Christina is considered to be the Russian version of the name “Christina”, which is translated from Latin as “Christian”. In ancient times, this name was used to call the poor and peasants. Then the name Christina was considered the name of aristocrats, wealthy people who had a title and position in society. The name is used by representatives of both the Orthodox and Catholic churches.


Christina is an eccentric, inconsistent girl, with ambitions and her own opinion. Despite these qualities, people with this name are slightly slow to react, think a lot and have a hard time making decisions. They will often change their minds about a lot of things before they decide to do something. She never rushes or panics, she does everything in moderation. But, if there are overly emotional situations, or if Christina is well shaken, angry, she, without hesitation, will start firing in the heat of the moment. But, oddly enough, decisions made in a hurry are much more positive for future fate girls than a hundred and fifty times thought out.

Christina never wastes time on exorbitant dreams; she is a terrible realist, which is the key to her constant prosperity. At first glance, a girl may seem timid and unsure of herself, but if you delve into her soul, you can understand that she is a person with enormous willpower, endurance and inner perseverance.

She is a little lazy, often prefers to watch TV or read a book rather than walk in the fresh air with a handsome brunette. But if he goes for a walk, it will be for the whole day. Christina loves to immerse herself in scientific activity, always thinks about something great.

A girl named Christina should not be interfered with in her choice of profession. If you don’t let her make a decision on her own, blame yourself - then you will become guilty of all mortal sins. Christina is quite impressionable and takes everything too close to her heart. Therefore, they tend to go gray quickly. Well, try to worry about everything and everyone.

She has a very developed intuition, but such a materialist can only listen to her own common sense. She always plans everything ahead, because what Christina undertakes must be more than ideal.

Finds it perfectly mutual language with new people, especially those of the opposite sex. If you have to break away from permanent place residence, or moving - no problem, Christina adapts to any situation. This woman is her own person in a circle of men. Her " best friend"most often in the form of a broad-shouldered handsome man with whom she shares all her innermost secrets. Christina proves that friendship between a woman and a man does exist.


She is never weak. Doesn't show that he needs someone or something. She prefers to achieve everything herself rather than asking someone for a favor or showing weakness in front of someone. Christina is an ardent fighter for gender equality, but her husband will be the happiest, because a woman is capable of sacrificing her “I” and always tries to make her life and her partner’s life peaceful and comfortable. But, nevertheless, if you hurt a girl’s ambitions and try to infringe on her rights, it will only get worse. It is better for a man not to quarrel with her, because the girl is vindictive and can remember all the insults. In most cases, he is guided by moral standards. She wants to love and be loved, always supports her other half and tries to understand. She is quite calm in life, but hot in bed. Despite the fact that the girl never talks about sex, this does not in any way affect the burning nature of her nature. However, this also requires time and patience from your partner. You just can’t reveal all the secrets of a girl named Christina.

A person with this name prefers to have several truly devoted friends rather than dozens of just acquaintances. She is always happy to have guests and greets them delicious pies. But don’t come to her without an invitation - it can’t be worse than this, because everything must be perfect - from a tidy house and a set table to a brilliant hostess.

Christina needs to have a husband whom she can completely trust, on whom she can rely so easily. She always needs support, a strong male shoulder.

A girl needs to take care of her health all her life. Considering that she is prone to a passive lifestyle, she should be away from work for at least half an hour a day. fresh air, walk a lot, do exercises, see a doctor. If you take care of your health from childhood, there will be practically no problems. She might catch it viral disease. She has weak lungs, so it is better to refuse bad habits. Osteochondrosis and dental problems are possible.

Advantages of Christina's character: strong character, perseverance, fortitude, she finishes everything to the end, works efficiently. She always looks chic, beautiful, always sparkles. People always pay attention to her; she adheres to a certain style, both in clothing and in behavior.

Cons: the girl is slightly lazy, ambitious, arrogant. He always stands his ground and gives in to few people and when. He believes in his ideals and always defends them. Loves to be sarcastic, which often aggravates the situation. But, if she has not been taught to be a leader since childhood, Christina can become timid and unsure of herself. Much about Christina's character depends on the time of year when she was born.

“Winter Christina” is usually silent, overly serious, and thoughtful. She always readily takes on a new task and brings it to perfection. She is easy to persuade, to persuade her to do something. However, she is overly stubborn if touched to the quick, quick-tempered and often offended over trifles, and does not like criticism. Living with such a girl is very difficult. Therefore, her husband must be very patient and love his Christina immensely. This is the only way their life will be harmonious.

“Spring Christina” is a person who does everything her soul desires. This is a romantic fantasy. She lives in her dreams, but does not forget about outside world. Often her emotions prevail, she can cry and laugh in the middle of the street and she doesn’t care what others say, but she knows that she needs to be at work at 9.00. Creative, loving nature. If she falls in love, it is only at first sight, and then she cries and gets upset with men. But, if her choice is not a losing one, then she turns from eccentric and fickle into a fluffy, flexible soulmate.

“Summer Christina” is capable of strangling the whole world in her arms. This is a sincere person, always ready to help and help out in any situation. It is too soft, which can be a problem in terms of career growth. For fear of offending or hurting someone, she will not be able to work for leadership position. Regarding love nuances, “Summer Christina” is a record holder for seducing men. She is so romantic and sensitive that she drives you crazy with just one look. Moreover, there is something about the girl that cannot help but captivate, a secret that cannot be revealed.

“Autumn Christina” is overly emotional. In a fit of passion, she can either kiss you or “warm” you with a rocking chair. Despite the flurry of emotions, Christina remains principled and always adheres to her ideals. She is highly moral, slightly arrogant, but this only benefits her - her self-esteem is clearly not low. Her behavior is always within some limits, so she expects some moderation from the people around her. She is pedantic, so her husband must be just as strict and scrupulous in order for everything to be correct.

The mystery of the name

Speaking about the mystery of the name, we need to focus on the patrons of “Christina”. These are: “Martyr Christina of Tire”, “Martyr Christina of Persia”, “Martyr Christina of Caesarea”, “Martyr Christina of Lampsaki”, “Martyr Christina of Nicomedia”, “Martyr Christina”.

There are many legends about this name that can explain a lot interesting facts. By studying them, Christina can herself understand the character and abilities of this name. Each name carries within itself to some extent a force, a code that designs future life.

For example, one of the legends tells about the “Martyr Christ”, who lived in the third century and was the daughter of the ruler of the city of Tire. She was extremely beautiful, she had a lot of suitors, but her father planned to make her a priestess. The father did not give in to persuasion and Christina lived in captivity, where she constantly prayed to one God. An angel came to her and declared her the bride of Christ. Then the girl threw out all her idols, after which her father put her in prison and tried to drown her. But even here the Angel saved the girl by untying her from the stone, and Christina appeared before her parents. The father, deciding that she was a witch, imprisoned his daughter, where only a few people came to pray and listen to her sermons. Five years later, when Christina’s father died and another ruler took his place, he also mocked the poor fellow and eventually locked her in a hot furnace. When the oven was opened five years later, Christina remained alive.

When is Christina’s name day according to the church calendar:

August 6 – Christina of Tire, martyr; February 19 – Christina Caesarea, martyr; March 26 – Christina of Persia, martyr.

On church language this name is pronounced "Christina", but in modern pronunciation it sounds like "Christina".

Christina's name day is celebrated in different time By church calendar. This is the best time to celebrate the name day of girls and women with this beautiful name.

When is Christina's name day according to the church calendar?

The name “Christina” itself translates as “Christian.” This name has Greek roots and gives its owner softness, playfulness, responsiveness and kindness.

Christine's name day is celebrated according to the church calendar:

  • February 19 – this day marks the day of remembrance of Christina of Caesarea;
  • March 26 and 31 are days in honor of Christina of Persia and Christina of Lampsaki;
  • June 13 – Christine’s summer name day in honor of Christina of Nicomedia;
  • August 6 is the day of Christ of Tire;
  • August 18 is the day of the Martyr Christ.

Christina's name day is not celebrated in the fall. But this does not mean that the name day of Christine, born in the fall, cannot be celebrated - it is better to choose the day of baptism and celebrate it as your name day.

Christina's Angel Day

It is believed that this day is celebrated cheerfully, if possible, visit temples and do good deeds. Girls with the name Christina are distinguished by their good disposition and cheerful character, which allows them to cope well with all life's difficulties.

During the cold season, you can have a bachelorette party with a pie. If the name day falls on Maslyanitsa, then pancakes are baked with with different fillings and treat them to relatives and friends. Red fish and caviar on the festive table are considered a good omen.

Summer Christinas can celebrate their name days outside the city, in the country or in nature, weaving wreaths of daisies and dandelions, swimming in the river, singing songs and taking stunning photographs. The main thing is that this day should be fun and give everyone a great mood.

The name Christina in Orthodoxy

The name “Christina” is literally translated as “Christian, admirer of Christ.” In a modern way, it sounds like Christina and remains the most fashionable name in different countries, including abroad.

IN pagan times for any Christian woman this name was associated with feat. After all, calling oneself publicly a Christian meant throwing oneself to pieces for one’s faith. It is for this reason that the Christinas died a martyr’s death for the faith, which is why the church considers them great ascetics and greatly values ​​those who give their daughters this name Christina.

There is an opinion that the church is preparing a name reform. This means that babies can be baptized with any name they like at any time. Therefore, Christinas born in autumn can also take this for themselves christian name, even though their angel's day is celebrated in the summer and at the end of winter.

Christina the Persian martyr life

Christina of Persia lived in the 6th century AD in Persia among the pagans. Imbued with Christian teaching, she fiercely preached it in Persia. At that time the country was full of pagans and actively fought against Christians. At that time, she was at enmity with Christian Byzantium and considered Christians to be traitors to their homeland, was against them and waged a political struggle with them.

For adopting a Christian name - Christina of Persia called herself that, in the pagan world she had a completely different name - she was tortured and died during torture with steel rods. But the church recognized Christina of Persia as a saint and began to venerate her on an equal basis with other saints.

Holy Martyr Christina of Tire

This girl accomplished a real feat for the sake of Christianity. She was born into a noble and noble family king of Tyre. She was supposed to become an honorary priestess of a pagan temple, but against the wishes of her parents, she converted to Christianity.

No beatings, cruelty own father could not return her to the path of paganism. As a result, Christina was hacked to death with a sword. But the memory of her remained for long years and Christina of Tire became a saint.

The day of her death is celebrated on August 6 and she is considered the conqueror of all Christines born in September and August.

Christina of Caesarea of ​​Cappadocia

Her memorial day is celebrated on February 19, in the midst of winter. This saint lived in the 3rd century, when the most fierce struggle was waged with Christianity. Even the name Christina was shameful among the pagans, and girls who called themselves that sometimes doomed themselves to certain death.

Together with their sister, the girls did not renounce Christianity and began to preach the faith. Then they were put in a barrel of tar and burned alive. So Christina became a holy martyr along with her sister. The memory of this feat is revered at the end of winter - February 19.

Christina of Nicomedia

One of the most little-known Christines. Today it is known about her that she was born and preached Christianity in the city of Nikomis, even giving herself the Christian name Christina, for which she died a martyr’s death.

Her memory day is usually celebrated in the summer, June 13th. She is considered the patroness of Christine, those born in May and summer months Until August.

Meaning of the name Christina: “dedicated to Christ” (Greek)

Christina is very active, cheerful and smiling. She has no problems finding a common language with new people. While still at school, Christina receives good grades, thanks to her efforts and good memory. In a team or company he behaves freely, without being embarrassed or afraid of new acquaintances. Loves compliments and beautiful words addressed to her, however, she reacts painfully to jokes that affect her pride and can be offended for a long time. However, her problem is that she often does not distinguish a real compliment from flattery. Thus, they often make fun of her, but she does not even notice the mockers.

Having done this or that work, Christina demands fair remuneration, since she values ​​her own work very highly. In relationships with people, Christina can be extremely categorical. She either really likes the person or doesn't like her at all. She is incapable of experiencing anything in between. Therefore, all her acquaintances are divided into those whom she adores and those whom she does not even notice.

Other forms of the name Christina: Christina, Christiana, Christya, Christyusha, Chrisya, Stina, Tina, Kristya, Krestya, Kristinochka, Chris.

Christina, happy holiday to you!
Wish You happiness and health.
Good luck, joy, kindness
I wish you today.

May you win in everything
May you succeed in business,
And make your dreams come true
You will definitely be able to.

Smart, beautiful, good.
Let sorrows not disturb you.
Let everything be fine.
Let success come to you.

Dear Christina, happy holiday to you!
I want to wish you a sunny day.
I want there to be light and warmth in life,
May everything come true, may you be lucky.
I wish you happiness, beauty,
And beautiful love and big dreams.

Dear Christina, I congratulate you and with all my heart I wish you to conquer new heights of success every day, to feel the love of your family with every moment, to feel yourself with every breath. happy man, every time you make sure that you are magnificent and beautiful.

I congratulate you
Dear Christina,
You are beautiful like a star
And unique.

I want to wish
You will shine all your life,
Clouds, so as not to dare
Shut you down.

So that everything around
You were admired
All your dreams
In life, so that they come true.

I wish that you
How the star beckoned
And everything you want
So that you have it.

It's Christina's birthday!
A holiday of light and warmth!
Congratulations to Christina!
May you always be so sweet!

Be beautiful and blush.
Like today, so always
Smiled radiantly
And she was my favorite!

May your path through life be bright
That star shines
What is called happy!
We congratulate you!

We wish Christina,
So that everyone loves her
To be carried in your arms,
In diamonds and flowers.

So that everything is “okay”
Smile more cheerfully
After all, your bright smile
You give us all a gift.

Higher the nose and tail of the pipe,
Don't cry, don't cry, don't whine,
If anything happens
Firmness, your mind will come in handy!

Beautiful name, beautiful day,
And the holiday is all around today,
Let's give Christina a bouquet of strings,
From good friends and girlfriends.

Christina, Christina, let it be light,
On the heart at all times.
May our Christina be lucky everywhere,
And spring seemed eternal.

And if a star falls from the darkness,
May she perform a miracle.
And let this ray have a short flight
It will be completed at your window.

Christina is a lively person, that's true.
Always diligent, exemplary,
Active, loves compliments
And appreciates the bright moments.

Please accept, Christina, congratulations,
It contains a piece of our heart.
Let it warm you often with warmth
And protects from trouble.

Holiday is a good reason
Speak words of love.
And today for Christina

I congratulate Christina
And I wish her well.
I wish you laughter and joy,
The house is light and warm.

Let dreams knock on the window,
Open it quickly.
May happiness come to you
And it will stay with you.

The name is sonorous - Christina.
And the hostess is good,
And shy, beautiful,
Sophisticated and sweet.

But not only beauty -
You have intelligence and kindness.
Be beautiful, don't change
And remain sincere.

You, Christina, are like a picture.
Always be like this!
Bright, affectionate, beautiful...
Let the years go by!

The world is so big and kind,
Just look!
He gives a sea of ​​smiles,
Happiness and love.

Just go around the world
Listen to the best.
And always shine like the sun,
Dispel the gloominess.

Congratulations: 46 in verse, 17 in prose.

When is Christina’s name day according to the church calendar:

  • August 6 – Christina of Tire, martyr;
  • February 19 – Christina Caesarea, martyr;
  • March 26 – Christina of Persia, martyr.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Christina

If you turn to ancient Greek language, then such a name is interpreted as “dedicated to Christ.” This girl is really very kind and affectionate, she cannot be compared with other children, she does not like to rage at all and, if possible, avoids contact with other children. who constantly, in her opinion, allow themselves too much. She applies for different people the same category, which drives even psychologists into a stupor if they work with Christina.

From childhood, interesting talents appear, she draws well, tries to show kindness to almost every creature of God, because every creature is worthy of indulgence. Even such a proud person as.

Her talent manifests itself in early childhood, and the abilities necessary to distribute and profit from talent are manifested. Christina is gradually becoming a very lively girl, a little arrogant, she knows where to push. Christina's psychology is quite interesting and peculiar; it can become a problem for a person who is trying to get closer to a young lady.

She really makes friends with books and draws certain experience from every book she reads. She recognizes that all experience has long been accumulated in the consciousness of humanity; the invaluable experience recorded in books should not be ignored.

Relationships with people

When Christina finally understands that it is impossible to correct the world only through her own efforts, she will try to create a closed world, a kind of closed space, in which her real feelings will be imprisoned, and where it will be impossible for people who are constantly trying to hurt other people to get through. Kristya is extremely susceptible to this, as are her patrons.

Christina is one of the most beautiful girls on Earth, and she realizes this magnificent gift. In fact, she always knows perfectly well how to set priorities correctly and thinks critically about it. She may have a lot of fans, but she is never as relaxed as possible with any of them, she constantly uses various techniques in order to abstract herself from these people who take away her time and opportunities, and constantly takes the same path.

She is truly “dedicated to Christ”, and knows very well that luck always accompanies this girl. It is not so important for her how people treat her, she has her own opinion on everything, and if people prefer to treat her in any way, then that means there is a reason for this, and there is no point in arguing with them. Such an attitude forms a very wise worldview in this girl.

The girl, as already mentioned, is extremely talented. And she can make a career in this field, because Christine makes excellent workers in the creative field. She knows very well how to work with people's feelings, uses various techniques for manipulation, knowing approximately the psychology of those people whom she directs influence on. Compromises are inapplicable for a girl, she doesn’t even want to think about everything not being the way she wants, she only wants better life for myself.

However, the girl thinks not only about herself. Mutual understanding in the external sphere is also important for her; he wants all people to live in harmony and to be created for all people. good conditions life. This is why you should appreciate the birthday girl. At baptism, of course, it is necessary to choose your patroness, and it is extremely important that the character and behavior of the conditional patroness be similar to the behavior of the girl herself, otherwise harmony will inevitably be disrupted.

The concept of “mutual assistance” is also applicable here. Christina understands perfectly well that if she does good to other people, she can succeed, in the end she will become wonderful person in the eyes of this particular subject, and he, in turn, will be able to help her in some matter. In this regard, Christina reveals the character of a psychologist, and not a simple girl.

The melodious and energetically strong name Christina is an analogue of the European version of the name Christina. These names in Rus' appeared during the period of the spread of Christianity and literally meant “baptized”, a woman who converted to Christianity.

Philologists claim that Christina and Christina are the same name, pronounced differently due to phonetic features. However, the name Christina was common among the noble classes, and the name Christina is more common among people in rural areas.

Origin and meaning of the name

The patron saint of women with the name Christina is considered to be the holy martyr Christina of Caesarea from the city of Tire. Her father ruled the city during the times pagan beliefs, in the third century, and dreamed that his daughter would become a priestess of the pagan gods he worshiped.

But since childhood, the girl refused to believe that the wonderful world around her was created by idols. According to legend, an Angel appeared to the girl in childhood and told her about the teachings of Christ, calling her the bride of Christ, who is called to accept the feat of suffering in the name of the Savior of the World.

After the appearance of the Angel, the young girl accepted the teachings of Christ, abandoning the pagan beliefs of her father. This story had a sad continuation. Christina's father turned out to be very cruel person and through terrible torture tried to convince his daughter to renounce her faith in the Savior.

Martyr Christina of Persia suffered terrible torture and physical torture, but the wounds healed instantly, and the girl miraculously remained alive. Watching miraculous healing martyr and her humility, which she showed as a true Christian, many began to believe in the Savior and accepted his Teachings. The living and bright Faith in Christ had to be stopped, so the pagans killed Saint Christina.

Now the martyr Christina of Tire patronizes all those who suffer and endure undeserved insults and persecution in the world. It is believed that the martyr Christina of Nicomedia is able to heal all diseases of the body and spirit. Thousands of believers pray to this saint for a speedy recovery.

IN Orthodox tradition the name Christina and Christina are considered synonymous.

Description of the character of the owner

A person’s personality characteristics and character traits are directly related to the energy and history of the name Christina. What character traits does this amazing name enhance and make brighter and more expressive?

  • strong nature, purposeful, independent character;
  • Outwardly, these people are calm and balanced, but behind their majestic arrogance and calmness hides an extraordinary fiery temperament. Only occasionally, vivid displays of emotion suggest that this seemingly unapproachable woman has bright feelings and subtle emotionality;
  • Christina is sure that she is chosen for high role serving great goals and ideals, she will perform any job perfectly;
  • there is a risk in dreams of unrealistic ideals of not noticing the simple family happiness that is always close to these amazingly integral and strong women;
  • Christinas are very calculating and pedantic, paying attention to every little detail and trying to calculate the situation several steps ahead, thereby losing the joyful moments of real life.

These women adhere to conservative views and do not tolerate frivolity and rudeness. Shake moral principles Christina is impossible. Often, to their detriment, these people defend their point of view and ideals.

A child named Christina outwardly seems withdrawn and uncommunicative, loves solitude and quiet activities. He is in great need of parental attention and praise and has difficulty adapting to an unfamiliar team. They are diligent and attentive in their studies, but it is necessary to develop the baby’s creative potential.

In family and marriage, these women are the Center hearth and home and guardians family traditions. For them, their home is a reliable fortress, where they feel calm and confident. They do not tolerate cheating and betrayal, and after a divorce they cannot find a new life partner for a long time.

In work and career, Christina is always the boss, they are simply destined to open their own business, in which they can make all decisions independently. They achieve success in professions that require persistence and attention to detail. These are excellent lawyers, accountants and doctors.

What name is Christina baptized in Orthodoxy?

The name Christina (Christina) means “dedicated to Christ” and is given in memory of Saint Christina of Caesarea.

Name day dates

In the Orthodox church calendar, Christina’s name day falls on the following dates:

  • February 19;
  • 26 March:
  • May 31;
  • June 13;
  • July 24;
  • August 6 and 18;
  • 27th October;
  • December 15.

Angel Christina Day is celebrated on the same dates.

Congratulations on Angel's Day

For every Christina or Christina, congratulations on Angel Day are extremely important. These women really value attentive attitude and always try to give many times more good feelings and emotions to the giver.

Frivolity and familiarity should not be allowed in congratulations. Honestly evaluate all the advantages and virtues of this amazing woman and show her your sincere love and affection.