Madonna recently celebrated her 53rd birthday. She spent this day in London with her four children and her new beloved man, 24-year-old Brahim Zaibat. The French dancer is the latest in a series of “young” interests for the pop diva, who previously dated 20-year-old Jesus Luz. Brazilian model. The pop music icon, known for her shocking appearances on stage in wedding dresses, went through marriage twice, and she had many more beloved men. However, it is clear that she is not going to stop there. So who are these lucky people who were honored to be the passion of the great Madonna?

Disco era

Madonna's first beloved man was her first producer, John Benitez (Jellybean), a DJ at the legendary Studio 54 club. It was he who released her debut hits “Borderline” and “Holiday” in 1983. The singer first married in 1985 to actor Sean Penn. It was then that her fame was at its height. The couple's relationship developed rapidly and energetically. They attracted the gaze of the paparazzi like magnets with their antics. Sean Penn eventually pleaded guilty to domestic violence. And in 1989, the couple officially divorced.

Revelry 90s

Less than a year after her divorce from Sean, Madonna started new novel with his colleague Warren Beatty on the set of the film “Dick Tracy”. At one time, Warren played the same Clyde from the film “Bonnie and Clyde”. Later, Madonna's brother would shout on all corners that his sister had an affair with the film director only to help her own career. At the time, it was believed that there was a marriage proposal from Warren. And later Madonna became confused with former model Calvin Klein underwear by Tony Ward. The couple mixed business with pleasure: Tony starred in several videos for his beloved. Also for some time, Madonna's favorite man was Vanilla Ice.

Sports and children

Dennis Rodman, actor and NBA (National Basketball Association) star, also could not resist the charms of the Material Girl. The couple were together for a short time, in the mid-90s. Perhaps the reason for the separation was Denis’s presence at one event in women’s wedding dress(scary to imagine). Rodman even wrote a couple of lines on the topic in his autobiography sex life with Madonna. On October 14, 1996, Madonna gave birth to her first child, Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon. The girl is the product of the passionate love of the pop diva and her personal trainer Carlos Leon. The romance began in 1994, and soon after the birth of the child the couple broke up.

The era of young men begins

Madonna's attraction to young men began when she met British director Guy Ritchie. However, he was only 10 years younger than the pop star. In August 2000, Madonna gave birth to her son Rocco. And in December of the same year, the couple decided to get married. The wedding took place in Scotland. Madonna and Guy lived together for a very long time by the singer's standards. However, in 2008, after a seemingly cloudless relationship, they divorced. And Madonna said she would rather get hit by a train than get married again.

Younger and younger

After the divorce from Guy Ritchie, Madonna can no longer be stopped. In particular, there were rumors that she found solace in the arms of Alex Rodriguez, the famous American baseball player, who is already 17 years younger than her. In 2008, during the singer's tour in Miami, Alex was present in the front row and enjoyed the show. At the beginning of 2009, Madonna took part in a photo shoot with the young Brazilian model Jesus Luz, who is almost 30 years younger than her. These shootings led to the couple starting a relationship, and all the fans wondered how long this relationship would last? On the last birthday, the couple was still together, however, alas, it was not fate.

Last Hero

Madonna met a young breakdancer, Frenchman Brahim Zaibat, in 2010. At that time, he spoke at the presentation of the singer’s new clothing line. They say that it was after this that a very close relationship began between them. Brahim is 24 years old, and Madonna is 53. But this does not stop him, and he continues to follow his star everywhere, accompanied by her children.

IN Lately The singer is being accused of looking worse and worse. But one cannot help but admit that for being less than 50, Madonna looks amazing.

Her image

Since childhood, Madonna - Louise Veronica Ciccone - wanted to be liked. Arouse the admiration of men and the burning envy of women. At the age of five, little Louise was flirting with might and main with the milkman and the salesman in a nearby candy store. No, she didn't need cakes at all. She just liked being paid attention to. It was for the sake of these admiring glances that she did not care about corporal punishment, which was often resorted to by the strict teachers of the Catholic school where she studied future queen show business, trimmed her strict uniform skirts to a minimum, painted her lips with bright scarlet lipstick and walked with the boys.

However, if while studying at school, in order to capture glances, it was enough to slightly shorten the skirt, then, having arrived to conquer New York, Louise realized that with her small height (only 154 centimeters) and not a particularly noticeable face, it was easy to get lost in the crowd . But even then Madonna wanted to become a celebrity.

What kind of tricks did you have to go to in order to win the attention of the audience and maintain interest in your person! On stage you had to be either a rock girl in a tight T-shirt and aggressive makeup on her face, or a vamp woman, provocatively dressed in a pointed bra or corset, or a girl from next door, or a preacher. eastern philosophy with hands covered with mysterious inscriptions in Sanskrit, then a feminine and elegant beauty.

As a result of all these manipulations with the image, naive viewers got the impression that their favorite does not age over the years, but only changes its appearance. Her favorite Indian philosophers are probably talking about something similar when they talk about life as an endless chain of rebirths.

However, experimenting with clothes, hair and makeup alone is clearly not enough to mislead millions of people and make them believe that you will remain young forever. Madonna understood this perfectly.

Her diet

Madonna once admitted that if she had her way, she would only eat black caviar and popcorn. However, with such a diet, no amount of yoga will help you maintain your figure. And if so, I had to force myself to love cereals, half-raw fish and other low-calorie ingredients of Japanese cuisine. The composition of allowed foods is quite meager: vegetables, unrefined grains, chicken or fish (once a day), pumpkin, sunflower or sesame seeds (only as a seasoning), apples, pears and a handful of nuts. Mangoes, grapes, bananas, meat, coffee, sugar and carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited.

The singer's usual breakfast consists of muesli or oatmeal, lunch consists of soup made from twice pureed vegetables, and for dinner Madonna prefers a set of green salad, steamed brown rice, and a small piece of white fish.

In between main meals, you can allow yourself to chew a stalk of celery, eat a piece of carrot, a slice of cucumber or a slice of lemon. Not very nutritious, but it allows you to maintain a wonderful complexion and not worry about cellulite.

Her face

Madonna has always been proud that, unlike the faces of most Hollywood celestials, her face has never been touched by a scalpel plastic surgeon. Injecting a special gel into the lips does not count, especially since, compared to many of her colleagues in the industry, Madonna has enlarged her lips just a little.

However, the star managed to make a show even out of the fact that ordinary women prefer to hide. In 2003, 44-year-old Madonna shot a video in which viewers saw how the singer literally looked younger before her eyes thanks to Botox injections. Of course, the injections in the video were not real, but the scene was reproduced so realistically that it could deceive many. Botulism toxin injected under the skin paralyzes certain groups muscles and almost instantly deals with expression wrinkles. So there is nothing particularly fantastic in the filmed video, especially since the singer does not hide the fact that from time to time she has to resort to life-saving injections.

To hide my age, I had to do away with aggressive makeup. Madonna is sure that he ages by about five years.

Her body

Even as a young girl, Louise firmly knew that she should under no circumstances become fat. With her height, even a couple of extra pounds will look like she has gained at least a hundredweight.

In her youth, acrobatics and dance classes helped her stay slim. It was dancing that helped Louise survive in New York - at first, the aspiring artist and waitress worked part-time as a backup dancer in countless troupes. There was not enough money to visit gyms and fitness clubs, and therefore I had to stay in shape using available means. Residents apartment building, where Madonna lived under the very roof, they gradually got used to the fact that their neighbor daily makes one-and-a-half-hour runs up the stairs and walks for a long time in the nearby park. Then Madonna fell in love with thick books. It wasn’t that she really enjoyed leafing through huge tomes, it was just that books turned out to be an excellent replacement for dumbbells, which she couldn’t find the finances to buy.

As soon as success appeared on stage, and with it money, the fight for perfect figure The singer’s personal trainers (now there are five of them) got involved, and under their strict guidance, the star began to master new sports. What did she not do! There was race walking, acrobatic rock and roll, fencing, and basketball, which short stature the singer was almost a feat for the sake of love (at that time Madonna was having an affair with the famous basketball player Denis Rodman), and even boxing. Madonna began doing the latter after she married actor Sean Penn. The fact is that the hot Irishman often beat his famous wife, and Madonna decided that she simply needed to learn to stand up for herself.

However, the most favorite sport for the singer was yoga. Once upon a time, Madonna came across a statement from an Indian sage: “He who has managed to penetrate the secrets of yoga is like a blacksmith’s anvil, on which many experiences are forged, but the anvil itself remains unchanged.” “What a motto for a fighter for eternal youth? – Madonna thought and began to master exotic gymnastics, to which she still devotes at least three hours a day. During yoga classes, almost all muscles are worked out, and as a result, fans of oriental gymnastics acquire not only sculpted muscles, but also amazing flexibility. And the fact that Madonna has achieved success is obvious to all her fans.

Later, Madonna acquired another sporting hobby - now she enjoys falconry. Your new hobby may not be great for strengthening your biceps or toning your abs, but good mood– an irreplaceable component of youth – is provided regularly.

Personal opinion

Vladimir Andryukin, choreographer:

– I don’t know Madonna. But I can say that those physical exercise that she has to endure (including as a professional dancer) - big test for the body. In my memory there are many examples when our professional dancers, athletes who have achieved outstanding success, having left big sport, were losing their health. But if they had felt more sorry for themselves, they would not have achieved such high results. Thank God that at the end sports career they had enough funds for treatment.

All her life, Madonna ran into trouble scandalous criticism not only about your career, but also about your personal life. The difficult relationship with his father affected the development of the protesting personality.

The first relationship replaced Madonna Ciccone's father. The teacher of the fourteen-year-old Madonna could not resist her pressure for long, and a romance broke out between them. But the desire to become a famous dancer turned out to be stronger than love to Christopher Flynn. What follows in the life of the aspiring dancer is a series of not serious romances. With the help of some of them she did serious steps in his legendary music career.

Madonna's first husband

In 1985, Madonna married young actor Sean Penn. Their marriage was filled with quarrels. Sean wanted something serious acting career, but his wife’s reputation prevented him from being taken seriously. Being aggressive with everyone, Sean Penn severely beat his wife many times. Madonna repeatedly filed lawsuits and applications for divorce, but soon took them back. The actor, having heard more rumors about his wife’s numerous lovers, beat her. After being married for four years, the couple finally divorced. But even now ex-husband Madonna and she herself admit that this love turned out to be the brightest for both.

In 1996, Madonna asks her lover and trainer Carlos Leon to become the father of her child. The singer did not intend to build a family with this man; they separated even before the birth of their daughter, Lourdes.

At a party for Sting and his wife in 1998, Madonna met Guy Ritchie. The party was held in honor of the release of the film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. Their acquaintance was comical: Madonna mistook Guy for a slacker who happened to be at a party, told the hostess of the party about it, and Guy heard it. Two years later, Madonna and Guy Ritchie got married. Even before their wedding, their son Rocco was born. During her marriage to the director, Madonna greatly changed her reputation. She became happy wife and mother, joined the English aristocratic society. The couple adopted the third child in their family. And yet their marriage has outlived its usefulness. Eight years later life together the singer and director divorced.

After the divorce, Madonna increased the number of her children with an adopted daughter and started an affair with fashion model Jesus Luz. The romance lasted about a year.

In 2010, young dancer Brahim Zeiba became Madonna's boyfriend. Madonna works together with this young man on stage and supports his endeavors in the field of fashion. Their romance lasted four years. Now Madonna remains single, but says that she would gladly marry again if she met a worthy man.

He boasts not only an impressive list of career achievements, but also a stormy, rich personal life. The love affairs of this diva are legendary! Madonna herself has never hidden the fact that she has a weakness for the opposite sex...especially those who are much younger than her. PEOPLETALK decided to remember the most bright men singers. And something tells us that this list is far from exhaustive...

John Benitez

Producer, 57 years old

In 1984, Madonna met DJ and producer John Benitez, better known as Jellybean, who set the tone for her beginnings. musical career. The couple was introduced by musician Stephen Bray (56), with whom Benitez was collaborating at that time. The romance broke out instantly and lasted about two years. John took part in the recording of the singer’s famous hits: Everybody, Borderline and Lucky Star.


actor, 54 years old

In 1985, Madonna married Hollywood actor Sean Penn. The marriage lasted five years, but it can hardly be called happy. Stormy showdowns, close attention from the press and the difficult character of the actor did not allow them to create strong family. The boiling point was the offensive nickname that the press gave Sean, dubbing him “Mr. Madonna.” And the finale was the beatings that the drunken actor inflicted on his now ex-wife.


artist, (1960−1988)

In 1988, Madonna met the outstanding artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. Creative, with a subtle soul, Jean-Michel instantly won the singer’s heart, but their romance lasted only a few months. The reason for the rapid break was drug addiction Basquiat, because of which he died in the same 1988.


actor, 77 years old

Right after high-profile divorce with Penn, Madonna embarked on a whirlwind of new entertainment. The singer’s next passion is actor Warren Beatty, whom Madonna meets on the set of the film “Dick Tracy.” This romance caused a lot of controversy: some believed in their feelings, while others considered it a PR campaign for the film. Be that as it may, Madonna herself admitted more than once that she was simply crazy about the Hollywood heartthrob.


rapper, (1971-1996)

The romance between Madonna and the legendary rapper Tupac began in 1993, but the couple tried to keep the relationship secret. Both answered direct questions that they were connected only by musical creativity. They really do have joint song I"d Rather Be Your Lover. The media kept leaking information from the couple’s inner circle that the rapper’s friends condemned him for having a relationship with a “white” woman. They also said that the singer was so in love with Tupac that she even wanted to give birth to him Only recently, more than 20 years later, in an interview with TV presenter Howard Stern, Madonna confirmed that in the mid-90s she actually had a love affair with Tupac.


dancer, 48 years old

In 1994, Madonna met dancer Carlos Leon, with whom she had a daughter, Lourdes Maria Ciccone-Leon (19), in 1996. After the birth of Lourdes, Madonna puts an end to their relationship and offers Carlos a significant fee in exchange for his renunciation of custody of the child. The terms were accepted. The amount of the deal is kept secret to this day, but it allowed the actor to buy a house in California and open his own fitness club. Madonna and Carlos still have a good relationship.


rapper, 47 years old

Next in track record The singer became the white-skinned American rapper Vanilla Ice, photographs of whom were published in Madonna's photo album Sex. The singer openly called Vanilla her lover, and she was not at all embarrassed that the rapper was 11 years younger. Their romance lasted eight months, and the reason for the breakup was the singer’s character, which the musician did not like.


actor, 48 years old

The star of the series “Beverly Hills, 90210” also did not escape the charms of the pop queen. They appeared together in public, did not hide passionate kisses, without explaining their relationship to the public in any way. The affair with Perry became a fleeting hobby in the singer’s stormy personal life.


musician, 50 years old

You might be surprised, but Madonna has also been linked to Lenny love relationship. They worked together on the recording of the album Bedtime Stories, and, according to rumors, this is what brought the musicians closer together. At that time, Kravitz was going through a divorce from Lisa Bonet (47), and Madonna was permanently looking for love. But their relationship was not serious; their main foundation was physical attraction to each other.


Vocalist of the rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers, 52 years old

Another musician and another hobby! This time the singer's choice fell on the lead singer of the American rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers, Anthony Kiedis. Rumors about their romance began to spread after a joint performance on The Arsenio Hall Show, where Madonna and Anthony behaved extremely relaxed. But this romance did not last long.


model, 51 years old

This dark-haired handsome man, model Tony Ward, came to the attention of the singer during the filming of the Justify my love video. Members of the film crew said that caviar instantly flared up between Madonna and Tony. However, such a flame does not burn for long...


basketball player, 53 years old

Madonna has always had a love for athletes, so tall, broad-shouldered basketball player Dennis Rodman, of course, could not help but attract the attention of the Singer. They met in a gay club. The relationship arose suddenly and quickly ended due to gay athlete.


director, 46 years old

In 1998, Madonna met British director Guy Ritchie. After long wanderings and illegible fleeting connections, the singer finally met strong man, whose love made her settle down. In 2000, Guy and Madonna had a luxurious wedding, and in the same year the couple had a son, Rocco (5). Beautiful and happy, they regularly appeared in public together, and it seemed that the strong Madonna had finally found a man stronger than herself. However, in 2008, the couple announced their divorce. This time the reason was the overly domineering character of Guy Ritchie.


model, 28 years old

Just got divorced and back to the old ways! After long and difficult relationship with Guy Ritchie Madonna plunges into an affair with Brazilian fashion model Jesus Luz. Their relationship created quite a stir in the press. The young and incredibly handsome Jesus was 28 years younger than the pop star, but this did not stop them from being together for about two years. In 2010, the romance ended on the initiative of Jesus. Rumor has it that the reason was too obvious an age difference and a lack of common interests.


dancer, 26 years old

But Madonna did not suffer for long and found herself a lover even younger. The singer’s chosen one was a young dancer from her own ballet, Brahim Zaibat, who was… 29 years younger than her! The affair began in 2010 and lasted three years. In 2013, this relationship also failed: Madonna did not forgive Brahim for cheating with his partner on the show “Dancing with the Stars.”

30 October 2009, 04:24

Madonna has never been known as a prude. Moreover, she gladly defended the right of the strong successful woman to whirlwind romances and love affairs, demonstrating to men that not only they can love in any quantity and without any obligations. At the beginning of her career, Madonna often wore a belt with a buckle that said “Boy Toy,” and so she went through life, playing with boys like toys, winning the hearts of the most prominent men and just as playfully parting with them. Having moved to New York, Madonna almost immediately began a whirlwind romance with DJ, producer and club promoter, John Benitez, nicknamed Jellybean. Benitez promoted the young artist in every possible way, introduced her to the right people, arranged her performances, made sure that her songs were played in all major clubs. In general, he laid the foundation for Madonna’s musical career. John Benitez is still a prominent figure in the American music industry; he has collaborated with such artists as Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, and Billy Joel. Now Benitez has become family man, father of two beautiful daughters, but still every now and then he is reminded of the club life of the 80s and his affair with Madonna. Madonna soon fell in love with the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, one of the outstanding masters of painting of the late 20th century. Andy Warhol and Basquiat Basquiat and Madonna
The romance between the artist and the singer ended as quickly as it began, due to Jean-Michel’s heroin addiction. However, they parted as friends; as a parting gift, he gave Madonna two of his paintings, one of which still hangs in her New York apartment. And already in 1988, Basquiat died. From 1985 to 1989, Madonna was married to Sean Penn, about this sad story I already wrote. Let me just remind you that they broke up due to Penn’s uncontrollable jealousy, aggression and assault. In the period after her divorce from Penn, Madonna, as if in retaliation, did not limit herself in public relationships with men. Among them were John F. Kennedy Jr., actor Warren Beatty, white pop rapper Vanilla Ice, actor John Enos, fashion model Tony Ward, Lenny Kravitz, who produced her album Bedtime Stories, Red Hot Chili Peppers lead singer Anthony Kiedis and many others. Madonna met Warren Beatty during the filming of Dick Tracy, then they joked that the main heartthrob and the heartthrob had finally met. Vanilla Ice is depicted with Madonna in her scandalous photo album Sex, which short period he was her constant lover. Have you ever seen Madonna with Luke Perry? Yes, yes, with Dylan from the TV series Beverly Hills 90210 :) Madonna still has a friendship with Lenny Kravitz; they say that when they worked in the studio on the album Bedtime Stories, they locked themselves for a long time. The result was quite truthful breaths and sobs in the song Justify my love.
It is believed that it was Anthony Kiedis from RHCP who planted the idea of ​​Kabbalah in Madonna’s head, since he himself has been an ardent fan of this religious movement for 20 years. You also know this lover of Madonna;) Famous serial actor, John Enos. Many remember him from his role in “Sex and the City,” where he played Samantha’s lover with a lot of... uh... well, you get the idea;) Madonna had a quick and non-committal romance with Enos. By the way, interesting fact, from youth best friend Enos Mickey Rourke, they are inseparable to this day. A close friend Rourke since the 80s, as we know, Sean Penn is Madonna's ex-husband. What a small world! :) It was a little lyrical digression :) Madonna met fashion model Tony Ward on the set of the Justify my love video. In general, it was a passionate relationship, not particularly long-lasting; it is quite obvious that the connection did not have intellectual overtones. Simply put, Madonna and Ward's relationship was based on attraction to each other.

Madonna had a short relationship with Chris Paciello, a representative of the Italian mafia clan Miami. Introduced her to Chris best friend, Ingrid Cesares. Chris is also known for his romances with Naomi Campbell and Natalie Imbruglia. But with basketball player Dennis Rodman, Madonna was connected by feelings and serious relationship, the singer dreamed of having a child with him.
Rodman turned out to be even more eccentric than Madonna, and he had a quarrelsome character, but Madonna already dreamed of settling down, having permanent partner and seriously thought about having a child. As those around her recall, motherhood became an obsession for her. Coach Carlos Leon won Madonna's heart with his dedication. He already knew quite well the character of his star client, listened carefully to her during training, attraction could not be avoided, especially since Leon was completely in the taste of Madonna - she was known for her weakness for muscular Latin American handsome men (but, strangely, she chose brutal men as husbands Anglo-Saxon type).

Well, as we all know very well, the fruit of this love was baby Lourdes The proud parents still communicate well and even sometimes train together After breaking up with Leon, Madonna started a rehabilitative romance with magician David Blaine Well, and then, as we all know, Madonna’s old friends, Sting and his wife Trudie Styler, introduced the lonely singer to the famous British director, Guy Ritchie. The couple was seen everywhere together, they did not try to hide from prying eyes.
Guy and Madonna began to live together, and soon the singer appeared with noticeably rounded figures In 2000, Rocco was born, and a little later that year, the couple got married; Madonna enjoyed family life and wore jackets and T-shirts with the inscription Mrs. Ritchie Baby Rocco grew by leaps and bounds And Madonna and Guy enjoyed a happy marriage. In 2002, Guy's film Swept Away was released, starring Madonna. leading role. To say that the film failed at the box office is to say nothing. The film's budget was $10 million, but the total box office gross did not reach $600 thousand. Many are trying to find the reason for the divorce of Madonna and Guy, so far the only logical version is an elementary mismatch of characters; 8 years of marriage were not easy for the couple. Madonna herself admitted in an interview that she has to struggle with her character, because her husband’s character is even more difficult. By the way, it is worth recalling that in her marriage to Guy, Madonna stopped communicating with her brother, Christopher Ciccone, with whom she walked side by side from the very beginning of her career - Christopher always worked with her - as a dancer, then as a costume designer, manager, director of her concert tours, art director. He went with her all the way, but having met Guy, a radical homophobe who could not sit with Christopher even at the same table, the singer easily crossed out her brother from her life, like many, many friends. Christopher could not forgive his sister for betrayal, releasing a devastating biographical book last year, which contains a lot of interesting details about Madonna. Madonna with her brother Soon, discord began in the Ritchie couple's marriage; rumors of an impending divorce circulated for almost two years. The divorce itself, to its credit, was extremely peaceful and calm. Well, we all know Madonna’s current “Boy Toy”, this is the Brazilian model Jesus Luz. Even the adult Madonna's favorite toys are boys :)