the enterprise, and

which is called his mission. As for internal goals, they will

different depending on the type of activity of the organization:

For a commercial enterprise focused on the fundamental market

the internal goal is to make a profit by satisfying

the needs of buyers in a competitive environment;

For a non-profit organization, obtaining sufficient funding

to carry out its activities;

For a public administration body - high-quality and timely

performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. 14 Principles of Administration by A. Fayol.

1. Division of labor. Specialization is the natural order of things.

The purpose of the division of labor is work, larger in volume and

better quality for the same effort. This is achieved by reducing

number of goals to which attention and efforts should be directed.

2. Authority and responsibility. Authority is the right to give orders

and responsibility is its component opposite. Where are given

powers - there arises responsibility.

3. Discipline. Discipline involves obedience and respect for

agreements reached between the firm and its employees. Establishment

these agreements binding the firm and the employees from which

disciplinary formalities should remain one of the main tasks

industry leaders. Discipline also involves fair

applied sanctions.

4. unity of command. An employee should receive orders from only one

immediate supervisor.

5. Unity of direction. Each group operating within the same

goals, must be united by a single plan and have one leader.

6. Subordination of personal interests to the general. The interests of one employee or

groups of employees should not take precedence over the interests of the company or

larger organizations.

7. Staff remuneration. To ensure fidelity and

support for workers, they should receive a fair wage for their

8. Centralization. Like the division of labor, centralization is natural

the order of things. However, the corresponding degree of centralization will

vary according to specific conditions. Therefore the question arises

about the right balance between centralization and decentralization. This is problem

determining the measure that will provide the best possible results.

9. Scalar chain. A scalar chain is a series of persons standing on the leading

positions, beginning with the highest-ranking person in that

chain, down to the head of the grassroots. It would be a mistake to refuse

from a hierarchical system without a definite need for it, but it was

it would be an even greater mistake to maintain this hierarchy when it causes

damage to business interests.

10. Order. A place for everything and everything in its place.

11. Justice. Justice is a combination of kindness and justice.

12. Workplace stability for staff. High staff turnover

reduces the efficiency of the organization. The mediocre leader

holds on to a place, of course, is preferable to an outstanding, talented

a manager who quickly leaves and does not hold on to his place.

13. Initiative. Initiative means developing a plan and ensuring it

successful implementation. This gives the organization strength and energy.

14. corporate spirit. Union is strength. And it is the result of harmony

The concept of "formal leader"

A formal leader or leader is a person who directs the work of others and is personally responsible for its results. A good manager brings order and consistency to the work done. He builds his interaction with subordinates more on facts and within the framework of established goals. Leaders tend to take a passive stance towards goals. More often than not, they rely on someone else's goals out of necessity and rarely use them to make changes.

The formally appointed head of the unit has the advantage of winning leadership positions in the group, so he is more likely than anyone else to become a leader. However, it must be remembered that being a leader does not automatically mean being a leader, as leadership is largely based on an informal basis.

In addition, the behavior of a formal leader depends on whether he seeks to move up the corporate ladder or is satisfied with his current position and does not particularly strive for promotion. In the first case, the manager, identifying himself with larger groups of the organization than with a group of subordinates, may believe that emotional attachment to working group can become a roadblock. The leader's commitment to his group may conflict with his personal ambitions and conflict with his commitment to the organization's leadership team. In the second, he fully identifies himself with his subordinates and seeks to do everything in his power to protect their interests.

Leaders prefer order in interaction with subordinates. They build their relationship with them according to the roles that subordinates play in a programmed chain of events or in a formal process of making and implementing decisions. This is largely due to the fact that managers see themselves as part of the organization or members of a particular social institution.

Managers ensure the achievement of goals by subordinates, controlling their behavior and responding to every deviation from the plan.

Using their professionalism, various abilities and skills, managers concentrate their efforts in the field of decision-making. They try to narrow down the set of ways to solve a problem. Decisions are often made on the basis of past experience.

The formal leader is supported by delegated official powers and usually operates in a specific functional area assigned to him. The informal leader is promoted due to his ability to influence others and due to his business and personal qualities.

The concept of "informal leader"

The word "leader" in translation from English ("leader") means "leader", "head", "commander", "leader", "leader". Leadership is an influence on other people (W. Katz, L. Edinger, etc.), but not any, but one that meets the following conditions Vergiles E. V. "Theories of Leadership" M .: 2002. p. 5:

1) the influence must be constant. It is impossible to rank as leaders people who have, although a large, but one-time, short-term impact on members of the group;

2) the leading influence of the leader should be carried out on the whole group (organization). It is known that within any large association there are several or even many centers of local influence. Moreover, the leader himself is subjected to constant influence from the members of the group. The characteristic of a leader is the breadth of his influence;

3) the leader must have a clear priority in influence. The relationship between the leader and the followers is distinguished by asymmetry, inequality in interaction, an unambiguous direction of influence from the leader to the members of the group;

4) the influence of the leader, especially organizational, should be based not on the direct use of force, but on the authority or at least recognition of the legitimacy of leadership. A dictator who keeps a group in subjection by force is not a leader.

Leadership is informal influence. It differs from leadership, which "assumes a fairly rigid and formalized system of relations of domination - subordination." The leader is a symbol of community and a model of group behavior. It comes forward from below, mostly spontaneously, and is accepted by the followers.

“Leadership,” writes, in particular, R. L. Krichevsky, “is a phenomenon that takes place in the system of formal (official) relations, and leadership is a phenomenon generated by the system of informal (informal) relations. Moreover, the role of the leader is predetermined “on the scoreboard” social organization, the range of functions of the person implementing it is stipulated. The role of the leader arises spontaneously, in staffing institutions, enterprises do not have it ... Leadership is a social phenomenon in its essence, and leadership is psychological "Krichevsky R.L. "Psychology of leadership" M .: Statute; 2007 ..

There is a view that a leader must have special individual qualities that make him able to manage. He must master the art of persuasion, be noble, honest, balanced, fair, but all these wonderful properties of nature are not only subjective, but also abstract. If one is of the opinion that these qualities are absolutely necessary, then it would be simply impossible to find so many worthy people in the world. leadership positions. And if we recall such famous leaders as Caesar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, it is difficult to consider them examples of virtue.

It seems that the leader must have other important individual characteristics: desire for power (most often built not on logic, high official or intellectual status, but on charisma (from the Greek charisma - mercy, divine gift), on the strength of personal qualities and abilities, well-developed interpersonal orientation, understanding of needs and priorities The leader must be able to control the attention of the audience and control his emotions, be self-confident, not say too much - after all, the vast majority of mistakes a person makes because of the inability to keep silent in time, "a word is silver, silence is gold." a person with the qualities of a leader are reflected in the table Knorring V.I. “Theory, practice and art of management” M .: NORMA, 2001 .. Some of the qualities shown in the table are determined by the genetic basis of the individual, but most are determined by education, acquired and developed in practice.It is obvious that the main qualities of a leader are flexible, innovative thinking, charismatic qualities of a person ness and mastery of the art of influencing opponents and the team.

Quality group

Characteristics of qualities

Physiological qualities

Pleasant appearance (face, height, figure), voice, good health, high performance, energy

Psychological qualities

Power, ambition, aggressiveness, balance, independence, courage of creativity, self-affirmation, perseverance, courage

Intellectual qualities

High level of intelligence: mind, logic, memory, intuitiveness, encyclopedic knowledge, breadth of outlook, insight, originality and speed of thinking, education, sense of humor

Personal qualities

Business qualities: organization, diplomacy, reliability, flexibility, commitment

formally o e and informal o e leadership

In order to better understand the essence of the phenomena of power, leadership and leadership in general, as well as to identify the features of the relationship between them, one should first turn to the concept of the type of organization. All organizations and groups can be divided into two main types - formal and informal. Any formal organization and a group is an institutionalized community of people united to achieve some goal. Informal groups are formed as a result of institutionally unregulated, spontaneous activity of people who enter into regular interactions with each other. Formal groups are groups created by the will of the leadership, and informal ones are the product of the spontaneous interaction of people in the course of their Everyday life and activities. A formal organization is created according to a predetermined plan. An informal organization is a kind of reaction of people to their unsatisfied individual needs, in particular, the need for communication, protection, support, etc.

Formal leadership is the process of influencing people from the position of their position;
- informal leadership - the process of influencing people with the help of their abilities, skills or other resources.

"Informal" leadership arises on the basis of personal relationships of participants. This is the so-called character of leadership. In contrast to the leader, who is sometimes purposefully elected, and more often appointed, and who, being responsible for the state of affairs in the team he leads, has the official right to reward and punish participants joint activities, the informal leader is put forward spontaneously. He has no authority recognized outside the group, and no official duties are assigned to him. Therefore, the official leader in leadership positions is not always the most authoritative person in the team. If the leader is not at the same time an "informal" leader, then a person who enjoys great authority among his subordinates will decompose the team and the effectiveness of the organization and the very effectiveness of the activity will fall. It may well happen that there will be a conflict between the formal and informal leader.

The main reasons for education informal groups are the following factors.

The need for social belonging. The need to belong to something social community is one of the strongest and most typical human needs. Her dissatisfaction breeds strong negative emotions and vice versa - satisfaction leads to a sense of social and personal comfort.

Need for help. People are forced to unite in groups in order to be able to overcome their inherent limitations of individual capabilities. Awareness of this limitation and the need to overcome it gives rise to a strong need for help, and this, in turn, leads to the formation of groups, primarily informal ones.

The need for protection. The degree of security of a person included in a group is higher than individual security.

Awareness of this fact is also the reason for the association of people into groups.

Need for communication. In addition to the fact that it is in itself one of the main human needs, satisfied only through group contacts, this need performs another function. It leads to an increase in awareness, and through this - expands the adaptive (adaptive) capabilities of a person, increases the effectiveness of his contacts with the outside world.

These basic psychological needs of a person are the reasons for the emergence of informal groups through which they are satisfied. These groups are not established by directive, but are formed spontaneously - as a natural product of interpersonal interactions. Formal groups (organizations) have the opposite genesis - they are imposed, established on the basis of certain external requirements, first of all, on the basis of the needs of the organization of a certain joint activity. Formal groups also make it possible to realize all the noted needs, however, a new mechanism for their organization arises in them - the presence of a regulated structure and hierarchy. As a result, the entire group dynamics of informal organizations is determined only by the laws of interpersonal interactions as such. The dynamics of formal organizations is determined by new patterns - imperious, coercive, hierarchical.

Both formal and informal groups must necessarily be somehow organized, which is what happens in reality. The main and relatively the most in a simple way such an organization is the selection among the members of the group of a person who is entrusted with the functions of coordinating it. However, if not formal groups this person is singled out by the group itself, delegated by it to this position, then in formal groups, as a rule, he is put in this position by virtue of external causes. Therefore, an informal group is characterized by the presence of an unofficial leader, and a formal group is characterized by the presence of an official leader - a leader. Informal and formal leadership are phenomena that are quite different in their origin and patterns. Understanding their similarities and differences is necessary to understand the essence of management activities.

Before considering this issue, it should be noted that the separation of formal and informal organizations (and groups), despite its obviousness, is not absolute. Informal groups can transform into formal ones and vice versa. Both those and others, differing in the mechanisms of occurrence, have important common features - the presence of a structure, "leading" and "slave" members, a lot of common socio-psychological phenomena. Both those and others, provided that they are sufficiently large in volume, as a rule, are differentiated into subgroups. In formal organizations, this is, for example, regulation of established units, departments. Informal organizations are also divided into subgroups, groupings - the so-called cliques and sub-cliques, between which rather poor relations are established. Finally, the most important thing is that any formal organization does not exclude, but, on the contrary, presupposes the presence within itself of a number, and often many informal groups. Thus, in the structure of organizations, especially large ones, the formal and informal ways of structuring them closely interact and, as it were, "superimpose" on each other. The interaction of formal and informal groups within organizations is one of the most important problems and difficulties of management; it will be discussed below. The main thing should be noted here: the presence of two types of group organization - formal and informal - is the reason for two different ways their management - mechanisms of formal and informal management. This is also the reason for the two types of leadership - formal and informal.

They may enter complicated relationship- either combine, or sharply diverge, or interact. The concept of leadership refers to the characteristic psychological relations arising in the group "vertically", i.e. in terms of dominance-submission relations. The term leadership refers to common organization activities of the entire group, to the process of managing it. In Russian, unlike, for example, English, to denote informal leadership more often, simply the concept of leadership is used, and for formal leadership, the concept of leadership is used. Although the term leadership literally means "leadership", it is intended to be used synonymously for both leadership and management.

The term "leader" is more consistent with the concept of Organizational leadership - an organizational leader.

The differences between informal leadership and formal leadership, the specifics of their influence on the activities of a group (organization) are determined by the following main provisions:
the leader is mainly called upon to regulate interpersonal relations in the group, while the leader regulates official relations groups as some social organization;

leadership can be ascertained in the conditions of the microenvironment (which is the group); leadership is an element of the macro environment, i.e. it is connected with the whole system of social relations;

leadership emerges spontaneously; leader of any real social group either appointed or elected, but one way or another this process is not spontaneous, but, on the contrary, purposeful, carried out under the control of various elements of the social structure;

the phenomenon of leadership is less stable, the nomination of a leader depends more on the mood of the group, while leadership is a more stable phenomenon;

management of subordinates, unlike leadership, has a much more specific system of various sanctions, which are not in the hands of the leader;

the decision-making process of the leader is much more complex and mediated by many different circumstances and considerations, not necessarily rooted in this group, while the leader makes more direct decisions regarding group activities;

leader's field of activity - mainly small group where he is the leader; the leader's scope is wider because he represents the group in the wider social system.

So, leadership is predominantly psychological characteristic behavior of individual members of the group (organization). The leadership is social characteristic relations in the group, primarily in terms of the distribution of management and subordination roles. Unlike leadership, management acts as a legal process regulated by society. The leader is promoted to the position of leader because he demonstrates a higher level of activity, participation, influence in solving any problems than all other members of the group. Other members of the group thus voluntarily accept leadership, i.e. put themselves in the position of the followers (subdominant) in relation to the leader. The leader, on the other hand, is the one who is put in the specified role of the leader and endowed for this with a system of coercive powers, mainly of an official legal, imperious nature.

When we are talking about any team - a group of students at the university or employees in the workplace, there is always a person appointed to the role of leader. It can be a headman, a senior manager, someone who is responsible for everyone and sets the direction for the process. This person is a formal leader, that is, officially vested with power. But is such a leader always real - not the one who should lead, but the one who will be followed with pleasure? How is an informal leader defined, what qualities does he possess? Let's talk about it in this article.

Leadership and organization

Think of yourself as a child. Playing with peers on the street, you intuitively knew who the initiator of your entertainment and pranks. This personality might not be the brightest among other children, but nevertheless, everyone in the company realized that it was he who - mastermind and the organizer, and in some ways tried to imitate him. This is an example of who the informal leader is - a person who does not need nominal titles, but who is able to successfully organize, direct and complete the process, and who knows and skillfully uses the qualities of other team members.

Nominal and real control

Beginning with adolescence people are faced with a different type of leadership - nominal. The informal leader in the group does not require election, the team intuitively knows and feels that this person will lead everyone. The formal leader is elected. In school and higher education institutions, this is the headman - a student who is the link between the teaching staff and students. In a work team - a group of workers equal in position, the manager also most often chooses a "senior" who sets the vector of work and provides an opportunity feedback on the labor process. What qualities should an official leader have and why most often a formal and informal leader cannot be represented by the same person?

The difference between nominal and real leadership

In order to understand why real leaders rarely find themselves in leadership positions, you need to understand what qualities are valued by those who appoint the formal leader of the team. So, first of all, it is responsibility and punctuality - the formal organizer must clearly, “in form and on time” answer to the authorities about the work, the results of labor. This person is often a careerist and does not hide it, and the authorities, seeing such ambition, promote him career ladder and uses this desire to his advantage. The formal leader may not be the highest moral principles- in pursuit of his own goals, he sometimes has to inform the official superiors about the actions of his colleagues, to report on what is happening within the team. In addition, a formal leader, using his position, can demonstrate his advantage in status over his colleagues. What are the qualities of an informal leader?

What are the characteristics of a real leader?

It is best to imagine an informal leader, focusing on the characteristics of the ringleader in children's team. Children behave much more naturally than adults, since they are not yet bound by any obligations. For example, a person may own outstanding but suppress them due to circumstances (financial or otherwise). Children are not chasing anything, they are just playing for their own pleasure.

Remember who led your "gang" when you were a child, playing with your peers? This man might not have a clear physical advantage, but he had his own. inner rod. The leader does not adapt to anyone, he is on his own, and follows only his own convictions. This type of person never imitates the behavior of others, and no matter how much he likes them, he will not imitate. Its value is in naturalness. The leader has his own clear value system, which will not change situationally. He wins trust because of his constancy and consistency in his decisions.

An informal leader also does not need followers, he will not form a circle of imitators around himself. He offers ideas, but if the team does not consider it necessary to implement them, then he will not humiliate himself to requests. Remember your childhood: it is unlikely that the leader of your company persuaded everyone to play this or that game. If he suggested something and the other guys refused, he just changed the idea.

Leadership in the adult world

A holistic leader as a child may cease to be such as an adult. Since we live in society, we have to adapt to the circumstances, and sometimes get "on the throat" own desires. However, a person with pronounced leadership qualities will not cease to possess them, even if the situation is against him. Meanwhile, the roles of formal and real leaders are so different that they rarely intersect. The boss is completely disadvantageous to a real leader in a leadership position. Such a person will not always obey instructions, is unlikely to inform on his comrades, and he will not succeed in playing “his own” both for the boss and for colleagues.

Or imagine that in educational institution appointed an informal leader. If there is an opportunity to skip lectures, of course, the informal leader will want to take advantage of it, since he is an ideological organizer and is looking for the most effective ways to spend time for himself and the team. But for the headman, such a decision is not correct, since it harms the educational process.

So is there an answer to the question: "What will be the leader - an informal leader?". For comrades and colleagues, perhaps he would have become the best and most desirable manager, but this cannot be said with respect to higher authorities and production process. It is for this reason that a wise leader will not choose his " right hand» a true leader, but will choose a candidate for other important qualities.

When an informal leader in a team is a hindrance

It must be understood that a true leader is most often a revolutionary at heart. He loves freedom, authorities are alien to him, he has no idols. It does not matter what he does and what position he works in - first of all, he will listen to his inner voice, and not to the needs of the work process. These qualities can play him an unkind service. Imagine that there is a person in the team who constantly incites comrades (and quite successfully) to skip couples, leave work earlier, arrange "sabantuy". If this person is valuable as an employee, then the authorities should give him a separate role in the organization. For example, to give such powers that it would be unprofitable for him to disrupt the process of work or study. Then the rebel will be "bribed" and will be able to manifest himself in other areas.

Role of informal leader

Why do you need an informal leader of the organization? This question is quite naive, because it is this person who is the main inspirer and example for others. This is not bad and not good - it's just how the roles are distributed. Without an informal leader in the team there will be nothing irreplaceable, although it is impossible to feel materially. Without this “glue”, the members of the organization will feel like separate, unconnected units of the team. When there is no informal leader in the group, the members of the group do not have a common vector of movement. When it comes to work, without a real leader, there is often a turnover of staff, people easily leave the workplace in case of even small problems. And vice versa, an informal leader strengthens the team, people feel almost like a family. And sometimes they rush to work with no less pleasure than to go home after it.