Andrey Boltenko became famous leadership position director on Channel One.

Behind him is the production of major television projects - 2014 Olympics, passing in Sochi, and a global music TV show – "Eurovision-2009".

He took participation in filming during the elections of the new President of Russia. He is one of the outstanding organizers of television programs on the First Channel - Nowadays he is actively taking on other projects on the same TV channel.

Childhood and growing up

The little boy saw the world for the first time in 1973, When born in the US capital - New York, where his parents worked hard. The child was named Andrei.

Only when the boy grew up a little, the family decided to move back to Russia. At that time he reached five years of age.

It so happened that the boy immediately fell in love with Russia, realizing that he was ready to spend his life here. For this reason, Andrey never again traveled abroad for a long time. The true Russian soul pulled him into motherland and endless Russian expanses.

As a child, Boltenko returned home from school and shared with his parents the idea of future profession: He wanted to become an actor.

Unfortunately for the boy, the adults did not approve of the decision, arguing the refusal by saying that it is impossible to become popular in the acting field without having the proper connections. They were worried that their son would face problems and not be able to get what he wanted.

Despite the difficulties, when Andrei turned 16, he ended up at a television studio. The opportunity helped the teenager make sure that he could not escape his childhood dream, even if it turned out to be somewhat distorted: instead of using acting on stage, Andrey wanted to take part in the filming process.

After graduating from school, he entered Faculty of History and Philology at RUDN University. Hard study soon bore fruit, and Andrei received journalism diploma international level in 1997.

An accident of life gave him the opportunity to participate in acting in 2001, where Andrey worked part-time as TV host of the game show "Countdown", which quickly closed due to high competition on television.

Directing career

Since 1989 when Boltenko went to TV company "VID", where one of the youth television projects in the program started "Sight". After several episodes, the project was recommended for closure due to the small audience of viewers.

After receiving his diploma, Boltenko received an offer of employment for the position of chief director of the ORT television channel (later Channel One), to which he immediately agreed.

Having gained sufficient experience, Andrey decides in 2003 to form his own company “ABV-studio”, whose task was to provide services for ensuring high-quality shooting of large-scale entertainment projects, as well as their production.

In 2010 Boltenko thought about expanding the company. It was decided to leave the old name far in the past, because after renaming the organization to “Andrei Boltenko Group” Design services for video content have also been added to the old services.

The director took on creation of youth television series, such as films "After School" in 2012. To prepare for the start of the project, Andrey needed 4 years.

Fame overtook the director after large-scale work on the production "Eurovision-2009". The audience appreciated his work and soon Andrei was invited to presentation of the laureate prize “Teffi” and awarded a certificate of honor from the President of Russia.

The next peak of popularity found him much later during the Olympic Games in Sochi, held in 2014.

Right up until the end of 2016 he occupied position of chief director at Channel One, managing the film crew during such famous television programs as “Evening Urgant”, “King of the Ring”.

IN this moment Boltenko works with his wife in the television project “Once Upon a Time…”, which started in 2017.

Personal life

Many people whose names often appear in the media They don’t like to put their own lives on display. Being a person of a public profession, Andrey is one of them.

However, despite his skepticism on this issue, he could not avoid gossip around him during an affair with a famous Russian actress Marina Alexandrovna.

Her fans actively followed her boyfriend, who claimed that he fell in love with the girl at first sight, but Marina had a different opinion on this matter. Only after they broke off communication for a year and accidentally met in the same company - the girl noticed in young man a worthy candidate.

In 2012 they secretly got married. Currently they have two children.

One of the most expensive models in the world, Natalia Vodianova, left her husband, wealthy English lord Justin Portman, for the chief director of Channel One.

The heart of the fashion model, whose story is similar to the fairy tale of Cinderella, was given without the right of exchange or return to 37-year-old Andrei Boltenko, winner of three Tefi awards and one unique charisma.

To be with Vodianova, secret romance with whom the young TV broadcaster has been dating no less than since 2006, he broke up with Sovremennik star Marina Alexandrova: on the same days, Vodianova hired a lawyer to complete the divorce proceedings in London.

Romance of Andrey and Natalia, for 8 years married life who gave birth to the lord three charming children, began with friendship. Vodianova and Boltenko, who crossed paths many times at work, allowed themselves only flirtation that was subtle to those around them and not Furthermore- until the favorite of the world's best designers started having problems with her husband.

This happened at the beginning of 2008, when even the model crowd, whose atmosphere resembled a terrarium, had no idea about the troubles in the Vodianova family.
Then it was Boltenko who was the first to extend a helping hand, which the fragile model has not released to this day.

Natalya tries not to tell anyone about how dramatically her life has changed since Andrei appeared in it, and first of all, her relatives, who are taking what is happening very hard.

While the divorce is going on, Natasha herself decides everything, we try, of course, to help, but only morally,” Vodianova’s stepfather Alexander told Life News. - Natasha is quite an old child. We ourselves can get very few details from her.

- How do you look at Natasha’s union with Andrei Boltenko?
- Only negative emotions... This is natural - how else can you look at it?! Because three such good kids... We look at everything with great sadness. It will be really unpleasant if this divorce goes through. Maybe it will still work out...

During each visit to Moscow, where Vodianova Lately happens many times more often than in London, princess European podium stays in the apartment of Andrei Boltenko.

According to the few friends of the couple, most likely in the winter, when Vodianova’s divorce is formalized, they will live under the same roof. In the meantime, lovers are trying to spend as much time together as possible without being separated, for example, even while going to a fitness club.

As Life News learned, the couple went to the pool of the elite Else club center on Ivankovskoe Highway in the morning for several months.

They are not clients of our club, they come to us on one-time invitations,” said Marina, an employee of the fitness center. - They are in the pool and sauna. They act like they are on their honeymoon. Although the magazines write that she is married.

During long separations Andrey is not sad alone. For several months he dated Vodianova’s same age, actress Marina Alexandrova, who was divorced from artist Ivan Stebunov in the spring of 2010.

- They visit us a couple of times a week in the evenings, and they always don’t take very much food. Apparently, they live nearby,” Stella, a cashier at a large chain supermarket, where Andrei and Marina were often seen, told Life News.

The director actually shared a house with Alexandrova for some time, but this love died out: for the sake of Natalia Vodianova, Andrei broke up with the girl with whom, it would seem, they were such a beautiful couple.

According to British journalists, if Vodianova breaks up, she will have to give Portman $10 million in compensation so that he does not disclose the fact of her marriage. adultery. Meanwhile the real reason The model's girlfriend's divorce is not called adultery at all, but rather the personality traits of her titled husband.

Despite the noble title of Lord Portman, Natalia brought money into the family, and after the birth of her third child, Justin began to have problems with alcohol.

“I don’t want to comment on the situation with Natasha,” Vodianova’s close friend, former editor-in-chief of Russian VOGUE Alena Doletskaya, sharply told Life News - it was Natalya who first told her about her affair with Boltenko.

Vodianova’s mother Larisa Viktorovna categorically denies the existence of problems in the family of her star daughter.

“I don’t know where all the talk about divorce comes from,” she says. - What should Natasha do in this situation - cry? I haven't heard anything like that. And I don’t know who Andrey Boltenko is.

But the director's name is well known in the professional community.

This novel has been developing with varying success since 2006, says journalist Natalya Radulova. - This has long been no secret in television circles. Why don't they mention his name? Why are they silent? Superstars work to be talked about on every corner.

Now you can find it on the Internet great amount life stories " star couples", each of which is interesting and individual in its own way. Each of them has its own characteristics of their personal life: for some, relationships leave much to be desired, while for others everything is perfect. The article will talk directly about the biography of Andrei Boltenko: about his personal life, about his secret wedding and much more.

Talented man

Andrey Boltenko is a man who is talented in everything. He manages to combine several jobs; he is a Russian director, producer, and TV presenter. He started his career at the age of 16, so it is not surprising that the guy turned out to be an experienced specialist, a professional in his field. Even as a child, his parents instilled in him a love of creativity and art, for which he is still grateful to them. And success came to the man not only thanks to his talent, but also to hard work, responsible attitude, determination, and the desire to give joy to others.

Features of work

Andrey Boltenko has a lot to his name films made, in particular, these are documentaries and shows. They are all individual, interesting and varied. His creations are popular and in demand among people of different ages, his programs attract huge audiences around TV screens and in large halls.

He has his own fans, subscribers in in social networks, where news about new projects appears regularly. Many people approach him with proposals for joint cooperation. famous personalities, Andrey tries not to refuse anyone, not because he is trying to make money from someone, he just really loves what he does.

Personal life

One of important points in the biography of Andrey Boltenko - personal life. He is doing well in this regard, just as in professional activity.

Andrey's wife - famous beauty, who has conquered more than one man’s heart, Russian actress theater and cinema Marina Alexandrova. This is a very popular person, on her account a large number of roles played in famous and beloved films. This actress is loved not only by young people, but also by representatives of the older generation. Often a girl gets roles in which her heroines have difficult fates. It was the same in the actress’s personal life before she met her future husband Andrei. With the advent of best man in Marina’s fate everything changed dramatically, and, of course, only in better side. The young people are very happy together.

Dating history

Andrey Boltenko and Marina Alexandrova met by chance, among friends. For quite short term After communication, the young people realized that they were made for each other: they had common interests, views on life, and similarities in character. Andrei captivated the girl with his romance, the dates he arranged for her: hiking in the most secluded corners of the world, intimate conversations - all this brought people closer together and one day news appeared on the Internet that Andrei Boltenko and Marina Alexandrova were getting married.

This good news caused a sea of ​​positive emotions from friends, family and fans. All of them had been waiting and preparing for this wonderful event for a very long time. The news also became known that the girl received a marriage proposal from Andrei after she found out that she was pregnant. In turn, the closest relatives of the young people, their parents, were very happy that they would soon become grandparents.

Details of the wedding ceremony

The wedding was beautiful and modest. Only the closest and dearest of the young people were invited, as well as best friends and acquaintances who heartily congratulated the newlyweds and rejoiced at their happiness.

Young people do not like the press, often appearing in public and advertising their relationships. So something more detailed about wedding ceremony Besides the fact that the newlyweds got married secretly, it is quite difficult to find out.

But it’s difficult to hide something from journalists. Even earlier, it was known that after the wedding, the “star young people” began to have a calm and happy life. The family is already raising a little daughter, whose birth everyone was really looking forward to. But recently, reliable information has appeared that there has been another addition to the family. Marina gave birth to another child for her husband, also a girl.

So, in the biography of Andrei Boltenko, personal life and children are one whole, inextricably linked links. The girls are brought up in a wonderful and friendly family environment and love their parents very much for their kindness, love and care.

Marina Alexandrova, a young, beautiful, talented theater and film actress. She played many unforgettable roles. And he continues to act. She has a large number of interesting characters to her credit.

Height, weight, age. How old is Marina Alexandrova (actress)

Now Marina is 34 years old. Her year of birth is 1982. Fans are often interested in Marina Alexandrova’s height, weight, and age. The answer to this question can easily be found on the Internet. For example, a girl’s height is 158 centimeters and her weight is 49 kg. She is very graceful and fragile. She always looks in shape and takes care of her figure. In his free time from work, he plays sports and eats right. She believes that this is the key to an ideal body.

Biography of Marina Alexandrova (actress)

It so happened that a girl was born in Hungary. No, not because she has Hungarian roots, but because her father is in the military, and the family ended up there due to his service. Real name Marina Pupenina, but the girl didn’t think the surname was sonorous, and she took her grandmother’s surname, Alexandrova. Which sounds much better.

The family returned to their homeland in Russia when the girl was 4 years old. Their first settlement was in the Urals. Afterwards they moved to Leningrad. The girl studied at a mathematics school. At the same time, she studied music and learned to play the harp.

The biography of Marina Alexandrova begins from the moment when she decides to connect her life with acting career. My parents were categorically against this choice. They dreamed that their daughter would become a translator or a tourism manager. In the ninth grade, the girl enrolled in a theater studio, which was very thriving. There she felt like a fish in water, and finally decided to connect her life with this profession. She actively participated in all sorts of creative evenings, and she liked it.

Her decision to go study to become an actress at first greatly upset her family. She tried to enroll in several institutions, but only the Shchukin School opened the door for her. It was about him that her mentor told her a lot in the studio. She was very happy with what she did.

She started her career from the first year of study. She started acting in films early. Her first film was the film “Northern Lights”. Afterwards in the film "Empire Under Attack".

Real success She got the role of Lisa in the film “Azazel”. Although the role was not large, it was key for Marina. She won over the audience tragic fate heroins. After such a triumph, roles fell one after another. She starred in several more TV series. And also in the Polish film “When the Sun Was God.”

In 2006, the actress began playing in the theater, she played for five whole years. Among the plays in which she played, there are both Russian and foreign. She has many such plays to her credit.

In 2009 she played main role in the drama "Granny Ada". A special team was hired to create the effects. These were complex and dangerous structures. One small mistake could lead to tragedy for Marina. But everything went without incident.
Marina even starred in a Russian-Japanese series, the filming of which lasted from 2009 to 2011. The title of the film is “Cloud over the Hill.” She played a Russian girl who fell in love with a Japanese officer. The series was shown in two countries.

One of the actress’s memorable projects was the play “An Ideal Husband,” as well as the comedy “Urgent! Looking for a husband", where she played with famous actor Anton Makarsky. In 2011, the actress starred in more than 10 films.

In 2014, Marina starred in the TV series “Ekaterina,” which brought her enormous success and recognition. main character It was hard for her, but she coped with this task with a bang and captivated everyone with her performance.

In 2015, she starred in the melodrama A Star Born. Her vocal abilities allowed her to sing herself, but she refused; only a few songs were performed in her performance. In 2016, she starred in the detective story “The Jackal.” The film was great High Quality, but despite all the advantages, there was one huge disadvantage, a lot of blood and violence. But still, the film was successful.

In 2017, Alexandrova continued to play the empress in the second part of the series “Catherine. Takeoff". Now the actress has two films. One of them may be shown abroad. I think her projects will not end there; the talented actress will have many more. We wish her creative success.

Personal life of Marina Alexandrova (actress)

The personal life of Marina Alexandrova is very rich and diverse. Her first lover was the scandalous actor Alexander Domogarov. Relations with him were very unstable. Their passions were constantly in full swing. They were not embarrassed even by the huge age difference, as much as 20 years. During the period of their romance there was everything, betrayals, and passions raged, constant scandals, then they parted, then they got back together. Their relationship lasted only two years, after which they finally broke up.

After breaking up with Alexander, the actress had two more marriages. We can find information on the Internet such as Marina Alexandrova and Andrey Boltenko, wedding, photos.

Family of Marina Alexandrova (actress)

Marina Alexandrova's family is her beloved husband, son and daughter. Before finding such happiness, she suffered a lot and was burned. But finally, she found the peace, love, and happiness that she really lacked. Everything a happy girl needs, she has it all. And most importantly loving and faithful husband, behind which she is like behind a stone wall. This is very important for every woman.

Children of Marina Alexandrova (actress)

Marina has two children, from her husband Andrey. The children of Marina Alexandrova, for her this is a treasure that she finally found. She dotes on them.

Marina Alexandrova’s son – Andrey

Marina Alexandrova’s son is Andrey, the long-awaited first-born. He was born in 2011. His parents love him madly.

Daughter of Marina Alexandrova - Katya

Marina Alexandrova’s daughter, Katyusha, is the highlight of the family, her father’s princess. Parents do good to both their son and their daughter.

Former husband Ivan Stebunov

After breaking up with Domogarov, the actress went to work in the theater. There she met a guy whom she soon married.

Her first husband, Ivan Stebunov, attracted the actress with his violent, rebellious character. They were not at all alike, except that they were united by a love of acting. He often drank and went for walks. But he was a fairly intelligent person, which attracted the girl. Marina endured all his antics for a long time, but could not stand it for long, and two years later the couple broke up.

Marina Alexandrova's second husband - Andrey Boltenko

Marina Alexandrova’s second husband, Andrey Boltenko, is a producer on a cool channel. They have been together for five years. They carefully hide their relationship. They don’t want to put their family on display. After so many unsuccessful attempts, Marina finally found true family happiness. This real family, without pain and resentment. With children and with love. The couple has two children, a boy and a girl.

Marina Alexandrova’s second husband - Andrey Boltenko photo

On the Internet, you can often find photos of Marina Alexandrova before and after plastic surgery. This is all untrue. As the actress herself says, she is against surgical intervention. She is very afraid of this, and will never go under the knife without a significant reason. She is even against various Botoxes and tightening, wrinkle smoothing. She claims that wrinkles have their own zest. That this is a natural phenomenon, and not ugly, as some women believe. She said that even in old age nothing would change. As I am destined, so I will be, she says. What God gives us we must accept and love, and not try to correct. You can only ruin everything.

The only thing the actress did was to straighten her teeth. She removed clicks, whitened and straightened teeth. And then, she was very afraid to go. But she needed it for the image of Catherine. She had to look like a real empress, that is, chic.

Now the actress acts in films, plays in plays, but most She devotes time to her family. She wants to participate in raising her children, and watch their achievements, help them in everything. She will do everything so that they are happy and see their mother at home, and not just on TV. She and her husband are trying to give them a real childhood, and the love of mom and dad, which is very important for children. And at any age.

She believes that she has enough for everything, both for her family and for her career. Which her fans have no doubt about. It remains to wish her creative success, career growth, many new interesting characters. So that from now on only worthy people will meet on her path. Family well-being, and so that her children are healthy and make mom and dad happy. So that she no longer experiences pain in love. She deserves great happiness, she deserves it.

This is such an interesting and unpredictable life of an actress. On the one hand, a lot of bad things happened to her, but there were also a lot of good things. You just have to see it in everything positive points. And not to close ourselves off, but to cope with all the problems that life presents us with dignity. That's the whole meaning of life.

Instagram and Wikipedia Marina Alexandrova

She has many subscribers, fans of her talent. The girl is very happy about this. She believes that personal life is good, but fans must also be pleased, because without them the artist is not an artist. Everyone has it famous person there should be a site where people who love their work can communicate with them, and this is very important.

The 32-year-old actress became interested in Igor Petrenko

Marina ALEXANDROVA just recently shouted at every corner that the most important thing in her life today is her husband and son. Now her Instagram is filled with posts with the hashtag “I love my work.” However, the movie star’s colleagues also believe that Marina’s relationship with Andrei BOLTENKO is not as cloudless as it was at the dawn of their romance.

Marina has repeatedly emphasized that she is an ambiguous girl. On the one hand, such a “noble maiden” with angelic appearance, on the other hand, a crazy rock and roll girl. Actually, the fact that such diametrically opposed personalities somehow coexist in Alexandrova is what attracts men. At one time, Alexey Chadov, the French producer Cyril Lunkevich, and the movie star Alexander Zbruev were crazy about her. And what a stormy romance she had with heartthrob Alexander Domogarov, only those who don’t read newspapers and don’t watch TV don’t know.
- In fact, I am grateful to Sasha, because he discovered love in me. Thanks to him, I understood what it was. Maybe the relationship with him was given to me as a test. Before I met Sasha, I grew up as a hothouse plant, and, probably, I needed to experience this story in order to understand how to love, how to go crazy when you are dying of longing for to a loved one. In a word, I have matured with Sasha,” Marina confessed to our correspondent several years ago.
Then she did not want to tell who appeared in her life after Domogarov, saying only: “When I get married, then you will find out everything yourself.”

And indeed, a couple of months after that conversation, she became the wife of actor Ivan Stebunov. Which, we note, previously assured:
- I am a complete womanizer and I will certainly never marry an actress!
This marriage lasted nothing at all. Gossips they said that the cause of the discord was the “green serpent” that entangled Vanka. And recently, by the way, Ivan “only for friends” indicated on Facebook that he was engaged. In response to all questions, he shakes his head: they say, no, no, no more public statements. Friends of the 33-year-old artist say that Stebunov’s chosen one is in no way connected with the world of cinema, and they almost met on the street - in a club where Vanya once relaxed with friends. The girl is a little younger and promises to be homely and faithful, give birth to at least three, cook delicious dinners and wait for her at night from work. In short, not a girl, but the dream of any creative person.
Probably Andrei Boltenko dreamed of the same thing. And, having become close to Alexandrova, it probably seemed to him that she, too, could become an exemplary hostess. Moreover, Marina herself has repeatedly said that only motherhood is the true purpose of a woman.

Alone not at home

If you believe the know-it-all partygoers, before Alexandrova, Boltenko had a long affair with top model Natasha Vodianova. It was rumored that allegedly because of him, the beauty from the cover broke up with her English lord, with whom she had three children. However, we readily believe that Andrei could be a strong competitor to the British aristocrat Portman, because he is a very erudite, well-mannered, balanced fellow. International journalist, graduate of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Peoples' Friendship University. Patrice Lumumba is highly respected by his superiors. On Channel One, where Boltenko has been working for more than 20 years, they talk about him exclusively as a mega-pro. Judge for yourself: he was the main director of not only Eurovision 2009, but also the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Sochi. No one would be trusted with this!

Of course, Andrei is exhausted at work and, when he comes home, he wants to be surrounded by warmth and care. And Marina in recent months everything was on the set and on the set... With Sergei Bezrukov in “Not Home Alone” in Irkutsk I saved myself from the frost with felt boots. In preparation for work in Gosznak (a continuation of Mosgaz and Executioner), she took choreography lessons, and for the role in Born of a Star“I studied with a vocal teacher for weeks. In this film, Marina plays with Igor Petrenko. According to the script, they are spouses. Filming in St. Petersburg is in full swing, and many members of the group are already whispering with all their might that Marina and Igor have a close relationship not only on the set. Divorced Petrenko is a master at courting beautifully. He is easy to talk to and has a mischievous disposition. I know myself. In the meantime, Alexandrova is playing all sorts of tricks on the set, her 41-year-old husband is said to be complaining to friends that her son Andryusha is worried that he doesn’t see his mother often - the baby, who will turn three in the summer, is mainly cared for by a nanny.

Let’s hope that the couple will overcome the crisis of the fifth year (that’s how many years Marina and Andrey have been together) and live in peace and harmony for many more decades.