
Having started publishing articles on preparing for the holidays, I no longer want to “leave” the topic of relaxation into household topics, so today’s article will be, especially since there haven’t been similar ones on the blog for a long time)

Although it is difficult to call it purely entertaining, reading about people who, despite numerous failures, achieved their goal is both interesting and educational.

We are all human and we all tend to doubt: is it worth starting our own business, is it worth striving for the goal, will it work out, will we have enough strength? Some people spend their whole life in such turmoil. And some try to do something, but at the first failure they give up: “After all, fate favors only the lucky ones, doesn’t it? How can I belong to their number?

Read interesting stories from the lives of great people. They didn’t give up, they respected themselves and showed a lot of wonderful personal qualities. As a result, we achieved a lot.

Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison was initially unlucky: he was youngest child in the family of a merchant who managed to lose all his meager savings. Thomas was sent to school, but after four months the boy was turned out of the door, declaring him a “brainless idiot.”

And he turned out to be amazing person this Thomas Edison, Interesting Facts- living proof of this. He began to invent toys for himself because his parents could not ask for money for “all sorts of nonsense” and at the age of ten he built a toy railway and a sawmill.

The guy was twelve when he started selling apples on the train, and spent all the money he earned on his passion, chemistry. By cunning or flattery, he won the right to equip a baggage car as a laboratory and learned to print a newspaper (it became the first weekly publication for passengers).

But two years later there was a fire in his carriage. According to one legend, the senior conductor threw the boy out of the train, and the printing press and assorted flasks with retorts followed him. As a result of the strong blow, Thomas lost his hearing, but survived and did not give up.

He never allowed himself to be disappointed or doubted, which is why his success story is so amazing.

Inventing the famous incandescent lamp, Thomas Edison carried out 1999 (!) experiments and only in 2000 achieved what he wanted.

Once a young man asked him: what does it feel like to be wrong 1999 times? “Young man,” Edison replied, “I have never made a mistake. On the contrary, I invented 1999 ways to avoid making light bulbs.”

The Beatles

The fifties were booming in England. People shook off the ashes of war, they wanted to dance and sing. Musical groups appeared like mushrooms after rain, and many of them played fancy skiffle.

Hooligan John Lennon also wanted to try. He knew how to compose songs, and just at that time the exemplary boy Paul McCartney turned up, he famously strummed rock and roll on the guitar and even knew how to tune it! In addition, he had a friend named George Harrison, also an excellent guitarist. It seemed like all the ingredients for success were there, but he wasn’t waiting for them around the next corner.

Interesting facts for fans and everyone who loves the Beatles .

It wasn’t long before they found “their” fourth participant. His place was occupied by the most different people, one of them wasn't even a musician.

Record labels showed no interest in the newcomers, stating that "they sound bad, guitar bands are out of fashion, so there's no future for these guys."

At the Decca recording studio, the Beatles were rejected on the grounds that: “We don’t like their sound. They have no future in the music industry."

During the first tour to Hannover (Germany), the group was deported from the country.

However, producer Brian Epstein believed in his young protégés, and he was completely right.

Walt Disney

They say that dad, who was always unemployed, got drunk and beat little Waltie. He cried from pain and resentment, and his mother read him fairy tales to calm him down. This is probably why, when he was already a 12-year-old boy, he decided to become a cartoonist.

Fate did not want to smile on Waltie for a long time, but he still turned out to be worthy of heading the list of people who did not give up.

Walt drew cartoons and comics, submitting them to various magazines and getting rejected everywhere. And at the age of 18 he got a job as a cartoonist and was kicked out in disgrace “for incompetence.”

Started with a friend own business earning “crazy money” ($135), but the business collapsed. Then Walt began drawing cartoons in the garage, however, his first duology about Alice according to Carroll failed. Disney then came up with a profitable character called Oswald the Rabbit. This time the rights to it were stolen by an insidious deceiver.

Walt gritted his teeth and created Donald Duck. And also Mickey Mouse for company. However, everyone was sarcastic about both of them, and in general, criticizing the “mouse studio” became good form, nevertheless, things progressed.

But as soon as decent sums loomed in the accounts, competitors lured away Disney's best animator, his best, long-time friend. And then the resilient Walt broke down. He started drinking, and then decided to take his own life. Fortunately, doctors saved him, allowing Walt Disney's success story to continue.

The animator slowly pulled himself out of depression and financial collapse. I came up with the idea of ​​selling souvenirs with characters from my cartoons, thus receiving money for the production of Snow White. But again, the project ate up all the profits from the souvenirs, and not a single bank would give a loan to Disney. He started drinking again for a reason nervous breakdown. Then he finally found five million to continue filming.

He always moved forward through a lot of obstacles. His idea to build Disneyland turned out to be another hassle. Even brother named future park"cheap fair". But today the name Walt Disney is known all over the world.

He is part of the culture, a founder and innovator in the world of cinema. In addition: winner of 29 Oscars, the Legion of Honor and more than seven hundred other insignia. And he left a billion dollar fortune to his heirs.

Success stories of rich people

Oprah Winfrey

It is impossible to list in a few words all the failures, difficulties, and grievances that fill the success story of Oprah Winfrey. She was able to earn a capital of two and a half billion through... intimate conversations. But I didn’t come to this right away.
Her mother was a frivolous girl of eighteen years old. She gave birth to her daughter “by accident” and disliked her from the moment of birth. She dropped it off with her grandmother in the Mississippi wilderness, and she went off to the city to “search for happiness.” Grandmother turned out to be a kind, sensitive and caring person. Thanks to her, the girl’s talents were discovered early: she loved to “interview” animals, and at the age of 5 she gave such heartfelt speeches in church that everyone said: “The Holy Spirit descended on the child!”

But then Oprah was taken in by her grief-stricken mother. They lived in terrible poverty, and on top of that, the girl was repeatedly sexually abused by her cousins ​​from the age of nine. As a result, having matured a little, she couldn’t stand it and ran away wherever she looked. She gave birth and buried a premature baby, wanted to commit suicide, got addicted to drugs and slept with pushers for a dose.

Just getting into the house own father, she began to get to her feet. And she was even able to make her way onto television, although with great difficulty, at that time a woman with dark skin was considered a lower-class creature. Everywhere she was shown the door as “unsuitable”; for example, Oprah was fired from the Baltimore news because she was too emotional.

Today she is an idol and idol of Americans; her programs are watched with bated breath. And Oprah Winfrey certainly deserves all this.

Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone, “Sly,” was born into a family of poor Italian immigrants, in the creepy New York neighborhood of “Hell’s Kitchen.” The birth was difficult; the baby’s nerve endings were damaged. Therefore, part of his cheeks, tongue and lips remained paralyzed.

He studied at a special school for troubled teenagers, grew up among drug addicts, bandits and prostitutes, having learned a simple truth from childhood: if you want to survive, strike first. Need I say that Sylvester Stallone's success story turned out to be incredibly complex?

Stallone dreamed of cinema: he acted in extras, went to screen tests, wrote unsuccessful scripts, played several “passing” roles... But it was as if no one saw him, he was invisible! His crazy dream of becoming an actor was openly mocked.

Tired of endless lack of money, his wife left him. Sly had only a dog left, and an empty, cold apartment - the heating and electricity were turned off for the malicious defaulter. Then I had to sell my dog ​​to buy food and not die of hunger. Reluctantly, because friends are not sold, he did it - there was nothing to feed the dog. Sly swore that he would buy him out as soon as he got the money.

Where there! He found himself at a dead end, forced to keep warm in public libraries until he finally came up with a script about boxer Rocky Balboa, timed to coincide with the 200th anniversary of American independence, although at first they did not want to take the script anywhere.

Finally, a couple of young producers agreed to take a risk and offered $15,000 for the script. But they didn’t need Stallone as an actor who offered himself “in addition.” And he categorically refused any money offered, because he wanted to play Rocky himself.

Time passed, the producers raised the rates: $100,000, $250,000... Sylvester said no. Bent by poverty, he continued to say “no” and eventually achieved his goal - he was hired main role paying the originally offered price for the script.

And Stallone bought back his dog, which was sold for $50, giving the entire fee for it - 15,000.

After the premiere of the film, he woke up famous. Then there were many ups and downs. He is considered the record holder for nominations for the infamous Golden Raspberry. Many whispered that it was better for Sly to leave the cinema. He was declared bankrupt several times and forced to sell his share in the Planet Hollywood cinema for debts.

But, like the beloved heroes of his films, Stallone finds the strength to get up after every fall.


This is now the beautiful Beyoncé - the idol of millions, one of the highest paid singers, but in the past not everyone recognized her talent. It is worth telling Beyoncé fans interesting facts about her biography.

As part of a girl group, she took part in the most prestigious talent competition on national television. And... she was defeated.

After the first failure, she decided to continue her career only at the suggestion of her parents, for which her father quit his job, and her mother worked on the girl’s image, but everything turned out terribly wrong: the producers either agreed to “take under the wing” of the young Destiny’s Child, then they tore up contracts, the girls mercilessly scandalized between themselves. Beyoncé's parents were so exhausted that they announced a divorce.

And only a few years later the project finally started working. And today her fortune is estimated at three hundred million dollars.

Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg's name on the poster of any movie is a sign of quality. These days, the author of "Park Jurassic", "Indiana Jones", "Jaws", "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial", "Saving Private Ryan", "Poltergeist", "The Terminal" and a host of other gorgeous films are known not only to film fans.

And if you like the work of Steven Spielberg, interesting facts from his biography will definitely impress you.

Firstly, he is extremely scrupulous about his name. If he considers the finished film to not meet standards, he will definitely demand that mention of himself be removed from the credits.

Secondly, in his youth he tried to enter the Film School at the University of California, but received low scores on the exams and failed twice.

Deciding to go from the other side, he became a student at a technical college, and in free time He was filming his first short film, which was noticed by Universal Studios. Since then, Stephen has moved forward confidently.

And Spielbegr still entered the film school, but only 37 years after his first failures))

Examples of strong personalities

Joy Mangano

History knows many strong personalities and examples of famous people, whose biography may well be a role model.

One of these is an American housewife named Joy Mangano, real example making the proverbial American dream come true.

This woman was born with an inventive streak. She lived in poverty, went to work early, and her first job was a veterinary clinic. After watching naughty flea-infested dogs, Joy invented a flea collar that could glow in the dark.

But since I was a teenager, I was unable to bring my idea to life. Instead, it was done by a “senior comrade”, to whom the idea brought millions. The offended girl decided that next time she would definitely grab fate by the tail and become an example of people who achieved success from scratch.

A few years later, already being a mother with three children, she came up with a miracle mop. The device had a cotton rag and a simple wringer mechanism - if you have something similar in your home, then remember that we have to thank the ordinary American Joy Mangano for the self-wringing mop))

For the first batch of one hundred mops, the inventor collected money from friends, humiliated herself and begged. And then... in 20 minutes in the TV store she managed to sell 18,000 pieces. Today they are sold at ten million a year, and Joy has become one of the richest women businessmen - she has built an Empire for the development of useful little things for the household.

Michael Jordan

Each segment of science and technology, art and sports has a unique strong personality - examples of athletes are clear proof of this.

The famous basketball player Michael Jordan did not strive for anything special as a child.

He was lazy, defiant to teachers, and did not study well. He only liked sports. More precisely, baseball, where he achieved excellent results, becoming the champion of his state.

And then he became interested in basketball. But the guy wasn’t tall enough, the coach didn’t believe in the short player and didn’t take him to the senior team.

After being cut from his college basketball team, he went home, locked himself in his room, and cried. Nevertheless, Michael began to give all his best in the “little league”, deciding to compensate for this high jump, which later became his signature and for which he received the nickname “Air Jordan”. Michael even grew ten centimeters.

“I lost almost three hundred games. I missed over nine thousand times. I failed constantly. And that’s the only reason I achieved success,” Jordan would later say.

Now do you understand why you should never give up? Even if life is in full swing and constantly hits you on top of your head, fight, and let the success stories of the rich and famous become a fulcrum for you. Don't listen to those who want to lower your self-esteem.

Einstein said: “If you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees, it will die—confident in its stupidity.”

About the same incredible stories people, but not so famous, who achieved what they dreamed of, you can read in the articles: and.

Eric Abidal
football player, 36 years old

In 2011 one of the most valuable players football club Barcelona They handed down a terrible verdict - a liver tumor. But the will to win and fortitude did not leave the athlete. Abidal received tremendous support from fans and his colleagues. During the Champions League, players Real Madrid And Lyon took to the field wearing T-shirts with the inscription "Everything will be fine, Abidal", and his club colleagues dedicated the victory to him. Many no longer believed that Abidal would return to big sport. A donor was needed, which he became cousin football player, he gave half of his liver, thereby giving life to a loved one. After successful rehabilitation Eric Abidal returned to the field and became an example for many.

Alisa Kleybanova

tennis player, 26 years old

One can only envy the courage of this girl. In 2011, the famous tennis player Alisa Kleybanova Stage 2 lymph node cancer was discovered. For almost a year she was treated at Italy without showing your tears to anyone. After a serious illness, the girl returned to the court again. In August 2013, she played in the Grand Slam tournament, performing at the Open Championship USA, and proved to the whole world that giving up is not in her rules.

Saku Koivu

hockey player, 40 years old

Former captain of the hockey team Finland on own experience found out what lymphoma is Burkitt. At the peak of his career, the hockey player learned that he was seriously ill. This was a terrible blow for Saku. At the press conference, the athlete vowed that he would return to the ice, and he kept his word. After going through hellish trials, a long course of chemotherapy, grueling and long treatment that lasted seven months, he returned to the team. Saku Koivu- a person who has overcome the disease.

Daniel Jacobs

Boxer, 28 years old

One of the strongest American boxers − Daniel Jacobs nicknamed the Golden Child - also struggled with the injustice of fate. Osteosarcoma (bone cancer) was exactly what the promising athlete was diagnosed with. The doctors pronounced a terrible verdict - the athlete would not be able to continue his career, but Daniel himself proved the opposite. The operation to remove the tumor lasted nine hours, after which he underwent chemotherapy and treatment that lasted seven months. Daniel Jacobs returned to the ring again, and the disease evaporated as horrible dream, which he still can't believe.

Heiko Herrlich

football player, 43 years old

One of the best players in the German championship, championship winner Germany and the Champions League, he could not even imagine that his career, like his life, could come to an end. In 2000, Herrlich was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. After a year of intensive treatment, he returned, but, alas, was already far from his previous form. In 2004, due to injuries, the football player hung up his boots and began a coaching career.

Jose Francisco Molina

football player, coach of the Kitchi football club, 45 years old

In 2002, one of the best goalkeepers Spain A malignant testicular tumor was discovered. Sports discipline and willpower helped the athlete not to break down. Molina was treated for about a year at the Oncological Institute in Valencia with chemotherapy sessions. Having completely defeated the evil illness, Molina returned to the field. Now he Main coach Hong Kong Football Club "Kitchi".

Felix Mantilla

tennis player, 41 years old

The Spanish tennis player was forced to miss almost two years due to his illness. Skin cancer - this is exactly the verdict the doctors made Felix Mantilla. He has a huge number of victories, participation in Grand Slam tournaments, and the tennis player can boast of being 10th in the world rankings. Felix proved that he is a real fighter. He returned to the court and continued to play. After finishing his career, the athlete founded a foundation to fight skin cancer, because he knows firsthand what it is.

Tura Berger

biathlete, Olympic champion, 34 years old

Two-time Olympic champion, eight-time world champion and multiple world championship medalist Tura Berger- the only biathlete who has medals in all races of the World Championship. In 2009, the athlete was diagnosed with skin cancer. Despite her illness, which could have interrupted Berger’s life at any moment, she did not give up and continued to play sports. After undergoing surgery, she proudly performed at Olympic Games 2010 and showed that she can handle not only Golden medal, but also victory over a terrible disease.

Eric Shantoux

swimmer, 32 years old

A terrible diagnosis - testicular cancer - did not stop the American swimmer Eric Shantu To participate in 2008 Olympics. And this despite the fact that the athlete learned about his illness a week before the start of the competition. During the Olympics, Eric had to take pills prescribed by doctors. At this difficult moment for himself, he thought only about victory. Immediately after the end of the Olympics, the swimmer underwent successful operation. The disease did not break the young swimmer, but, on the contrary, gave him strength.

I have often heard the expression: “We are not like this, life is like this.” And its meaning is clear - “What can I do in this situation, everyone does it, such a country, such a government, such laws.”

This is, in general, recognizing oneself as a small person who does not decide anything; and, as a rule, justifying one’s vile actions is a kind of crowd psychology. And most people are guilty of this. Are there any examples in history when people or one person found themselves in situations, it seems force majeure and defeated them? Eat.

Story one

In 1943, Goebbels decided to bring to the Fuhrer gift - he decided to completely clear Berlin of Jews. According to the 1933 census, 160,564 people of the Jewish faith lived in Berlin. In February 1943, there were several thousand of them left.

These were mainly Jews from mixed marriages, whose wives refused to divorce (divorce meant immediate deportation for Jews), and the so-called “protected Jews” whom the state various reasons exempted from deportation.

The operation was carefully prepared. The SS grabbed people at work and at home. Any “reservation” was considered invalid. Several thousand people were taken to a transit camp on Rose Street (Rosenstrasse 2 - 4) to be sent to Auschwitz.

To get at least some news from their husbands, their wives began to come there. The rally continued for several days. Several hundred people were constantly around the building, replacing each other.

In response to police demands to disperse, people dispersed briefly and then gathered again. Women chanted: “Bring back our husbands.” It's hard to believe, but they won. In fact, this was the first and only German protest against racism.

Several thousand Jews were freed. Those already sent to Auschwitz were returned from there. All those released received legal documents, certificates and certificates. Many of them lived until the end of the war.

It is difficult to say why the Nazis backed down. Of course, the constant bombing of Berlin by the British and the defeat of the Germans at Stalingrad also played a role. But without the courage of women who did not become scared and silent, the miracle would not have happened.

Story two

Yakuba Sawajo is a simple farmer from Burkina Faso who came up with a way to stop the advance of the desert. He began to fight the Sahel droughts. The Sahel is gradually turning the land into desert.

Yakuba came up with a simple solution - put straw in the dug holes, manure and others organic fertilizers, which retain moisture longer. These fertilizers also provide food for termites, which loosen the soil. If there are no termites, they are added to the site.

A simple peasant was able to do what could not be done a huge number of people. He grew first a garden and then a forest on the lifeless land. And Yakuba also taught people how to deal with the desert.

Then the government gave his farm to a neighboring town. And he started all over again.

Story three

The old building of the French embassy is known to every Muscovite. It was built by the owner of the gold mines, Nikolai Vasilyevich Igumnov.

In 1901, the merchant threw a grand ball in his new home. To amaze the guests, the floor was strewn with gold ducats. The next day, the king was informed that the guests had trampled under their feet the face of the emperor, minted on coins.

Nicholas II was very angry and ordered the merchant to be expelled from Moscow. The merchant was sent to Alakhazdy. Now it is a resort village near Pitsunda, but then it was a completely uninhabitable malaria swamp. The merchant bought 6,000 acres of land that no one needed for next to nothing.

He began to drain the swamps. Planted hundreds of eucalyptus and cypress trees. He grew a tangerine garden, planted medicinal plantations trees - camphor and cinchona. Barjams brought black soil from Kuban. Turned a malarial swamp into a paradise.

After the revolution, he refused to emigrate, transferred his lands to the new government and began working as an agronomist on a state farm named after the Third International organized in Alakhadzy.

Agree - the stories are extraordinary and impressive. There are examples and people in this life that you should follow. But for some reason our media are not interested in these stories. Probably because they don’t end up with fame, glory and a lot of money.

I wish Zhanna recovery and remember famous people who coped with a terrible disease.
1. Kylie Minogue
In 2005, Australian pop star Kylie Minogue was diagnosed with an aggressive type of breast cancer. Surgery followed, and then heavy chemotherapy, which ultimately had a positive effect, and the singer was able to defeat the disease. Doctors urged Kylie to leave show business, but the singer returned to the stage and almost immediately after her recovery she went on a big tour. 2. Michael Douglas
Actor Michael Douglas underwent chemotherapy in 2010 to get rid of throat cancer, which was discovered at the fourth stage. A year later, the actor said that he managed to defeat the disease, and also said that, in his opinion, the virus responsible for the development of throat cancer is transmitted by oral sex. However, in October of this year, Michael Douglas admitted that he lied about laryngeal cancer, but in fact he was given a different diagnosis - a malignant tumor on the tongue, which was nevertheless cured.

3. Robert De Niro
The world famous Hollywood star Robert De Niro was diagnosed with prostate cancer. De Niro did not give up - he agreed to a course of treatment, but flatly refused to take care of himself and leave his job. The actor lived with terrible diagnosis and despite everything he enjoyed life. And fate rewarded Robert - as a result, the disease subsided.
4. Cynthia Nixon
American actress Cynthia Nixon (known for her role as Miranda Hobbes in the TV series Sex and the City) was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2002. In her case, breast cancer is hereditary - the actress’s mother suffered from the same disease. Cynthia underwent chemotherapy and a partial mastectomy. After defeating the disease, Cynthia Nixon became a representative non-profit organization to fight breast cancer Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.

5. Anastacia
Singer Anastacia fought breast cancer twice. This disease first appeared in her in 2003. Then she had to interrupt her performances due to treatment. In February 2013, the disease returned to Anastacia, and then she was again forced to cancel the tour, but this time she fought the disease more intensively. And now she boldly declares that the disease is gone forever.
6. Jane Fonda In 2010 American actress Jane Fonda said she underwent surgery to remove a breast tumor. The actress has fully recovered from her illness. Having recovered her health, the Oscar winner began recording a fitness program on DVD.

7. Joseph Kobzon
In 2005, Joseph Kobzon underwent a complex operation in German clinic to remove the tumor, four years later - another one. The singer decided to leave concert activities and leave the stage. National artist continues treatment to this day.

8. Laima Vaikule
The famous singer Laima Vaikule faced the disease in 1991: American doctors diagnosed her with breast cancer. According to the singer, she was given little chance that she would survive. Vaikule first spoke about having suffered a terrible illness in an interview with Oksana Pushkina. The singer admitted that the disease completely changed her view of familiar things.
9. Yuri Nikolaev
TV presenter Yuri Nikolaev was diagnosed with cancer in 2007 after he underwent a full medical examination at the insistence of his wife. According to the artist, a terrible despair came over him, but he managed to pull himself together and kill his panicky thoughts. Friends, having learned about the problem, offered treatment in clinics in Switzerland, Israel, and Germany, but Nikolaev decided to stay in Moscow.
10. Daria Dontsova
Writer Daria Dontsova was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer at the end of 1998. She suffered several complex operations, radiation and chemotherapy sessions. In the hospital, Dontsova began to write and by the time she was discharged from the clinic she already had five works. Currently, Daria Dontsova is one of the most famous Russian authors female ironic detective stories, as well as the author of the book “Notes of a Mad Optimist,” in which Daria spoke in detail about everything that she had to endure.

Like this famous person, who had fame, honor, money in life, who could afford, if not everything, then a lot, found himself in the face of such a formidable danger - a serious illness. Dreams of happiness, love, career, illness erases like an eraser, written in pencil. How was he able to survive, defeat the disease, and recover?

Of course, when a celebrity is diagnosed with a disease, everything is at his service, the best clinics, doctors, modern methods treatment. But the main thing in order to defeat the disease is willpower, which does not allow you to fall into despair and boundless faith in yourself, that you can defeat the disease.

Celebrities of past centuries who defeated the disease

Famous writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra while serving in the army, lost in battle left hand, in addition, four years later he was captured, and for five years he experienced all the hardships of captivity. And yet, these misfortunes did not break him, but only strengthened his will and desire to live a full life. A few years later, he not only returned to normal life, but also became famous writer. His novel “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha” is known throughout the world.

“For a person with talent and love for work, there are no barriers,” asserted Ludwig van Beethoven. This statement says everything about the character and will of the great composer. Already at the age of 26, due to illness, Beethoven began to lose his hearing, and after a short time he became completely deaf. Having heard almost nothing, he composed the “Moonlight Sonata,” which is admired even by those who are far from classical music. And he wrote all his subsequent works while completely deaf. He said, “music sounds inside me, and I hear it.” Moreover, during the concert, when his famous 9th symphony was played, the deaf composer himself conducted the orchestra.

“The only obstacle to the implementation of our plans for tomorrow may be our doubts today,” this is a statement by one of the greatest presidents of the United States of America Franklin Delano Roosevelt. When he turned 39 years old, he received a serious illness - polio. At that time, medicine could not help cure this disease, but Franklin still did not give up and hoped, if not for a cure, then for an improvement in the condition.

He tried to at least maintain mobility, torturing himself with uncomfortable orthopedic devices and using crutches. He never complained, did not want his condition to cause offensive pity in people. What else, if not courage, the desire to benefit his country, allowed a man chained to wheelchair, win the election and become President of America. Roosevelt led the country during its difficult period, during the Second World War. He was one of the most respected presidents of America, his decisions were wise and far-sighted, and the patience and courage with which he endured his illness aroused the admiration of not only his friends, but also his enemies.

Ray Charles- American musical legend, at the age of 7 he became completely blind, and at 15 he lost his mother. The blind boy was in many ways completely dependent on his mother, who was his bridge with the outside world, and when she was gone, he seemed to have fallen out of life for a long time, could not speak, sleep, eat, it seemed that he was going crazy . “I realized,” the musician later recalls, “that having survived this tragedy and not breaking down, I can now cope with anything.” When Ray turned 17, his music, singles in the style of soul and jazz, were already heard everywhere in the country. He gained well-deserved popularity and his musical works were even included in the US Library of Congress. After his death, he was included in the list of the hundred greatest musicians in the world.

Celebrities of our time who have overcome the disease

Football celebrity and sports sex symbol David Beckham has had asthma since childhood. But the general public and his fans learned about this only in 2009, and then, by chance, a photograph of a football player with an inhaler in his hand was published in the magazine. This serious illness not only does not prevent the celebrity from leading ordinary life, but could not prevent him from achieving such high results in football. David told reporters briefly and expressively about his illness: “Yes, I have had asthma for many years. I didn’t talk about it because there was no reason. What is there to talk about here anyway?” After these words, there’s really nothing to add, just such a sober and calm attitude towards your illness.

Here's another great sports celebrity, a famous cyclist. Lance Armstrong, who was diagnosed with advanced cancer in 1996 and already had metastases to other organs. Probably, sport teaches you to fight even in the most hopeless situations, Lance did not give in to the disease, he agreed to the proposal, very risky, with an unpredictable result and possible side effects, a method of treatment, and defeated the disease. Now the sports celebrity is back on his two-wheeled horse and, in addition, he founded the Lance Armstrong Foundation to support and help cancer patients.

The famous American actor Roberta De Niro Cancer was discovered when he turned 60. But the actor did not fall into despair; he firmly believed in recovery and the continuation of his life. acting career. He underwent surgery and, precisely thanks to the will of the actor and the desire to fully recover, recovery after the operation was very fast. Now hollywood celebrity absolutely healthy, him creative life continues, after recovery he has already starred in several films.

World-famous "guru of optimism" Nick Vujicic , in general, was born without arms and without legs. He could spend his whole life in wheelchair, but Nick’s extraordinary willpower made his life more than just a life normal person, but a very happy and successful man. Now he is 33 years old, he is a millionaire, the author of five books, the director of two companies, has a beautiful wife and two sons, and outwardly, he is a very charming man who constantly radiates optimism. Nick Vujicic writes books, sings beautifully, swims, surfs, plays golf, and travels the world. Looking at him, you understand that he is a strong-willed person, even with disabilities, can make your life happy and successful.

Russian celebrities who defeated the disease

Who hasn't read the detective stories of the Russian writer? Daria Dontsova, it is difficult to imagine that this fragile blond woman suffered terrible, in many cases, incurable disease. She didn’t just endure it, she won, and it was during the treatment period that she began to write. Breast cancer is in the last, fourth stage, the doctors’ verdict was harsh - “you have three to four months left to live.” Even in such a hopeless situation, she did not give up. And endless chemotherapy procedures and a series of operations followed. “I probably started writing so as not to go crazy,” the writer recalls about that time. Having conquered the disease, even by the fact of its recovery, it gives hope for life to such patients. Dontsova claims that cancer is not the end, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and start being treated, cancer can be treated.

Russian television celebrity, well-known to TV viewers, former permanent presenter of the Morning Mail program. Yuri Nikolaev I fought cancer for several years and won. “I recovered because throughout all the years of treatment I did not give in to despair, but fought. God helped me with this; I am a deeply religious person.” Now Yuri Nikolaev successfully continues his television activities, participating in the programs “Property of the Republic” and “In Our Time.”

Another one of ours Russian celebrity, journalist and TV presenter Vladimir Pozner twenty years ago I suffered from cancer. Posner is deeply convinced that people who have overcome a disease, even one as terrible as cancer, have overcome it thanks to their willpower, courage and faith that they can overcome everything and win. “In addition, I was very supported by the faith in me of my family and friends. They didn’t doubt for a minute that the disease would recede and I would make a full recovery,” says the journalist. In 2013, Vladimir Pozner became ambassador international program"Together against cancer."