One of the most ferocious and largest predatory animals, which can be found throughout almost the entire territory of our country, is the wolf. These animals know how to feel comfortable even in the harshest conditions. natural conditions thanks to such qualities as mental readiness and strong jaws.

People count millions of rubles in damage caused by wolves. How is this possible? The fact is that this animal quite often attacks domestic animals, on the breeding of which people spend a lot of money and effort. Wolves can not only exterminate them, but also infect them with rabies.

One of the famous and fun hunts for wolves in winter is considered to be hunting with flags. Having learned the location of the predators, hunters place red flags, 15 by 25 cm in size, along the entire diameter at a distance of 40-70 cm from each other. Animals surrounded by red flags cannot leave this circle. Why are wolves afraid of red flags?

The opinion that wolves see fire instead of red flags is wrong. Wolves are not able to distinguish shades; this is not typical for them.

But these predators have a very strong sense of charm. The fabric from which the flags are made will smell like a person; the smell, alien to the forest expanses, will scare away wolves and will not allow them to approach.

As for bears, they are not so careful and will leave the designated area without any problems. Therefore, this hunt will not be suitable for them.

This is the most common and one of the most effective methods hunting, in terms of catching the wolf and reducing the number of the gray robber. However for hunting wolves with flags very serious preparation is required. At the same time, we must not forget about the seemingly small things - the correct storage of flags, advance reconnaissance of the future hunting area, the hunter’s clothes and shoes, etc.

Preparing for a hunt includes several stages:

  • Preparation of the necessary materials - you need a cord three or more kilometers long with red ribbons (flags) attached to it every 35-40 cm. It is better to use synthetic materials as material for flags and cord - they are light and strong compared to ordinary fabric and are durable. It has been proven that wolves do not distinguish colors (colorblind), so they use red for flags only for the hunters themselves in order to highlight the flags against the background of dark trees and snow. The wolf is afraid not of the flags themselves, but of the fact that they smell like humans. In addition, the flags move in the wind, which also causes fear in the wolf. The flags themselves and the cord do not need to be impregnated with any odorous substances - it is enough to simply hold (store) them in rooms where there is enough “human” smell (closets, hallways).

  • Preparation of communications and transport equipment. One of the main components of successful wolf hunting is mobility and communication among hunters. A wolf is capable of covering up to 40 km in a winter day, and chasing the animal even on skis, not to mention on foot, is quite difficult. Therefore, hunters must have snowmobiles and other off-road vehicles. Horses are a good substitute for mechanical transport. It is also necessary to have a walkie-talkie for communication (preferably for every hunter), although the presence of a stable radio in the hunting area cellular communications allows the use of mobile phones.
  • Preparation hunting equipment and weapons. Wolf hunting with the help of flags usually takes place during the cold winter months. Waiting for an animal at the “numbers” or chasing a leaving animal can take a long time, so in order not to freeze, it is important for the hunter to be warmly dressed. For warm clothing, it is better to use warm trousers and jackets made of non-rusting material. It is necessary to wear a camouflage suit or robe over the jacket white. In this case, a suit is more suitable, since the floors of the maskhalat swaying in the wind can unmask the hunter. For shoes, it is more correct to use hunting shoe covers with insulating inserts - these are light, warm shoes.

When hunting wolves with flags, both rifled and smoothbore weapon. Moreover, as many years of experience in wolf hunting have shown, ordinary 12-gauge double-barreled shotguns are quite suitable. The presence of hunters with automatic carbines in the team significantly increases the efficiency of the hunt. Such hunters are usually placed in outfits in open areas, where the rate of fire and lethality of their carbines will be most effective. When shooting at a wolf, it is enough to wound the predator, so rifle cartridges are loaded with large buckshot, and for carbines they are used steel bullets, which are capable of breaking through trees and hitting a lying wolf. A cartridge with a semi-jacketed bullet has also proven itself well, which, when it hits a predator, breaks into pieces and knocks it down on the spot.

  • Hunting team organization

When collectively hunting wolves, a clear organization and distribution of responsibilities in the hunting team is required, as well as instruction for beginners and young hunters. You need to choose a team leader - this should be an experienced wolf hunter who will explain the intricacies of hunting with flags and distribute responsibilities between the hunters. Everyone must know what they must do - someone sets the flags, someone stands on the numbers, someone goes to the pen.
Questions and possible troubles and difficulties during the hunt are discussed in advance. It is advisable to conduct a “training” hunt - each hunter tells what he will do during the hunt. Don’t think that talking about a future hunt is just scratching your tongue. They are especially important due to the fact that when hunting you cannot make noise and it is better not to even talk, but to use sign language.

Finding or luring wolves

In winter, the wolf becomes less careful, due to the lack of food. The beast comes out of forest slums and often stays near villages and rural farms. In these places, a wolf can always find food - drag away a dog or find a dead animal. Therefore on at this stage It is important to determine the habitat of wolves. For this purpose, huntsmen and hunters, in addition to information from local residents, inspect the nearest forested areas, ravines, agricultural fields for traces of predators. At the same time, there is no need to rush - it is better to spend 10 or more days searching for a wolf camp and then surround the entire flock with flags and hunters, than to rush into the gap and into best case scenario get 1-2 young wolves. At the same time, you need to be as careful as possible so as not to scare away the animal - since wolves can go long distances in case of danger.

And so, the parking place (salary) has been established and the wolves are there. The hunters begin to carefully tighten the frame with flags. The territory that is surrounded by flags must be at least a kilometer in diameter, otherwise wolves (especially young ones) raised on one side can cross the flags on the other side in a fever. When placing flags, you need to make sure that there are no sharp corners or dead ends that could force the wolf to jump over the flags. In addition, the circle of flags must be completely closed. The cord with flags is strengthened at a height of 35-45 cm above the snow surface and so that the flags remain 5-10 cm from the snow (so that they “flutter” in the wind). When fencing with flags, you need to keep in mind the presence of other animals in the fence, especially wild boars and moose. These animals are not afraid of flags and they easily overcome (break) the cord, which the wolves take advantage of and escape from the raid.

Hunters, according to a pre-agreed plan, are separated - arrows are placed on the numbers from which they will shoot the animal. The numbers are located outside the flags at a distance of 5-10 meters from the cord, in places with good review, in the possible path of predators. At the same time, they must be as careful as possible and not make noise - smoking, talking, breaking off branches, etc. is prohibited. In general, it is better to stand still, but the guns must be loaded and ready to fire.
The beaters go inside the frame and begin to “make noise” to the animal. In this case, you don’t need to make a lot of noise, just talk and shout a little. After the first shots, the noise is increased so that the wolves turn towards the shooters. As a rule, initially several wolves, led by seasoned ones, enter the line of shooters at once. Therefore, it is important to knock out as many animals as possible with the first shots, it is especially important to kill the seasoned ones. After the shots, the surviving wolves will go out to the flags one by one.

If you see a wolf coming at you, try to remain motionless and take your time to raise your gun. The animal has an excellent reaction and, having noticed something incomprehensible, it can quickly leave the shooting line. Therefore, you need to aim at the moment when the wolf’s head disappears from you behind some obstacle - a tree or a snowdrift. When shooting with buckshot, it is better to aim at the middle of the body to increase the likelihood of hitting the animal. If the shooter's position and his weapon allow him to kill the animal with one shot, then he can shoot at the head or neck of the predator. The shooter must not leave his room even if he has shot an animal - it is possible that other predators will come after him, he should reload the gun and wait for a new animal or a signal to end the hunt.

The signal about the end of the hunt is given by the team leader. Hunters collect trophies and count how many wolves came to the flags, and how many were shot. If the count data diverges and the number of trophies does not correspond to the detected tracks, and the circle of flags is not broken, then most likely several animals are hiding. In this case, the hunt is repeated, wounded animals and surviving animals are found and shot. At the same time, you often have to chase them for several days. Over time, the surviving wolves get used to the flags, and other animals can break the cord and the wolves are saved. Therefore, the duration of an effective wolf hunt with flags does not exceed two days.

It is very rare to hunt wolves with there are flags as intended. Often wolves, sensing danger, leave their campsite or follow the trail of wild boars through a broken cord. Therefore, the hunt turns into a pursuit race - hunters follow the trail of predators, trying to surround them with flags again. Therefore, in order not to stretch out the hunt for several days, it is necessary to have clear organization and precise performance of their functions by each hunter.

What do we know about wolves, and how interesting are these animals? Many zoologists have long been saying that it is impossible to divide wildlife, and in particular wild animals, into good and bad, useful and useless. In the 20th century, such a science as cognitive ethology even appeared - it studies the mind of animals and their intelligence.

Harvard University biologist Stephen Wise wrote that animals cannot decide math problems, compose music, write books, but they, just like people, can love, think, be offended, regret and suffer. It turns out that not only people have certain morals, standards of behavior, and a sense of beauty.

How much do we know about wolves? From childhood we were taught that the wolf is a wild, vicious and cruel beast, attacking humans and livestock. Is this really so? Why are wolves so afraid of red flags? Are wolves afraid of humans? Did you know that if hunters shoot a she-wolf, and another wolf finds orphaned wolf cubs, he will raise them: he will feed them, water them, teach them how to live? Let's try to answer some of these questions.

In nature, everything is interconnected; throughout the existence of plants and animals, there is a natural balance. The modern destruction of animals, birds, uncontrolled fishing can easily upset the natural balance, and then, after the destroyed animals, others will die, plants, insects will disappear, and so on.

For a wolf, his lair is important - he thinks through several places in advance for the quiet arrangement of his home. If a wolf is driven away from one place, it never returns there; it makes another hole for itself. If a she-wolf is disturbed by people in her hole, she must immediately move the cubs to another, safe place.

Moreover, she transfers them in several stages: she takes the wolf cubs one by one and drags them halfway along the road, leaves them under a bush, and goes after the next one. And in the same way he carries the wolf cubs to a new lair, that is, in several stages. He chooses the most remote place - he digs his hole among the roots of a tree, since the roots will hold the earth above the den, and there will be no collapse. Water is very important for wolves; they drink a lot. If there is no hole nearby, they are able to go to a watering hole even to the village, to the village pond.

The wolf family is amazing

People imagine the structure of a wolf family as too primitive. In fact, everything here is quite complicated. Wolves don’t just have a family, but “ big family”, with its own laws and orders. Young wolves, 2-3 years old, choose their own spouse (usually this happens for the rest of their lives).

This happens in the spring, at which time these newly minted couples leave the flock together. The so-called “weak” wolves remain in the pack, that is, weaker wolves, who later find themselves “nannies” for their stronger relatives. Marriage “does not shine” for weak wolves. Strong individuals allow weak ones to live close to their den (about 1-2 km). This is considered from the outside strong wolves very kind.

Relationships of young people - love and respect

It turns out that it takes wolves a whole year to court a “bride”! Only after such a long courtship (people should learn from this!) do wolves mate. What about during courtship? And at this time - games, jumping, smiling, squealing, scratching each other by the scruff of the neck - in a word, all the joy of relationships. In a flock, it is not customary to divide relatives into “strong” and “weak” sexes.

That is, the pleasure from communication should be the same, without any: “I’m trying, and you just accept courtship”! Everything here is “equal”. If a “triangle” arises in a couple, this often leads to tragedy: wolves rarely fight, but the “law of the strong” comes into play here. In nature there is a law of natural selection.

After the birth of the wolf cubs, a few weeks later, the she-wolf crawls out of her hole. And at this time, her relatives bring whatever they can to her lair. “Family” does not leave her in such difficult moment, because the she-wolf cannot go far from the lair. A little later, when the wolf cubs get stronger, she herself begins to go hunting. And here the “relatives” help raise the wolf cubs. Not only do they play with them, exercise them, feed them, and protect them. The father is also not far away, unless he went hunting with the wolf. And with the onset of autumn, the family: wolves and wolf cubs begin to go out hunting together, and the wise ones teach the young animals everything they know.

Wolves are special animals: in the foreground they have responsibility, power, and love. These are smart animals, they understand, if not words, then intonations - for sure. If a wolf sees a man pushing back the bolt, he may do the same. Wolves generalize the actions of people: if one did something bad to him, then all people are like that, and the wolf expects evil from all people.

Are wolves afraid of people? Yes, definitely! Wolves attack humans only in in rare cases, usually these are wolves with rabies.

The famous writer Vasily Peskov wrote in his book that a wolf attacks people in rare cases, for example, it can attack a shepherd guarding a flock. A she-wolf who has many cubs and cannot feed them can also attack.

Wolves know how to be friends. They are generous, they are touched by the grief of their relatives. For example: a young wolf did not return to the lair, it would seem that his sister should be happy: less mouths, more food, but no! She will cry and howl, saying goodbye to him.

It turns out that wolves are able to smile! And the smile can be different, as those who have seen wolves up close remember.

Oddities of Wolves

Man has long been aware of the strange behavior of wolves. For example, why, when people attack a den, does the she-wolf not protect the cubs, but runs away from the den, without touching the dogs and people? After all, usually all animals and birds stand up for their offspring; for example, even a hen rushes into battle for her chicks. Another strange thing: when dogs chase a wolf or she-wolf, the animal runs without turning around, although it could at any moment turn around and fight with the dogs, and it is still unknown who would win. No, the wolf runs until it is driven under gunfire.

Why are wolves afraid of red flags? After all, the wolf is a brave beast, and only flags can stop him. The wolf will rush along the stretched flags, but is afraid to jump over it. Maybe they are afraid of the color red? No, wolves do not distinguish colors, they are color blind. Most likely, animals smell a person. The wolf, most likely, is simply afraid of an unfamiliar smell.

Wolf - orderly of the forest, tundra, and steppe

Did you know that when all the wolves were shot in the Nerchinsky Nature Reserve, which is located in Alaska, the herds of deer, having destroyed all the lichen, began to die out at lightning speed. It was decided to release the wolf into the reserve again so that the fragile natural balance would not be disturbed.

Wolves destroy sick, weak animals. It also feeds on rodents - pests of crops and gardens. Sometimes, when food is scarce, the wolf can feed on berries and insects. A very unpretentious and not too picky animal. You can write a lot more about wolves, they are so interesting and smart. Perhaps we will continue interesting story about them.

On video: a story about wolves and the salvation of man.

Not every hunter can boast of having hunted a wolf. It is very difficult to catch such an animal. He is incredibly smart, cunning and cunning. That is why he can easily fool anyone.

Wolf behavior

Wolves constantly roam in winter. Their habitat area, when compared with the summer one, increases significantly. Animals have to constantly search for food. To do this, they travel tens of kilometers during the night. They can appear in one place of the land, then in a completely different one. In this case, a certain feature of the behavior of wolves helps: they stay in one place for the day. If you take this into account, you can determine where they are.

In mid-winter the snow cover is already sufficiently deep. Animals move less. They often stay for days in the most unusual places. This could be a plot next to a road or clearing. When the sun begins to warm up well, wolves lie down in clearings, clearings, and swamps with sparse vegetation.

Why are wolves afraid of flags?

There are different ways to hunt wolves. A popular option is to surround the area where the wolves were driven at night with red flags. The wolves try to escape from the circle by any means, but shy away from pieces of fabric and begin to walk along to find a way out. Hunters can only wait and shoot these scouts.

Weird enough? Wolf hunting flags look completely harmless. These are ordinary twigs with rags. But the wolves are afraid of them and try to escape. Why is this happening?

Some are sure that this is due to the fact that the flags on the wolf are red, so the animals mistake them for fire. This is actually not true. These animals see everything in gray because they have black and white vision. Therefore, the flags can be of absolutely any color. They are red only to make it convenient for hunters.

These pieces of fabric smell like a hunter. Wolves know that humans can destroy them. Even if the animal is unfamiliar with such a smell, in any case, it is inherently dangerous.

Hunting with flags was invented a long time ago. Previously, twigs and other objects were used. Gradually the technique was improved. As a result, flags of the specified size and shape appeared. Now you know why wolves are afraid of red flags.

This method is not always effective. The most desperate of the wolves risk breaking out of the circle. They jump over the line marked with red flags. Even two rows of flags cannot stop such animals.

Flags: how to make and hang

You can make your own wolf hunting flags. To do this you need to take a rope. It is best if it is made of natural material.

It is in this case that it will perfectly absorb the smell of a person and a home. This smell will scare away wolves, and they will be afraid to approach them. Rectangular pieces of red fabric are tied to the rope.

Ideally, the width of the material should be at least 15 cm, while the length should be 20 cm, the fabric is secured to a rope. The distance between the flags is 50 cm, and the cord is pulled at a height of 25 cm above the ground. We told you how to make flags on a rope.

Another option is twigs with nylon fabric. They are stuck into the ground at a distance of 80 cm from each other.


Daylight hours in winter are quite short. It is often difficult to find animals and place flags. The bait will allow you to detain the wolves.

It is extremely difficult to hunt an animal that is constantly moving. Hunters are not always able to use bait. To successfully carry out the campaign, it is necessary to make trial rounds in order to catch the wolves resting during the day.

To increase the efficiency of hunting, bait is used. Usually animal carcasses are taken for it.

Predators will visit it only if it is laid out according to certain rules:

  1. When choosing a location, you should avoid dense forest, buildings and other shelters. The thing is that wolves are very careful animals. They may not approach such bait. The best option- a large clearing, the edge of a field, a swamp or clearing.
  2. When transporting food to the chosen location, be sure to leave an odorous trail on a forest or country road.
  3. It is important to leave a minimum of traces at the place where the carcass is unloaded.
  4. There should be no housing nearby. Otherwise, all the dogs will steal away.
  5. When you check the bait, approach it at least 200 meters.

Even very hungry predators do not immediately approach the bait. They visit it only when magpies and crows are already actively feeding on it.

As soon as you notice that wolves have begun to visit the bait, you can begin preparing for the hunt.

Hunting tactics

Hunting for wolves with flags begins with the hunter following the trail of a wolf and following it to the place where the animals are expected to be located. It is important that the payer’s gun is loaded with buckshot. Meeting with wolves, especially in bad weather, is not excluded.

When the area of ​​land where the animals stopped for the day is planned, it is worth finding out whether they are there. To do this, you should walk around the proposed area in a circle. In this case, you need to use roads and clearings. When it turns out that there are predators in sight, you can hang up the flags.

No smoking or talking!

If the circle is too large, when unwinding, you can partially cut off sections of the forest using roads or clearings.

In those places where the animal can leave the cage, numbers are placed (some of the hunters). When afraid, wolves can jump over hanging flags. You also need to understand that predators prefer to leave, hiding in the folds of the terrain or dense vegetation. Open spaces animals usually avoid

The rest of the hunters line up. Some of the flags are removed and shooters are placed in these places at a distance of 70 cm.

Then the rut begins. The beaters start it from a line opposite the line of shooters. Wolves are afraid to go with the wind. But you shouldn’t drive them against the wind either, as they can sense the shooters. It is best to drive them “to the wind.”

Beaters must be careful. Excessive noise will encourage wolves to leave through hanging flags. It is worth shooting at animals with buckshot at a distance of 50 meters. It is worth aiming for the area under the shoulder blade.

Wabu hunting

The best type of wolf hunting in summer is wabu hunting. Another name is for howling. This method requires 3 people.

Before the hunt, they find a den of predators with wolf cubs, which themselves come out of the hole. Next, they look for the trails and holes of the animals. The object of hunting for wabu is wolf cubs.

They only come out when the wolves go hunting. The cubs are left alone. This is usually early in the morning or late in the evening. The hunters approach the den at 300 meters and position themselves next to the jacker. Then he begins to howl, calling the wolf cubs. You need to try to shoot all the predators that come out to hear the voice.

The wolf cubs may not come out. They may sense a change. This is why it is worth using a wolf decoy. Another explanation: they don't want to leave the hole. In this case, you need to change the hunting place and try to lure them again.

Hunting for wabu is also possible for males. It is necessary to approach the den from the leeward side at a distance of 300 meters. After this, you should howl, imitating the voice of the male. The wolf will come out to protect his own domain. After this, you need to come closer to the den and wait for the wolf to appear. On such a hunt you cannot make noise or make a lot of movements. Otherwise, you will scare the wolf. When the animal appears, you should shoot, smoothly raising the gun.

For any wolf hunt you need to prepare in advance. It is labor-intensive and complex. The best teachers- experienced hunters who are well acquainted with the habits of animals, their places of day and possible movements.


Several Yet useful tips on hunting with flags you will find in our video.

When hunting a wolf, hunters use quite interesting method. They find the habitat of predators and fence it off with red flags. Despite the fact that the wolf is a strong and fearless animal, capable of surviving in any, even the harshest conditions, it cannot leave the fenced area and therefore becomes vulnerable.

So, we came to the conclusion that during the winter wolf hunt, hunters fence off their habitat with red flags. Why red? There is no clear answer to this question. As for the wolf, he does not have color vision, and therefore he does not care what color the flag is. For a predator, what is more important is not the color, but the smell that comes from this object. It is he, in all likelihood, who scares off the wolf, preventing him from approaching such a mysterious fence. Well, the red color is important not for the animal, but for the hunters. Such flags are perfectly visible among the trees, and it is impossible not to notice them.

There is another opinion, which boils down to the fact that predators mistake red flags for fire. But now we know that this is not so, because wolves do not have color vision. It turns out that the culprit is the smell, and the fact that flags in the forest are a foreign object, and therefore have a deterrent effect on wolves. After all, these predators are very careful and will never voluntarily take risks.

Now let's try to figure out what is actually happening in the area fenced with red flags. Hunting is based on understanding wolf instincts and the behavior of predators in certain conditions. Hunters are well aware of the cunning of this animal, and that it will never make contact with a stronger opponent. The wolf will definitely try to avoid such a collision.

Innate caution takes over, which, in conditions wildlife, allows the wolf to survive. It is this caution that gives a person an additional bonus. If you fence off the area where you are located Wolf Pack, a cord, and mark it with red flags, then seeing foreign objects, predators will try to avoid them. As soon as hunters cause panic in a pack of wolves, they will immediately rush to a place where there are no such flags and, as a result, will fall straight into an ambush.

Instead of flags, pieces of leather, pine and spruce branches are sometimes used. This all works great. Only a predator driven into a corner and in a hopeless situation can take the risk of jumping over the fence and hiding in the forest. But this rarely happens. Mostly he becomes a victim of hunters. But a wolf that escapes from the fence is called seasoned. He is unlikely to fall into such a trap again.