Currently the problem careful attitude very relevant to nature. In our world, people live without thinking at all about their environment. Of course, they are all busy with their own problems. However, this problem concerns people primarily. After all, humanity consumes so many resources, while realizing that they are not endless, but they are not going to renew them. It’s really easier to just consume, rather than try to preserve them for as long as possible. It's profitable. If resources disappear, people will be directly affected. Let's say the world is left without water. This problem will become global and very dangerous for everyone. After all, then humanity may come to naught.

So why don't people try to fix things? Maybe they just don't notice this importance? Nature must be treated with care! And every person can contribute at least a little to this matter. For example, do not throw garbage in the forest or start fires. Anyone can do these things. A person needs to learn to look closely at nature, understand it, appreciate it and even respect it. If a person, walking through the forest, peers into every part of the landscape that is presented in front of him, he will be able to notice how many things surround him. He will notice that all this needs protection and care. Every blade of grass, every tree, every inhabitant of the forest. Everyone needs respect!

But humanity does not want to go into the depths of these problems. It’s easier for them to build factories, polluting the air and rivers. So silly. After all, then they themselves breathe this poisoned air, drink poisoned water. People are suicides.

Let's remember the accident Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This one was true terrible disaster, which touched so many. People have not only harmed nature, they have driven themselves into a trap. After all, how many died, got sick, and left their homes. This accident was so powerful that even now traces of it do not disappear. The area is still saturated with radiation. Isn't this terrible?

You don't have to go that deep. Problems are right under your nose. For example, cars. Everyone knows how much they pollute the air. But why doesn't this stop anyone? Because lazy humanity would rather be poisoned by harmful gases than begin to solve this problem. You can always find an alternative to cars. For example, a bicycle. A very useful invention. Which will pump up your legs and won’t spoil the air.

People are constantly cutting down forests. Hundreds of hectares of forests are suffering from our ridiculous mistakes and fires. What would life be like without trees? Trees are the main supplier of air. The most important resource for a person. At least for our own sake, we need to protect the trees. Otherwise, dark times will come when everyone will have to buy oxygen, and many will die.

Now think about what is very close. These are food products. For good harvest everyone started using chemical additives. What people spray on vegetables and fruits is very harmful to the human body. But the chemicals that are already injected into the product are even more harmful. Even animals are horribly processed for our food. Why do we poison ourselves?

People have to create nature reserves, some even artificially. Yes, that's absolutely a good start to combat bad ecology. But the whole earth is a huge reserve that needs to be taken care of! Imagine your life without these beautiful landscapes that nature gives. Think about each of her creations. Let it be even the fallen ones autumn leaves. But isn't that wonderful?

So maybe it's time to think about a problem that concerns everyone?

Baby elephant


Morning in Tuscany

Ice captivity

Sun of Tuscany



Glade of crocuses











The question seems banal and even stupid. There is probably not a single person who would think that this should not be done. Despite a clear understanding of how to treat nature, people for some reason often behave as if they are living their last day on Earth, and tomorrow will never come.

Nature is the source of life

Once upon a time, when the Earth was very young and humanity was a small group of people, nature was everything to man. Forests were a source of housing; people obtained food by hunting. Clean rivers served for drinking and fishing. The world's population grew, progress did not stand still.

And now, after many, many years, people began to forget where it all began. Forests are ruthlessly cut down, and in their places factories are built that dump harmful waste into a river that flows nearby, and from it water goes into houses where people use it. It is extremely important to understand why we need to protect nature. After all, without its benefits we cannot exist.

Animal world

Imagining the forest, we draw in our imagination tall trees with green crowns, lush grasses that sway in the light breeze, we hear the chirping of birds, it seems to us that a squirrel is jumping along the tree branches. We know that somewhere in the thicket of the forest live bears, hares, foxes, and other animals. Now imagine that there are no birds or animals. Then there will be no forest, because everything in nature is interconnected.

Take care of animals, because they are an important part of wildlife. Man is accustomed to using the gifts of nature for his own pleasure: people kill animals for valuable fur, and sometimes simply for their own whim. Fortunately, there are caring individuals who create funds and reserves, calling on humanity: “Take care of animals!”

Forest on fire

Summer is coming very soon - this is the time when everyone wants to relax in nature. Everyone wants to bask in the rays gentle sun, splash in the warm river. Many people have picnics, light fires, and cook barbecues. Having rested, everyone rushes to return home, quickly collecting everything that is left. But sometimes people leave everything as it is, without bothering to clean it up.

Majority summer time occurs due to human fault. Do not think that a fire can only occur from an open flame: any small spark is enough to set fire to dry grass. It is rare, but it still happens that a bottle glass can serve as a magnifying glass and also cause a fire. Protect the forest from fire, it is dangerous for all living things. And in the areas scorched after the fire, nothing grows for a long time.

Traces of progress

The earth is called the blue planet, and factories, factories, and smoking chimneys are black ulcers on it. It’s already clear to everyone why we need to protect nature, because we ourselves are very dependent on it. And besides, we need to think about those who will live on our planet after us.

Take care and protect nature so that our children and grandchildren do not have to survive on their last strength or look for a new place to live. Some people think that they cannot prevent the harm that technical misconceptions bring to nature, because everything starts small. If everyone begins to treat it more carefully, then many things will improve. For example, when walking down the street, you should not throw garbage at your feet.

You need to be careful not to turn on the water unnecessarily and not to pollute the soil. Recyclable materials should be used ( paper bags instead of cellophane, glassware instead of plastic), wear clothes made of faux fur, instead of encouraging the killing of rare animals. People, take care of nature!


Many environmental organizations have been created to preserve and sometimes even save nature. On state level It is prohibited to pour industrial waste into water or throw it into the air toxic substances. Many natural objects are protected. It is prohibited to burn fires in such forests, and fishing is prohibited in the rivers. This is done because man has already damaged this place too much and it needs restoration.

Are being created volunteer units: people work on a voluntary basis to clean up (in the literal sense of the word) places that one person cannot clean up on his own. Anyone can become such a helper and work for the benefit of nature, and therefore for the benefit of themselves and future generations.

Don't dig yourself a hole...

You can talk for a long time and beautifully about why we need to protect nature, but at the same time not draw any conclusions for yourself. Sooner or later, everyone must understand that we are part of this nature, that by harming it, we, first of all, harm ourselves. Figuratively speaking, we are sawing the very branch on which we are sitting, and if we don’t stop, we can fall into the abyss.

It is important not only to understand why we need to protect nature, but also to explain this to our children. they will continue to live in the environment that will be left to them from us.

Nature has already suffered a lot from us, but perhaps we now do not fully understand what this may threaten us in the future. The main thing is to remember that we are an integral part of it, it depends on us, and we depend on it.

It is necessary to love yourself and your loved ones, wish them peace and goodness. We need to treat the world around us as if it were ours good friend, help him become better, do no harm and remember that everything around is interconnected, and man and nature even more so. Many kindergartens and schools have long held special additional lessons in which children are taught why they need to be attentive and careful about the world around them. To consolidate knowledge, every parent should conduct similar conversations at home, setting an example for the child with personal behavior.

Planet Earth is human home.

A person always treats his home with care - he cleans, looks after, and repairs whenever possible. This means that a person needs to treat nature in exactly the same way. Is it really possible with your own own home start fires, litter, throw bottles (which take hundreds of years to decompose), plastic (which poisons the soil) and pollute water bodies? No! It is necessary to appreciate and respect nature - water trees, remove garbage, try to use environmentally friendly materials.

After all, nature can take revenge. Polluted air and poisoned water can not only harm human health, but also kill.

Nature is the head of everything

If we start talking about who really rules in this world, then I can say with certainty that it is nature. Nature is all around us. This, in fact, is us. It’s not for nothing that people turned to nature for advice, to higher powers type: God of the sea, God of the sun or God of fertility. People believed that it was these unearthly forces that could decide destinies and that they knew best what to do.

The destructive twentieth century

Unfortunately, the twentieth century is a century in which nature was completely forgotten. Humanity was so absorbed in the development of industry and the extraction of the bowels of the earth that it did not even notice how it began to gradually kill all living things. Global disasters, drought, fires - nothing stopped people. Only now, when there are a hundred years of fossils left, and the population has begun to die from the polluted state of the environment, have we come to our senses and began to take urgent measures to save our planet. But much of nature is lost forever. And this should be a huge lesson for future generations.

Problem solving

Some people think that problems related to nature do not concern them. They live in an illusory microworld and are afraid to look around. This applies to everyone without exception. If we start respecting nature, perhaps our grandchildren will live better than we do now. You don’t have to have millions to do this – just the desire to change something is enough.

At home you can:

  • Do not throw batteries and other radioactive items into the trash.
  • Save electricity, water
  • Sort the garbage
  • Ride a bike in the summer rather than a car.

In fact, the rules are not very complicated. The main thing is to develop a habit. At the country level, measures must be stricter. For example, increasing prices for cars, building waste processing plants, organizing strict control over enterprises that pose an environmental threat.

If we start even small, then our nature will thank us and perhaps forgive us. We have hope for a bright future.

To the question, an essay on the topic of how a person should relate to nature asked by the author Iuslan Egoyan the best answer is

The air is poisoned by the exhaust of millions of cars and toxic emissions from factories. There is such smog over the cities that at night it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the stars in the sky. It is a consolation that there are still ecologically clean areas untouched by “civilization.” For example, when we come to the Askania-Nova nature reserve, we enjoy clean air, permeated with the heady smell of steppe herbs.

We need to remember how much joy it gives us the world: a blossoming bud, the rustle of the rain, the shine of the sun, the greenness of the foliage - how can you not love it? We and nature are one big family and should live together.
Sorry, I took it from another answer ((

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: an essay on the topic of how a person should relate to nature

Answer from moneylender[newbie]
I believe that people should not treat nature the way they do now. We probably all know how much harm deforestation, draining swamps, and polluting water bodies cause.
People often throw garbage into reservoirs, rivers, lakes, oceans and seas. Even when a person throws garbage near water, it is washed away by tides, floods, rain and waves.
People also often build factories near rivers. Harmful substances from factories end up in rivers; fish and animals drinking from them are poisoned in the rivers. But then a person catches these very poisoned fish and sick animals, and subsequently he himself is poisoned by them.
Man often considers himself the king of nature, but this is not so! Man is the son of nature, who should protect it, and not destroy it. And how much harm deforestation causes, people are careless about it. Due to the disappearance of the forest, some species of animals are dying.

Answer from Flush[newbie]
I know it's very late...
Since ancient times, man and nature have been closely interconnected. In ancient times primitive people completely dependent on the environment. Not understanding the essence of what is happening natural phenomena, people elevated them to the rank of gods. So, fire, water, earth, trees, air, and thunder and lightning were considered deities. To appease them, people performed ritual sacrifices.
But as time passed, man evolved, his brain improved. People learned to make fire, build houses, and create tools. Man not only won his place among other tribes, but also set out to subjugate nature itself.
The issue of interaction with environment is still relevant today. Having proclaimed himself the king among all living beings, man forgot that he himself is a part of nature, the crown of its creation. And instead of gratitude, he continues to behave very aggressively. It's no secret how harmful human activity is affecting the world around us today.
Blasphemous consumer attitude to the planet's treasures could have truly catastrophic consequences. Huge areas of forests are cut down every year, but forests are the lungs of the planet, and their destruction leads to reduction and sometimes even extinction various types animals and plants. Where have the clean sources gone? Tons of waste are dumped into the water, and it is dangerous not only to drink, but even just to swim in it.
The air is poisoned by the exhaust of millions of cars and toxic emissions from factories. There is such smog over the cities that at night it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the stars in the sky. It is a consolation that there are still ecologically clean areas untouched by “civilization.” For example, when we come to the Askania-Nova nature reserve, we enjoy clean air, permeated with the heady smell of steppe herbs.
Man forgets that the reserves in the bowels of the planet will one day run out, and continues to predatoryly extract minerals. And this despite the fact that scientists have long been talking about the possibility of using the energy of the sun, wind, tides.
It seems that everyone has forgotten that man cannot exist outside of nature. After all, he lives on the earth, eats its fruits, breathes air, drinks water. And yet he cares so little about preserving his habitat!
I would like to remember that in ancient times people treated nature very carefully. We can judge this from the fairy tales, myths, legends, songs, proverbs and sayings that have come down to us. It is very important that modern children have the opportunity to join this treasury. And I believe that family and school play a leading role in this. In childhood, parents introduce the child to the environment, teach them to treat it with care, and take care of animals and plants. At school, children learn to love and respect nature in natural history and valeology lessons.
We need to remember how much joy the world around us gives us: a blossoming bud, the rustle of rain, the shine of the sun, the greenness of foliage - how can you not love it? We and nature are one big family and should live together)

Answer from Lisa Novikova[newbie]

one more thing

Answer from Naosobitsu[newbie]
This problem is relevant in a perfect society, since people, without thinking about the consequences, harm nature. The destructive attitude of man towards nature will not bring good result. By destroying nature, man destroys himself. The author encourages us to take care of nature. They did not disturb her peace. The author notes that people should live in accordance with surrounding nature. S. Lvov writes: “They joked loudly, and the forest echo contemptuously returned their thundering voices and laughter.” The author’s feelings and thoughts are close and understandable to me. I completely share his views. The same situations often occur in life. Often, groups of people who come to the forest make a fire, but forget to remove the garbage. After a person visits the forest, it becomes dirty, smoky and a useless “field”. The classics also addressed the theme of nature. For example, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin: Frost and Sun; wonderful day! You are still dozing, lovely friend - It’s time, beauty, wake up: Open your closed eyes towards the northern Aurora, appear as the star of the north! So, people in today's world it is necessary to preserve and protect nature. You need to be in harmony with it.. After all, without nature, there would be no man. Man's relationship to nature has been and will be an important issue in our lives.
one more thing
I believe that people should not treat nature the way they do now. We probably all know how much harm deforestation, draining swamps, and polluting water bodies cause. People often throw garbage into reservoirs, rivers, lakes, oceans and seas. Even when a person throws garbage near water, it is washed away by tides, floods, rain and waves. People also often build factories near rivers. Harmful substances from factories end up in rivers, and fish and animals drinking from them are poisoned in the rivers. But then a person catches these very poisoned fish and sick animals, and subsequently he himself is poisoned by them. Man often considers himself the king of nature, but this is not so! Man is the son of nature, who should protect it, and not destroy it. And how much harm deforestation causes, people are careless about it. Due to the disappearance of the forest, some species of animals are dying. And someday, dying humanity will understand how much harm they have caused to their planet. But they will die not because of meteorites and aliens, but because of their own inhumanity