KOLYADA/Koleda in ancient Russian pagan mythology, the embodiment of the change of the annual cycle, the winter solstice, the transition of the sun from winter to summer, the inevitability of the victory of good deities over the spirits of evil. At this time the most very coldy, according to ancient beliefs, coinciding with the revelry of unclean spirits and evil witches.

The celebration of Kolyada, with its joy and optimism, expressed the faith of ancient Russian pagans in the inevitability of the victory of good principles over the forces of evil. To help Kolyada defeat and drive away evil spirits, those celebrating his day lit bonfires, sang and danced around them, rolled a burning wheel from the mountains, inviting the sun to “turn around”:

Wheel, burn - roll,

Come back with a red spring!

After the adoption of Christianity, the optimism and life-affirmation of Kolyada celebrations received new content in the celebrationNativity of Christ , and ritual pagan customs turned into fun game on Christmastide. In these days, as in ancient times, bonfires were lit, and young men and girls dressed up in hari (masks) of horses, goats, cows, bears and other animals and, mummers, walked around the courtyards, singing carols, songs glorifying Kolyada, the bringer good for everyone. They praised the owners, wished well-being to the home and family, and in return they demanded gifts, jokingly predicting ruin for the stingy. Sometimes the gifts themselves: cookies, loaves were called Kolyada. Kolyada was symbolized by a sheaf or a straw doll, which was sometimes brought to the hut with songs at Christmas.

Mom's fun, grandma's pies

Once upon a time, this was the affectionate name given to small, varied-shaped sweet baked goods made from butter yeast dough. They are easy to prepare at home with your children. You just need to stock up on nuts, raisins, poppy seeds; for filling - cottage cheese, jam, apples; for dough - flour and yeast, butter and sugar. Then knead the yeast dough and, using your imagination, start creating!

Roll . Separate small pieces of dough, roll them into balls, then roll each ball into an oval cake, grease the cake with butter and sprinkle with tasty things - poppy seeds, sugar, crushed nuts. Roll the flatbread into a tight roll, brush the top with egg, decorate with raisins and nuts, place on a baking sheet, but put in the oven after 15 minutes, let them become puffier. Then into the oven until browned. The roll shape will be the basis for other rolls.

heart . Fold the roll in half, pinch the ends, make a deep cross-cut in the middle of the “back” of the roll, slightly turn out the two resulting halves, giving the bun a heart shape, and again brush with egg, decorate, and bake.

Snopik . We make a familiar roll, apply a shallow transverse stripe on it with the blunt side of a knife, marking a third of the length. We will leave this third untouched, and cut two thirds of the length of the roll into “straws” and spread them out like a fan, as if the sheaf had fluffed up. And then we’ll bake it.

Bagel . Everything is like a roll, only the dough piece is not oval, but triangular. We will wrap the buttered triangle from the wide base to the top, and then we will bend the “horns” with a horseshoe, then we will get a real bagel. Don't forget to brush the top with egg, sprinkle with sugar, cumin, poppy seeds, and coriander.

Pretzel . Roll out the dough into a rope with slightly tapered ends. With both hands, wrap the ends of the tourniquet into a bow, lightly twist them together, pull them up and place them on the bow. After proofing, brush with egg wash and bake as usual.

Happy holiday, friends!

21.12.2016 16:01

December 21 - day winter solstice. Today is the shortest day and the longest night.

The moment of the solstice shifts every year, as the duration solar year does not coincide with calendar time.

In 2016, the winter solstice begins on December 21st. The Sun, moving along the ecliptic, at this moment will reach its most distant position from the celestial equator to the side South Pole peace. Astronomical winter will begin in the Northern Hemisphere of the planet, and summer in the Southern Hemisphere. These December days above the Arctic Circle (66.5 degrees northern latitude) the polar night begins, which does not necessarily mean complete darkness throughout the day. Its main feature is that the Sun does not rise above the horizon.

At the North Pole of the Earth, not only the Sun is not visible, but also twilight, and the location of the star can only be determined by the constellations. The picture is completely different in the area of ​​the Earth's South Pole: in Antarctica at this time the day lasts around the clock. On December 21, the Sun crosses the 18 o'clock meridian and begins to rise up the ecliptic, beginning its path to spring equinox when it crosses the celestial equator.

Different cultures interpreted the winter solstice differently, but most peoples perceived it as a rebirth, ushering in a new beginning. At this time, holidays and meetings were held, appropriate rituals were held, and celebrations were held with songs and dances.

Solstice and equinox were among the most revered days among the ancient Slavs, since they personified the hypostases of Dazhbog. The Slavs considered this holiday a time of renewal and birth of the sun, and with it all living things, a time of spiritual transformation, a time promoting both good material and spiritual changes. The night that precedes the winter solstice was considered the patroness of all nights.

During the winter solstice, the Slavs celebrated pagan New Year, who was personified with the deity Kolyada. The main object of the celebration was a large bonfire, invoking and depicting the sun, which, after one of the longest nights of the year, was supposed to rise higher and higher into the heavenly heights. It was also necessary to bake ritual New Year's pies of a round shape, reminiscent of a celestial body.

In Europe, pagan festivals kicked off a 12-day cycle of magnificent festivities, marking the beginning of the renewal of nature and the beginning of a new life.

In Scotland, there was a tradition of launching a burning wheel, symbolizing the solstice. The barrel was generously coated with resin, set on fire and launched down the slide, with rotating movements reminiscent of a fiery luminary.

In China, the winter solstice was a worthy celebration, because it was considered a happy day. Residents of the country performed ceremonies and rituals to protect themselves from diseases and evil spirits. Winter Solstice Day is still one of the Chinese traditional holidays.

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Solstice - important date, which has both astronomical and energetic significance.

Winter solstice, solstice.

2016: Winter solstice begins on December 21, 2016 at 10:45 UTC or 13:45 Moscow time, when the Sun enters 0° zodiac sign Capricorn

Winter solstice, solstice, one of the most important, special days of the year. Starting from this day, daylight hours increase and night decreases. On this day, the height of the sun in the sky is the lowest. From this day the Sun begins its northern path of growth. At this time, the Earth is at its smallest distance from the Sun. Life on Earth largely depends on the Sun, so the Earth’s approach and distance from the Sun are the most important astronomical events.

The moment of solstice is a critical moment of transition. About 3 days before and after the solstice the Earth takes huge stream creative energy, this is a magical, sacred time of transition. Like any time of transition, it is intended for spiritual practices. It is believed that this time is not for material matters. It greatly promotes God-centeredness, not self-centeredness. The winter solstice marks the beginning of the astronomical new year. This is a holiday of rebirth, the birth of a new sun.

From this moment a new cycle of time begins. The moment of the solstice, the end of long nights - this is the mystery of the birth of a new one, renewal, rebirth, the transition from old life to a new one. This is the mystery of renewal, the day of laying hopes, a solid foundation for a bright future.
This is both death and resurrection, the mystery of the rebirth of old age into youth.

During this energetically special, charged time, you can burn your sins, change your destiny, and be reborn, just as the renewed Sun is born again.
In the coming days before the solstice, it is favorable to get rid of everything that is outdated, disturbing, unnecessary (both in the house and in terms of personality, habits, relationships, etc.). It would be good to let go of grievances, leave quarrels, resolve conflicts, make donations favorably, and pay off debts. IN new life It's better to go in light.

With gratitude to God, with pure thoughts, pure intentions and wishes for happiness.
And in a clean place (you first need to clean the area, get rid of trash, debris and dust on the physical plane as well). It is very favorable to light lamps and incense.

The night before this day is the longest of the year. It's dark, feminine, magical time. This night opens the door to a new life. It’s good to sum up the past year and thank God for everything He gives. It is important to free yourself from worries, anxieties and enter a new life in a harmonious state.

At this time, together with the sun, all living things begin their path of growth and ascension. It is very important to be God-centered, to step away from the bustle, and turn inward.
Prayer and meditation at this time will have great power, as well as your good intentions and goals for the future. The rhythms of the Universe at this time greatly contribute to this. The power of the reborn Sun, powerful energy creation will fill them.

It is auspicious to meet the sunrise, express your respect to it, congratulate it on its birth, and thank it for its gifts. It is important to feel this transitional sacred period, the turn from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge, from death to immortality. If you do this consciously (discard the negative, the outdated and create the intention to acquire the bright), then there really is a bright path of revival and growth ahead.

At this time, the sky opens, strong flows of energy flow to the Earth. This is a time of Hope and Opportunity. It is very important to use it for your growth and improvement. This is the time of meditation, prayer, time good intentions. Is it worth missing out on this chance?

This is a great time to improve, change what needs changing; get rid of what gets in the way; lay a solid foundation for growth.

Cleansing from negativity

Traditionally, cleansing of negativity is carried out using the five elements. First, we will need incense - incense, thyme, St. John's wort or incense sticks. Incense is a symbol of Fire. Secondly, water. Ideally, spring water or any untouched one: for example, drinking water, purchased in a store, but on the condition that it was purchased specifically for the ritual. Next, we will need a feather or fan - symbols of the element of Air. The embodiment of the Earth will be ashes from incense or herbs. And finally, the fifth element is the action itself, the ritual itself and sacred words as a manifestation of spiritual energy. So, start the morning of December 21st with general cleaning. Wipe off dust and reflective surfaces properly, get rid of everything unnecessary, outdated and, of course, broken. Say goodbye to things that bring up bad memories or are simply associated with something unpleasant.

At sunset, we place everything necessary for our ceremony on the table, which you will free from unnecessary things in advance, turn your face to the east - because it is from the east that there is a constant flow of energy, light incense, bring it to your heart, and from your heart we raise our hands up and say : “In the name of the Most High Lord, Creator of all, Preserver of all, Destroyer of evil, I ask you, Spiritual powers of the Universe, accept this incense as a sign of respect before you! I ask you to cleanse me and my living space from all negative things.

Let it be so!" Then smoke yourself from the top of your head to your feet and, holding incense in your right hand, approach the threshold. Moving clockwise, go around the entire apartment. I recommend staying longer in the corners: this is where it accumulates maximum amount negative energy. In addition, during this action, you must constantly visualize how everything bad leaves your home, how you literally push black energy out the door, how it disappears and dissipates. When you complete the circle and find yourself at the threshold again, open the door and symbolically drive away the negativity, while saying: “Let all the bad things leave my home! Let it be so!"

Next, we take a vessel with water (preferably a wooden or ceramic bowl), fumigate it with incense, bring the water to our heart, lift it up and in the same way ask for help from the Spiritual forces of the Universe. Thumb and ring fingers right hand we sprinkle the top of our head and three times - the space in front of us (do not forget that you are facing east). After that we go again to front door and walk around the apartment clockwise, sprinkling the room, imagining how everything bad goes underground along with the water, leaving your home and your life forever. After completing the circle, open the door and sprinkle the area near the entrance. Then pour the water down the drain.

You will go through the third circle with a fan or feather in your right hand (not forgetting to first ask for support from the Spiritual forces of the Universe and cleanse yourself of negativity: to do this, you need to move the fan or feather over the top of your head, imagining that you are shaking off the negative energy that has accumulated over a whole year)."When walking around the house, make movements as if sweeping away negativity. To enhance the effect, you can take a bell and ring the whole apartment. And finally, when the incense burns out, take a little ash with the ring finger and thumb of your right hand (ashes from incense are a symbol of pure earth) and touch the top of your head or between your eyebrows - this way you will cleanse yourself. And to cleanse the house, take the remaining ashes and, following from the front door clockwise, sprinkle a little in the corners.

Now all you have to do is thank the Spiritual forces of the Universe for helping you carry out this ritual and free yourself from everything bad and unnecessary. Try to have a good rest: tomorrow you will have a new, no less important job.

Coins for good luck

On December 22, the first day of the year according to the solar calendar, the foundation for the next 12 months is laid on both the subtle and material planes. And since the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn, you must first of all concentrate on the material side of life, namely on your career and money. This day is perfect for making money talisman, which will increase your benefits. As the Sun grows, so will your well-being: this is the main idea of ​​the talisman.

We will need spring or untouched water and two coins, but they must be obtained on this particular day. Go to the store in the morning, buy a good drink and Tasty food(as a symbol of a prosperous life), receive change - from it you will take the necessary coins, preferably ten-ruble coins. Pay attention to one important detail: before buying food, whisper so that no one hears, say: “I dedicate this food to multiply material goods for yourself and for your family." And then buy. When you come home, put the food on the table, pour the drink into a bowl, pour water into another container and take two coins. Stand facing east, light incense and contact the Spiritual forces of the Universe in any form. Ask for help to cleanse yourself before performing the ritual and to carry out the ceremony itself, aimed at increasing the well-being of your family. Now, using incense, fumigate yourself from head to toe, food, drink and coins (coins - especially carefully). After this, fumigate the water. Sprinkle water on yourself, food, coins (again, with special care) - this will wash away any negative energy deposits. Take a cup of drink, bring it to your heart and in your own words turn to God, to the Spiritual forces of the Universe with a request to accept this drink as a sign of respect. Now, with the thumb and ring fingers of your right hand, sprinkle the food with this drink three times. Then we rotate the bowl clockwise, saying: “As the Sun grows, the good, happiness, wealth of me and my family grow. Let it be so!" We do this three or nine times.

We perform exactly the same actions with food. Then we take the coins and put them in left hand, A ring finger With our right hand we touch the drink, and then touch each coin, on both sides. At this time, we will say: “I dedicate this talisman to increasing money and material wealth for me and my family. Let it be so!" We place the coins between our palms and from the bottom of our hearts, in our own words, we thank God and the Spiritual forces of the Universe for their support and help.

Now these coins are your talisman. Place them in your wallet separately from other money (so you don't accidentally spend them), and throughout the year they will attract positivity, wealth and prosperity to you.

By the way, two coins mean a doubling of capital. So you can fully expect to become twice as rich in the coming year.

After the ritual, arrange a small feast of the same foods and drinks that were used in the ritual. Share this food with your friends and family so that not only you but also your loved ones will be recharged with the energy of well-being.

Full Moon and Summer Solstice

On the night of June 20 to June 21, we will witness an event that has not been seen since 1967 - the full moon at the same time as the June solstice.

The Sun reaches its highest point in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the start of northern summer, and its lowest point in the Southern Hemisphere, marking the start of southern winter.

12 hours before this, the Moon will reach full phase and rise again on the night of Monday to Tuesday, 99% illuminated.
The last time two astronomical events coincided was 49 years ago on June 22, 1967.

The next time this happens will be 46 years later, on June 21, 2062.

Why do solstice and full moon so rarely coincide? The full moon occurs quite often between June 20 and 22, but the date of the June solstice “jumps” within the interval, which is why coincidences are so rare.

How to improve energy on the summer solstice

In order not to encounter a problem on the longest day of the leap year, it is better to acquire a talisman as early as possible. You can do this even from the evening of the previous day, meeting the first summer Full Moon.

You should not choose a talisman at random, but based on your plans and desires. For example, if you are a creative person, and you cannot lose inspiration in your search, and there is not enough support under your feet, the Sun will help you.

Wear gold jewelry, use yellow things, put a positive sun on your computer or phone screen.

And if you have a serious step scheduled for this day, an important exam, a meeting on which the future depends, Mars will help with this, even when the Sun intensifies its influence. Help them come to an agreement, add a touch of red to your image.

Finally, the Moon can help make dreams come true, and the Full Moon is a very good time for money rituals. It is unlikely that Mars, who is not indifferent to benefits, or the generous Sun will be against the fact that you decide to increase your finances with the help of the Full Moon.

The full moon peaks on June 20 at 14.02 Moscow time.
The summer solstice will fall on June 21, 01.34 Moscow time.


On the night of June 21-22, the Celts celebrated a holiday called Litha. The Druid evening began with bonfires. It was believed that on this day the Sun has the greatest strength, then the strength will decrease.

The Lita holiday is the celebration of the Sun, it is the road to the light. It is believed that the period from the Lita holiday to the Yula holiday is a very good time for good magic, communication with good spirits and fairies.

Nature reveals itself in all its power.

This holiday is one of the portals from which forces carrying various information penetrate. During the day, many wreaths were woven from various flowers, and in the evening people burned bonfires, letting good spirits bringing light into the world.

Now, according to the Celtic tradition, you can carry out a ritual of cleansing your subtle bodies in order to attract the energy of health, well-being and a lot of children's laughter into the house.

During this period, you can perform rituals to cleanse ancestral energies.

It is believed that during this period the Sun rises into the sky, sits on its Throne, and all the Fairies sing songs to it, so that there would be a lot of children's laughter and fewer children's tears on earth.

You can also perform rituals on the Day of Power. They are necessary in order to change the energetic direction of circumstances.

A person has creative potential, divine energy, when a ritual is performed, then at the same moment the energy of the Soul and the Universe of the soul is united, circumstances fill it with new energy and are more likely to be realized on Earth.

At this moment, consciousness turns off, filters are removed, and a person connects with the energy of the Universe.

What can be done during this period?

There are meta cards, a Celtic deck, you can choose a card for a given period. Fire is a meditation, best done in the morning. You can imagine fire, its power. Power, courage, readiness.

This meditation gives health and confidence. This meditation gives a powerful transformation. You can imagine how a ray of Love bursts out of you and merges with Fire on a symbol, then the Fire flares up with even greater power.

A huge force bursts out of the fire, which envelops you, protects you, structures your aura and fills it with health. This meditation can be done every day until October.

In this meditation, you allow your subtle body to connect with the inner hero who is always ready to overcome and win. This meditation also helps to accept changes in yourself and others.



The summer solstice in 2016 is June 20 or 21, depending on the time zone. It begins when the Sun enters 0 degrees of the zodiac sign Cancer, this happens on June 20 at 22:35 UTC or June 21 at 01:35 Moscow time.

On this day, the ancient pagan holidays of Midsummer, Kupala, and Lita were celebrated.

The summer solstice is one of the four main solar points of the year. Others are the winter solstice, when the Sun enters 0 degrees Capricorn, the spring equinox, when the Sun enters 0 degrees Aries, and the autumn equinox, when the Sun enters 0 degrees Libra.

For those who work on self-development, these days are very important.

On the summer solstice, solar energy intensifies and the potential for magic, ritual and meditation increases dramatically.

What kind of magic is Summer Solstice Day suitable for?
Solar magic rituals are greatly enhanced. For example, on this day you can make a Sun talisman for yourself.

Opportunities for communication with astral entities: elves, fairies, gnomes, etc. are enhanced on this day.

Subtle communication with the astral world occurs much easier.

Fortune telling on the day and night of the summer solstice is much more accurate. Fortune telling using Tarot cards and Runes is especially suitable. Love fortune telling gives truthful answers.

Love magic spells work much better on the summer solstice.

For love magic, collect seven different herbs and flowers and sew them into an amulet. Flowers of calendula, lavender, rosemary, sunflower, leaves of fern, verbena, oak, rowan, etc. have properties that attract love on this day.

The traditional magical colors of this day are yellow and red; red and pink flowers are also suitable for love magic. On this day you can perform a ritual to attract love.

This is a powerful magical time for rituals with crystals, stones using solar energy.

This day is very good for starting healing work, because the Sun is an esoteric healer.

Collecting herbs for magic, especially those used for solar magic, fire magic, and healing.

Solar herbs collected at this time have powerful healing powers: wormwood, burdock, St. John's wort, mistletoe, dill, parsley, green onions, thyme, honeysuckle, hyssop, nettle, meadowsweet.

And some, such as nettle, rowan, burdock, and dill, are used at home to protect against evil. On the day of the summer solstice, you can perform a ritual to protect your home.

The night before the summer solstice is a magical time.

To celebrate the solstice, rituals are performed at night on the eve of this day. This is the time when the veil between our world and the parallel world becomes thin, allowing magic, spirits and fairies to permeate our world.

In ancient times, celebrations of the summer solstice almost always included ritual bonfires. The tradition of jumping over the fire has been preserved from ancient times to the present day.

Nowadays, not everyone has the opportunity to make a fire, but you can light yellow or orange candles. The element of fire symbolizes vitality and life itself.

Devote three days before the solstice to cleansing. Your home, your workplace, your body, your environment, your thoughts. Throw away old things that clutter up space and hold old energy, preventing the New from entering your life. When cleaning your house, imagine how you are cleaning your entire life.

I also like to sprinkle salt in every corner of the house before cleaning, this salt will collect all the negative energy, accumulated in the house. After this you can wash the floor. I also cleanse the house with fire (light candles) and incense. It is important to do all this consciously, talking with your home, with fire, salt, as with living beings, setting tasks for them. And thank fire, salt, water for cleansing.

Another ritual I love is to go out into the yard and light a fire out of old things. If you have children, take them with you. And talk to the fire, watching all these things burn. Ask the fire to turn into light everything that interferes with your happiness and abundance.

You can give each item you burn a special meaning and, as you throw it into the fire, gratefully imagine certain aspects of your life turning into light. This way you can burn thoughts, emotions, relationships that have ended, unhealthy habits.

Besides the fact that this is a very unusual ritual that can take you back to childhood and bring you (and your children) a lot of joy. It really powerfully cleanses the space of your life and transforms old energies.

Spend the day eating light food, vegetable juices, or fasting. And in the evening, take a bath with salt. And imagine dark smoke coming out of every pore of your body. These are toxins and energy dregs that filled your cells.

While lying in the bathroom, mentally walk through your entire body, pay attention to each organ, thank your body for its love and good service. And imagine how every cell of your body is cleansed. And then stand in the shower for a minute so that not a drop of “old” water remains on you.

Think about what people fill your life with despondency, interfere with your development, and with whom it’s time to stop communicating. Remember all the unfinished connections that are long overdue for completion.

Write a letter to these people (no need to send), and in this letter be sure to tell them about your feelings, grievances, claims, if any. After that, write: “Thanks to you, I realized that... Thanks to you, it appeared in my life...”

Thank them for the role they played in your life. End your letter with the words: “I release you to your happy life" Reread this letter 3 times and burn it.

If you have debts - financial or intangible, pay them back. And if you feel that you cannot (or do not want) to fulfill the promise you made earlier, call the person and tell him about it: “I’m sorry, but I cannot fulfill the promise I made to you.” This is very important to do. Yes, a person may become upset or offended. But he would be more offended if he continued to expect you to fulfill what you promised, and did not wait.

And if they owe you, either do everything to get the debt returned to you, or give it to the debtor as a gift. Believe me, this way you will only do better for yourself, you will unblock energy. And if you do this with all your heart, with gratitude to the debtor for the lesson, the world will find a way for you to repay the gifted debt.

It is better to enter a new life lightly. With gratitude to God, with pure thoughts, pure intentions and wishes for happiness.